SNAKES COMING HIS WAY. A Philadelphia Man Who Has Set Out to Corner the Market. Jacobus Hope, of I hiladel phia is the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treai urcr of a snake trust. Mr. Hope has cornered the s; ak : market Snakes labelled "Jrcobus Hep-, Philadelphia, Penn ," are com ing this way from all quarters of the globe by rail, by steamer, on horseback and on foot. Lik Joe Leiter of Chicago, when h? cornered the wheat market, Mr. Hope means to have the snakes actually in his possession. The snake hunters of India have been snaking day and night to fill the orders of Jacobus Hope, Philadelphia. 'Send every python you can lay your hands on," were the cabled instructions of Mr. Hope, and as a result India's supply of pythons and anacondas is weH nigh exhausted. India it is reported, had a cold spell, which gave the snake crop a setback from which it will take a year or so to recover Several hundred yards of snakt s are expected from India any day now. All snakes sell by the yard. The regular price of a python up to 10 feet is $2.50. Beyond that length the prices grow abruptly steeyer. A 22 foot python is worth about r3oo Boa constrictors from South America are headed this way. They come in boxes that look like giants' coffins. The bag gage man will be in no doubt as the nature of his baggage, ac; an able bodied boa constrictor does not smell like peaches. Texas is rushing Easf"h g snakes, "whip" snakes and thun der snakes A tew barrels ol blue racers, chicken snakes, bull snakes and milk sn kes are com iug from New Mexico, whd Arizona black sn.kes and a: dt rs, not to mention a Gila inon st r or so. In answer to Mr. Hope's crj For snakes Mexico will snd tar antulas and scorpions. Philadelphia promises to be the great snake center of the world, herself having a suppl of snakes, big and little, that has never been equal lei. Never, " said Mr. Hope, '-has there been sin h a demand foi snakes. I have orders from Maine to California, and neve it seems to me, have they been so scarce. The zoological gar dens and museums are wanting new snakes. The small tent shows, of which there are- more than 250 in the United States, are getting ready 10 start out, Hach of these shows carries from ten to twenty snakes, and the proprietois all want their order tilled immediately I am rush ing the snakes on as fast as poss sible, but," concluded Mr. Hope, pathetically, "I can't make snakes." In the Supe North Carolina, ! rior Court. Tyrrell County, Before G. L J LivermauCSC W. E. Spencer, Pl'lT, against C. L. Reynolds, B. V. j Alexander, D. VV F NotlCi Roughton and wile, j Mary F. Roughton, and R M. Wirgman, J Defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that an actioi entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court ofTyrrtll county, before G. L, Li verm an, Clerk of sail Court to settle disputed bouudty lines between the lands of Plaintirl and Defendants, under Chapter 22, Acts of 1893; and the said Defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before G L. Liverrnan, Clerk of the Superior Court o! Tyrrell county, at his office in Columbia, on the 25th day of May, 1900, at 12 o'clock M., and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. G. L, Liverman, Clerk Superior Court. This March 15th, 1900. I M. Meekios, Att'y for prff MR. HANNA ENRAGED OVER A PUBLISHED ALLEGED I .N -TEKVIEW With a Republican Representative- He firndi the Statement as a Ma licious Lie and Wishes io Invsti Bated Senator Allen Calls for In formation as to the Casualties in the Philippine War-The Alaskan Civil Code. Washington, ; Senator For aker, in charge ot the Porto RIcan bill, announced at to-day' session of the Senate that, beginning with to-morrow's session, he would press the meas ure to a vote as soon as possible. The Alaskan Civil Code bill was un 3er consideration during the greater part of the session. An amendment was agreed to fixing a license upon al most every kind of trade and commerce in the district of Alaska, the licenses ranging from $1 to $."00 per annum. The measure had not be.n disposed of at the Conclusion of the session. llr. ITanna, of Ohio, who Is chairman Df the Republican National Committee, rose to a question of X'ersonal privilege. He called attention to a published al leged interview with a Republican rep resentative saying the Porto Rican Tariff bill had been agreed upon as a part of a "deal" by which the Repub lican Campaign Committee was to re ceive a large contribution. He said he 3id not believe any Republican member ever said it. "I hope measures will be taken to investigate this statement. I brand it as a malicious lie." A resolution offered by Mr. Al'en, ot Nebraska, calling for information from the War Department as to the casual ties in the Philippine war, was taken up. Mr. Gallinger intimated its pas sage would discourage army enlist ments. Mr. Allen,, in reply to Mr. Gal linger's suggestion that it should be re lerred to the Military Affairs Commit tee, said that would destroy and smother it. Mr. Alien declared that owing to the climatic and other conditions in the Philippines an American army could not remain there for two years. He said that illness and suicide among the tronps were on the increase. He be lieved that the American people were entitled to the facts. He was pre pared, he said, to go so far as to advise men not to enlist in the army for duly In the Philippines. Mr. Gallinj er said he was satisfied that while the percentage of illness was not high in the Philippines, the evident intent of the resoluti n was to obtain ; Information that might be easily gar bled for political purposes. Mr. Hawley, chairman of the Com mittee on Military Affairs, was Inclined to think the inquiry ought to be made, the statistics from the Philippines be ing pho-ed side b;. with similar statistics en the wars of other nations. Me believed Mr. Allen would be disap pointed in the result of his inquiry. In order that the resolution might be amended it was, on his motion, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The Alaskan Civil Code bill was then taken up. Mr. P rkins proposed a long amendment, which was agreed to, pro viding licenses with uch assess ments as itinerant p' ysi iano, $50; jew elers, $25 breweries, $250; bottling works, $200; drug stores, $50; banks, J25U, etc. It was developed that -ince a license system of regulating the liquor traffic had been adopted by Congress for Alas ka there was only about one-fourth the number of saloons in the district that had been in existence while Alaska was under a prohibition law, and liquor smuggling had practically ceased. Mr. Hansborough proposed an amend ment prohibiting aliens from locating, ; holding or conveying mining claims in Alaska, makii g any title to such claim ; acquired through, an alien illegal, and making it the duty ofcourts to consider citizenship of the locater in mining . claim proceedings. This he explained, was especially causi cl by the advantage Laplanders having n indeer had gained in reaching the Caps Nome district ! ahead of Americans. Mr. Stewart op posed. Mr. Carter, in charge of the j bill, supported the amendment. He referred to the distinctions made against the American miner in the i Klondike. it was proposed now, he Bald, to permit Canadians, Laplanders, Chinese ami Japanese to locate mining claims in American territory as Ameri- I can citizens might d. "They call this free mining, he said, ' but it is mining entirely too free to suit the average American citiz n, who finds himself denied like privileges everywhere else." Mr. Carter said the amendment was in the interest "f the American miners, who were entitled to Ioca& claims on American soil. He ridiculed the idea that a party of 1 aplanders piloted to this country by Dr. Sheldon Jackson, with whom Congress, "in a fit of tem porary aberration i f mind," had made an arrangement to relieve some starv ing whalers, should he allowed to pre empt the best mining claims in Alaska, even before thej had indicated their desire to become American citizens. Mr. Morgan offered a substitute for this amendment, which he thought iike ly to meet all objections. It extends rights and privih g s of gold mining in Alaska to subjects of Great Britain and Russia on equal t rms v. ith those grant ed by those governments to our citi zens in the portion of said governments bordering on the Arctic Ocean or Beh ring Sea. Without acting on those amendments, the Senate, at "-A0 p. m.. adjourned. THE HOUSE. Washington, The House to day entered upon the consideration of the Army Appropriation bill, carrying $111, 600.3C4, but the debate was without ex citing incident, being confined to the dis cussion of army matti rs. Chairman Hull, in charge of the bill, explained its pro visions. Mr. Jett, of Illinois, criticised the policy of rushing off: rs through the high grades of the army just prior to retire ment. Mr. McClellan, cf New York, dis cussed the subject of army reorganiza tion. Mr. Cox, of Tennessee, and Mr. Ridgely, of Kansas, opposed generally a permanent Increase of the army as pre judicial to the best interests of the coun try, and Mr. Driggs, of New York, favor ed an increase in the artillery and cavalry branches of the service, and a reduction of the infantry arm. Mr. Meyer, of Lou isiana, discussed the Philippine policy, opposing the retention of the islands. Mr. Hull said the estimates had been P.27,712,133. The last appropriation bill car ried about SOjOOO,000, and there was a de ficiency of about $47,000,000. Mr. Hull said ne did not think there would be any con liderable deficiency in any of the items in he present hill. THE STAFFORD LITTLE LECTURES. Princeton. N. J.. April 10. Ex-President G rover Cleveland delivered his second lec ture In Alexander Hal to-night lief ore a large number of students, members of the faculty, their families and many others. At S o'clock President Patton and Mr. Cleveland appeared on the rostrum, and were greeted v.ith prolonged ap plause. Dr. Patton surprised the audience by announcing that Mr. Cleveland would deliver the Stafford Little lectures again next year, and, he hoped, for as many more years as tbe ex-President would! have strength to deliver them. Mrs Cleve land was at the lecture and sat beside tUe venerable Stafford Liule. 1 lie ecded a Shave. He had been out so late the night before that be did not know at what hour he had come home. When he awoke, he was curious to learn just how "rocky" he looked. He accord ingly reached out for the silver backed hand mirror that lay on the table be side his led. Instead of th mirror he got hold of the silver backed hairbrush. Not rec ognising his mistake, he took the brush up ai gazed at the bristles for a moment. Then be felt of the silver back and then stared back at the bris tles. "Good heavens," he murmured at last, "but I need a shave:" San Fran cisco Argonaut. Sonth American Revolutions. Whenever the South Americans de sire a change of administration they hoist a flag on a pole and march into the main street of the city. If the crowd becomes too formidable to be overcome by a military demonstration, the administration capitulates, and the outs take the place of the ins. It is often the only way of changing the administration, because the ins have the military and can carry elections to suit themselves. Baltimore American. 1 Fie da For Scieuce. "There are three fields in which I think hypnotism should In used." "What are they?" "Politic?, football and bargain rash es. " Chicago lteeord. The title of colonel comes from a word almost the same in several lan guages, signifying a column. The colo nel was eo culled because ha led or com- tiudr i a c Intmi. The F4-ari sn H: !: tn'.lrt Hugh Pearson always spoke of Pear? Stanley as the most absent minded man in the worid. He was driving once with him into Paluiero. He com plained of feeling cold, and a Stanley bad his traveling bag with him he ad vised him to put something extra on. lie divl so. and both resumed their pa pers. A loud ...ugh l'mm some boys suddi n!y roused Pe Men that Stanley -the streets in his n had pnt on over b scnee oi' mind. on to the r driving t; itshirt. vL ..'; t in pti iliza- ough h he repi sent the ma o;nuiitv vour table with the very best For sale by I m - m , Thes : cut to u reserve ; i your J B ( Estab fished i$87) 7 Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished. Mercantile Agencies, 7) . j City National Bank, Citizen s Lank, and Wholesale Shippers. Wei EMPLOY I BUY You caL make two very serious mistakes you can put price rust in consideration, or you can let your conuenience decide the seed upon which Don't make either really inexcusable Writing to us may be a lutle trouble, but it's the sort of trouble that saves trouble in the long run; and saving in the cost of seds is often as even body knowrs the poorest kind of economy. You cannot affordnot to have the best of eaaly peas no matter if the cos is a little nure, or it you have to take a little trouble o get them. Tait's Extra HarlyNoupareil and Tait's Extra Early Depot are the two best peas in cultivation. If you think this statement too strong, too "store-talky," ask the Experiment Station of your State what tne record of thtse peaschas been in every competitive test. We can prove season will bc$3 33 f GEORGE T AIT & SONS, Seed Grower and Merchants. 0M1 Tobacco Spit a d Smoku Your Urc Aay , io ouit tobaoco c; iiy and forever boir.? :c. full of life ner e and vigcr, take No-1 B tc. the won ler work . r that raak s . m s irons. All druggists, WcorSl. Cttregoarui .-.t Booklet ami pJc free. Adi'res Kituoiw Your Bowel s With latcareu. Candy Cathartic, cure? constipation foreve If C C. C. fniU drfc t?"-"rc refund tnen--. I Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS. The leading brick manu facurers of this section are now ready to supply orderF at short notice. This plant has been in active ope rati or for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as u quality and pi ice. 3$0se riQk gav Stood ti)e Tst And reflex action will be a guide to your turther pw chase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do r.o better else when Call Telephone No. 2, ot address F. G. THOMPSON Mgr ELI. CITY . KX FOR SALE. Saw and shingle mill com bined ail in good order running ever d y on Dry Point, also a good seven room house on a double lot on Harney stTeet, near Main street, will sell cheap for cash or part on time, address P. O. hox 212 Elizabeth City, N. C. i. HlAO HOTEL" a: a sacrifice on libs Owing to the death owner, this famous ale ; ins. Ute of the :esrt. including Furniture, Ranges &c , in fact everything i ec ssar to open at once. Also j 5facht Hoge, accommoda- u i right just the thing 'it ht Dir.. FLORA I Extr. mm "MHIMUH141 Standard of Excellency ue nonie. the other to turnish butter that can be had. 3 & CO. IV AGE1NTK the question as to where you get your crop depends of these mistakes, for they are hey are the best. The price this jbushel for cash ordeis. 78 Commercial Place Norfolk, a. V&l aable to Women. Especially valuable to women is Browni Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache disappears, strength takes the place of weakness, and the glow of health readily comes to the pallid check when this won derful remedy is taken. For sickly children or overworked men it has no equal. No home should be without this famous remedy. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. loiiaiaam THE Accuracy A WD Smooth Running or Rambler Bicycles "20 year old wheels" were not accidental, bat scien tifically studied effects, due to perfect alignment and accu racy of sprocket and chain mechanism and frictionless, durable bearings Ball Bearings and 13 other good features, by the wav, were first introduced and used on American bicycles by the Rambler Makers. See sample machine nd get citalos'je. fie Only the Scars Remain, 99 Says Henry Hudson, of the James Smith oolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores. Our family phy sician could do me no good, and it w as feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old 4 Mother Urged Tne to try Ayei-'s Sarsapavilla. I took tnree bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the sears remain, and the memory of tbe past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I new weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me.' Ayer's Sarsaparillas Prepared by Dr. J. C A yer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you EXPECTANT We Offer You a REJ1EDY Which INSURES Safety of Life to Moth er ami Child. MOTHERS, "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. My Tvife used "MOTHERS' FRIEND" be fore birth of her lirst child, she did not suffer from ('RAMI'S or TAINS was quickly relieved at the critical hour suffering but little she had no pains afterward and her recovery was rapid. E. E. Johnstok, Eufaula, Ala. Sent b7 Mail or Express, on receipt of pricp. $1.00 ,,er bottle. Book "To Moth ers" mailed Free. DRADFIELD REGULATOR 0., Atlanta, Ga. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, :ar piastic8andxe 40 in - i a ai d success'rtl speciaiist, ia c a .er forrj Jur Buffering huaaaaiiy TIIL BEST PHYSICAL "1TALIZEB nov.-n to nia-i a r medy wnon even thing e i' i f:ii;"i- For loss oi NERVfc force. iiRVOUH DEBILITY, weakness of the i'j'Ai POWERS, NERVOUS PROSTRA ,ON ii 'naie offeroale. For lMPfl EK"E. .? rescK if LndiseretioiM and -..d habite : rJ iculysia. M'-tual or threatened : forSx- ! Wakaess of all binds; lr 'Sadder and idAV Troubles; i'r early decay and Ftytiicsi failnre. All Inqnlries will jcerfni' answered if s'crnp is i nelosed. If j n dr ."g!8l ioe not keep them . nd i t a n LU SHON mZM COMPANY. Lock Box 4'i8, ATLANTA, GA. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1 An Pnr!r In tMirtic. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two crijs agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter ho v sevtre, or under whssgtusedyspepm attacks v i: Browns' Iron Bitters will eure it, ir: ; in: .e in all diseases f t!ie stomach, '.Ion and nerres Browns' Iron Bitters i " 'cir LI BRuN'S FOR EITHER This remedy being in. jeeted directly to the GlG seat or those at senses of the Oenito-l rinarj Organs, requires ni cnauge or d;et. Crjr guaranteed in 1 to 2 days. Nmall plain park age. by mail. Sold onl" bv A. DANGER Expectant Mother is thf forehodinp- and d the foreboding 'iread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but ew. All effort should be made o smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way ot Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful an' hopeful anticipations she passe through the ordeal quickly an without pain is left strong an vigorous and enabled to joyous perform the high and holy dutic now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." John G. Pol ill, Maoon, Ga. f 1.00 PER FOTTLE at ail Drug- Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Onnre Containing Inclinable inffrmattrn of Vwll0 interest to all women, will be eut to FREE any address ua application, by THCBRADF-IELD REGULATORCO.. ATLANTA. GA. o eo u 03 o X o X LAXATIVE BROMO O O r o CD S QUININE Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition and headache and prevents pneu- W a -j o o monia, Cures in one day. rut up in tablets convenient for taking. PRICE, 25 Ct8. F0t SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DVE5 TASTELESS HILL TDNI IS J UST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50ots. J Galatia, Ills., Nov. 1C, 1833. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GHOVE'S TASTELKSS CHIIJ, TONIC and havo boiiubt three gross already this yar. In nil our x penence of 14 years, in the dru bustoeu, have never sold an article that gave such universul aatia lacUon as your Tonic. Youra truly, VBNEV. f'AUR 4 Ca lSCENT ' BICYCLES New Delight b found each year in the first ride of the Mimnw.nH th, -- - - Crescents have every qualifica tiou to pleass the most critical rider. For x are Envied by all." A close exstnloa. tion of the "98 Cres cent models explain! Vrhy so many Cres cents are sold. On exhibition st Crescent agencies everywhere. Send fbr..M Art Catalogue O COUGHS O o W 4u a. 8 I V GR 1 P.. Heb I 9 Nature I Babies and children need j I proper food, rarely ever medi- j J cine. If they do not thrive j on their food something is ? wrong. They need a little j help to get their digestive j machinery working properly. I COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPMTES ofL IME 4 SODA L . 1 ... . . i lUlo i win generally tuncu uw x I rliffirultv. X , J. x If vou will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful j in baby's bottle three or four I times a day you will soon see j a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to j a teaspoonful, according to j age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish- ing power. If the mother's j . milk does not nourish the j baby, she needs the emul- I sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother i and child. V.:. anJ $i oo, ail JrugK'st- J SCOTT At BOWNE, Chemists, Nrw Vork. The Best Medicine. J. O. Wilson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer's Pills : " Ayer's Pills are the bent inedirine I ever tried; and, In ray judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them in my family and recommended them to my frioada and employes for more thnn twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have bern completely and permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, ilux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard oMs. I know that a moderate use of Ayor's Pills, continued for a few days or Weeks, as the nature of tho complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safly say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction han any other Pill I ever sold." J. J Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Uum, Every Dose Effective EH si ti k President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, i highly respected all through that section. Il- has lived in Clinton Co. 7" years, and has been president ol the Sabina Hunk 20 years. Iff gbully testifies to the merit of Hood s Harsa parilla, and what he pays is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Barsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digetiv: strength. " I am glad to ssy that Hood's Harsapa rilla is a very good medicint , especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I sulf'-red jreatly with pains of Neuralgia In one eye and about my temples, tm pcially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Barsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, nearalgls and headache. Hood's Barsaparilla has proved itself a trui friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis Sabina, Oh'o. Sa Stiparilla IstheOneTru- riot I Purifier. AH druggist. $L Prepared on' v ' ; . . : wd &Co Lowell, Mass. prompt, efficient and f'i e-'ct. 2&eents- PATENTS Sena ior R4-Pmt With 7 5 Mcchai'i ,... i 1 Hood's SOO Inventions Wanti id. SentFIiEi.. 1IKTEKIC'H & CO F Street. N. W.. Washiiurro:i ' 1

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