X w Mi JlC United '&rand. TRADE MARK. TRADE MASK. ! S i s v:v lis E p 1 1 N SEE I f j 3 S I 8 3 h i ' 1 5 S . . . !" y s t S J f i'r - S m $J i z g f i 8 5 ) 2 3 i2 ii I I F 3 5 a 5 3 s : 5 ; He Who To prosper must watch well the outgo, for if he buys goods that are not what they pretend to be, he will be the loser in the long run. Better go where you are sure than to take any chances. We guarantee our goods and make them good if they do not turn out as we represent them. Give us a trial, and if you have never boughtof usbef ore, we know you will come again. It Is A la&tfcle TSaimg' That accomplishes big results sometimes. In this instance it is a little price that is turn ing our big stock out of doors, and we find that the smaller the price, the greater thex ecution. Our initial sale of wash goods is a practical demonstration of what a little price will do. It is economy to buy now, and make up at your leisure. Five Thousand yards beautiful Organdies, worth io cents the yard, our price 6 cents. Forty Five Hundred yards really worth 15 cents the yard, our price, 8 cents. SHIRT WAISTS. Why they are better. All Shirt Waists are good. Some are better than others; ours-are of the better kind. A little better cloth, a little better fit, a little better sewing and a little more care all around, makes a good deal better garment. We offer you all the improvements of a welKmade waist, at the same cost as the other kind. We are determined to give you your money's worth. Prices 50 cents, 60 cents and 75 cents. parasols Of Beautiful Designs Hnd Randsome Style. 50 Cents Hnd dp. We admit of no superiors and acknowledge no equals in our magnificent display of new styles. Our store is now filled to the utmost with a choice line of carefully selected Bar gains in Shoes. All the prevailing styles in assortment complete, specially purchased to meet the known wants of this community. Our prices are of uniform low grade. Our prices never equaled. Our prices do our talking. Our prices cannot be copied by would-be competitors. Our prices make our business which talks for itself. If you want superior goods marvelously cheap, visit us. HANDKERCHIEFS. 500 dozen ladies' and gents' Handkerchiefs, reduced from 15 cents, 12 cents and cents to 5 cents each; at this price they will not be with us long. 10 Straw Matting. Fine Japanese Matting, cotton, cain and other kinds, from 12 1-2 cents to 20 cents. "W?FhLEIL WC1 Wc&S fur You could not buy as good suits as we place on sale tosday at $8.50. The cloth is every fibre pure wool; the linings are as strong and fine as can be, while the style is absolutely perfect. A very large variety of patterns. No use telling you how much more than $8.50 they aie worth. You judge that when you see them. niLLINERY. Sure of the correct thing. She who selects her spring hat aided by the possibilities of our millinery department may be sure of getting the correct thing. The correct hat is a composite of richness, elegance and good taste the peculiarities of season's millinery are very marked. Our variety of such millinery is endless and we have trimming talent capable of producing these styles, You pay nothing extra for this assurrance. 52 MM Js Odd Nos. 54 and 56 Water St., City, N. C, f3 - ) f- ) v- n villi Fashionable Ladies Wear Perfect Fitting ana stylish Royal Worcester Corsets lip 11 tlV It. I.'. ' i m vmr . L T . -