. i - r ONE Of values which no other store in Elizabeth City will care to imitate. People know that when we offer big vnl People who dont care to waste their money us ually trade here. we give thei III i Tk fill ; 1 ---- Goods Cteap, I?i Cheap Goods ' ' " Nothing like it before has ever occurred in Elizabeth City. We will place on sale this morning 2,50 yards Fruit of the Loom cottons f bleached) at the extremely low pnce 01 T ,",7 each customer will be limited to yards, ana unaer no circumstances wmuio merchants. t - i V r :: r -v tviv -v atmm m -4 IBfeiy The best 6c. Apron Check Ginghams, for this sale sr only, 3 i-2c per yard. Ladies and Children's Black Hose reduced from ioc, Z for this sale only, 4c. the pair. 2 The best Keystone cambric reduced irom 5 c. to 2 34c the yard. fi m The best Marsailes white quilts greatly reduced in price; $1 kind now 68c; the $1 50 kind now $1.19; the $1.75 kind now $1.38; the $.oo kind now i.63. The best machine spool cotton, 3c. per spool, 35c per dozen, Ladies E. P. Reid Shoes ail reduced from .2.50,3.50 and 4.00 to 176 per pair. ioc. Organdies reduced to 5c. the yard. 15c. Organ dies reduced to yc. the yard. 5c. Lawus reduced to 3 1-2C the yard. The best all linen towels reduced from 25 and 30c. to 19c. each. A good thick large size cotton towel, fully worth 12 i-2C, our price for this sale, 9c, each. ? Stamped work in cotton duck, 2c, 4c, 6c, 8c, 9c, &c, 2 per piece, fully worth a half more. 3 The best $1 kid gloves, black and colors, fully guar- ;rs anteed, 88c. the pair. Chamois wash kid gloves reduced irom r2 85c. to 68c. per pair. en's Alpine Hats, worth gi.25, now 50c. Oi en's soft bosom white pique shirts, worth 1.50, our price for this sale, 98c. Shoes.Men's Low Cut Prince Albert .Ties, worth 1.50 now 1. 19. Tau and black in colors. The best calico reduced to 3 3-4C, from 6c. Baby calico, or light figured calico, 3 i-2c. the yard. Hamburg Edging reduced from 5c to 3c,; frovn 10 and 12c. to 7c, irom 18 and 20c, to 13c; from 25 and 30c. to 18c. the yard. J 31 k en's white plaited bosom shirts, worth 1. 00, reduced to 85c. Men's white plaited bosom shirts, worth 1.25, re duced to 98c. Boys shirt waists reduced from 30c to 23c. No. 40 Satin and Silk Ribbon reduced to 15 cents the yard. 25c Corsets reduced to I7c.each. ISflo Great reduction in Clothing.- Men's 5 suits now 3.98, and so on through the entire stock. These goods must be sold regardless of cost. Great reduction in all summer underwear UUUUUUlUiiiiiilUiiliiiiiiUiiiilUiUlUlUiiiiiiliililllilll Men's celluloid collars, now 5c. each. Men's linen collars, the 15c. kind now ioc. each. 1 . A f I Ml ' TP y J 1 1 ji '' ' ! s f Dealer In Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Etc. P 1W 1 TOWMQF hlxu ' don ft St'" but 1! w.tt fi Uvor " . of VJ !' Moutarli COkUvr r.' Uptrtt. , J y- fl Jiiratr, ' jfn nt 1! and if 1 lie l.m viltfe HOI!; i n I'rwv . I tin. i . 0 lil t I ll.Al !"i I rr. ! ' t,c lri-.l iri; " i 8 0 0 0 (I 0 (I i tit. ' ) n .1. I rs he. 1 1 : r' nn l:i "Kit, N r-.M K.i ihi'is; S 1 1 1 , jc. 1;. I11 . 11 l .l-ll! i i I'1 lit'' 1 v. !.'.; t v 1 . ')! 1 1 1 1 ' ' .vn.i'. :i i;i!nn 'P 1 r I ' 1 11 ",M -.).. J'- , i' J.ill.l, St ai 'ml u. I: i! .-i h:u, ft lo in M i Nor c. i .Hid. v av 1 i:ilt it ,:t ;N''.r f' Stc fu". V t-.r : 1 '. 1 J 1 :r t: '' ' (onl i Tat OP Th