Listen A Moment while we have a few words with you in regards to Jewelry. Reliable goods generally come from a reliable house, We have been in the business for many years, we feel sure you will grant we are reliable. We sell Jeueiry at the lowest prices consistent with qua.ity. We very respectfully solicit your trade. Call on us when you have time; you know we are right on tlie coiner, ana HATHAWAY RROS. Have the best. Members of Baltimore Fruit and Produce As socatio 1. Iv. J. SCOGGINS, Prop. N. W. COR. CONCORD & HAWK STS. BALTIMORE, MD. Wholesale Commissioij Dealers L FRESH FISH Ete. Special Attention Given To THE SALE OF SHAD Quick Sales. ) rA . , Prompt Returns, j , r ( Nat'l. Marine Bank. ejeitnce pisliermen in general SI ni i'ii i.-i li l J. li. Nichols. V. B. Nichols (Kstablished KS71.) NICHOLS k SON, J B. No. 15, East Camtk'ii St., BALTIMORE, MD. WHOLESALE COMMISSION -Am E. FISH, OYSTERS, Terrapin and Game. Kriiits, Vegetables, AN 9 All Kinds of Farm Produce. R hi-krencks: Trader's Nat ional Bank, cf Baltimore, Brad street & Dunn's Commercial Agency and the Trade generally. E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS Whole-sale v.'oiuinissioii Merchants TERRIPIN AND GAME. .No. Til Light Street Wharr, BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales- REFERENCE Citizens National Bank.. V. J. Hoover .& Co. Stencils Furnished Free. Established 1861. SAML. M. LAWDER & SOU. Wuolesale Commission Dealers In i 1 r ; Sit Crabs Terrapin, Ptc. Baltimore, Md. Qufck Sales ! I'rowpt Return REFERENCES traJmVat'l. Bank. Duns Mercantile Agency Win I l ojiw A Co. J. Dukehart A Co ;ti Nt . Ban The J. S. Johnson Co J. L. TRESTER. Successor to Currey & Trester. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIER 19 N. DELAWARE Ave, Above; Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. North Carolina Shad a Specialty. S.L.STORER&CO Wholesale Dealers and Shippers of a kinds of lit FULTON FISH MARKET NEW YOIfcK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Stencil is not in good order let us know, f-We Employ no Agent and Pay no Commis$ions, News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Readers. Yesterday was St Patrick's Day. Lent is just half over to day l-nday. Fish are getting to be plenti ful in our market now. Mr. Roscoe Turner is spends ing the week at Hatteras. Two Mormon preachers ar rived in the city yesterday. Sweet violets are peeping out, and hvac'.nths are in bloom. .wr. vjasion rooi went on a 1 A 1 t business trip this week to Wash ington, D. C. Court is in session this week at Camden, with a large civil docket to clear. Your orders will be promutlv filled and delivered by Bonner, -"hone Ko fi. Miss Pattie Perry, of South Mills has come to Elizabeth City to reside. Mrs. Mabel Jewell has accept ed a position in the dry goods Store of McCabe & Grice. A walk around the Citv will convince anyone that the town is steadily growing:. Miss Louie Sawyer, of East Lake, is the guest of Miss Min nie Sawyer on Factory Ave. It has been announced that Rev. Tom Dixon will lecture here about the middle of Apiil. Mrs. M. L, Kail, of Washings ton, D. C , is visiting her son, Mr. M. L. Ball, on Ehringhaus street. Pasquotank court will beheld next week, Judge Norwood pre siding, who is a most excellent presiding officer. Mr G. B Crawford, has re-, turned home from Currituck, where he was engaged in paints ing the new Courthouse. Conner's store is the attraction. No. io7 Poiudexter Street. Di. Penick will soon conduct a protracted meeting in the Bap tist church in this city. Prayer s rvices began this week. Mr. A. J. Ward, of Chowan county, was in the City Tues day and iavored us with a call. Hii little daughter accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kramer, entertained a number of their friends last Thursday night at their elegant home on Main street, C. C. Thompson's horse, Bay Line, driven by L. K. Bryan, won the best race at New Bern Fair, against Nubbin W. of South Carolina, and Belle M. of Georgia. I have opened a city Fish aud Oys ter Market, opposite Swain's Hotel. 'Phone No. 123. T. T. VVHITCOMB. Messrs. B. E. Byrd, J. M. Deans, Clark Leary, B. F. Fran cis, Jno. Badham and others, of Edenton, spent Tuesday in Eliz abeth City. We acknowledge calls by several of them. McCabe & Grice comes taus this week with a half-page ads vertisement. This firm is a live, progressive one and always keep fully abreast with the times. Read their "ad." and give them a call. Mrs. 11. C. Grice returned frpm New York last Friday having been there to post her self on the latest millinery fash ions and to select headgear for McCabe & Grice 's millinery des partment. Wednesday, Mr. Win. E IJucj gins, of Norfolk, and Miss An nie Ives Hall, cf Portsmouth, Va., were married at Christ Church rectory, by Rev. L. L Williams. After the ceremony they took the evening train for home. Dr. Penick, of Shelby, N. C, accompanied by his bride, spent last week with his father, Rev. W. S. Penick, in this city. While here the Doctor entertain ed several of his professional brethren, Drs. Lumsden, Wood, Griggs. Sr.. MeMullan and Ayd lett. Mr. Geo. Brothers having quit the retail mercantile busi ness has joined the ranks of traveling salesmen and started out with sample case and order book as representative for The Fair, one of Elizabeth City's successful dry goods establish ments. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I was sick with rheuma tism and lay in bed until May 21st, wfceu I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bam. The first application of it relieved me almost almost entirely from the pain and the second afforded complete relief. I" a short time I was able to be. up and abqut again. A. 1 Moreaux, Luv? erne, Minn. Sold by W, W. Griggs & Soil. HEADQUARTE BICYCLES, SUNDRIES, ImJBSISId PAT MAR.3 96 & JULY. L4-9 Valves 20 cents each Luggage Carriers 20 cents pair Corls Grips 25 cents a pair BICYCLES Racing Saddle, $1.50 tmr-if MV'- Enameld 5c. Cloth covered ""S j 10c. Latest Style Trouserr. Guard. Plated, 10 cts. rair. Nickel Mrs. L C. Oakly, while on a visit to friends in Currituck county last week, was taken very ill, and her condition became so alarming that her husband and relatives Were Sent lor. We are deligllted to learn, however, that she has greatly improved. Oysters (Plants aud Selects) at the City Fish and Oyster Maiket. Several weeks ago the FiSH krman & Farmer suggested the organization of a Knitting Mill Company and we hear the suggestion is being' seriously considered by some of our enter prising citizens, and if some one will make the start the probil ities are the erection of a knit ting mill will be the result You can find everything usually kept in a grocery store and prices guaran tees to please at Bonners. Phone No. 126. Mr. T. C. Jones, of the firm of Sawyer & Jones, returned this week from the Northern mar kets where he went, accompans ied by Miss Kate Engle, his head saleslady, to mae spring aud fall pui chases. New goods are now arriving, and as Mr. Jones and his assistant always display excellent tastes in the selectiou of merchandise, their patrons may expect to find an up-to-date stock as soou ag opened. A Mystery Social for the bene fit of the organ fund, " under the anspices of several young ladies of the Baptist church, has been arranged for next Wednesday night at the Town Ialb A rare treat may be expected as the young ladies in charge never fail in anything they do. The musical programme will be especially pleasing, and we hope the attendance will be large. Ten cents will be tlie price of admission, You can find at Bonners, the best line Ilein Bot. and Sweet Mixed pick le in the city. Exported Horse Rad ish, Salads, prepared Mustards, &c. Phone No. J2o. Grice Brothers, the gentlemen who so successfully managed Nags Head hotel last season to the satisfaction of all their guests, will ba in charge of same again this year. As soon as some necessary changes can be made about the place and a boat is secured the opening an nouncement will be made. SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. Manufactured by W. STEVENS &j Co, Elizatetli City, WE ARE FOR BY BEST Pattern E. No. 10. Bells from 25 cents up. IS 6 & (frfj -A. ii1 And write to us for I our '98 Catalogue, and you will find Bfathawav Iirothers AYE Till-: HE ST. Mr. W. S. White, manager of Gregory's grist mill, has been critically ill for about ten days, but we are glad to lu-ar he is on the road of recovery, j Salesmen and Collectors wanted bv , The Sinyer Manufacturing Company, Call on or address M. li. CHAl'PEL,, Elisabeth City, N. C. Now is the time to put the city in a good sanitary condition before Spring comes on us. It the city fathers would make an inspection of the city they would open their eyes. The winter has been exceptionally mild and the warm season will be long, and the only way to keep disease off is to leave nothing for it to feed on. There are a number of places in Elizabeth City that need attention. Be up and stirring, city dads, before some disease of some kind gets among us. Mr. Moses Weisel spent last week in New York and other Northern cities selecting new goods. He has purchased a large stock of clothing, gents furnishings, shoes, hats, dry goods &c, aud oil the last page of this paper he is offering some rare bargains Mr. Weisel is one of the most progressive bus iness men in Elizabeth City, a merchant pf expeiience, push and pluck, aud knows how to buy in order to be able to sell at prices that suit the people. Monday night, Dr. Lowry's New Academy was opened by the Arnald-AVelles Players, and, we believe, every seat in the house was filled. The Acade my presents a pleasing appear ance and is a most magnificent building. It "is fitted with all the modern improvements electric lights, beautiful and up-to-date scenery, opera chairs, &c, and will compare favorably with Theatres in the large cities. Dr. Lowrp is to be congratulated, aud the Fisherman and Farmer wishes him unbounded success. For the next 30 day.-;, 40c. Whiskey at 23 cents pint, at FROCrOS DAWES". No. 45, Water St. Thieves About. Last Saturday night theives made another raid on Joshua Davis' market stall. They entered same and rob bed it of sotrie fine poultry and fruit. This it about three times Josh has been robbed and he wants to know if a night police can't be appointed to protect the property o our business nien. Educate Your Itoweli With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 5c. If C C. C. fail, druggists refund moaey. BEST UORK WORKMEN, .0 Q tV I Balls 2 cents each: 15 cents dcz. Smallest and lightest Cycloms etta made. Si 00. All Metal Valve, 40 ets. ElEIYIUHEE. r Lamps to suit Everybody, from $1.25 up. Married. Tuesday afternoon a very happy home wedding occurred on Factory Avenue, the contrac ting parties beiur Mr Charles Forest and Miss Annie Morgan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Penick, at the bride's, home, and was witnessed by rel atives aud a number of invited friends, After the marriage, the happy couple left for the Norfolk & Southern depot, where, amid a shower of con gratulatiors and rice, they boarded the 2:45 train for a bridal trip to Washington and other cities. Congratulations. Make Proctor & Dawes' place head quarters. We have the best Whiskey. Been thoroughly tested. No. 45, V a- ter street. Just Before the Millennium. When the grasshoppers cease to hop and the old cow quits her bawling; when the fishes no longer flop and the baby stops its squalling; when the dunners longer dun and the hoot owl quits i s hooting; when rivers ever cease to run ard the burs glar stops his looting; when the vine no longer twines ?nd the lark stops its k.rkiug; wiien the sun no longer shines aud the man quits his sparking; when the heavens begin to drop aud old maids stop advising, then it is time to shut up shop and quit advertising. Felicity (O h i o) Times. Why We Are Late. The appearance ot the Fish erman & Farmer is unavoida-. ble this week, our paprr on which to print same having been delayed in its shipment. We hope-our readers will bear with us. Disbanded. The Arnold Wells Theatrical Company, came to Elizabeth City this week to fill a week's engagement at the New Acade my. After playing three nights there was some financial trouble between the players and man agement that caused the com pany to disband. 1 OverDBls Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood"s Pilto. Tbey do their' work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pill. 25 cents. All druggists. Pilllls Prepared by 0. L Hood b Co., Lowell, Mass. be only Fill to take with Hod" Sarsaparilla. Fell Upon An Axe. A very serious accident oc curred Wednesday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Davis on Fearing street. One of their children fell upon the blade of a sharp axe that w&s lying in the yard and received a cut that will perhaps disfigure the child's face for life. The wound extend across the nose, mouth and chin and of such a serious nature that a doctor had to be called. We learn Messrs. Hancock Bios. & Corbett have been meet ing with great success in CurrU tuck aud Camden counties with their plan of fire insurance. They effected an organization at bhawboro last Saturday for the above named counties, by elect ing the following officers, to-wit : President, H. B. Ansell : Secre tary- and Treasurer, C. D. Mor gan ; Supervisors Movock town ship, Currituck county, A. M. Willie ; Crawford, A, B Midgett; Poplar Branch, S. M. Beaslev : Atlantic, B. D. Tillett : Fruit ville, W. W. Copper; Shiloh township, Camden county, G. C. tiarco ; Court House, E. I. Saw yer, ihis is pnrelv a home co operation plan of fire insurance for detached or farm property at actual cost. The plan has given great satisfaction to the people throughout North Caro lina, where it has been operated. A policy-fee of socts. on the S roo valuation, gives each member a perpetual policy with no further cost, unless there be actual fire loss in the 3ranch of which he is a member. The assessments have been for the last 50 years actually less than a man would give his neighbor without any insurance. Let it be remem bered we insure no parties, only those who are recommended and endorsed by the township supervisor ; and further, no prop erty is insured for more than ot its actual cash value, aud no lazardous risk taken. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Oaseai ets Caudv Cathartic 10.; or2S tf C O. C. fail to cure, druggists refund moriev Woman is the pure, radiant, stainless current, in the stream of humanity, and but for the silvery ripples which dance in such sparkling brilliancy upon ts crystal bosom, and ring out the lustrous beamings of its beauty and radiance and loveli ness on all surrounding objects earth would be dark and dreary and dismal. Msea&c .,. .o . : ttf. ..rr.-3. No one nvd suffer with i.ciruJ..;;a. Ti is disease is qnukiy tiA r-eriniineuily cured by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease of the blood, nerves ami gtoiucli, chronic or otherwise, succumbs to Browns' Iron Bitters. Known and us"d for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most among our most valued remedies. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. An exchange says that a set 01 swindlers are sending out cir culars promisi ig ,in order to introduce the g ;ods," to send to any address postage prepaid, ten ! yards of rtd, brown or green sill; for $i. The eager victims, who are many, receive ten yards of silk from the spool. Otm'l ToiiaiTc a:-J Swot'.; Your I.l!e Ara?, To quit t( b.vco easily and forever be inag ictic. fuiiof !!f.: nt-- n 1 vit'or, take No-To-fine, tlie won.W iv.irki r that makes v.eaU men .Irocg. AH 1 1 ist.-.;, 0c or il. Cure cuarun c X Booh'ia ui.ii eamiiie free. AOdrcs? Co , Ci'i-'aco or New York FOR THE CHILDREN! s Until further notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONP: DOZEN DIAMONDS PHOTOGRAPHS, JLoi- oOe. OR ONE DOZEN MANTELLO CARDS, FOR $1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN TURNER, The New Photographer, ELIZ. CITY, N. C. S.B.MILLER CO. WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT. New York. Clarence G, Miller, Miller Longbotham. J Special Attention Given to r HE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA 3HAD. stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. WK EMPLOY NO AfiEXT. , W E&vs ;Uffllani di The Schooners. So now we are prepared to lead your Jug and fill your Bottle with some of those choice Liquors, Wines, Brandies, etc, at wmmi 2J BEER ON DRAUGHT AND FINE CIGARS Best Liked Where Best Known When 83,000 Bicycles of one name are sold in one year by one manufacturer, ihe chances are that that make of Bicycle is apt to be well known. It also follows that it must be a good one to fiud so many purchasers. Buyers are better ported and more particular thuu they used to be. This makes it easier to sell CRESCENTS PRICES: $20, $25 and $30 for Juveniles. $35 and S50 for Adults. $75 for Tandem and Chaiulcss. PRICES AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. IrOUISSEIrlG. C 13 EbblOTT, James O. Wright. JAMES 0. WRIGHT & CO., COMMISSION : MERCHANTS V7NI WHOLESALE 1 mm -FRUITS N0 I EARLY VGTft8lS Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished. No. 303, South Charles Street, ZO-ZniTIlOIE, ' 3aa:3rla,rLa-. ( Ivenson & Rountree, Wholesale Grocers. Reeini'cs -j N. Baker & Son, Taper. ( Trader's National Hank. (lisablfehct! 1887.) Shipments Solicited. -.Stencils Furnished. j' Mercantile Agencies, r ' City National Hank, References , t i J Citizen s Dank, and ( Wholesale Shippers, WK EMPr.OY Taits' Extra Early Nonpareil Pca, The earliest truck pea. The purest. The handsomest. The best shipper. You cannot afford to use any other, when the Nonpareil can be bought for S3. 25 per bushel ; ask your Experi ment Station what the Nonpareil always does in com petitive trials. We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. Ooo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, Established 1886. Tje Most Reliable Hose PKBERSTEIR & CQ FISH COIffiSSION MERCHANTS. REFERENCES: Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best Interest for Shippers. Stencils furniseed on appli cation. No Vft-ont KHzabctlK-Uy, X. (v Chas. J. Lkkdy DEALERS IN -w,,, 'iiteAV dJ o 7' AGK.TH 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. In Norfolk. Norfolk National Bank. Southern Express Company I Adams All Merchants. Employed.