- . .... US r (J News Adrift. 4 f PICKED UP BY OUR REFORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." CrawforJ. a t X c $ Health And Happiness the to tlioic v.lo : ; v:.c.t. t.j i U-a. lor::i of cx:rctc Hpiinj; i-i the tint': one- iKVilsrciilrr out t!u r c : ;Tt i son: -tiiiuci tliat will not o;i1y Ih-J. t. thro.v o f t'.at ti icd fcclinff h:it :;!. AtrciJli and pleasure. Then- ii i;o o'.hot fo"":ii of'cxtrcisc so !k .ltiif.il, h-1p;'ul iiii'l strengthening, can 1l r-.-..;;:l.-.ti..l to f.t the strength of atiy i;ii".iT'lu;il. as cytiin. "Throw p'ly-.ic to ti.e io,s.'' Tile I sprit! inedieiw i n1, sy.-t-m" tcx.r '. wliO'liiitJ, when entered int'j ';- c. ctly. T:n- ! .'- exercise t'le l.est sue '.i-l:v- -.at ! !.:.-- lOit 1n"ccle, all t!.re- c.-'ii l.e !! i'l o: t!e liaway Ilros. , : t!.e s.itne ti.ii---, C.-ili .r write for nrk-e.j. i lie mans oetweevi nit a beth City and Cain den county, and to various points in Pas. piotank county, are tvi lently being robbed. It seems impos sible lor the I isiiekma: Si Farmer to be delivered at thej at points mentioned above. Complaints come to usj from reliable people to this ef-l fect, and unless some folks at- tend to tlicir official duties bet- f ter we shall notifv the Denart-J j l i ment at Vas1iington; They can probably find out who is tampering with our mail. 4 4 4 4 iicycles ead The World ity . c'ngth, Durab Y If you vrant to look graceful on a bicycle, gc t a CRAWFORD. We will teach you to ride free of charge and furnish a wheel to learn on. HATHAWAY BKOS., Right on the corner. r ASY RUNNIN3 QUALITIES. IF i,UU rJ sxi-i l ANY (iO TO J. W. Pool, merchant at South Mills, was in town this week The steamer M. E. Roberts, is on the ways at VVi'ley's ship- vard. r Mr. Hd. Ansell, clerk of the court of Currituck county, and Ben Bray, are in the city. Mr. A. K. Kramer has moved his family to their' sum mer home near the city. Mrs. S. W. Armistead, of V- J?- Iff'Ty 1f5 " rortsmouth Va., is visiting Mrs. ' . X. -jiX: Henry Gricc, on Fearing street. OX LI 'E1 T r T f His Life-Sizc Crayon and Pastel is the Town Talk. Mch 25-1 yr. S.L.STORER dcCO N1" f t-.-.iSe r":; 'f-ra and .Sh ii i t 1 ( !;-r3 and .Sh ij j 1 U itids of i; ru lt(n fish m ui-rm r ? s ? We work li.uderfor tile inter t st ol" tiie Southern fi.shermer than any house in the business. I f ;.-: t:- Sie.i. il is nut ia good -''e-let u know, ;""'.' iviil ; tl . y no A- -.-ills ;:!!'. liO C( ill! i-ii ; ; :i MAXTW). Mr. C. lv Hooper is confined at his home with neuralgia. Mr. James PigoU, of Wan chese, has moved to Manteo. Misses (ieorgi.-i Harrison and l'at'i iCvaus, arc on the sick list. We .. heir that Mr. Roberts and wife will make their home in lv City. Mrs. Charlet in a;;l her daugh U r Ltla, ol Columbia, are visit ing Mrs l.ouis Hooper. Mr. (.iccrge Rogeis left Satur day 101 his home in E. City, to attend his sister's marriage, The .-u-op Maigart-t Ann is .".- ii.i tu Ciet. !'- liaihvaj s for repairs; having sprung a leak. M:s. A. i. Sa.nplt is getting the house recently vacated by );. Peters an, re.uly, preparatory to moving into it. Dr. I'eters -)ii an 1 wife left Mor.day afternoon for Oriental X. C. vvljerc they expect to make their future home. Miss Weiseiger and family left Wednesday lor Annua. N. C. Capt. Majo;- l'ugh took th.; fam ily their iaraihuv oahis Sharpie. On Monflav a little girl it Mr. Col urn bus Mid tl's fell and seriously hint herself Dr. Fearing was called to attend her Mr. John Gibbs left Monday afternoon w jth Mr. Grant's schooner to take Dr. reterson's furniture and drugs to Oriental. Mr. Stewart Daniehs sprained his arm very badly Monday, falling from the deck of a sloop Dr. Gates was called to attend l.im. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Siguature of Since the young fruit has grown of sufficient size to speak for itself it is observed in such 1 ;ies ?s to suit pi'-: make r- jJiseases, 1" . :-i-c-cuy and permanent cure ol ' ' $ a It riieuia aud eczema, Cham i .e" . H IJye and Skia Ointment ia : an tqual. It relieves the itch ' ; --'- l sii'arvipjj almo?t instantly aiid .) :..uonifc4 Tiau effects a permanent; i . , -: so nl .0 ciirrs itch, barber's itch, .-i-'tVjJs'-u'l, poro nipples, itching piles, e'.unilftd hnnrla, chroriic sore eyes ana tTL:jaVuiti:d lids. k Dr. Ruth's Coudition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier andverlmifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Miss Alice Hopkins, of CoK umbia, is visiting the family of J. R. Pinner, 102 North Road street. The meeting of the G. A. R. adjourned this Thursday in time for the visitors to leave on the 9:30 train. Mr Gilbert Davis and Miss Minnie Richardson were married in Elizabeth City Thursday night. Mrs. C. F. Sumner and Miss Helen Smith, of Hertford, are visiting the family of Mr. C. C. Allen on Road street. Mrs. Juo. Whetstone, of Berk ley, Va., is in the city on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. J. Bell, on Fearing street. Alonza Sherlock and Miss Jennie Markham were married this week in Nixonton town ship, by Alex. Armstrong, J. P. The first special sale ever given by anv merchant in Elizabeth City, will be at The Bee Hive Store on next Thursday. Lock out for particulars. About five o'clock Wednesday the house, adjoining the residence of Mrs. Price near the post office, was blown b wind from the block several teet away. The order for a street parade by the Naval Reserves Friday afternoon has been revoked. Qaptain Old having decided to drill at the Armory every night until called into service. Mrs. V. V. Miller and son Hugh G. Miller, (young lawyer, of Norfolk, Va., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. W. Morrisette lor several days, have returned to their homes. The Evening Edition of the Fisherman & Fanner is a will" ncr. Our-Saturday's circulation was 5M0 Copies. Any ' doubt ing: Thomas" will be accommo dated with a sworn certificate to this effect. The friend, of Mrs. T. P. Nash, will be delighted to know she is rapidly improving and is now aide to sit up Mrs. Nash has been very ill for several days and her familv and friends hace been gi eatly distressed over her condition. Dr. Penick preached a special sermon Sunday night to the Odd Fellows of KFzabeth City, ta king his text from the 3rd verse of the 9th chapter of the book ol Samuels. The sermon was a good one and quite pleasing to Odd Fellows, who were there in large' numbers. . The roof of. an old building on Road street, near canal bridge, caught 011 fire Sunday, which caused an alarm to be sounded at about 1:30 o'clock, p m. The department responded very promptly, but the fire was ex tiuguished without the firemen's aid. ' Mr. L. F. Zicgler, of Kdenton, spent Saturday and Sunday in Elizabeth City. He says the Edenton Telephone Co., of which he is one of its Directors, is past erecting poles, and that the plant will soon be in opeia tiou ; that the company will start with about 50 'phones. He also sas the people of Edenton The repairman laughs with foolish glee, He rubs his bauds and hollers, And gently strokes his Grecian chin When he hears, the voice of the wheel oftiu For he knows its going to turn him in A stack of golden I5ut he don't like this Crawford wheel, He knows its made of the finest steel, For if all wheels were of this make, ' He'd close his shop; his departure take. Lamps $ 1.25 to $ 4 00. Rubber Cement 10". Cyclometers $1.00. Spokes, 5c. Oil, 2 02. can, -ioc. Graphite, ioc. Bells 25 to 75. Saddles 51.25. F.alls 2C. each. Pump, 25c. V reuches, 25c. Pants Guards, 5c, A PRETTY MARRIAGE. the recipients of quite a number LOOK OUT FOR NEXT THURS of handsome presents ; also many ; DAY. Two Young People Enter Into j hearty congratulations from a Nearly every body has heard The Realms of Matrimonial Bliss. Of late, evidences of Cupid's craftiness hive not been parties ularW numerous : but as it is a large circles of friends, and in i these felicitations the FiSHER MAN & Farmer ioins. A JOLLY NIGHT. At the Academy of Music on Wednesday evening, May, 4, matter upon which the budding ! d th aupices ot the Guild . ...1 : ... j it. ki ... . i a . are now tmniug a: of scarcely ;.r.yi:.i ; war. SMOKK 1 lie v. vj o r ailing els; but rite M-.m.faclurcd by C. W, STEVENSfcCo Kliztiletli City springtiuiv and the balmy sums mer seom to have a nourishing effect, we may expect an increase in the matrimonial line ere long. Last night there was a very large assemblage at the Metho dist church to witness the mar riage of Mr. W ill S. Duhton to Miss Lennie Rogers ; in fact, the house was crowded and there was scarcely standing room. Promptly at th. hour named, ?s Mrs E. G. Thompson put her fingers to the organ and be gan to rill the house with the rich tone of the instrument as it poured forth the inspiring strains o' .he wedding march, the r ...s, Messrs. J. Scott, C. 11. Balfour, W. J. Trafton, Mar shall Gallop, marched down the aisle and took their positions at the altar. Following these came the brides maide, Miss Minnie Sawyer upon the arm of the bride's brqther, Mr. George Rogers, who acted as best man. Then came the bride and groom, and as soon as they reach ed the alter that had been beauti fully decorated in evergreens, potted plants, flowers, ecc, Rev. J. H. Hall stepped forwatd and proceeded to complete the union they desired, which he did in an impressive and unusually happy manner. The bride, who is the charm ing daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. S. Rogers and quite popular, wore a beautiful suit of white silk with Liberty silk triin 1 t tilings, carrying in ner nana a handsome bouquet of flowers. The brides-maid, Miss Saw yer was dressed in a handsome costume of white organdy, trim med in white silk, bunch of flowers in hand- The gentlemen were all in full dress, The groom is book-keeper in the hardware store of Sharber & White ar.d held in the very highest repute by all who know him. Aftet the ' ccrcuiuny. the br dal party proceeded to the spien did residence of Mr.- Clarence Gallop, on Road street, to enjoy a reception and feast which ucue know better than the graceful hostess, Mrs. Gallop, how to prepare. Mr. and Mrs. Dunton, were of Christ Church, Mr. Edwin Travers and Mr. Dean Raymond, assisted by the following named ladies and gentlemen : Mrs. M. R. Griffin, Miss Nannie Allen, ?vliss Bertie Kramer, Miss Emily Hellowell, Dr. E. F. Martin, Mr. P. N Sanderson aud Mr. Cam. den W. Melick, will give a per formance of "A Jolly Night," a musical comedy that Mr. Trav ers and his company have been playing this present season in Uie best theatres in the large cities. Preceding the comedy Mr. Travers and Mr. Raymond will appear in a charming little one act play called "Forget me uots" There is no doubt that, taken as a whole, this will prove a most f day only. If A Circus were in pleasing entertainment, com posed as it is of comedy, pathos and music. Mr. Travers' record of sixteen years as a star and manager throughout the United States is a sufficient gtiaiautee that this production will be high class in every particular. And those who attend this performance may feel fully assured of a most enjoyable evening. the popular 0. E. WARD II THE FIELD To the Voters of Chowan County : Greeting, Please remember me in your Township and County Conventions for the nomination, of Register of Deeds for Chowan County. Respectfully, O. E. WARD. Tutf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health, Keep the system ia perfect or der fcy tue occasion! use ot lutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Uver PILLS of special sales in the big north ern city stores aud know what they mean. It is this : some store will advertise a great quan tity of goods to be sold 011 a cer tain day for less than cost a great many articles are nearly given away, yet the crowd comes and that store grows popular. There never was a special sale given to the people of Elizabeth City by any merchant, but on next Thurday beginning at 10 o'clock, there will be held a special sale at The New Bee Hive Store. Mr. Mitchell says he is determined that everybody shall come and see the big store and get acquainted, and though he will lose considerable mous ey 011 this day he will bring the people. You will get a list of goods to be sold on Thursday. Look out ! We are preparing the Feast. You'll regret it if you don't come on that day. The day after won't do. The prices are for Thursday and this Elizabeth City on Thursday, May 5th, ou wouldn't expect to see the show 011 Wednesday or Friday, would you ? So come on Thursday. The most interest ing special sale ever before seen in this city will be conducted at The Bee Hive on Next Thurs day. A regular John Wanaraa ker city sale. A list of goods aud particulars will be sent you in time. Jt would pay you to come a hundred miles to be here on Thursday next. SALE OF By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in the cause of W. M. Bax ter ct al vs. II. U. Pinnix, I shall on Saturday, May-28, '98 AT 12 M. offer for sale at Courthouse door in Elizabeth City at Public Auction the two following tracts of land. ist tract known as Stephen William's tract lviusr in balem township adjoin ing the lands of Edward Markhr.m, Wilson Forbes, Flatty Creek a.ul others. For full description see the deed of Stephen Williams and wife to Dr.O. F. Baxter, recorded, in hoo,k ia, page 504. containing 8b acres voote or less. "2nd, Tract of laud in Providence township lviug on the Pasquotank River, adjoiuing the Road known as the Lamb Ferry road, Pasquotank Rii er, the lauds of M. h. Davis and others, Terms of sale one fourth () cash, Balance in 6, 12 and 18 months with interest on deferred payments wfith privileges to pay all eash,.: , G. W. WARD, Com'f. April 25, 1898- Will The Commissioners Po This. To The Editor: A pefU tion has been circulated By ihe owner oi the draw bridge over: Kuobs Creek at Blades mill, ask ing the countv to take the same off his hinds, aud put it upon the people of this county to keep up. l he bridge was built about j eigMeeu years ago by Mr. E. I Lamb, the owner of the Fer ry Road, and the merchants and the County cf Pasquotank, we are leliably informed subscribed to assist Mr. "Lamb to bund the same, and it appears that some time ago Mr. Umb brought a suit in the Court here to compel the County of Pasquotank to take charge of this bridge and keep it at the Public expense. In this he was defeated. Now he tries to shift the bur. den ol this bridge upon the peo pie by getting a petition signed to that effect, aud the same to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county al its next meeting. The only users of this bridge, and the 1 on ly persons wno cross ana use the same are the patrons of life ferry aud who pay him for the privilege. There is not a per son living upon the road after you cross the bridge eointr to his ferry and over his own road. Why the people of this county should be asked to keep up an expensive bridge for the benefit of a toll road is beyond our com orehension. The bridge is"tiow 111 very bad order, and it will be JAMES O. WRIGHT. nnif rrc f 1 tr f r 1 f if i i r v-r I 1::1 JAS. O. WRIGHT cS: CO., 1 pense of keeping the same in repair, and the further cost of a ESCCNT New delight found each yr la the irt tWe of Ihe season and th. Crec have every qualifies. Um to flc the tnol cnUcJ ri&f.. Crescent For 1893 euV'emfed bjiIL A ctote tiamtna. tion ol the 9i Cres cent modcla explain! why to manv Crra ceots are sold. Oo exhibit voo at Creacent agencies everywhere. Sc&d for.... Art CAt&log-Bfe Louis Selig' E, City, N. C Chas. J. Leedy. bridge keeper, possible to be hereafter saddled upon this county. Will the Board of County Commissioners do this ? We think notS "XX." C03IMISSIOX311SRCIIANTS IN WHOLESALE DEALERS Hurrah for our boys! Wed nesday Captain Old, of the Eliza beth City division of Naval Re serves, received an important telegraphic message, and hur ridly called his company to- gether by tapping the city bell. The boys assembled promptly, and amid wild cheers aud much enthusiasm they voted to vol unteer their services to the gov ern ment. When it appears that only five members of the Reserves refused to voluns teer for service in Cuba, we are all the more proud. One 01 these men was over the age 1 m it and had to be rejected, and it is probable that some of the others had good excuses. Five men in a Division is an except tionally small per cent., and we propose a hearty cheer for the men who will protect our coun try and our honor. There is not a better nor a braver com pany of soldier boys bound for the war. Ours was the first Division to offer its services. o 'AN FRUITS t AND t EARLY VGETaBLES- Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished. 33i South Charles Street, ( Ivenson & Rountree, Wholesale Grocers. " N. Baker & Sou, Taper. ( Trader'5 National Bank. References (Esablished 1887.) ood Is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on its quality the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's SarsapariUa. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, nn LnJ SarsapariUa Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. j jt 9 r'tt cure Liver Ills; easy to it OOCI S PlllS take, easy to operate. 25c Established 1881. SAM!.. M. LAWDER & SON. WuoleBaleCoiamisBioD Dealers In Salt Crabs Terrapin, Etc.- Baltimore, Md xuick Sales ! Prompt ReturrJ REFERENCES rsuh-rfc Nat'l. Bank, Duns Mercantile Agency Win..T.HoperAOo. J. Dukehart A Co, t;zens Kat'l. Banlc ' The J. 8. Johnson Cc 1' Shipments Solicited. s- Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, D , ! City National Bank, References Qiztn Bank, and Wholesale Shippers. -WE EMPLOY TVO AGEINTH "-. ..: Taits' Extra Early Nonpareil Pea- The earliest truck pea. The purest. The handsomest. The best shipper. . You cannot afford to use any other, when the Nonpareil can be bought for 53-25 per bushel ; ask your Experi ment Station what the Nonpareil always does in conr petitive trials. We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. Ooo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk Va. SCHOONERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST BE UHLOA9ED ! CALL AT BERGERON'S THE PALAIS, A Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Steady Employment for all during the Summer Established 1886. The Most Reliable Hosc i) Norfolk. 2 Fish Commission IrZorchants REFERKNCES: Norfolk National Bank. Southern Express Company. Adams " All Merchants. Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best Interest for Shippers. Stencils furniseed on appli cation. IV o Agents Employed. V r

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