Farmer 1 A 1 r isnerman ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY OCTOBER 13, I899 Established 1886 The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Papor Published in This Section. The Most Wide-A wake and Successful Business Men use the FISHERMAN & Farmer Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. The Lake Drummond Canal Opened. The Lake Drummond Canal and Water Company wish to ivc notice that the Old Dismal Swamp Canal route between Norf dk and Elizabeth City is now open lor business and the tug boat will leave every other day except Sunday, commen cing August 28th, making trips as follows: Leaves Norfolk Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Returning, leayes Eliza beth City, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Canal Company injures nine feet of water at present tune between the locks, and in a tew weeks they will have ten feet of watei in the canal. The Company has dredged iifteen ft et in depth for a distance of three thousand feet below the jcks in Deep Creek. They have also made deep water be' tween South Mill's locks, in the waters of the Pasquotank river. The Canal Company has dredg ed the Old Turner Cut to the depth often feet at low water. Thus far the Canal Company can insure a sufficient depth of water. The Canal Company would 1 ot at present guarantee a safe passage between Norfolk and Elizabeth City for boats draw ing more than seven and a half feet of water as the Pasquotank has one shoal place, and Deep Creek at low water has not more than seven and a half feet at the present time. The government has appro, priated money to deepen aud widen Deep Creek and also to deepen and straighten the wat ers of the Pasquotank river. This work is to commecc at once. The Company in the meantime intend to improve and widen the canal, aud in the near future the Canal Company believe that they will have a canal and waterway between the points named that cannot be ex celled in this country J. B. SAN FORD, V. P. Information as to where to leave and receive freight and of the boats landing cau be had at Hathaway Bros., corner Main ai d Water streets, Elizabeth City. N. C. Norfolk &c Sontl) NINE SHIPS TO 60. Po werf ul Add itions to the Fleet at Manila. BROOKLYN HEADS LIST. Dewey Thinks the Morai Influ enced Her Presence Will Pro duce Good Results Other Vessels to Sail as Soonas They can be Made Ready. Carolina Dispatch Schedule in effect Aug. 28, '99 Norfolk & Southern R. R. Max and Express trains, Southbonnd, daily (ex cept Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a. m., Northbound, daily, (excepa Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 2:45 p. m. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 leave Eliza beth City Southbound 6 p. m.. North bound 9:30 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The trains arrive at aud depart from Norfolk & Western de pot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail aud Steamer lines, and at Edenton with Steamer for Roanoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scuppernong rivers; Transfer steamers to iWackey's Feiry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to Roper, Pantego, and Bell haven, connecting with Old Dominion steamer for vWakleyville, Aurora, Washington and all intermediate land, nigs. Eastern AND Old x J 1.0. The steamer Newberne leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 6 p. m. for New Berne Oriental, Roanoke Island con necting with the A. & N. C. R R. for Goldsboro, Kinston, Morehead City, and with theW.&W.R.R.forJacksonvile Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning leave New Bern T u e s d a y and Friday. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Citj station to all landings, Newberne Kinston, Goldsboro, Morehead City and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service be weer Eliaa beth City and New York PhTitdelphh Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as low idles and quicker time than by any othe.i route. Direct all goods to b shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch as follows From Norfolk by Nortol & Southern Railroad; Baltimore by W. & B. R. R., President Street Stat cn; Philadel phia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock Street Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Dominion Line. For further information apply to M. H. Snowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, 01 to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Ya M. K. KING, General Manager. H. C. HUDGINS. G. F. & P. Agt. Nine ships have been desig nated by the Navy Department to proceed to Manila as soon as possible to reinforce the Ameri can fleet there, in accordance with recomendations made to President McKiuley by Admiral Dewey. These vessels are the Brooklyn, New Orleans, Albany, Bancroft, Badger, Nashville, Machias, Marietta and Monocacy. Orders concerning the Brooklyn New Orleans, Badger and Nash ville were issued Friday. The others have work to do which they will be directed to perform before going to the Philippines, or are in need of repairs that may take some time. At the Wlrte House confer ence last Friday, Dewey made an ardent request that the Brooklyn be sent to Manila. He aid she was such a magnificent ship that her presence in the Philippines would unquestionably have great moral effect on the Filipinos, and he added something like this.- "The very appearance of the Brooklyn in Manila Bay will do more towards suppressing the insurrection than a regiment of soldiers". Before you leave for the sea shore be sure and take NO-HED-AKE Tablets with you. No cure no pay. 7 doses for 10 cents. COLES FOR OCTOBER. VV H J LA LJ A loll , auu l iiv ah v. t . Moonshine on Fresh Pork. Ifogumeqts and Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10, which we mail free, con tains a variety of designs of Marble and granite Memorials, and will help you in making a proper selection. Write for it; we will satisfy yon as to prices. Our stock is the lar gest in the South. THE Couper Marble Works (Established 50 Years.) '59 to 163 Bank Street, Norfoll"- Followiug are the prognosti cations for October prepared by Prof C- Coles of Kingston' Pa: A more remarkable conjunct ion of the planets than has oc curred for 6,000 years will take place in Oc.ober, November and December of this year. It will not be a perfect conjunction, but on the 21st of the present month Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercuty will bejnear heliocentric longitude 250, or on that side of the sun near where the earth is on June 1. At the same time Neptune will be on the opposite side of the sun, or near where the earth is on December 1. This places the sun and seven planets in line, and explains the meaning of what is called the great planetary con junctions that is being discussed in all civilized countries. On December 1 the earth will have moved into line aud will be part of the great conjunctions. With the sun and six of the big planets arrayed against poor old mother earth, she will receive some aw ful punishment, we fear. THE OCTOBER OUTLOOK. The New Moon occurs on the 4th at 2 07. Tne first aspects formed are a sextile to Saturn and trine to Neptune. This favors a very favorable business outlook for the coming month. Trip vital forces being: about .A. - r eqorJ in strength will cause the stock markets to fluctuate in prices and great excitement will prevail. The planets point to some great calamity in the west ern or northern part of theUnited States, and rumors in foreign countries of an unusual nature. The life of a great ruler will end during these planetary conjunc tions and cause universal sorrow Auroral lights, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions may startle the world. The "Yellow Jack" will continue to increase m virloence, aud typhoid fever epidemics will again spread over the country. Dysentery will pre vail among those born in Scorpio and the "pink eye" will trouble those born in the sign Sarittari us. "Rotten apple'' placed over the eyes will cure the latter dis ease and the eating of nutmeg, by the nibbling process, will cure the former. The "Yellow Jack'' caused great consternation in the South last month as our predictions foretold. The Bubon ic pla .. . r Its thous ands to death this iall. VALUABLE INFORMATION. The 7th, 9th, nth, 12th, i6lh. 17th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th and 3 1 st will be Ood days to fish. Fish caught at any other time will not be in proper con dition to be eaten by man. The fish caught on the 7th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 24th and 25th will be the finest flavored and tender- est of them all. Bleed the fish as soon as caught, for a fish that dies a natural death is no more fit to eat that a pig or chicken that dies in the same way. Pork killed on the 7th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 17th, or iSth will swell when boiled and when fried scarcely enough grease will come from it to run in the pan. Killed on the 21st, 23rd, 24th or 31st the meat when cooked will fry all to grease. Those who do not be-, lieve in moon signs can be con vinced by letting the moon shine on fresh butchered beef at night time the meat will be green and putrid as carrion by morn ing. THE STORMS AND SIGNS. Last month many ol the great storms were held at bay by the electrical and magnetic junctions being formed at sea, as the High Flood vital forces ruled over the land. This month the vital forces are equally divided and therefore we may expect great meteorolog'cal disturbances on both land and sea. A great storm of stupendous dimensions is liable to jump up out out of the ocean, as it were, at almost any time during these conjunctions, and sweep down upon us with a fury unpiecedeuted. Let the sea coasters prepare for an ocean "sweeper;" and the inlanders for general storms, summer heat, cold waves, sleet and hail storms phenomenal electrical storms, high gales, cloudbursts and great floods. Earthquakes will be re ported this month, and strange lights will be seen around the sun and the moon. Watch out for one or two stiange sunset Sceues and several balls of fire that will dart across the heavens; and be not afraid, for they are but the result cf natural causes. The world is not coming to an end yet. Professor Coles also make the following announcement: "We will again send lull directions for flower culture, grain sowing, fruit gathering and all such ins formation free for postage, two stamps, this month." SUPERB FIREWORKS PLAY. DIS- New York Has Never Seen More Dazzling Spectacle. New York, Sept. 29 Never before in the history of New York has that city witnessed greater pyrotechnic and electrical display than that with which the return of Admiral George Dew ey was celebrated iu the harbor and waters surrounding the is land ot Manhattan to-night. No more picturesque spectacle has ever been presented to so large a concourse gathered on both shores of the North river as that of the great bulks of the battleships of Dewey's fleet sil houetted against the dark back, ground of the sky and shining from stem to stern with myrialds of incandescent lights, while all around innumerable brilliantly decotated yachts and other river craft honored the nation's hero. One hundred thousand people saw the illumination from River side Drive, near Grant's tomb. Sir Thomas Liptons yacht Erin was brilliantly lighted with streamers of white lights aud the name Erin in between the masts. From the bay the letters on the Brooklyn bridge "Welcome Dewey" were plainly visible and were one of the features of the celebration, many persons going out in the bay on boats to see this display. As if to join in the popular ac claim to the great Admiral, nat ure 'ent her forces to the display of fireworks, for the western sky was illuminated frequently dur ing the evening with flashes of lightning, showers at times in terrupting the sky rocket pro' ceedings, though but slightly dampening the good nature of some of the crowds. There was seemingly no end to this display of fireworks. Every wharf landiug and pier had its quota of sight seers, and the enthusiasm was abundant. From the house tops as well as from the sidewalks, powder by j the barrel was burned and rock ets sent aloft in honor of the hero of Manila. Over on the Jersey shore the display was just as gei'erous and the sky was lighted with the blaze of fireworks, making the surrounding seas bright as mid day. Brooklyn and Staten Island contributed to the general and generous burning ot powder. PROTECTED BY A JUDGE, A YOUNG LADY ACCOSED BY A DRUMMER. O x. S3 rJE7 C3 H. I -A. . Bears the ? ind Y" HaV8 AlwajfS Bought Serious Fire in Hyde County. Consumption is robbed of its terrors by the fact that the best med ical authorities state that it is a curable disease; and one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You know there arc all sorts of secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make absurd claims. We only say that if taken in time and the laws of health are properly observed, SCOTT'S EMULSION will heal the inflammation of the throat and lungs and nourish and strengthen the body so that it can throw off the disease. We nave thousands of testi monials where people claim they have been permanently cured of this malady. 50c. and fi.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. (Washington Messenger.) On last Wednesday night at Middleton, Hyde county, occur red one of the most destructive fires in the history of the county The storehouse and warehouse of Mr. Lewis Fulford and oc cupied by Capt. J. A. Cox, was a total loss, the goods were saved but considerably damaged. The store, warehouse and stock, be longing to Mr. J. V. Gibbs, was destroyed. The store building of r. S. T. Gaskins and a large warehouse of Mr. J. S. Mann's, were also burned. Six buildings were burned with no insurance. The fire was discovered about 4 o'clock "Thursday morning. It's thought to have caught by a boy roasting oysters in one of the buildings. The fire causes considerable loss to our friends in Hyde and we trust they will soon be on their feet again. I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and diar rhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W. Massin gill, of Beaumont, Texas. There aro many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera in fantum who must ak so feel thankful. It is for sale by Giiggs & Son. Sensation at the Holel in Hen derson A. Rosendolph Takes Advantage ot a Young Lady, Registering Her as His Wife. The guests of the Ma.sseuburg Hotel at Henderson were afford ed a genuine sensation one day last week, the particulars of which have been the subject ol Gossip for several days. A commercial traveler who met and befriended a young lady on the train took advantage of the short acquaintanceship aud registered as man and wife at the Henderson Hotel. The travel ing man entered the young lady's room, but she succeeded in making her escape and threw herself upon the mercy of a judge of the Superior Court who was on the same floor. The following special Irom The Raleigh Post's correspond ent at Henderson gives the par ticulars of the affair. "A. Rosendolph, a Baltimore traveling man, got himself into a considerable amount of trouble by taking too much tea. It ap pears that while on the Atlanta Special one night las week he made the acquaintance of a Miss Roberson, who intended geiting off at Ridgeway, her home. The train failed to stop and she was compeled to come to Henderson. On arrival the traveling man escorted her to the Massenburg Hotel and, registering as man and wife, loom No. 11 was as signed to the young lady. Rosen dolph, being under the influence of drink, in a short time also en tered the room assigned to the young lady. Being much fright ened, she requested him to pro cure for her a glass of water, and while he was absent she escaps ed and threw herself nnd-r the protection of a gentleman oc cupying a room near No. 11. The trespasser was soon arrest ed, and on Saturday the case was before Judge Hoke, who fined Rosendolph with costs and or dered that he pay Miss Roberson $50." NO-HED-AKK Toblets are guaran teed. No cure uo pay. 7 doses for 10 cents. Cures all headaches. Abraham's. THE UNIVERSAL DESIRf 1 PRISONER SHOT IN CELL Masked Men Break Into The Jail at Winton. Robert Vaughan Committed for Barn Burning Shot at Least Three Times. The Prisoner Will Die. Winton, N. C, Sept. 30. (Special) Masked parties broke into the county jail at Winton, Hertford county, on September 29th, and shot one Robert Vaughan, under suspicion of barn burning. Vaughan will die. The doors were broken down and the prisoner was shot at least three times. Vaughan was com mitted several weeks ago by a justice of the peace under cir. cumstantial evidence. Vaughan was in an iron cell. The act is greatly deplored. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to Cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be des troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolede, O. Sold bj Druggists, 75c. Hall'g Family Pills are the best Everybody in making a purchase has one overruling desire, a I that is to give one's self a happy surprise of saving. Nobody ev r makes a purchase without hoping and expecting to save somethii . but the universal desire is to be able to save so much that it 1 prove a delightful surprise The only danger contingent up dulging this desire is the liability of being too readily influence I - the price, and at the same time too much carried away from a d ) consideration of the vrlue. We wish to keep your mind concc - trated upon the value for thereby the delightful surprise of an une - pectedly low price will be all the grerter. You will, therefore, ta the 'Value view' of the bargains we publish, and carry that ral view into all your thoughts and reflections rpon us, for it is by the si l periority of the value that we promote the greatest benefit arising from saving money m the price. Mens' fine pid suits, plaid silk lining, well made, worth $8.50 for $6.75. Mens' fine plaid suits, well made and trimmed, worth $7.50 for $5.90. Also a nice line of mens' plaid suits, to close in prices at $275, $3 and $3.75 worth fiou $4 Mens' fine blue or black woolen clay worsted suits, silk faced and plaid silk lining, made w worth 9. our price, $7. ivlens' fine clay worsted suits, well made and trimmed, at $5. Also a nice line of mens' pants from 1.25 clown as lo v as 65 cents. " Hoys' clothing at very cheap prices. Single coats for men and hoys at almost any pr 1 . " Mens' vici kid or box calf shoes, warranted solid leather, sold for $2. 50 and Sj.our price, $1 Mens' fine Sunday shoes from $1 50 to 90c. Ladies Sunday shoes, lace or button, 3 to S, worth $1.35, for 95c Ladies grain shoes, lace or button, warranted solid leather, worth $1.25 lor 90c Mens' boots, worth $2, our price $2, our price, $1 65. Mens' cotton flannel drawers, double seat 20c, extra heavy quality 25c worth 40c. Valises all sizes and prices. Also a nice line of mens neckwear at halt price Lots of other goods too numerous to mention. Call and be convinced. 83 Poindexter St,- ELIZABETH CIT.Y N. C !!!nt!!mntf!!t!!!nt!!nitt1t!!tnt!!!t!tHH!t!t!!!f!tttH!t'ttf!H!!!!?ftttttt!!t!Mttt!!!t!t!tt!!i"ntft ' Of course, we have a- yi erchaiitjpailoriugjepartmeiit H We represent one of the largest Merchant Tailors in the country. Progressive Ideas, Modern Methods, Exclusive Styles, Unequaled Prices. The latest and nobbiest patterns. All The New Fabrics. Guaranteed in fit and style. A complete line of Patterns. All headaches are cured by NO-HED-AKE Tablets. Our business in this line is one of the oldest in town. The best dressers of the city are our customers. We have the names of the "Leaders of Fashion'' on our measurement stubs. We want to add your name to our list. Call and look over our samples. r I THE BIG DEPARTMENT STORE