LOCAL AND PERSONAL Read our clubbing offers. Ex cellent bargains. Mr. Henry Grice is out again after an illness cf several days. Mr. L. L. Winder, Jr , spent Tuesday in Noriolk on business. Miss Ada Melick leaves to-day for Hertford on a visit to friends. Mr. M. B. Dawes has returned from a business trip to Balti more. Mr. Lee 13. Kirby has purchas ed a lot 01 Euclid Heights for $i 50.00 What has become of the new railroad? We can't afford to halt just now. Mr. Edmund Alexander, oi Plymouth, spent Sunday here with friends. Mention the FISHERMAN & Farmer when ou write or call on advertisers. Mr. J. W. Sykesand S. B. Bate man, of Columbia, weae visiting in i he city Tuesday. Mr. J. S. Cartwright is ofi on a trip to New Bern and other points in that section. Mesa. J no. D. Parker, ot Per quimans, and Jas. Parker of Gates, were here this week. Mrs. Lynch and daughter, Miss Bci tha Wilcox, of Rosedale were vistiors in the city yesteiday. Miss Lizzie Bateman, a charm ing young lady of Edenton, is in the city on a visit to friends. Hon. E. F. Aydlett has re'.urn ed from New York where he went last week on legal business. We reret to learn of the con tinned illness of Mr. George W Parson at his home in the first ward. Miss Ella Mae James, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Virginia has returned home. Mr. J. C. Ferebee, son and daughter of Perkley, Va., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs S. S Barcliti. Mrs. Louis Selig and children have returned from a delightful visit to relatives and friends in Norfolk. Messrs Waiter Caitwright and Tom White have returned from New Bern, where they attended the Fair. Time, we have it. Ladies and gentlemen's watches, good ones too. Call and see them. Batha ways, the J ewe ers. Mr. Jno. A. Evans, of Manteo, was in the city Monday. We are glad to see him looking so stout and heaity, Send your job work to tin Fisherman & Farmer Print ing Office where it is executed in the neatest and latest st)le. Get to work Iriends and lets have the new railroad. Twill build up the city and increase our business greatly. Scrofula in the blood shows itself sooner or later in swell ings, sores, eruptions. But Hood's Sarsaparilla completely cures it. Mr. Frank Lindsey, of Ports mouth, who has been on a visit to relatives and friends in this city, has returned home. Sterling silver tableware the best thing for a wedding pres ent. Nice pieces at $1.50. The most useful at $5 00. Hatha ways, the Jewelers. Mrs. Annie Jewell, of Po.ts mouth, is here to spend the win ter with her dangher-in law, Mrs Mable Jewell, on Church street. Mr. Harrv Muir and wife have returned to their old heme, Fair mount, Md., where they will spend sometime visiting. Quite a romantic mairiage took place in this city Tuesday, the contracting parties being Mr Timothy Only, of this county, and Miss Agnes Leighton, of CoT umbus, Ohio. Rev. R. A. Willis perlormed the ceremony. We un derstand that Mr. Only had heard of this lady's many charms and wrote to her on the subject of matrimony. She replied and ar rived Mondav. when she met and driven out to Mr. Only 's farm where she was to make her final decision. It seems that they came to terms, for the knot was tied in this city Tuesday. This signature In on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine -abiet the remedy that qyrp jCoW to one dy Mr. E. F. Lamb is visiting relatives in Raleigh. Air. vv. 1.. vjriover spent one day this week in Norfolk. Mi W. E. Patte rson , of New Bern, was in the city Saturday on business. Miss Bettie Halstead, of Cam den county, was in the city Fri day shopping. Messrs. M. B. & J. B. Culpep per have put out a handsome delivery wagon. W ork has commenced on the 3rown building corner Main and Water streets. The new county officers will enter upon theit duties the 1st of the coming month. Mrs. C. C. Ellis, of Franklin, Va., is visitiug Mis. S. S. Bar clilt on Road street. Hons. Thos. G. Skinner and Win M. Bond are in the citv to day on legal business. Mi. C.C.Thompson, of Weeks ville, was in the city Saturday and made us a pleasant call. The foundation for an elegant residence is being laid on Mr. Jno. BankV lot on .slartin street. Usual Thanksgiving discount at Zoeller's next Thursday on all Photographs. Office hours 10 to 3. Mrs. Canie Irouliton and Miss Matthews, of Portsmouth. Va., are the guests of Mrs. A Huckabee. See the latest thing in hair ornaments at Seligs. Only have a few left. Come and get one before they are gone. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, of Greens boro, preached two very fine ser mons in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Messrs. Jno. L. Sawyer and Zenas Fearing attended the Virginia conference at Norfolk last week. A full and complete line of chains for Ladies and Gentle men now awaits you at fairest prices at Louis Sthg's. Mr. Elbert Spence has accep ted a positiou with Mr. Tom Davis at his pool 100111 on Water street. Mrs. Win. M. Baxter enter tained a number of friends at her elegant home on Church street Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. F. Aydlett, accompa iied by her mother, Mrs. Briggs has returned rrom a pleasant vis it to Raleigh. Miss Margaret Ferebee and Mrs. J. L- Lister, of South Mills, came over Wednesday to attend the West Brooks nuptials. Dr. Gaston G. Bell, formerly of this city, but now of Oriental, jvIio has been here on a visit, has gone to Philadelphia. All the oyster packing establishment- in the city will begin )peration Dec. 1st. The weather ias been too warm for an earlier start. The city has been crowded luring the past few days with commercial travelers an evi dence that the city is not a slow me. Mr. J. R. Pinner's new brick unlding on Pomdexter street is rapidly going up and will be a handsome structure as well as very convenient. The Elisha Overton building on Matthews street is completed md is a handsome structure. It auII be occupied by Mr. Win. H. White. A new front has been added to Dr. J. E. Wood's drug store on Main street, which adds very nuch to the appearance of the place. Mr. Charles Spires, who has been in a hospital at Norfolk for several weeks on account of an operation perforaied, has returned home very much ims proved. The Colored Hook and Ladder Company paraded the streets of terdav in honor of their beautiful new hook and ladder outfit. Before you purchase see the splendid holiday stock of Loirs Selig's which includes some thing for every person, Some thing for every purse. We have low priced presents, medium priced presents and costly pre sents of every description. Rev. Dr. C. W. Duke, of Baltimore, Md., is in the city. Dr. Duke preached an able ser nron in the First Baptist church last evening to a crowded house, lis sermon has been compli mented very highly. C3 Baars the Signature Of The Kind You Have Always Bought Miss Mary Buxton, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. White, on Mam street, has returned to her hon.e in Jackson N.C. If your stomach is weak it should have help. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives strength to the stomach and cures dyspep sia and indigestion. Mr. C. W. Burrus, the popular buyer for The Fair, has returned from northern markets, where he purchased a beautiful and elegant line of holiday goods. Messrs Overman r.nd Sawyer are making efforts to procure the! bebt operas and theatres that the country affords. We trust the people will give them their sup port. Remember that when your job work is executed at tins office, notices of entertain ments etc., aie published in the Fisherman & Farmer free of charge. A number of our people at tended the New Bern Fair and all report an enjoyable time. Socially and financially it was 11 .1 T quite a success, as ail trie ew Bern Fairs are. A runaway horse created some fun and excitement Monday. He started on Poindexter street and ran up Mam and then down Water, where lie was stopped near the market. The lands of Ex Sheriff T. J. Murden were sold at the court house Tuesday, the purchaser being Mr. Jno. Dave Parker of Perquimans for $8,400. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each box. 25 cents. A number of our young peo ple expect to witness the game of football between the Univer sities of North Carolina and Vir ginia next Saturday at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs Richard BarclifT, who were married last week in this city will return to-morrow from their bridal trip, leaving Saturday for New Bern where they will reside. The masquerade party givjn Monday evening at the beautiful residence of Mr. George W. Twiddy on Poindexter street, was largely attended and highly enjoyed by the young people. If you are particular and wish your job work to be the best, of course you bring it to the Fisherman & Farmer office, on Matthews street, where it is executed in the neatest and latest style at a reasonable price. Rev. Dr. R. R. Overby, of Norfolk Va., preached two able sermons in the First Bapti-t church in this city Sunday morning and evening. We note from the Shreveport Times that Rev. Dr. W. S. Penick the former beloved pastor of the Baptist church here, has been called to succeed Dr. Felix-, of the First Baptist church of that city. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. We understand that the River side Land Company of thk city' is endeavoring to organize a Kniiting Company with a capi tal of $25,000 to $50000. We trust this movement will meet with success The alms house caught on fire Saturday and looked for awhile as if the bunding would be lost. However by the faith ful work the fue was put out and little damage done. Long evenings are often rap idly passed in reading. If yonr eyes are not perfect, you should no try to read. All etrors of refraction corrected at Hatha ways, the Jewelers. Messis. William Pailiu and T. G. Skinner will erect a row of new handsome brick business houses on East side of Poindex ter street from the Delon store to the canal. Work will oegin in a few days. We received a pleasant call Monday morning from Mr. Har ry Lindley, proprietor of the riarry Lindley Company, who appeared here three nights last week. Mr, Lindley stated that he was much pleased with the advancement of this city during the last eight years. He pur poses visiting our city again Dec 20, 21, and 22. j&3 "3? r XiL x .s- , The John F. Davis tract of 16000 acres of timber land, a part of the great lark estate, will be sold on Tuesday Decem ber nth, 1900, Hon Thos. G. Skinner having laised the bid of Elizabeth City Lumber Com pany to $3,300. You can read all all day without your eyes tiring if they are normal. Eyes becoming tired show weakness and should be corrected with properly fit ted glasses. Eyes examined free, at Hathaways, Graduate Phi la delphia Optic College We venture the assertion that there is not another town in America where debris from an old building is allowed to remain on the side walks for more than eight weeks. Such will be found at the comer of Pearl and Poin dexter streets much to the an noyance of pedestrians. Last Friday afternoon the kitchen of Mr. H. T. Greeuleaf s residence on Main street was discovered to be 011 fire. Alarm was made, but the fire was ex tinguished before the fire com pany could reach the place. Mr. Greenleaf has gotten on the safe side by having his kitchen reshingled. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and legulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. Mr. Charlie Wood, formerly bookeeper in the First National Bank of this city, left Tuesday for Louisiana, having accepted a position in Shreveport. Mr. Wood was one of Elizabeth Citys most popular young men and while we regret his departure, yet we cor.gratuTate the bus iness men who have been so for tunate in securing the services of such a steady, reliable pains taking young man. Mr. Tom Martin has succeeded Mr. Wood in the bank. Mrs. Ida M. Beard, a pleasant faced little woman has been here the present week canvassing the town for the sale of a little bock of which she is the author. "My Own Life, or A Deserted Wife" is the title of her book. It relates in a graphic way her unfortu nate experience in married life. We are glad to learn that Mrs Beard was successful in dispos ing a good number of her books in the city. The press work bears the imprint of Edwards&Brough ton, Raleigh, N. C. Messrs Wat son Buxton and Watson attorneys of Mrs. Beard, as well as others commend the lady and her Aork to the public. BROOKS WEST. A beautiful marriage was sol emnized yesterday afternoon at two o'clock in the Methodist Church, in this city, the con tracting parties being Miss Mary Estelle Brooks and Mr. Eugene Hunter West. The bride entered 011 the arm of her father, Mr. Wm. Brooks pre ceded by the Maid of Honor, Miss Minnie Cartwright. The groom was attended by his best man, Alford W. Wilson, of Nor folk. The ushers were Dr. C. R Riddick, Will C. Brooks, Jr., Mr. George Pendleton and W. T. Old. The ceremony was per formed most impressively by Dr. R. C. Beanian. The choir which consisted of the beauty and finest voices of the city choirs, rendered superb music The church was tastefully and handsomely decorated with holly and potted palms. The bride is the daughter of Mr. William Brooks and grand daughter of the late Judge Brooks, who was for manv vears U. S. fudge of the Eastern Dirtrict of North Carolina. The groom is a prom inent young citizen of Virginia The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a visit to some of the more important northern cities. We extend our congratulations and best wishes. The safest men are not what we call the rich nor the poor and ignorant but the middle, inde pendent, self-reliant men and landlords to man the ship of State. Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought ZEIGLER BAILEY. Miss Marv W. Zeiglcr and Mi Clynthia St.C Bailey were mar ried last evening at the beautiful home of the bride's mother. Mrs J. H. Zeigler, on Ehringhau street. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. R. C. Beaman. The attendance were: Miss Ora Bailey, Maid of Honor; Mr. R. C. Abbott, Best Man; Miss Katha rine Stallings. Mr. James Madrin, Miss Sadie Wilcox and Mr. Tom Lacy. The ushers were Messrs Henry C. Bright and A. Gilbert James. The parlors and dining hall were both beautifully and handsomely decorated. The pre- ents were numerous and some very valuable. The reception after the marriage was an event not soon to be forgotten b the hosts of guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey left this morning for a trip to no'theru cities, with the best wishes of their numerous friends. A CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sin cere thanks to friends and ac quaintancs for the many kind deeds and words rendered us during our little boy's recent ill less. Although strangers in the city, we were never in want for assistance as there were many willing hands and hearts always at hand. Trusting that we may be able someday to return these kind acts, we remain, Yours very sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Young. MUMFORD AND ROSEDALE. Mr. W. T Stafford has moved in his new store. Mr. J. F. White and wife of Perquimans spent Sunday at this place. Mrs P.. F. Spence ot E. City is visiting friends and relatives .at this place. Mr. Chas. Harris and family of the Fort moved to this neigh borhood last week. Mr. Duke, travelling agent for the Green Mauufoctoring Co., of Norfolk was in the neighbor- hood Tuesday. Rev. W.J. Crowson preached: a very touching sermon in the M. E. Church Sunday morning He has our best wishes. Mr. Tim McDonald died on the 12th inst. He had been ill for quite a while and his death was not unexpected. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. "Ruby." MANTEO ITEMS. Mr. Jos. Keaton was away a few days last week. Messrs T. R. Creef Onslow Jones are able to be out again after a short spell of sickness. Dr. S. M. Mann and wife of Moyoek stopped at the Hotel Roanoke for a few days this week. The young people had a Mas pnerrde party last Thursday night and called on Mr. S. C. Gi ay at Skyco. Mr. J. W. Evans went to Cur rituck Court House last week, on a short -business trip and re- turned Monday afternoon. Mis Nellie Sample closed her school at Kittie Hawk on account of her mother's illness and Miss Mattie Richardson has taken her place Miss Eppes is preparing her school children for a concert, which she expects to have the Friday before Xinas. Mr. A. V. Evans, proprietor of the Tranquil House, had a number of his boarders at his camp last week, and all returned Saturdav. Quite a number of boarders came in on Saturday night's boat. CLEAR HEAD: . ood digestion; sound sleep; :;ne appetite and a ripe old ire some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A sin. lose will convince you of then wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick hea ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sou: stomach, dizziness, constipatior hilious fever, piles, torpid livej and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills mmmnimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 1 Comfortable i Glasses. There is no reason EE 3 why glasses should not be comfortable 3 srto wear, becoming, and beneficial at the B 3 rrsame time. 3 EE 3 It all depends on the selection of the glense and the fitting of the frames. 3 E If you come to us. we guarantee to3 -s jgive you the right kind of lenses for your Eeyes, set in the right gyour face. 3 g 15ATI1AWAYS. 33 : - The Jewelers & Opticians. 3 iilUimiUilUUiUliiUiUiUliUiUiUUilUUiUiiUiUUiUliUUiR BAY! MOV Exciting Horse Racing at Elizabeth City. 8 Fine Horses owned by home people as follows: Walter Drake Philip Greger Big Jim Geo. Wayne Harry Nellie Nancy Hanks Jim Nixon Admission 15, 25c A. C Stokes, Chairman, . P. H. Ives, Secty, ARE YOU AFFLICTED WITH PALPI- TATION OF Then take a full breath be fore Reading This ! t rmk Rolicr t.hfi ifiadine Jeweler is now xjv uxu s Z2 Selling fifteen patterns of Choice . . . 1 r Novelties regular 50c Articles ior 25o, Below you will find a List of articles included in this sale for 25c. rsi jl- 1 1 JLOOLI1 f Buttoners, B toners, ijiuicit'iviiiven, Ink Erasers, Shoe Horns, Salve Boxes, ? Silver BSountod Ink Wells This sale will riot early and get your pick. LOUIS SELIG, Ti)C leading UwUx, 61 WA I i:ii STREET ESTABLISHED 18822. kind of frames for3 owned and driven by Mr. Jim Richardson. h Pat Ives. " " Bob Flora. A. C. Stokes. . " " " " C. Fearing. " Moody Gregory. C. C. T rbompson. P. Parker. THE HEART? ' r Glove shoe Jtmt- r - CI 1 Salve Jars Hair Fin Bottles last long. So come