BUY SCRAPE I 'A1 TOG-ETHER -AND t I JIM. IN" O IT IN TO HVT1-1AWAYS. wews Adrift. ,-rKED UP BY OUR REPORT FRS WJ1U AKC ALWAIO IN "THE SWIM." Election over. calm after a storm. What next? Oh I for a turkey ,r Thanksgiving. Koncless roll beef for sale at ;o;inon, Stevens & Co. The Misses Pool, of Weeks ijc are the guests of their sister rs. J. V. Overman. Thanksgiving day Zoeller 11 make you r6 cabinet photo raphs for $ 1 ,00. The steamer Bertie is on the avsat Willey's shipyard res jiving some needed repairs. The Misses Salomonsky, of Norfolk, are the guests of Mrs. ;0Uis Selig on Road street. Miss Ilettie Sawyer, of Man- ,0 is visiting the family of Mr. h I. Hanks on Durgess street. Zoeller on Thanksgiving will ;;ake you 16 cabinet photo raphs for one dollar. We acknowledge a pleasant :ill this week from Mr. Edwin . Sawyer, of East Lake. Mr. T. M. Jones Gen. Agt. of ;he Inter-State Commercial and Collecting Agency, is in the ::ty. Ground has been broken and ricks arc being laid for the Jodi'rcy building on Poindexter treet. Miss V-dtiic Perry, of South Mills, has accepted a position as vilcsla -ly in the store of Sawyer Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Salo lonsky, of Norfolk, are in the city, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Louis Selig Try a round 01 Rollinson, Sevens & Co's. prepared Ham. The large barge McCabe, car- :vinr three masts is at Comman d's Mill loading with pils ag for Baltimore. Found 2 keys on Poindexter street Thursday evening. Owner can get same by calling at this office and paying a reward. The Government Supply boat left Wednesday for the lower sounds with cargo ot supplies for the various life saving stations. Miss P. 1? Upton, represent nj the Sunday Star of Wilming ton, Del., gave this office a short nt delightful visit yesterday, 'ome again, The old gas boat, W. A. VYi- aant, has just been launched rom Willey's railways having seen thoroughly repaired and inverted into a steamboat. How is this for a pine log? A few days ago Mr. Chas. hompson, who is cutting ti in ter near So.ith Mills, cait a pine 'Og that measured 6,427 feet. We learn that at the next General Assembly of North arolina an application will be Bade to incorporate the town of Hanteo, Dare county, N. C. The Zimmerman dwelling at corner of Poindexter and earing streets is being rapidly orn clown to o-ive nlace to the - - r ttizeus Hank building and a a'ge brick store. Miss Marv Dell returned yes terday from a visit to relatives 11 Edenton. She was accompa nied by Mrs K. R. Ferrebee, of bat city, who came to visit fiends in this place. , On Bell street five new dwell- ln2s have hist been com Dieted V Mr. C. J. Ward. On the Sanie street Mr. Ed Corey is Meeting a residence, another oeing erected by a Mr. Rich ardson. Rev. T. W. Stiff, an ex-Dastor I ftlieM. E. Church in this Y, will preach here next Sun morning and night. He is tending the Methodist Con ference this week at Portsmouth, a-. and has con.ented to spend inday with us. We bespeak lor him large congregations, CA.STOIIIA. J the The Kind You Have Always Bought HATHAWAY BROS- The persons who have travel led the streets of Elizabeth City, during the past few days with out the use of rubber boots that will say we need no change in the city government is a fit subject for the asylum. Little Thomas, the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Wells, died yesterday afternoon at about 2:30 o'clock at the home of the parents on Church street; aged 14 months. We offer our deepest sympathy to the grief stricken parents. We learn that the energetic firm or Rollinson, Stevens & Co., 69 and 71 Poindexter street, are doing a thrifty business every Saturday (special sales day). Their store is crowded with cus tomers and other days a steady flow of pruchasers. Conservatism, even in victory, predominates among all classes of our citizens. A heated cam paign does not unbalance this characteristic. Violence in any form is condemned and oppres sive measures are denounced in un measurable terms. Tuesday afternoon a painful accident occurred at the N. & S. Railroad depot in this city. A colored man named Brown, while trying to board a freight train fell between the cars, his band being mashed off. His wounds were dressed by Dr. McMullau. Constipation prevent tbe body from riddiui; itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Earlv Risers will remove the troble and enre Sick Headache. Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, rlon't gripe or cause uause. Griggs 6c Son. The Mc Caw M'Pg Company, of Macon, Ga , the makers of Maodc Cleaner soap have pre sented to Mr. D. T. Gallup, trav eling salesman for the whole sale grocery house of Robinson & Co., a handsome gold watch, to show their appreciation"" of the large sales made by him, he having sold nearly two car loads within nine weeks. Two very amusing Elements occurred last week on Main street that of two election bets paid and a receipt taken in full. tm, firct nioTit a wheelbarrow Qfvp Williams doing the pushing and George White lue riding iucuci. j F. T. Steger had a buggy ride, the buggy being pulled by Gil bert Bailey. Both were escorted by a band of music followed by along procession 01 cnecwug v;r,ric These o-entlemen are all Democrats and voted alike, but made the wager lor a mue fun, and they had it indeed. ripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-lasn- toned, sugar-coated pilis.wnica tear yvu nrA not in it with Hood's. Easy to take and easy to operate, is true n 01 Hood's Tills, whien are I Ql g opto date la every respect 11 1 US' Bale, certain ana sure. u - frugglsts. 25c C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. p only Pills to take with Hood's SarsaparUla. WATCH OUT For This Space NEXT WEEK ! On last Friday night a very en iovable birthday party was given by Willie Overman, on Church street, at which his many friends were present and j enjoyed the pleasures or the evening. Mrs. Emily Markham, widow; of the late Janus C. Markham, j died Tuesday evening at her! home on Poindexter street. Mrs. Markham was a most estimable and beloved lady, possessed of many of those traits of character , and Christian graces that madej the world better for her sojourn , here. She leaves three children j and a large number of friends to ; mourn her loss. ' J W C Oden has onened a' place of business under the Fisherman & Farmer's Office, and next door North ot Over man's Furniture store, for re pairing Sewing Machines, Bicy cles, clocks and watches. He comes before the public highly recommended, by some of our leading citizens as an expeit, and a man of exemplary habits and well worthy of your patron age; encourage him. A birthday dinner was given Wednesday by Mr. H. C. Wood,! as highly esteemed citizen, at his j home on Ehrinehaus street, it; .j being his 62nd anniversary. It was indeed a pleasaut occasion and a regular family reunion 1 all of his children aud grand children and a number of inti. mate friends being present. We acknowledge an invitation and regret our nubility to attend. Buckingham's Dye for tbe Whiskers can be applied when at hame, aud is uniformly successful in coloring a brown or black. Hence its L'reat popularity. The White Man's Union held a very interesting meeting last Monday night, at which there were several short but appropri ate speeches made. All in debtedness of the club was paid in full and other business trans acted. Some important coin mittees were appointed one of them being a committee to draft resolutions of thanks. It was also decided that the Union be made a permanent organization. Last night the beautiful mili ary p'ay, -Captain Dick," under the management of Bertram & Willard, was presented at the Academy of music, l ne piay is not only a good one but those who took part in same, the per' "ormers being principally young fldies and p-entlemen of this city acquitted themselves admirably well.receiving uienrea appiause. Those present speak in the high est terms of the entertainment and class it among: the best yet presented in Elizabeth City, not only by amateurs diu Dy mauy professionals that come nere To-night the play will be re lated and if the weatlier wincn is to dav exceedingly inclement, will permit our theatre goers to come out we predict a crow ciea house. O J?- S2 3? 3 !Ei S A. . Bear the j? Til8 oa HavB BCL'fhl We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. P. h. Lang worthy representative of the Eaflin & Rand Powder'Co., New York, who was in the city a few days ago exhibiting samples of sport ing, smokeless, blasting and oth er powders made by his firm. Accompanying Mr. Langworthy was our townsman Mr. F. H. Zeigler, the champion sports-, man of this section, who it is claimed by nearly every hunts man in this vicinity can kill more birds than any man in these parts that shoot a gun. Worst in the County. "I have had the worst case of scro fula ever known in this couuty. After taking a few bottles of Hood's Sarsa- parilla the sores were entirely healed and J have been botuerea very mue with scrofuli since. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to bette best blood puri fier in the world." John a. Caen, Brink, W. Ya. Hood's ritLS cure nausea, head ache. LOST DOG. The party who will recover and return to me my dog that has gone astray will be reward ed. The dog is a srout livers colored setter and answers to the name of "Teeb." D. C. Whitehurst, Elizabeth City, N. C. To The People of E. City. Beware The circulars sent out by Mitchell, the Bee Hive mers chant, advertising "Real Octa gon Laundry Soap 2 bars for 5 cents," is not the real Octagon made by Colgate & Co., as it sells the world over atone price, and I beg the people not to be taken in by imitations as the Octasou's equal is hard to be found. Wm. N. Bennett, , Rep. of Colgate & Co.1 futf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ioctorsSay; iinous and Intermittent Fever, vhich prevail in miasmatic dif nets are invariably accompan cd by derangements of tht Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great " driving wheel" in the mechanism oi man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. Go to the Old Fish Market for Fresh and Salt Fish. We keep on hand a Very Select Stock of Fish and Ovsters, Clams in season. All Fish Dressed and Delivered Free of Charge, Don't Forget the Place. No. 7 Matthews St. Fred. Williams, Manager. Phone 112, DEMOCRATIC CELEBRATION A grand rally will be held at Edenton, N. C, Wednesday, November, 23rd. Speaking and music. Come with your wife and children. Free dinner at the Fair Grounds. The old North State is redeemed. White supremacy now and forever. Distinguished speakers will be present. Our country friends cordially invited. Ladies re quested to be present aud as sist in making a grand success. A CARD. Snowden. N. C. Nov. 16 Editor Fisherman and Farmer, E. City, N. C. . Dear Sirs: Please allow me space in your paper to correct a report made by me. I mention your paper because it is so generally nad in this vicinity. What I wish to say in justice to Mr. Bray is that the statement made by me to the effect that. I lost two hun dred pounds of cotton by Mr. P. N. Bray's scales was made without the proper thought. The cotton was sent down by two men in my employ, and 1 could not or would not, say that the cotton ever reached Mr. Bray's gin. Jos. B. Dey. State ok Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured by Halls catarrh cure. FRANK . CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. d. 1896. SEAL I Notarv Public j Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and azts, directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. iSend for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 73c. Hall's Family rills are the best. Now at The Bee Hive. To the citizens of Elizabeth City and surrounding country: Will you kindly remember me when you lay down to rest at night by wishing me success in my new quarters, at the great unheard of "One price Cash Store, Mitchell's Bee Hive;" where your child can buy and get the same value you can. One price to all is the motto of this wonderful establishment. In the North, East, South and West there will not be found a greater display than shown in this, the on y One Price Cash Store in Elizabeth City, N. C. It you have not met Big Ike he will be glad to shake your hand at the Bee Hive. Come and get acquainted with him and rest assured that your interests are his hence he will give you the best goods for the least money. Overcome evil with good. Overcome vour coughs and colds with One Min ute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. Griggs & Son. Flattery is like Cologne water to be smelt of, not swallowed. n "WoiIcrici Divvnvcry. The last quarter of a century records many wondeiful discoveries i:i medicine, but none tliu.t have acconip'iyhe.l more far humanity that stt-rliiiR oi l household remedy, Ihowns'Irou Jiitnr.s. It pecnis to contain the very elements cf A health, and neither man, woman r H;ild can take it without deriving the v.-e-iu--.t- '.iv.c-fit. Bro vena' Iron Uitters is .! i-y cii dealers. Gallantry may possibly be de. fined as the politeness cti flattery. Soothing, healing, cleaning, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im placeable enemy of sores, burns and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may reply upon it. Otiggs & Son. For Sale Cheap. VERY CHEAPF0R CASH. Cheap on time with a reasonable payment. One halt of my tract ot laud 2 miles from Hertford, : miles from the depot. Baptist, Methodist aud Episcopal Chv.rches iu Hertford convenient also 7 Country Chuiches near bv, Baptist, Methodist, Diciple aud Episcopal. Shipping point by water one half mile. Whaif for regu lar steamer 3 miles. Academy and free school house at Hertford. 3 coun try school houses within reach. A good neighborhood. 224 acres, will sell apart or all cf it, direct on Eden ton road. A part of it natural drained. No lead drains to be cut away from field. Good house, l:arn, stables and shelter. This laud can be bought for per acre. Tor farther informa tion appl v to JOHN O. WHITE, Hertford, N C. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent curs o tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment i without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching pils, mapped hand3, chronic Eore eyes anc jranulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders fo: lurses are me ucm ivmc, uiuuu jiui mci ind vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldbs HJoijumeijts and Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10, which we mail free, con tains a variety of designs of Marble and granite Memorials, and will help you in making a proper selection. Write for it; we will satisiy you as 10 prices. Our stock is the lar gest in the South. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS (Established 50 Years.) 159 to 163 Bank Street, Norfolk. niniinniiiiniiHnniHiinniiHinfniHiHninHHiiiiHnHnnimmiiimmmmtmnfiinmifc: I CHRISTJ1AS' EARLY, while my Stock 'is Unbroken. Articles purchased now will be set aside, and need not be paid for until December 24. XJ No. ELIZABETH CITY, N- C. luiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiaiiiiiaiiiaiuuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiaiuaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiiuaiai ABOUT EXTRA EARLY PEAS. , . r , . Don't make the mistake this season of planting some cheap pea that will hegin to blossom about the time Taifs Nonpareil is setting pods. The experiment Station of your state will tel you that the Nonpaseil is the earliest and best trucking pea. These stations were establiseed lor your benefit. Why should you take advantage of them ? But take care not to buy any Nonapreils without the lead sear with a thistle stamped upon it ; better buy direct from us. Then you'll know. GEO. TAIT & SONS, P. O. Box, 540, , Norfolk, Va. SPECIAL SALE BY Rollins, Stevens & Co., 69 and 71 Poindexter Street. NEW FIRM, Goods, NEW PRICES. Come and examine our stock of Staple aud Fancy groceries and we think you will leave us your order. We carry the finest as sortment ot can goods, bottled pickles, &c. to be found in the city. Special attention given to retail orders. We want your trade, so give us a call. Phone 125. HEALTH AND PLEASURE TAKE NO STRAUS QSClf fWPfXTOftS OTHER IK Li T. fl Ni 1 r r n MTQJ:.ThLs Whiskey is bottled un 1 lwlierourpersonal supervision, and we guarantee its purity and quality. Only genuine when seals over corks are not broken. STRAUS. GUNST ft CO. For Sale fcy all SPEIGHT, S. E. For Elizabeth THE CITY The Choices Meats It will be to your interest to give us your orders. -Fresh Vegables a specialy. a Bays -It Is Wise to Make Your Selections For- PRESENT 61 Water Street, miLD MELLOW AND GUNSTScCO. tilLnrturlU, m-gjfl PURE, First-class Dealers. SOLE AGENT, Uity. jn. jj MARKET imw 1 p 11 ui 11 i 1 !j I Ul"-.' mm I 1 Proprietor. BROAD ST,, EDENGOft, N- C. on hand at all times. C LOWEST CASH PRICES ) IN THE CITY. J S FOR I CHOICE GROCERIES ( Call at the store corucr uf broad ami Water streets and you wfll find a fresh select stock of everything used by I me Housekeeper. LOW PRICES And fresh floods are what everyone is looking fur and a call from those search ing for bargains will con vince you that HOWELL. The Grocer is a leader and his store is the place to trade IN EDENTON. i Corner Broad aud Water Streets, iu the Woodard building. -THE- NATIONAL SALOON, B. F. FRANCIS, Prop. In the Woodard building on Kast side of Broad Street, is the FINEST IN eDNTON. Tor choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. Large stocH of choice goods constantly on hand at prices in keeping with the times. EVERYBODY INVITED to Call. No souveniers but fine goods at Low Prices. W.B. BASNMT EDENTON, N. C, J Respectfully Solicit a share of your I'ATRO NAO JjZ EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DRINK. FINE WINES WHISKIES, AND " BRANDIES. Cigars and Tobacco a Specialty. a IF YOU NEED A 1 We can supply and then. Fill it; Give us a call. Prompt at tention and courteous treat ment awaits all. . .