local and PERSONAL Mr. Howland Fearing went to Moyock Tuesday. Mr. Mat. White is in the citv attending court. Mr. Lee Sheep has accepted a position with Pinner & Co Mrs. Alice Pritchaid is visit iting her son in Berkley, Va. Mr. H. T. Greenleaf went to Norfolk yesterday on business Rev. K. C. Glenn is the gutst of Mr. John L Sawyer in Main street. Rev. J. M. Giles, of Currituck, was a visitor in the city last night. Mr. K. C. Dockery, U. S. Mar shal, attended court here this week. Mr. J. I,. Decoruiis, of Shaw boro, was a visitor in thi city Tuesday. Mr. Mathias Owens has return e l from a business trip to north ern cities. Messrs. Joe Williams and Lee F.rinkley, ot Edenton, are here attending court. Mr. L Brown Tegram, of Raleigh, was in the city tins week 01 business. Mrs. Fannie Burfoot, of Cam den, is the guest of Mrs. Louise Jones in Fearing street. Mr. Chas. L. Abernathy pass ed through the city this morn ing en route to Norfolk. United States court convened in this city Monday morning Judge T. R. Purnell presiding. Mr. G. L. Lamb, who has has been on a pleasant trip to Cape Hatteras has returned. Miss Florence Williams, who has been on a visit to Bramble tor. Ward, Norfolk, has returned to the city. Our market is flood d with oysters now. The oystermen expect to do a large business here this season. Among those who arrived this morning were Revs. J. A. irornaday, of nerttord,and R. A. Willis, of Edenton. When you need medicine you should get the best that money can buy, and experience proves this to be Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mr. S. K. Simpson, a staunch friend ot the Fisherman and Farmer, of Corinth, made us a pleasant call Monday. Miss Louise H. James will leave this afternoon for Rich mond, Va., where she will at tend a business college. Sheriff W. S. Bartlett and County Treasurer, Win. E. McCoy, of Camden county, were visitors in the city Monday. If price is a cosideiation the Hathaways deserve your trade as they have always sold the best wans at lowest prices. Miss Clara Bond, of Edenton, who came over to attend the Dean-Greenleaf nuptials, is the guest of Miss Gertie Greenleaf. Do you read what people say about Hood's Sarsaparilla? It is erring all forms of disease caused or promoted by impure blood. Mr. Jno. F. Foster, of South Mills, made us a call Tuesday. He will endeavor to get Mr. Ralph Bingham to visit his town while so near by. Hathaway Bros, repair watches and spectacles in the neatest manner. Charges are moderate. You can depend on the best work. Littleton Female College de sires immediate correspondence with four young ladies who de sire to pay for one year's board and tuition in part with work. You save the pennies, the dol lars will take care of themselves. In buying wTedding presents the Hathaways sell the best at low est prices. The meeting at the Methodist Church will continue until this evening. It has been a great blessing to our city and many souls have been converted. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wrood. The stockholders met Tuesday evening in the Town Hall and secured $15,000 for the new rail road from this city to Suffolk. Another meeting will be held this evening in the Academy of Music. The R. R. question is one in hich we are a-1 interested. Com ; out and hear Tom Skinner liscus the question this evening it the opera House. Now is the time to -ow your Oats and it would doubtless be to your intertst to examine Zimmerman & Cos feed and ouy at once. Notice their "ad in this issue. Hon T. G. Skinner, of Per quimans, called to see is yester day. He will speak at the opera House this evening on the Rail Road question rftt r he has finis1). d h'u political speech You have read of the cures by IT i 1 r 1 noou s aarsipariua, ana you .1- iti r . 1-1' -. snouiu nave peiK-ct oniiaence in its merit. It will do you good. Woik 0:1 Mr. Geo. Sco t's ne residence, corner of Main and Road streets, is rapidly progress ing. It ad !.c. considerably to th attractions of that ro tion of the city. The best that money can buy should be your aim in choosing a medicine, and this is. Hood Sarsaparilla. It cures when others fail. We must have the new RaJ Road and we are going to have it. Come out this evening and show that you aie interested in upbuilding our city and busi ness. The farewell sermon of Dr. W. S. Penick Sunday evening in ti e Baptist chuich in this city has been highly complimented and considered by some as one of the most eloquent and logical sermons ever delivered in our city. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tab lets cuie a cold in one day. No cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Mr. Ed. Jackson, foreman of the machine shop of the N. C Iron Works, came near meeting with a serious accident last Thursday. His coat was caught in the set nut on dull press and torn from him. However he had presence of mind to take hold of press and stop with other hand. Mr. L uis Selig is putting forth efforts to secure a guaran tee sufficient to induce the Prin cess Bonnie Opera Co. to visit our city. The Princess Bonnie is considered one of the best operas in the country and would draw a large crowd. Some benevolent friends of Littleton Female College have made it possible for us to take a few bright, dependent orphans at a cost to them of $50 for the scholastic year for board, laun dry and full literary tuition. For particulars address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. tf We have just received a nice line of capes and cloaks. Don't fail to examine before you buy. Capes 50c. to $1500. Also a nice line of Zeigler's fine shoes. J. L. Sawyer & Co. The Steamer Newbern left Monday for New Bern loaded with cotton seed for the New berne Cotton Seed Oil Mill. Why should all this be sent away from Elizabeth City when we ought to have a Cotton Seed Oil Mill in this city? Rev. Dr. W. S Penick and family left Tuesday for their future home in Alabama. Dr. Penick was the beloved pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city and has many warm friends here who regret exceed ingly to lose him and his esti mable family. When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that an one should tell you that you need a few doses of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. The corner-stone of the new Methodist church, Ep worth, at Riverside School House, will be laid Oct 31st. 1900, by the Ma sonic Fraternity. The exercises will begin at 1 1 o'clock sharp. Address by Rev. R. C. Beaman. At 2l2 o'clock p. m. there will be a Masonic Address by E F. Lamb. The marriage of Dr. John Luther Lister a popular young physician of South Mills, to Miss Amy Catherine Etheridge, the accomplished daughter of Dr. Henry T. Etheridge, took place yesterday at the home of the bride's father, in Wallaceton, Va., Rev. Win. J. Crowson, of South Mills, officiating. The happy couple left yesterday evening to visit several of the Northern cities and will be "at home" in South Mills after a few weeks An entertainment will be given in the U pera House next Monday evening, the 22nd, for the benefit of the Baptist Chapels of this city. Mr. Ralph Bing. ham, who is known throughout the country as one of the leading Monologue Entertainers, will delight his audience with Mirth, Mimirey and music. Come out and bring your friends to spend the most enjoyable evening of the season. Admission 25c Reserved Seats 35c. G:od News For Our Readers. Who have scrofula taints in their blood, and who has not Scrofula in all its forms is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which thoroughly purifies the blood. This disease, which frequently appears in children, is greatly to be dreaded. It is most likely to affect the glands ot neck, which become enlarged, etup tions appear on the head and face, and the eyes are frequently affected. Upon its first appear- ance, perhaps in slight eruptions or pimples, s rofula should be entirely eradicated irom tile system by a thorough course o.f Hood's Sarsaparilla to prevent ill the painful and sickening consequences of running sciofula sores which drain the system, tap the strength and make exis- sence utterly wretched. DEAN-GREENLEAF. The marriage of Catherine Anna Greenleat to Charles Adol- jhus Dean was solemnized at the home of the bride on Main street, Tuesday, Oct. 16th. at 2 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by lev. L L. Williams, rector of Christ Church in the handsome Darlor beautifully decorated with palms and roses. The bride attired in a tailor made gown of green broad-cloth entered the room on the arm of her father receded by her ' sister, the main 01 nonor, miss vieriruue Greenleaf, who wore a tan tailor made gown. Mr. Dean was at tended by Mr. H. Tyler Smith. The ushers were Me.-srs Logan Old, Camden Melick and C. vV. Uurrus. The presents were both numerous and handsome. The large company assembled at tested to the popularity of both bride and groom. "Finis" The social event of the season was the informal reception given at the beautiful and colon ial home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Greenleaf, Monday evening, prior to the marriage of their daughter Catharine Anna to Mr. Charles Adolphus Dean. Refresh ments were served at eleven o'clock in true southern style. Among those present were: Mr. H. Tyler Smith of Norfolk, Va , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grice, Mr. and Mrs. Williard, Mr. and Mrs P. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs Will Trafton, Mr and Mrs. R O Crisp, Misses Ada Melick, May Wood, Kate Engle, Eva Pailin, Clinnie White, Katie Ehring haus, Marguerite Hollowell and Birdie Kramer. Messrs Wilson Hollowell, Cam Melick, Tom Old, Charlie Wood, Logan Old, C. W. Burrus, Dr. Chas. Sawyer. The drinking of the brides health ended a most delightful eveuing. To Cure a Cold' in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AK druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each box. 25 cents. To-Nig-ht! Tom Skinner Will speak at the Opera Hou?e this evening on the poll tical issue of the day and the new Rail Road question. Everybody invited. Men, women and children. Read Mr. J. W. Pool's card in this issue. lie is an experienc ed salesman and knows how to serve his many friends. NOTICE. I have recently accepted a po sition with the large and pro gressive firm of Fowler & Co. This firm buys at firsthand in laree quantities and for cash. My Inner exnerience in mercantile business, with the many advant age offered by this firm, places me in a position to serve my friends in an acceptable manner T r.m SAVE THEM MONEY and would be glad to have them call and see me. Respt., J. W. Pool This signature is on every box of the pennlne Laxative Bromo-Quinine the remedy that core olU in one day Hello Again! This is the second time this season that we have saluted you. It was to the ladies before, now it is to the men. Who are you going to vote for? The Demo cratic party promises the work ing man $5.00 per day and the Republicans promise them a fnli dinner pail and a bank account But my erood man, we re not politicians, we're clothing men, and the election don't seem to bother us. We are prepared to A ft welcome back aain the erand old hard times: and, to be candid with vou. the prosperous times mm suit us. You've -r?ad and heard ot us beiore. Have you any thing against us? if so. we would like to know it, as we make all grievances r-.trnt with our patrons when we are in the wren? through an oversight or m m W accident on our part. Vou r.o doubt read lots of advertisements. offering biy inducements on paper but, it often ends there. Have vou tried us? Hundreds of customers have tried and tested us. since we established the strictly one price business. We are willing to be tested and tried again. We know how to do business only one way, and that is on the square. No cir cumstances 01 conditions exist that make it possible lor conipe tition to undersell us. ts Giving Better Value' than others, is the basic prop of this whole business. Mitchell's Bee-Hive was begun, has succeeded, and will continue on that principle We have taken the agency for Elizabeth City, the sale of Strouss Brothers, High-Art Clothing. We have about five hundred of these beautiful suits on exhK bition at our store. They are unquestionably, the best ready made clothing in this country, We simply invite you to come and see them and be your own judge. They are priced in plain figures, and that the LOWEST, and we don't have to play Jew or take off a little to sell them. Neithei do we throw in a neck tie or a pair of snspenders or, a shiit with the uit, as some stores do. who claim to sell at one-price. We give you back yoin change. Beware ot any merchant who throws in a pieseut; you have paid too much for the clothes and he owes you some change. Our line of $1000 suits have brought irany men to our store. You would be charged in other stores about $1400 for these same suits but, they would take off some, "AS LONG AS IT WAS YOU:" that's their way of doing business We have good suits for men at 7.00. We have Letter suits at $12 00. We have the new style mihtiry, close fitting coats for young men. We have stout suits for the extra large men, and slim suits for the tall lean man. We propose to become the leading clothiers of this town and have priced our goods so low, that each suit that leaves our store, will bring us another customer. The shoes, the hats, the ties the gloves, that pro perly go with them are here also. The only establishment that sells to everybody at the same price. Mitchell's Bee Hive. Elizabeth's City's great est store, This is What They Say. Those who take Hood's Sarsa parilla for scrofula, eczema, erup catarrh, rheumatism or dyspep sia, say it cures piomptl and permanently, even alter all other preparations fail. You may take this medicine with the utmost coufidende that it will do you eood. What it has done for others you havo every reason to believe it will do for you. WANTED. A position as a Grocery or Gen eral Meichandise clerk, 6 years experience, good references Ap ply at this cfHce. Lock Box 181 Immediate correspondence with ta;o vminp men who desire to go to school, one who can set type aud one who can tneud shoes. Address Box 50, Littleton, N. C. Note Heads Envelopes i ncnppMIN 2P '"VJ A,lr" jmn 3B Neat Work at f Short Notice. f Prices Low. 1 Fisherm Bill Heads Circulars Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills Theywillsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse j rUTT'S Liver PILLS Free Blood and Skin Cure. A11 Offer proving Faith. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Caacer, Scro fula, Itching Skin Scabs and Scales of Eczema, Aches and Pains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic Blood T'oison, Rotten Gums and Chronic Rheumatism and all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles, are quickly cured by taking a lew large bottles of Botanic Blxxi Balm. We challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Balm will not cure. The cures are permanent and not a patchiug up. Is your blood thin? 8kin pale? All run down? As tired in the morning as whc:i you went to bed? Pimples? Boils? ' Swollen Glands or Joints? Catarrh? Putrid Breath? Eruptions? Sores in mouth or Throat? If so, your blood is bad. Blood Balm will make the blood pure and rich, heal every sore, ;tops the aches and pains, build up the broken down body, and invig orate the old and weak. Bota: Jc Blood Balm, the only perfect blooc5 purifier made. Sold at drug stores, $l per large bottle, including complete direc tions. To prove our faith in Blood Balm, a trial bottle will be given away to sufferers. For free trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Don't hesitate, out wri e at once de scribing trouble, and free medical advice given. Blood Balm ( B .B B.) Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly taolr.A fnr ?a rpare "Wfr l.OOO VOlutl-I l(,3kV.U ' j - w. w - - - J J tarv testimonials of cures by using B. B. B. Already we are in the field with our new line of medium and heavy weight underwear. Shirts, boys clothing caps, knee pants dress goods in many of tae very newest and most desirable styles. Blankets, cotton filled comforts flannels in different qualities. All at prices as low as the lowest. Shoes at all prices and sizes, ladies, men's and children. Agent, for Crosett 3.50 and 4 00 shoe. J. L. Sawyer & Co. Water and Main St. Hie IF YOU WANT UP-TO-DATE PRINTING BRING OR SEND YOUR WORK TO THE FISHERMAN AND FARMER OFFICE. & Farmer : 3Isi 1 1 lio vji Street f f THE LEADING Retails at POPULAR PRICES. For sale only by THE FAIR. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. MLLINERY. You will find the lar gest and best assor ted stock of Milli nery in the city M. Hill & Co., 0 WATER STREET Everything Up-To-Date, Prices Reasonable. Orders From a Dis Careful Attention. 1838. GEEI)SBORO FELE COLLEGE, of North Carolina. Fall Term Begins Sept.12, 1900. Catalogue on Application DBED PEACOCK, President ? -a. sto n x . TL. L -J J . 11 . . uan iae - . r. Kinn in: . ,. a ffafl mmr.: 8ignatcre Of Tfomnuif wont tani 1 WARNERSRUSTPROOf STYLES. I Letter Heads Statements & FARMER n St. 1 m, c Gregory's New f f f f Building, & Matthews Street. S5 Posters Pamphle HOLMES & CO., Will Have Their 1 lVI 1 Spoiling? Thursday OCX - 4. Their Stock has b m i el i t d vith the utmost care and theyhaveas fine disp iy of millinery ever shown in this City. All the ladies are cordially Invited, D( "T F R I .'f THE DAY, Tliurndn v OCTOBER, 4th. NO z:t M am t, ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. For both sexes. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. The largest anl oldest school Eastern N-mh Caroli : .. Offi i j courses of study, i. Classical Co n f 1 1 English Course. 3. o. j e Pr a Ml C 1- tory. 4 Business Coui . Course. Diplomas granted upon con ticn of any of the above com Mudent admitted to tl of North Carolina, Wake I 1 Trinity Colleges upon ccrtiil v futsiucss course Lboroi ticul Fall term opens Septem' r 171 19 Ratet of board and titi 1 very i Wtite for catalogue. Address. S. L. SHEEP, Pres., Lli.' tth Cil C IJogumepts and Graves Ul We pay the freight and guarantee safe delivery. Largest .stot in the South. Illustrated CataU r,ic free. THE Couper Marble Works (Established ifl ; .J Mark Street. Norfolk, Va 1

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