LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Graham White, of Ileits ford, was a visitor in the city this week. Mrs. M. A. Spence, of Norfolk Va., is visiting the family of B. F. Spence. Mr. Frank Mullen, one o Camden's most prominent young men, called at this office Satur day. Mr. William J. Crowson, Jr , spent a few bays here this week with his brothers. Miss Klla Mae James has gone to Norfolk to attend the marriage of a friend. Miss Frances Dawson is ill at her home in Fearing street. r tt . . rr 1 i Miss name layior, wno is teaching school at Roper, spent Sunday here with her parents The Trinity-Wake Forest de bate will take place in Raleigh Thanksgiving evening. Cards are out announcing the ELIZABETH CITY. W7hen you need medicine vou should get the best that money can buy, and experience ptoves tnis to be Hood s Sarsaparilla. r. J. L. Leggett, a popular I A . f . r young dentist of -Hertford, made eXpaDS1n f ?"y pUce f us pleasant call to-day. The Dr.lour acquaintance in me atate. was leturning from Manteon eight years, it has doubled its This city wonderful has made the most strides in pt ogress where he spent the summer. population , thribbled its territory Already we arc in the field an( quadrupled its wealth and with our new line of medium I resources, while the hospitality and heavy weight underwear Shirts, boys clothing caps, knee pants dress goods in many of tae very newest and most desirable styles. Blankets, cotton filled of its people leads the State. We have always had a warm spot in our heirt for the old city ever since our first acquaintauce comforts flannels in different I about a quarter of a century back qualities. All at prices as low as the lowest, bhoes at ai prices and sizes, ladies, men's and children. Agent, for Crosett 3.50 and 4 00 shoe. J. L. Sawyer & Co. Water and Main St but on this visit being the first in eight years, its rap d progress, thrift and enterprise just capti vated us and we were loth to A CALL TO THE CLUBS The State Association of Dem ocratic Clubs was organized in Raleigh on September 26th. A permanent organization was made by electing a President, Secretary, on: Vice-President from each Congressioal district and an Executive Committee of five members. Eleven delegates, one from district and two reprsenting the Statesat-large were elected to represent the Association at Ind- leave it. Hereafter when we getjianapolis at the National Con in a mulagrubic mood we shall I ventiou of Clubs. Eleven alter- visit "Betsy.'' Pamlico Enter fnate delegates were also elected V Note Heads 31 Envelopes h SO Hie Letter Heads Statements FISHERMAN & FARMER To Our Subscribers. prise. THEY HATE SIMMINS. We trust that our subscriders who did not receive papers last week will excuse us as our car rier, Abe Salomonsky's father The organization, in its work ing force, ha's representatives in all parts of the State. Th. object of the Association is to assist in giving Bryan aud Stevenson the electoral vote of North Carolina, (Henderson Herald ') The Republicans and their al lies hate F. M. Simmnos with a a 1( to helD el ct nin Demoreatie was very 111 ana oniy aooiu na.-i bitterncss such as they only can Congressmen from this Stat the papers were delivered. You feel aud have heaped upon him To this end rf patriotic citi2eils CathariuJ wil1 receivC both isSueS t0"day thir vile abuse. It ie solely be- and we trust this will be satis The Appetite of a Goat. Is envied by all poor dyspep tics whose Siomach aud Liver 1- All are out ot order, ah sucn should know that Dr. King's are cordially invited to cause he is the chosen co-operate. The platform and leader of the white men ot N. principles of the Association are Carolina and has been true to found in the platform of the them under all circumstances Democratic party promulgated and has had the sagacity and at Kansas City. The "lnbs have boldness to expose the enemies no candidates other than those of his race and State. named bv the Democratic con Isn't this good and sufficient ventions. gives a splendid appetite .sound should elect him United States The Executive Committee of S digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Onlv 25c, at Standard Pharmacy dtug store. Senator? We think so Assistant Marshals. ihe Association directs that an urgent appeal be made to the various County and Township Executive Com nittees to oro- A Carver has return-Leed at once to orranize Clubs MUMFORD AND SOSEDALE. For State Fair. Mr. men as a-sisia 8, Improved State Fair: Chief Marshal Old has ap pointed tlie lollowing young tnls week. t mai shals for the Mr. W ed from Berkley. Va. and expects to remain here with his mother awhile. R. T. Bell, of E. City, opened school at Gum Grove Academy marriage of Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. T. Greenleaf, to Charles A. jtory under the circumstances Dean, the ceremony to takt place in this city, Oct. 16, at 2 p. m. Miss Uphalia Willis, of New Bern, is the guest of Mrs. Daw son in Culpepper street. Mr. A. F. Toxev and have re moved from Matthews street to New Lile Pills, the wonderful reason why the Democrats and This Association is organized their new residence in North Stomach and Liver Remedy, white men of North Carolina for effective campaign work Road street. Mr. T. P. Wilcox attended the Republican Congressional Con veution at Edenton this week. Miss Lula Heath, who was taken ill at the Baptist Female University, at Raleigh, has re turned home. Mr. Simons has resigned his position with N. & S. R. R. Co. and has been succeeded by Roper. At the last meeting Pasquo tank Tribe No Order of Red Men, donated $10 to the Galveston sufferers. Mrs. W. M, Baxter left Tues day for Norfolk to attend her sister's martiage. Misses Elsie and Rosalie Baxter will leave Saturday lor Norfolk. Court convened in Gatesville this week. A number of our law yers and business men attended Mr. W. A. Abernathy, man ager of the Plymouth Mills and a prominent citizen of Plymouth died last Friday of apoplexy. The State Fair will be at Ral eigh Oct. 21 to 27. A new remedy for billiousness is now on sale at Dr. J. E. Wood's drug store. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick reliet and will prevent the at tack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. Price, 25 cents per box. Sam ples free. 131 i xit belli OJtv, Neat Work at fShort Notice.I- Prices Low. IF YOU WANT UP-TO-DATE PRINTING- BRING OR SEND YOUR WORK TO THE FISHERMAN AND FARMER OFFICE. Greg -ry's NewSy Building, Matthews Street. Fisherm Farmer Elizadeth (. itv C. W. Melick Miss Estelle crowson and Mr Percy Ward, of South Mills, spent Sunday at the home of thews tict. C. W. Hollowell, Dr. C. J. Saws Miss Margaret Hinton. Rev. E. C. Glenn, of Raleigh, arrived in the city last Saturday and is assisting Rev. R. C. Bea man in a series of meetings at the Methodist church. Services at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The remains of Mr. Jake Sal omousky were taken to Norfolk this morning lor interrment ac companied by his family and the Mason and Odd Fellows Lodges Mr. Mai tin L. Yeager, ma n ager of the Southern Newspaper Union, of Charlotte, was in the city this week on business. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Command er have our deepest sympathy in the loss of their 20 months old child by death Tuesday. The re mains were interred yesterday Rev. Chas. R. Taylor officiating. The Republcans of this dist rict in their convention of the 9th. hist, which met at Edenton nom inated Dr. Abuer Alexander, of Tyrell, for Congress and T. P. Wilcox, of this city, for Elector. What will Isaiah Meekins and Newberry do? Fight it out, boys Mrs. A. K. Kramer, mother and children have gone to Ever etts, N. C. to visit their brother and son, P. C. Cohoon, who is Foreman of the Martin county Timber Co., of that place. Mrs. F. B. Pritchard has re turned from Norfolk, where she has been visiting. yer, E. F. Lamb, P. H. Williams, Logan E O d, W. Wood and G. M. Scott, Jr. Eden ton Edward Wood, Dr. Cason, Paul Collins, J. H Webb W. S. Suminerell. E. C. Rea. Shawboro X. D. Morgan, Doc Co well, and R. E Flora. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Laxative Prcmo-Quinine Tab lets cine a cold in one day. No cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. WANTED. A position as a Grocery or Gen eral Meidiandise clerk, 6 years experience, good references Ap ply at this ( flier. Lock I ox 181 Immediate correspondence with two young men who desire to oro to school, cue who can set type aud one who can meud shoes. Address Box 50, Littleton, N. C. Good l ews For Our Readers. Who have scrofula taints in their blood, and who has not? Scrofula in all its forms is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which thoroughly purifies the blood. This disease, which frequently appears in children, is greatly to be dreaded. It is most likely to affect the glands ol neck, which become enlarged, etup tions appear on the head aud face, and the eyes are frequently affected. Upon its first appear ance, perhaps in slight eruptions or pimples, s.rofula should be entirely eradicated from the system by a thorough course of Hood's Sarsaparilla to prevent all the painful and sickening consequences of running sciofula sores which drain the system, tap, the strength and make exis sence utterly wretched. Some benevolent friends of Littleton Female College have made it possible for us to take a few bright, dependent orphans at a cost to them of $50 for the scholastic year for board, laun dry and full literary tuition. For particulars address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. tf Thia airnfttur is on Tery box of tho genuine Laxative bromo-guininc the rmedT that cures e4M IB Quite a L umber of our people were in E. City this week. MR. SIMMONS' WORK. in each township in the State. The very large number of White Supremacy Clubs organized in the late campaign can be easily organizeb into party clubs. To this end, it is urged that the var ious County Chairman will at once proceed to appoint suitable organizers in their counties, who will enter nrtivelv in the wnrt It is r c un mended that the subs ! electors of each county, be ap pointed when practicable. Most eff.cient aid can also be had of (the lite club organizers. The Couuty Chairman are re quested to call a meet ingiu each township in their various count ies on SATURDAY, ijth of OCTOBER, for the purpose of the purpose of organizing a Club. It is also urged that at each speaking by candidates or other Democrats a club be formed. Do not let an opportunity pass to organize These Clubs are a part of the party machinery. They art subjt ct to the party authority. The two main purposes tor Bill Heads ff Circulars 9 Posers Pamphlets mm Waynesville Conner. Mr. Simmons is giving his at tention to the Democratic party and its business while othe sen atorial candidates are free to look after their race. Let the friends of Mr. Simmons be active in his behalf and show that he is ap preciated for what he has un selfishly done for his Sta:e. The best that monev can buy should be your aim in choosing a medicine, and this is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cures when others fail. You have read of the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and you which they are to be formed are should have perfect confidence ! to distribute literature aud to in its merit. It will do you gjod This is What They Say. Those who take Hood's Saisa parilla for scrofula, ecxemarerup catarrh, rheumatism or dyspep sia, say it enres piomptl and permanently, ev. q atter all other preparations f ai' You may take this medicine with the utmost coufidende that it w.lL do you good. What it has done for others vou havo every reason to believe it will do for you. Can You Tell Why. You have constant headaches, are nervous and sleepless at night aud feel tired in the morn ing? Your blood isn't carrying the right materials to your nerves and other organs. Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood enricher, and you will soon realize a change. You will feel better and stronger, will relish your food and enjoy refreshing sleep. . Nausea, indigestion are cured by Hood's Pills. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuud the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each box. 25 cents. CASTORIA For Infant mad Ofcfldrea. bring out a full voce. It is pre sumed that the last camqaign se cuied a full registration. As toon as Club is formed send the names of the officers to Hon. F. M. Simmons, Chairman, Raleigh N. C. Also send a list of the off icers to Max JThomsen, New YorkCit.N. Y. Let each Club appoint an act ive committee to secure the at tendance of voters at the polls. A full vote will give the Dem ocatic party 50,000 majority. The issues involved are inomentoi s vital and lar reaching. Our free institutions are endangered by a colonial policy abroad and by aggregation of wealth at home. L-t North Carolina make a firm stand against both. The State Association adoqted as its emblem a button contains ing a picture of that great tri bune of the plain people, Wm J Bryan, upon a field of silver encircled by these burning words from his great speech of acceptance: "The Man rather thau the Dollar!" In this sent ence is contained the true theory of government. FRANCIS WINSTON, CHAIRMAN. E. B. LEWIS, Secretary. Tutt's Pills Cure All Uver Ills. Prevention setter than cure. Tutt's Live Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, lyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, onstipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. Free Blood and Skin Cure. 'XtxanrjTruOD tiicrnt coax WwesRusrPRoor 1 IN ALL STYLES. fLIE LEADING Retails at POPULAR PRICES. For sale only by THE FAIR. ELIZABETH City, N. C. GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER . ) Dip'omas We have mved our Ml' rLJ y 1 th V T T 1 T T n A T-. T 1 T1 O I - - 3tAM :he tSt '-i." 2Zri. A- m 1 ad i&ti Yea Have Aiwss Bougfc An Offer proving Faith. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Caacer, Scro fula, Itching Skin Scabs and Scales of Ecz nia, Aches and Fains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Rotten Gums and Chronic Rheumatism and all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles, are quickly cured by taking a tew large bottles of Botanic Bl xd Balm. We challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Balm will not cure. The cures are permanent and not a patchiug up. Is your blood thin? 8kin pale? All run down? As tired in the morning is when vou went to bed Pimples? j ' wonen ijianns nr joints: Putrid Breath? Eruptions? blood bad. Blood Bain, win 'make store formerly used as a Drug the blood oure and rcu. lieai every j s,. 1 !e acues aud iaius, build UD ..iv orate the old and weak. Botanic Blood Balm, the only perfect blood purifier made. Sold at drug stores, fi per large bottle, including complete direc tions. To prove our faith in Blood Balm, a trial bottle will be given away to sufferers For free trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Don't "hesitate, out wri eat once de scribing trouble, and free medical advice given. Blood Balm ( B .B B.) Cnres when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Over 3,000 volun tary testimonials of cures by using B. B. B. HOLMES &CG. Will Have Their AT j I -C pen i 1 1- Tkursday c: T . Th eir Stock lias been selected with the utmost care ami they have as fine a display of millinery as ever shown in this City. All the ladies are cordially Invited, DON'T FORGET THE DAY Thumday OCTOBER 4th. NO H'-l Main St, ATLANTIC COLLEGIA i E INSTITUTE. For both sexes. ELIZABETH CITY, N C. school 11 aroiiua. The largest and oJi:st Eastern N - - r 1 . B u, " ';v "Classical Com bc. 1 njlgViia Course j. College Pm-t ! ! x ' 11 l'Sv Uorte. 5 m stairs, across the street in the store and are prepared to unK -u down body, and invig-Jserce onr patrons better than ever. Our Opening will take place Tuesday and Wednes day OCT. 2nd and 3id All of our friends and patrons are cordially invited to attend. Orders from a distance will receive our careful at tention. M. HILL. CO. WaH Stree . u complei c courses. nt adnntte'l to t i;aivt-.- f North Carolina, Wake Forest a r:iuu Colleges upon certificate. Basiness course thorough anI 1 tical Fall t' mm opens September 17th. r Rate of board aud tuition vex Wi ite for catalogue. ddress. L. SHEEP, Pres., I hafcrth Cii . n e 1838. I9DQ, Hjloumeijls and Gravestones. GREENSBORO FEJiyiLE COLLEGE, of North Carolina. FaU Term Begins Sept.12, 1900. Catalogue on Application DREO PEACOCK, President. We pay the freight and guarantee safe delivery. Largest stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue free. THE Couper Marble works (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank Street. Norfolk. Va 2m fesssfls o Bn the f rThc KM You HiwAhwys Bouiit A 4 71 rfPi TNI iR EINE SD- FOUNDS I WM. J. HOOPER & C0.r 110 E. Pratt, ne&r Light, A'.TIMOBI, MD - uiafaetMtn ol i a r n Cotton and Flax Gill Nets, n Corks, Seine Leads. 4c. n s H inr Twine of U kiado. nllla. 1 t.itou m HesBj '' '.nj--is!aar '.pTPj 3t) Dig C3'30 ilS U1I4& 1eu hoi 9Vjup'j r I

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