BATTERY REDUCED, Twenty-One Ameri cans Killed And Eilit Wounded. Are Spanish Losses Thirty-Nine And A Number Wounded. Off Santiago, June 26. A de cisive battle is expected at any moment. Wheeler's division was within ten in;k-s of the city Vriday night and was joined by .Shatter this morning, while i.Sampsou has reduced every .shore battery defense within twenty miles 0:1 either side of Santiago. Chaffee's wing of Uh-'elers command captured and took - r - ... : 1 possession 01 sevi a, seven minj irom the city, after a sharp bat tie. Official reports places the American loss at twenty one killed and eighty wounded. The Spaniards left thirty nine dead ;i the field. From the position cccupicd by the troops they can plainly seethe streetsand inhab itants of Santiago. It is also 1 .ported that a large number of vomiried are entering the city ;.t ; -; intervals. .rare Y-;u Vv'iik! "S .-' s iuin:i.v.sts iisclf hi the !s of aii:'-:. .i !i ii'l Rcliin I'cnc.-:. The Mon'l is v;.! ry ; the li iifs .-in- w.lst in-.' ;!:' door is Ik hm i,'i!h-i l.i-dis-;iM A t.;tt!f of'llrov. iis' tr- m '.iin-v 1 11 ken in tiiiie will rest on; your 'ri-i!s'i i., S ioiliP your iiprvt-s, m:ike your f :!:..-i rifh 1 1 1 1 ' I rod. To ymi more ptod h'i 11 :i 11 fx n-ni 'i speciai I'mirf of mt'dioine. Unnvns' I run Hitters is told l-y ail dt-alrrg. mm FLEET STOPPED. Coal Being Without Carnara's Fleojt Is Unable to Pro ceed Further. Loudon, June 27. Carnara's fleet has been reported passing through the Suez canal Port Said, June 27. Carnara's, ileet is here, but is unable to proceed farther 0:1 account of being unable to procure coal. Camara w requested t pur chase ten ih isa .1 to. is, but tle ( joveni.utut re .'uses to allow him to coal in Egyptian waters. Shore liberty has been denied the seamen of his fleet. Rome, June 27. The Spanish Amassador savs that Carnara's trip is only a ruse, and says the ileet will remain at Port Said for some days, then sail, not through the Suez canal but to Cadiz. Gibraltar, June 27. It is re ported that the third Spanish squadron will leave Cadiz on the fifteenth cf July. LOOK OUT. A Strong Fleet Will Be Sent Oat to Hunt Camara Liver t.-vui:'::-.-; ... y Cotajlini?i-.-nf:. ' . livri' h-is lit; W rt ,-::;:: : ot' HroMm' I r ' :!l:'.r.- tal will fec-i fl i' i:rr i-, ; -r tli-ww. !; ! , i. !'..' will cure if iv i i;i vitality v, nil ai . Browns' lr n bid , , . i 1 1 :-fiiO!lB :: VkVtS iils A bottle iio-A and then or !r r. U the .r Ir-.n riitprs th and 'f.f iu tise. ' ; dealers. Vv'orktd the Paralyzeda Gme. Among the recruits sent lrom Portsmouth Thursday to Jack sonville to join the Fourth Vir ginia Regiment were three ho bos, one from West Virginia, ::l- fiom Ohio, and the other from South Carolina, who had Uon (p.iartered at the station house. Lieutenant Onley clip ped their heads and the hobos took a bath the first one in years - in the river. Late yes terday afternoon one of the men, who had been foraging, returned to the Armory and reported to his chum that he had just had a fine dinner The chap from Ohio was hungry, and, binding one elbow back, went out, and, claiming to be paralyzed, soon succeeded in getting a meal. :i-lo-lLr for fifty t'Ciitw n nr.te. d toli.ii'oo hah t euro, make wi a -'. rung, bioca pure. 60c,$l. AH tlrtu.V .. Pushing Towards Santiago. Off Haiqr.iri, June 27. The Third and Ninth Cavalry alone remains here guarding material. AH the other regiments are be ing pushed towards Smtiago as rapidly as possible and active operations are expected to begin next Wednesday, Interruption of the communis cation between the lieets and army by storms is possible at any time. Jumgia and Baiquiri are both open roadsteads with no protec tion, but General Shafter ex presses perfect satisfaction in lauding of the troops. Washington, Tune 27. The official announcement that a strong fleet was to be s-ut off the coast of Spain has aroused au intense feeling of satisfaction in official circles. It sets at rest all talk of peace negotiations and shows a clear purpose of the Administration to follow an aggressive cam paign. This bold announcement seems to have for its purpose the recalling of Carnara's fleet from Port Said, which is said to be 011 their way to the 1'hili- pines. It is said that while the Gov ernment has no fear but that Dewey is safe, it would much prefer to engage the Spanish fleet off the Spanish coast and lef. matters rest quietly at Ma nila. Commodore Watson will prob ably include in his fleet the Oregon, Iowa, Brooklyn, New York, St. Paul and St. Louis. A partial list given out by the Navy Department names as a pa rt ot the Eastern Squadron, the battleships Oregon and Iowa, the auxiliary cruisers Vox semicc, Dixie and Yankee, and colliers Linda, Abunde and Al exander. Flagship Newark. X'o (tirj L.'o.iSL.j.i: ;;; r;;..-v-. ' l'.u t .-'.u -s ' iir'.v ( r! ic. or 50 t'. (.'. (.' Ui'il y can. dn:uis:.s n-fuuii ir.oo.-v OVA I GREAT REM 1 1 Cy 0 1:1 Beginning Wednesday, June 15, and continueing until August 16, loJc. v:e will sell our entire stock gr at and below cost, for cash and cash only. We have bargains for all, come and get yours. Our reason lor U so doing is that on August 15th, we will move into our new store now being built for us on the corner of r Main and Poindexter streets, known as the Bradford building. Our aim is to close out our entire stosk (1 before moving. This will be the greatest sacrifice sale ever take place in this city. ALE I 9 f ft 9 TI-IIS LABELCH A CKILDS SUIT GUARANTEES PERFECT1GN. r) HlCM BUST COTTONS. 50 pieces fruit of the loom cottons i yard wide, 5J3. 40 pieces Undroscogin 4-4 Bleached Cottons, 5 cents: Genuine Lonsdale Cambric, 8 cens the yard, (J? ) y( - CALLED MILES NER. PART- Bczrs the Signature ? Always hush A Private of the Fifth Mary land Asked That Magnate for a Match. of Two 3iecial Messages. Not a Quorum Present, Washington, June 27. The Senate convened at 11 o'clock There was no quorum and the opponents of annexation de manded that a roll call be taken whereupon, Sergeant at-Arms W 5 11 o rr.:i Time 27. The PicsidL-nt Today sent two special I v-as requested to bring in the messages to the Senate, proyi- of ding for the recognition of the services of Ilobsou and h:s erew.ot Cannnauder Newcomb and the crew ot the Revenue Ml T the rescue of the Winslow at I p " Car L-uas. and Captain Hodgsdon j E.turo of tiie iiopalch boat McColloch ! which figurvd in the battle cf j Manila and to Cadet Powell ror I'.is bravery under fire. Authority is also asked from the Senate for the tsanfer fo Hobsoa from the Construction Corps to a line in the Navy. The message in mentioning Hobson cites the fact that his already been promoted. absent Senators and in an hour a quorum was obtained. Senator Clav is speaking against annexation. 1IA. v8 Always Bo!tr & Kind AMONG TUB WOUNDED :.. Vcur Howel With Cascarets. . Ciitnart if. curs constipation forever . If C C- C. fail, druggists refund money. Appeals to the Pope. Home, June 27. The Papal Nuncio, of Madrid, telegraphs the Tope that the Queen Regent desires the meditation of His Holliuess when the opportune moment arrives with the object of concluding peace with the United States. Nuncio declares, however, that at present the Queen is convinced that Spain is bound to continue the war. Noted Men Wounded in The Batf e Near Santiago. Miles Plan Worked Well. General Miles expressed him, ,Af .S itnrdav at Washington as C3 delighted with the successful execution of the stratgeti policy he adopted for the land lug of Shafter's army at San tiago. It was a plan, he said that re .1. i 1. :t quirea a moiun 10 wuik it out, and it was eminently successful. Especially pleasing is the work performed by the Cuban forces in co-operating in landing. The harassment of the enemy in the rear is always de moralizing, a-ul it contributes no small amount in the fruition of the project. Their work seems to have been well plan ned and finely carried out. General Miles referred in terms of praise to the work oi getting a large quantity of sup plies into the Cuban camps and the placing of a million Car tridges in the hands ot the in- 0 surgents. He paid high tribute to the way in which the plat was executed. A dispatch from San Antonio, Tex , says: Major N. A. Brodie, who was wounded in today s battle near Santiago, is a grad uates of West Point, and a noted Indian fighter. Lieutauant J. R. Thomas, ot the Indian Territory, is a sou ot Federal Judge Thomas. Captain J. S. McClintock, ct Phoenix, Ariz., is a newspaper man, formerly reporter for the Associated Press for several Western States. Corporal J.D. Rhodes is a iinttt srnnt an d 4 trailer" of 11VVVV4 w v v Arizona. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ordered South. Washington, June 27. The cruiser oan rranuistu, m liet Southerly and the ram Kas tahdin, which have been used fnr flip dpfpnre of the New England coast, have been order ed south. What Spaniards Siy. Madrid, Tune 27. Despatches fYrn Havana declare that Fri day's fight favors the Spaniards hut advices credit Loione Wood's command and Lieut Col. Roosevelt with the greates bravery. Tampa. Fla., J'ispatch.j He was only a private of the Fifth Maryland, a tall slight Baltimore boy and a recruit at that. He sauntered into the. Tampa Pay hotel last Sun day night, and gazed with won der on the grave and gay of ficers. He p-at a cigarette between his lips and then looked around to see someone who could sup ply him with fire for the coffin stick. LOts of officers in full dress uniform were puffing fine Hava nas, but he trembled at the thought of asking any of these for fire. Hope soon swelled in bosom, however, as he saw ap proaching him an elderly mau dressed in a plain black business suit, who had just lighted a cigar. Say, pr.itner.give us alight," said the Marylauder. The plain elderly gentleman ran his hand into his vest pock et and handing a match to the soldier, said: "With pleasure, sir." Then he passed on his way with head dropped in pondering pose. Chief Porter o'Connor of the hotel, quick witted Kerry Irish- man, approached the private ana asked: "Do you know who that man was who gave you the match?" "No," replied the youthtul private. "Who was it? "General Miles," replied O'Connor. The private had au incredulous mile on his face for an instant, but when the porter convinced lim that it was really the major general commanding the United States army, he said: "Well, he ought to wear something to let us know who re is. Any one is liaDle to ask: lim for a favor, he looks so obliging. The private stood there uutili he saw the general pass again. TliAn liPKinninoned UD all his M. - - 1. soldierly energies and gave the eueral a salute that would have done credit to any one ot Na poleon's household guards. "Don t tell any ot the ooys about the break I made, ' said the private to the porter; they would kid me to death. Twenty five huudred ards icginning at 2;. cents and up. lawn at prices Keystone Cambric dress lining 3 cents the ird. Pest Jeans made 6 cents the yard. 1000 yards of vard wide Percale at 5 ".r the yard, cents 30 dozen gent's Halbriggan shirts and draw eis at 19 cents each. Regular price 25 cents. 25 dozen ladie's gauze vests at $).'. cents each. 25 dozen French gauze vests, lull taped, our price dunug this sale, 8 cents. Other stores get 1 5 cents. 35 dozen Gents' Scrivins Drawers, patent elastic seam, 69 cents. Regular priee $i 10 dozen men's genuine French halbriggan undershirts at 42 cents a piece. 50 dozen gent's black hor, full regular made at 9 cents the pair. Regular price 15 cents 100 dozen misse's and children's hose, double heel and toe, at 6 cents the pair. Other stores get 10 cents. A large lot of bicycle hose and leggins at and below cost. CLOTHING. All our stock of eh thing, boys' outh's a id men's at prime cost. We have a huge line of crash and thin suits must be sola. SHIRTS. SHIRTS. 25 doen silk bosom shirts, the o::is we tail at $. During this sale- cents. 1 1 30 dozen pure woven madras cloth shiils, 25 cents, sizes 14; to 17. can not be- duplicated at 50 cents. llesl Calico at 31; and 4 cents the- ard. Bears the Signature ef The Kind You Have Always Bough j9 DRESS GOODS. Our entire stock of worsted goods will be sold at and below cost. More worsted dress sioods to be shown than every store in Elizabeth City put together. SHOHS. SHOES, 250 pairs solid ladies oxfords at. 69 cents. This season's goods. Regular piice $1. MILLINERY. I We have some prime bargains in our Millu nery Department. Come and see before they are Our entire stock of Bering's $2. 50 Ladie's j a11 shoes will be sold at $2, prime cost About 30 pairs of De-ring's $2.50 slightly sharp toe, at $1 50. Our celebrated L. M. Reynolds be closed out at $3 I2J. In fact our entire stock of .shoes will be sold at and below cost. We have shoes, from 19 cents pair up. shoes, 4. shoes will 900 crds Siilkoline for drapcrv at 8 cents the yard. 450 yarks of pure linen table cloth. This is a chance the housekeepers will not get again in a lifetime. LIGES ?DD HlfflBURCS. 800 dozen yards French val lace at 1 and 2 cents a yard, other stores get 5 cents tor the same goods. 4000 yards Hamburg edging fiom 1 cent a yard on up. This is 110 fake sale, but an absolute sale of our entire stock at and below cost. We propose to sell these (A goods rather than move them in our new store. First come, first served. Call early and get your pick of '( these bargains. ) rpVncj TTrill ha n errant, chance for countrv merchants to replenish their stock at prices they have never f( X, xx liJ V v xix u " g - oeen auitj iu uuy exo uciuie. O , ft) To visit the store of MAIN STREET, ELIZABETH CITN. C. You 11 find a full stock ofG-EOCEEIES 1 am offering at rock bottom prices. Call audyou will y th h ing usually kept in a first-class Grocery store T i'..2 e ivuieis CaiKiy C'atiiariia. i;c crSf.t to cure. Uruwists rt Juiid moiici When Spain is thoroughly 1 1. itt 111 nnm a. A n W T1 exiiausteu sue w m - That her r clllU UUl ui.--- anurres are considerable, 111 Cnitp of the almost open thiev ery of her civil and military of ficers. is shown by the elaborate fashion of the new defences, at Havana, Santiago and otner nnrts on the Cuban coast. She is certainly putting her best foot foremost, and she will niase protracted fight, unless some j nirfent intetvenes to stop 1 Khort. like the precipitation o Don Carlos into the situation 'i-bat blatant creature is ha ble to show himself in Spain any day. ac ne .Pptj llZ if. XW4fW ifttfis'. II if l Mil 1 ifeSSff'll liill Mf?:l?IIISi: 1 1 pffei ill S jiiil !l 111 ' pr- "ti Si SI rt s-. u a rt vT -- CJ 5 m rt o vT IS o O . Q si J4 "rt CJ - 4-1 o rt a 6 o p O ii Oi o Cm tn O o O .2 rt Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS, T1K- leading brick manu. facurers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price. ese Sriok gave Stood tljd- Test And reflex action will be a guide to your lurther pur chase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or addrc ss F.G. THOMPSON, Mgr ELIZ.. CITV.C. X. 1 rri 5 "rr r,r a ANDY CAII1APTIC CURECOnSTlPATION 10 25 50 ALL DRUGGISTS SRHT TTTPr V nTTIRSlCTTFn tn rure ' ' '! s - n. rr.-rsr.-U re the Hal Ijix nUQKJUU ILjUI UUaain 1 LLl t,. n,.r ,rio nr ..,. hu, r , n.t n.nurlrrolU. ham. pie and booklet frpr. AA. STMil.lXi KKMt ii o.. h. uv:. ..' j1. i an., or Tork. tit E3I Is the way you like your MEATS, fresh is way we have it. 5 S.B.MILLE11&C0. - WHOLESALE COMMISSION S NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT,. Si New York.. Beef, Veal, Mutto H and a. T3 CJ o CT1 in L O a, o T3 O r- -t- rt a o Clarence G, Miller, Miller Lougbotham. Special Attention Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnishdon Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. AH from our own slaughter house and fresh every clay. Buy your mefctii of Caleb Walker, 'Phone 91 THE BEST. est Prices. W- CITY MARKET. AND GE1 Finest Poultry at The L i'et us have your orders, they slialtfliave our most carefu arid prompt attention. Remember ;,ytal I No. 1, City Mark e -3. 1 r 1

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