mSHEfRMAJt & FARMER BY A. H. MITCHELL- Entered at the Post Office at Eliheth Cit on d clasp matter. ELI5SABFTH m TY. Mar. 24, 1899. Havana owes twelve and a half millions. And not a dollar has been spent for sewers a : J street cleaning. Dewey ought to feel safe against all comers in the Hast now that the Oregon has arrived and been added to his his toric fleet. As soldiers the negro volun teers were not only failures, but their conduct grew worse and worse. In every State that they passed through railroad stations were terror-stricken by their malicious and reckless behavior; and much damage was dona. All the volunteer troops in Cuba will be ordered home be fore the summer, and mustered out. There are some 30,000 now in service on the island. A force of 15,000 regulars is there also. These are deemed sufficient for preserving order and no furs thei troops w'll be sent. Here is a pointer for the far-, mers from the Waynesville Courier: "One of the leading Southern newspapers gives warning of an approaching scarcity of corn and calls upon farmers thus early to make up their minds to plant a heavy corn crop this year. Various cause s are conspiring to bring about the predio arcity. The last crop fell si i what was expected, a large quantity than ever before is being fed to hogs, but more than all, the European demand is increasing at a rate beyond all precedent at and expectation. Farmers should make a note of these conditions and let corn have a large place in the plans they are now laying for another year." Accoiding to the Manufactu rers Record the cotton manuiact uring industry is exerting a far reaching influence in the direc tion of an industrial awakening in North Carolina. A cone spondent of that paper writing from Charlotte, says: The Legislature just adjourn ed has authorized a number oJ towns to issue bonds for munic ipal improvement, and it is esti mated that in owe city alone--Wilmington there will be un der construction by private en. terprise within thirty days buil dings to the value of between $95,000 and 100,000. Charters have been granted to twenty three banks, sixteen railroad companies and eight insurance companies, and nearly all the new banks are the result of the demand for banking facilities created by the cotton mills. He adds: "All-the previous records will be broken in the establishment of local banks, the formation of insurance companies, the devel opment of water powers, the in stalling of electric power plants and the building oi railroads and texile milling plants All this extraordinary industrial pace was set by the cotton mills They lead, and there is nothing for the financial and commercial interests to do but follow. The result is an industrial rate that will be attracting the attention of the whole country to this State before the1 year is out." There is more Catarrh i-i this section of the country than all other diseases piir together, and unt:i t'. :ast wv vea.s was supposed to h iucnrahle. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local diseas . and pre sent ed local treatment, aud constant ly failing to cute with Io-al reatn ent pTononnced it incurable'. Science has proven catarah to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chen-, v & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cansti sw1 rnal remedy on the market. 1 l is arken internally in doses from 1 1 drops hect teaspoon tul. it acts direct! on If s blood and mucous surfaces of the taytem. They offer one hundred dol ttto or any case it fails to cure cii'i feu ircolars and testimonials. Addre-ss K. J CHENEY &co . Toledo, Ol Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family T ills arc- the b.;,t March 28th., three United States fish commissioneis mcel the three fish commissioners o this State at Eden ton, N. C , to discuss the ad visibility of the removal of the fish hatchcrv across the Albem rle sound, in one or the branches of the Clio wan liver. The hatchery is now over in Pamlico county and locateel in a stream that is infec ted witlrjuniper water, which is injurious to shad fry. Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills. At Griggs & Son. THE SUPERIOR COURT Is Grinding Away This Week in Pasquotank County. The Spring Term of Pasquo tank Superior Court convened Monday, at 10 o'clock a.m., with Judge Bowman on the bench. His charge to the Giand Jury was brief, but plain and practi cal. The cases disposed of up to this writing are as follows: State against John Horton, larceny, nol pros. Aaron Johnson, injury to stock, recognized to appear at next term of court and pay cost. Tom Privott, carrying con cealed weapons, recognized to appear at next term of court. Noah Perry, larceny, capias issued. David Smithson, obstructing public road, guilty; discharged on payment of costs. Allen Hughes, assault and battery, guilty, judgement sus pended on payment of costs. Lemuel Morgan, assault, guil ty; judgement suspended on t ie payment of $ic costs. Wm. Banks, removing crops without consent landlord; judgement suspended on pay ment of $20 to landlord and cost. Sol Nixon, larceny, guilty and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Elihu Harris and Wesley Pritchard, forcible trespass, not guilty. Willie Woodhouse, seduction, judgement suspended on pay ment of costs. C. R. Grandy, c. c w., sub mitted and discharged on pay ment of costs. Wilson Williams and Ed Skiles, affray; guilty as to Skiles and judgement suspended on pity men t of costs. Williams was discharged. Joe Ashby, assault, guilty; judgment suspended on pay ment of c sts. Alfred Brooks, assaul;t s.ib mitted and judgment suspended on payment of costs. N. R. Zimmerman, refusing: to be vacciuated; jury failed to agree. The three young men who entered the store of R. L,. Ev ans and took therefrom some cigars ccc, were discharged on payment of the goods and the costs. Henry Spencer, larceny, guilty; judgment 12 months at hard labor in state prison. Isa&c Bryant, larceny: nolle prosequied and capias ordered issued. Willis Owens, seduction; nolle pios, and defendant discharged a satisfactory compromise hav ing been made. T. R. Watson, assault with deadly weapon; guilty; judgment for $10 anel cost. John Brown, carrying con cealed weapons, guilty; judg ment for costs. Fred Williams and J. B. Low ry, aff ay, not guilt; discharged. James Hill, appealed from Mayor's court, judgment for S5 aud costs affirmed. Elizabeth Meads vs. Henry C. Meads, divorce, judgment in fav'or of plaintiff. Overman vs. Cooper, claim aud delivery: judgment for plain tiff. Fir.'t National Bank of Eliza beth City, against G. M. Scott; judgment for the defendant ac cording to option of the Su preme Court. Hill Humphries against Cor poration of Elizabeth City; judg ment of non suit in favor of de teudaut J. T. Davis against Thomas E. Palmer, slander; judgment against defendant for costs, he having denied the allegations in the complaint. Judgment for plaintiffs were rendered in the following cases: Krnger vs. Lathrop; Overman vs. Murden; Overman vs Wins low; Overman vs. Sykes; Over man vs. Baxter; Overman vs. Brooks. "Example is Better Than Precept' It is not ivhat ive sayf but zvhat Hood's Sarsaparilla loes, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood's nas done for others, and what it will do for you.;a tnnini scrofula sores made nie shunned !y neighbors. Medical treatment ailed. A relative urged me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. IId so and in tew mouths the sores uomoletely healed." Mrs. J. M. Hatch, Etna, N. H. Inflammatory Rheumatism-" Two attacks of the grip left rae with inflamma tory ism. Am 89 years old, but Hood's Sarsaparilla cur. ', -ne and I can climb stairs and walk any whore." J Lotc lakd, 373 Farco Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. .4 Hooil'i Pills cure liver HI; tVr n- -It. only rathartit.- to lake with Hsotl . f utfs Pills Cure All Uvr Ills. ARE YOU BANKRUPTmbeakh constitution r iermined by ex tiavaganc . eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, -our stomach, malaria, torpid iiver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Shawboro. Mr. J. E C. Bell and daugh ter, Margaret, spent last Satur-, day in Norfolk. It being his regular appoint ment, Rev. J. Y. Olds preached at Perkin's Chapel last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. D. Baxter and Mrs. R. E. Flora went to Norfolk last Thursday. It is nothing unusual to see people with their arms in a sling from the effects of vacci nation and some have been right sick with their arms. Miss Sue Hall, of Coinjock, i; visiting her cousin Miss Margaret Bell. Mrs. Lou Bell and Miss Lula Bell, of Snowden, visited at Mrs. J. E. Bell's this week. Seeeral of our people attend ed court at E. City this week. Mr. T. J. Ether idge spent Thursday in E. City. N. Y. Z. MISS G RANDY'S R E MAINS BROUGHT HOME. Mics Lessie Grandy, was kil led last Friday during the burn ing of the Hotel Windsor in New York City, she having j imped for her lile from the seventh story window. Her remains were brought home Tuesday and were taken to the residence of her mother corner Road and Matthew? streets, where they remained till 4 p.m., and were v ewed by her many friends aud relatives. The body was then take.; to the Episcopal Church and the funeral conduc ted by the Rev. L. Iy. Williams, in the presence ol a large num ber of sympathizing friends The remains were interred in the Ppiscopal cemetery in the fam ily plot. Messrs. H. A. Green leaf, C. W. Melick, Abuer Ayd- lette, Logan Old, W. J.Woodley, aud W. T. Old were the pall rearers. Miss Grandy was the eldest laughter of the late Hon. C. W. Grandy, who, for a number of years, was a prominent lawyer in the rust District of North Carolina. Some sixteen or eighteen years ago she accepted a lucrative position in the the Treasury Department in Washington City, which she occupied until recently. Came From New York State. Rocky Mount, N. C. March 10, IS99. W. L. Groom, of this place, who, with his family came here from Elmyra, N. Y., states that he feared a change in climate and water would bring on sickness They therefore began tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla aud have had uj need of any other medicine. When anything is the matter with any of the family, they talie Hood's awhile and it sets them right The Norfolk Ledger says: "The sideswheel car float, John W. Garrett, now in this port, is having cabins put on her for the passenger traffic she is expected to do in conuec i on with the transfer of freight cars for the Norfolk Southern Railway be tween Rdenton and Mackey's Ferry, N C." 53 158 tlava AIW3V3 nffiwfl! 1 V ' GET THE BEST When -j cuare -.boutto buvaScwins Machint ac. cot be deceived by allui-mfj advertisements i k.j or- iea 'o Lumr you ran pet the best TUAdty tcest :Ia;shed utid Most Popular cr a mere sfir See to it that cu buy from reliable manu 1 trers that have gained a e: station by hones! and square c you will then get a i"rii-.g .Muchine that is noted ..o world over for its ctttr ulny. You want the ic that 3 '-v.sicst to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty tn appearance, or has as maai improvements as the New Home: 't has Automatic Tension, Doable Feed, alike n both sides of needle (patented), no has t j New Stand patented), driving wheel hinged on ad j ustable centers, thus reducing friction to he minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE WS HOME SEWIIG MACHIEE CO. w .e, Mass. Eostox, Mass. H TTntok Sqttam, N. Cmcjm, III. St. Locis, Mo. Dallas. Teuj. S Ol FaiVOUOO, C'AL. ATLtyiA C A FO SALE BY FROM MOYCCK. Mrs. Julia Hutchins is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregow ry took a trip to Norfolk on Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Davis, who has been quite ill for sometime is improving. Dr. R. R. Over y and Rev. H. M. Giles were the guests of Mr. D. A. Cox while here Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Addie Simmons has re turned home alter a very pleas ant visit with her cousins, Mr. aud Mrs. H. L. Davis, at Benefit, Va. Mrs. F. N. Lilley, accoropa uied bv Lafayette Lilley left last Friday for a visit to their par euts at Scotland Neck. Mrs. J. J. Ferrebee, of Shaw boio, came Saturday to visit Mrs. J. E. Barnard and Mrs. VV. L. Wilson. She returned home Monday. Notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather, Dr. Overby ffiied his appointment here Sun day morning and night and preached to a large crovvel. Mr. Thomas Holt aged about 65 5 ears, died at the home of his brother, E. W. Holt in Moyock last Wednesday. He was an ex Confederate soldier and served 4 years under General Mahone. Ke was wounded during the war and has been a sufferer ever since. Death to him was a re lief. He left no family. T1k remains were buried at the B B Cox old homestead in Mo yock. C. A. the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, cough colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded agaiust, nothing "is a fine substitute, " will "an swer the purpose," 01 is "jut as good" as One Minute cough eute. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles Insist vig orously upon having it if "something'" pise is offered you. For sale by Griggs & son. Manteo. Mrs. L. S. Hooper is very sick with a rising hand. George Rogers, of E. City was in Manteo, one or two days this week. About all one can hear, now is don't touch my vaccinated arm. Miss Leila Shall ing ton is vis iting her sister, Mrs. L. S. Hooper. Charlie Lester is suffering very much with his vaccinated arm. A. Lx. Sample is away tins week purchasing spring and summer goods. Israel Watson, of Hyde coun ty, was here this week in the interest of his insurance busi ness. Miss Peele, of Hatteras, who was at Wauchese at the mar riage of Miss Willis, is visiting her brother at Manteo, Captain H. Peele. It is probable that we will have a cable connecting with Nag's Head in the near future, something that is surely needed for this place. o.-ara iui ignatnre at r.d Vsiife i Wagrs Bough The Laziest People on Earth. The laziest and dirtiest people in the world have recently been discovered in the Caucasus. They live in an inaccess ible mountain range between the Black sea and the Caspian sea, and as they were 2,500 years ago so they are today. Seen from without, there is a certain picturesqueness about a Svanctian vil lage, although it merely consists of miserably stone hovels without any at tempt at form or adornment. Within the houses are inconceivably filthy. They are filled with rags, vermin and dirt of every description. They possess no fireplace or chimney. All the cook ing, in fact, is done over a hole scooped out in the middle of the floor. In these houses men and women and children aro huddled together. During the long winter months they are shut in for days at a time, the cattle often sharing their quarters. Every aperture has to be closed on account of the cold. This long imprisonment is perhaps the cause of the degradation of the people. Horri ble diseases result from it, which are aggravated by an abnormal consump tion of arrack, tho strong distilled drink of the Asiatics. Besides this, it is an invariable rule to make four days a week holidays, with saints' days as ex tras. Since they have adopted the holi days cf every other country with which they have been in contact, it is not sur prising that the men find little time for work. Farming, bee culture and cattle Dreeding are the only industries of these people, while throughout their territory there is not a single manufactured arti cle. New York Ledger. BRAGG PERRY, Expert Horse Trimmer, BELVIDERE, N. C. Horse owners who need my services are invited to cor respond with me. Best ref erences given. The Home Paper Advantage. The newspaper that reaches the people in the quiet of their home, where plain facts can best appeal to the intellect, is by far the most preferable medium of communication. "LEANING tower OF PISA. One Cannot Help Reins Nrvoa In Look lag From Its Top. In St. Nicholas, John Ward writes ol "The Bell Towers of Italy." Mr. Ward says of the most famous of them all : Pisa soenis like a sleeping city, as she lies so quietly and silently along the two borders of the river Arno. Sne fell asleep several hundred yearn ago, after ebe had struggled valiantly 2ot her in dependence and had won renown during the fierce contests" between the Guelpba (partisans of the pope) and the Ghibel lines (partisans of the emperor). Though Pisa has loug siuc8 forgotten the days of her greatness, the world cannot fur get them when it looks upon that won dronsly beautiful group of four marble white buildings standing apart in the acred corner the cathedral, the bap tistery, the campo santo (or burial round), and, what interests ns most of all, the remarkable campanile, so well known as the "leaning tower." Thi9 famous tower was built in 1174. Its construction is peculiar. There is in the center a boilow brick tube or cylinder; around this plain round tower the archi tects built eight stories of open galleries, with beautiful, slender columns of white marble supporting semicircular arches. The general effect is one of great delicacy and lightness, a fairylike tower of wonderful grace. The summit is 179 feet from the ground. As you all know, the tower leans 13 feet out of the perpendicular and looks as if it would surely fall over at any moment, but, as the center of gravity is still within its base, it is as safe as if it were erect. The foundations were prob ably imperfectly built at the start, fof the tower began to lean before it was half finished, and we can see whero at one point the builders tried to bring it back as much as possible to the vertical line by making the columns on the low side higher than the others. The walls, too, are strengthened with iron bars. Fanoy the consternation of the archi tects when they saw their beautiful tower leaning over and its foundations sinking in the ground I It requires very steady nerves to carry us to the top, and we find ourselves clinging to the wall when we are on the leaning side. This is what Charles Dickens says about the tower in his "Pictures From Italy:" "In tbeeourse of the ascent to the top the inclination is not very ap parent, but at the summit it becomes so and gives one the sensation of being in a ship that has heeled over through the action of an ebb tide. The effect cpon the low side, so to speak, looking over from the gallery and seeing the shaft recede to its base, is very star tling, and I saw a nervous traveler hold on to the tower involuntarily after glancing down, as if he had some idea of propping it up." When we reach the summit, we must not forget that this was where the great astronomer Galileo watched the stars, experimented on the fall of bodies and studied the law of gravitation. Here, too, in the upper story, hang the six bells, the largest of which weighs more than 12,000 pounds. The bell founders of Pisa had a wide reputation for cast ing bells of beautiful tone, sonorous and harmonious. They lavished on them all their art and their talent. The Pasquarecoia ( the Paschal bell), the most famous of the Pisan bells, the one which was tolled when criminals were taken to execution, is ornamented With a figure of the Virgin and tho de vices cf Pisa and has a ri ;h, full tone. IS H. ROGERS, WHOLKSALE C O M M ISSION Fish Dealer 106 Fulton Market, NEW "Y K Ii. North Carolina Shad a Specialty. Stencils furnished at a moment's notice. REFERENCE: Guirkin &. Co., Hankers Elizabeth City, N- C, aud other Fiuan cial parties when desired. R.e.M.DftUlSOM&CO. Wholesale Commission Merchants FRESH FISH TGrramn and Game. j 8. W. COR. CHARLES and CAMDEN ST. BALT1M0RF, MD. Prompt Returns. Quick -"ales. REFERENCES : Third National Bank, P. forton, Stew art & Co , J. A Lebron Co. and the Trade in General. Stencils Furnished Free. WILL x 2t i ill!! i tit- -In I i a. INDIANTOWN. Spring! spring! spring! Mr. S. S. Leary attended court Monday at Camden. Mr. Wallace Sawyer aud fam ily, of Portsmouth, Va., arc vis iting his parents. Mrs. Ami -Whitthurst and daughter Sarah, were in our vil lage Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Leary and lit tie grandsou, Charlie, are on a short visit to her son, E. J. Leary, at ShaWboro. Frank Windley, of, was entertained by Miss Annie Leary Tuesday evening We regret to says Miss Annie Upton came home ironi her sc'iool at 110011 Tuesday, feeling very ill. O People say that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when ail other preparations fail to auv audyou run 110 ri-k in giviui,' it a f.iir trial. .r y Practical T77 a rrsas tail l5Sr" Fine Sewing Machine repairing a Specialty. New River Dnequaled even !n Ly a u havens, Fat and ol a most delicious fla- vor, constantly on hand at S. E. SPEIGHT'S RESGAORAN5- Will be served at all hours on half shell or otherwise. Receive ed from New River, N. C, three times a week. Orders promptly Billed rvnrnTiaMT LArk-Ll 1 All I We 'fer Yo" bU I fill a REriE)Y Which IJATIIPnA INSURES Safety IWS 1 1 I HhKV ol i ife l Moth- IIIU I lIUllVI ' an Child. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Robs Confinement of ils Pain, Horror and Risk. My ivifo used "MOTHERS' FKIKNO" be- 1 fore birth of ber child, she did not suffer from CU AMI'S or TAINS was quickly 1 relieved ai the critical hour suffering but little she bad no pains afterward and her recovery was rapid. n;. e. JOHNSTON, Eufaula, Ala. Sent by Mail or Express, on receint of price, $1.00 ,,er bottle. Book "To Moth ers mailed Free. BUADFIELD UEGULATOB CO., Atlanta, Ga. SOLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 W' FOR CHOICE GROCERIES Call at the store corner of Broad and Water streets aud you will find a fresh select stock of everything used by the housekeeper. low FRiees Aud fresh oods are what everyone is looking fr aud a call from those search ing for bargains will con vince you that HOWELL, The Grocer is a '.eadef and his store is the place to trade IN EDENT0N. Corner Firoad and Water Streets, in the Woodard building. -THE- NATI0NAL SALOON 8. F. FRANCIS, Prop. In the Woodard building on East side of Broad Street, is the FINEST IN eDGNTON. For choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. ILiSirgre stocZ of choice goods constantly on hand at prices in keeping with the times. EVERYBODY INVITED to Call. No souveniers but fine goods at Low Prices. f r 1 WSSfirn fc. ' ?s.?15 . 1 A n LliSo St ' - : x jenra flj 3d jr 43 11 -"u Box. fev -ai d cip.i sv6. mmceemwfal apociaJ rhynt- p' i, ia cea- Lr n visijat term for Bucen iar uumaaxtf nj g :,) PHiNCE OF NESVE iOKiCS. g fil THE BEST PHYSICAL " 'TTAUZEBfc? til imown to niiit:-u remedy wbta ev ry iking TL i cisc iiw failed. ot lots ot NEBVK forre. In W NKUVOD8 DEBILITY, weaknea .t the IU (U VITA L POWEBS, NEKVOCa PKOSTHA- Uj m rioNtn male or female, for IMPOTENCE, nj t i-5 rssaft of .discretions and I vl h: Lit! ; IP PJ c .1 Weakness of all kn, r i'araivsis. actual rrtlsrparTied : for.-tx- fn lder and U! Klinpy TroaWes; for c.iriv decay and ra y. :.!'.: iifjze. All ir B W'll belli -r; -cri '.;:v r.rjswered il s'atau is nelaarf-. If IV ,T yoai iirgist doea not kv;-5 :!'Cni vud tl to 111 If! mi eunu uctii:r rnittnuv Iv uu-wiiun wii-uijine tutVirAnt, jk Lock Bex 416, ATLANTA, GA. a Y7 n trs W 0 la Mm I r r Ik z The Kind You Have Always in uso for over 30 years, and C$tff-jL sonal supervision since its infancy. Z Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex. peri incuts that trill with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nan-otic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishuess. It cures Diarrlnea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNTAUH COMPHNT. TT UMY STRECTi IMB CT. a rv m m 0 i in . . (aj M vm P I . f 2 ' pi Mi itfC . SB Cures All Headache. Three Large ,i)R Doses ,(: M.,w See that every Bottle is Stampedwith 3 Sprigs - Zek . - CHILDREN Bougrht, and which has hecn has borno tho siffiiatur of lias been made under his per- Signature of 9. o 4 ' P H o w CD P IH o o d N pH w (D O i CD Gives new Lif To the Nei

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