News Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." Miss Clara Weeks is visiting in Hertford. DrUJ Liucic, u. xx.cumuuu, is visiting leiatives dere. Mr. Sam Overman will SDend next week at the seashore. Miss Clintoma Cartwright has returned Irom Asheville. Miss Leslie Rai lev left Tness . .J dav to visit friends in Berkley. Mrs. M. L. Ball is very ill at her home on Ehringbaus street Mr. JJ. u. iNewoeny, 01 LOh u mbia, has been here several days. Rev. W. J. Crowson returned vesterdav to his home in Soith Mills. Mr. JJ. M. Ferguson nas gone to Richmond to visit his sick mother. We are pleased to learu that Miss Ruth Straughn is convales- rent- Mrs. vv. uunton leit lues- Uity IU VI5H ICMU VW 111 V.U1I IkUCXL I COll III V. Rev. J. J. Barker, of Roanoke! Island, was a visitor in the city Tuesdav. Mr. T. P. Nash's family have returned from their trip to Suf- folk, Va. Mrs. C. P. Denley, of Norfolk, is visiting Mrs, V. M. Newby on Cedar street. Miss Addie Sivills left yester day for Nag's Head to spend several days. Miss Ada Melick left Wedues day to enjoy the sea breeze at Nag's Head. The Hughes building on Water street is receiving its fin ishing touch. Mr. L. L. Hayman left Tues day on the steamer Enterprise for Baltimore. A. H. Mitchell and family will leave Saturdav to spend two weeks at Manteo. Mrs. Sarah Nixon, returned home Tuesday alter spending a month at Manteo. The barge Berks discharged a cargo of coal a few days ago at Davis' coal yard. Miss Mary Jordan, of Hert ford, was amoug the shoppers in the city Monday. Miss Dolly Freeman, who had been visiting in Moyock, re turned last Monday Mr. Henry Shepard speut last week with his father, N. D. Shepard, 111 this city. Mrs. S. S. Barclifl and child ren are delighting friends in Virginia with a visit. Mrs. W. H. Zoeller and little daughter left last week for the mountains of Virginia. Mrs. P. H. Welsh, of Norfolk, is the guest of Miss Annie Spence on Road street. Mrs. M. J. Sawyer, of the Hotel Central, has been visiting friends in Norfolk, Va. Miss Lula Mae Spence re turned Tuesday from a visit to friends in Roper, N. C. Mrs. M. C. Hathaway, of Nor folk, is here visiting her two sons, Andrew and James. Miss Blanche Beveridge, of South Mills, is in the city visit ing friends and relatives. On August 7th the Baptist tist Sunday school will give an excursion to Nags Head. Mr. Henry Grice, after spend ing a week at Nag's Head, re turned home Sunday night. The fruit market has been well supplied this week with peaches, grapes, plums, etc. Mrs. E. F. Ballance is spend- ing the week with friends and relatives in Cumtuck county. Mrs. Geo. W. Ward leaves to day for Chapel Hill, N. C, to spend a few weeks with her son. Mr. T. S. White, of the National Bank, spent last Sun day with friends in Berkley, Va. Master Irving Morris is spend ing the week at Nags Head with the family of Mr. F. M. Grice Mr. J. J. Bell, of the store of McCabe & Grice, left Tuesday to visit relatives in Berkley, Va Miss Nellie C. Moore, of Key West, Fla., is the guest of Mrs. Rose Pendleton on Church St. The family of Mr. A. K. Kra mer have returned from Manteo very much benefited by their trip. Miss Cassie Morrisette and Mrs. Ivouis Sell are SDendincr the heated term at Nag's Head, Dr. T. L. Lister and Tohn T. Foster, of South Mills, were wel- come callers at this-office Tues- day- Mr. T K "Rllintt mnA TO?f if Edenton. are snonHina tliP I :t. . r , .. I " . . v , iivu u.a uviii v.ny. v . . TT ...,. . Tavlor returned lin. frnrn A"V V D . WW - MM. Willie i I I I I rv . the District Conference at Mo- voclc 1 Mr. Gid Lamb. Tr.. who has been very ill at his home on In . n rgess street, is rapidly recov ering Mrs. Howell of Frahklin, Va is the guevt ot the iamily of Prof1 - H:lltrm u o; . xttl :, street. Prof. W. M. Hinton left Mon day for Old Trap and Riddles where he delivered political ads dresses. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lamb, acs companied by Miss Mae Wood, will leave to-morrow for Chanel Hill, N. C. Mr rki;..-, nauf ;n L. j . r. . - " - . viivv.. j 1 1 l mil i . l Li i l i i i s k f i i t f 1 1 i i - j n iii" i i i ' i -vj a wnere ne nas Deen spending tne pl UU) 3. Vf rMlOt-1,r Pl fArml, nf niii vuuiivt i i . ii i uiv.1 i iri this place but now of New York City, is here visiting friends and relatives. The family of Capt. Rhodes of the steamer Newbern, passed . through the city Monday enroute Mrs. J. C. Bruce and Miss lizzie uuraon, 01 uanvnie, va., are vuiting Mrs. J. b. Cartwright, . . on Lawrence street. Miss Annie Stokes, of Hert- ford, has been spending several dflvs with hpr pnnin Mrs a t Scott on Loeus -treet. Mr. W. N. Gregory, our up- liveryman, is having a handsome two-story brick build ing erected for his stables. Messrs. Frank Sawyer, Chas. Spence, Frank Eason and John Spence, of South Mills, were visitors in the city this week. Dr. J H. White and family leave to-day for a summer's out ing to be spent iu the mountains of Virginia., Mrs. Clvde Snenr. of SonthKJ - " 1' Mills N C has Wn tTi otiAet I mujs, w. , nas Deen tne guest j i of the family of Mr. W. N. Ureg- ory, dui ing the past few days. , Someone attemnted to enter - t ho H A 1 1 1 r " J last sunoay nignt, out was frightened off before doing so. Mr. D. M. Jones, who has been spending several days in Dunn, visiting friends and rela tives, returned norae Saturday. Mr. Kay arvis, oi arvisburg, N. C, spent Tuesday with " I friends in Elizabeth Citv and left Wednesday for the seaihore large crowd down to Nags Head Sundav mornino- returning about 12 o'clock Sundav niirht " 1 Mary Etheridge, who had been visiting friends in the city, . 1 returned to Camden Co , yester dav. x. r.t..,. win. iviuccu, ui iuc ouuaiu Lumber Co., with headquarters in tnis cny, wui leave in a tew cays lor ocotiano, nis native country. Mrs. Ida Simpson and chil- dren and Miss Mattie Bland will Panacea Springs N. C. Thev leave to-day. r & j ' of new machinery put in, and Mr. R. J. Mitchell, proprietor are pushing the work forward of the " Bee Hive," will leave as rapidly as possible. The em Saturday to enjoy his summer plovers will run a free excursion vacation in the mountains of sometime soon for the benefit of Asheville, N. C. the employees. Mr. John Glover, engineer on The Baptist Sunday schools the steamer Neuse, will come of this citv have decided to give ashore next Saturday to spend -1 his ten days' vacation with his family - in this Mrs. J. W. uardeu nas re turned to her home at Drivers, Va., alter a pleasant visit to friends in Elizabeth City. She was accompanied home by Misses Cora and Willie White of this place. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent il it does no good. One ap plication will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, fiostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle waranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts. W. W. Griggs & Son. Apr-4mo. Miss Lethia Weeks left Tnes- dav for Hertford, having acceo ted a position as stenographer w"n "e nrm 01 rieetwooo oc Jackson- at Corinth last Saturdav and bundav was well attended. Sev- eral from this citv were there I i j 1 I j- Mi Nenoie Bureess. a dodu iar eoUciv in the stnre of I mrmmm v .. j 4 w m mm - a. a www - 1 McCabe & Grice. left vesterdav to spend her summer vacation with friends in Baltimore. Mrs. Reid, wife ol the late Dr. Reid. of Norfolk. Va.. and Dr. Stephen D. Pool, of Washington, D. C. are visiting Mrs. H. M. Fearing oa Lawrence street. - Mr. Herbert Pool, one of the ooerators in the Western Union leleeraDh office at worloik. is spending his vacation with rela tives and friends in this citv. Mr. C. C. Allen, who has been spending the summer at Nags Head, was brought borne Y TT T ZJilVJ w- .ell Jj,, a ...J,,, r I r " J' 1 he following made speeches Jtor tnc amendment I uesday i - . fi r it? 11 Jl II evening; nons. x. vv. waro ano . W. Turner,'' at Diamond r,.C( Hons. J. B. Leigh and I j p Adylett in Etheridcje's V-.J I i aiUi Mr. J. W. Martin, who fell from a buildsng last week and was badly hurt, was out yester- day. We hope he will soon be - - well enough to return to his work. . Mr. T. B. Brickhouse of Colum- bia, Tyrell Co., father ot Mrs. J. K. dinner ot tnis city, died last Monday, aged about 70 years, We extend svmoathies to the bereaved ones. Mr. S. E. Speight, who has i vm health fnr Cn.- time, spent a week at Nag's Head, returning last Saturday greatly benefited. His family are summering there. Mrs. H. M. Ballance, the wife of our Donular and efficient can. ta n of the Str. Newton has left ' 1 to visit relatives and friends in . . . . . . the mountains of Virginia. She will be gone several weeks. . Jerry WUcox and wife have returned from a trip through Chowan and Gates cunnnes visiLinv intnus trrv unnira m ji 1 1 f verv c Tii-tmi rLviii v i t I- r YxT "V Democratic news from these two counties wucn yuu want a muuciu, ' 1 . 41 llll-Ifl tlilLe TIIIVNIC I T V V . 1 1 H III I lt-T 1 lain s tomacn and uver rao- iets. The v are easv to take and pleasant in effect. Price. 25 cents Samples free at Stand- ard Pharmacy. Little Kenvon. infant child nf M, anA Mrs Oeo. W. Twiddv. I 1 1 if 1 I kMl,uaJ' ulul l 1 1 A. A I I I II o ciock, aiter an iiiness or several weeKs; ageo 2 years and 5 mouths. He was buried Sunday auernoun at b u eiuc. H. W. Scarborough, proprie cor 01 tne "lty notei, corner Main and Poindexter streets, met witu a very painrui accident last "Pridav afternoon. 'While a :ii - r- i i a walkln alone the dock he arcidentlv fell In a hole .break- ing a leg. Mr. Wm. H. Bright, an expert printer from Washington, D. C, has accepted a position in this office and will assist Mr Snack. enb erg. With these two reliable printers we feel sure that we can fill all orders piomptly and satisfactorily. fhe -E- Clty Knitt,ng Mllls another excursion to Nags Head. On July 24th the steamer was unable to carry the crowd, and a large number of children and oth ers were very much disappoint ed by being left. For this rea son there will be another excur sion on next Tuesday, Aug. 7th. During last May an infant child ot our neighbor was suf fering from cholera infantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy fre quently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis baker, Bookwater, Ohio. Sold by Stan dard Pharmacy. A A Miss India Darden, of Frank hn. Va.. is here on a visit to Miss Mary Hinton. The steamer Newberne broneht up yesterday abou l sixtv voters Democratic so Mourners at Nag s Head. H7 nnprctanri th Rma?n ,,mrwrfv at the comer of Main lr . icxuvi v l airi Jbi tvui w Kn, uu proved. Trie tnree stores uow standing are tc b: torn down to give place to a more modern building one ot architectural beauty A very enjoyable entertain ment was given Wednesday evening, abth ulto., by fasquo tank tribe, Mo. , 1. U. K. M., . at their Camp, corner foindex- ter and Main streets. it was T, , . , Known as tne t$uck Moon east. and was largely attenaeu by Red Men and their friends The County Teachers' Insti tute closed Friday evening. Supt. S. L. Sheep was assisted by Prof. J. I. Foust, of the Golds- ro Graded School I boro Graded Schools. The lec tures were deeply interesting and very instructive. Much good was accomplished along educational lines. The only un satistactorv ieature was small f . .1 w attendance The stable of trotters owned by M. H. White, Hertford, N. C, is being taken through the Lake Erie Trotting Circuit, with Tom Cannan as trainer and driver The fastest horse in Cannon's string- is the bav seldine Baron wm j a mm Wood, 2.17 , by Baron Posev, who was placed in the 2.18 class, trotting, at Bradford, Pa , during tne Past week Supt. S. L. Sheep called to- gether the Public School trus- tws anH rommittppmpn nn last Saturday. The object of the meeting was to make plain their duties, impress upon them the responsibility of their office and to arouse a deeper interest in schools. The colored trustees and teachers were addressed by Prof. T. W. Moore. A limited number of scholar snips is Deiug onereo uy j.uue i 1 rr ji t 1 . 1 1 rii t luu rc,Uttlc uuege, mmctuu, w- 10 yun laaies witnout I - A I A . I property preparing to teacn, wno appi at once. 1 ne oe- mant fnr tMrhers holdino- di Ulma from this tnstttntim, has beeQ increasing for several yearS j j : a. aDQ curing mc pait year weni 1 1 . t i oeyonu tne supply. A, Democratic Mass Meeting was held in the Academy of Mnie last evening- The sneal-rr MUSIC last evening. 1 ne speaKer r . 1 e occasion was Mr. waiter L. Cohoon, who delivered a most eloquent address. 1 he ladies were out in full loice and furnished both vocal and instru mental music. The meeting was a grand success and stirred the citizens un for to-dav. We cal special attention to A the advertisement of Atlantic Collegiate Institute. This is an excellent school for both sexes and offers five courses of study. The business course is up to date. students admitted 10 Trinity College, University of N. C. and Wake Forest College Board and tuitiou at a very mod erate price. Prof. S. L. Sheep is the able president of this institution. A very pleasant Social was held at the residence of Mr. and Mis. Moody Gregory on Tuess da evening of this week. The young people enjoyed music, dancing and recitations until a late hour. Among the guests were the Misses Etheridge and Williams, of South Mills, Misses Fannie Kelly, Neppie Munden. and Florence Williams, and Messrs. Dozier, Gordon, Greg ory and Wm. H. Bright, of Washington, D. C. The stockholders of the Elizabeth City and Western Railroad met Tuesday afternoon and ordered three surveys to be made through the city immedi ately. This is done to ascertain the cheapest and best route and we would suggest to property owners to encourage this new and needed enterprise by giving the Company the lowest possible price on land over which it may pass. The Company means business and we hope nothing will delay the building of the road. With proper encourage ment We will, ere long, hear the whistle of a locomotive going west. Thl Kind You Hifi Atwir Good butter is a rare r.rticle in hot weather. Remember that Rollinson & Whitehurst keep Fox River butter in an up-to-date lefrigerator. Poindexter street, s Bought Married. Perk:ns' Chapel, near Snow- den, N. C , was the scene of most brilliant wedding last Thursday afternoon, when Dr. S. M. Mann, a highly successful and popular physician of Moy ock, N. C led to the altar Miss Lula C. Bell, the charming daughter of Mrs E. A. Bell, of Snowden. Mr. Arthur Mnn, a brother of the groom, a ted as best man, and Miss Manie Steveus was mai l of honor. Dr. H. S Wil- ley and Mr. F. C. Baxter, o: Noifolk, Va., were the ushers, and deserve the highest praise for so .successfully handling the immense audience. The presents were useful, handsome and numerous The bappy pir left on the aft moon train for Baltimore. Washington, Niagara Falls, and other places of interest. We extend to the happy pair our best wisnes lor a lone and useful life, and trust that theirs shall be a cloudless sky. In Time of Peace Prepare for War. Our merchants are getting ready for their Fall campaign. A little later we trust to present through the columns of our paper the wonderful things they have to say to an enquiring pub ic. Printer's Ink always pays. We have access to a great many homes for the Fisherman and Farmer is welcome every where, and we carry your mes sage and bring quick returns in he person ol interested custom ers. Walter L. Cohoon. The great election in North Carolina takes place to day. During the campaign there have been tireless workers in all parts of the State and none have been more faithful than Mr Walter L. Cohoon, formerly of this city, but now travelling representative lor The Morning Post, Raleigh. Mr. Cohoou has been one of the great leaders in North Carolina and has delivered speeches over the entire eastern part of the State. Mr. Cohoon is an eloquent speaker and always handles his subject with the greatest skill. He deserves the confidence and appreciation of all North Caro lina, especiallv the white men of the State. 20INJ0CK ITEMS. Watermelons are passing through the canal daily. Mr. Maik Hathaway returned home from Moyock, Tuesday. Mr. William Bray Jr., ot Sligo, spent Tuesday in our village. Mrs Dudley, who nas been ill for several weeks, died on the 25th of July. Mr. W. B. McClannan, of tug Chowan, is pending some time at home now. Miss Mabel McMurray, of Roanoke Rapids, N. C, is the guest of Miss Pearl Bell Hall. A party of young ladies and gentlemen spent a very enjoyable day at Narrow's Island, Monday. Miss Fannie Fagan, of Frank lin, Va., who has been visiting Miss Pearl Hall, returned home Thursday Miss Jessie Welsted, who has been spending the past week very pleasantly in Norfolk, returned home Wednesday. Mr. E. F. Aydlett, of Elizabeth City, made a speech here Satur day, which was enjoyed by all ; also Mr. C. S. Vann, of Edenton, our " State Senator." DOROTHY. The Best Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. "I have been in the drug bus iness for twenty years and have sold most of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found I anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lor all troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus. Ga , "This xemedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It af fords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form " For sale at the Standard pharmacy. 'Utefft, of Maryland, Wit! Sol mn9frt Mr. MrElalcy, Cumberland. ML, July SO. George L. ' Wellington, the senior Republican United States Senator from Maryland, has definitely announced his determina tion to oppose the re-election of Presi dent McKlnley. but fcas not yet made up his mind In what manner he will do it. Senator Wellington hss not been In full accord with his party, either in lo cal or national affairs, for nearly two ' years. Prior to that time he was chair- I man of the Republican State Central Committee and was regarded as th ! close political and personal friend of former Governor Llovd LowndM a ' quarrel between these aentlemen suited in the resignation of Senator Wellington from the Republican lead - ership and this was followed by Govar- nor Lowndes' defeat in the la.t Stats ciecuon Dy a majority of about 12 000 Four years ago the State gars Mckin ley 32,000 majority. in discussing his position Senator Wellington said to-day: "I am unalter ably and forever opposed to Imperial ism, which I shall fight with all my power. I am opposed to President Mc Kinley because he has deceived me in national anairs and I shall oppose his re-election. I am not prepared to state wnat part I shall take In the campaign uui x wm aitena. ir possible, the com Ing liberty congress at Indianapolis. a . . . . uui iiuw wnemer 1 will euppor oryan or not. There are some things uouc mm Mat 1 do not approve never, nowever. been a negative auamy in pontics. When my conclu iuns are reached and my plana fully umiurea 1 win announce them aOL'TD VI KM AN AFFAIKM. re Hloeted at N lui w puort f , Tkawta4f Born harrendfr. London. July 30. The following ofB ciai aispatcn nas been received fnsm Lord Roberts: Pretoria. July 29, On July 26th Mac Donald fought a rear guard action with the enemy from early morning until dark, nine miles outside of Naauw poort, in the Bethleham hills, resulting In his effectually blocking Naauwpoort Nek to the Boer wagons. Hunter reports that the enemy twice checked his advance, by holding strong positions on two neks, one of which was taken before dark by the Scots, the ttoyai insn. the Wiltshire and ths Lelnster regiments. Our casualties were nly five or six. The second nek was taken during the night by the Scots snd Guards, without opposition, the enemy retiring closely to Naauwpoort Jrnsoners taken state that twelve hundred burghers would surrender if guaranteed that they would be treated as prisoners of war and not as rebels. 10 this I had assented. As a result )t these operations Prinzloo, commanding tne Boers, asked, under a flag of truce this morning a four days armistice for peace negotiations. Hunter replied the only terms he could accept were unconditional sur render, and, until these were complied with, hostilities could not cease. I ex pressed my approval and told Hunter on no account to enter into negotia tions. As I am writing, a telegram has come from Hunter, sayine that Prinzloo hai written a second letter expressing wil lingness to hand over himself, with his men, riiies, ammunition and other fire arms upon condition that the horses, saddles, bridles and other possessions of the burghers be guaranteed them and they be free to return to their homes. I have replied that the surrender must be absolutely unconditional; that all rifles, ammunition, horses and other possessions must be given up and that the burghers will be considered prison ers of war. I add that Prlnzloo's over lures win not ne allowed in any way to Interfere with Hunter's operations, which must be continued until the ene my is defeated or has surrendered. A later dispatch from General Rob etrs, dated July 29th, confirms the sur render of Prinzloo, with five thousand Boers. Two leletj'atns ere received at Wiaston -Salem Monday from V 1 hinton. stating that Capt. W. IJ. Lemly of Winston, was among the Americans killed at Tien Tsin. A later message from Judge Advocate General S. C. Lemly said that Capt. Lemly v as not killed, but wounded Capt Lemly is a son of Piesident Lemlv, of Wachovia National Hank. Winston, and is captain and assistant quarter master of the marine coips. The High Point tiunk factory has been organized with a capi tal stock of $5,000 A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow ot the late General Burnham ol Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night "All thought she must soon die Jrom Pneu monia, but she begged for Dr. King s New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her lit , and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further ue completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Dis eases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Standard Pharmacy. TERM5 lrl FOR BEAUTIFUL ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE SS T1I ITP IIKIIIUtt. For both sexet; ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. The largest and oldest school m Eastern N nth Carolina. Offers five courses of study. 1. Classical Course. 1 Knglish Course. 3 College Prepara tory. 4 Busi ess Course 5. Music Course. Diplomas granted upon completion o4 any of the above courses Student admitted to the I'niversity of North Carolina, Wake Forest and Trinity Colleges upon certificate. Business course thorough and prac- il ical Kali term oprr September 17th, wnoo ! Rate 01 bo id and tuition rery low 1 Wtite for catalogue, ' Address. S L. SHEEP, Pres., THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Head of the S'ate'M Ed ucational HyMem. Three academic courses leading to Degrees. 1 lofessiooal courses in Iaw, Medi cine and Pharmacy Summer School lor Teachers. DvLitiorx $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Min istry. Ministers' Sons and Teachers. 512 students besides 161 in Summer School. 38 teachers in the faculty. For catalogues and iniormatiou ad dress F. P. VENABLB, President, Chapel Hill, N C. 1828. I9J CtfEEDSBORO FEjltflLE COLLEGE. of North Carolina. Fall Term Begins Sept.12, 1900. Catalogue on Application DRED PEACOCK, President, THE STATE NORMAL UNO 1N0USTRIAL COLLEGE of North Carolina Offers to youug women thorough liter ary, classical, scientific and industrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual expenses to i jj. for non-residents, Faculty of 30 menu ers. More than 400 regulai stu dents. Has matriculated about a, 00a students, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School ot about .150 pupiU. io secure board m dormitories, all free- tuition applications should be made be fore August 1 st. Correspondence invited from thOM- desiring competent trained teachers. hor Catalogue and other information address until August i$th PROF. J. V. JOYNER, DHAM OF (,!.!. k .k CHARLES n. Mi IYER, Peksiohnt. $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward for any cae of LivCT Complaint, Iype;ti.i .nick Headache. lu (1 in -at tori Constipation or Contlveuesa we cannot cure with Livedta. the Up-to-date Little Liver Fill, when the directions are Mrictly conip!!e1 with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. 23c boxes contain 100 Fill ioc boxen contain 40 "Fills, sc boxes contain IS Fills. Beware of substitution and imitatiotiK. Hent by mail ; stamps taken. NKRVIXA MKiM CAL CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackaon He , Chicavi) III. For sale by Standard Fhartaacy, Klltabrtl: City, N. C. rV(a.rrTrja. uivdt tow tint, 'ferwwj iX tA "M'ovyuvvft WAflNERSRllSlPROOf N ALL TH8 LEADING STYLEH. Retails at POPULAR PRICES. For sale THE FAIR. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. only by WANTED! A salesman to travel in East ern Carolina who has hadexpe rience on the road in selling Hardware. No one seed apply who has not had experience. Address, amnon, , 149 Main street Norfolk, Va. CATALOCUf ft C ADCMESS 1

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