WHEN YOUR HOME TRAINING FOR GIRLS. lllll REPAIRING, CARRY 2 RIG-E sw antes' ; -L, 27,, Tv4 i r 3 '"lT THE rift. A MULE TO DRAW --A-- CART. -BUT THE iFt 13 x xj rr rj? i o :v y-. OF THE.. Crawford : CSD UP BY OfJR REPORT IS WHO ARE ALWAYS iu t;is svi.-vi." CO.-". !r. (jilhert Jnm.s ia tljis week. I r. i icnrv uric it Ocra- IS spending lew. A. II: 9. StOT.C, of city yesterday, -i lot of Fi-. ttcras, c u r - VI? .v- nrcissa bavt.r is hvr sister in Ude.iton. . i'resl Thompson and fam ft Til's lay for Ocracoke. B. Gallop has accept or. iti the Fair Store. T. McCabe returned afternoon from Najs 1 cycle DRAWS THE SHREWD MONEY SAVING PURCHASER .00 Cash. li "S. ;i pO :itci lav ;ad. AT. It ii Better for a Great Many Girls Than a College Course "A home training is a thing not to be desprsed," writes ICdj ward Hok in an article, "Shall Our Girls go to College? "in the August Ladies' Home jour nal. "If that training is of the best it is an exceedingly fine question to decide whether it is not as good in its highest and truest results as a colleg course. That i home tiaiuinir is inftn itely better for a great many or our girls than the best training possible at a college admits, I think, of very little, if any dis pute. I say this, and emphasize the point because some of our 3irls are prone to feel that they are in a measure, abused and handicapped if they are not per' mitted by their parents to go to college. I question very much from our present conditions ot society whetner the time nasi yet been reached in American life when one can truthfully say that the majority of our girls can be sent away from the home auchoraje at a time in their lves wnen tney are most ims pressinable, and when the in fluence of a careful mother.s training means every thine hem." It is Not What You Pay but what you get for what you do pay. Si Pfil You will find the class of goods carried in stock by Our Treading Always the best, the cheapest, and the most reliable that can be had. The cheapest is not the best, but, the best is always the cheapest- C i"C;nvts Ca-idy CaU-nrtic. Ui most von c i .l t)i- li'c:;! !':(. orv of 1!'o a;r. p'oas- ami ''.ii"sliin:' if' Jiisio. nci ci'ii)v zr.ri jjofs'th-ciy on k':,lr.ovs, jivor o: il bowels, ci nnsini? U: - en tiro r' '--m. dt-Tnc-l roi.ls. JJ-" hcai.'tci.f. fevrr. l.ahil ! al i orsiiV.iifon ind biliousness. Pleaso bnv and tiv :i bnr of C. C. C. to-l;ty; 10, 2:,, r.O itnti. kl and guaranteed to cure by all druvUlB. :;. Killed Burton, ol ICdenton, ;l T.u'-.liy in Klizabeth )r. Siidl, ot Washington, N. 'is Leon in the city for sev- .IV A i ii i'ed a larg lot of Travelers, Li'.zie I'ritcliard lias rc ;o:iija visit to friends in iii t !:.liIl')-T niglit bis M a ry onth , i v ilnrk be, reeni-.-at e.itcr-. of friends on l)i ouhton, of isitin her aunt . S Wixon, of Kdonton, .uu ii those vh' caiied to -: on vcsterd.iv. in cm I J" ; i uil v Jurly will :r.icoke. iL "Tin.- Kail " are as ii elscvlivn-e Tor of Mr. W. II. leiva S.iturday !es-;r-;. Maurice Wescott and ,V. Twi'idv are spending the k a 'cracoke. :-s Mae Wilson, of Kowler )'. store, is spc-nding her ion in Xorlolk. r Mil Vau'hin, of New hereon a visit to his !ts ;:i Church street. ; -v W. T. Divis left Wed i v t spend a few weeks a nns in Virginia. ;i 1. ,'t IS Ol II of J V-r oa roi:jdexter stre at a r.ipid rale. s L. Hollric"e! and son ;r.i'.-re, aie visiting her sis '. ;. John T. Zieler. .e f imily of Mr. C. II. Rob .'.left this week for Blue e to spend the summer. r-. BMfo ir, of Colunbia, is u-st of her dauglitr Mrs. . LeRov on Main street. P nci I)d;n will soon erect aiildine on Poindexter street on tli 2 Pa i I in property. Mr. W. F. Mtirden of South Creek, X. C , is in the city on a visit to rel ittves and friends. Miss Maggie liinton is spend Baltimore, friends. mg a few days in visiting ielativcs and 'iM"-a v." selling for soc at meetinof is in A piotracted i'roitss this week at Shiloh. Several from this city are in at- t a ilauee. The excursion given Monday niMit down the river on the steamer Undine was a pleasant occasion. Mr. J. H. Parker, Deputy colic-dor of Internal Revenue for this District, was in tie city Tuesday. Miss Annie Mac Rhodes, of Newberne, is delighting her lrieud Miss Ella Mae James with a visit. Query Where is the most damnably conducted Post Office iu America.? Sealed answers will be received at this office. Thousands of pei sons have beeii cur cd of piles by using DeWitt's Witch llax.el Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. Griggs & Son Miss Maggie Davis has return cd to the city after an absence of or e wek pleas i;.tly spent with frieir's at Weeks ville. Rev. Taos. Gregory, Univer sal ist .Minister of Chicago, spent last week with his brother, Mr. Waller Gregory in this city, Miss Sjliie Perry leaves to morrow for Atlantic Citv, N. J. to join friends and will be away until September the fifteenth, Mrs J. B. Fcrebee, ha; re turned from Baltimore where she went for treatment. We arj pleased to hear she has much impioved. Mr. Wesley Williams atten ded the Grand Encampment of Odd Kello ,s last week at Ral eifh and icports a most inter-, esti ng meeting. Mrs. Seth Morgan, of Nor-, folk, and neice, Miss Mamie Rice, of Richmond, have re turned to their respective homes after a visit with friends in this city. Mrs. B. B. Gallop returned Friday from a trip to Colum bia. Her sister Miss Lela Sharlington accompanied her home and will spend seveial wevks here. Mr. John Davis, who was re cently hurt iu a run. away in thio city, was in town yesterday for the first time since he was injured. He spent the day with his daughter Mrs. W. E. Swain. . S. Wilcox lias been appoin tee! inspector of Fertilizers ior this and several adjoining coun ties. Time of service three mouths at $75 per month and expt uses. . McCabe : Grice, will leave Monday next for the Northern Cities to purchase a stock of goods for their handsome new store in fact, the handsomest store to be fouud ii Eastern North Carolina The annual renting of stalls in the city market occurred Monday at midday. Only tour stalls were rented as follows: Stall No. i, to C. C. Pappindick, for $475. No- 2 to W- K- 1aP pendick, for $$oa, No. 3, to P. H. Ives, for $$oo, and No 4, to Caleb Walker, for $300. What arc you going to do with that boy of yours ? The catalogue of Oak Ridge Institute will help you to answer this question in the most satisfactory manner. Professor Holt dis cuss the question at length, iu the light of their 23 years ex perience. Write them. At a meeting held on Aug. nth of the Executive commit tee of the E. City, Cycle club, it was decided to reduce the dues from 10 cents per week to 10 cents per month, begin niug Aug. 6. It was also deci ded to allow all members in ar- given Miss Lucy Leviue, of Winfall and Master Frank Gilliam, of Windsor, arc visiting friends in the city. It is yet unannounced who will be Post Master at Elizabeth City, but a change will 110 doubt be hailed with much pleasure. It is hoped the appointment j both r . a lit. cvitciiiuon Was spent in ihj uuiec iu America, liihl is nieasnnt rnnwrMi Yesterday's Pic.nic The annual picnic yesterday by Corinth Sunday school was indeed a delightful occassion and was well attended there being about Soo people pieseut. The morning exercises consisted of speeches and mnmV being very entertaining. aiteruoon more complained of than the office at this place. When will a relief come? We hear that an effort will be made this fall by some of the business men of Elizabeth City to organize a company for the purpose of rebuilding the Net & Twine Factory that was des t oyed by fire a few months ago. It was aii enterprise that was quite beneficial to the city and has been greatly missed by both the laborer and the business people. e hope to see it soon rebui1' bv the old folks while the young peo pie enioyed themselves with innocent games, &c The dinner was something unusual every thing being served that a hungry person could ask f.r, and en ough left to feed as many mere. Corinth church is located about two miles west of Eliza beth City and is one of the best country churches to be found in Pasquotank. It has a member ship of about two - hundred of some of the best people in ihe county. The Sunday school is a flourishing one and anvone who ui;wi. k.,,7 ' w-iU aUeud a picnic given bv ing and is not leaping-but, she' Xf sool and return dis- is getting there just the same.!Sat f cd w 1 SP lor space t i r 11 v i- jin the State Museum cud ex. Take a stroll in auv direction -t iT noum f.uu e. i -ii r j i-iT ' ittit tiiem as one of th curing uiiu ywii win unit uuiiM liir o 1 - . r1.. . j 1 iitiesof Pasquotank As vocalists "Oing: up and improvements be-!P . 0 " ""i as vuuuas ing made everywhere. It is safe:, : , . A - i i 1 4i "artl to heat, to say however that during the! past year lully one Hundred I 'll" 1 A 1 ! " 011110111155 nave 'one up. Ana they are of a better grade than those built here a few years ago. a Becominf a Girl at Eighty, 6ven. Limestone County, Ala., has an interesting phenomenon in an aged matron who has fallen leir appartntly to another period of youth. Mrs. Polly Emery, aged eighty-seyn, of excellent family lias for thirty years been an ok woman with white hair, wrink led face and enfeebled strength. Twentyvseven years ago dentist brother extracted every tooth from her head. About a year ago her health commenced to improve. Her strength re turned, her figure became more erect, her eyes brighter, her movements more elastic. Her hair began to turn dark and her gums to swell. To day she has a fine suit of black hair and has cut a new and complete set of teeth has regained her Greet car- ge of fifty years ago, and looks like a woman thirty-five or forty years of age A Full Line of Ladies Set Rings Ssep- iy : Ml forever ho rr.a;. " vL'or, tnke No-To :'.;:.t makes v.oak mcr, , r,:)- o;- i i. Cure j:uaran s;'H.p:3 fro??. Address Cl i-JiTf or New York school choir is Best Remedy Flux. For Mr. John Mathias, a well Elizabeth Cily is alright, and 1 known stock dealer of Pulaski Alter sufTerinc for our folks are not making much fuss about it. We regret to announce that Mr. A. K. Kramer, wlio for the past two or more years has ac ted as F'ire commissioner of Elizabeth City and Foreman of the Albemarle Fire Company, has tendered his resignation. Mr. Kramer has made a most excellent officer and the firemen on Monday night last did the right thing in refusing to ac cept his resignation The fire men all love him as their leader, have promptly- obeyed their cheif's orders and followed him from start to finish. For this Mr. Kramer has placed in our hands for publication a card of thanks, but we have witheld same hoping he wrell reconsider his action and continue to serve his firemen and his people. Ky, says over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to re lieve me, j was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stating that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by W. W. GrWs ec bou Druggists. -fc- Hard on The Ministers. Miuisters who marry couples without compensation find poor consolation in the war revenue law. They not only have the privilege of uniting many happy couples "free, gratis r.nd fcr nothing," but now they are re quired to go down into their pecket books to attach a ten cent stamp to the returns on all mar-. nothing more. rears to continue as members provided they pay up their dues to Aug. 6. E:lucae Yonr liowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, S5c. II C. C C. fail, druggists refund money. Reconsider, Allen, the good ( riages solemnized by them. It people of Elizabeth City would; may not be amiss for those who prefer you remaining where j contemplate calling on the you are. ; preacher for nurnosp untn'mn A V A A A A A tt jo o o ".. umcmucr uns item II iieywuuu o a w y c i r wi uugitea. The Washington Progress writes very complimentary of our townsman Mr. Hey wood Sawyer, and the Fisherman Sc. Farmer endorses evrry word here given: "Mr. Heywood Sawyer, of E. City Is a very prominent aud talented young lawyer who has been spoken of for Congress from the first district. Mr. Sawyer is a, fine speaker and would make a match for any thing the opposition can put out against him. To The Members of the Elii- City Cycle Path Club. We jour finance Coram itte beg leave to make the to lowing repsrt. We have examined the collec tors books and found that the Treasurer has received from all sources the sum of four hun dred and twenty two dollars and fiity two cents ($422.52,) and has vouchers paid to the amount of Three hundred and forty three dollars and thirty two cents ($343.32) He was en titled to 10 per cent commission on Three hundred and nine dollars aud ninety five cents. Making a total of vouchers and commission three hundred and forty three dollars and thirty two cents ($343.32), leaving bal ance in his hands of seventy nine dollars and twenty cents ($79.20.) The Club owes a note in bank due August 17th of $75.00. We find advance dues paid to the amount of $2 80. Respectfully Submitted, C. E Kramer, Chm'n. for Com. Also a splendid stock of WATCHES, DIAMONDS IEWELRY, Clocks, Etc.. constantly kept on hand. Tt will i'aJ '"'J" lu .vauuue oeug.s siock iv.'iore purchasing, (ioods ginrantccd aud prices satisfactory. Repairing a specialty. Cil WsittM- JStiot, B li.-ilMMli Ci,v, TV. O, NEWPORT NEWS FEMALE SEMINARY, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Full corps of efficient teachers. abreast of the times iu all approved methods. Building brick, modern in ail its appointments. thoronjjU!y venti lated, lighted by electricity. Rooms well furnished and carpeted. Hot and cold baths. Location unsurpassed. Instruction thorough. Terms moder ate. For luriher inioruiatioii, send for catalogue or apply to MUS. M. V. HARWOOi), piin. Newport Nes. Va. r 10 -r . Offers full course in English Languacre and Literature, Ancient and Modern Languages, History. Sociology, Math ematics, Philosophy, Bible. Law and Commerce. Women admitted to all courses of study. The largest endow ed institution of learning in the state. Board From 6.50 to $10 Per Month Tuition $50 a Year. Next session opens September 7,1898. For Catalogue address, JNO. C. KH.GO, Durham. N. C. Jy i-6v. The North Carolina College of Agriculture AND NJechan'c fyis O j. O 3? O 32. 2: -A. . Bears the ' J A You Have Alwayy Bought Bigaatuie 3Iakc The Weak Strong. Dr. Edmoudsou's Pills of Life restore lost vitality, build up the entire sys tem, and makj manly men and wo men, f 1 per box. Address Dr. Frank Edmoudsom. Atlanta Ga Will re-open September 1, 1S9S, with improved equipment in every depart ment. Twenty-three experienced specialists in Faculty. Full courses iu Agriculture, Science, Civil, Mechani cal and Flectrical Engineering. Ex penses verv moderate. Pre. A. Q. IIOLLADAY Raleigh, N. C. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, Offers the young women of the State thorough professional, literary, classi cal, scientific, and industrial educa tion. Annual Expenses $90 to $rjo. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students, Has matricula ted about 1,500 students, representing every country in the State except two. Practice and Obsovation School of about 300 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications must be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. ANIW CATHABTIC CURgC0!iSTIPATS0M . a A l.:i"IS Ik1" I", .' 'ATfc-r r-tm,m T USaSlC- DRUGGISTS ABSOLIITKLY RITflPANTrFn !? c r' rri:.M-t:Mi. cnt r ti. i.i.i i..., , , , " 77" ' '' ," f xnj or irnpi.'.ul r:.- inHf imtiirnl rrtinlla. ham- pleandbookli't fw. A(J. KTKKI IlKil lV ro.. r. r.,.ni I. t .1:,.. f.rNrw VorU. tM. (Established 1887.) 311 r posh (?oryicyi5gio(H Shipments Solicited. Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, r r. , I City National Hank, jL L Citizen's Bank, and Wholesale Shippers. -WE EMPLOY ISO AGKITH- Tiic Established 1886. Most Reliable HUsc 1 ccmyx; The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes. "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured mv children after all other remedy failed'' It cures cough, colds aud all throa Griggs & Son. f.nd luug troubles SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. Manufactured by G. W. STEVENS &, Co Elizabeh Ciy. Trie ftTLftNTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Elizabeth City, N. C. 2 1 st Annual Session Opens SEPTE3IBER iOtli, '98. The Oldest and largest school in Eastern North Carolina. A prepara tory and finishing school for both sexes. Courses of study : English Course, Classical Course, College Preparatory Course, Business Course, Instrumen tal Music Course, Vocal Music Course. Diplomas issued upon the comple tion of the above courses. Sudents admitted to the State Uni versity and the leading colleges of the state upon certificate from this school. Students prepared for the U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Full faculty of skilled teachers ;each a special ist in his or her department Terms as low as consistent with high grade work. Write lor catalogue, Address.; S. h. SHEEP, Principal. Hotel Ponder AT Ocracoke, N. C. This hotel is situated within one half mile of the Atlantic and fifty feet of the Pamlico 8ound. For Sportsmen and Pleasure Seekers, it is second to none in the South. Table splendidly supplied with, fish, oysters, crabs and clams in abundance, apienaia X-ISIIIIVO, BOATING AND To reach Ocracoke, take Steamer Neuse from Elizabeth City or New Eerne; only a few hours ride. Terms per day fi.oo;speciai rates per week or month. For further informa tion apply to G. G. CREDLK, Prop. FOR RENT Two desirable storeVen-Peindexter street. Ap ply to Chas. H. Robinson. HfB. V? I' Norfolk & CO Fish Commission Merchants IEIEIMSIXOJISW: Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best interest for Shippers. stencils furnished on appli cation. Norfolk National Bank. Southern Kx press Company: Adams " All Merchants. James O. Wright. Chas. J. Leedy TAS. O WRIGHT & CO COMMISSION 3IERniIAATK WHOLESALE DEALERS IN -OTIS AND EaRlY -VEGEaBLES.h Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished No. 303, South Charles Street, ( Ivenson & Rountree, Wholesale Gro. References N. Baker & Sou, Taper ( Trader's National Bank. i