.. . ... sag 1 1 ' ' Insolvents as Appear on the Tax List for the Year 1899. Returned by N.G.Grandy Sheriff. E. City Township. INSOLVENT. J T Ferebee Morcb Martin Geo W Stoker Allen W White William Whedbee Lien Barington John Skinner Geo Spence John Crank J H Johnso 1 Moses Spence Jestns Johnson 2 oo 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO I 50 2 OO OO I 2 2 OO OO 2 00 2 OO 2 OO 22 50 Salem Township. INSOLVENT. William Johnson William Smith 1 74 2 00 3 74 Providence Township. I N SOLVENT. William T Davis Robert Overman 2 00 2 OO 6 00 N wland Sarnie Griffin Geo Nixon Mills Riddick Chas Bell Township. 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 8 00 Nixonton Township. INSOLVENT. Elijah Nixon 2 CO 42 24 hip a Eluabtth City 1 it c f Krroi 1 O V 11 Deed ana moved as appear on the Tax List for tin: 3 enr 1S99. James Ashby left State Noah leaker dead A E Burrns left State John Boyd too old W A Baker left State 3 00 J 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO John W Ballance left county 3 15 Win. Benden left state 1 30 Mills Baily left state 2 00 J F Butcher listed twice 1 50 John Barns left state 2 oc C L Cobb left state 2 oc W P Cartwright listed twice 1 86 J T Crank too young W C Griffin listed twice Ed Davis left state Heniv Dukes not found M S Davis listed twice Tohn Davis can't be found F W Davis cant be found Rubin Davis left state W R Dozier listed twice R A Dudley left state Baily Elycs left state Isaac Freeman dead Caleb Felton left state J H Flemming left stte Josh Gibson listed twice Noah Grey in prison Abner Grem left state Jas. Graham cant be found H D Gaskiu cant be found Y M Haskett ico young Sam Hovvcut too old Ben Jones left State Geo. Jones dead T J Jones can't be found Martin V Jackson dead C Johnson cant find Jim Johnson cant find J J Johnson cant find J C Johnson cant f.nd J M Jordan left state G R jE3fda left state 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 OC 2 OO 2 34 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 1 50 2 OO 2 CO 2 OO 2 OO 2 2 2 2 UO OO OO CO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO -IT - , David Lee too old Albert Lee cant find Ambrus Lee eUte prison L A Lavestein left sta'e James Moore eft. state Wr L Moslcy left state Z S Midgett left state Tom Piivitt left state C Midgut error Henry McClease left state W H Miskill left state Chas Morgan listed twice Pattie Marden error Wm Jones can't find Sam Overton cant find W A Overton cant find J R Owens cant find R C Owens cant fir.d W C Parsons left state J HOwins left state Sam Perkins left state W E Price dead W.L Parson cant be found J W Routon left couuty Thad Riddick in jail Dan Sutto.i left state J E Simpson left state Tom Scott leit county W N Small left county J W Morse listed twice QWhitehurst listed twice OS?.' Whitman left county Alfred Winn left county C Walker cant find Wm-Twiddy left state A ML Turner left state J C James listed twice W Miller error 2 Ou 2 OO 2 OO 2 84 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 2 00 OO OO 39 38 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 00 2 39 2 CO 2 00 2 00 2 18 2 00 2 18 5 25 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 CO 2 OO 39 I 50 00 09 00 00 00 o. 00 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ';o 00 00 00 4 14 T A Stevens left state Paul Speuse left state Cooper Temple left state H L Thomas leit state Frank White left state J H Williams cant find G S Williams dead W A Baily listed twice O N Ballauu left state L Butts cant be found Jerry Beaman too old Jos Beasley cant 5nd Ambros Bright left state J W Brown left state VVal.er Brown left stat J J Bunch left state Wm Bunch left state N Brothers left state T Bnley left state David Bryant left state John Banks listed twice N G. Burgess leit state Geo Cowell not known S N Cartwright left county T Cartwright listed twice Thos Crank too old Crank error J M Clary left state March Dozier left state G J Davis kft state A D Dvxon left state Milisa Eliott isted twice G B Eves listed twice John Elliot listed twice James Farrow left state Sam Farrow J T Ferebee ,, ,, vV P Giegory ,, Chas Gilford listed twice J W Griffin cant be found W T Hall left state J E Hordis H Harrell ,, closes Haireii can't find A B Harrell 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Oo OO OO OO OO OO o 00 00 o 00 00 ( 0 00 CO 2 2 2 2 A H H or ton C F nin ton ,, Alf Harvey Wm Nixon j E Hathaway ,, ,, Johnson ., ,. Noah Joiks erir.r A Johuson left state Jno J n il is listed twice i.)avi 1 See ,, ,, tily Lamb left stat jos Suchfield lit. I 1 ice Da i Lamb kit st ne Win Madren listed twice Jno McMurren ,. ,oe Ma ben can't fiiul Ed Martin ,, vVin New by left state C Nu in ,, , Levi Nichols left state Fred L t Ok ley listed twice VV C Owens can't be found S Overton ,, ., I) U ,, too old vYm Owins left county C Overtoil listed twice J C Palin W A Parker T W cant be found Alf Pendleton left state W B Perry ean.t be found Andrew Palin ,, A C Perrv , P Pool left state J W Poyncr listed twice W A Paiker 2 2 00 00 00 oc 00 00 00 2 -5 00 00 2 09 2 OO 2 OO 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 OO OO 00 00 00 00 oc 14 00 J Reed listed byM N Sawyer 2 00 Osker Riadick leit state Geo H Reed left state Hib Sawyer Cj E Sawyer Wm Small ,, Henry Spencer left state Nelson Sutton ,, ,, Jacob Swain ,, ,, Wm Sanders dead S Spell man can't be found A E Simpson , R A Sui ton ,, OO OO OO 2 2 OO 2 2 OO OO OO 2 2 06 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 06 2 OO 2 O 2 00 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 1 50 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO Allen Smith left state WJTalor Wm Twiddy ,, Ed Try lor d ad R A Walker can't find H White Cran White error Wm Wilson cant De found J IVilson ,. ,, ,, Geo A Wilson ,, Ed Wilson ,, H Woodlev, A Hughes left state P R Hughes 397-cS He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors tcld Reniek Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O , after suffering 18 months Irom Rectal Fistula, he would die tin less a costly operation was per formed; but he cured himself with hve boxe. of Buckler. Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cuie on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Stand ird Phar macy Drugg-st. $500 REWARD. We wi 1 pcly the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Iii dig stion, Constipation or Costiveoess we cannot cure with Liveitta. the Up-to-date Little Liver Fill, when th directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never .'ail to give satisfaction. .5c toe contain 100 Pills ioc boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes contain 15 fills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail ; stamps taken. XEKV1TA n EPI CAL CO., cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, III. For sale by Standard Pharmacy, Elizabeth City, N, C. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BroraoQuioine -biets the remedy that cores a cold iii one day Jacob Swindell left state C '"' t.- : 1 I. Ri ill! y. i mm- - - r "-T - Z . "- i I ' aessandPstOMilaiasnei!! Ophim.MorpMn nor Miner I. ; fmifjum Sied ' Mx Umui - Ilorkti'. Srlir- Lmem: H r - ; 1 Apcrfccl Remedy fc rronsiW. Hon, Stiur 3t6mach,Diantioea or ns ,( 0 rtvu! sic s is ,Fo veri 3 h ! ncssp.ndLossoi'' Su:k: FacSunik Sirwd ire oi NEW YORK. 1 10 LK.CT COPV OF WRAPP "It Pavs to Ill AVgelabl VcparaUon&fA5- j, similatiriiitt'ocvln-dul m These ci ts rtpresent the Standard ol :.xeei ency. Biggest House, Largest w)tock and Lowest Prices. We invite you to call and satisfy yourselves. WHOLESALE Grocers and Tobacconists, ; 1 11 l lv- ii I erei in Hay, Lime, Cement, Paints, Oils, Rope, Hard ware, Buggies, Harness, Tobacco and Snuff at Factory Prices. An) munition, Guns and Pistols. J. B. FLORA (Established i887) ldest Fisl Gunissiof) HUse q Norfolk. Shipments Solicited. -- Stencils Furnished. C MereaTitile Agencies, j City National Hank, ', Citizen's lank, and ( Wholesale Shippers. References W 1 1 EIV YOl 151 ' Y ' r ht 1 s if e e iyti at the most convenient country or village, it is possible thct yon may get seeds of fine stock and germination, but has your experience shown that it is likely? Do yon buy seeds from general merchandise stores because yon believe that they have the best, or is it m because yen forget to order them from seedsmen in time, or find letter writing too much trouble? Nobody buys seeds at sec md or third hand except as a result of forgetfuhiess or indifference, and if you have been getting yours that way, it is time ou were making- a change. It's folly to risk your crops in that fashion. We will sell you " i horoughbred Turnip Feeds" af fifty cents per lb. a. id deliver them free at youi post or express office. GEORGE rAlT,& SONS, 73 Commercial Place Seed Growers and Merchants. Norfolk, Ya. To Cure a Cold in One Dav 1-1 at a i. r idUlV-VO. till UlUfCiJIJ IV1UIIU e the money if it fails to cure. E. . t r . , VV. Groves s signature is on each box. 25 cents. Fbi Infants and Children. End m Have i 1 Aiivays Bougnl r'cPr?i the C1 m - - a Thirty Vp v m ha ! pel tJ4 !- iJ 1 2 th: cck ."tun c Use the Best j 3 1 2 1 1 i tlie hes'. ( k 011 hand. Co , Ag s. ill l io il Do you read what people say .about Hood s Sarsapanlla? It is I r . . - "ri'.itr all iorms of disease 5 . j t iCmseaor prr.raoteo by impure 'i,j00(j C ' a rare u of AAtf 5 5 :2 el K H uver yum ipmhy. new venn orrv. o I Morurr er ts and Gravestones. I Wc pay the freight and H guaraniee fe (kiivery. Largest Btcck in the f . South. '4 Illustrated Catalogue TIIK CcaiperMprble works (Established iSaS.) ?59 to 153 Ban it Street, Norfo'ik. Ya- 1838. !9no GrEEiSBORQ FEjiyiLE COLLEGE, ,of North Carolina. FaftTeimBe2insSeptl2, 1900. Cataiogus on Application DRBD PEACOCK, Preside t. Sl if h Bin o QC yUsi - Will HayeTiieir ; -Thursday Theirtock has been selected with the utmost care and they have as line a display of millipery as ever shown in this City. -Ml the ladies are ordially Invited, DON'T FORGET THE DAVriiiirsdjiv 7 m u u a wJjaj m zm. NO 12 I Main St, GRAND t)PERING OF FAIL Ai-D WINTER Ve have rareed our MILLI X : '.RY PARLORS Irom up stairs, across the street in the store formerly used as a Drug store apd are prepared to serve our patrons better th m ever. Our Opening will take place Tuesday and Wedn day OCl 2nd and 3rd' a 11 r 1 1 nil or our menus ana patrons are cordially invited to attend; Orders from a distance will receive ourcarefu! at- tention. Water Stree . M HILI A HO lYi . niLLOf vw. y i3 m Cr ' ill :': ! ' ml IN ALL TtiH LEADING STYLES. Ietails at POPULAR PRICES. For sale Olllv 1' TME FAIR. ELIZAEETH CITY, N. C. President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, - jiiirhly1 respected afi through that section, lie lia lived in Clinton Co. fi years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly cstifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa oarilla, and wh:ii he iave wortltv attention. All Hrain wovkcis finrl Hootl's Sarsaparilja eceHarty adapied lo their needs. Lt makes iuro, ri h, red blood, and from this comes nerve mental, bodily and digestive strength. 'I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa riila is a very goemcdiciru , especially . as a blood purifier. It his done me good -.any times. For several years I suffered j greatly with paina of Neuralgia m one eye and abu" my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. Ttock many remediesHaut found help only .n Hood's Sarsaparilla which f ".red me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla hit proved itself atru friend. I also tr.ke Hood's Pills to keep . y bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Oh;o. 9, arsfipariSIa IsUiTOnc TTno y .aiT. All dm ? l I'rrtid..:.!; f 'r , ,. Lu ,rtil. HTnss. HniH7- fAl a !'roriIt- efflclent and tlUUU r lli Coy iaefffect Scents. 1 . W tv." Lv. . . t t Ji1 Bank 1 . THE ONLY SHOE POLISH iH OIL LASTING BRILLIANCE." is impossible if you uie vhe orilmar)- acid polish or. fomt silvtr. It booM tats awn the tnootii sriirfuce nd its beauty is Spoiicu. "Silver Cream " is the icst, the qoickest, the ensiest. the most etTcctive polish made. It U abso lutely free ltum ativ harmful ingredient. 25c THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The .'k:;l l ihi'S ;i!c's t:l- ucatioral System. Three academic courses iuiog to Degrees. i roftssional courses in I aw, Ifedi cine and Pharmacy Summer School tor Teachers. T-CLitioia. $so. Scholarships and I.oai'S to Needy. . ..rr.LL;f . 512 strf' erts besides 161 in S unmet School. 3H t.:ic!:i- ui the f". citUy. For ealalxoes and intormat'ou :n!- dress .n A r;i. n, 1 : e-mem, 1 i apel Bill, N. C B - :- v 1 - Ma r! 1 . 1 TS$r 49 ! i 1 C33 ! j il)!' "I" 1 fir, 44 Piann-noltahed Solid Onk Office "3 Dek with rotTinu top wbicta lo.-.!;s st i 1 a aweis. 50 inches long au-1 88 inobes dec j ; Special I'tico, 1 S14.5 (0ilc:-3 promptly P.licd.) S Yum will And over MOO barcaina In : ' : catalogue. it contains fill I . Furniture, Carpet, Habv Car- I ri.i IfefriBeratot, Ik'dding, Stores, -i naiici i .a raps, i.ac; out mine, f jc. i gti 55 p, ! . Drop postal now for uv in ijie-saviog -at ilomle vh h we tnatl : - i; e of all charges. ic I arlth th tnan- ' ' n'.i.-riiiii.v itti 1 If . IF ftlt?at 'l.T'J'i if i '...: ... ... : - tiOi'ISi iSOil, g I CALTI3IORE, ini Mi 3EafcJ j ATLANTIC GOLLEGSftTE IKSTITUTk". ELI2hBTH CITY, N. C. The largest and oldest school in Eastern N rth Carolina. Offers five courses of study, i. Classical Course l, English Course. 3 College Prepara tory. 4 iiusL ess Course 5. Music Course. Diplomas granted upon coin pie titja of any of the above courses. Student, admitted to tire Uuiveijafj oflNorth Carolina, Wake porasi uikJ Tiiuity Col leges upon certificate. Business course thorough and prac tical Fall term opens Septembt r 17th, ic,. o Rates of board ad tuition very low Wiite for catalogue. Address. ' S L. SHEEP, Pres., h:iaLeth Cit , C WE ARE AGENTS W QTAHDARP f 4 ' PRICES 1 - 5 To 25 C FIT BEST. MOST STYLISH CATALOGUES FREE. 1 C -A'- I WiM. J. HOOPER 6, CO. a! 110 S. Pratt, near Light, ; BALTIMORE, MD , r r -c Manufacturers of 0 Cotton and Flax Gill Nets, p Corks, Seine Leads, 4,c. j E .Seine Twine or all kinl, .13a iiilla3 Cotton v- llemp.Kope "!neae Toar Bowels Witb C ascaretR. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever U)c.26c. If CCC. fail, druesists refund money TRINITY COLLEGE Offers undergraduate and gi nate courses. Lare Dumber of electives. Bight scientific la or atories, equipped with modern and advanced apparatus. Large additions to library. Complete gymnasium. Expenses low. Pif ty scholarships to be awarded. 550,000 spent in improvements the past year. Scud for catalogue. PRESIDENT KILG 1 Durham, N. C. TRINITY PARK HIG-H SCHOOL. rreparcs thoroughly for College. Oilers courses in Latin, litevk, Kng kish, Mathematics, Science, History, French, German, Book keeping, Sten ography, and Typewriting, Excel leu t liurary and gymnasium f.xeilitn's. Faculty of seven college graduates. New and elegant building! furnished with ail modern equipments. All ol th. tirst grndoatia c!as ol sixteen entered College. For illusttated catalogue, address, J. F. B1VIN8, Headmaster. Dui ham, N. C. E. W. ALBAUGH 5t SON Wholesale Comsnissloa Herd mts TERRIPIN AND GAM Ls INo.i.24 Light Mr w Wmirf, BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quit k - n t ;referen t. Citizens National Hank. W. J. lloocr & Lo. n toils Furnished Free R.e.M. DftUlS0M2 1 holt-salt' Coaen 1st km m-;c haul Terrapin and G-ame H v. cor, CH hi,:- s and i 1)1 . . tn BALTIMORE, MD. P om i Retnrna i , REFERENT ES : Thii.. ?ati nal Bank, an & Co., J A i. tm ai d tlte Trade in G m ai Stencils Furnished Hree. S B. MILLER X-CO wholivi,!'; c i NO. 7 FUIIH v piSH M :- I . LN e v Clarence G, Miller, Millet LoQgbotham. ( Special Attei ti( i fiivfu to THE SALE (I . fci r iv on i , Stjucilsnd Stationery Furin . Application. ; WE EMPLOY v S.LSTCRER S CC Wboleal6 Dcalern in and hhipr- n kinda i in in 141 PULTON FlSu U n kj We work harderfor the h ter est j! the Southern fishemiei tban an v house in the business. If yoiu .'tencii is not in good let us kno r. JHtnijiiHh 11 bi; Saml. M.Lawder&Soiis WaoietHilt CoounlasuHi Dwlti ! JEPx&rL . Soft Crabs Terrapin Ft Quick Sales ! Prom pi urn REFERENCES : r ole Nat'L Bank, Duns W Agency, Wm. fToop-r & 1 (,., Luktlar' X- Co. The J o i sun Compai 0aVJP0RT,M0u;US I CO., iV' hole sale Grocers ar.ti Con. ' sion Merchants and Dealers in Coiignnients of North Ca Una Herring solicited, and pre ceeds remitted in cash On account of our lntimat acquaintance aud frequent traus action witli the grocery trade ol the Vcst and South we are able tr, handle X. C . Fish tc th b possible advantage and we arc known e 1 1 j here as the lai est distributors in this market. Baara the Signatura of The Kind Yen Have AlwarsBoi

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