v ... . 7 x All ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY JUNE 17, ,898. ONE DOLTjAR per Year, in Advance. Established 1886 The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Onrniinn n;i t. t.i . Published in ThisSection. The Most Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & Farmer SnmeSlltiSZ and ProM ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will teil you by taking SlMMOM Liver Regclato. - The Cheapest, Vurebt n d Best Family Medicine in the World! For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK. HEADACHE, Colic, l:pre ion of Spirits, SOUK STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain . single particle of Mtuci'KY, or any mineral julstancs, bUtU PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which a all-wise Providence has placed in countries whe-S Liver Diseases most prevail. It will rcure all Diseases caused by Derangement of th JLIrer and Ilowels. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bittel or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Ba':k, Sides 01 Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; SouT htomach ; Loss of Appetite ; Rowels alternately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; Low Hpirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and lyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend th. disease, at others very few ; but the Livek, the largest ir an in the boiv- is ernerallv the seat of the disease and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and JJ.KA J.tl wUi ensue 'The following highly esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons I.ivfr Regulator : Oen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.: C. Mi'ter son, Esq. .Sheriff liibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. liutts, P:iinbridgs, Ga. ; Rev. J. V. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, .Sunt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander if. Stephens, VV'e have Vrsted its virtues personally, and know that for Jlyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine th werld ever saw. Ws have tried forty other remedies before feisjmons Liver Regulator, ana none of them gave us more thap fcm porary relief" the Regulator not only relieved, but cur4 ill." Ed. 'I fcLEGKAl'H AND II BSiiBNtiEK, MACON, Ga MANUFACTURED ONLY bit J. II. ZL'ILIN & CO.. Philtaelchia. J, er 1 I it IS, Schedule in effect Feb'y. 21, '98. Korf lk & South-ru R. R. JfikU and Impress trains, Southbound, duly (ex cept Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a. m., Northbound, dally, (sleeps Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 2:45 p. in. 'Trains No. j and 4 leave Eliza beth City Southbound 6 p, ia., North bound 9:20 a. m. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk & Western de pot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with ,.!; ail aud Steamer lines, and at ideulU H'j?h Steamer for Roanoke, tasiie, CLowu and Seuppernong i 'vers; Transfer steamets itt Jackey's i i v, tifMce by Norfolk & Southern R. fi. i'i Uoper, Pantego, and Bcll haven, cormG.iiii. with steamer Vir piaia Dare or iakiey viifa, Aurora 7ashiugton aud all intermedial; and, tugs. fiastern Carolina Dispatch .AND. Jj A cl o m X A. "J 0 13. Xj illO The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth Ctty Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ai 6 p. in., for Nevbern; touching at Roanoke Island, Tuesday and Satur dav, and connecting with the . it N. C. R R. for Goldsboro, Kiiitoji, and Morehead City, aud with the W. H. &N. R- R. for Jacksonville, Wilmington, C , tc. Returning ieave Newbetn Monday, "Wednesday j ml Friday. T3t2 steaming Nevbeue, icaves Iilizabelli City, Monday at noon and Weduesday at 6 p. m,, for Roa noke Island, Ocraeoke, Oriental and Newberne. 'i'fCketf! on sale at Elisabeth Cit; vitatiou to all landings, Newberne Winston, CJqidfjboro, Morehead Cit' and Wiit,7inytQU, N. C. Daily ail rail service between Eliza leth City aud New York, Philadeiphu ilaltimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as w i-ates and quicker time than byaa other route. "if'-ect all goods to o shipped vis naat'tii tCnroliua Dispa: as follow p i -iin Nojfoik ):y Nort & Southern Kallroad; Dahiiuoc W. & B. R. k , President Street Stat n, FhJadel phia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock Street tlio-.i; New York, by Pennsylvania '- K , Tier -7 North River, aud Old pomiuiQu Ijiqe, jFof further iaformatiou apply to M. It. nowdeu, Agent, Eiizbeta City, 01 to the General OfSci of the Norfolk & Soixhern R- R. Company, Norfolk, Ya M K KING, General Manager. I. i HUDGIN8. CJ. F. & T. Agt PETTIT'S North Carolina Lines C. L. PETTIT, Manager, Steamer NEWTON will leave No. folk for liiizabeth City, Creswell and way landings oa Wednesdays aud Sat urdays at 4 p. m,, Elizabeth City foi freswell ou Thursdays and Mondays at 9:30 a. m. Returning, will leave Creswell for Norfolk ou Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 a. in., and Elisabeth Cit sarae day at 2:30 p. m., arriving n Norfolk next day. Steamer Harbinger will leave Nor folk for Elizabeth City, Hertford an.! way landings, on Tuesdays and Fri days at 4 p. m., Elizabeth City to Hertford Wednesdays and Saturdays a1 S 30 a. m Returniug, will leave Hert roTd fjr Ncrfojk Mondays, and Thuis tiuys at 7 a. w and EJizbeth City same day at 2:30 p. m., arriving ia Norfolk next day. W W. MORRISRTT, AcwawT. Elizabeth City, N. C. FOR THE CHILDREN! Until further notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONE DOZEN PIAMOND PHOTOGRAPHS, For 50c. OR ONE DOZEN MAOTELLO CARDS, FOR $1,00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN TURNER, The New Photographer, ELIZ, CITY, N. C. The Battle At axilla Bay . Admiral Dewey Sends To The Navy De partment Detail ed Account Of The Attack. The Navy Department has just made public the following letter received from Admiral Dewev beine its hrst mail ad vices from htm since he reached Manila: "Flagship Ohmpia, Cavite, May 4, 1898, The squadron left Mils-Bay on April 27. arrived at Bolino on the n:o:niny; ol April 30. and fiiHinir no vessels there proceeded down the coast aud arrived off the entrance to ?vfa nila Bay on tlic same afternoon The Boston and concord were sent to reconnoiter. "At Port Subic a thorough search of the port was made by the Boston and the Concord, but the Spanish fleet vyas not found. "Entered the south channel at ii;3on, m., steaming in column at eight knots. After half the squadron had passed a battety on the south side of the channel opened fire, none of the shots taking effect. The Boston aud the McColloch returned the firp. Squadron proceeded across, the bay at slow speed and arrived off Manila at daybreak ; was fired upon at 5:1 5 a. m., by three bat teries at Manila and two nea Cavite, and by the Spanish fleet anchored in an approximately east and west line across the mouth of Baker Bay with their left in shoal water in Cauacao Bay. Tne squadron then pro ceeded to the attack, the flagship Qlympia, under my personal di rection, leading, followed at a distance by the Baltimore, Ral eigh, Petrel, Cpncprd and Bos ton, in the order named, whipi formation was maintained throughout the action. The squadron opened fire at 5.41 a. m. While advancing to the at tack two mines were exploded ahead of the flagship.tpo far to be effective. The squadron main; tained a continuous and precise fire at radges varying from five thousand to two thousand yards, countermarching in a line ap proximately parallel to that of the Spanish fleet. The eueiny'9 fire was vigorous but generally ineffective. Early in the en gagement two launches put out towards the Olympia with the apparent intention of using tor pedoes. One was sunk and thf other disabled by our fire, and beached before an opportunity occurred to fire torpedoes. At 7. a. in., the Spanish flagship Rejn.a Christina made a desper-; ate attempt to leave the Hue and come out to engage at short range, but was received with a galling fire, the entire battery of the Qlympia being concentra ted upon her, that she was bare- i ly able to return to the shelter of the forts. The three batte ries at Manila had kept up a con ; tinucus fif-e. The first of these batteries was situated on . the south mole head at the entrance to the Tasig river; the second on the south bastion of the walled city of Manila, ant the third at Malate, about one half mile further south. At this point I sent a message to the Governor General to the effect that if the batteries did not cease thg cty would be shelled, this had the ef feet of silencing them. At 7:35 a. m. I ceased firing and. with drew the squadron for breakfast. At 11:16 a. m. returned to the attack. By this time the Spaaish flagship and almost the entire Spanish fleet were in flames. At 12:30 p, m. the squadron ceased firing, the batteries being sis lenced, and the ships sunk, burnt and deserted. At 12:40 p. m., the squadron returned and anchored off Manila, the Petrel being left behind to complete the destruction of t:e smaller boats, which was behind the point of Cavite. This duty was performed by Commander E. P. Wood, in the most expeditious aud complete manner possible. The Spanish lost the following vessels. Sunk Reina Christina, Cas tilla, Don Antonio de Uloa. "Burnt Don Juan de Aus tria, Jsla de lyuxon, ari4 Isla de Mindaino transport. Captured Rapido and Her cales tugs and seyeial small launches. I am unable to ob tain coniDlete account of the ; enemy's killed and wounded but it is believed to have been very heavy. The Reina Chris tina alone had one hundred and fifty killed, including the cap tain, and t ninety wounded. I am happy to report that the damage done to the squadron under my command was incon siderable. There was nou kil led and only seven men in the squadron were slightly wound ed. 'Several of the vessels were struck and even penetrated, but the damage was of the slightest character, and the squadron is in as good condition now as it was before the battle. I beg to state to the Department that I doubt if any commander-in-chief was ever served by more loyal efficient and gallant captains than those of the squadron un der my command. Captain Frank Wilder, commanding the Boston, volunteered to remain in command of his vessel, although his relief arrived before leaving Hong Kong. Assistant Sur geon iindleburger, of the Olympia, and gunner J. C. Ev ans, of the Boston, also volun teered to remain after orders detaching them fyad arrived. The conduct of my personal staff was excellent. Commander B. P. Lauiberton, chief of staff, was a volunteer for that position and gave me most effigieut aid. Lieut. Brumby, flag lieutenant, and Ensign W. P.Scott.aide, per formed their duties as signal offi cers in highly creditable man ner. 1 he Ulpmpia bemg short of officers for the battery, En sign H. H. Caldwell, flag secre tary, volunteered for and v as as signed to a sub-division of the five-inch bakery. 'Mr. J. L, Stickney, formerly an officer in the United States Navy, and now correspondnent for the New York Herald, volunteered for duty as my aide and rendered vajuaJe services. I desire specially to mention the coolness of Lieut. C. G. Calkins, the navieatcr of the Olvmpia, who came under my pe:3u;:.il eb servation, being cm tne qncige with me throughout the entire action and giving the ranges to the guns with an accuracy that was proven by the excellency of the firing. On May 2nd, the day following the engagement, the squadron again went to Cavite, where it remains. On the third the military forces evacuated the Cavite arsenal, which was taken possession of by a lauding party "On the morning of May 4th, the transport Manila, which had been aground in Baker Bay, towed eff and made a prize. is da erery Trapper. To Carry T;r ,ps to Manill?. The War Department finally closed the charters Saturday for the steamships Victoria, Olmypia and Arizona, which are to be ued in the transportation of troops to Manilla. The charter ing of these ships has been de layed for sometime. Work is Progressing. Washington, June 15. Work is progressing ou the Porto Rican expedition very rapidly, the President pushing matters. He has directed Sampson to hurry aud finish his work at Santiago so the ships will be available for Porto Rico. Geu. Lee has eight regiments ready for campaign against Por to Rico, aud the expedition is expected to embark Monday. A Plot To Assusiaate Tie Czar. London, June 15. Advices from St Petersburg tells of a plot to assasinate the Cz.ar at the Consecration church, Tearskee Selco, by undermining the spot where he was expected to stand. It is believed to be the work ol secret police-for a scare in view 01 the abolition ot lucrative posts in that Department. British Steamer Captured. Key West, June 15. The Brib sh steamer Twickenham was captured yesterday near Santiago trying to run the blockade with coal for Admiral Cervera. She arrived here this morning with a prize crew aboard. Winston Journal. A good motto for the Ameri can navy would be not to p u off today what it can do to "Mo ro. mo n CAMP. A Fight Occurs Be tween The Mary land And Old Point Soldiers 300 Men Were In The Fight. 75 Ar rested And 25 Wounded, Old Point Comfort, Va., 15 A serious riot cc :urred this morning between the xvlaryland Volunteers and June here First the Fort: ess regulars. Three hund-' red men were were in, the fight, but were with some difficulty quelled by a detail cf troops. Seventy five of tlie ripfters have been captured, and twenty five are in the hospital. DISTRESSING REPORT FROM CUBA. As Told By Mary WUherf of the Red Cross Society. Kingston, Jamaica; June 15. Sister Mary Wilberf, of the Red Cross Society, who was expelled from Cuba by Geneial Blanco arrived here this morning on the British cruiser Talbot, and states that the condition of the civil population is indescribable, many deaths occurring daily from starvation, the supplies sent by America for their relief being confiscated for the troops. She says Blanco states he vvill reduce the city to ashes . before its surrender to the Americans. Sentence Respited. Washington, June j$. The two negro murderers, Strolhers and Smith, both of whom were convicted of killing women and sentenced to be hanged tomor row, have been respited untill January next by tlie President to enable them to take an appeal to the Supreme Court. Ships Inefficient. Madrid, June 15. It jQ I 1m I thought possible that the de parture of Admiral Camara's Cadiz fleet has been indefinitely postponed, the Admiral having convinced Senor Auron, Minis ter of Marine, of the inefficiency of his ships. Tangier, Morrocco, June 15. The Spanish reserve squadron is still at Cadiz. Our Fs and.... ....Other Eyes. Our J!8are nst (is strong as they were fifty years ago, when we have cause to use thera. But we have leas and less eau9e to praise ourselves, since others do the praising, and we are more than willing for you to see us through other eyes. This is how we look to S. F. Boyce, wholesale and retail 4rugg5t Duluth, Minn, who after a quarter of a century of obser vation writes: "I have sold Ayer's Sarsapa rilla for more than 25 year both a -holesale and retail, and have never heard anything but words of praise from my customers; not a single com plaint has ever reached me. I believe Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be the best blood, purifier, that has been introduced to the gen eral public." This, from a man who has sold thousands of dozens of Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla, is strong testimony, But H only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which htis, "Nothing but words of praise for Ayer's 5arsaparilla," 4ny donbt about it? Send for"Curebook" It kills doubU nd cares doubters. Address J. C. Atxb Co., Lowell, Mass. FOUGHT I DUEL, The Husband Of An na G-ou d ounds An Editor ith A Sword- Paris, June 14, Count de Cas. ellaine, the husband of Anna Gould, fought a duel this morn ing with Henri Turot, Editor of the Petit Republique Fran caise." Swords were used and three rounds were fought, Turot be ing wounded in each round. In the first and second rounds he was only slightly wounded, but in the third he received a severe wound in the right forearm, en ding the duel. The duel was the outcome of Turot's comment on an act of infantcide committed by a ser vant in the Counts household. THE HAWAIIAN ANNEX' ATION, Washington, June, 15. A bill granting American registry to the steamships Specialist and Unionist, to be used as trans- ports, passed the House this af ternoon. The debate on the Hawaiian annexation resolution was re sumed by Representative Fitz gerald, of Massachusetts, arguing in opposition, because he said it violated the fundamental principal of the Democratic party. The Government rested entirely on the Governors con sent, the forty thousand natives not being consulted in the mat ter of annexation. Mr. Berry, of Kentucky, foK lowed Mr. Fitzgerald, favoriug annexation. He said he was confident that the time would come to show that his opponent was in error. Skinner, of North Carolina, said he had been oppesed to an nexation until the beginning of this debate, but that he had been converted and convinced that there would be no danger to our peace by taking the Is lands.. Reprerentative Johnson, of Indiana, made the principal speech in opposition to anuexa-. tiou. A vote will be taken before adjournment this afternoon an undoubtedly be adopted by a large majority. A number ot democrats will vote in favor oi the measure and pratically all the republicans, The fight in the Senate will hpcrin itnmpdiafpl v rli rn 1 v fc J ".j danger confronting the resoluions m that branch of Congress is that there might be a possible attempt to filibuster and attempt to prevent a quorvm on the final vote. Senator Pritchard, of North Carolina, made a long speech in the Senate to th effect that the people of this country made no mistake in electing McKinley as President. The General deficiency bill, appropriating two hundred and twenty four millions, over two hundred millions of which is for war purposes, was reported to the Ilouse this afternoon. Anxious About Shafter Washington, June 15. Gener al Shafter will 1 eave two thous and men at Guant namo Day to reinforce the marines while the main body will land near Santi ago. Washington, June 1$. Some anxiety is felt in military circles over the marines being hemmed in by the Spaniards near Santi ago, and it is thought that Geu eral Shafter may he outnura- bered, Army officers intimate that a division will be made in Shaf ters forces and that swifter ves sels, undei strong convoys, will be pushed with all possible haste to reinforce the marines at Guananamo Bay, aud will prob' ably reach there tomorrow. Later Admiral Sampson cables tbe Department that the Cubans had come to the relief of the marines at Guantanamo, Reports Not Confirmed. Chattanooga, Tenn.,June 15 There is no confirmation of the report that five regiments had been ordered from camp. POST OFFICE ROBBED. Professional Burglars Blow Open The P. .O Safe t Plymouth. Special to The Fisherman and Par mer. Tf ......... 1 1. T - x i iuoui.1, A. k..., juue 14. The poit office at this place was broken into and robbed last night of all the stamps, cash and other valuables, the burglars leaving nothing behind but the record books of the office. The safe was blown open with pow der aud dynamite and was evi dently the work of professionals. There is no trace of the rob. hers, yet suspicion is pointed to three strangers who were seen loitering around the office yes terday. Gives His Keason. London, June 15. A Madrid despatch says that Senor Sagasta gives his reason for the rise in Spanish securities to the bogus telegram announcing that Rus sia would intervene regarding the disposition of the Philippine Islands. Sagasta, however, had no knowledge of any such in tervention on the part of Rus sia. Finds no Mines. Mole St. Nicholas, June 15. An American steamer has dragged the bay of Guanantamo and found there were no mines the:e. Everything is now ready for a landing. ATIird Call Expected. Washington, June 15. Chair man Hull said this afternoon that the third call for fifty thouss and volunteers would soon be made. Hospital Ship Arii.e.-. Tampa, June 15. The steamer Olivette returned this afternoon with newspaper correspondents and sick soldiers. She will be converted into a hospital ship. Wheat Market. Chicago Ills., June 14. Wheat opened at about yesterdays pri , I ces. Liverpool is off seventeen No fail- ures. Expecting to sail, Kingston, June 14. A Spauish ship is expecting to sail for Batanbano or Cienfugos tomor with a seventy thousand dollar cargo consigned to Govenor General Blanco. Spain Cant Hear From Ma, nilia, Madrid, June 14. The gov- ernment received a dispatch to day from Governor Rios, of the Phillipines, saying that,al though he had sent seven steamers towards Luezon, he was still without news from Manilla, the enemy having severed all means of communis lions, and that he was taking measures to insure supplies for the troops and in habitants from the resources of the Island. 0V are the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well? Do they get all the benefit they should from their food? Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are they hearty and robust in every way? If not, then give them Scott's Emulsion pf eod tlver oit 'with hypo phosphites. It never fails to build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. N It is just so with the baby also,. A little Scott's Emulsion, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby plump and prosperous. 1 1 furnishes the 'young body with iust the material necessary for growing bones and nerves. All Droeeist. roc. and Sr. Scott & Bowne, Chemists, N.Y. BLANCO REFUSES TO ACT. Says He Has Receiv ed No Instructions From His Gov ernment. Ha vana, via London, lune 1;. Captain Ludlow came into port yesterday aternoon under a flag of. truce to negotiate for the cx change of Lieutenant Hobson and ti e crew of the Merrimac, but General Blanco replied: I have received no instructions from my Government in legard to this matter and cannot treat With you. BTTLLNQ AT MVN I LA Dewey Will Prevent Massacre Should the City Be Tak en. A special cable dispatch from Hong Kong says that a battle for the possession of Manila is in progress tooday between the Spanish forces aud those of Ag uinaldo. Admiral Dewey has promised to prevent a masacre should the insurgents capture the city. The Spanish Governor has been notified that unless he withdraws the price put upon the head of the insurgent leader Aquinaldo, he will get no quar ter. Otherwise the rules of civ ilized warlare will be strictly ad hered to. As a result of this price placed on his head, three attempts have been made to take Aguinaldo's life. Breach of Neutrality. Captain Ross, of the British steamer Southerland, at Lewes, Del., from Fort de France, Mar tinique, reports an alleged breach of the I?rench neutrality proclamation. He says that on May 26th, after a Spanish tor pedo boat had taken on board under cover of night all the coal she could accommodate on the pretence that the Spaniards stole it. McHenry Rigidly Quarantined. No Panic The Fever Will Probably Be Confined to That Place. Special from Jackson, Miss says; The town of McHenry is quarantined in the most rigid manner- A gentleman aud his wife attempted to leave the place last night. Dr. Haralson the State Health officer, in charge immediately disinfected himself changed his clothing and went in persuitand brought back the refugees. There are no signs whatever of panic and the great est confidence is expressed in the ability of the State Board to confine the fever to McHenry. San Francisco, June 15. The second expedition to Manila sails from here this afternoon. Paris, June 15. At their meet ing the Cabinet decided to re sign. NORTH CAROLINA, Camden County. I Sup'r. Court. J. K. Abbott, and S. O. Mullen, ex ecutors of F. N. Mullen vs. Stephen li. Weeks. This cause coming on to be heard upon the affidavit filed in this cause, the court finds that the defendant is a nou-resident of North Carolina, and after due diligence cannot be found in said state ; that he has property in this State, and that this court has jurisdic tion of the same. It is ordered, decreed and adjudged by the court that publication in the Fisherman & Farmer a newspaper published in Elizabeth City. N. C, be made in the above entitled cause for the defendant notifying him to appear at the next term of the Superior Court holden for the County of Camden on the 2nd Monday in September 1S98, answer or demur to the complaint filed in this cause, or judgment will be taken against him lor tne relief de manded. It is further ordered by the Coutt that publication be made notifying the defendant that attachment has been obtained in the rbove entitled cause agaiust his property in this State. That the object of the action is to re cover judgment against the defendant for f4so.oo and interest from Septem- i ber 27th 1892. It is further orderea that publication of this order shall be sufficient notice. B. L FORBES, Cle:k Suj'r. Court, Camden Co. May 21st. 1898 E. F. Aydlett, Att'y. for PlfTs. From FACTORY to CONSUMER. ) O) a fin 6uy Kythii(x.c VP lUtUtn Kocker. th UritMt iim ever tnit1; jor dozen. M4.AO. VV Our new f wr caUloiruo ooiHAiuinir Fur- (t iilturt Drif-V5r V -Vrrf-ssJ Hai r t-rringri; fJ eak lVnur, Mir- ton. Ilcriiliriff. t5.. it) Toura for t h W iwklntr. ssiMX'iHl suppw-nionu Just Is- ff BUtnl hiv also fre. Vrtt to-diijr. VT .. l( i T t ATAIAKj U K In litho- ai mho- g free. 8enl 8c. utariiii. Mftmir amtiDlni'a'in vW v rite for it. If you wish sample. 'A mmil for .x All nr ( fiw. il. I. ........ i ...... r 1 . w paid 011 99 urrbasrs audotfr. $7.45 A buvs a nmo-tY rour-moas- uro All-Wool rii.-vlot Suit, 5) exr'rwtafr jmtphmI to your station. W'ritf lor fiw oU Q loKUf hm I pampl-'K. Aildres (O Dent. 909. BALTIMORE. MO. O) S.L.STORER cfcCO Whn.rf a le Dealt and Shipp-iB of k in. Is of 15 FULTON FISH MAKKKT MOW -li;lv. We work h;i-lcr for the inter est of the Si...Lhcrn fishtrruer. than any lions :n the business. If your Su-ncil is not in good o . dcr let us know, Wc Employ no Agents and Pay no Ljt uirssions. SCHOONERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST BK UNLOADED ! CALL AT- BERGERON'S A Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Steady Employment for all during the Summer Don't wait until your Wheel gives out before you have it re paired. Briud it to P. DeLON, An Experienced Bicycle Repairer. and have it put in perfect order. Work executed promptly and prices at living rates. My shop is thoroughly equip ped with all modern improve ments, aud what can't be r;pair ed in DeLon's shop can't be fixed this side of the factory. A lull stock of Bicycle Sup plies always on hand at lowest prices. Shop No. 40, Matthews St., ELIZA ETII CITY, N. Baysido House KITTY rj 3 N A, 11. 5. W. J. TATE, Prop. A NEW BUILDING, COMPLETED SEP TEMBER 1 , 1897. Open rX"lio "Y"n t Jtound. Beautifully located at tlie Head of Kitty Hawk Fay half mile from Atlan tic Ocean. A Veritable Paradise for the Summer Visitor. Here the Sum mer Visitor can Hatbe, Sail. Row, l'iih. Ride through Virgin Tine Forests or Shoot Shore birds to his heart's con tent. Climate as pure and healthy aa the South affords. Mean Temperature for past Decade ; Summer, 74 Degrees ; Winter, 4J Degrees. Telegraph Office and Telegraphic connections to all points. Post Office in Uuilding and Daily Mails. 35 miles from Elizabeth City; 12 miles from Historic Roanoke Island Reached ftom Elizabeth Citv by Stmr. Ray every Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday. Table supplied with the best. Rates reasonable. WA3VTED, Juniper Cooper Logs, Write or call to see H. T. Greenleaf, P. O. Box 25, Eliza beth City, N. C. I tsixnuuiuQ' I if 4 n