News Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." visits goods Mi?s Mattie Sawyer is iug friend? at Berkley. If you have Christmas to sell its time to advertise Mr. Andrew Hathaway is on a business trip to New York. I'oth side walks oil West Fear ing street are being nicely paved Sheifl N. G. Grandy gave his prisoners a big Thanksgiving dinner. We have had a beautiful dry fall and the roads have been in fine condition. 'iol 1 rt "Plirictmoc -vfTV-' zen aoineis ana Liie size . rayon, $3.25. D 8 41. iIrs. A. J. Brow n has left for in Chester, Ky., to spend a v. ;i!e with iriends at that place H. Parker, Deputy Collect t this District, was in the on Saturday on official busi t'.'IS d . ext bii plain Hayinan has been lg piling this week ior the :sio.i of Poiudexter street pita . . frit to Mail p.; . the i elect Why .. Paittli Mr J. T r. Klines ijreen, alter a l stay with relatives and n this city, has returned .nore. would greatly improve ;hone, telegraph and : i jh t poles on our streets. t !V H? "Christmas offer" y. -nets and Life size . 0 D-8 4t. C. Little, clerk of Hotel, left yesterdav N. Kenton's for his hom near Tarboro, C, to spend Christmas. A small f ame house in the First Ward, occupied by an old colored woman, was destroyed by fire Sund ly at noon. Attention is called to the ad vertisement 0 the Standard Pharmacy. A special sale of toil et goods is now going on. Mr. John B. Culpepper left this week for Washington City to accept an appointment in the government printing office. Mrs. M. Harvey Blivcn, of Asbury Park, N. J , and Miss Ritter Bliven, of Berkley, Va., are theguests ot .Mrs P. S. Siiipp. Mr. Guy Brocketl, wlio has been attending Horner's School at Oxford, arrived home yester day to spend Christmas with his father. Next Monday ami TiLstLy nights a grand Cake Walk will be given at the Acad, my cf Music bv colored people from Norfolk l OR KENT. A desirable lesi deuce, with six rooms and kitch en, good location, $S.)o per month. Apply to Robert J. Mitchell. Mr. W. S. Whitehurst di d a lew days ago in New York and was buried Friday in Norfolk. Relatives at this place attended the funeral.' Misses Bertha Harris and Beulah Trafton, two of Camden's fairest young ladies, spent Thanksgiving in . Richmond, Ya , visiting friends. The W. C. T..U wiU meet at Mrs. P. S. Shipp's Thursday the 14th at 3:30 o'clock. A full at tendance is desired Deing the last meeting for the year. Old Santa Claus will soon start out on his anuual rounds The children are beginning to count up the things they want the good old fellow to bring them. An enjoyable dance was given Wednesday night at the home of Mr. Jos. Walston, near Newbe gun Creek, this county. Several young men from Elizabeth City were present. Rev. R. C. Beairan, pastor of the M. E. church of this place, left Tuesday to attend the An ual Conference in session at Washington N. C. Several dele gates accompanied him. It is the fault of the farmer himself it he has not saved his crop and in good condition this fall. Certainly the weather lias been favorable and he cans not charge it up to that. The work of paving Poindex ter street is now progressing nicely. Contractor Armbrecht put to work several more pavers this week and they are hustling things along. The fire alarm sounded Tues day for the fourth Ward, the home of Mr. H. C. Wood, on Ehringhaus. ... street, having caught from the chimney. No serious damage, however, done. Things are coming the of the wood and coal men. extremely mild weather this fall has been a blessing to poor folks among whom we are one Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute-cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that broughtthem to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills The Fisherman & Farmer is now the official paper of "Pas quotank ana Camden counties, the commissioners of the two counties having awarded us with the county printing on Monday. It is with sadness that we an nounce the death of Mr. Chas. Wood, which occurred Wednes day morning at his home about five ' miles from town. In the death of Mr. Wood the countv loses one oi its best and most promising young men. During the fire which occur red Wednesday Deputy Sheriff Chas. Reid came near bein? killed. He was standing near the hose which was being uc reeled and was struck with one end of same on which was a heavy brass coupling, striking Mr. Reid with such torce that one rib was crushed and body badly bruised. Cecil Spires, the little who delivers telegrams for Telegraph Company at place, came near being drowned Wednesday morning. He had a message for a party at Robinson's Oyster house on the other side of the river. In attemotine to 1 r get into a boat he jumped over board. The little fellow made an effort to swim but could not succeed. He went down twice and was caught by a colored man just as his head was disap pearing the third time. He was taken out unconscious and placed under the care of Doctors Avd- ett and C. J. Sawyer who, with much difficulty, succeeded in restoring the little leilovv to seousiousuess. his boy the this SCHOONER SUNK. The schooner A. T. Coleman, Captain White, with about 90 tons of salt on board, sunk a few days ago in Pasquotank river near Turner's Cut. Yesterday he schooner W. H, French, witn wrecking- apparatus, ar- rived from Norfolk to assist in raising her, Drs. W. W. Griggs & Sou guarantee every bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Reined) and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two thirds of the contents This is the best remedy in- the woild for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough a id is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendeucy of a cold to result in pneumonia. FROM MOYOCK. was way The Mr. R. O. Bagley killed sever al wild hogS this week. We are glad of the improve ment of Mrs. D. A, Cox. Mr. Moses Lee was thrown by a mule one day last week and seriously injuied internally. Several strangers are here this week. Mis. Susau Harris, of Nor folk, is visiting her sister at Tulls. Miss Mollie Simmons, of Black water, Va., who has been visiting relatives here for some time returned home Sunday, ac companied by Mr. Fate Lilley. Mr. C. M. Bell and wife, of Snowden, spent Thanksgiving at Northwest. Mrs. Willie Allfriend is visit ing her sister here. Miss Swarthout, of Biackwa ter, spent last week with friends at this-place. Mr. G. C. Sandborn, of Snow den, was here on business Mon day. Mr. W. P. Creekmore went to NorfolMTuesday. Trof. Swarthout's school gave au entertainment here at the M. E. church Thanksgiving day; consisting of singing, recitations dialogues, etc Mrs. Willie Allfriend presided at the organ and the music was most skill-, fully rendered. A large screen which stood in front of the altar was most artistically decorated with autumn leaves, grasses and chrysanthemums. The church was closed and the glow of the lights presented a rare scene. There was quite a large crowd BAY, N. C. Miss Lonla J. Phelps is visit ing friends at Winton and Win sor. Hurry home Lon for some one looks sad. Mr. E. F. Walker left for Roper Saturday for a brief visit. Preparations are being made for an entei tainment at Scupper nong during the Christmas holi days It's to be a Sunday school and league entertainment com bined. Capt. R. W. Wynne has had his residence imptoved at Bay. We hear there is to be four more marriages this winter for a certainty. How about it boys? On Sunday at noon Mr. Will iam Knowdes and Mrs. Victoria Newberry were united in the bonds of holy matrimony at the Scupper nong Methodist Fpicco pal church by Mr. William Mud well assisted by Rev. V. D. Moses, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The interior of the church edifice was beautifully decorated with 1. 1 1 - i enrysantnemums ana every greens. Miss Aline Owens filled the role of maid of honor and Mr. Montroville Walker acted as best man. The other attend ants were Miss Ordie Woodley of Skinnersville, escorted by Mr. Walter Owens. The weddin party reached the church promptly at the hour announced and proceeded up the aisle in the following order : The bride, accompained by the bridegroom, preceded by the four waiters, two abreast, while the wedding march was being most skilfully rendered by Miss Bertie Owens, organist of the church, on ar, riving in front of the altar the bride and groom standing under an arch of evergeen, were met by Mr. Bodwell, who joined them together in a most impress ive manner. The ceremony was over, the bridal party retired from the church and after con gratulations were driven to tie residence of the groom's to gether with a large member of invited friends of the bride and grcom where an elegant co'lat'o i wasserved and Mrs Rough ton who at ted as hostress, ever alert tor the comfort of her guests, made every-oue feel at home, and tli - celibites wish that their time might soon arrive. "Bachelor." The skillful cashier so tuns his bank that no runs be made on it. , a. mmm m i n Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as wo 'men, and all L el the results in I loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backuche, nervousness, headache and tired, listless run down feeling But there's no ueed to feel like that. Listen to J. W Gardner, Idaville, Ind. Fit says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat any thing and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Griggs & Son's Drug Store. Every bot tie guaranteed. Noah demonstrated that h did not desire to be in the swim Working Night and Day Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival ot trade Griggs & Son Drug Store as their giving away to their many customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable remedy, from the fact that it al ways cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases are quickly cured. You can test it before buying by get ting a trial bottle free, large size 50c, and $1.00. Every bot tle warranted. Few butchers can gamble and keep the steaks. of o n. 1 j . 1 ha Kind Ycu Have Always Bougta 1 jCrfT. When a friend shows a disposi tion to go back 011 you let him keep a going. Bears the Tha Kind You Have Always BougfiJ Sir- . tare 3? . V V ? . of The busiest and mightiest lit tle thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strangth, listless ness into energy, brain fag into mental power. They're wonder ful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Griggs & Son. It is only natural that rooters should feel a deep interest in foot ball. RHEUMATISM TO STA.Y CURED. price $1.00. Sold in E. City by Dr. J. E. Wood, Standard Pharmacy and W. W. Griggs & Son. Anything you Want for Your 3mas Dinner? An infinite variety of lable delicacies too numer ous to mention come and see them. 3Christma Candies. Too early to buy yet, maybe, but you can make selections while you have time and the stock is full. LOWNEY'S Chocolate and Boa Bons. 500 one pound boxes of fancy confections at prices to suit everyone. FANCY FRUITS - Florida Or anges, Malaga Grspes, Etc. Fulmer " &Co.7Trberne.7. SPECIAL SALE ! ! 4 i Imported Cotlct Soaps, j ( T?n ViJf Regular 25c. goods at ioc. cake, three cakes for 25 "cents. Regular ioc. I OH V Oil X Jl J liyVll, goodsat5cts. 0 per cake. ! - STANDARD PHARMACY, J W ! i i m m ! AND TOILET ARTICLES, Cor. Road and Fearing Sts. i 1 1 1 Never were we so Sdell prepared FOR. ..CHRISTMAS VST. -U KfflBV r Our stock is twice as large as ever before and the goods are priced as low as is consistent with good quality. We are enabled to purchase at lowest prices and sell accordingly. We carry a complete line of everything desirable in Watches and Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Etc. We never sacrifice quality for price and every article we sell, no matter how little it costs has its intrinsic value. Diamond Pearl and Ladies' Solid 'Cluster Diamond f Gold Rings Brooches Tifan Rings with opal centers $18.00, or Pendants, mounted solid $1.50. Solid G-old Ladies' with Rnby Sapphire or 14 Kt stones of best Emerald Doublet Center Kmgs m endless variety. and an endless variety of from 16 to 60' A11 combinatioriS of stones fancy clusters from $10 to wite !pearl centers as low $100. as $5. from $1.50 to $25.00. Ladies' Solid Gold open SOLID G-OLD . Ladies' face Chatalain watches at IB R D D C H ES go j(J Gold $20. We have them gold A 14Kt-goId limit mied for io so solid si! ig Variety. . cage wach- FROM ver as low as $5. $a.oo to $35.00. eS, aS low aS$20 THE Everything In NetherSOleJk Largest Line of Silver No eliies. Bracelets. Ebony -:- Goods at uw prices. Misses size 60 cents. Hooks 50 5c ' tto be seen in the city, is at TOOth and Nail Brushes Childrens size 45 cts 50c ghoe Horns 50c, Child's linkBracelets J L I CS" S Combs 50c- Links 40c. An A 0., endless variety of showey sterling Oliver, uts. No. 6lj Water street, articles at low prices. mm m Our new catalogue containing over Two Thous and Photographic Illustrations of watches, diamonds, and jewelry and silverware, will be mailed free on re - IVMMW quest. Write for one, it will assist you in your holi day purchases. 10065 ii WHAT SHALL GIVE?" Frequently the question arises, what shall I give ?. Well, if you will watch this space we will mention a few useful articles you can find during the holidays at the store of LiOTJI ID J J JEWELER Established 1882.- umber 61 Water Street,: ELIZABETH CITY, N. C ! ) I. 1 S 1) if f I of which in the saving ot tuei bills. present. C.