ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER i, I899 ESTABLISHED 1 88 6 The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District-The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina Circulation Doubles Anv Other Paner Published m Tins Section. The Most i de-Awake and Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & Farmer columns with ffiert totiSi and Profit m Km- Wo are preparing 4fv t.hft la.rp-p.t. TToli- S lUi ui-' - I ever made- We have piles of LIKE JACK THE RIPFEft. A oman Murdered arid Body Mutilated ct Pboebtis. p-oods The JL rices Are Low. The assortment is iextensive. We can suit yon 1 whether yonr wants high priced or . are i cheap. Bring the lit t I tie ones and see more I than over before dis-l 4 i iplaved here. 3 Newport News, Va., Novem ber 23 Annie Benedict, a mul alto denizen of the d if reputable district of Ph( ebus, was murder ed some time last night and tbe body mutilated in a manner that savors of the famous White chapel crimes of "Jack, the Rip per." The murder was discover ed this morning by a Union vet eran from the Hampton Sold iers' Home. The body of the woman was found in her room shockingly m u til a ted . About six months ac,o a crime in tli is same section of Phoebus caused great excitement. Min nie Fargo, an unfortunate wo man, was found dead in her room, having been suffocated by a silk handkerchief being forc ed down her throat. Suspicion feil on a young artileryman nam I ed Louis August, who was ar i : rested, but late released for lack ii I of evidence, Auerust was know n to be a frequenter of the section, and when the character of the 1 crime was made known to-aay, the officers instituted a search. August was found at the foit, O Ik and when searched, it was dis covered that his clothes were clotttcd w ith blood. The Phoebus officers have given out a statement to the effect that August confessed that he murdered the woman and has turned over to them the knife with which ho committed the terrible crime. The Coroner's inquest held over the remans of the woman to night revealed nothing more than the facts brought out above. The police authorities now believe that August was also res ponsible for the death of Minnie Pariro, and will endeavor to make out two cases against him. mi aUUWii riium I fill) I f II 44 A v4i John Argond Seriously Hurt By Highwaymen. STOLE HIS VALUABLES RYAN fiff ? IT Wfc illfl ? 70 f T Richard Croker Declares He Is Stronger Than Ever. And Then Cast Him From a Moving B. & O- Railroad Freight Train. 1 MELICKI J Ac Ollt J) , .::VY '"11 Schedule in effect Aug. 28, '99 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv can al ways be depended upon and i.1- pleas nt and sale to take, by Griggs : Son. ,oio Kept Babies in Dark Cellar. San Francisco, Cab, Novem ber 26. At the Eureka Home a private refuge for children, to day nine helpless fondlings Sorfolk vS: Southern R. R. Mail and 1 farmed out by indigent or shift- K.X press trains, soutnuonna, aauy (ex ! Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a. in., Northbound, daily, (excepa Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 2:45 p. m. trains Nos. 3 and 4 leave Eliza beth City Southbound 6 p. 111.. North- i ound 9:30 a. in. Tuesday, Thursd iv and Saturday. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk & Western de pot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer lines, and. at Edenton with Steamer for Roanoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scnppernong 1 i vers; Transfer steamers to .(ackey's V',' 1 1 v, thence by Norfolk Sc Southern h. R. to Roper, Pantego, and Bell haven, connecting with Old Dominion steamer for iWakleyville, Aurora, Washington and all intermediate land, less parents, scantily clad and unclean, were discovered in a cellar, where for months they had toddled about over damp floors, lying down to sleep at night upon wretched pallets Without fires or coverings or. the water-soaked floors. In darkness that was impenetrable even at the noon hour, withoul the use of a lamp, these helpless children, ranging in age from 3 years, have been imprison ing. P'astern Carolina Dispatch 1 to and ed. Their case has been taken UKion Xj ino The 8(pnmir Newherii" leaves local society, and prosecutions Elizabeth City Tuesda- m up by the Doctors' Daughters, a societv v,.,.. item i uesuav ai.o beth Cit) lewberne head Cii er Eliza . delphis , ThuiS- 1.... .1 c.. I .. -.1 n o r- tn itir Xtiv Berne Oriental, Roanoke Island con- Dia) loliow. .." . . . . it t i- it rrt. nccttng witn tne a- oc .n. v iv iv. iui Goldsboro, Kinston, Morehead City, and with theW.&W.B-R.forJ icksonvile Wilminsrton. N. C , etc. Returning leave Friday. Ticket? on sale at Eli? station to all landings. Kiu.ton, Goldsboro, Mo and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service In; v 'eth City and New York P Baltimore and Norfolk.. Tli t-rn.TVi nt- and as tO ateS quicker time than bva iv ott'.ei route. Direct all goods to u hipped vi9 Eastern Carolina Dispa' ch as follows From Norfolk by Noriol Southern Railroad; Baltimore by V-V. & B. R. R., President Street Stat n, Philadel phia, Philadelphia R. R., l Street Station; New York, by P.-,iusylvania k u Pii-r 07 North River, and Old Ooniinion Line. i For further information ipply to M . r: :..'. .t1! Pile r: t l"Z.:f.!lLi Ar.v.V. -' :-rfo"ik & tlip rate of forty miles an hour Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Va and NO-HED-AKE Tablets put up in : ice pocket size. 7 doses for 10 cents, cu res all adacbes Diamonds High In The Air. Topeka, Kan , November 26. To amuse a child, Miss May Burns, of Baltimore, fastened a toy balloon to a 2,500 brooch, while riding on a train near Kinsley The car window was open, and a sudden gust of wind carried the balloon and brooch out into the open air with the train running away from it at (Wilmington Del., Star.) John Argond, of No. 176 Brick Street, New York city, lies on a cot in the Delaware Hospital in a critical condition as a result of rough treatment at the hands of highway rob bers. Argond ivas ruling on a speci tl freight train that passed through this city ovei the Balti more and Ohio railroad at 7:1; o clock last batnrdav evening. 0 When the train reached the Cast Junction, near Elsmere, three men. who were rid in y on he train, also, grabbed hold o: lim While two of them held his hands the third one went through his pockets and took Argond's watch and chain and pocket-book, containing a large sum of money. hen they had obtained the articles mentioned they threw Argond oft the train. 1 he man lauded on his side ind his head .struck one of the cross ties. Some of the railroad employes who were in the vicin ity at the time heard the man's cries for help and went to his assistance. They found the man in a state of collapse and bleeding freely about the head and face. The injured man was placed aboard a shifting engine and then taken to the Delaware avenue station. By the time he artived there Dr. John Palmer was summoned, and he ordered ! the removal of the man to the Delaware Hospital. The Fhce nix ambulance was called and the injured man was taken to the hospital. When he was received at that institution it was feared that he was about to die. An examina tion showed that the man's head : was cut and bruised in several places. The attending physi ans could not tell whether the injuries would result fatally or not. As scon as the railroad men reached the Delaware avenne station they telegraphed to New ark, and by the Lime the tteighl train readied tliat station t lie town watchman and a posse of citizens were in waiting. As soon as the train stopped tht three men jumped off and started on a run down the road. The) were given a lively chase for half a mile, but were captured As they ran along the road they dropped several bundles. Detective McVey had been in formed of the robbery and at tempted murder and was making an investigation. When in formed that the men had been arrested he notified the Newark people to take the men before Magistrate Medill, who held them on a charge of highway robbery and assault and battery with intent to commit murder. Detectives McVey and Witsil and Sergeants Kvans and Bayley went to Newark Sunday morn ing and carried the men to Wil mington in order that Argond might identify them. One of the men arrested wT.l be used as a witness, TAMMANY IS FOR HIM. The New York Leader Says That No Running Mate Has Been Selected. New York, November 27. Richaid Croker who is to sail 'or Europe tomorrow, was in terviewed to-day at the Demo cratic Club. He said ; "I want to say before my de parture for Kuropc that William !. Bryan will be the standard bearer ot the Democratic party in the next national campaign The fight will be made against trusts and imperialism and Mr Bryan is the only man to lear such a fight. Tammany Hall will give him its heartiest sup port, and you may rest assure of that. No running mate for Mr. Bryan has been selected yet. Several name, have been under consideration, but no de cision has been arrived at. "There ifn't any truth at all," said Mr. Croker, "in the .-tate-nient that Senator Gorman a"d I have been talking together about another candidate. Senas tor Gorman and I had some talk but it had no connection with politics. I havent changed my opinions about Bryan since I came nack two month? ago. I believe to-night stronger than ever before that he is just the man we want for next vear." NO-HED-AKE Toblcts are iiarn tted. No cure no pay. 7doses (or 10 cents. Cures all headaches. Fitzsimraons' Hand Crushed. Bob Fitzsiinnions met with a serious accident at Jancsville, Wis., Friday, which may sen ously affect his hghting carter. "e was entering the Hotel My ers by the front door. The door is a heavy oak and has a strong spring to keep it closed. He readied out behind him. think iug to close the door, when it closed on his hand with a crunch He gave a yell and bystanders ruslied to pull the door open. Several guests at the house who stood by when the hand was ex tricated are certain the bones be tween the wrist joint and knuck les were broken, it bled pro fusely. The ex-champion was taken to Dr. Ktng, and no one was allowed in the doctor's of fice while the; hand was being bandaged. Fitzsiinnions was about the city nearly all day with his bandaged hand. Mem bers of his company are reticent as to the extent of the damage to his hand. Beat and Burned Aged Couple Until they Gave up Money, Cumberland, Md., November -3 Word reached here to-night T dreadful torture inflicted upon Joseph Earle, a miller, aged eightyfive years, and his old wife by masked robbers, near jlencoe, on (he Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, eighteen miles lbove here, early this morning, fhe men found the aged couple in bed. Dragging them out, upon their refusal to tell where their money was hidden, the beat them over the body and head and lighted candles were ipplied to the soles of their teet, which were so badly blistered that neither can walk. The robbers were directed to 1 bureau drawer, where $500 had been secreted in a false hot Lorn. This represented the sav mgs of three years. About that long ago the old couple were similarly beaten and robbed. Earle runs a grist mill. Both he ai d his wife are in a precari ous condition, their advanced ago making recovery doubt'ul. There is no clew t the robbers. NO-HED-AKE Tablets cures all neadaches. Price 10 cents. No cure ho pay. Mice Nibbled Dynamite. m If a mau knew as much when he is sober as be does when drunk, Solomon would be con sidered a Tom Thumb in wisdom. . '-vy. al. .K. &.1IM1, uencra! ' . . frtl,.wmnf the iewelrv Miss Burns offers $500 reward H. C 1 1 tyon-uments and Gravestones,! Our Illustrated Catalogue, io. 10, which we mail free, con tains a variety of designs of Marble and granite Memorials, and will help you in making a proper selection Write for it we will satisfy you as to prices. Our stock, is the lar gest in the South. THE Couper Marble Works (Established 50 Years.) 159 to 193 Bank Street, Norfoll. Plere is a good pointer from the Asheville Citizen, for adver tisers who wish their advertise ments to appear to the best ad vantage in any paper : "Don't try to put a gallon of advertis ing into a quart of space." Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought m w m a & i III j r.v i r? ills ? 4 need not lose flesh in summer 9 if you use the proper means 9 vo prevent it. You think 4 ' you can't take SCOTT'S EMULSION in hot weather, ?; but you can take it and di- J st it as well in summer as 4 Rochester, N. V., November 23 A. M. Goodman, a farmer residing near Salamanca, had his new farm house destroyed through a dynamite explosion yesterday afternoon. the dyn amite had been secured to blow up stumps on the farm, and was stored in the pantry. Just what caused the explosion may never be known, but it is at tributed to mice endeavoring to eat the explosive, as the house was known to be overrun with these pests. Mrs. Goodman and family were visiting at the time, md Mr. Goodman had just left the house to attend to his stock when, with a shock resembling an earthquake, the entire build- e Don't Slant Yur JVIoney Unless you are thoroughly satisfied with the values we give you. We have bargains daily without any flourish of trumpets and minus any circus perform ances. Figure it out, compare our prices with others and see how much money we can sr. ve you on Mens' and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, C Ladies and Gents Furnishing- Goods, o Ladies' Capes, achets, Fats, etc. G-rowtb is the object intensely sought for in this business. e expect to attain it only by transac tions that make good bargains for both buyer and seller. Benevolence has no rightful place in buying and selling, and it would be the height of folly to base any appeal to you for the sale of goods on any other f ground than your self interest; we claim a ? Saving From 10 to 25 per cent. is strong enough to appeal to any person, no mat ter how long they have held out against our bargains Sooner or later we are bound to get your trade VJ mm 0 ing was wrecked. All headaches are cured HED-AKE Tablets. The Maine's Dead, by NO- Norfolk Public Ledger, Nov. 7, says The battleship Texas, Captain Sigsbee, arrived in t i am pton Roads this morning and was coaling to day prepara tory to leaving for the South. The Texas is enroute to Havana, where she goes for the purpose of bringing to this country the bodies of the crew of the battle ship Maine, wdio were killed when that vessel was blow up in Havana harbor February 15th, 1898. The dead will be brought to Newpoit News and from there will be carried to Washington, D. C, by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Their final rests ing place will be in Arlington Cemetery, just opposite the National Capital. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Palm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly re licve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a fewr horrrs. Sold by Griggs & Sou. s S 1 r.i-aZ.AlOn 111 Lwl 1 I , 1M. u. JSL, JtS JFi. jffL. 3HE JL, JMK.r -82 Poindexter Street, GIVING SALE "TheFair 99 Times are good. Money is plentiful. Everybody is busy. At least that is our case. Therefore be thankful. We are thankful for your patronage. We en deavor to merit it. We are going to show it by this, our Thanksgiving sale. You have bought good goods of us cheap many times. We always give value for value. We are going to do more this time. -Ve shall offer for the next week beginning Saturday, November 25th, several classes of goods one class each day which will be greatly under price. Do not be satisfied with coming to "The Fair" one day but come every day for new goods will be offered each day. We have not the space to euumerrte each item. We only give the classes for each day. Look for our circular telling all about us and our doings, i Saturday, Nov. 25. E Satin and grosgrain ribbons. EE: tics and sashes. All widths and shades. Fancy ribbons for 3 g Monday, NOV. 2!1. Table Linens and Napkins. Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest lit tle thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strangth, listless ness into energy, brain fag into mental power. They're wonder tul in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold bv I Griggs & Son. inter. It is not like the . n c .d-Siver oil, which is difficult to take at any time. If you are losing flesh, you are losing ground and you need Sgi i!f s Emulsion I 4 ! and must have it to keep up f I your flesh and strength. If ) you have been taking it and J ; prospering on it, don't fail to ? continue until you are thor- J jj oughly strong and well. j 5Pft and $1.00. all druggists. j I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Increase of the Navy. Secretary Long will recom mend to Congress the increase of the navy by three armored cruisers of about 13,000 tons dis placement; three protected cruis ers of about 8,000 tons, and a dozen gunboats of 900 tons, mak ing eighteen ships in all. The gunboats are designed for ser vice in the Philippines, and are to be of light draft, similar to the Marietta and the Wheeling, but with more speed. The ar mored cruisers are to be the fastest in the world and have all the strength of battleships. Tuesday, Nov. 28. DressGoods. Skirt lengths of black goods. Colored goods by the yd. under price B Wednesday, Nov, 29 Wrappers and Shirt Waists. THURSDAY, IOV, 30, Our Thanksgiving Day. H Friday, Dec. 1. Ladies' and Childrens' Hose. coriE i coriE i come i S To The Fair and secure your share of bargains. Look for our circular on your E door step. UUiUliUiUiaiUiUUiUiUUUiUiUiUiUiUlUUiiUlUiUiUiUUiUiUiiUlUUlUlUUiiUiiUiUiUiu

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