1 isherman and armer. i One Dollar per Year. The Official Paper of Pasquotank and Camden Counties. Established 1886. ELIZABETH CITY. N. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1901. NEW YORK'S VICE. The Invest gating Committee of Fifteen Makes a Report. The committee ol ntteen or p inized some months ago to in vestigate vice as it exists in this city, made its preliminary report to the public to clay. This report will be followed by others from time to time as the committee deems necessary. GAMBLING - POOL ROOMS. The report says the committee w r agents by investigating disclosed the fact that gambling and pool moms were being operated open lv in violation of the law, that 1Y ill I the gambling spirit had been j developed to sucn an extent as to become a distinct menace to the community, and that these resorts were undoubtedly pro tected in their operation by offi cers whose duty it was to close them. Raids were made b the committee and its agents and the results obtained sho w con clusively that a committee of citizens can force the p lice to close such resorts, thus proving that vice is protected and also that the raids have resulted in making the gambling business un orofitable. WILL MAKE A REPOR t I e committee has been coK i lie lecting'data from different coun- , . . ., I tries ana iniencis repaiiug 10 port embodying suggestions tor I rVif trfat-ment of the social evil nmWpm in orert- cities. It does pi viiv .'i -' O not fee! that the best interests of the city will ' served by any j violent at tern, t to suppress this evil, but it 1 s hoped thai the forthcoming report will present such information and recom- mendations as shall enable the community to face the situation frankly and deal with it conser vatively and wisely. C 1 1 ' A L CO NDIT1 0 A 3 A L ARM I N C i The committee says that the actual conditions of the tern--, went house population is alarm ing in lespect to the social evil, and that in one hundred and twenty rive tenements that were examined by its agents and 1 1 which disorderly women were living there were found in each house an average of twenty-tour childien under the age of 18 years, and the commutee is coU lecting evidence whici will be utilized to eliminate this evii. It is also investigating the organized traffic in young guis by the so called cadet system. A RECOMMENDATION. The committee recommends with earnestness the necessity of providing suitable places of meeting where the people in each neighborhood can come to gether and discuss the evils that menance their civic life and wht re they may from time to time meet their legislative res presentatives with a view of ob taining trom them an account of their stewardship and where remedies may be proposed and discussed. DISTRICT ASSEMBLY HALLS. Therefore, the recommendan tion is made that in each as sembly district one suitable ass. semblv hall shall be built, which shall be kept available for such citi; .as meetings, and it throws out a suggestion that these m ght be built in connection wi 1 the new public libraries 1 which ar e likely to be erected in -every part of Greater New York, One of the Richest States in the . Union. North Carolina is one oi the richest States in the Union, and will make an exhibit at Char leston that will cost from $io, ooo to i 5,000. The exhibit is already nearly available, the Sta e Department of Agriculture having devoted for years a great deal ot intelligent attention to the establi jhment ot a State museum in which is assembled speciments of nearly every min eral, wood, croo and mauuiact , , i. lured pioduct in the State. Mr. Bruner, who has been engaged in the work of making these collections for the last 20 years, . -- J ' and Professor Holmes, who en- joys a national reputation in his special held, have already gone into the work With energy and enthusiasm, and promise that the North State will make a brii liant display at Charleston. The Governor is heartily in sympathy with the enterprise, and the money for making the exhibit is available. Philadelphia and Baltimore and the Northern and Western States will find in the exhibit horn North Carolina much to inform them as to the richness ot the Southern field, which they will hud it. to their interest to cultivate. We shall have to work very hard if South Carolina is not to be beaten on t nvun sml bv tiit' oilier, and in -' " - some resnects. tr greater Caro 1 1 ina. Charleston. Courier. News and The Human rste in British women are' said to average two inches more in neat man rvmericau.s. rvvci- ayes tor the height 01 women snow that those oorn m summer land autumn are tall ei tiiaii those 1 born in spring or winter. The V Li. livL i'IM3 c ' i C i'Ul U ill - 'ill'-l far as hoys are concerned, those who first see the ligin during the autumn and winter are not so tall as those born in spring or summer. Those bom in November are the shortest; in July the tallest An average head of fair hair 1 consists ot 143,040 hairs; dark hair 10;. 000. while a red heao has only 29,200. Fair haired I ar tvi i -1 1- li -cniTii 11 ft uvc 11 i ti r ! pv yj y aiv. iivininj w v ens than formei lv. - . - A person who has lived seven- I tv ears has had pass through j his' heart about 676,920 tons of bloo-l, the whole of the blood oi ; the body passing through the heart in about thirty-two beats. The heart beats on an average of seventy times a minute, or 36,792,000 time in the course of a year, so that the heart of an ordinary man eighty years of aee has beaten 3,000,000,000. The heart beats ten strokes a minute less when one is lying down than when one is in au upright position. Ex. Business Bulletins. Advertising has been called life of commerce because it is the means by which the public is informed of the existence of an establishment and the mer its and other facts of its wares or work. Therefore, advertising has essentially a news character, and the most successful adver tiser is Ue who makes 01 nis newspaper announcement a daily bulletin ot his establishment. ' SENATOR VEST'S TRIBUTE. f A Man's Best Fiiend May Turn Against Him, But His Dog Will Never Prove Ungrateful Or Treacherous. Years ao Senator Vest was attending court in a Missouri town and became interested in a dog case. Voluminous evidence was introduced to show that the defendant had shot the dog in malice, while other evidence went to show that the dog had attacked defendant. Vest took no part in the trial and was not disposed to speak. The attor neys, however, urged him to make a speech, else their clients would not think, he had earned his fee. Being thus urged he arose, scanned the face of each juryman for a moment, and said: "Gentlemen of the jury : The best friend a man has 111 the world may turn against him and become his euemy. His soa or daughter that he has reared with loving caie may prove ungrate fill. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our goo 1 name may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has in may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it uiot. A man's r putation may be sacrificed in a moment ot ill con sidered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when laiiure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish fiiend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungratful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in proverty, in health and in sick ness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blovv and the snow drives fierce iy, if only he may be near Ins master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no fool to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter Ill CULUUUIC1 with the roughness of the world. rie guards ine sieep ui m pau per master as if he were a prince. . . . . 1 1 A 1- - When all other menus oesert ne remains. When riches take 1 i J ,fnf,An folic ,-r I u b - . - . pieces ne is ab wuowui iu lx iove as the sun in its journey through the heavens If fortune drives the master iorui an ou.- cast iu the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death j takes the master in its embrace, ; and his body is laid away in the -n1d orrnnnd. no matter it all - &- ' other friends pursue then way, thfrr the cxraveside will the LllV. A J " nrKl doer he found, his head be-i uuuiv & ' I tween his paws, his eves sad, but i open in alert watchfulness faith ful and true even in death.' "The jury gave a verdict for $500, although the plaintiff had asked for $250 only." The Southern white people. as a rule, aie not in favor oi negro suffrage-, bat they are not averse to helping the negro nf twV h IS that they have since 1S5 spent 3114,000,000 oa nis schooling. ' - - OLD RED RYE. Ingeisml's Eulogy of Whiskey and Dr. Huckier's Rep! v. "I send you some if the most wonderful whiskey that ever drove the skeleton from the least or painted landscapes in the brain ot man. It is the mingled souls of wheat ana corn In it you will nud the su ishine and shadow that chafed each other over billowy 6elds, the breath of the lark, the dew ot the night, the wealth of sum mer and autumn's rich content. all I o Id en v,th lm prisoned light. Drink it. and you will 'near the voice of men and maidens singing the 'Harves. Borne,' mingled with the laughter of children. Drink it, and you will feel within your blood the starred dawns, the dreamy, tawny dusks or perfect days. For forty years this liquid joy has b en within stavts ol oak, longing t) touch the lips of man. ' d: T J m. Buckley's reply "1 send you som ot the most wonderlul brougrht a whiskey that eve skeleton . into the closet, or painted scenes of lust and bloodshed in the brain of man. It is the ghost of wheat and coin, crazed by the 1 :ss of th eir n a tural holies In it you' will find a transient sunshine.. t 11 if 11 ciiaNca oy a shadow coin a Arctic midnight, in which the breath ot June grows icy, and the caro! of the lark gives place to the foreboding crv of the raven. Drink it, and you shall hav e woe, sorrow, babbling, and wounds without cause, your eyes snail behold strange women, your heart shall utter perverse things. Drink it deep, and you shall hear the voice of demons shrieking, women wailing an I worse than orphaned children mourning the los ot a father who yet lives. Drink it deep, and serpents will hiss in your ear, coil themselves about your neck and seize you with their fangs; for 'at least it biteth like . . , a tjprnnt yiifl tLtiiiirth i i u t Mil dd For f & bjs liquid death has been within staves of oak, harmless there as purest water. I send it to you t-r-i'if tjnii T-noT nn f oi j . 1 ( . 1 1 1 . fl n -1 nruui mvuiu iu oivai a a v your brains. And vet I call mvself your friend." Ex. Mr. Small's Work. Hon. John H. Smail has again been awake to the interest of his constituents ol this district. As a result of his efforts, the U. s. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries has directed Supt. Worth or the Edenton Fish Culture Station to make plant hnt tand being bothered at of shad in Pamlico and Tar!hres- 4 v rivers and also in the I'asauo " I - X tank, Perquimans, Roanoke, Scuppernong and Chowan rivers, and also in Albemarle sound. The stocking of these streams in this district should eventually increase the supply of shad in our waters to the benefit of our fishermen and our people. When our waters were stocked by the State some years ago "there was a very perceptable in in the SUDDIV Ol Shad A X after a few Progress. Washington yea rs. CaOKE. FIRE In The Face of Flames He Can't Stand Being Bothered. Croker's method of directing the light on a tire is typical, I .... 1 ... 1 . . . r -v : 1 -i 1 1 1 1 i icnisoo m every body's Mag une. Honuer taught the fire -chiefs of the wo. id to take up a position commanding the best possible view of the tile, and to hold it; ISSUinff oruers to the deputy commands era ana receiving r .'f- 4...... them without j 1 1 ' i 1 IJiilll moving; from the spot. Croker's first sten on r -aching a hie :s to look over the building th loughly; then he selects his position command ing a view, but he does not stav in it; he lea es s vald thru- and starts out on a daredevil chase through Jie fire. t.x .......... ... . . I. tl II goes spur wnere there are men it work, and t ni nv where thee are uul. Everywhere be drives the meu, encouraees them, v,;;r'is li.eui, and dire cts them. From time to time he sends a messeger back, to ( Oswald with an order for a change in the disposition of the attacking force, or for a call tor reinforce ments. He may be traced around the outskirts i the rire by the feverish ferocity with which the hremen work where he has been His vcry presence seems to transform them into j 'j phg crews of devils, and th 1 spell does not p ss hoiu them ttntil they have seen him toss aside his helmet, pull tile crumpled brown hat over" his eyes, and stick a black cigai slantwise in the corner of his mouth. When ihe Chief does these tilings, the tire is out. It may smoke and sputter for hours, but it is beaten, there is no more fight left in a; al! that remains is the "wetting down." Once a man stool in front of Cruker and obstructed his view of a building winch was burn ing. Crokerdidnt ask him to step aside, neither did he push him out ot the way; he knocked him down. Afterwards he denied violently :hat he iiad struck any body; he could not remember any incident ot the sort. i iut he could remember with abso lute accuracy every order that he had given to his men, he kne v from what engine ever) one of the twenty lines of hose had received water. Another time he struck a police captain in the face for asking the quest ion, "Fire almost out, Chief?'" There as murder in his eyes when he struck the blow, but in the same second he was giv ing orders to his aides in as calm and cold tone as though he were askiug them the time o day. His own expression for the feeling that comes over him at such times as these is that he We are informed that there is a man liviug in Hurlingtou who has been married six times, and is the father of 76 children, of these 36 are living. We under stand he is now lookiug for another wife. This is a record breaker, and he is "just now stait;:. Burlington News. It is - u 1 that t le paper trust has iucreas the cost of paper to the n . papers of the country $4,Soo,Ooo - ) HOW