i f rrr: - -- T - - I t--------j l l 1 0 News Adrift. Health And Happiness UcIouks to those who ride the wheel: the i !ca. form of exercise. Spring istlr- ti:ne one m-t'lrfjiiI:irout loor extreis- something that will not only hel; to throw oJ that tiled feelinK lr.it iftvei strength and pleasure. There i; no otlici form of exercise so lea'.tlii'ul, l.lfi:l and strengthening, which e4in le regulated to fit the strength oi any individual. a cycling. "Throw pliysi-' to the doits '' Tin: le-t spring mediciii'- and systeni-to:i'-r is wlicvlitig. when entered into dis creetly. The he it exercise tl e best mediciii'- and the -i hicycle, all three can he (lad ol the Hathaway llios.. at the same time, ('ail or write for prices xoif IF "WAW -ANY 00 rrc ON WATKIt STUEKT. jj Jato z jest jjiily. His Life-Size Crayon and Pastel is the Town Talk. Mch 25-iyr FOR THE CHILDREN! Until further notice I will each SATURDAY on MAKE ONE DOZEN DIAMONDS! PHOTOGRAPHS, For - OR ONE DOZEN MANTHLLO CARDS, FOR $1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN The New Photographer, ELIZ. CITY, N. C. KEEPS IT ON HAND y.V.- t 'Mini- Freflonla. N. V., vha able and accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law of the lata Commander 7m. li. Cusulng, U. S. N., who gained world-wide renown for his crowning feat of blowing up the Iron clad Albemarl Ip 18C3) writes Or. Feuner: "For rriany years I have kept on hand fpxir Blood and Live: Remedy and yerve Tonic for immediate use whefli iver I have f A bilious attack or nervous prostra tjon or feel run down. It always civef tpeedy relief 0 much so that I have tcme to rely cr. ' with the same certain ty that I do o:. 1 he law of gravitation." BU. a and tlver Of.Fenner' ,':,yNev8rFails. :;vvc Tonic arilla-Mandrake-Prince" J live, Nerve Tonic end. alive Comfioufid. 1 II is a Sars( Fine Alta Rest CERTAIN AS TJE LAW CF GRAVITATION Physics frcoi blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles and impurities:, without wea fening but strengthening instead, and itestores the Nerves. 1 Cures Hear ;dips Dyspepsia, Oonsrfpa Pad Bre. h. Skin Diseases. Old Sorry ti;ibt:$i. 8ero ula. Gecpral peptiltjr, e Satisfaction juaranteej. Saniptefre$ father! Keep 0"r child's stomach and bow lis healthy w h Dr. Tenner's Sennatorla The best faxr ive and corrective known. - Dr, Fenr er's Soothing Syrup. Allays Irrltati rn ar.d gives refreshing sleep. pr. Fenner's Worm Syrup. "Brought T4 wormg from rur child. fflrs.foerIcV,E11ia.O,; br.b'enncf'sFA.vi 1 ly( fcaltRheumlOiratrrient Htst tor i''Ui eruptions, files, Sores. Culs,eU? Beautiful HUH Dr. Hurray's Universal Hair Promoter Cum dandruff, stops the hair from fall ing out, invigorates the growth, is a superb dressing, and while not a dye, by nourishing it roots, will positively re store gray hair to its original color. It I the par-excellence of aU hair restorers. Prioe. ai.oo pen large Bottle. l"or sale by druggists If not, send to us a?d it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt 01 price. MANUFACTUMD ONLY BY TNI Murray Medicine Company, ATLANTA, OA. y 1 PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy-Readers. Spring examinations are in progress this week at the A. C. Institute. Work on the new home of Mr c lu. Kramer, 011 Main street, is being pushed at a rapid rate A big aisplao of straw Lats at the I-air. Tailor-made suits at The i air Mrs. V. B. Snow, of Jackson ville, N. C, is visitiuer Mrs. K K Sawyer on West Church street. The brick work on the Brad ford building will come to ; hnish week. WO WAY EASTER "The Crescent Alphabet." How the Day was Celebrated in Elizabeth City. BUY A LOW PRICE the early part of next A lovely Serge The Fair. coat for Spiing t Mrs. William Thummel, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mrs, C W. Overman, on Church street. Dr. Ritter and wife and child, of Moyock, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morrisette. on Fearing street. Ask to see our Alpiue and Stiff hats at The Fair. Sevenil gentlemen of the city visited Pritchard's fishery yester day and enjoyed and old-fashioned fish Iry. The street crossings, recently put down by Commissioner Berry, are very noticeable by pedestrians these muddy days. Oysters (Plants and Selects) ;.t the City Fish aud Oyster Market. The job printing depattmeut M the Fisherman & Farmkr has been quite busy this week. Good work and low prices tell. engagement On account of an elsewhere, the King Comedy Co. will not appear at Overman's Opera House next week as ad vtrtised. E03S Knee The Fair. Fauts iu abundance at "The Private Secretary" will be presented next Tuesday night at Lowry's Academy by a strong company. Tickets on sale at Selig's. A fire alarm was sent in yesterday from the First Ward, but the fire was extinguished before the fire department re sponded. I have opened a city Fish and Oys ter Market, opposite Swaiu's Hotel 'Phouc No. 123. T. T. WIJITCOMB. Mi. T. S. Harrell visited Camden and Currituck counties this week, in the interest of the furniture establishment of N. R. Parker. Mr. A. C Bell has purchased the R. J. Williams stock of gro ceries, and will continue busi ness at the same stand on Poin dexter street. No tlties in Spring Suits at The Fair. Mr. J. B. Blades has purchas ed the corner lot opposite the post office (the Griffin property) upon which he contemplates the erection of a bi;ck stpre. Mr. and Mrs. A- S. Neal are having a residence erected 011 the corner of Church and Martin streets, which will be occupied by them as soon as completed. Beautiful assortment in colored shirts at The Fair. Mr. James Hill returned from Norfolk this week, secured an honorable discharge from the Naval Reserves and left yester day for Norfolk to enlist in the Navy under kietit, Cantwell. The war scare is seriously af fecting business in Elizabeth City. We were told yesterday by one of our most prominent merchants that business is al most at a standstill. Novelties in neck-wear at The Fair. To-night the Odd -Fellows of this city will hold an interesting meeting. The Degree Tean will confer the several degrees for Moyock Lodge, which will be witnessed by 'a. nujnbor pf Odd Fellows of that place. Suits made to measure at The Fair. The steamer Harbinger, while 011 a trip from this city to Nor folk this week, became disablecjl at Coinjock, ami Had to b,e to, wed to Norfolk by a tug. The steamer Lucy is in her place until the necessary repairs can be mrtdp. Ask to see the latest in tau shoes at The Fair. Ye Olde Folkes Concerte, of which we made meution last week, will be rendered this evening at Lowry s Academy. The concerte has been exten sively advertised and in a navel manner, old words and styles being used, and a novel enter tainment is expected. We shall hear the oldest songs which, by the way, are the sweetest and shall see dresses that our grandmothers wore. Reserved seats are on sale ot Selig's at 3$ cents. Admission 25. . r 1-7 y y ll- BICYCLI BUY A BICYCLE It looks well, rides easily at first, and you think you have a prize; but now for the second chapter. What a difference after you have given it a month's se vere service. JUoose m every portion, balls broken, wheels out of line, tires worn rattle trap! you are disgusted with cycling and your bicycle. Moral: You get It not only looks well and ruus eas ily when first rid - CRAWFORD den, but like a good friend well and improves with acquaintance. It is well made through out and will stand any service. The more you ride it the more satisfac tion you derive from riding what vou pay for. it wears Umm -cycles or 3. - .457 ',')eciWT. Known Reputation Only are a safe investment fcr 1898 The rapid growth of the wheel industry has produced a multitude of makes that you had better keep your hands off. Look the field critically over, make a careful investigation and in nine cases out of ten your choice will be a wheel of sKNOWN REPUTATION, i've have a stock of such wheels which will be the cheapest in the end, remember ATM AWAY OROS. AVE - - - THE Ji If EST. Right on the Corner. Elizabeth City's Reliable Jewelers. wwmwmwmwmwmw'i H AHiands for ajrmt. Sclig b v name, w hosrIU Crescent wherUof wor of world wvle faint Bounds for beaHnri. so hard and roadd. Th Crescent has the bevi that can be found. C Stands for Creteent. the best wheel ou earth, feoplc who ride them are fui of to jth. iTe uch delight Easter was a rainy and gloomy day in Elizabeth City Threatening clouds hung in the sfcies ail day, with now and then a heavy drizzle to give a deso- DpeecJra.? VSS?"- late iook to streets, and dampen , , . . , c I rH?,B' fr "wy running aod light Hie ardor 01 auv over venture I Thlhwcre-cetithecutoaTVe. some Easter costume. Proud C1 the frme so staunch and strong. Beauty, with waiting finerv. r'-p. peeped often through the cur- GKffiJ ian;ea windows, scowling impa tiently at the clouds that refused to go away, but. were all the wnue Deing reentorced Dy a I brisk northwest wind. And also the dav was robbed of its usual I brilliant setting the smart gowns that are fix the fashion for the xromins: season, and the M Stands for haud!e bars, anv shajie wished, Lpw-ards downwards, or sidewavs itUhed I Is improT-tnrtit which can't be made On this wheel, lor it s the higher grade. Jlsthejov that rider feel N hile ending aloniron a (Yescent Kfjtsnds for Veenness w hich peoiJe use ho buy the Crescent, so aa- the nil I I'.the logic that riders show. use , Who buy lYescent wheels, the lt they know brilliant creations ot the milliJ ft&m,'VZZ'ZZ$l$'''''''' N I the name, in itself a truth. for the lYescent eclipse others in their youth WW Our people, both white and ; colored, deserve much praise t 1 1- 1 GIJDEX. Truck or the way they go to and work 1U f,c " We have as good ' rtl,u ac xvcli "vauu. o stop fires. volunteer fire department as there is in the state, and if the people of the city would give them the encouragement they deserve, our citizens could fee' safer than they do. Fly time will soon be here, and those who are annoyed by the little troublesome -fly had better prepare for them before they make the attack. Kramer ?ros. & Co. are advertising iu this issue window and door screens just the thing needed for the summer months. They are manufactured by th s firm and sold at low prices. Mr. W. E. Thompson passed a rigid examination under Dr. Wood on yesterday, and lett iu the afternoon for Norfolk: where he will enlist in the U. S. Navy under Lieutenant Cautwell, on the revenue cutter Morrelk Mr. Thompson is a young man 19 years of age, and a brother to Mr. J. P. Thompson, a merchant on, Poindexter street. J. R. Pinner & Co. have just received a car load of Blue Rib bou Baking Powder, which they will distribute in the Eastern part of the state. This brand of Baking Powder is rapidly gain ing popularity with the merchant and the consuner, and is the only brand even brought here is such larg. quantity as a car load at once. J. R. Pinner & Co,., are sole agents for this section. The fae-linila ' Is On every SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar, Mrs. Fannie H. Welch made a trip to Suffolk Monday. The cool, frosty nights has done a good deal of damage. Planting corn is the order of the day. Some, on the high land are through. Mr. Timothy Bunch, who has been sick for several months, is reported improving. Messrs. Ward & Spivey, of Ryland, have sold their saw mill property iu Tyrrell to Dr. Ab Alexander. Warwick High School will close Friday, 22nd. Rev. P. S. C. Davis will address the school on the night following, at 8 p. m. Messrs. B. H. Ward and H. L. Swain, of the Atlantic Col legiate Institute, spent good Friday and Easter at Mr. A. J. Ward's. They returned Mon day and speak well of the school. D. Hollowell & Co. have opened a general merchandise store at Minton Seville. W, Salesmen and Collectors wanted by The Singer Manufacturing Company. Call on or address M. B. CBAPPEL, ElUabeth City, N. C Manufactured by SPRING MILLINERY. - For exclusive designs in Mil. linery, and all the latest ideas as they come out, go to ' M. HILL & CO., Water Street. Up Stairs, DRILLS AND FLUFFS, 'Pur is. mingled with other trimmings on a nat 04 castor crurnea vejver. narrow Jack satin ribbon is frilled about the crown and brim at intervals. At the left side three mink tails are clustered among f c ur tips matching the velvet in color. Un d ;r the brim shaded red roses ar bunched 01a band and relieve th ukss o$ the neu tral hues. " Jaoket fronts are an innovation in the long-skirted Russian frock coat Trimming by the yard may be obtained to match the ornaments described. All steel and, jet-3d-ateel passementeries open devices are fashionable upon visiting i carriage gowna of gray cWh or silk in shaded gray. Usually laoe in one of the cru; or tvine tones wDl be used in conjunc tion with the passementerie. All-jet passe menteries ta motifs and also in bands are effectively used on both colors and black. An example of the t&stefnl effect of gre and. eastor combination is erven in a toqua composed of our doubled rHlla f crushed, green velvet m a, leaf shad?, a dull silver merald-studdfed ornament being fixed on tha erown. Two green-and-white Upa rise ftt he left side, and on the ban.dal, vWck. is a conspicuous feature o tha are clus-. tered greon nd, asioi rosa in addition to, green nd castor tip, both t which are arranged at the back of tfee baod to droop on the hair. Like the blouse-jacket, the blouse-boxUc confronts one at every turn. Hercules chevrons are woyb serosa col ored grounds in another type of goods. Doubled, undulating lines are raised like ailk cor4 from ark-jad a,nd other colored Vool fabrics with a surfaca like broadcloth. "Wide and narrow black satin stripes cross cn bayadere velours grounds in dark-blue, green, golden-brown, castor and gray. From Tfia Delineator. 9 1 A STTLISIT CAPE OF VELVET AND SILK. No wrap has ytt been devised that will entirely outrival the cape. There are many new ideas in the shaping and decoration oi these small outside garments and it is very difficult to make a selection the modes are so numerous and so attractive. The cape shown in the sketch, and taken from the current number of Je Delineator, may be varied to suit personal fancy that is. may have wig. pr two circular ruffles, aa preferred Violet velvet -"-1. with delicate lavender w3 selected for tho cp6 in this instance and fur and jf t provide the decoration. The protective collar is a good feature of the mode and ribbon surrounds it and is bowed stylishly in front. A cape of cloth, velvet or silk made up in this style will be attractive. Specially prepared for us by The Butterfck Publishing Co. (Limited). ducateoar kernels With Caa caret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 25c, it C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. W Mav Tlie Schooners. So now we are prepared to lead your Jug and fill your Bottle with ome of those choice Liquor, Wine, Brandie ,etc,( at 2 fan BEER ON DRAUGHT AND FINE CIQAR5 Prtf. Sana, f-u For S.Tt 4.1 o" i-YJ.-f. ict ticnrral Baiiom K.I jwmn "! 1 "1 1 c-Hil-t Bui7ie t'onrw nliout rin.HHK Kiiliun, lo,vk nnd hoard. PhiarrHHx, TTpiw-tiin and TflfcrapiiT t:tueht. l'M" tstertwfrl irrailuateB 1' in bfin; nnd l" officials. X aetlOB. ESTEB NOW. Kentur'cv Pnlveriiy iiplom awarded our ,rr1at. Auittance fjitem our vradiiaf t m mecuring fitnatirnu. B f I crittr that your lettn my reach tki are tU metie aud artdrm at Mow. WILBUR (t, 9MITH, LEXINCTOK, V. uer s art. However this did not inter fere with the attendance upon i. v it. . me tuuicucs, as ine congregax tions were large, both morning and evening, and the great Christian festival wras celebrated with prayer and praise the special music being exception ally fine. t the Episcopal Church the decorations were beautiful and the service was iu keeping with the day and occasion. Rev. Dr. Williams, rector, conducted the service and preached a - splendid Laster sermon, which held the undivided attention of the con JAMES O. W RIGHT. gregation. The music by the choir was a chief attraction of he service. The afternoon ex. ercises was a special Easter ser vice for the children of the Sun day school, composed of music and recitations. The parents and friends were out in numbers enjoying the beautiful effect of the service, and it is hard to see how any one could have failed o enjoy it. An immense congregation at tended the services at the Meth odist church, as Easter Sunday there is always celebrated in the most approved style. At the altar rail stately palms, hand some potted plants, beautiful roses and other cut flowers, were arranged by experienced hands. The choir, under the direc- ion of its skillful leader, Mrs. Thompson, was at its best, and the service was pre-eminently one of praise sacred music and anthems music that goes deep er into the souls than all else. save love. It is music that takes one out of one's self and worldly things. The song of the Risen Christ was everywhere. And, as one listened, he forgot even the glo rious voice, telling of the love which passeth all understand ing, and thonght only of the theme. The address by Rev. J. H. Hall was short but highly ap propriate. At night the service was pars ticularly pleasing, it being set apart as an Easter festival for children, and the young folks rendered the programme with such harmony as is woithy of the highest praise. The usual services were held at the other churches. OStanl for onir which come thick snd fast. For the "tTecut aeaaoii ia Km past. PI the price which nuiti tmy ooe. "Tli low fortae highest grade wheel umhr the lun. QIthe q ueitioa all pertoan ak. HTij hare Crescents all other becUpael? RflaU for riding which er it made. By a Crescent dealer making a trade. SI the sprocket of very uK-e make. Cse il otice and no other you 11 take. TU the trade-mark, handsome ami neat. A Crescent, look for It on the Mteet al the nefulnes which mark the wheel, l'ervoo owning lescents. ileaure wul fee! VHthe vile language Irr rider used. When thev are by breakage of other heU bruid. W Stand foe woman, healthy and strong. Who pushes the I Yrcent w heel along XI the unknown quality of txel. Used in others than the Crescent wheel. YI the younnter full of joy. He rides a 1 rcscent. srnaitile hoy Z Stand forZchra. so handsome and switt The Orescent can give him even a lift. JR,Now readers, if yon want a wheel that's neat OtUuy a Orescent of Louis frlig, atrr street. LDUIS SELIEj. Jitoi- SSt.. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. BcaAasEMKmosacajBiMnssBRasaBSBBBsaBasBBBBSBSBsaBaBBSssBssasBaBSBS Chas. J. Lbkuy JAMES 0. WRIB3T & 0., COEIEIISSIOKT MERCHANTS SANI i::.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN o TBL FRUITS MV t EARLY VEGETABLES. Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished. No. 303, South Charles Street, Ivenson & Rountree, Wholesale Grocers. References N. Baker & Sou, Taper. Trader's National Bank. (Esablished 1887.) rc ir iCwJt-wJl-n MMU) Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Shipments Solicited. , ms -Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, y y. ! City National Bank, References Ciiizcns Bankf and Wholesale Shippers. -WE EMPLOY IVO AGEIST8 To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indis,pensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Taits' Extra Early Nonpareil Pea, The earliest truck pea. The purest The handsomest. The best shipper. You cannot afford to use any other, when the Nonpareil can be bought for $3.25 per bushel ; ask your Experi inent Station what the Nonpareil always does in corns petitive trials. We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. KJW Ifeilltt TASTELESS E m ILL 18 4 U3T AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE GO cts. QALAHa., IU4L, Ho. K, XB83. ParW Madlems Co. LoalA.ala. Ont)eoen: t? sold tmnv, flOBBotttos of 6BXTV CUrl. TONfC and hay bought thug gro aiready tkta yoar. In all oara pertenee et M 7wtav to ttkfl) ttnssj kwatnsss. have neyar aoU aa artkele that gBT such wolyarsal aatbv tactton as Toaic Xours truly. abxkt.Cau C(k Geo. Tait -Sc Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. Established 1886. Mst Reliable Hose Id Norfolk. FISH COIJfflSSIOW OERCHANTS. REFERENCES: Norfolk National Bank. Southem Express Company: Adams " All Merchants. Best Facilitrcs. Best Location. Always looking for Best Interest for Shippers. Stencils furniseed on appli cation. IV o greiits Employed,

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