0N2 DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 898 ESTABLISHED 1886 The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper Published in ThisSection. The Most Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & FARMER Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. ains of . , Rheumatism Have Completely Dis appeared Since Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. RheuniatNm is due to acid in the lilixxK Hood's Sarsaparilla neutral ize thit- acid and permanently cures th" arises and pains of rheumatism. Kcad the following: " I was troubled with rheumatism when I was a small boy, and I have been a suf ferer with it more or lesa all my life. Not I nig ao I took a bottle of Hood's Sarsa parilla, an it did me bo much good I continued its use, and since taking three bottles I have felt no symptoms of rheu inct ism." K. B. Blalock, Durham, N. C. 'I was troubled with rheumatism and could hardly walk. I have taken three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and today am a well man." Robkrt Jones, 302 Maeke iSt., Wilmington, North Carolina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the M'st in fact the One True Blood Purifier. All (Inijru'ists. $1; six lor $5. Get Hood's. Hrni' Pillc are tlje favorite cathar UOUU 2 fills tic. All druggists. 25c. TV folic Acontl) oivti It. Schedule in effect Feb'y. 21, '98. NV! i .Ik & Southern It R. VJail and (,;,n-ss trains, Southbonnd, d .ily (ex n',t Suii'lavs.) leave Elizabeth City at 1 1 mo a in.. Northbound, daily, (excepa iy; M'ave lUizabetu City at 2:45 I : "i City Southbound 6 p. m., North i i ! .y.2i a. m. The trains arrive at ;:! ilepart from Norfolk & Western de pot, N'orfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer lines, and at 1'. bniton with Steamer for Roanoke, C.isiiic, Chowan and Scupperuong ; i w rs; Transfer steamers to Jfa.ck.ey s i rv, thence by Norfolk & Southern 11. It. to Roper, Pantego, and Bell haven, connecting with steamer Vir ;;inia Dare or ilakleyville, Aurora (Vashingtou and all intermediate land, Kastcrn Carolina Dispatch ..AND.. Old Dominion Uino The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth Ctty Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday ai 6 p. m., for Newbern connecting with the A. & N. C. K R.for Goldsboro Kijiston, aud Morehead City, aud with the W. N. & N. R. R. for Jacksonville. Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning leave Newbern Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Stops at Roanoke Is land, Ocraeoke and Oriental iu both directions Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Cit; Station to all landings. Newberne Kinstou, Goldsboro, Morehead Cit -aud Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service between Eliza !.(.th City and New York, Philadelphn Jial tnnore and Norfolk. Through cars and as quicker time than by a 1 w rates and ether route, sliipped vi? a;-, follows & Southern V. & B. K. u; Philadel- Hired all goods to ' ?visteru Carolina Dispa From Norfolk by Nort Railroad; Baltimore by R., President Street Stat phia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock vStreet Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R. , l'ier 27 North River, and Old Dominion Line. For further information apply to M. II. Suowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, 01 to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Va M K KINO, General Manager. II. C. IIUDGINS. C. F. it P. Agt PETTIT'S North Carolina Lineb C. L. PETTIT, Manager. Steamer NEWTON will leave No folk for Elizabeth City, Creswell aud way landings on Wednesdays aud Sat urdavs at 4 P- Elizabeth City foi Creswell on Thursdays and Mondays at 9:30 a. m. Returning, will leave Creswell for Norfolk on Tuesdays and Fridavs at 4 a. hi., and Elizabeth Cit same 'day at 2:30 p. m., arriving in Norfolk next day. Steamer Harbinger will leave Not folk for Elizabeth City, Hertford anJ wav laudiugs, on Tuesdays and Fri davs at 4 p. m., F.lizabeth City fo Hertford Wednesdays and Saturdays a 9:50 a. m Returning, will leave Hert ford for Norfolk Mondays, and Thuts days at 7 a. in. and Elizabeth City same duy at 2-.jo p. m., arriving in Norfolk uaxt day. W W. MORRISETT, Agent. Elizabeth City, N. 0. FOR THE CHILDREN! Until fuitfier notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONE DOZEN DIAMONDS LPHOTOaRAPHS, For 50c. OR ONE DOZEN MANTELLO C4RDS, FOR S1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN The New RhotographeP, ELIZ. CITY. N, C. WANTED, I imip or Cooper Logs, Write or call to see H. T. Gretnleaf, V. O. Box 25, Eliza beth City, N. C. ----- ;3J. -Vm 1THE FILIPINO AT RANGE. CLOSE A Race With a Streak of Yellow in Its Composition. The Filipino, somewhere away back in his ancestry, has the drop of black blood which makes him cower and shrink when a bullet hits him, writes a correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune from Cavite It is the display of what sport inir men call the "streak of yellow." But so long as he is a winner, and even for a longer time than is the case with most dark races. after he has begun to lose, the Filipino will figlit like a demon, and he is so immeasurably the superior of the Spaniard in fight ing ability.his "streak of yellow" lies so mnch lurther below the surface than th- don's, that the odds are in his favor, any way. That he has made a gocd fight goes without saying. The result is his justification, and although I do not believe he would ever have achieved anything without the aid of Dewey's guns and the more powerful American dollar, he has iu the past, and would have in the future had Spain's claim been put off, have given the Castilians not a little trouble in the matter of the collection levenues. Ths Filipino he is just now most enthusiastically in love with the Americans. Out in the country there is nothing too good for the American. I have lived with the native in his hut, and I have had the best the hut contained put freely at my dis position, the best to eat, the best split bamboo floor, soft and springy, to sleep upon, even the best of his weapons, the pride of his heart, his loved machete, keen enough to shave with and heavy enough to cleave a man's skull at a blow, offered to me as free gift. And yet there has always been, in my mind, a lurking distrust of my host. There is something of a glint a suggestion of the Malay drop in his mixed ances try in the soft brown eye, re calling to mind tehose old stories of dark men running amuck to kill and kill and kill, until they have themse'ves been shot in their tracks like dogs, as they deserved. 1 have recalled the fact that no wise sea captain will ship a Manila man es one of his crew, and that native Filipinos have been taken, as children, into Spanish families and tenderly reared, only at the last, to put poison in the food of the entire family, and to make no excuse tor the atrocious act other than to say they had grown "hot in the head.'' Whether such a people can ever be trusted to govern them selves, as the Filipinos clearly expect the Americans to trust them, is a question for states menbut I would most respect fulfy suggest to the statesmen. before attempting its solu ion, that they come out here aud take few practical le-sons in ethnology. - - To retain an abun laut head of hair qf a natural color to a goqd old age. tlit- hvirieue of the scaln must be ob served. Apply Hall's Hair Renewer How the Jury Reasoned. "Ah;" said the blustering lawyer, whose client had just been acquitted. "iSow tnat it s all over would you mind telling me how you reached your ver dict?" "Certainly,- repied the jury man.' We felt sure that if he had been guilty" he wouldn't have hired you to defend him." Duluth Herald We offer One hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure." F. j. CHENEY '& CO:, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last i5 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trausactiqiis and financially able o carry out any qbligaticms mJl4e hy their firm, WEST & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WARDEN, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c". per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A POORRUME. KIS WIFE WAS PECULIAR- He Owned The Place But The Old Woman Did The Bossing On Cer tain Dayi. Just at nightfall the colonel came along to a pioneer s dug out orv the wide prairie, with the pioneer himself setting by the roadside with a pipe in his mouth, and after the usual salu tations the celonel asked if he could be lodged for the night. "Wall, that depends on my wife," was the reply. ' I'm fur takin' everybody who comes along, but she's rayther pertick- ler. Ar' you a married man? ' "I am," replied the traveler. "That's bad, to begin with. We've got a gal twenty y'ars, old, and my. wife is lookin' fur somebody to come along and marry her. Ar' you the guv'ner of the state or some other big man?" 'No sir; I am only a humble citizen." "Then your humbleness will be bad fur you. The old woman would be proud to hev a big man stop with us, so she could crow about it, but she wouldn't care to make a fuss over a humble man. "Got some sort o' religion, 1 'spose?' "No, I haven't,'' replied the colonel. "Then The old that's more agin ye. woman's got three different kinds, and if you don't belong to one of 'em she'll tell you to walk on. Kin you play on a mouth organ or sing?-' "I'm afraid not." 4 That's too bad. The old woman does play on a mouth organ, and she goes around singin from morning, till night. I'd like to oblege you, stranger but I know how peculiar the old woman is. Hev you ever bin in Yurup?" "I never have," sighed the colonel, as he remembered that it was four miles to the next shanty. "That's wuss and wuss,'' said the man as his face- expressed real anxiety. "The old woman is dead crazy about Yurup, and she'd be sure to ask you a lot of questions. If you was a purty good liar, now, you might make her think you had bin in Yurup." "I I don't think I'd like to lie about it." 'Wall, jest as you please, but I want you to see that I'm will in' to obleege you. What's yer politics?" "I'm a Republican." "Woosh!" exclaimed the set tler "that settles you fur good and all ! The old woman is a Democrat from head to heel and sorter runs this hull country. If she knowed you was out here she'd be loadin the shotgun. Everything seems agin' you, but thar's jest one lettle chance that you might squeeze in. Kin you make up poetry?'' "Alas! no!" groaned the ways farer. "Can't you make up a single verse?" "Not even twq lines," , Then your goose is cooked and you had better bi gittin' along, The old woman is a poet and even before you got down to the supper table she'd be askiu' you to make up a verse on Venus or Mars, and if you couldn't do it she'd give you the skip, Stronger I'm a kind hearted man and feel sorry fur you, but you see how it is. I own this ranch and do most of the bossin' but there ar' days when I hev to lay hid in the grass be cause I hain't got to be president of the United States and don't wear gold in my front teeth!" It Is Just as Important That you enrich aud purify your blood in the Fall as iri tle Spring. At this time, owing to decaying vegetation, a loiv water level, aud other causes, there are disease germs all about us, aud a weak and debilitated system quickly yields to attacks of malaria, fevrf, etc. By purifyiug and enrich ing your blood with Hood's Sarsapar illa you may build np your system to resist these dangers, as well as coughs, colds, 'pneumonia aud the grip which come with colder weather. To be on the safe side, take Hood's Sarsaparilla uow, and alwavs be sure it is Hood's find not something else represented to b,e "just as good, . f Art may be long, but time is too short for some people to be. come artists. Thousands of pei sons have been cur ed of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. Griggs & Son ANOTHER NEGRO OUTRAGE. The vile teachings of the Re cord, the negro newspaper pub lished in Wilmington, are bear ine thir legitimate and natura fruit. Listen to the story 01 burglary and attempted rape perpetrated last week in Greene by a negro, his victim being a respectable white lady. The Snow Hill Standard sav: "Last Tuesdav nieht about 11 o'clock John Best a negro who lives on the place oi Mr. J. R. Ham, about seven miles from Snow Hill, entered the home oi Mr Jesse Ham and at' tempted that awful crime which he'll pay for with his life. Mrs. Ham was the victim. She was aroused by by this devjl in hu man form before he accomplish ed his purpose, and screamed for her husband, who was in an adjoining room. The negro then attempted to escape, but was recognized, a warrant issued and he is now in jail. We have heard some indignant theats, and the hellish fieud may meet justice at the hands of an out raged people." Remember that this is in a county in which a bladk fiend was convicted and hanged last fall ior a like offence, and then ask yourselves what is the val ue of such punishment as an ex ample and a warning to the ne gro when it is Heutralized by the lesssons taught in the every day practices of Republican politicians? There is but one party in. North Carolina for the white man who has any self re spect or any regard for the vir tue and hopor ' of the women who should be dear to him. That party is the White Man's party the Democrtic party. Honest Populists, you cannot folia w your leadears who have sold out to the Republican party and are expecting to deliver your votes in November as the consideration of their infamous bargain. How can you longer put off the hour of coming back home? News & Observer. Before going on a tea-voyage or into the country, be sure and put a box of Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may have occasion to thank us for this hint. To relieve constipation, bil iousness, aud nausea, Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. They are also easy to take. A TOMBSTONE PROBLEM. A man who went away from home some time ago to attend a convention of church people was struck with the beauty of little town in which the gather ing was held. He had plenty of time, and while wandering about walked into the village cemetery. It was a beautiful place, and the delegate walked around among the graves. He saw a monument, one of the largest in the cemetery, and read with surprise the inscrip tion on it: "A lawyer and an honest man" The delegate scratched . his head aud looked at the monu ment again. He read the inscription over and over Then he walked all around the monument and examined the grave closely. Another inan iu the cemetery approached and asked him : "Have you found the gave of an old friend?" "No," said the delegate, "but I was wondering howT they came to bury those two fel lows in one grave.' Tit-Bits. n DW are the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well? Do they the benefit they from their food? get all should Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are they hearty and robust in, every way? If not,' then give them Scott's Emulsion of cod Uver oil with hypo phosphites. It never fails ia build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. It is just so with trie baby also, A Httle Scott's Emulsion, three or four times a day. 'will make baby plump and prosperous. It furnishes the 'young body with just the material necessary for growing bonnes and, neryes. ' All Dratrcists. coc. and Si. Scott ft Bowne, Chemists, N.Y. the thin 1 V SOUTHERN WOMEN, AT CONFI. DERATE ASSOCIATION MEETING IN ATLANTA Ana the women, t hese an els who once watched and prayed for the Johnnie Rebs who ministered in tha hospitals and moved over the battlefields They and their daughters were at Atlanta, the honored guests of the cit). The Ken tucky girl, like some dashing theuroughbred from the blue grass uplands: the Lousiania belle, fair as an autumn even ing or the starry eyed beauty from the Mississsippi; the "yellow ros" of Texas that beats the belle of Tennessee; the stately Virginian, queen like in her looks and bearings as the daughter of a hundred earls; the lovely Alabamian; the Tennes seean, sweet and tresh as the pink laurels from her mountain fastnesses; the Carolina queen, aud the Florida siren, in whese ears-are ever the song of the sea and rwhose eyes mirror the tloud- ess-"blue of the skies. The whole South will break forth into her ioys. Her liands are filled with roses and her eyes with tears. And as she stands with her beloved sons and daughters about her, far away on the breeze comes the sound of rejoicing at Santiago, where the glad light of the morning falls like a benediction on one flag, one couutry, and one cause. Louisville Times, America's greatest medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other preparations fail to do any good whatever". BOSTIAN BRIDGE WRECK RECALLED. $700 Found of the Money the Infernal Wieckers Stole From the Dead and Dying Passengers. The following interesting item is taken from the Kinston 'Free Press of the "3rd inst: A -out six years ago there was a big railroad wreck on the Western North Carolina Rail road near Statesville, at Bostian br.dge. It was thought that it was wrecked by men. About two years ago a man named Howard' of Lenoir couns ty, served his time in the Peni tentiary and returned to this county. While serving his sen tence in the penitentiary a man in there gave him a map show ing where were stolen things fjom this wreck. The case was given to Messrs. Wooten and Shaw, of Kinston, who have been working on it ever since then. Mr. Wooten received a letter yesterday from one of his agents who was searching as the map directed near the wrek, in forming him that $700 has been found, of the money the infernal scouudrels stole from the dead and dying passengers. Valaafilo to -to. Espci iuliy va! usvbk' v vuim :i ii Browns' Iron Bitters. Backuehe vr.iiiilits, headache disappears, strength takes die place of weakness, and tlie glow of health readily comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is tak( n. For sickly children or overworked men it has no equal. Nohoms should he without this famous remedy. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by ail dealers. CONGRESSMAN WHITE SPOKE. Congressman Geo. H. White spoke to the colored people of Scotland neck Saturday. His speech was mostly directed to the necessity of all going to the polls voting the straight repub lican ticket and seeing that the votes were counted as cast. He argued to the colored peo ple that their homes are sacred to them and that they onght to defeud their ballots as well as their tomes. White spoke hopefully about going back to Congress in fact as if he is sure he will be re turned. He said he favored in sion with the Populists. After White spoke Lee Per son, a coiorea pouucian 01 1 1 r Edgecombe, followed. It was said that Person's syeech was rather bitter and that he coun seled the colored people to be prepared for any emergency that might arise ; and to be ready to say, it necessary, that they have but one time to die. His speech was regaded as quite bitter and incendiary in it.s tendency. But there was little enthusi asm amongst the colored peo p'e, crowds of them remaining on the streets while White and Person w?re speaking. HE NEEDED SAND. PLACING HIS TALENT; . The Shrewd Old Farmer Saw Where Hii Son Properly Belonged. "Father, I'm vanquished," sighed the young man in soft raiment and long hair who had just come from the city to the old homestead. ' The world is too much for me. I wrote. My poems and my stories were rejected. I painted. There was no market for my pictures. I lectured on scientific subjects. The expenditure was always more than were the receipts. I flirted with fortune o 1 the mar ket. She jilted ine. I tried a clerkship. My mind was not on my business, and I was discharg ed. I became an insurance agent. Not a policy could I place. In sheer desperation I became a A. politician. I failed and paid all attendant expenses. I loathe the the past. The future offers me nothing." . "My poor, poor, boy," said the bud mother as she wiped her glasses. "You know the home is I always here." "You bet it is," from the fath er with square jaws and snap ping blue eyes. "It's been here all the time you've been spend- ng our hard earned money try ing to do something easy that you're not fitted for. I don't want no healthy youug man that weighs 180 pounds whining a round me, throwing up his bauds and sayincr there's nothing- in the world for him to do. I'll show you different. Go up stairs and ftt into that old blue jean suit of yours, change that white linen for a hickory shirts, put on them cowhide boots you left in the closet when you went out to conquer America and grease 'em. Then go along with me. I'm breaking up that ten acre field of stump land, and I'll start you on on honorable career that you're liable to succeed in. No coaxing now, mother. What this youug man needs is sand, and I'll have him pumped full. Get into your uniform, my son." Detroit Free Pree. Sick headache, oilliousness, consti pation aud all liver and stomach trou bles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as De Witt's Little Eary Risers. They are pleasant to take aud never gripe. Griggs c Son. AN UNLUCKY RTNG. It Brought Afflicton to the Roy al House of Spain. A Curious story comes all the way trom Madrid in explana tion of the misfortunes which have afflictedthe royal house of 1 Spain. It apears that at the j root of the mischief is a fatal ring of quite medieval deadli uess. The late King Alphonso XII gave it to his cousin Merce des when he was betrothed to tier, and she wore it during the whole of her short married life. On her death the King present ed it to his grandmother, the Queen Christina. She died very soon after, when it was passed along to the King's sister, the ufanta del Pilar, who at once began to sicken and in a few days breathed her last. Al- phonzo then handed it to his sister-in-law, Christina, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Montpensier, but in three months she also died. His Mas jesty now resolved to retain the fateful jewel in, his own keeping, but he, too, soon fell a victim to its mysterious malignacy. By order of the widow it was sus pended by a chain around the neek of the statue of the Maid of Almudena, the patron saint of Madiid. E. C, Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas. writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve was worth f 50.00 to bim. It cured his piles often years standing He advises others ta try "it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obsti nate sores. Griggs & son. ; For Sale. 1 nice Sharpie length 18 leet, breadth 3 feet. Well rigged, everything belongs to her that is needful. Painted white on the outside, hard-oil finish on inside Apply to J. S. RODGERS. Educate Your Bowel. With faicareu. Candy Cathartic, care constipation lorever. ioo.S5. It C C- C. tall druggists reload aoues- BLAMES THE TROOPS. Commander of the Transport Alleghany Says Those Who Came in Her Were Careless. Captain Nickerson, of the transport Alleghany, which ar rived yesterday from Moutauk, where she discharged ill and convalescent troops, resented vigorously the criticisms that had been made upon the con dition cf the vessel, He declared that when the men were taken auoara at Santiago many were i : . i suffering from malaria and gen - ... ... crai ueoimy, and mat the sur geon in charge feared many would not survive the trip. Thir teen died and were buried at sea, while another jumped overboard and was lost. "The transport was washed. swept and cleansed daily by the ship's crew," Captain Nickersou said. "The troops did not make the least effort to help them selves, nor did they try to keep clean. I arranged to give the men acilities for salt water baths.but for three days no advantage was taked of the water that was pumped aboard for their special benefit, Many of the men opens ed canded goods and threw the tins under the hammocts, al though all the refuse could have been easily pitched overboard through the port holes. They seemed wholly indifferent to their comfort aud cleanliness. "I have heard the ill ones on the transport call for water, but they got no one to bring it to them until my chief engineer, disgusted at the laziness of their able comrades, helped them with all the water they needed. I want to deny the statement that the ship was without ice. We had ice and used it freeiy and now have six tons left within the very compartment where the men were quaitered. "I offered the ship's stores for the use of the sick and served oatmeal in abundance and whiss key when it was needed. The men were so wasteful of bread and other foods that I had to make vigoroug protests. The Alleghauy is open to inspection, and no one can say that there is or has been anything unwhole some about her. Both the crew aud myself did everything poss- ble to make the troops com fort- able during the trip. Fine weath er was experienced throughout." New York Hearld, 5th. The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, wrii.es. "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedy failed." It cures cough, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Griggs & Son. OUR FLAG THE OLDEST. It is not generally known that the Star Spangled Banner of the United States is older thau any one of the present flags of the great European powers. It was adopted in 17 77 by the Con- gresj of the Thirteen Colonies of North America, then at war with the mother country. The yellow and red Spanish flag came out in 178?. the French ricolor was adopted in .1794 . the red English emblem with he Union Jack in the upper corner, dates irom 180J : the Sardinian now the Italian flaer first fluttered in 1848, the Austro 0 Hungarian flag was once of the consequences of the compromise of 1867 : the present German flag first appeared in 1871, and ine K.ussian tricolor is quite a recent affair. The only modification that the American has undergone since its origin consists in the addi tion of a new star every time new state is taken into the Union. The stars now number forty-five and, unfortunately for Spain, it is more thttn likely that they have not yet come to the end of their multiplication. From the Paris Figaro. "I think DeWitt's Wrtcto naze! salve is the finest preparation on the market lor piles.' so -writes John C. Dunn 01 wneeuug, w. va. Try u and you win minis tne same, it also cures ecezma and all skin diseases. Griggs csson. j Before Retiring.... take Ayer's Tills, and you will sleep better and wake In bcttex condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Tills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They arc sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Tills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. SCHOONERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST I)K UNLOADED ! -CALL AT- BERGERON'S TJII12 i v ivi !.; Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Sleady Employment for all during the Summer Don't wait until your Wheel gives out before you have it re paired. Brind it to- P. DeLON, An Experienced Bicvclo Repairer. and have it put in perfect order. Work executed promptly and prices at living rates.- My shop is thoroughly equip ped with all modern improve ments, and what can't be repair ed in DeLon's shop can't be fixed this side of the factory. A full stock of Bicycle Sup plies always on hand at lowest irices. Shop No. 40, Matthews St., ELIZAETH CITY, N. C. . Baysido House KITTY 13cTWK, N. C. W. J. TATE, Prop A NEW BUILDING, COMPLETED SEP TEMBER 1, 1897. Open Tin? Year ltouiil. Beautifully located ut the Head of Kitty Hawk Bay half mile from Atlan tic Ocean. A Veritable Paradise for the Summer Visitor. Here the Sum mer Visitor can Bathe, Sail. Row, Fish, Kide tnrougn virgin I'ine I'orests or Shoot Shore Birds to his heart's con tent. Climate a pure and healthy as the South affords. Mean Temperature for past Decade ; Summer, 74 Degrees ; Winter, 43 Degrees. Telegraph Office and Telegraphic connections to all points. Post Office in Building and Daily Mails. 35 miles from Elizabeth City; 12 miles from Iiistoric Roanoke- Island Reached from Klizabeth City by Stmr. Ray every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Table supplied with the best. Rates reasonable. Hotice ! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in the cause of W.M. Bax ter et al. vs. II. C- Pinnix. I shall on Sept. 10th 1898,'at 12 m. offer for tale at the Court House door in Elizabeth City, the following lands known as the Baxter Swamp, bounded 07 Pasquo tank River, Lamb's Ferry Road, the lands of M. J,. Davis and others con taining 500 acres more or less. Said land is sold for division among the heirs at law. Terms one half cash balance in 12 months. Title retained 'till purchase money all paid. G. W- WARD, Com, Aug. 9, 1898. Ag.i3 4ti ) f ri