WSHEtiLMJiJt & FARMER A. H. BY MITCHELL- Entered at the Post Office at Elisabeth Cit 'S3 ond class matter. ELIZABETH CITY, DEC. 8 1899- Report co:nes that the war iu the Philippines is ncanng it.-, end. We hope this is so but do not bclieAe it. North Carolina ranks Sfth in the number of women's colleges and students attending them. Only Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland out rank her. Over ten thousand wo;iu n ha e registered in Boston who jv ill tints equip themselves with the right to vote at the next municipal election for members oi the school comnittces. Clajuas of American citizens for damages in the late war with Spain aggregating $25,000,000 have been filed. Congress is to be asked to creatt: a commission to a 'indicate these claims. Mrs. Eliza Rankin left Tues day for Plymouth to spend some time with relatives in that place. The fourth quarterly meeting for South Camden circuit was held at Perkins Chapel last Sat urday and Sunday. Presiding Elder Willis preached two good sermons. Mr. P. H. Morgan was inNor-i full; last week. .Sheriff Flora was-iu E. City Tuesday. Mrs. M. D. Baxter went to Norfolk last Thursday return ing Saturday. Alert. A. Certain Jmcv KHhL'MACIDE removes the cause of rh'jumaism by Neutralizing th acids in the blood and dri vifcg them out of the system. Ail druggists. Such Populists as Senator Butler, State Secretary Cyrus Thompson and exCongressman Harry Skinner will unite with tils: Republicans in fighting the amendment. It is said Harry Skinner will be one of the most bitter fighters At The Home Bakery this week, mince, apple, lemon and pumpkin pies. Large and small cakes always on hand or your favorite made to order. Saturday we will have besides our usual display, Boston brown bread, fruit cakes, nut cake and Saratoga chips. Leave orders with us for Ice Cream for Thanksgiving dinner, delivered to any part of the city in large or .small quanities 163 Road street, 'phoue 109. SHAWBORO. Messrs. J. E. C. Bell and P. H. Morgan were in E. City T day and Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. C. Bell visited; friends at Snowden Wednesday, j Miss Lottie Graudy is spend! fng this week with Mis, G. E. ! Stevenson. NEWS ITEMS.FROM E DENTON !he Birth-Place ot ihe Fisher man & manner. Mr. T. D. By rum has purchas ed the store now occupied by Brothers and Green, corner Broad and King streets. Mr. H. E. Williams has purchased the store adjoining. Mr. A. M. Moore is visiting her brother Mr. D. G. Bond. Mr. W. O. Speight and family, who left here about six months ago for Sou'.h Carolina, have re turned. Mrs. Cowin, is entertaining her friends Mrs. E. H. Aiaire aud sou Frank, of Belhaven. Miss Kate Leary is the guest of friends in Portsmouth, Va. Miss Duncan Winston has ac cepted a position in the central office of the Telephone Com pany. The County Commissioners and City Council men at recent meetings donated $100 each to the military company. The merry wedding bells are to ring on West Chinch street, we hear, in a short time. Our merchants are beginning 10 display Christmas goods. Judge Westcott and wife, of Pennsylvania, after spending ten days here with Mr. and Mrs. Branning, have returned to their home. Klectric lights are being put in at the cotton factory. All oi our mills are running on full time now and some of them are making extra hours. Messrs. Theo. Ralph and D. G. i!oud made a business trip to Bel haven this week. A cargo of coal was received this week by D. W. Raper & Co. Rev. Mr. Willis, pastor of the M. E. Church, has left for Wash ingtou, N. C, to attend the an nual conference. The people of our town, as wrell as his congre gation, would be glad if the con fereuce should return Mr. Willis to our city, as he has made many warm friends here during his 12 months' stay. Rev. G. N. Cowan, pastor oi the Baptist Church, is off for 10 days, attending the Baptist State Convention, at Asheville, N. C. The whistle of the Klentou cotton mills blew for the first time a few Jays ago, steam hav ing been gotten up to test the machinery. Mrs. Robert Temple is in the j city on a visit to her father, Mayor Bond. Several performing bears were on the stieets a few days ago making fun for the young folks. Miss Mary Parish is visiting friends in Hertford. Officer Robinson and Sheriff Elliott were at Norfolk this week purchasing horses. The orphans were kindly re membered by our peopleThanks- crivin$r day. At the Baptist ; church a cash collection amount I ing to S3 1 was taken for them, i At the M. E. church the collec tion amounted to $15. Rocky- flock Baptist church, 10 miles North of Edenton, will send them $22 68. The pastois of the Baptist and Methodist churches being out of town there will be no preaching next Sunday at these two places of worship. The Military Com puny have ordered new suits and are daily expecting them. The Arlington Minstrels, of Elizabeth City, gave a very pleasing show here last night, Wednesday, We'll say more of them in our next as our report must close to catch the mail. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy can al ways be depended upou and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Griggs 6c Sou. FOR RENT, The store occupied by D. Newman on Main street Edeu ton, N. C. Possession given Jan uary 011 February 1st 1900. Aps ply to Rohkrt J. Mitchell, Elizabeth City, N. C MANTEO. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lupton, of E. City, are on a visit to Mrs. L. S. Hooper. Mr. J. E. Goodwin was in Manteo this week, shaking hands with his many friends. Lawyer Sam Lamb ami Mr. Chas. Banks, of E. City were in Manteo this week to attend the sale of the Schooner, Waiter E. Every which was purchased by Creef & Creef for the sum of $500- - . Mr. Pose Etheridge and Miss Lula Tillett, of Wanchese, were married Sunday afternoon at the Parsonage by the pastor, Rev. J. J. Barker. There was a "Mock marriage" at the Academy last Friday night which was quite a pretty scene. After the marriage, refreshments were bold lor the oeuefit ol the parsonage. We are sorry to know that Mr. Jessie Riggs is failing iu health, aud was obliged to re sign his position with Grittin & Smith. He will have the Island for a while to try to recuperate. Mrs. George Wescott Sr. has been paralyzed in one side of her face, hope she will soon be over it. Two pleasure Yachts lrom the noith spent a few days in our harbor, last week. Mr. S. E Mann is back after spending a week at Moycck. Mr. Davis, pait owner in the mill, here, became partially paralyzed and was compelled to return to his home. We hear that the new Hotel will be 'opened this week, and Mrs. Sallie Fox has been engag ed as housekeeper. Rev. J. J. Barker and J. W. Evans left Tuesday morning to attend the Annual session of the N. C. Conference, which meets at Washington, the 6th. Messrs. R. B. Etheridge, S. C. Gray and A. S. Mann gave an oyster roast at Skyco, Tuesday night, and invited their many friends. The ladies of Mt. Olivet church are preparing an enter tainment for Xmas, for the pleas ure of the Sunday school child, ren. The Newberne came in Moun j day afternoon with the Officers and managers of the N. & S. and O. D. Cos. Misses Eva Evans, and Mellie Pender aud Mr. R. B. Etheridge had the pleasure aud honor of dining with them. Then Captain Rhodes and Mr. Edwards, very pleasantly entertained the com' pany, the remainder of the even ing at Mr. and Mrs. S. C. White hurst's, with the latest songs. The Newberne left at 2 a. m. on a tour of inspect on further down the sound. S. C. Pugh has been appoint ed Post Master for Skyco to sue, ceed W. P. Lenon. E. All headaches are cured by N0-HED-AKE Tablets. Powels Point. Mrs. W. A. Payne, of Virginia Beach, is visiting her many friends and relatives here this week. Miss Mamie Crank, of E. City, treated her many friends and relatives with a mouths' visit, and returned home Thurs day. After staying iu Norfolk for three months, Mr. Graham Snow has returned home. Rev. P. C. Brickhouse was in our midst Wednesday. Mr. Alonzo Hampton, of Nor folk, wss among us Wednesday on business. Mr. aud Mrs. Benjamin Wil kinson, of Beaufort county, were the guests of Mr. P. M. Gallop this week. Their visit was tran ; sient. Rev. J. S. Henderson, who jhas been in Virginia for the past two weeks engaged in Evangelistic work, has returned and speaks of Virginia hospi tality in a most complimentary manner. Many wild ducks are meet ng their fate in Currituck Sound. The Public Schools at Reedy Branch and Powel's Point have closed. Mr. Scott Newberne and wife, of Newbern's Landing, were the guests of Mr. H. Harrison Sun day. Messrs. LaSalle Barker and R. A. Griggs, of Churches Is, land, are shooting ducks in our neighborhood. F. I 1 Vegetable Prcpararionfor As similating toelood and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promqjcs DtgestioaChrtr ful ness andlfestContalns neither Opniin.Morphine nor Mineral. Wot Narcotic. jtbx u Old UtS-MULLBTOEER Pumpkin Sard" jUx.Smna f.A.n, SJtt - JYf l rmint - toa 'FUnrm A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. GASTOH For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. AA AW A The Kind You Have Always Bought. THE CCNTAUK COUN, NEW YORK cinr. (Established i887) ODELL BROS, 111 1 'WiHiaSffiEih Pains in the chest when a person his a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly re lieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Griggs & Son. Fish Oldest Fsl) Gonwission House In orfoIk. Shipments Solicited. a Kf.cmnils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, D , ' City National Bank, References citizen-s Bank and Wholesale Shippers. W E EMPLOY TVO AGE1VTH Established 1861. Saml. M, Lawder&SoLs WaolMaJeCommIaa!r-B !!, Soft Crabs, Terrapin Etc. Baltimore, IVfd Quick Sales ! Prompt pet . REFERENCES : rade Nat'l Bank. Duns j Agency, Win. llooptt & 1 a c str: 1 I) J 1 1 u 1 1 . . E. W. ALBAUGH &. SON Wholesale Commission lieu; FRBSB m TERRIPIN AND GA.V I .No. 22 Light Mr. m Wharf. BALT1MOR Prompt Returns, Quick Sul REFERENCE Cituens National Tank. W. J. Hoover & Co. Stencils Furnished i Elizabeth C ity, Oct ( The firm of C. M. Scott A ing decided to retire from the l ante business, have transfei same to Mrssrs. Culpepper, 1, Old & Qrice, of this city. All of the companies forun 1 resented by us art low in theii 1 ami we bespeak tr them : pationae so kindly extended feeling assured that they will tt fairly and honestly. Thanking you tor the patt liberally and satisfactorily and regretting to sevei oui rel we aie. Yours very trulj G. M , bCOTl Referring to the above, we as in a better position than evei toll die the Insurance bushiest, in i beth City, and shall use on: forts to reduce lates and givi faction to out customers, lb be favored with a continuatii patronage heretofore given us. Very truly, CULPKl'rEK.GlUl PiN, OLD, f.Rb FOB saij;: On Monday, December nth, at 12 nooti, theie will he often ! for Sale at the Court House in Elizabeth City, X. C , l the highest bidder $5"oo,oo 6 per cent. 5 yr. hoi h $5000,00 6 M " 6 " of the Elizabeth City Cotton Mills, interest payable annually. 25 per cent, of the purchase price to be paid on day ol s balance upou delivery ot boti January 1, 1900. James G. Greu 1 . , Nov.24-3t Scct'y and Treas mm 1 ru; a i THE DUCHESS OLGA THE ZIEGLER THE SAVOY The firm of Sawyer & Jones will expire by limitation the 1st day ol January, 1900. Their stock must be closed out. Dry goods, no tions, boots, shoes, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods. This sale demands the attention of everybody who wants to buy goods cheap. STGGrt SPECIAL. mi SPRING '98. the Windsor if MAIN STREET. AWYER JONES, mm WATER

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