,ISHRMJ A. H. MITCHELL- tered at the Post Office at KUrtoetn ' CitV oud class natter. tiLlZABETH Piry, Jan 26 1900. Beginning with this year, all clocks in France are to be run on the twenty lour hour diviin iou The hour of 24 is midnight and the hour 1 is the first hour following. What formerly was 1 p m. is now 13 o'clock, a most unluckey hour, presumably, and if one is going to a theater mat. iee a 2:15 p. m- b3' the ncw metno he will yo 11 4-0. The ordinary evening dinner W;U be between 18 and 19 o'clock, and be who retires early vviU g0 to bed about 25 o'clock. Wliether the new system wtil be pular or not remains to be ,e ' ,, though it has been satis- Lorily used by some con tin cntal railroads for a few years. Reeky Hock. f;u,ners are making , mure foi the ensueiog year. rhe people are nearly through ; illing hogs in K cky Hock for thi i s ras m. Mr. O. C. Terry who has h :en ve v sick with the pueunio nia for the last two weeks is im prov ing very fast. George Tones is very s;ck with the pneumonia. Mr John VV. While is very had off with a carbuncle on his arm and hasn't been able to do any thing in two weeks. Mr. Dollie Freeman from Coleraine was visiting his friends in Rocky Hock the latter part of 1 tst week. M isses Mai y nd MaggieByrum and Miss Lucy Leary were the gtiests of Miss Georgie Dond last Saturday night. MANTEO. j. YV. Evans and T. ins wt ut to E. C il 00 last Saturday. S. Meek- business S. C. Gray, of SI business trip to co, made a Norfolk and Chowan county, last week. Mr. IJ.irbcr and a tiiend of his from (iconetown C. are ppillg ai LIIC i 11:41111 uuusc for a few days sport. Mr. E. N. Anketell chartered n Sohoouer Manie Cfirlii. lust week and went to Norfolk to gel I'd furniture lor his new home. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, the M. E church at this pi ice was the scene of a very pretty mairiage; the con tacting parties being Miss KveJyu Hrown aiid Mr. Ii. H. Davis. The church was beauti tully decorated in evergreens and potted plants. Promptly at S o'clock, Mr. Joe Callahan, ot i..i)iimore betjau Dlavioc the , 1 weudiug march, when Messrs. R. B. Etheridge and M. Ether idge came in uu one isle, and i.iiscs barah Haum and Lvlia Cieef on the other; they met at tlit altar, and Miss Baum crossed oi r to Mr. R. B. Etheridge. as Miss Creef crossed over to Mr. I . . bthendge. Then followed the bride on the arm of her u - . of honor, Miss HettieSaw ver, and were met at the altar the groom and Ids best man, Mi T R. Creef. Rev. T. T. Bars ! performed theceremcny and made them one; Mr. Callahan ver beautifully rendered "Loves Old Sweet Song" during the ceremony becomingly The bride was uerv attired in white uigauuy, a: so lier tvvo waiters.; 11. ' in ud of honor in pale blue organdy and satin. The eentle- 1.1 t evening suits. After tiu 5 and congratula- s : I " clver the bridal t party marched out to tl t irdere re aiivpc and r na l t! e and proem U S. Davis vt ill rp-cirlf at Wanchese. We wish them much happiness and success through life. co-partnership heretos ; ,v girting be.ween Sawyer & s bas this day dissolved bv muUlal c ;nsent. Mr. Tiios. C. s Tetl"ng. All persons in ' ' ' u' said firm will set He their accounts and notes - John L. Sawyer & Co.,who authoriz d to collect and re ceipt for same. John L. Sawyer, In retiring from tW firm 0f Sawyer & Jones we 6eg leave to recommend the nev, firm to tbe patron; Re of our fritnds and patrons and ask their Cbntinu ance of tame. Thos. C. Jotes. Cll. N. c. Jan. 20, igioo. ' ' : veddinw march ine Paserier blc'imci riy'A( unable to come, mail or- I v-re ' f mouth, of the Norfolk and t ; H.C fs, sbterof the Southern railroad, which has I ders will receive my I pcom.wherea reception was j been on tlie W'ays ,t Aonoi or j careful and per- 1 suuituous reoastr'r"" ' . r r r , ; Tuif g pl,s Cure All Liver Ills. doctors Say; ; ;ous and Intermittent F e vet s i ich prevail in miasmatic dh ricts are invariably accompan ed by derangements of th jtomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. Phe liver is the great "driving vheel" in the mechanism o nan, and when it is out ot order, he whole system becomes de anged and disease is the result Futt's Liver PH- Cure all Liver Troubles NEWS ITEMS FROM ENEDTON The Birth-Place of The Fisher man & Farmer. Miss Mary Wrenn is visiting in Hertford. The interior cf the court horn c is being improved. Our farmers will soon b; busy planting truck peas. The fisherman are prepaiing for their spring's work. Mr. Charlie Miuden has re turned from New York Miss Edna Brown is visiting relatives in Gates county. Miss Cropper, of SufTolk, is with friends in Edenton. Mr James D. Hateman is spending a few days at home. uur iarmers are receiving fertilizer in large quantities After several days absence Mrs. J. YV. Branning is at home. Miss Annie Spruill is the guest of her sister at Newport News. Mrs Pat Bell lias been quite sick at her home, over at Perns brook. Mis. E. L. Woodard, cf Nor folk, 1ms been here on a visit tc her parents. Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Cowan will close his series of sermors on the Prodigal Son. The mechanics are busy at work on Mr. J. A. Wcodard's ice factory and hope to have it run ning soon. Mr R. Sheldon Mitchell left today, Thursday, for Wilming ton to escort his wiie and little son home. Mr. Stephen Leary and Miss Sondie Cope-laud were married Wednesday near Edenton at the bride's home. Mr. R. A. Pretlow, superin- tendent of th Albemarle Steam Navigation Company, was in town a few days ago. Contractor Ralph has a force of hands at work erecting several dry kilns for the Branning Manufacturing Company. The stoie soon to be vacated by D Newman will be occupied by R. F. Tuttle, one of our bustling dry goods merchants. Mr. h. T. Wool, of the U. S S. Fishhawk, has been here I several days on a visit to his C parents. He returned to his ship Monday. The members of the Metho- dist Protestant church have pur chased a lot on the upper part I of Broad street, upon which they Hope soon to uuiiu a nouse 01 worship. Rev. Mr. Cowan conducted ! . ; , - 1 at the funeral services oi Mrs Martha Rix Wednesday at her home, three miles west ot iuN . ieuton. The deceased was 89 years ot age. r- "Th,- i-o- n! tlip Cross was' presented at the Academy of j Music in Norfolk, Monday even- ing acd about fifteen of our citi Lens weat down to witness it. : - - ik She has been thoroughly overhauled and is now quite a handsome steamer. Mr. Elisha Berrv.of this place, says he never had anything do him so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shoot ing pains from hip to knee until he used this liniment, which affords prompt relief. B. F. BAKER druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sale by Griggs & Sou. Totter, Salt-Rhcum and E - em;. The intense itching and smarting, iocr leat to these diseases, is instant allaj'ed hy applying Chamberlain's Eye ur.u ikin Ointment. Many very bad casi s .mve been permanently cored by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a norse in prime condition. Price 25 Ments per package. i c Qtra insi . U l 1 1 - r . 111 CHARLIE WEYMOUTH DEAD. Mr. Charles Weymouth died at his heme on the corner of Road and burgess streets Satur day evening at 6 o'clock, of consumption Mr. vVev mouth was about thiity y.ais of age. land as he had been in declining health foi a number of year-, his death was not unexpected The funeral services v ere co.n ducted at the home of the de ceased Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, and the remains weie interred in the fa r ily burying ground, about cue m le from town. The deceased was highly es teemed by all v, ho knew him best, and notwithstanding his suffering was of a cheerful dis position, with a warm heart ana generous nature. He leaves a wife and other relativesto whom we extend our sympathy. R.v. J. F. Tnttle Dead. It is with sadness we announce the death of Rev. J. F. Tnttle, who departed this life in this town Wednesday night, having located here only about 2 months aL- Aged 56 years, 9 months and two days. Mr. Tnttle had been a minister of the Gospel for a number of years and atone time was pastor oi the baptii ehurch of this city. He was be loved by all who knew him. :arrying suns nine an P isu r wherever he w rut. If he had cares and trouble le did not believe in burdening 'thers with them. To him the good things of this life far out numbered the bad, the joys were greater than the sorrows. An affectionate husband and lovin fathel he will be sa lly missed i ox citizen, a true man and ducere friend, a genial, golden hearted Christian gentleman thf vorld is better for his having iived in it His remains were carried to Edenton for interment, escorted by his family, who had come to be at his bed-side during his last hours. THOS. C. JONES, i WITH i 5 .5 Late of S. Weisel & San. DEALER I IV C DRY GOODS oGLOTttlHG5o Boots, BhQBB, t Hats, Caos, Carocts. &r, Elizabeth City, N C , Jan. 20, 1900, To My Friends and I Customers- I have this day severed ) my connection with the r firm of Sawyer & Tones 1 f and can now be found at f the store of Moses Weis- Main w& i ' , J ter streets, wno does bus- $ . r , . A e s mess for cash only, and s ? J consequently I am in a i position to give you very close prices. f I would be pleased to have vou call on me I when in the ? ...i ? sonat aiLcm ion. . Respectfully, ( THOS. C. JONES, ! f ! FAVORITE AND For Ladies And Gen tlemen No. 99 Poiudexter St. Elizabeth City N. C. Everything 'nicely prepared and served at popular prices. FrenchDripCoffee A specialty I. K. BOYNTON, Manager. CAFE "Only the Scars Remain," Says ITexry Hudson, of the James Smith "Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard to rer tain muJiciuei performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years igo, at the age of IS years, I ha 1 swellings como on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores. Our family phy sician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old a ' Mother Urged Me to cry Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took tfiree bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars re main, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts of th United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas. Cures others, will cure you ; " COQD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. ftlCE 50cts. GAI atia, Iixs., Nov. 16, 1S93. Paris IModieino Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Ve sold last vear, 000 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CI f ILL TONIC one! have bounht three pross already this year. Ina'l mrez pciiu. o . f 14 irenrs. in the 3"b business, nave never sold on article that gave socn uuiverjel satis tuctiu as your 'ionic. Vurr, truly, VBNEY. eAItK &CO. No. 44. Piano-polished Solid Oak Office rf-k with rolling top which locks all drawers. 50 inches loug and 33 inches deep; Special Price, (Orders promptly filled.) You will find over 1000 bargains In our new catalogue. It contains all kin is of Furniture, Carpet. Baby Car ria.es. Refrigerators, Bedding1, Stoves, Fancy Lamps. Lace Curtain?, etc. You are paying local dealers double our prices. Drop a postal now for our money-saving catalogue which we mail free of all charges. Deal with the man ufacturers ana yuur dollar doubles its buying power. JiiIInsMInes&Son9 BALTIMORE, MO. The Best Medicine. J. O. Wilson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer's Pills : "Ayer's Pills are the best medieine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them in my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and permanently Cured by the use o'i Ayer's Pills alo&e: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days orweks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above.", "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction man any otheT Pill I ever sold." J j Perry, SpottsylraaWi C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Oe., LwwO, Mam. Every Dose Effective I fl L LJ "jASTELESS LsM ifHS SI Lb iSJUST """" " ill is JllE i y TIE ELIZABETH 5 -Manufacturers of (I All kinds of Riding Vehicles Harness. Whips Will Sell for Cash or on Tiiao ELIZABETH First Door North I BUYINO LES. You cati make two very serious mistakes you can put price first in consideration, or you can let your conuenience decide the question as to where you get the seed uponwhich your crop depends Don't make cither of these mistakes, for they are really inexcusable Writing to us may be a littk trouble, but it's the sort of trouble that saves trouble in the long run; and saving in the cost of s;eds is often as everybody knows the poorest kind of economy. You cannot afford not to hive the best of eaaly peas no matter if the cos is a little more, or it you have to take a little trouble o get them. Tait's Extra EarlyNonpareil and Tait's Ex'ia Early Depot are the two bis1, peas in cultivation. If you think this statement too strong, too "storetalky," ask the Experiment Station of your State what the record of these peasdias been in every competitive test. We can prove hey are the best. The price this .. i.( vill It I 5.33 pbushel for cash ordeis. GEORGE TAITJ& SONS, 78 Commercial Place Seed Growers anct Merchants, Norfolk, Va. Entire Stock to be Sold Regfard- less of Price. I have a large line of Furniture and I take IDleasure in inviting everybody to come and ,ee what low prices household goods can be purchased at during the next few weeks. N. R PARKER, Water Street, Elizabeth City, N, C When buying groceries, as well as other things, you like to have some variety to choose from. No store in Elizabeth City displays such a variety of good things to eat as Fulmer & Co. You can find many new tilings there, and very likely among them is something that will just "suit you. If you need Health Food, try "Grape Nuts," Ral ston Breaklast and Barley Foods, Whole Wheat Biscuit or Mother's Oats. We have a fine grade of Pennsylvania Buckwhat Flour, Heckfer's Whole Wheat Flour for dyspep tics, and Ralston's Brain Bread Flour. Below is a list of dainties for the table : Genuine Switzer Cheese, McLoren's tmpeaial Cheese, Veal Leal, Line Pudding. Boneless Heading, Imported Sardines, Dried Beef, Queen Olives. Yel low Peaches, Peeled l airs, Canned Strawberries, Real Quinces and Peach Preserves, Cranberry Sauce, Chow-Chow and India Relish. Q Fulmer & Co., SPECIAL OF Imported Cotlct Soape. T rA cakes for 25 cents. ftoxr Pil Tonnn Regular 10c. per cake. ! ' STANDARD ; I TOILET a or. itoaa ana or. Road and m m CITY BUGGY CO. iBank in Ell and Dealers In fe Lap Robes V 3 CITY. N, C. of Fost Office. 1 'Phone Number 17. SALE Regular 25c. goods at roc. cake, three goods at 5 cts. PHARMACY ARTICLES, Fearia? Sts. r aariag 01s. 3 I f is liigbB ' III .: m, III I rVnsiiipnM&AA c Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, spectod all through that has lived In Clinton Co. has been president of nk 20 years. He gladly merit of Hood s barsa hat he 6ays is worthy 1 brain workers find rilla peculiarly adapted It makes pure, rich, from this comes nerve, nd digestive strength. ay that Hood's Sara pa - ood medicine, especially as a blood pur r. It has done me good many times, greatly with several years I suffered ins of Neuralgia in one eye IM about my temples, e 5 eeially at nJt when I had been having c hard day f physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's rsaparllla which cured inc of rhev .m, neuralgia and headache. i ood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a tru friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like tho pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Is the One Trur Blood Palter. AH druggists, fl. Prepared only hyc. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . - ,t r--- aro prompt, efficient asd rlOOQ S Pi;S cu-y in effet S&oeatt, KEEPS IT ON HAND Fredonla. N. Y., ft able and accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law of the lats Oommandcr Wm. B. Cushlng. TJ. fl. N., whs gained world-wide renown for his crowning feat of blowing up the Iron clad Albemarl in 1863) writes Or. Fenner: "For many years I have kept on hand jfbur Blood and Liver Remedy and Jerve Tonic for immediate usa whegj rver I have f. A bilious attack or nervous p rostra don or feel run down. It always give speedy relief so much so that I havt come 10 iciy on u wij.ii mc sanit- cci iaiu ty that I do on the law of gravitation." Blooa and Elver 0r.F8niier'sSSea";Ki'5Hev8rFalls. 1 crve Tonic lets a Sarsc barilla-Mandrake-Prince 1 Pine Altci alive, Nerve Tonic and Resl f:live Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW CF GRAVITATION Physics from ' !ocd, liver and tissuet all worn-out particles niic 'r --t'e.s. without wea cening but streu! enJl instead, and itstores tih3 Nr.? Cures Hea" tcbes. IJyspeiw .c. rtoustipsv tlon, Dad Pre. th, Skin Diseases, Old Soresi Satisfaction Jisaranteed. Sample free. Wothfir! Koer ro-r child".-stomach and bow tls healthy w th Dr. Fenner's Sennatorla Tne Dest luxe jva and correctise Krown. Dr, Fenner's Soothing Syrup. llays Irritation and gives ref reshlna sleep. r. Fenner's Worm Syrup. "Bronghv ' H Worms rom ci r cliild. Mrs.Sherlck.Ellda.O. SrTEi TFlnner'sFAMii.v( SaltKhyum iQIratment KL JUr t'aeruutiona. f uea, ort-i, CuU.etr DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman': severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe, MOTHER'S allays Nervousness, and Nature that the change eroes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way oi Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful atv hopeful anticipations she passe through the ordeal quickly an without pain is left strong an vigorous and enabled to joyous! perform the high and holy dutic now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that theii labor was shorter and less painful.' John Q. Polhill, Maoon, Ga. fl.OO PEE BOTTLE at all Drug- Storea, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS ontainins invaluable Information of rQCC ItCiVSfat to all women, will be sent ta rnCE any address upon application, bj The BRAOriELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLAMT. Ga. POUNDS Wffi. j. KGGFEF? 6. CO 110 S. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MO , wi n ufa ctu rets of 2 wmmmm ... C "j 'in Afi- . - :. v .'. -f ; I .'. C St N S v ' j. r. i 1 rj&trz III b ii ..mm Mm. , mm- mm- Ama mm Hoods THE FOR PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil For Barb Vire Cuts. Scratches : lie and Collar Galls, ('racked He I . . .is, t 1 s- r Cuts, Boila, Brnii ilea and all kittda of iaflamtnation 1 t or beaat. Cures Itch and Man; j .:.-. CM er Bits will tnf nxlUt liUr Uo sfi , mfllTf Us p '. r-iJ f or r.cci Jents by keeping it in v r.r jssoril ihle. 1 II Druggists if iliton tqusr Cj-?, i'.3 Pay. Tiice 35 ct. and $i.p. It 3 7n-;i:.t d.ics n 31 krep i send us : S cts. in i . .ijj itar'p;- a".l rc will sen t it to j.-u by Mail, rrtt.Tcnn . Jn. ?tHS. Jt. r-irSir.I ! 1 ' roiif. A.iUfft r HhII- OS r !I rn" tsaad SM lVll.Statehe tad Hth W Ire Ci i ;tl I t.i'.t.ta' l.on nl I iii-adily I.oc.illiti.U i .1 Li r ;tlX'k:!lr-. . . U I SVm, I ttrj tnd IccJ Jti BABY I-L'RNtO, :t' iriCRI I !' iail t' i eak wnrl for Tart i' .iit.- Uo.thh. My aaay w arat a tew mrr ; . ii r:cr tr . .T., r 11 I tot I ftppUtd ycur ' I it: 1 Si . ti - ti: '.mJ ir i low Cmyi re v, a. 11 I ro i tii' oil 1 .1 ;-i v t,n-k tntt L: t u c imt res) .it f 'i rr v rthi i ':-r i inn, c . 1 . la.v. it . rr!. T.-n . J.. m . .tPt u rras r r PARIS MEriCINE CO., ! LOI IS. M - 30IES & FEflRIDG, INSURANCE, l Ollicc over 1st National Bank, We have engaged in the gen. eral insmar.ee business here and are prepared to ofler s.ile and reliable insurance to all at low est rate. Soliciting a share t your patronage, we are, Very respectfully, D. M. Jones, N0V24 2t Howland Pea ting SGflOONERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST I3K UNLOADED ! CALL AT- BERGE RON'S THE PALAIS Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Steady Employment for all during: the Summer' Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS. The leading brie k nianu , facurers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and tlu-y guarantee satisfaction as to quality and pi ice. gfyese griok (Havz Stood tlje Test And reflex action will bt a guide to your further pur chase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or address F. G. THOMPSON Mgr ELI. CITY", N C THE NATIONAL SALOON B. F. FRANCIS, Prop. East bide of broad Street, Deal V. li ter. FINEST IN eDeNTON. For choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. Large stocl- of choice goods constant!; on hand at prices iu keeping with the titn EVERYBODY I N V I T E I ) to call. No souvenirs but Cue y ls at low drices. S.L.STORERcXiCO Wn 'el9 Dealers and Ship,) -. kinds of l FULTON FISn MARKET. IVJSW YORK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fish than any house in the business. If your Stencil is not in ?ood ordei let us know. Fvery day strengthens the heli rent xlw Hii-iu r.u Mui : . . ma, impure D1001 II wiie ofc majority of our iliiMuT 1 wenty-five years ao tliin theory ivas ad ?. tlie formula of BruWas'roO K VI"' Jneniany'narkal1lc'( ,1resrfrec"'' 7J- famo"fl old househo! i rom'v ar-' umeient to prove that the thton : rreet. crowns' Iron Bitters is sol i bj aJJ Icaiei FRIEND I hhhhhhhhhhhhh so assists IMMACrVrUM MMhmM M A