1 ma What They Say. "What's the use of my staying on a farm and working myself to d ath? 1 don't get anything but my clothes and board." And the farmer looked dissatisfied and re luctantly went on with his work. "VVhats the use of my staying in this business, wearing out my life and at the end of the year, between paying clerks, book keepers, rent and suffering losses having about enough to buy clothes?" And the merchant with a dissatis6ed look went into his office. What's the use of my staying in this business? said the manu facturer. "I have thousands o1 dollars invested, am perpetually scheming to dispose of my pro duct, continually watching my competitors, eternally hustling after what is due me, persistent ly searching for cheaper raw material, working all day and far into the night, and for what? To give employment to a lot of people and to make my board and clothes!'' And the dissatisfied man turned to his woik. "What's the use 01 my work ing?" said the laborer. "From Monday morning until Saturday night. To work like a slave and what do I get lor it? About enough to buy a little grub and something: to wear." And he spat on his hands and discon tentedly went to work. And thus it is throughout the world. The spirit of discontent prevades every walk in life. Farmers Exchange. A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little Son's Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well known village blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan Co:, N. Y., says: "Our little son, five years old, has always been sub ject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared manv times that he WO a 1(1 die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symp toms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured be lore it gets stttled " There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a bale as to an adult. For sale at Dr. J. E. Wood's drugstore. The eiglnvseventh Presby terian Synod of North Carolina met last week in the First Pres byterian church of Raleigh and elected the following officers: Rev. W. D. Morton, of Rocky Mount, Moderator Rev. F. H. Johnson, of Tarboro, Recording Secretary, and Elder J N. Mc Iver, of Gulf, Reading Cleik. Robbed The Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, ot Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by! him as fol'ows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides no appetite giadually growing weaker dav by day. Three physicians had given me up Fortunately, a trieud advised trying 'Electric Bitters: and to in y great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided 1111 nrovemeut. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and lobbed the crave of another victim. "No one should fail to try them Only octs., guaranteed, at Standard Pharmacy drug store. Work has begun on the Ral eigh Auditorium and will be sit uated on the Tucker lot on VVil mington street. It will cost $20,000. Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Biedns. Editor Seneca r r j (Ills.,) News, was afflicted for years wun rues in at no aoctor or remedy helped until he tried Buckleu's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest Pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Stand ard Pharmacy druggist. Spread Like Wildfire. When things are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading drug gist, of Belleville, O , writes: "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years. You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Elec tric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kid neys and bowels, purifies the blood strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of ina ladies. It bnilds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, rundown man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by Dr. J. H. Pool South Mills, N. C. It is evident that for the few years sentiment in favor of a Res formatory for youthful criminals has been crystalizing. Favorable resolutions have been passed by church and secular bodies. Tne North Carofina Press Associcias tion at its last meeting made a strong declaration in favor of the enterprise. The matter has been discussed fn lodges aud private circles There seems to be little doubt that the Legislature will proceed to catry out the wishes of the people in this regard. What Would You Give To be cured of catarrh? If von or your friends have this disease, ou know how disagreeable it is. Its symptoms are inflamed eyes, throbbing temples, ringing noises in the ears, headaches, capricious appetite, and constant discharge of the mucus. Fortu nately its cure is not a questsou of what you will give, but what you will take. If you will take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great constitutional remedy, which thoroughly purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood, you may expect to be completely cured. The good blood which Hood's Sarsaparilla makes, reaching the delicate passages of the mucous membrane, soothes and rebuilds the tissues and ultimately cures all symptoms of catarrh. Mr. Don Richardson, of Dur ham, has accepted a position with the Hollowbush Orchestra until January 1st. and will play first violin. He has a well-earned reputation as a violinist, and his acquisition is a valuable addition to the orchestra. "I have used Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a teat medicine," says Mr. E. S. Phipps. of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I can not speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not- praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even it the most severe cases make in a favc rite everywhere. Foi sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. The report of the North Car olina Labor Statistician has' re ceived a medal at the Paris Ex position. Great Luck of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Kczema in the palms o my hands-failed,'' writes Editor H. N. Lester, ot Syracuse, Kan. "then I was wholly cured by Hucklen's Arnica Salve " It's the world's best for Eruptions Sores and all skin diseases. On ly 25c at Dr. J. H. Pool's, South Mills, N. C. "We have been requested to explain why the children this year are nearly all girls. We know of no excuse for it except that our folks are opposed to the Philippine war butchery, and the mothers do not care to fur nish any boys for McKinley to let rot on those islands ten thous and miles from home. If this is not the reason, we don't know." How Are Your Neives? If they are weak and you feel nervous and easily "nustrated can t sleep, and rise m the morning unrefreshed, your blood is poor. Strong nerves depend pon rich, nourishing blood. Hood s barsaoarilla makes the nerves strong bv en- riching and vitalizing the blood It gives sweet, refreshing sleep aud completely cures nervous troubles. Begin taking it to day. Nausea, indigestion are cured by Hood's Pills. To remove a troublesome coin 01 bunion: First to soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Cham berlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. The Patterson Store Company was chartered last week, to do a general mercantile and supply business. It is located at Ronoke Rapids, and is to exist for twenty years. The incorporators are S. F. Patterson. W. S. Parker, and Gustavus Millhiser. The capital stock is $10,000. That Throbbing Headache. Would qui' klv leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Standard Pharmacy druggist. The last exhibit of apples sent by Mr. Bruner to Paris has taken two silver medals. The North Carolina apple exhibit has al ready taken fourteen piizes. Chamberluin's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure billiousuess, constipation .nd headache. They are easy to ta';e and pleasant in effect. For sale by Dr. J. E. Wood. The railroads are giving re duced rates to the Macon, Ga., Interstate Convention of Cotton Growers. One and oae-third rates are offered for the roand trip. The exposition opens on the 26. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom. ory, all wasting diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A nerve tonic and, blood builder. Brings the Dink eiow to nnie cheeks and restores the flro of youth. By mail 50c Der box. 6 boxes for $2.50, with our bankable graurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH (YELLOW LABEL) Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable sruar- antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For fale by The Standard Pharmacy, Elizabeth City, N. C. The safest nun are not what we call the rich nor t.he poor and ignorant but the middle, inde pendent, self-reliant men and landlords to man the ship of State. NOTICE OF ADMINISTR An TION Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the late C. C Allen 1 hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward aud make immediate settlement and those holding claims against the same to pre sent them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ADA S. ALLEN, Administratrix. November th 1900 tf The North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will meet in New Bern the 5th of December. This is one of the largest religi ous gatherings in the state and already preparations have begun. Rare Clubbing Ofiers. From now until January 1901 we offer the following; clubbing rates to all new subscribers or re newals strictly cash in advance: Fisherman & Farmer and Womans Home Companion both for $1 50. Fisherman & Farmer and At- lanta Constitution, weekly, $1.50 Fisherman & Farmer aud New York World, thrice a week, $1.50 Pay your money and take your choice. 60j PILLS SO CTS. 1 WELCOME TO SIMMONS. Upon arrival of the A. & N. C. mail train last night, the signal was given that on the train was the Hon. F. M. Simmons, and at once the whistles at the Ice Fac tory and Railroad shops blew their blasts of welcome, while at the depot a large crowd had gathered to greet the people s senatorial choice. Thee was an enthusiastic greet ing accorded Mr. Simmons as he stepped from the tiain. The New Bern Naval Reserves were at the depot and with the K. P. Band of Goldsboro, formed an escort for the distinguished gentlemau, accompuiying Mr. Simmons and party to the resi dence of C. E Fov, Esq., on Mid dle street, whose guest Mr. Sim mons will be while in the city. ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. For both sexes. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. The largest and oldest school 111 Eastern North CaiOiiua. Oilers five eotirses of study. 1. Classical 'ourse 1. English Course. 3 Col lege Prepara tory -. 4 Business Course. 5. Music Course. Diplomas granted upon completion of any of the above courses. Student admitted to the University of North Carolina, Wake Forest and Trinity Colleges upon certiticate. Business course thorough and prac tical Fall term opens September 17th, 1900 Rates of board and tuition very low. Wtite for catalogue. Address. S L. SHEEP, Pres., Lliuteth Cit , IV C N" ALL TLIE LEADING STYLES. Retails at POPULAR PRICES. THE FAIR. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Free Blood and Skin Cure. An Offer proving Faith. U'cer, lv..ting Sores, Caucer, Scro fula, Itching Skin Scabs and Scales of Hcz ma. Aches and Fains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Rotten Gums and Chronic Rheumatism and all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles, aie quickly cured by taking a ie large bottles of I'otanic Bl 3od B;lm. We challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that fotani Blood Balm will not cure. The cur are permanent and not a patchiug up Is your blood thin? Skin pale? Al run down? As tired 111 the morn in j as when you went to bed? Pimples? Boils? Swollen Glands or Joints? Catarrh? Putrid Bn ath? Eruptions? Sores in mouth or Throat? If so, your blood is bad. Blood Balm will make the blood pure and rich, heal every sore, stops the aches and pains, build up the broken down body, and invig orate the old and weak. Botanic Blood Balm, the only perfect blood purifier made. Sold at drug stores, $1 per large bottle, including complete diiec tious. To prove our faith in Blood Balm, a trial bottle- .vill e given away to sufferers For fi ee trial bott'e address Blood Bam Co , Atlanta, Ga. Don't hesita-e, out ovri eat once de scribing trouble, and free medical advice given, Blood Balin ( B .B B ) Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Over 3,000 voluu tarv testimonials of cures by using B. B. B. TIOE I have recently accepted a po sition with the large and pro gressive firm of Fowler & Co. This firm buys at first hand in large quantities aud for cash Mv long experience in mercantile! business, with the many advant age offered by this f irm, places me in a position to serve my friends 111 an acceptable manner. I can SAVE them money and would be glad to have them call and see me. Respt.. J. W. Pool $500 REWARD. Wr will iay the above reward for any cage of j Liver Complaint, Ihspepsia, Kick Headache, lu-iliy- stion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot ; cure with Liveiita. the Up-to-date Little I.iver f Pill, when th - directions are Strictly complied j with. They are putx-ly Vegetable, atid never fail ! to give satisfaction. 2c boxes contain 100 Fiils j ioc boxes contain 40 TPills, 5c boxes contain 15! rius. Beware 01 sudsuiiiuous anu untiauon. Sent by mail ; stan-ps taken. NERVITA E I CAL CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago. 111. For sale bv Standard Pharmacy, Elizabeth City, N. C. AVedable Preparation for As -sinfilating ttte Food and Reg da ting the Stomachs ana Bowels of !j Promotes Digestion.Chcerfur j ness andltest.Contains neiihcr !; Opiuraforptiine norLuerai. HOT N-UICOTIC. fltctpi arounrSAMCELnraiER inifr Seed Jrpenninl - Wim.Se-' li'uiirfy - s" fiirror: Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 I mml W11JEJ YOU BUY TURNIP SEEN at trie most convenient country or village, it is possible that you may get seeds of fine stock aud germiuatiou, but lias your experience shown that it is likely? Do you buy seeds from general merchandise stores because you believe that they have the best, or is it because you forget to order them from seedsmen in time, or find letter writing too much trouble? Nobody buys seeds at second or third hand except as a result of forgetfuluess or indifference, aud if you have been gel ting yours that way, it is time you were making a change. It's folly to risk your crops in that fashion We will sell you "Thoroughbred Turnip Seeds" at fifty cents per lb. aud deliver them f;ee at your post or express office. GEORGE TAIT:& SONS, 78 Commercial Place Seed Growers and Merchants. Norfolk. Va. "It Pays to Use the Best. These cuts represent the Standard of Excellency. Biggest House, Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. We invite you to call and satisfy yourselves. WHOLESALE Grocers and Tobacconists, siikI d v ail ers in Hay, Lime, Cement, Paints, Oils, Rope, Hard ware, Buggies, Harness, Tobacco and Snufl at Factory Prices. Ammunition, Guns and Pistols. J. B. PLOEA & CO. ( Bstabhsiieu vmm E" iFT I'M HM M Kxa SI Oldest Fist Gonimissioi) Hodse Iq rf0Ik. Shipments Solicited. r Stencils Furnished. Mercantile Agencies, D , City National Bank, References ..i . t 1 -, J Citizen s Bank, and ( Wholesale Shippers. PLUMBING. Is a practical Plumber and pipe fitter and is prepared to furnish estimates as to the cost of an st 1 r size job of Plumbing To furnish material at the lowest rates and to do the work in first class style at very reasonable rates foi all customers. Correspon dence solicited. WINDMILLS. WINDMILL Having the agency for two wmdmil.s he is prepared to furnish those wanting a good cheap water supply tor home 01 farm such material as is needed to place u cr here required at the lowest ates that have even beenofle'e. the public in this section Windmills at home $6o.oonpw rla 0 other things 1.1 piopottion PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Pumps repaired, Steam and Water pipe fitting done at shortest notice. He ofiers his services to the public generally in citv county and State. Cor. Poindexter and ChurchSU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature oi In Use For Over Thirty Years TMC CENTAUR COMPANY. NW YORK OITV. 5 WRENN'S BUGGIES are the best Ful; stock 011 hand. I Flora & Co., Agts. 1 887) PLUMBING. IK MILLINERY, You will find the lar gest and best assor ted stock of Milli nery in the city M. Hill & Co., OIN WATER BTHEKT Everything Up-To-Date, Prices Reasonable. Orders From a Dis tance Will Receive Careful Attention. S B. AULLEIU O HOLES ALU 1 OMMISION NO. 7 F U L1H ) N 1 I S 1 1 I 1 New Y01 . Clareuce G, Miller, Miller Longbothaoi. Special Attem u (iiven to THE SALE KM 1 I i ' 1 o UNA SHAD Stencils ami StatiouM Fnriu he Application. WE EM PLi iY N- M:V. E. W. ALBAUCH & COfvi Wholesale Coinuii.sMj V i , TERRI PIN ANDGAMi' JSo.Itl Light Mri-t-; fiarf, BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Ouicle Salcs- 'REFEKENCE. Citizens National Raufc.. W. J. Hoover & Co. Stencils Furnished ;- tiaui bitched ISrn. Saml M. Lawder& Sons A'uoleiiuJt CommiMiOfi iflti Soft Crabs Terrapin Etc. Ballimoro, IVItl. Quick Sales ! Prompt Keturua ' REFERENCES : rade.Nal 1 Punk, Huns M p r. n l AjeiJC, Win. Hoope r i: o , Dukthart & Co. The .1 Johs'i) Com i any, S.LSTORER&CO vVh ic-.!' DeuU'rn in ami Shipj.- , k 1 ruin of Wmwssm Wxss i H) FULTON FISH IIAKKET, 1EW YORK. We work harder for the intri est of the Southern fisbeniirf than any house in the husino". If your Stencil is not in ood on'fi let us know.! OaVEQPORT, MORRIS 4 CO., Wholesale Grocers ami Con. sion Merchants and Dealers in FISH, -- Xit iclimond, Va, Consignments of Nortli Car(j lina Herring solicited, and pro ceeds remitted in cash On account of our intimate acquaintance and frequent trans action with the fcroeery trade ot the West and South we arc able to handle N. C. Fish to the lcs possible advantage, and we aie known everywhere as the larg est distributors in this market. R.e.M. DftVlSON&CO Wholesale ''-... u iMcrthantt FRESH FISH- Terrapin and Game. Z 8. W. COR. CHARLES aud CAMDEN T. BALTIMORE, MD. Prompt Returns. Quick alo. REFERENCES : Third National Bank, C. Moito Stew art & Co., J. A Lehrou Co. and the Trade in Genera!. Stencils Furnished Hree. YEARLY to Christian 5900. . , man or woman to look after our growing business in this and adjoining Counties; to act as Manager and C01 respond ent; work can be done at your home. Enclose self'-addressen , stamped envelope for particulars to H. A. Sherman, General Manager, Corcoran I 'ni Id ing, opposite United States i reasurVi Washington, D. C. CD 2lh fc Xm v S ... Ban the st 1 na Kind toj Have AiAays rmrr. Eigaature of