. - ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C. FRIDAY JUNE o, .898. ESTABLISHED 1886 The , , 4.i; Twrriiv, in the Albemarle District Tne r . Ayrori 11Rfi the rSSsl Inoon T Most W-ide-Awake and Successm NO CHANGE Trish Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper iot The Finest ins , FISHERMAN & FARMER Columns with the Hiclictrt Satisfaction and Profit. ASK the recovered -t V.Hm .uf LyICJln., .'''r rm victims of fever '.Mr ' . . , and ague, t:.e mcrcmuu diseased ratiem, how they recovered health, clievrful spirits and good -11 . -ii ajipctite; tney wiu you by talcing SlMMOK Liver U;ou.ATOJt. The Cheapest, Ture.t and llent .Family Medicine in the World! For "PYSl'KPPIA, CONSTIPATION Jaundica. ,,5 attacks MCK HKADACHK, Colic, Uepres Snn"? "rfw SOUR STOMACH, heartburn, etc. I his litinvaicu i' "'"'J " . . simr!c particle of M lkc u y, or any mineral substance PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and "-tawhlcb a. '.' ""'. 'ir -rill cure all liver j 'iscasrs " . lMeas raused by JJeraiigcinent of tn I.ivcr and Ilowels. .. The SVMI'TOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter Z bad taste in the mouth ; l'ain in the liack, Sides ol Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Soiur Stomach ; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with .a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Ve1' '0 bsiirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the bkmand Lves- a dry O-uh, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend thl disease at others very few ; but the Ltvfr, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Kegubted in time, great suffering, wretch ed.iess and IJKATH will ensue. I he following highly-esteemed persons atiest to the . . ( t.uimv 1 ivkh Kfci i ator: Oen.VV.b. i ' T 1 1 IMG TOM. Between Spaniards and Insurgent?. over A Thousand Spaniards Killed- SPMN UIY ORFE THE Sill UTTIJ IK- '.-nor Ko; :s iT? 1 if ;!Ic al Jill.c . 'i.Tf ot ; r the I't-bcls. i Holt. Pres. (.a. S. V. K. K. Lo. ; J'errv Ga.: Col. K. K. Sparks, Albany, Oa.; V.. Master. LnTTW-.Sheriff IHl.b Co.,( J. A. liutw. Ba-.nbn.lge, ia Rev. J..W. Rurke. Macon, Ga.; irgil IWrs, J 'I i v v u M,n Altvander If. Stephens. We have V.-sted its virtues personally, aim k..uw that for Uyspepsia, iiilioiisness and 1 hrobU.ng lieaa. -tche it U the btst mccli :ine the work! ever saw We havetrieU forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Kegulalor. an.l none ol tiic-m gave u m y - l!ie Kegulator n l on.y rciic-vcu. ..i.v porary ulicf : l .l. TtLl OKAI Ii AND M ESbCNt.ER, M ACON, O. MANUFACTI UEU ONLY l'.Y J. II. ZKILIN Hi CO.. l'hikjeUihia, P- 0111 V! Schedule in effect Feb'y- 21, 'y r;i. )lk Soutlmrn R. R. il aud lOynvoss trains. Ht)ntUimuu, i r'i S-m.lxvs.) lt"ive Elizabeth City at Vj'-V.a m.."Noit.i1"uud. daily, (excepfc K .udin-s) leave 1 lix.abeth City at :45 v. m. 'Trains Nos. 3 4 leave Elira- ..i. i u.. v,.,,t1ilrmtil 6 V. lil., rsortll- The trains urrnc t.n Ru i i ru'US They ,..-. ..; tiu-ir e.T'K'i'.s 111- uk l" r . , to the hands of the Spau:a'fis md it is reported tluy Will do thr same to Airni.-aldo ii opor tunitv oHers. Ti.e tueniy thou.-anl ic-Aaio lor Ag;nr.:iitio is a j;rt-at tc lDp-.f.on. Tlie first American troops arc pxnectert to arrive on juiy i and active operation connected Senor Moret oays The Situation In Spain Is Far Mor Graver Thau Is Confessed- London. June 7. The Madti l correspondent to the Post inter viewed Ser.or Moret. ex-Secre tary of Colonies, this morning Senor Moret said that the Gov-ti-uxnerit did not know where it was going. Nobody in Spain could foresee what- the outcome of the situation would be, which r- rr,-ovo-r timn would oe was iiit io.vs.. c c confessed. The ship of btate was drifting and the Cabinet ,-ith the native forces will tlen j r.ottering, and confusion com plete. If the trutn is ever kuuwu serious complications will tol low. The Ministers talk, never act. I am convinced that it a pte biscite war Held, everyuuuy ,:1t rr.ff fnr neace. eveil tne WUUUl wv- - I vv begin. Admiral Dewey is loath to deal with the insurgents, they worrying him more than the Spaniards. Many of the insur ants are practically wild men. prefeiring knives in fighting, and their thieving and slaught ering propensities are intolera Die to civilization. The latest Manilla advices say that fierce fighting between the insurgents and Spaniards continued from May 29th to Tune 2d, aul a.tnougu 1 i.irds were worsteu 1 . . ,1 r n 111 and depart from Norfolk & Western rte Norfolk: connect at Norfolk witli iTuail and Steaim-r lines, aud a-5-k-uun with Steamer for Roanoke. O'-ii", Chowan and Scupr-ernoni. ..-'rr-iiKrcr steamers to .iackey : at point, they remain confident ultimate victory over the Im thence by Norfolk s: Soutlicrc l'auicu, aiiu iilii with steamer Vir Aurora 'ashireton nmlall intermediate land in-s. Carolina Dispatcb t't'I I V It- ii- to Koper irai.K roiinectiii 'i.r. or 1lkli wille Kasteru every oi sur gents and Americans. in a trre fiVht near Manilla, May 30th, the Spaniards lost one 1,,1 o,l tv it: en. Dtu i"c IIUUUILU aim Insurgents retiring, the fepan, iards claimed a victory. The Spaniards are fortifying o,.orv nossible ooiut, but are v.v. i . , . , ratphecl DV Auuuiui ClU-scij Dewey coa ,..AN1 id Satin with the tioklsboro Ki X X3oj '....st.-;mer Ncuw leaves tthzabctl; rtt'v'VuJsdav, Thursday aud Saturday -Ti h v. m.."for Newberu, toucamR at Roanoke Inland. Tuesday an fav and couuectjug .' : - - i . tor . W as. - - , , l-;:,,.,,t., ;ud Morehcaa city, auu fiM-'iY N.iiN. R. U. for Jacksonville, Viliuitun, II. C , etc. UcturtnoK ,..tve N.-v,l;-r!i Monday, Wcducsda 1 Friday. The steaming Newberne, U-avefc Ulj.abeth City. Moaday at tioon -.-ul Wednesday at 6 p. m , for Uoa noke Island, Ocracoke, Orteutal and Newberne. So ;ts on saic ai iii4..'"-i." all landings, rsewuerui , i l .1 Mnrc lcnn t. 11 '- MIStO!', J tOUlSIWI". i""- j-1131 j . xt s vey. ?y a steady advance along ,st, supported by the Am Spanish Details Of The Bombardment On Monday- Says The American Ir'ieet wasxvwpui s-d With A Heavy Loss. jiiuali's The Number Oi To I5e Madrid, June 8. Spanish O&cial report Pf Mondays oper f;n,, of .Snntiaoro is communis aiiviiij o rnted to the press this morning as follows'. wimvU' pneounter occuired at Santiago. The American fleet Hirire attempted to land marines and batteries, but were repulsed looses. It is estimate W tn t-" soldiers. The yueen nas Deeu uniustly attacked by Castela, WHO IS aiicauy Mo UtwPPti Santia Doitot the Republic, yet milieu, v. that fifteen hundred Ameri in; were killed and wovLiidQcl. The Americans sunk the Reida Mercedes and lieut. .vcaia eci ca the mer- rnnboat Petrel, the Iiisur- oents have made recou euLuuus of the Spaniards, gradually pen ning them up i:i Manila The Spanish outposts have been icinforeed by 4,000 troupe but on May 31st they were lorcea 1 i i, . in p. iitie1 UC3 DacK aioiij; uit ----- perately fighting, a tnousano Spaniards being killed. I doubt his ability to instigate a movement against the Regency The Regency has been me nacedbut recently the adver saries of the Queen discovered the injustice of the attacks against her. t is difficult to say whether the Regency will b? overthrown, as no one can say what will happen to a country without ftiidance and foreign war on its hands, and daily fearin- iresh complications. If the Regency is overthrown it will be an immense misfortune to Spain; wifli the Parliament divided as well as the Ministry, the affairs of disorder in Spain will be complete. l-k.-.-i.., 1 ei1Cr:!111Fn p-Q anjii riiuw iJi-t, ,,HV- - - C 4.1. -x tTirnrnrontc the cross rxre 01 ic lusuiuw on land and the Americans on the sea. Tlie American fire passN ed above the Spaniards, tailing among the insurgents. The Soap iards were well entrenched in a line between oiuonc uci Aguadores "and pte vented the Americans from landing. The Spaniards were unnuri. FOE WHITE COMPANIES. The Seven New Ones Must all be of Negroes- There May be Anoth er Call for Troops July 11- IyQge Harris who was sent to Washington, by Governor Rus sell to see the .Secretary of War, savs that the latter announces that the seyen companies under the second call are to be added to the negro battalion at hort Macon, and thus it makes it a 10 company regiment. As, cer tain of these are idle the regi ment will be sent to Tarno?.- Harris says it Is the belief at Washington that there will be third call for volunteeis by July Adjutant General Cowles ex presses great disappointment that the seven new companies ate not to be white. He Insists that the Governor desired them to be white, but leading Repub licans say the Governor realised that he is under pledge to have a tiporn regiment, and hence wanted it filled out, Harris says Adjutant General Corbin says the First and Second regiments must be recruited to 1350 each; that this rule & rigid. AU6 UST !o Believed By The President, Who Expects Peace Earlier- Washington, June S. The Navy Department is expecting advices from Sampson today ot further bombardment of ban tiago. with a final and effectual disposition of the fortifications. The Piesidcnt is also expecU ing luiormauou vui ocucim Shaftir'scxp dition has sailed. T i- . 1 1 The programme oi me vu minii-tration contemnUtes the capture wf Santi 0 early nex.t week and a combined attach on Porto Rico, with like results, will fallow speedily, The Pres ident believes that the war will end by the first of August at the latest, atiq hopes Hir peace at an earlier date, ERECTING NEW FORTIFI CATIONS. Cervcra's Fleet to be Dismarv tied And Guns Used on Shore. Key West, June S. Captain General lllanco is erecting new fortifications al Cardenas, Matan zas and Cienfue;os. It is reported that Admiral Cervera has been ordered to dis mantle hi fleet", and, if neces sary, the smaller ships, placing the guns on the new forti fications now heing erected at Santiago. Three New Regiments - Formed. New York, June S, Three new regiments have beeu formed in this city to replace those sent to the front. They will be in spected tonight by the Adjutant General. The hurry up orders for inspection is believed to be ntPTvimtrtTv for the issuance of t j orders from the President for the Second call of troops. Vill Not Accept Public Aid. Mnhilp Ala . Time 8. Mrs. Havana, June 7th. (Delayed 0bSon's attorney wires that the in transmission) Details irom subscrjptiou movement which Spanish sources at Santiago re, & nortimr the spanisu 10 Senator Kenny Indicted, Wilmington. Del. June 8. Senator Kinney vtho was indict ed yesterday for complicity in the Dover Bank wrecking frauds arrived here this mor ning. He will probably be ar raigned this afternoon. He has already engaged eminent conn sel. ftau:; to "t,. ii en-ire between 11 ,,-th City and New Yo, V , i'hiladelphh mi C.I I. it;illimore ana isorioiiw. Through cars and as ..nicker time than by a 1 J)irect all gfxjds to ') i'atni Carolina Dispa -rotn Norfrjlk ''' ort -.A- n:.:tf:.".o;-e by There is no excuse for any man tp appear iu society with a grizzly, beard siuce the introduction of Bucking ham's Dye, which colors natural browij or black. -. oii'.lcriKl iiiatr-Trry. The last iiiarter of a c i'.tr.ry records maiiv won.h-rfid disco vorivs iu me.ticine, but "none that !avp acwinptiJioil .more fur humanity th.-m ti.ai u' i.!d iioiiscliold remedy, Un.,vn3' Iron Ilitieis. It wnw t contaiii tlie very truants ctood hoalth, and neither man, woman 01 .uiKl onn taue it without deriving the irre:.ti'st Unctit. Browns' Irou Bitters is sold by all dealers. w rates aurt other rou'e. shipped vif as follows &. Southern V. & B. R. 'l-... w1..liT .M I. I C ..IL l ' . i,inl,;;1R. R.. Dock otreet L. .I on: New York, by Pennsylvania hoisted i 1'icr 27 North River, and uia . i)o!iiii.io Line. For further information apply to M. II. Snowden, Agent, Wizabeth Cuy, 01 to the General Office of the Norfo k Vouhem R. R. Company, NorfoU, a M J KING, General Manager. HTJDGINS. G. V. r. Agu Sun Never Sets On Soil. American lh c. PETTIT'S Kortli Carolina. Lines C. L. PETTIT, Manager. reamer NEWTON will ave No--for l-liabeth City, Crcswel and ,vay landings on Wednesdays aud hat- Sll oJ Thursdays and Monday, vt Q o a. m. Returning, will leae CrJswell for Norfolk on Tucs vs au Fridavs at 4 a. m., and thzabetH Citj same 'day at 2:30 p. arriving n Norfolk next day. ' iesuier Harbinger will leave Nor .Qfk for Eii.beth City. Hertford and 4y tundiugs, on iay and Fn 1 .in U'Cil tsuaiaji"""" -' Kot since Comodore Dewey the Stars and btnpes ... . T 1 11 over the Philipine lsianus udb the sun set on American terri tory. When the Englishmen boast ed that the sun never set on English soil and asked a French -tn arconnt for it, the man fVranre reolied that the Lord n affraid to trust the fcugnsn ; tb dark. The explanation, ill - , in American case, is mat Dy uer recent acquisition ot the Phili pine Islands, the sun rises on some part of America's possess ions before it sets upon some other. ... 1 T.,i,oK;tints nf this city, wnq did not see the sun for about four days after Dewey, captured Manila, may be inclined to be lieve that the sturdy American ,-al commander orcterea ine Report All Quiet. Key West, June 8. An auxil iary gunboat which arrived here today from Cardenas reports all quiet there except that the aux iliary e-unboat Leyden is mak ing things very lively for the Spaniards, blazing away at them whenever she sees a movement around the Spanish gunboat or shore defences. The British collier Roath, sister ship to the Restormel was held no on the 4th by an Aniens ran mnboat. and not responding blank shot, a sol- 1U111 Ull T ww id shot was sent across her bow hut she did not surrender, 1 lie next day she was held up by a ro'nd Ameriran ornnboat and - ry obeyed. It is announced that the Span ish steamer Benito has run the blockade and arrived at amaica. , 1 -1 .. "11 u fwJin the bombardment essary. Wo public am vvui uc Liiai 1 v i vv. 1 1111 . j rpppiirprl fr arrrfp1 as miH a small balance lasi ivionutty wtiv m I j d3v is due on the mortgage againsr. 1 . . 1 1 The marine clnet who WdS Mrs. Hobson's liome, killed aboard the Keiua aeiu des was excaptain i-v 11U Further Cannoading Reported Acosta Eyormaun, anu cusu of the Reiua . -i i.iii,i fi .1 ,.,n,,ifini(r tc: ipnnrtpf at was aiSO KUicu, ui, nilCl eariuua"i"s ' 1 . .. . 1 ..1. i. Ordonez, artillerist, invcuiui sautiago. It is rutnoreu mai luc of a cannon bearing his uame Americans have captured Agua was slightly wounded, as wc where a landin- will be also other oiiicers, manuy uy - nmiprtile and shell tragmeuts iuuC. scattered by explosion of shells on shore. The insurgents today dyuams train near Express Car Robbed, Trenton, N. J., June 8. It is rumored that the Adams Express car from Philadelphia to New York was opened aud robbed this morning. Particulars are unobtainable, but there is great activity among the railroad ot- facials. is The War Measure Sign'. Washington, June 8. Presi- . 1 1 dene McKinley, today, sigueu the War Measure, keeping the LUfe Saving btatious open throughout the year. Shelled Spanish Cavalry. Key West, June 8. A Gov ernment dispatch boat says that two auxiliary cruisers shelled a squad of Spanish cavalry at Cardenas last Monday, killing five Spauiatds and No hurt. The The Panther Sails. Key West, June 8. The trans port Panther with 600 marine: aboard left last night. It is tin derstood she is going to Santia go, although she was originally ordered to Porto Rico. Can't Believe the Report. Washington, June 8. The Navy Department attaches no credence to the Spanish repor of the killing of Captain Phillips, Commander ot tne Texas, because Sampson has wired that no casualties occurred to the American side. Congress passed today a bill for the organization of Hospital Corps of the Navy. From FACTORY to CONSUMER. 6) (0 o) Co IrT'rnrni'f mm taythU(xct) $f Rattan Rocker. ft tbf Urgtwt Hw V rcr mi1t : pr ft Our new IU-Al conuuniog r ur- ff nlturn. iWatMk. W rir. CVofkery. Itabr Carr !. Refrijteratora, Movm, LAmpa, I'icturM. Mir- l mra. ltH.ltn mts la nmn fnr that "J akinf. Special uprlomenu lut K ul art ulao frt. Wrlto to-Jar. OCAKl'tT CATAUKIUK In lltbo- At Write for IU If you wiKh aamplca. end 8c. tamp. Mattlnir aarapl.-a a!o O mailed Tor He All t arpl Mart 1 p(Ut on mrtbMW mm Tr. $7.45 Obuyt a ir.d-to-3rour-mu-A II ItT.w.l PLmvIa Unit Ulo AU' Minn V- UV ivra, sm,m GXprvAKft nrfnaid to your station. Writo lor frw cat- A lotrue and umpN. AJdrcoa aatl mm tMtlit) JJ JULIUS HINF.8 & SON, (O Dept. 909. BALTIMORE. WO. O) S.L.STORER&CO U holtf-nie loalra and Shippers of k iiulu of HI FULTON FISH MAUKKT We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Steueil is not in good order let us know, I-frWclvmploy Anents aud Pay no Commission. SCHOON ERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST BE UNLOADED ! Jurors for Special Term. The lollowing is a list of Ju rors for special July term Super- ior Court to convene here during ii- xvf-ptr hepdninc the third 111 v " r o Mnndav in Tuly: ' T. P. Nash. W. H. Elliott. G r B. Pritchard, C. C. Meads, Jordan rooie vvm.--, Vmnlovment for all A. Wood. J Jvi. wieucK, a. x j -GALL AT BERGERON'S A Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. On Their Way to Cuba. Washington, June 8. It VI - 'M T I V 1- I a. 7 . 4- S W t i 1 ited a passenger uam hrenerauy Deueveci mai . twenty Canos, Province of Pinar del Lroocs ,nostly regulars, are now WOundiug many others Rio, overthrowing one. car ana Tamoa ior Santia- Americans were go. It is also stated that 1,500 Spaniards became frightened at Struck the Vizcaya aud Fu- regulars and vo.untcers are re- the sight ot the American Kuu maining at 1 ampa auu wm boats anu mcu. .v. 8. the volunteers now at Jackson as the latter can be during the Summer' irinaston. Tainaica, June :.ri rhnt n strav shell ville as soon Monday struck the Vizcaya, equipped and made ready, when FORTIFYING HAVANA Day by Day the Task of Re ducing the City is Made More Difficult. 1 I . Ate 1,1110- in Santiago naruoi, u - 1 mnnntino- one ot tier guns aim disabling her steering gear. It is also reported that tne iorwaiu deck of the Furor was smashed by a shell. - A Prominent Man Bankrupt. London, June 8. Ernest T. Hocley, a prominent supposed multi-millionaire, is DanKiupt Every day the defences of Ha vana are being made stonger the work on them having been steadily carried on since the war began. Nearly all the work is being nn the eastern side of th V Vll v a - - ' II ... 1 .t i.rnitie' r..n. onrlnvs. and Thuis ati, ndilethCityme day atV:3oP. m., arriving in Norfolk next day. . vv'W MORRI3KTT, Acusf. Elizabeth City, N. O. I1UV - r . rwr&r ivianila sun to suiuu ; "V" Tf cnfltl;ards have i, n'nt pvervt line nxcu. -n.y- -r until , will leave lien . T y u guu An Allegel Spanish Agent. FOR THE CHILDREN! TT.,t:i frtlipr notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONE DOZEN- DIAMONDS PHOTOGRAPHS For 5()c. .OR ONE DOZEN MANTELLO CARDS, FOR $1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN TURNER, The New Photographer, Pnria. 111.. Tune 4 F- M- c-,a wfls lodeed in the Peoria modern rapid fire guns, the work of taking Havana is twice as difficult today as it would have been when the war started. iail to day in default of $1,000 Ja nese 1 -i ti p. ic accused of using the bail. He is accuscu v, memoran m The Hawaiian Resolution. Washington, June 8. Rep. resntative oiuavcuwi, the House of can, ui vjjuv, - Rpnresentatives this afternoon U.ilpn T1111P 7. AC-Ltf..! tn tnrcet ie nawuu auc iicn.iv-", j " i atLv-iii m . .1 I - . 1 C ...nrntliiiinr cording to the latest direct act- resolution aneao 01 " . u. Ui Jantlfl(yn P KP. DUt riCUUtmi j....--- j-,- I . . . 1 : .0 on Smitti. reDUUiiv;iii3 I Cv&XVA W A Tos C. Bell, Z. Fearing, Jr., Jas. S. Pnnnor NT T. Williams. F. N. Mullen, W. A. poster, u. v. Twiddv. W. H. Stark, Chas. Da vis. M. Wescott, R. A. Dudley, T. W. Stokeley, J. C. Overman, W H. Sherlock, Ered Davis, Elijih Edge. Sailors and Marines Killed. Madrid, June 8. It is learned Don't wait until your Wheel that five sailors and twenty-nine giVes out before you have it re- marines on the Reiua Aierccoas were killed. . 11,.- 4 U inn TTlll a movement on rouu be started. paired. Brind it to P. DeLON, from vices received from dated Monday mianigtuconccxu- -- Michigan, op- , ..J 4- .,,1, ol, i""! " . fvic. hnmnar liiicuL vv inv-i ll'iL l."v- posed him. beo-an yesterday morning at seven forty five was received a Strike Settled. short time alter muinignu u Anderson, lnd., June o. i are caused by Deafness Cannotbe Cured bv local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the eart There is only one way to cure aeaiueis and that is by constitutional remedies.. Deaiuess , "-Tm. u" . , condition of the mucous imius vVork execiltea prompt" y Eustachian inoe -. , H Jn rates.. gets innamea you . r- :cThorouPlllv eauil sounu or impcj - Atl j fluwi' ' - it is entirly closea aeaincs .v.- , u moclern linprovc snlt, and unless the inflamauon can HP?. . at ca.t be r.pair. tiki?n out ana mis iuuc ... , i -nri 1 1 inn. near 111 1; win i .ri in ueion a iuuf " - troyed forever ; nine cases out of ten fi , tbis side 0f the factory. re : caused by catarrh, which js noth- uxeu iu i An Experienced Bicycle Repairer. r 1 neaAiess is caused by an Inflamed and have it put in perieci oru. mndition of the mucous lining ot uie w TnVi-. When this iudc fc. . at.r a,0.;J ' " 'r..,..s- pi.,. w I; inflated condition of the A lull Stock 01 IS eyew uV was then oeneveu iuc . strike at tue rennsyivanAa -urfaces. .. . n hand at lowest 1 a.i 1 . c v.ori fTrtprl a iunction With laU3 liuu tuww. J . . . the insurgents near Daiquiri, east of Aguadores, near the rail way to Santiago. Iron and Steel Wotks Burned. Portsmouth, Ohio, June 8. The Burgess Iron Works were burned last night, throwing one thousand employees out of work. Loss $300,000, with insurance less than half amount. v 4-1 ar I ... -v 1In Glass Works lias oeeu we win. -41: prices med "y - ";i,redbvHallfSr .-t. MatHi.ws St.. catarru; inai. - - - f onou nw. - Catarrh urc. -"A sold hv r)ruciis, 75-- Halls Family Pills are the best. and four hundred men resui work last night Did You Talte Scotfs Emulsion through the winter? are NORTH CAROLINA, ) Sup'r.' Court. Camden County. ) I K. Abbott, and S. O. Mullen, ex- ecutors ol t. n- ""reu Weeks. This cause coming on to be hearu . a fl."f-l T . I (ll 1T1 I 1113 A u ,3 v 1 If SO, We "ecourt finds that the defendant is a . t- me . ,1. romlinj and ELIZAETH CITY. N. C. Bayoide Houbo, KITTY rjaWK, N. C. W. J. TATE, Prop. A NEW BUILDING, COMKLfcitu otr TEMBtR 1, 1897. Open ThoYenr Itoimtl. lieaa ox Washington, June 8. The Minister has prepared a A.. nnnnc! 11 cr thf flTO ails todeirauQaieou.uu imDOsition of tea duty. He ia T-ievnoldS Ol rcceivuiR - luu M: " -.j - i co,.c w 11 work a p-reat uara ipttprs 111 an assuuicu '""- - of corresponding witu a smp on m pcu. ...i. i,;jPr measures tr government ; wah;aton. Tune 8. It is of the Unitea oiaica. to nr three weeks ago, admitted this morning at the claiming to have beeu a wealthy ,ar Department that the Santia- ,.i,i planter ana lnsuigcu ,o;t;rt wnnM sail to-dav officer.aad he de hvered next week wln witesS ttp has since oeen uyiug anu iuc wuiv. v nC . rktliprR. collect money, amuiift , -itr. ni o 1 m ill v il w from Keynoiu, -.rr& -- -.'L that the Lie aiSO asscntu ruuiuia aiw thatne w . - . , oflrTama!ca. ith the Spanisn uoveiuuicuw. OCcu aiBui.u j- : w Before Retiring.... take Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in bettex condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic VHU have na equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and Will Charter Six Steamers, Washington, June 8. The Government will charter six large steamers to carry the Ma nila troops if American register is granted to the steamers. .1 1 ... t rlpr. Three otuers nave " same y Lolden for 11 1 - L 4- 1. ay r I A ft- aaj-k nn rnp VllllllllLil a ed and two more w... as when the T n I irifTIL 111 L1111V.- I . arrive i."- 1 Miunpcc If! VOUr I after uue uiib- . .. 1 mu; " i,li. P.radiae fo . 1 o ,rxnr rnnah has bv the mmhack asainor you are get- ish i:1a tViin and nale. ; the above entitle linn a w" . . wuv - . paradise for Sum Fiih, ts or con- iv 1 1.1 icueoMAS & Farmer a newspaper , climate a. P""ur:.' ";" ublished in Elizabeth Uity. ih. - IU a liinw r .i U'"""" T . . : r : (nannpar . . ' Then, why not continue inc thedefenaani.n tQ r . 1 AnAiir riuiii lot me dcm. . i auu - - o - me . neipiui -the County of camaen on it .fford. Mean Temperarurc :d cause fr past Decade ; Sumrner 74 lree; in. to appear 4J Degrees. TeegraphOmc. Building and weather is cold. The Administration nas piac . . -ii.. r . . . t 1 T1,r oro U nn tr rlPPirlPfl tO IUI 111 all liver trouDieb. iu.j w uvj, ",Mmr diffestion sugar-coatea, ana so jd.tv.47 camps iu c t nreoared. that they cure with- tion and care of the troops. Th( : a . 5 j i. ri Board has been oraereu w umbia, Savannah, Fernandina, nther noints to select jiU v 1- XT orounds suitable lor such camps t. ; v.iiAvrf1 that Tamoa Win XL la WWXV- a Ifiot inn r- iu - -c.mvwr 180S. r .Tl w.n. ie miles from tutauein SSJS V f" aSr? " mffe. from Historic Roanoke HI rpr jl a v. . . ... 1 till , . ;H(7mnt will be ;auici is vui. ... .... vim for tne reliei ae- D.,ri, ftom iiiizau:i" .icann 1 rpna iiiv taten au"" vv..-- US perblMcm uov L--". ; - ded: . . . 1 uwigiww . I A4 smaller give you a better appetite ana a msCJlurllier ordered by the Com -nd Satarday out the annoyances experienced in the use of so -many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. it will cure your ueak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. rv' S nersuaded to take something they say is just be abandoned through fear ot Aiiprgg:;sts..and $.. 5COTT -i ' fev er. by Urnr Rar every Tnetday, Thur.day I f'aSXdU Table supplied with ' . . La sv Til II I I V 1 II L' a,U W . .ft, W U I I r AaWM v w f liat oublicauon l . . i . V tne tcsl- . a . Aa. nl. mOtl f n 4 a IICCU I defendant tnai aiunuuiv 2bS?din the above entitled . i n rrnnpri v a lx iui. - f.uv u'L:r:7,;v ,rtion is to ie. r A Trrri-fr'-ri That tne oujciw. :rr --- iudemeni agaiua. Juu6 . :....Mt rnrn Rpnttin- d interest from Septem- Jvlllipei- CJOOpCI" ber 27th 1892. Mltl,ipation X-Oir ofWis ordereshall be sufficient notice. A jmaU 1)tf write or call to S H. G. Greenlkaf, f . o Ti. I.. FORBES, Cletk Sup'r. Court, Camden Co. MTf AydAtt'y. forPlff'.. Elizabeth City, N. C. 3moc ELIZ, CITY, N; C.