D Fisherman nner. ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 I899 Established 188G ThtBevtl,A,dVeLSinI Medium in the Albemarle District-The Finest Fish;. Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper Published m This Section. The Most Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the FISHERMAN & Farmer Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. m fa MBLICK. We are preparing I for the largestHoli- 1 j day Display we have :er made- . 1 We have piles of roods. The A MIDNMT TRAGEDY In a House of 111 Fame Washington, N. C. ;n JESSE GREEN SHOOTS MATTIE MOORE. 5 The Woman Makes a Statement, Telling How the Tragedy Occurred. rices 'Are Low. 1 1 e ex te as sortment is ave. We can suit you I whether your wants 1 i hio-h -oriced orj ----o heap. Bring the lit tie ones and Oil o see 1 more maBr JW- Www Ithan ever before dis- 1 ' slaved here 1 MELICK. 1 - 9 "Trrrv i vi ' Schedule in effect Aug.- 28', '99 NoH lk & Southern R. R. Mail and Express trains, Southbonud, daily (ex : ;! Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a. m., Northbound, daily, (exceps Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 2:45 p. m. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 leave Eliza- ' ('it v Southbound 0. p. m., 'North houud 9:0 a. in. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk & Western de pot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail aud Steamer lines, and at Edenton with Steamer for Roanoke, ( ishie, Chowan aud Scuppernon; rivers; Transfer steamers to Jackey "i ry, thence by Norfolk & Southern : ft, to Roper, Puntego, and Bell : iven, connecting with Old Dominion tner for Vaklyville, Aurora, fFashington and all intermediate land, ingS. ' ' Eastern Carolina Dispatch AND Dnion Hiiiie The steamer Newberne leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday, Tnurs day and Saturday at 6 p. m. for New Berne Oriental, Roanoke Island cou uecting with the A. & N. C. R R, for lldshoFe Kinston, Morehead City, and with theW.&W.R.R.forJacksonvile Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning leave New Bern Tuesday and Triday. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Cit? tation to all landings, Newberne uinston, Ooldsboro, Morehead Cii a 1 i Wilmington, N. C Daily all rail service be ween Elia 'eth City and New York Philadelphia Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as low lates and quicker time than byauy othei route. Direct all goods to s shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch as follows From Norfolk by Noripl & Southern l Iroad; Baltimore by W. & B. R. ., President Street Stat ,n; Philadel l, Philadelphia R. R-, Dock Street Statik; New York, by Pennsylvania R. RPier 27 North River, aud Old ! ominton Line. For further information apply to M. H. Snowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, 01 I ) the General Office of the Norfolk v.nhern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Va M. K. KjNO; General Manager. H. C. HUDGINS G. F. & V. A?t Joijumeijts and Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10, which we mail free, con tains a variety of destgns of Marble and granite Memorials, aud will help you in making a proper selection. Vitefor it; we will satisfy yd" as to prices. Our stock is the lar gest in the South. THE Gouper Marble Wbrks (Established 50 Years.) Washington, N. C, December j 8. There occurred here last i night about 12 o clock in a house of ill-fame situated on the corner of Forth and Vanorden ', streets one of the bloodiest trag edies in the history of our towr . . It was the shooting of one MaK tie Moore, a while woman of bad repute, by her paramour, Jesse Green, of Martin county. The facts are about as follows: Green had been in the city about two or three weeks, and had fre quently been seen in the com pauy of Mattie Moore on the streets. Last night about 12 o clock Chief of Police Grist was notified that his presence was needed, as a serious affair had taken place, or murder com mitted. On arriving at the house the Chief went to the room where the tragedy occurred, burst open the door and found the woman leaning against the wall, covers ed with blood, while Green was lying on the floor, a few feet away. By this time Dr Josh Taylor arrived, aud upon exam ination tound the woman had been struck by three balls; One entered the head, through the ear, another through the mouth, and one through the palm of the hand. Green had been shot near the region of the heatt. The wounds of the woman are pronounced fatal. Green will probably recover Green claims j the vroman did the shooting. 1 he woman, we learn, comes from Norfolk, and has two child- ren aud a husband liviug. Green is now in jail. LATER. Washington, N. C, Dec. 9 Additional evidence was pro cured yesterday afternoon that throws more light on the bloody tragedy. Mattie Moore, the woman in the case and whose wounds were thought to be im mediately fatal, sufficiently ralli ed o make the following state ment of the shooting : "Green and I had just come from down town, and he had been begging me to leave town with him, which 1 refused to do. On returning to the house I went upstairs, Green followed, aud while I was standing facing the looking glass and he was in the door he fued the shot that struck me near the ear, After this shot I remember hearing another shot, then I lost con sciousness. The last shot I heard I thought it was when Green shot himself." In answer to the charge that she did the shooting she said : 'I never owned a pistol in my life. It is true that not long ago Grec:n cut my name on his pis tol, but I have not seen it since." Both parties to the conflict are improving, and unless blood poison sets in it is thought both will recover. A Heartless Mother Deserts Her Infant Daughter. The Norfolk Virginian Pilot, of the 10th inst., savs : Y ester day afternoon as the special passenger train on the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, under the supervision of Captain Fere bee, was about pulling out from the Norfolk and Western depot, it was learned that an infant, whose mother had heartlessly forsaken and departed foi paits unknown, was on the train. Captain Ferebee began investk gation at once, but could not as certain the whereabouts of its cruel mother aud was about to turn it over to the police de partmeut, when the colored girl in who-;'' custodv the little one had been lsft by its mother, found that the child was to be taken from her and divulged the fact that she knew of the young lady's parents aud told that they lived in Hertford, N. C. She was'then permitted to continue with the child. It was afters wards ascertained that the young lady, whose offspring the child is. is of w.-ll to do parentage of Hertford, N. C, and the young I lady is also quite prominent in stood that the same young lady attempted to pass the child on the morning train, but was ob served by Captain Waddy, who refused to let the child pass on the road unaccompanied by its mother. NO-HED-AKE Tablets cures all neadaches. Price 10 cents. No cure ho pay. MOODY'S LIFE WORK ENDEL. A CHURCH "ROOF-GARDEN Novel Idea of Rev. A. C. Dixon's New York Church. Speak Good Rather than Evil. If people would talk about the good deeds of their fellow men aud women with as much avidity as they do of evil deeds of humanity, how much more joy and pleasure there would be in the world? Talk of the good and lift the world higher. Ex change. Reader, examine yourself. Are yon among the class who "backbit" and say evil things of your fellow man? If so, right about face, and see if you can't find some good things to talk about. Louisburg Times. (New York Journal.) The roof gardens of Manhat tan furnish the idea, and in a general way the model, on which the Rev. A. C. Dixon's People's Church will be built in Brook lyn. Instead of sweltering in hot, stuffy pews, the congregation during the summer mouths will worship on a roof far above the heai: and noise of the street. The Rev. Dr. Dixon is the pastor of the Hanson Place Bap tist Church. The old church was found too small, and the congre gation decided to build. Seven of the leading architects are working on new7 plans.. All have been instructed to arrange for audience room on the roof. The sides and roof will be of glass. They will be arranged so that they may be thrown open in pleasant weather. Four large elevators will run to the roof. The ground plan of the church provides xor a seating capacity ot 2,000 in the main auditorium. There will be a lecture and Sunday school room so situated that they can all be thrown into one room, giving a seating cap- acity of 3,500. "I will admit that the theatres have furnished us the idea for the roof auditorium," said Dr Dixon last night. "There will be a pulpit and comfortable seats on the roof, and we expect to have some graud camp meeting." Reaching Out. The Vanderbilts are said to be negotiating for the purchase of both the Albemarle and Ches apeak Canal and the recently opened Dismal Swamp Canal. The object of the purchase would, it is said, be to control all the transportation facilities from Norfolk to Eastern North Carolina. The Vanderbilts now own both the Norfolk and Southern and the Norfolk and Virginia Beach Railways. The traffic passing through the Al bemarle and Chesapeak and Dis mal Swamp Canals offers, it is said, serious competition to these two railway lines. Nor folk Ledger. All headaches are cured by NO. HEDAKE Tablets. Evangelist's W.eak Heart Will Prevent Him From Entering Upon Further Extensive Labors. Dwight L. Moody, the noted evangelist, will never again be able to undertake any - extensive or active religious wotk'lrom the public platform. Such was the brief, but significant announce ment made to a Preso reporter last night by Evangelist Ira D. Sankey, who for many 'years has been Mr. "Moody's intimate friend and companion in : relig ious work Mr. Moody has been ill at his home r.t North field, Mass., for some time. His troubles arises from a weakened heart, which has been severely sttained by his arduous labors, dating back over a quarter of a century. For a time it was. feared that his heart would be unable to withstand the additional strain caused by the general weakness of the entire physical system. He has been under the constant care of physicians for some time, aud while they hope to be able to save his life, his heart will be left in such condition as to pre vent his undertaking any heavy work in the future. This statement by Mr. Sankey way based on a letter received bv him on Saturday from Mr. Moody's son, who wrote that his father would probably recover, but would never be able to do very much work in the future. Mr. Sankey-, who occupied the pulpit at the Bethlehem Presby terian Church yesterday, was seen by a Press reporter, at the close of the service last night. In reply to the question as to his opinion of Moody's condition, Evangelist Sankey said ; . I think Mr.. Moody will get well His son writes me to that effect, I am satisfied .he. will be never able to undertake any heavy work again." It had been Mr. Moody's in tention to hold an evangelistic jubilee service in this city next year with Mr. Sankey. The two evangelists held a gret religious rally at Thirteenth and Market streets twenty-five years-, ago, and it was to be in honor' of that rally that they were to return to Philadelphia next year. When asked whether Mr. Moody's illness would interfere with the proposed jubilee, Mr. Sankey said : "Undoubtedly, Mr. Moody will not dare to exert himself with any active work in the future. i Mr. Moody last appeared in this city l.i September, when he delivered several effective ad dresses at the Witherspoon Building. He was taken ill shortly after leaving Philadel phia. Philadelphia Press, nth. M'COY AND RYAN TO IN RING. mm .". i I M C I Off in IS II dS Bout Will be Brought New York Early in February- New York, December 6. After two years of backing and filling -Kid" McCoy and Tom my Ryan two of the cleverest Sghters at their weight in the world, have agreed .to meet in the ring. Efforts have been maue for many months to get these men together, but it was not until to-day that a match be tween them was assured. McCoy assured Ryan that he would fight him six week after his go with Peter Matter, which takes place at Coney Island on December 29. This will bring the contest off early in Febru ary. liiey will hght twenty-five rounds at 158 pounds, the mid dleweight limit, and McCoy says it will be for the championship. McCoy claims the title by de fault. The "Kid" had $1,000 posted for several weeks to meet Fitzsimmons, and as Fitzsim moas failed to cover the money, the Hoosier boxer believes he is entitled to the honor. Fitzsimmons' failure to pay any attention to McCoy's chal lenge is probably due to the fact that he does hot intend to fight the middleweight class again. If it be so, the question of the championship will be settled when Ryan and McCoy meet, as they are considered the two foie most boxers in the middleweight division. NO-HED-AKE Toblets are guaran teed. No cure no pay. ydoses for 10 cents. Cures all headaches. Oyster Catch a Poor One. Does ttle Baby Thrive 4 If not. something must be I wrong with its food. If the t I mother's milk doesn't nour-1 I ish it, she needs SCOTT'S f t EMULSION. It supplies the J the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires t Scott's Emulsion t Half a teaspoonful three i or four times a day in its J bottle will have the desired f effect. It seems to have a i magical effect upon babies (and children. A fifty-cent boltkajwift prove the truth of our sflitements. ; Should be taken In summer 99 4 ' I well as winter. W 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. X SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. One bottle of NO-HED-AKE Tab lets will convince you they are the best headache tablets on the market, Yaekel Drug Co. Baltimore, M3. J .. - - JtK Raleigh, N. C, December 11. The fleet of oyster dredgers has returned to Newbern, after six days spent on the sounds. It was thought the catch of oysters would be 500 bushels a day per boat, but to the intense disap pointment of all interested, it proved only 50 to 100 bushels 'or the entire six days. Great preparations had been made for a large catch. All the canneries were ready', and a dozen new ones built, but all find the oys ter supply so short that it now appears they will have to close down. The great storm of last August covered the oysters with sand and mud, chiefly the latter, even in deep water, Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly re lieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Griggs & Son. SNOWDEN. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Tuttle are delighting Mrs. Lou Bell with a visit. Misses Lula Bell and Lama Willey spent last Sunday very pleasantly with Misses Susie and Minnie Hall, of Coinjock. Mr. Jerry Bray, of E. City, is visiting his aunt Mrs. Jane Bell. Mr. VV. W. King the Supt. of the N. & S. R. R. and Mr. J. N. Gregory, of Norfolk, spent a few df.ys in the village last week hunting quail, while here they were the guests of F. P. Snow den. Mr. A. M. Willey is spending sometime near Littleton, N. C. Mrs. E. A. Bell is visiting rel atives in Norfolk. The cotton gin and grist mil belonging to Mr. Phjlip Bray, of Sligo, was burned a. few 'nights ago. Loss about three thousand E dollars, without insurance. Mr. gp Bray's many friends extend their 5 deepest sympathy for his great tz. loss.. tr Mr. John Snowden, of E. City, paid a flying visit to his friends at this place Tuesday. Miss Lama Willey spent Mon day with her aunt Mrs. I. G. Gordon, of Camden, 7C. H. Mrs. F. P. Snowden spent Wednesday in City. is.. Don't Cdant ouv VIoney Unless you are thoroughly satisfied with the values we give you. We have bargains &aily without any flourish of trumpets and minus any circus perform ances. Figure it out, compare our prices with others and see how much money we can save you on Mens' and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, K Ladies and dents' Furnishing Goods, o Ladiee' Capes, jackets, Rats, etcJ Growth is the object intensely sought for in this business. We expect to attain it only by transac tions that make good bargains for both buer and seller. Benevolence has no rightful place in buying and selling, and it would be the height of folly to base . any appeal to you for the sale of goods on any other ground than your self interest; we claim a Saving From 10 to 25 per cent. is strong enough to appeal to any person, no mat ter how long they have held out against our bargains Sooner or later we are bound to get your trade "ire 0 mm G s law jflL, 3E3& 3E". H 3Vt -82 Poindexter Street, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. e Just 13 days seen We have not a Mammoth Stock of exclusively Christina Articles. Just a nice assortment of choice new articles high in quality without the high price. Our Specialty is Ladies' aud Mens1 Furnishings. 3 Have you ever thought how valu- 2 able was a useful article something wearable to remind the person at all times of the giver? Try it this year. We have a full assortment of useful, wearable articles. lar days then Christ ie 13 DAYS. mas. The immense amount of business that must be crowded into that brief period should induce early buying. Sensible, far-seeing people begin their Christmas shopping early so as to avoid the rush and disappoint ment of not securing their choice at the last minute. Let us make a few suggestions for Christmas Presents. ttv Tine IDress 0-ood.s ZDopa-rtrxerLt. We have made special prices on our Dress Goods for the Holiday trade. Those Skirl Lengths of Black Goods would make a very suitable present for mother, sister or daughter. These are goods cut from the piece in suitable lengths for skirts some for full dresses and marked at an attractive price much less than regular. In colored goods we have full dress lengths aud also piece goods at greatly re duced prices. Our Lining Stock is full of seasonable goods, Mercerized Sateens, Percasilks, Percalines, Silesias and Fancy Stripes and Plaids. In tle "Ts7vrl-Lite G-oods Dopartment. Handkerchiefs galore. We are safe in saying that we have the largest variety of handkerchiels ever shown in town. Although the market is constantly advan cing, our prices on these goods remain the same. No woman ever had too many handktrchiefs. Make her a present from our stock Embroidered Pillow Shams, Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs, Stand Covers, Center Pieces and Doilies make excellent presents. Here at lowest prices. Table Lin ens and Napkins at special prices. Xn. tlxe Taction. IDepsurtTTi. yn t This is replete with useful and ornamental presents. Pocket books, purses, brushes, combs, mirrors, hand glrsses, toilet sets, pin irays, comb and brush trays, real pearl trinket baskets, stick pins, brooches, belt buckles, belts, fancy garters, soaps, perfumeries, toilet waters. All at the lowest prices consistent with good quality. For G-eritieme.. ' It is sometimes hard work to thtnk what to give a man. We can help you out with Suit of clothes or an overcoat tailor-made perhaps- (You know we are doing the business ot the town in that line.; Pair of Shoes. .Pair of Snspenders. Pair of Hose. Handkerchief. Muffler. ' g Necktie. 'Pair of Gloves. h n av 1 A '. 1 Buy Your Holiday Goods at THE FAIR. .v '59 to 193 Bank 8treet. oriou . 3 A