o 1-0 i herman Farmer. ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N, C, FRIDAY JANUARY 26, I900. Established 18 The Best Advertising Medium marie District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paner Published in This Section. ost Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the FISHERMAN & FARMER Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. 'iTIenvl 2. 1 nil) era I IS. In effect December ist 1899. TRAIN SERVICE. NORTHBOUND Lv. Eliz. City daily (ex. Sun) 2:45, pin Ar, Norfolk, " " 4 25, p.m Lv. Eliz.City.Tue.Thur.&Sat 9:3o, a.m Ar. Norfolk " " " 11:00, am f or rHBOUND Lv. KHz. City daily (ex Sun)il 40. a.m Ar. Edenton " " 12:40, p.m Ar. Belhaven " " 4:45, p m Lv. Eliz. Ciiy Tue Thu &Sat. 6:00, p.m ;-"Traius stop at all intermediate stations. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenton daily (t x cept Sunday) 1:00 p. m. for Plymouth, Jamesville, Williamston and Wiiid- so-. Leave Edenton Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:00 p. m. for Chowan River landings; and Fyiday for Scup pernons; River. Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roanoke Island, Oriental and New Berne, T ies lay, Thursday and Satur day 6:00 p m : connect with a & N.C. R.'R and V. & W. R R. for Goldsboro ;ii d Wilmington, &e. For Scupyeinong River Monday i 2:00 noon. ForCoinjock and North River Land ings Tuesday, Th irsday and Saturday 3:00 p m. For South Mills and landings on Dismal Swamp route Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 6:00 a. m Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex cept Sunday for Washington, N. C. For further information apply to M. H. Snowden, Agent, Elixobeth City, or to the G meral Office of the N & S. R. R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M. K. KTNG, H. C. HUDGINS.f- Gen. M'g'r. Gen Ft.&Pass.Agt PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OH For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches, Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel ISnrns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, 1 iles and all kinds of inflammation on :ian or beaat. Cures Itch and Mange. 5h9 Com, Cut or Bora will n7C matter iftir th oil 'iaj ::is ar.;..3i. lie prepared for accidents by keepinp it in your h-.nse or stable. Ai I Druggists sell iton a guarantee. V.O Cure, No Pay. Price 35 cts. and $1.00. if your -'rngist does not keep it send us as cts. in pot. t.ije stamps and we will send it to you by mail, Paris. Tenn., Jan. 20th, 1R94. Dear Sir: I have used Poi tor' Antlsppllc Healing OR for Ilarneta auil Saddle Galls. Scratcliend Barb Wire Cut, v ith perfect satisfaction, and 1 heartily rcco..imend it to u.l Liv.ry aud Stockmen. C. B. IRVINE, LiTcry and Feed SUble, BABY BURNED. (V ntlomcn . I am pleased to speak a word for Porter' L.itisoptle Heallnc Oil. My bat y was burned a f?w months . and after trying a!l other remedies I applied your '"Oil" and the first application gave relief, and in a few days th , ire was well. I a iio used the oil on m v stock and find thai it is V.ia boat remedy for this purpose that I have ever used. Yours, C. T. LEWIS. Taris, Tenn.. January 28. 1WM BiM I'itT! iilD T,T PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO If 3um3Qts and Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. io, which wc mail free, con tains a variety of designs of Marble and jrrauite Memorials, and will help you in making a proper selection Write fbr it; we will .satisfy you as to prices. Our stock, is the lar gest in the South. THE Couper Marble works (Established 50 Years.) iS9 to 19 Bank Street, Norfoll. HERTFORD Coffin Co Hertiord, NC yx7 manufacture an Kinas 01 CoSns. Caskets, and other buri al eases. Trices quoted on ap plication. Goods shipped prom ptly. Write for information and J. aia . you will save money tnereoy. W.H. Ward, Prop BATTLE Tfi THE 2EATH Negro Murderer Dies' Rather Than Surrender. He shot at Kver thing in Sight, Killing One Man and Des peratly Wounding Two Others. Macon, Ga , Jan. 22. Two negroes shot to death and two white men desperately wounded were the casualties in an attemot A. to arrest a negro murderer here today. J. H. Butler, colored, is the man who did the most of the shooting and who was himself shot to death. His victims were Armstead Bryant, colored, shot through the heart and instantly killed; B. Zeltman, white, shot through the stomach and will probably die and John Reed, white, shot in the neck in a precarious condition. Butler threatened to kill a negro woman, and ..hen Police man I'earce attempted to arrest him, began to shoot. The negro ran up Fourth street, one of the busiest streets in Macon, pistol in hand, shooting at everything in sight. His victim vvas Zelt man, then Bryant, and last Reed fell beneath his deadly aim. In the meantime the sound of the shooting attracted a number of policemen and citizens. When Butler fell mortally wounded, five pol icemen and fifteen citizens were shooting at him. When examined it was found that five pist&l balls had gone completely through his body aud there were other wounds. An ambulance was summoned and the wounded men were tak en to the city hospital, while the bodies of the dead men were taken to an undertaking estab-! lishmeut, where the coroner held an inquest Butler came to Georgia from North Carolina eight years ago, vnd was employed on a South Georgia turpentine farm. It is Siid that about a year ago he killed two negroes at Pinehurst Ga. The Paper Trust. The robber Paper trust, which controls nearly all the output i the paper mills of this country, has steadily advanced the price of paper for the past three months until we are now paying about 40 per cent more for the newspaper upon which the Baptist is printed, than we did September ist. This trust has a a chief cause, a tariff law which lays a heavy import upv on all paper material imported from Canada into this country. And we are the sufferers. This unjust tariff aud its robber off spring, the Paper Trust, is tak ing from the pockets of publish ers all over America a tax which has reached the point of a heavy burden. This tariff law is a tax 11- T 1 on intelligence. rapers ana books cost more than ever be ore. On every newspaper, lUble, Hymn Book, tract and almanac there is an extra cost. The note paper and envelopes of courtship, the invitation for the wedding and the blackbordered announcement of death all pav tribute to this robber tariff, which instead of enriching the government only makes it poss ible for the paper magnates of America to charge more for their paper, tiow long will we suffer? There are those who count a word against the trusts as a stone cast against the innocent. "Let these defenders of iniquity feel the heavy hand of corporate greed and their tune will change. . North Carolina Baptist. frm'i Tobacco Siit aui Smoke foai lirj Asy, V6 avlt tobacco easily and forever be mag aclic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or CI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling lie mods Co-, cftcagc or New Yorjr Divorced Ccuple Make Up. Baltimore, Jaimqry 20. Af ter five years of contest in the divorce courts Thomas C. Chap pell, a well-known lawyer, and his wife have become recon ciled j?.tvl Mie husband's suit tor divorce was dismissed in the Baltimore County Court to day. Mrs. Chappell is now in Bos ton, where she has been for the past few years, but will k'o to New York within .ae next few days to rejoin her husband, who has taken up his residence in that city. Tne case has been an extraordinary one. The bill for divorce was filed in March, 1895 by Mr. Chappell, asking for an absolute separation and divorce. The bill contained about thirty absolute and distinct sections. One of the main allegations be ing that his wife was laboring under mental difficulties, and that this existed at the time of their marriage. The case has never beed tried upon its merits but has been to the Maryland Court of Appeals at Annapolis four times upon questions of ali mony, counsel fees, and many complex questions of law. Accompanying the papers pas pers filed to-day was a written assent 011 the part of Mrs. Chap pell to the dismissal of the case. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney &Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tki ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Warding, KinnAx & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nallv, actiug directly upon the blood and nmcoua avti facca of tH. sy a tC . Price 75 per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists Testimouials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Murder out Years Too Late. Sioux Falls, S. D., January 20. Information has reached here that Mrs. Van Horn, who recently died in the State of Washington, confessed on her death bed that she murdered her mother, Mrs. Thos. Egan, near this city, September 12th, 1880. For this crime Thomas Egan, the woman's husband, was hang ed, protesting his innocence. Mrs Van Horn was his step daughter. Mrs. Egau was chok ed to death with a rope, and her head was bruised with a wooden picket. The clothes Egan wore were found in the barn covered with blood, aud this caused his conviction. The execution was bungled, aud he was dropped three times before death ensued The first time the rope broke, and the second time it slipped. The physician at the hospital where Mrs. Van Horn died took down her confession and sent it to Egan's relatives here. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons. Corns, all Skin Erupt ions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 2 5 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by Standard Pharmacy Druggist. The Man to Help. So many of us forget that it is the weak fellow who is in the ditch, rather than the strong man who is on the thione Oj partial or pronounced prosper ity, who most needs the helping hand of the influential aud pow erful. So many of us are ready to help the follow whose path way is easy, while we will pass fy the unfortunate who really needs a helping hand. So many of us are prone to sneer at, if not crush, the man who has been in error and who is trying to do better to make a new man of himself while we will throw more sunshine and more mater ial help into the lap of the stal wart citizen. Augusta Herald. Transferring Electricity. The Norfolk Railway and Light Company is having made a special wire and cable to con duct voltage from its enlarged plant, on Cove street, now beiug erected, :o Berkley lor electtic lighting purposes. The cable will be laid under the eaastern branch of Elizabeth river, and the large wire conductor will be protected from contact with the water by a suitable encasement. It will carry at least 2,000 volts of electricity. The transferring of electric power by cables un der water for lighting purposes, etc., is not a new thing, but at the same time is by no means common. The old receiving ship Franklin, lying in the Eliz abeth river off the navy-yard, is lighted by electricity trans ferred from the yard by a cable, with the capacity of 100 volts. The new bridge to connect Berkley and Norfolk will be the means by which to run the Berkley street car system will be transferred over trolley wires. Virginian Pilot. When you cannot sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief, it is most excell ent for eclds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and prevents any tendency to ward pneumonia. For sale by Griggs & Son. At The Old Year's Grave. By the grave of the old year stood a little child, with an arm ful of flowers. The light of the Morning was on his brow, the faith of" the Future in his radi ant eyes. One by one the flow ers fell upon thp grave, till it was hidden beneath a crimson canopy. Some were flowers of joy, and some were flowers of tears; some were the roses of sweet song, and tome were mem ories of sighs. But over all there fell the lilies of Love, and that fair flower' whose sweeter name is Hope. And gloriously streamed the light from the far, eastern hills. Glad voices float ed heavenward. There was a sound of silver trumpets a mel ody of bells. And the child still faced the Future, and if a teardrop trembled in his eyes it was kissed away of Light. And he passed, singing, into the r earts and homes of men, her alded by Hope, and welcomed by the music of the rejoicing bells. Frank Stanton, in At lanta Constitution. An item is going the rounds about a girl dying from tight lacing. An editor commenting of the fact sas: "The corset should be done away with and if the girl can't live without being squeezed we suppose men can be found vdbo will sacrifice themselves. As old as we are we would rather devote three hours a day without a farthing than to see girls dying off iu this man ner. Office hours most any old time." Consumption is robbed of its terrors by the fact that the best med ical authorities state that it j 1 is a curaoie Disease; ana one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You know there are all sorts of secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make absurd claims. We only say that if taken in time and the laws of health are properly observed, SCOTT'S EMULSION will heal the inflammation of the throat and lungs and nourish and strengthen the body so that it can throw off the disease. We have thousands of testi monials where people claim they have been permanently cured of this malady. toe. r.d $1.00, II druggists. T & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. SCOTT . E. SWEET HOME." BEST PLACE FOR A MARRIED MAN. A Grand, old Mirror, Through Which Both Sides of us are Seen. The golden setting in which the brightest jewel is "mother." A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut in. An arbor which shades when the sunshine of prosperity be comes too dazzling; a harbor where the human bark finds shelter in the time of adversity. Home is the blossom of which heaven is the fruit. Home is a peison's estate ob tained without injustice, kept without disquietude; a place where time is spent without re pentance and which is ruled by Justic, mercy and love. A grand, old mirror, through which both sides of us are seen. That source of comfort which youth does not fully appreciate, which the young men and maid ens lovingly desire, which the middle-aged generally possess, which the old rightly value. A hive in which, like the iu dustrious bee, youth gardens the sweets and memories of life for age to meditate and feed up on. The best place for a married man after business hours. Home is the coziest, kindliest, sweetest place in all the world, the scene of our purest earthly joys and our deepest sorrows. The only spot on earth where the faults and failings of fallen humanity are hidden under the mantle of charity. An abode in which the in mate, the "superior being called man," can pay back at night with fifty per cent interest every annoyance that has met him in business during the day. The place where the great are sometimes small and the small often great. The father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's world. The jewel casket containing the most precious of all jewels, domestic happiness. Where you are treated best and you grumble most. Home is a central telegraph office ot human love, into which run innumerable wires of af fection, many of which though extending thousands of miles are never disconnected from the one great terminus. The center of our affections, around which our hearts' best wishes twine. A little hollow scoop out of the windy hill of the world where we can be shielded from its cares and annoyances. A popular but paradoxical in stitution, in which woman works in the absence of man and man rests in the presence of woman. A working model of heaven, with real angles in the form ot mothers and wives. The place where all husbands should be at night. When You Have a Bad Cold. You want the best medicine that can be obtained, and that is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep exi pectoration easy. You want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only medicine in use that meets all of these requirements. This remedy is famous for its cures ot bad colds throughout the United States and in many foreign countries. It has many rivals, but, for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds, stands withont a peer and its splendid qualities are everywhere admired and praised. For sale by Griggs & Son. HUM FROM MOYOCK. Miss Pearl Sears, of Tulls, is on the sick list this week. Messrs. J. J. Morse and M. C. Poyner made a business trip to Norfolk Thursday. Miss Mel lie Gregory, of Berk ley, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Cornelius Lee of Norfolk, was here Friday. Mr. R. B. Flora took a trip to E. City Friday and returned Saturday. Miss Jessie Mc Henry, of Tlackstone, Va., has opened School at Shady Grove. Mr. Willie Lee, of Norfolk, who has been visiting relatives here ft r some time has returned home. Miss Helen Morton, of Clarks ville, Va , is teaching school at Northwest, Va. Mr. H. L. Davis and wife, of Bereft Va., spent last Thurs. day here with his parents. Mrs. Annie Wilson aud Miss Helen Morton, of Northwest, were the guests of Mrs. A. J. Ful ford Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Sanderlin went to Norfolk Saturday shopping. Miss Katie Gray, who has been visiting relatives in Nor folk foi some time has returned hone. Rev. N. P. Stallings preached at Shady Grove Sunday. Mrs. Joe Bailey and Mrs. Flora ot Indian Creek were the guests of Mrs. A. F. Holt Monday. Mr. Ed. Humpheries and fam ily, of Blackwater, spent Sunday in the villige the guests of Mr. and Mrs A. J Davis. Mr. T. P. Lassell and Mr. Crane, of Maryland, who have been visiting Mr. T. C. Sander, sonl eft Wednesday for home. Mrs. J. J. Morse left Tuesday for Williamsburg, Va., to visit her aunt who is very ill. Mr. Askew, of Baltimore, was here Tuesday guest of Mr. M. C. Poyner. Mr. T C. Sanderson went to I I I LJ1 CP JL JlIZL JljLj The Big1 Department Store, Are Now installed In Enlarged Quarters. Larger Bustnes JVIeans Larger r More Space. More Light. Better Store Service. Better Facilities for handling onr ever increasing trade. The attractions are not all complete in our shoe department. Our Dry Goods and Clothing Departments are installed in their new quarters and better prepared than ever to cater to the wants of Customers. N. B. Big values are being offered in Underwear and Dress Goods. Call at the ''Green Front," the symbol low prices. E. City Monday tsce his broth er who is very ill. Mrs. Frances Sanderlin is very ill at her daughter's in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Holt took a trip to Norfolk Thursday. Jacob Phillips a colored U1 ier who died in Cuba of yellow fever over a year ago was brought here aud hurried Tues day. C. Cold Steel Or Death. "There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through t an operation," was the awful paospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, 01 Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yel low jaundice. He didn't count ou the marvellous power of a Electric Bitters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard f oit, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better ihan ever. It's posi tively guarantctd ; cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles aud never disappoints. Price 50c at Standard Pharmacy. MUMFORD. Mr. Mack Joins and family, of Turnpike, will move to Per quimans county this week. Messrs. G. W. and Charlie Morgan spent last Monday in Camden county ou business. Mr. W. J.Spence, of Rosedale, spent last Sunday at this place. Mr. J. W. Edney and family, of Ncwland moved to E. City last week. Miss Buena V. Morgan spent last Monday night with Miss Brothers at Ro;ed ile. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Morgan, of E. City, spent several days with relatives and friends here this week. Mr. Kramer, of E. City, was in Newland last Monday on business. Messrs. W. E. and E. V. Hin tou, of Providence township, spent last Tuesday in Newland. ou business. I G. B. M. 1 Quarters. THE FAIB- 44 Put Money In Thx Purse r of tne .--u.'.s m talks Jy suffer, '&, or "t' .it K-u-y m his jr : "s.t cornc f-. I .'ix.:' t hsU .H,"ip'y ooze Hood's S.irt.ipar: 1 .irtd grots it life. 3(ccdlS SaUabatifa i I l -v't7 Mt H ; ; v. . .. W . I. . Do )ou Cake cold ith every change i :i the weather? Docs your throat feel raw? And do sharp pains dart through our chest ? Don't you know those are danger signal.- vIikIi point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself ? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide is, "Have I the vital it) to throw off these diseases t" Don't walttotr) SCOTT'S EMULSION "as a last re sort." There is no reined equal to it for fort if 3 ing the system. Prevention is easy . Scott's Emulsion prevents consumption on i hosts of other disc . I Mi 1 2 I V 1 i e ! 0 att ..k the wet ' :. v it': poor hi J. SCO IT'S I v. the ..-j stands: thos 1 fa icd thro; I : , bro . it 1 . r CI f ! CtXUi COii - n I b. - A 0 & ,11 lo.'lf.. $0C and $i.- .': !n . SCOT! &IJOWM-., hemi N 'i 1 . 9 V-!M&& Ml ' of good quality and Or: IR

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