HAVANA EARBOR. An Interesting Sketch of this Famous Cuban City. Havana. This, as noticed, is in point of importance, the prin cipal harbor of -Cuba, and has been described as one of the best in the world, being deep neough for vessels of the largest class, sufficiently capacious to receive a thousand ships of war, and so safe that vessels ride se curely without cable or anchor. The entrance is by a channel half a mile long, so narrow that only a single vessel can enter at once, and fortified through the whole distance with platforms works and artilery. The mouth of this channel is secured by two stroncr castles. That on the eastern side, called Morro Castle is built in the iorm of a triangle fortified with bastions and moan ted with heavy pieces, almos level with the water. On the opposite side of the channel is another strong fort, called the Punta Castle, connected with the castle town on the north. The city is situated on the western side of the harbor and is sur rounded by ramparts, bastions and ditches. ' You enter under the Morro Castle, situated on a high rock on the south end of which is a lighthouse, containing reflecting lamps, which make a brillian appearance, showing -a revol viug light, which may be seen 25 miles, past which th chau uel is so narrow tliiit yoi may nearly touch the side with i boat hook; the top of the ligh overtops the masts of th- stout est ships. After entering throng j this pass, you arrive at a set -..i, only one hundred yards wide, on one side of which is the I'linta Fort, and on the other Castle Blanca, a prodigious strong fort, directly opposite the city. Having passed these works, you enter a harbor almost unrivaled. In passing the first castle (Mono), you must not come to "anchor, as a reef lies olF the starboird as you ens ter, which is dangerous. It is stated that the entrance to the harbor is rapidly rilling up, The harbor of Havana may be distinguished at a distance by the passes of Manangua, which lies on the meridian of the entrance, while the land, both to the eastward and west ward, is low and equal, with the exception only of the Morro, or little hill, surmounted by the fortifications and lighthouse. At six leagues to the easts ward the Hills of Jaruca, or Iron Hills, may be seen. These are of moderate height and de tached. The tables of Mariel are about six leagues to the westward, and, in advancing not only th:se, but the Hills o Cavanas may at times be seen The form of the harbor can be best understood by reference tn the particular clan of it from the survey of Don Jost De Rio, by whom the position of Morro Castle has been deter mined. The entrance in lies nearly southeast and northwest, and i is, therefore, very difficult to enter When the breeze is not to the northwest or esr.t northwest The breeze enters it at about 10 a. m., and blows till sunset and, therefore, it is only between these hours that you can sail in when the breeze is from east noitheast to southeast, which is rifVn in the rainv season, and sometimes even in the dry sea sou. Under such circumstances tlir onlv resource is to anchor in the Morro Shoal or Bank, and entering by towing when the breeze takes off, which is at nicrht. As, on entering, these difficulties are to be encountered en rm croitlpr Ollt. VOU Will UOt be quite free, for when the breeze comes to the northeast, which it often does in the dry season, or that of the norths, it is not only inconvenient, from the wind being scant, but also because a swell sets' into the mouth of the harbor, which ren ders this operation much expos ed to danger. Generally speak iug, it is best to enter about mid day and to go out at the dawn of day. Should the wind be scant for getting in, it is advisa ble to anchor outside the Morro and tow or warp in at night. In approaching the Havana rom the eastward, care must be taken to avoid a shoal spot, more ban a quarter of a mile from shore, and on which the ship 'Mariner," of Port Glasgow, grounded in 181 5. The vessels drew about seventeen feet of wa ter, and from the shoal, the shoal the Morro Castle bore aboat south southwest distant one mile, NAVIGATOR. The cure of Rheumatism has often taxed medical skill, but it's prevention has been very easy by an occasional use of bimmons Liver Regulator. It keeps the liver well regulated, and the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health. VI have used it for years for Indigestion and Coustipa tion, and also found it gives one rejief from a touch of Rheumatism." N. . Hughes, Lordsburg, N. M. Ordered To Sea As Scouts. New York, April 25. The steamships New York and St. Louis, have been ordered to sea as scouts. They are unarmed and will return under full speed when Spain's ships are sighted. Gladstone Dyng. London, April 2$. Gladstone is rapidly sinking, and his fam ily has been summoned to his bedside. Will Not Sell To Spain. Rome, April 2$. Marquis Viscount Venosta, Minister of Foreign affairs, declared ' in the Chamber of Deputies to day that the Government would not per mit the sale of the Italian crui ser Garibaldi to Spain. It is in timated that nothing will pre vent her sale to the Argentine Republic. Preventing Departure of Fef ogees. St. Thomas, April 25. Ad vices received from Porto Rico say that the agitation on the Is land is rapidly increasing. Price of food are rapidly rising. The authorities are preventing the departure of refugees. Some refugees arrived here yesterday however, and report the Island in a critical condition. Protecting New York Harbor, New York, April 25. The department has issued regulas tions regarding the entrance o vessels in this harbor. No ves sels will be allowed to pass Sandy Hook between sunrise and sunset. The rules were es tablished for the guidance o vessels in avoiding the sub marine mines. CASTOIIIA. The fic tinile of 18 OS vrappeSi THE WAR REVENUE BILL Washington, April 26. Chair man Dingley of the Ways and Means committee submitted to the House the War Revenue Bill. He recites the necessity to immediately provide a reve nue because of the war with Spain ; he says that if peace had continued there would no doubt have been sufficient reve uue. There were three changes in the bill submitted today from that as originally drafted, as fol lows : A discount of five per cent, on beer stamps is allowed after the passage of the act Telephone messages are subject to a tax of one cent on each message transmitted thirty miles ; on longer distances it is gradulated up to ten cents where the cost of the communication exceeds five dollars. Officia telephone and telegraphic mes sages of the Government are ex empt. The differential tax o half a cent on mineral waters and beverages, domestic or im ported, not otherwise subject to internal taxation, in half pint bottles is eliminated so that the dividing line is pint bottles Bottles containing less than hal pint one cent ; more than hal pint two cents. The Spanish C o ngress. Madriu, April 26. The Spans ish Congress was regularly con stituted yesterday. Marquis Vega de Armiji was re elected Presi dent of the Chamber of Deputies His address from the throne was unanimously applauded. Pre mier Sagasta spoke amidst pro found silence regarding Amen can columnies and the injustice which has compelled Spain to reply to war with war. The con servatives, republicans and car- lists all joined in discussion of fering their loyal support to the Government. The Spanish Government has sent a circular to the powers re gulating the necessity of being compelled to appeal to force in order to repel the scandolous ag gressiou of the United States. m m m Marines Going to Key West. Fort Monroe, Va., April 26.-- The United States transport, Panther, with eight hunored f 1 v r TT marines aooara leic ior jvey West accompanied by the cruis er Montgomery. Commending: Our Action. London, April 26. Irish members of the Parliament pass ed resolutions today commend iug the action of the United States in reference to Cuba. CNOGRESS DECLARES WAR. The President's Mes sage Urges a Decla ration of War. The House Passes the Resolution Unani mously. Washington, April .25. The Cabinet is in session this morns ing considering a war proclama tion. The war message as sent to Congress recommends the adop tion of a resolution that a state of war exists between the Uni ted States and Spain. In his message to Congress the President says: "I recom mend the adoption of a joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists between the Uni ted States and Spain. I also urge speedy action thereon to the end that the definition of the international status as applied to a belligerent nation may be made known, and the association of all its rights and maintenance of its duties. In the co.duct of the public, war may be assured." The message also says: Spain treats our reasonable demands as measures of hostilities, foK lowing with a complete sever ance of all diplomatic relations. The demands of this Govern ment being denied I have been constrained by the exercise of power conferred upon me by Congress to proclaim a block ade of certain ports on the north coast of Cuba. In view of the measures so taken, I recommend a declaration of war. Latkr The House of Rep resentatives has passed the resos lution declaring war. Papers submitted with the President's message establishes the fact that Spain has recog nized the existance of a state of war. The House passed the war declaration unanimously, The Senate 'committee on For eign Affairs have agreed to re port the war bill as passed by the House of Representatives,, The greater iucludes the less. Hood's SarsapariUa cures scrofula, and may be depended upon to cure boils and pimpleg. The Cruter Columbia, Newport, R. I., April 25.- The cruiser Columbia, Cap tain Sands, arrived here at 11 o'clock this morning and ans chored off the Torpedo Station. There was much signalling, be fore she came to anchor, with the Training Station. It cans not be ascertained what the Col umbia's movements will be, For eveiy variety and phrase of the- many diseases which attack, the air passages of the throat aud luugs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will be found a specific. Its anodyne aud expecto rant qualities are promptly realized, and it is already for use. OUR FLEET FIRED UPON. Neither of Them Hit And no Damage Done. p-to-Date Stock of Goods. Key West, April 25. -The; merchant vessel Cataliua was captured 12 miles northwest of Havana this morning by the cruiser Detroit, she firing one blank shot. The Castalina im mediately surrendered and was taken in tow. A dispatch boat brings news that all is quiet off Havana. No bombardment today. No attack on the fleet watching to capture prizes. Advices received here this morning say that two of our fleet, which were blockading Havana, were fired upon from the Spanish fort. No damage done. Later : The torpedo boat Rodgers was fired on by the Matanzas batteries, but was not hit. The torpedo boats Dupout and Winslow were also fired on, with a like result. Notifying Govenors . Washington, D, C, April 25. The War Department this after noon notified the Governors of the different states of the quota of troops that they were expec ted to furnish, naming in each instance tlie points of assemblage. When the hair has fallen out, leav ing the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny, there is a chance of regaining the hair by using Hail's Hair Re-newer. Sails To Join The American Fleet. Hong Koiig, April 25. The United States cruisers, Olym- pia, Baltimore, and RaU eigh have just sailed from this port to join the American fleet which sailed yesterday. . Mines In Hampton Roads. Hampton Roads, Va., April 25. The harbor will soon be thoroughly protected with sub marine mines. Washington, April 25. Sec retary Shermans resignation was tendered at a special cabinet meeting, to take effect at the close of business todav. He will retire from public life after over forty years service. Ill health is the reason eiven for his retirement. His resignation was in the form of aspeeial note It is semi officially announced that Judge Day has accepted tue appointment of Secretarv of 1 A State to succeed Sherman. Conton, Ohio, April 25.- Judge Day wi 1 accept as Secres tary Sherman's successor, There i nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than the constantly recurring Headache Men suffer less with Headache. "My wife'f health was very indifferent, hav ing Headache continually, aud just two packages of Simmons Uver Regu lator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. I have never regretted it's use." M. B. DeHoid, Mt. Vernon, ky Calling Retired Officers. Washington, April 25. A bill was offered in the Senate today to call into service all the retired officers. Roosevelt Resigns And Will be Commissioned Asa Brigadier in The Volunteer Army. Washington, April 24. As sistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodoie Roosevelt, h We have thousands and thousands of dollars worth of goods to be sold. Our stok in every department has been largely increased. We believe our stock in merchandise to- dfl,v is tint: tn ho cnmoraai Vvr . . L . . . . w ""u uy auyuuem tuwn, as uveryxnmg is 01 tlie latest style and brand new. No old goods to coafuse witn the new ones. Key West, April 26. The steamer Mouserrat, reported captured by Sampson's fleet has on board one thousand soldiers and five hundred thousand doK lars in gold. ii . . Three More Prizes, Key West, April 26. The Mangrove and Newport have captured three prizes. Later The Mangrove is bringing in a large Spanish transport. Key West, April 26. (3 p. 111 -The Mangrove's prize was the big Spanish liner, Panama. Will Be Outclassed, Loudon, April 26. British Naval authorities say that Spain's Asiatic fleet will be out classed by the American war ships in a fight off the Philli pine Islands. ASSISTANT SECRETARY ROOSEVELT. ed, and will be commissioned a Brigadier in the Volunteer Army, Rear-Admiral Walker will be appointed as his successor m 1 N one ia t -J suffer will; :i-ui Tl.i3 disease is qukkiy and pcvuniuri.i Jy cured ly llrowns' Iron Hitters. Every tlisease of the blood, nerves aiA sm:('!i fliroiiif or otherwise, succumbs to Umu-ns' Iron Birt' rs. Known and is-d for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most ftiiu.iitf our most VHiucd remedies. ron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Blanco Urging Kis Men. Key West, April 26. Capt. General Blanco has issued a proclamation to the Spaniards urging that they be brave and that they repel all invaders by Spanish arms. Crusing In Nova Scotia Waters. Sidney, April 26. A Spanish warship is reported crusing in Nova Scotia waters. One sight ed eff the Maine coast. BRITISH WATERS ARE NEUTRAL. SPRING MILLINERY. For exclusive designs in Mil inery, and all the latest ideas as they come out, go to M. KILL & CO., Water Street. UpStairs, The French Cabinet Also Ap proves Neutralsty Proclamation. Loudon, April 26. The Brit ish proclamation of neutrality was issued today. It is a routine document and lays down rules to beligerents. There shall be 24 hours interval between the departure of vessels of opposite sides. Ships now in British waters must leave within time stipulated and may only take on coal sufficient to carry them to the nearest poit of their own country. Vessels must not re coal in British waters without special permission, within three mouths, nor must they take prizes in British waters. Paris, April 26. The French Cabinet today approves the neutrality proclamation." r r. - . -fw .v Tit- TV Z.. . .V V- . : I .... -' ? my V f For ladies Spring and Summer Dresses. We have one of the finest lines of covert cloths, serges, silks and wool fancies, whip cords, plaids, cashmeres, bril liantines, novelty goods, etc., with all widths, styles of braids, laces and ribbons for trimming, also braided ornaments, jet and silk passementery. All colors and styles of plaid silks for waists and trimmings. In wash goods you will find our line complete in organs dies, dotted swiss, both plain aud figured, lawns, madras, per cale, gingham, grass linen, crash, cotton covert cloth, P. K., etc. A complete assortment of check, muslins, persian lawn, India linen, dimities and nainsook; for children's wear, with a beautiful Hue of laces and hamburgs to ornament the same. Gloves all shades and sizes. Ladies and children's umbrel las and parasols; all prices. Full line of Belding Bro's. em broidering silk and stamped linens ot all descriptions. Ro man striped linings; the latest fad for ladie's skirts. Belts of all colors. Ladie's fancy hose in stripes and plaids. Full line of ladie's linen collars and cuffs and ties and bows of all descriptions. Roman stripe, plaid libbous, all the newest styles as well; plain, satin and moire. A line of ready made shirt waists from 25c. up. me Ladie's Shoes. We are agents for Ziegler Bros, ladies shoes. This na is a guarantee for excellence. We have iooo pairs of ladie's low shoes in all colors, styles, tips and toes, also a complete line of high cut shoes in all styles and colors, coin toe, pat. tip, tip of same in button and lace, prices ranging from $1 50 to $3.00. A guarantee with every pair. Ziegler Hros. and Woodbury Shoe Co.'s slrocs, for missis and children, in high and low cut, and in all styles and rolois toes and widths. A complete line of ladie's cheap slippers from 50c up. One of the best $1.25 slippers ever sold, kid lined, in all col ors, shapes and toes. We have on hand at all times a mil line of cheap shoes for ladies, misses and children. 1 " Jiff Gents' Furnishing Dep't This department is full and running over with all the latest novelties that can be purchased, such as shirts, collars and cuffs. Underwear of all kinds, handkerchiefs, gloves and suspenders. Decidedly one of the finest lines of neckwear ever brought to Klizabeth City; in all the latest styles and colors. Full line oi umbrellas of all kinds and at such prices as will compel you to buy. A complete line of men's belts in all colors, styles and prices; also a full line of hosiery in black and fancies. Don't fail to examine this department as it is ver)f attractive, CLOTHING. An examination of our clothing will prove to you that we carry a full and very complete line of high art clothing, made by Strouse Bros , as well as other cheaper grades. Strouse Bros, have a reputation that is world wide, and no coin incut of ours is necessary. These goods include all the novelties as well as staple goods in all cuts and prices. We shall be pleased to show you the above, even if you do not purchase Kxtra size suits up tp size 48. 1 - " THl SAVOY HATS. HATS. Our great hat department deserves your special attention. Here you will find the latest styles and colors in Alpines and Derbys. 3000 stra n hats to select from. Crash caps of all kinds. Children's sailor and small caps. These goods were bought at extremely low prices and will be sold accordingly, An excellent line of boy's, youth's and children's cloths ing; with sailor collars, reefeis and vestees. at all prices, that will please the boys. Gents' Shoes. We have about 5000 pairs of gents' fine shoes. Our best goods are made by Lewis A. Crossett. In this line you will find all colors, styles ond toes. This is one of the finest lines in town. Our line of boy's shoes is complete in all styles, colors and toes; piices ranging from 75 cents to $2.50. Little gents' shoes in all stys. (Mr Main and Water Sts.,-