ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY MAY 27, 1898. Established 1880 The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper Published in ThisSection. The Most Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & Farmer Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. AS K the recovered dyspeptics, bilious raf kferers, victims of fever 'and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how tlipy recovered health, 1 cheerful spirits and good (appetite; tliey will tell fyou by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cleap t, l'urest arid I'.PHt Family Mediciue in tlie World! For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION', Jaundice, I;iUus attacks, SICK H KADACHK, Colic, iJepres S1n r.f Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. '1 his unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a s.r.yic particle of Mercury, or any mineral su'ustano, but .8 PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which 14 all wise Providence has placed in countries wherfl 1-iver Diseases most prevail. It will cure ail UlseaftfH caused ly Derangement of the I.iver and Rowels. The SYMI'lOMS of T.iver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the JUtk, Sides 01 Joints, often mistaken for P hrumatism : Soisr Momaoh : Loss iA Aj petite; 'towels alternately costive and lay; Heatlache; Loss of Memory, with a Xainfit1 sensation of having failed to do something wiiirh might to have l,een done; Debility: Low (Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and i-yes; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend tht disease, at others very few ; but the I.ivpr, '.Ire largest oran in the body, is generally the seat of the disease and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wrtch edness and JtKAl II etisu;?. 'J he following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons I.ivf.k Kki.i i.tok : C.en.W. S. Holt, Pres. C,a. S. W. R. R. (,. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ca.; Col. K. K. Sparks. Albany, -a.; C. Master Bon.Ksn., Sheriff Ribb C o..Ca.; . A. I'.utts, Rainbridge, (.a. ; R ev. J. W . Rurke, Mac-n. ( .i.; v iril Rowers, Supt. Ga. S. W. K. K. ; R,n. Alexander 1 1 . Stephens. We have t -sied its virtues personally, and know mat lor iyspepsia, I'.iliousneis and I hrotibmg Ilend ache, i: is the best mcdi.Jn- the o rid ever saw. We have tried f-.ity other r. ui. dies before- S.muioiis Liver Regulator, and none of tln in gave us more than tem porary reiiel : tli-- Regulator not i.nly relieved, but Hired t'.U. 1 til OH ATll AMI .MksSHNI.EK, Mac.ON, MANl'l All L'REIJ ONI Y BY J. U. ZE1L.IN & CO.. PhiUuekihia. Pa. iVoi-foll,: Ac Hon tli .r ..1.m,.-.. Schedule in effect Feb'y. 21, '98. Not f )';k .S: South'.-ru R. R. Jf.u and INpross tt :iins. Soiithhotiud, dvily (ex ( cpt Sundays,) K avc Elizabeth City al 1 1 ri. 111., Northbound, daily, (except Sundays) leave l'.lizabcth City at 2:4 ). m. Trains Nos. ,s and 4 leave Kliza beth City Southboainl 6 p. 111., North bound 9:20 a. 111. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk 6c Western de pot, Norfolk.: connect at Norfolk with n'd Rail and Steamer l-nes, and a" I.denton with Steamer fir Roanoke, Casiiie, Chowan and Hcuppernoiio rivers; Transfer steamers to JaUey's 1 i'M y, thence by Norfolk iV S(n;therr I?. II. tt Uoper. lanle.c:o, and I'-ell ha'.'en, connecting with s'.ea.mer N'ir jiinia Dare or .aki-r ville, Aurora asliiiio ti 1 and all intermediate land, i'C-'s. Kastern Carolina D':patcli A n 1 Oi'.i Do iiiinion ilcino The steamer Neuse leaves lOlizabetl, Ctly Tuesday, Thursday and Salurda ai '1 . m., for Nevlern touching al IJ-.iinoke I'aud, Tuesday ami Satur day, and connecting with the A. 01 N. C. I: R. for ;ohl?boro, Ki iM d:. and Morehead City, and with the V. N. N. l. K. for Jacksonville. Vi!n;:.n:;te;!, N. C , etc. Iveturniui; leave Nov, !( 111 M nday, Wednesday an-1 Friday. The steaniinsjr Newberue, leaves lilizabeth City, .Montlav at noon and. Wednesday at 6 p in., for Roa noke Island, Ocracokc, Oiicntal and New be rue. Tickets :i sale at I-dizabeth fit Station to al! landings, Newbenn Kiuston, ( .oid.sboro, Morehead Cil and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service between Eli?'t beta City and New York, Philadelphi. J 5 t'aimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as (j'.ncker time than by a 1 Direct all ;.o''ds to iCastern Carolina Dispa From Norftjlk bj- Nori; l?altimorc by U . President Street Stat w rates ami ether route, shipped vie as follows iS: Southern W. li. li. 11; Philadel pkia, Philadelphia R. It., Dock vStreel Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old bimiuiou Line. For further iv. formation apply to M. II. Saowden, Assent, lvlizabcth City, 01 to the (General Oflici.- of the Norfolk cv Somhein R. R. ("omjany, Norfolk, Ya M K I-INd, (icnera) Manager. li. c. tii'iu; ins. c. f. it r. At PETTIT'S North Carolina Lines C. L. PETTIT, Manager Steamer NEWTON will leave No. folk for Klizabcth City, Crcswell anc: way landings 011 Wednesdays and Sat urdays at 4 p. in., Elizabeth City fui Creswell on Thursdays and Monday c at 9:30 a. m. Returning, will leave Crcswell for Norfolk on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 a. in., and Elizabeth Citj same day at 2:30 p. in., arriving ir Norfolk, next day. Steamer Harbinger will leave No? folk for Elizabeth City, Hertford au.' way landings, on Tuesdays and Fri days at 4 p. in., Elizabeth City fo. Hertford Wednesdays and .Saturdays a' 9:30 a. ni Returning, will leave Hert ford for Norfolk Mondays, and Thuis days at 7 a. i.'i. and Elizabeth City same d.iv at 2:30 ',- arriving in Norfolk lT Cvt ' I -IV. v" w. Mnkui.sHTT. Ac.icn-t. Elizabeth City, N. C. FOR THE CHILDREN! Until further notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONE DOZEN1 DIAMONDS -PHOTOGRAPHS, For OR ONE DOZEN MANTELLO CARDS, FOR $1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN TURNER, The New Photographer, ELIZ. CITY, N. C. S JTh r m n a m mo MMlijIii Riots Are Frequent And Hovises Burn ed Daily. Foar Spav.ioli i. ii:ps Goirj;-; There to Jio Les-'. 0 Bv i ewey. i i v. e.s special rov., .v;.-. ,iiia s " : ine city is tranquil. 1 ore wn cnu seis th-Te lsa e taken coiicerttii acl;o. i i' r t'ne jjroteetion of lo:--eir-.!t rs in emergency. Rebels lack, fir arms and consequently are delating an attack on the Manila garrison. Advices from Hodo; Kjn,o; say riots are ire queut in Manila and houses are burned daily by rioters. Arch bishop of Manila announ ces that four Spanish warships are on the way to Manila and prophesises a great Spanish vie tory. 113 HARD TO BELIEVE But this Tirne a Point Is Ac m'ttei Against the Don?. I .ii is, May 23. A dispatch to the Temps irom Madrid says the Spanish Government denies that the Cuban leaders have submitted as has been reported and admits that only a lew un important leaders have accepted tin advances of the Autonomist Government. Gens. Gomez and Garcia, the Spaniards further admit, have rejected the offers made to them. The Temps during the course of a war article observes that "Tublic opinion in Spain is be ginning to understand that the armed mediation of neutrals was never even discussed practically, a fact which should be recog nized and proclaimed by the American organs which have been pleased to ascribe to France a proposal to address a threat ening demand to the United States, supported by a naval demonstration. Continuing the Temps re marks: "Nevetheless the Span iards, abandoning the hope of collective immediate action, cherish another hope and Hatter themselves with the not very at tractive idea that we are upon the eve of a universal conflict in which they wi'd hud allies with out difficulty. SATLS TO FOREIGN COUN TRIES. Gen. Merritt Leaves with Troops This Afternoon. San Francisco, May 25. The first expedition ever sent by the United States to a foreign country sails this afternoon to Manila, Pekin, Sydney and Aus tralia, earring 2,600 men and officers, the latter being the flag ship and bearing General Mer ritt and staff. FELL DEAD. Saturday afternoon Sarah Herritage, a prominent colored woman of Edenton, dropped dead at her home at that place. She was the wife of Rev. Y J. Her ritage, rector ol St. John's Church in Edenton and St. Philip's Church in Elizabeth Citv. Sampson's rlet. Admiral Sampson's fleet, which left Key Wet May 3d, was composed of the battleships Iowa and ludiania, the cruisers New York (flagship, Mont gomery and Detroit, the moni ters Amphitrite and Terror, the torpedo boat Porter, the ccal ship Niagara, the tug Wain pa tuck and the Associated Press boat Dauntless. Fire. Rich Hill, Mo., May 25. Three blocks in the business portion of the town were burns ed last night. Loss $40,000. Washington, May 25. Secre tary Long has received official information that the Oregon has arrived at Jupiter Inlet, Florida. ilUT ilMK AROMD MORI SOLDIERS WAITED. The President Calls For 75, 'CO More Volunteers. Washington, M-.iy 25. It is st iled on authority that Ihesicent McKi: !cy has decided that more Miluiers aie i super a tively dcusai.ded. It is liciicvyd tli at loo.coo will g to Cuba; 25,000 to the i'hiiipines; the same to Porto Rico and that 100,000 will bViifcedecf lor li'cm'e defence In view of these needs ioi soldiers, the President this af ternoon issued a call for 75,000 more volunteeis. Tiiiscall for volunteers ap portions them among the sever al territories and states accord ing to their population. Following this call comes the semi official information that 20,000 troops will go to Porto Rico under convoy of Admiral Sampson, wdio has been ordered to proceed to San Juan and re, duce the fortifications immedi ately. It is said that Com mo dore Schley will attend to Ccrs vera's Spanish fleet. The Alaskan Boundary Dis Washington, May 25. The first meeting of the Joint Com mission to settle the AUskan boundary dispute and the fishi eries in question was held at the j State Department today. Canada is represented by Sir Paunceforte and Sir Louis Dav ies, Canadieu Minister of Mar ine. America is represented bv J no. A. Cassan, Reciprocity Commissioner, and Jno. V. Fos ter, ex Secretary of State. Owing to the friendly rela tions between England and America, the Kuropean powers are closely watching the pro ceediugs for signs of an Anglo American alliance. President McKinley intimated today that the plans for the in vasion of Cuba were no longer in abeyance. Secretary Alger practically confirmed the news of an early movement in that direction. The O r d i n a n m u I) e pa r t m e 11 1 report ample amfonitions and sup-plies on hand for the expc-. (lit ion. The Baby Act. Spain Wants the Big Boy To Help the Little Fellow Out Of a Bad Box- The Madrid correspondent of the London Chronicle tele graphs.- "It is believed here that a conflict between the American warships and Admiral Cervera's fleet can not be deferred long. "The new Spanish Cabinet desires to force the war to an issue, it is said, with a view to evoking intervention tv the European Powers as quickly a possible. "The internal econo mic situation of Spain is known to be desparate." France is Indignant. Report from Berlin says: The German Foreign Office has re ceived reports from Paris saying France is indignant at the Amer ican cable cuttings, considering such action to becont:ary to in, tcrnational law, and that she in tends to ask the Powers to pro test against it. A Great Derby Race. London, May 25. A great Derby race was run today at Epson Bdwen. It was won by Jeddah, winning six thousand sovereigns, liatt second, Prince of Wales' horse Dunlop third Eighteen horses ran. Betting was 100 to 1 against Jeddah. Spanish Spy Captured. Key West, May 25. Lieut. Jamense, one of the passenger3 on the Panama, arrived here as a Spanish spy, last night. He had fifty nine charts of Amen can harpors, and tracings of the forts, mines and torpedo bedsnn the harbor of New York. NO BATTLE mm ;t, iUU Uii The Spanish Fleet Is Cooped Up At Santiago- Schley Will Hold The Fleet , While Bam to son Bombards Havana- ;iiwLl.on, May - 3 it state ! po;:;i veiy this morning that the S fleet is council u i i.i .:: harbor at Santiago. it is tehevcu'iirai uns k;:aY'v cage enabled the Navy Depart ment to deny so positively that 1:0 battle had been fought in the Windward Passage. Future movements Sampson and Schley are matters left to Sampson's discretion and judgment. Whether to force Cervera out or keep him in the trap is not Known outside of Navy officials. Later It is authoritively as serted that the plans of the ad ministration is to have Schley hold Cervera's fleet in Santiago, while Sampson bombards Ha vana, covering an attack by General Miles from the rear. The smaller vessels will cover the transportation of troops which begins the latter part of the week, the regulars, vanguard and volunteers following as fast as possible. New York, May 25. The Mail and Kxpress correspondent at Port an Price confirms the ar rival of Ceiveraat Santiago. HE COULD FIXDTROUI3 LE. Knew Where Some One Would Prevent Him Shouting For Spain. A man who, although well dressed, was very drunk, was 1 i ding uptown yesterday afte.s noon in a car that was well fil led with sober, staid, and enii nently respectable passengers. He tried in various vays-to at tract attention o: draw somcbod y into conversation, but his over tures were received in solemn silence, and later en when he became somewhat aggressive he had no better luck. Finally his countenance lighted up and with the air of a man who had at last tound what lie had been looking for, he swung his hat over ills head and bellowed out: "Hurrah for Spain!" NoDOily moved or said a word, and the inebriate looked agrieved. "A'eil.why don't somebody come up ard soak me in the jaw?" No one answered this query, and the ' aggressive individual broke out again: "Well, are you all dead an jest waitin, to be hurried" Still no Reply. "I see how it is. Nobody has respect enough for me to soak me, no matter how I deserve it. Never you mind. I ll soon be home, and then I'll say 'rah for Spain, and my wire won't do a thing to me." rsistent ouehs A cotigh which seems to hang on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil, has proved its effectiveness in curing- the trying; affections of the throat and lungs, and this is tne reason why: the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and ..!4.t!.n Tirtinlff CT7C- tern; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Cap you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the Can and fish are on the wrapper. 50c and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. Kw York Pa SGOTT'S EMULSION SPANISH 9 i t ii WliiL. f ST. Was Captured By Ad miral Dewey. Also In ported That The Conr in:ir,-"er of The Spanish Fkei Will be Tried For Cowardice. Hong Kong, May z. . A Taj.) auc?e cruiser has just arrived lie re frrrrrr'?. ran i!--w.-.t - it jxm t-s that the Captain of a Spanish Revenue Cutter has been cap tured by Admiral Dewev nd will be shot. Admiral Montojo, who com manded the Spanish fleet, will be tried by a court martial for cowardice. Admiral Dewey has granted the British and German mer chants permission to nio.e to the Cavite. Madrid, May 25. Gene? al bianco telegraphs the Govern snent that there are only four American gunboats along Cuban coast from Havana to Santiago. Hong Kong despatch says the Spanish captain of the revenue cutter Calloa, captured by Ad miral Dewey, was shot by the Spaniards for failing to return Dewey's fire. Official Manila despatch says the insurgent leaders, commanding 50,000 na tive volunteers offered services to General Augusti. I long Kong, May 25. Cap tain of the Revenue cutter Cal loa was shot this morning for failure to return the fire from the American ships. HOW THEY FIGHT AT CAR DENAS. (Now V01 k CoiHiiicreial - Auvci li.v. r.) An officer of the revenue mar ine stationed in this city received a letter to-day- from one of the officers of the revenue cutter Hudson, wdiich is now at Key .'.'est. The writer spok in the highest terms of the crew and ot the Hudson, and their work throughout the engagement with the forts and batteries of Cardenas. In Cue early part of the ensrarrement the men weref calm, cool and collected. They I'.imed well and effectively, and it was not until th shell which had exploded cu the Wmslow and killed five men that the men 011 the Hudson lost their calm ness. When the Hudson's men saw the mutilated bodies of the men on the Winslow they became frantic, and cursed and yelled, and it seemed as though they could not load an .1 fire quick en ough. They fired 135 rounds in thirty-three minutes. The guns became so hot that the gunneis could not touch them with their bare hands and manipulated them with their elbows. The writer stated that the men load ed so rapidly that i" was a wonder that some of the men did not have their hands cut off bv the rapidly closing breech locks. The sruus became so heated that many of them expanded, and in some cases the shells exploded prematurely, but fortunately not until the breech locks had been closed. The men the letter states, worked like beavers and hesitat ed about stopping when ordered. It has been over three weeks since the battle of Manila, and it was announced that re-enforcements were to be sent to Dewey winthin a week. The first exped ition has just started. So day al ter day it has been announced that the invasion of Cuba woiild begin, but our troops are still on this side ot the water. Don't be Heve all the announcements you see, and don't believe in the date of any military movement until it comes. Bears the f Kind You Have Always Baurtt Signature cf PLUCKY GERMANY. A German Consul Tries To Force a Landing at Manila- Dewey Says He Will 1 1 - - on Ilim I ? lie Attempts it- New Yoik, May 24. The V'orid iind Journal correspond cuts at Manilla cabh s that Ad miral Dewey is maintaining a strict blockade and is anxiously awaiting the arrival cf troops The fleet is in good health and has plenty of food, but are una ble to control the Spaniards ashore. Manilians are without meat of any kind and are living on canned goods An absolute famine is certain within two weeks, and more rioting is imi nent. A small Spanish transport was captured yesterday and is now being used as a despatch boat for the Americans. The Spaniards now report that there were five hundred killed and seven hundred woun ded in the late battle. The special goes on to say that Admiral Dewey has been threat ened by the German consul, wdio wished to land a cargo of provi sious irom a German ship, for refusing to permit the provi sions being landed, rnd said he would force a landing with the aid of two German cruisers. Admiral Dewey told him that he w ould fire on the cruisers if they attempted to interfere. In consequence, the ' provisions were not landed. Two Murderr. at Key West. Key West, May 25. two murders occurred here last night. Since the police resigned three weeks ago the lawlcs element are having their own way. Marines will probably police the town under martial law. Key West, May 25. Increas ing disorder has created an im. mediate demand for the estab lishment of a martial law here. James J. Deiccy, an expert machinist, fifty five years of age, was found dead early this morn iti within half a block of the r Key West hotel. His head and face were bruised almost beyond, recognition' Ke received his wages last night and was un doubtedly muidered for his money. This, coupled with the mur. derous, and probably fatal as sault made on Seaman William Carne of the gunboat Morrell has aroused general indignation There are only two policeman here and they have only been re ceiving twenty-five dollars per month each. They have notis tied the authorities that they will resign. Fifty Years Ago. President Polk in ibe 'White noose chair, While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer ; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to heal. And, as a president's power of will Sometimes depends on a liver-pill, Mr. Polk took Ayer's Pills I trow For his liver, 50 y.'-ars ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pitt were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping madicine3. Being carefully prepared and their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneous. That this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pills at the World's Fair 1893. SO Years of Cures. THE OeEGI HHRNES. ! All Hands On Hoard Art Much Kejoivi'ri At Their SafV Arrival Oregon May Cm To Hamp ton Roads For Slight Rcpairs- Juipter, Fla., May 25. The Pattleship Oregon arrived here la.t night. A dispatch boat from Oregon, which anchored o'it. put n about midnight with leiegrains 10 the ol'.icei ' uv.i lies and ti e Navy Department. Captain Clark, commanding the Oregon, steered the Oregon, Marietta and P.uflalo far out the C0uie uJmuHy-'td'vfor. safety.. All ham's are much rejoiced at their i-afc an i-.'al. The Oregon may go to Hampton Keuds 'or slight repairs but notl .ng ser ious is reipiirfd. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEES. Chattanooga, May, 25. Thirty five thousand volunteers parti cipated in a sham battle at Chickamauga to day. Washington, D. C, May 25. Russia, Greece, Vomi- Li, Neth erlands and Canada have all de clared neutrality. Hong Kong, May 25. The lkdtimore andCallac have sailed from Manila to rescue the Am ericans reported captured on Saranac which carried three thousand tons of coal. Madrid, May. 25. An offU cial despatch from Manila as serts that a large majority of the chiefs who participatel in the last insurrection have presented themselves to theGovernorGen ! eral and offered their services to j Spain. New York, May 25. An un finished apartment house in Harlem collapsed this afterncon injuring many of the workmen. i-i-r'y s.: i-ai-t i.-. cur ios:.v,;. t'.:--iii .:o;et 0... i . 0. C. C. fail. :risx::. s r fund ;uony Ready to Start. San Francisco, May 25. The expedition for the relief of Ads miral Dewey is ready to start. Three large transports are load ed down with troops. Seamship Ashore. Center Moriches, Long Island, May 25. There is a large steam ship ashore opposite here. Her nationality is unknown. Spain'G Financial Situation. Madrid, May 25. The finan cial situation is desperate. The minister ot finance is making desperate efforts to raise money from the populace. He admits a foreign loan is impossible. Loading for Cuba. Tampa, May 25. Thirty transports are loading for Cuba this morning. The Ram Sails. Washington, May 25. The Ram Kathadin sailed from the Charlestown Navy Yard this morning under sealed orders Brown and Ward Nominated. Plymouth, N. C, May 25 (Special). In the Judicial Con vention held here last night, Geo. II. Prown,of Washington, wis nominated for Judge and George W. Ward, of Elizabeth Citv, was nominated for Solic itor. Who oping Cough. I had a little boy rho was nearly dead from an attack ol whooping cough. My neigh bors recommended Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giv ing him a few doses of that rem edy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entire ly. It is the best cough medw cine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moors, South Burgetti t own, Pa. For sale by W. W Griggs & Son, Druggist. ( From FACTORY to CONSUMER. O) rx ' Al nn to oU3 tu-)thi(oxnct) V KxttMii lx krr tl lurti M m to W nor lun'N-: mr (sk d.wn. fll.AoA tnr n w lis- cotitnlninif Kill (f inttirc, 1 nni-V!f ltni-r l'rrtra, Krfriur rntora, Mfvca, Lm, Vljf ror. JkvMinir, w. ) your for tU 1 ii turw, Mir- v f nikinp. S supil mcntu Jimt l- ff CAUI'r.T A rAUHin: in lit ho praitKl it, lots ) nl mailtsl frt. gj Wrin it. If you h ih nmpl,-, g wnil N. H.rnp. HtirniU-a n' V 1 4 mhi'.l for v. All (HrriiHri W Ir Hit iiioulli nnl Irelchl wy lnlU on 9 u rr liiuira nud uirr, g $7.45 A (m nuvri 11 ns, 1 (-., vriu a-" uro All V,xil I'll, viol tnilt, OT1 Ql) xprci-iH:'" Ti-fviL.l to jrour 'i ,S t-itioii. Wine for Irt'o cut it- til Q lCiio nml tuntpUi. AUart-M Jfi 'x (exuctly as below), f Q liuvri 11 n.l yriu a-" . V Q (6 If! f I'C TIWV?ti LltHJ lO (0 .Ocpt. 903. BALTIMORE. MO. , O) SALE OF l! v ii Uu: of a ileii-f i! Hie Nnje'iiui Couit 1 1 ale in tlu- i;iuc ol V. M. Ha tci t-t al vs. II. t'. rinniv, I . 011 Saturday, May 28, '98 AT 12 M. olfeT fur sa'n- al e tuth ms dour in J-.luaV th City at 1uI1h Ask Most tho two f .i.owia tiaets el l.uul i5t ti :itt kiMiwti as St-. ,w. William's traet lyiii;.' in aU m t-n nshi j ai'.ioin ii; tlu- laniU of llilu.uil M ukh.iri, ils . 'ut!-v . 1 Mtt Ci.'i,, .iiut i.m .;. lor lii!': S. .'i-r1 of M. J - , .,'(. . . M !. L.. . k-,S. :ml, Tia. t ... township i;, :n ; Kie-r, atljOiiiii. . tlu- LaiuU 1 (.a ; or. tl:c lai (' . ui ., Trims i -...- I'.alaiuc i intc-ri-st oi pri ik-j.'jcs t . ti 'mi ijuion sri- V.u: 'li.ii.i-; .mil wile to )iSv. ii im 1. -ok i.!, ; N- "aei r s liiiur or . ul in Providcnfc the I'nquotaiilc K o.'iil km vn ;is 1, raMiuutiiitk. Kiv . Davis iml othoi s, fourth C4) cah, . .1 iS in milts with il ; .i laents with cash. X. WARD, Com'r. Fred Davis, Wholesale and Retail All C.radcs of Coal constantly on Hand. Nothing but the est handled. All Coal scrcancd before leav ing the yard. Ordeis filled promptly and Ship incuts made to any point. Yards, Northeast corner MATTUI'W AND WAT I'll STIil'ETS, Near ( 'it y Market. KH.abeth City, N. C. l7?" Phone 1 . S.L.STORER&CO WhoU'Fah I(;il rH nrnl Sliipj tB of k iii-It of IFuXMSS-alP'llSSM HI FULION FISH MAUKET IN IW OIMv. We work harder for the inter ¬ est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Stencil is n ot in Km outlet let us know, Ve Eninlov no Airrnls and Pay no Commissions. SCHOONERS ARK BKING-- CAPTURED and ::;st im CALL AT XI IS 1 I 1 1, A Job For i! very body To UNLOAD - CIIOOXHRS. Steady Knip'OyirK-nt for all during the Summer Established VM. SAML. Mi LAVDEH a Sw-, Wni.lejilee'jiiiiL.!fcfci':' !-.:tifc .1. Sol t Crabs Terrapin, Etc. Baltimore, Md. Quick Salt ! Prompt Keti'in REFERENCES s adrb Vjifl. I5ank, Dons Mercantile ARfiny W:a.J. Hooper Vx. J. UukehartA Co. CtUensNt'I. Banlc The J. H. Johnson Cq 5E2e' JJ

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