VISIIEfRMStjr A FARMEk PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. J CROWSON, E.'iiTor aud Puor. E itered at tbe Post Qffice at hl'zabeth . U v as scoo ad cias. matter. ELIZABETH c; PY, J 1 1 , 1QOI URGENCY CALL. A great many people are due us small amounts on subscription If you are one of them please do us the kindness to send or hand it to us at once. To day not to morrow. We wish to give our patrons a paper worthy of their support and can only do it by meeting with prompt settlement oi subscriptions. We cannot afford to publish the paper except upon basis ol cash in advance, and the paper w;li not be sent to anyone, her after, until paid f oi. All who are in arrears arc expected to pay up to date, and if they wish paper continued renew their subscription. gentle nindeiV will not only re- i nicker than form. r attack; ,vhen I used other remedies.' dr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by all druggists. The trouble with the bud ling genius is that he is fre quently nipped in the bud. We are sending oat lulls to ail our subscribers who areas much as six months in arrears. We trust that these r fresh the memory, but induce oui friends to call in and settle their accounts, or send to us, if you cannot call. We have furnished the paper and need the money. J!e kind enough to come to our he Ip. CO-OPERATION. The beauty of co operation is that while one is helping others lie is also helping himself. Man is essentially a social being, and he Ends his best in association. It is said that the o ily way iu which filed s are finally brok en up is not by separating the antagonists by throwing around them them influences of social life and bringing them together. City people enjoy many con venience s and comiorts and even luxuries, which would be en tirely impossible if they were isolated. Under the best con ditions ol' lite in the country there are so many things desirable, which are uu it lain, able, that it is little wonder that everybody wishes to sell out the farm and move to town when cousidcied fioin that standpoint We believe that things can be vastly bettered, if the country people will learn the lesson of co-operation. The t le phone is a j;rcat convenience. It would be comparatively an easy matter for every home, along the public highways, at least, lo enjoy the luxury ot a telephone, by which neighbors could enchange gossip or im part information and sometimes insure protection. A few years ago ice was regarded as a luxury. Thiough co operation is has become moie of a necessity than luxury today, because brought ea ily within reach of all. li ni t r 1 1 K ir 1 1 t uri'.iilJ , "I wish to truth h; lly state to operate ice plants couw be vou and the readers of these as established at convenient few points as easily as saw mills or cotton gins. Do you laugh at the idea ? Thats the way to do it, nnrl it ttii- rknlu mtti Tlio ... , ' J have used many other prepara truth isthat the secret of sue- doils raIm Bean, West Middle toil on the iarm is as honoiable is toil anywhere else. Find out what you need and then pull together as one man and lo ! the thing is clone. We love to get out in the ountry and enjoy the whole, ouled hospitality of our "ountry friends but we al vas reel like exhorting th in lo stand togetner not against ( thei nen, bat for all possible im provement among themselves iu schools, in cbu dies, in everything. Co-operation is at last the concentration of forces .vhich are potential only when united. Lee Trickery, oT Glen Wis , claims to be the heav-ie.-t man in the world. He weisrhs 500 pounds." The Commoner. Lewis Lewark, of Currituck county, North Carolina, a seven teen year old boy, weighs 690 pound s. Tiie gentleman from cYisconsin 'jack seat. will please take The enterprising News and Observer issued a handsome Fourth of July edition. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an exper ience similar to that which has happened in almost every neigh borhood in the United States tnd has been told and re-told by thousands of others. Ht jays: "Last summer I had ai tttaek of dysentery and pur based a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used accord ing to directions and with en tirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much We may love our home ever so deaily, and count them the most precious places on earth, but n- w and then we take to the road. Home will be all the sweeter by and by, and we the able to aneud to our duties there better it" we have an occasional outing - July Ladies Koine Jour nal. JL JHLakes short roads. REASE m mm V cu-i f& s m p If - - ft U- vi 11 M I r.4 y ' x H m . . h -H w . - Tho Kind Too Have Alwajs Bongrlit, and U h 1 beea in ase for over SO yc: :, lias fc .0 tl ft :: rc and h&s made unC r Ivjs ocr- All Coim:-..rre.:.s 7- iitatioiis a:::I "."r t -; grcodare hub Experiments that trilie v.'i.b and eadanfjer 1w lietltfa of Inli..:ii i and Cluidrcra fixperiejice ... -1' .1 What is p. c ? 4s ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Evsrywhare. Mad by STATfTDARD OIL. CO. It takes a pointed remark to get into some heads. AN OLD ADACE A tight purse is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of ail disease. 2 Castoria is a harmless snbiititote for l tor Oil. P gorie, Drops and poothbig si. rap-, I i . 11 asant. contains ceitner Opium Morplima hoc otiu rabstance. Its age i-; its gxtarairtee. H e and allays FeverLslmess. It vmec J "a r Colic. It relieves Teething 'JProiiI -s -r and FlatJilency. St assmuiatea sh Stonncii a?Jd Bowi is. giving heal i li The Children's Pazir je:. xho 21 cEfiusrE CASTORIA a r; aetz Wind c :rc-s C astipaticn c d . re; -nial tho cad nalaral si ;cp v Vc'-V..'.. 8fci rs tiis Signature oi SAW? ft & Thp VtM Th Mwm Mi In Ue W ... rur v v kj i the centjr covFAr'V, vt W'-ja" GTltSKT. ofv ror" '"i.Tr. go to the root of the w hole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and so;id flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. t Con Kilantie Collegiate Institatc CI 1 Opens its 23rd annual session Monday, Sept. 16, 1901 ? Five Courses of Study. 1. Classical. 2. Knglish. 3. College Preparatory. 4. li us- Corners are as difficult to get 5 in t ie street car as in the mar- I ket. P iuess. 5. Music. N I N R I N ST R I'CTO KS. BE: It Dazzles The World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr, Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims ot Consumption, Pneu monia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy ind Bronchitis, thousands o! who it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds Asthma, Croup. Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it the quickest, sure curt in the world. 1 is sold by J E. Wood and South Mills Drug Co., South Mills, who guar rantee satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and 1,00. Trial hottle free. It a man doesn't want to be robbed of his good name he'd better not have it engraved on his umbrella. 'T am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good hea th and life. I was treated in vain by doctors for for lung trouble following la iripe. 1 took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health." Mr E H. Wise, Madison, G.;. S tan d aid Pharmacy. The brain -children of a writer are as precious to him as the blood children of a mother to her. Each is peifect in the te of its parent. Ladies Home I o urn a 1 . if yon haven't a reulnr, lir towels every day, you're iil bowels open, and be weil. For tent phyhic or pill i" m tj , i i st.r.iMi t, most pe-rfi -t v. ay clear and clean is to take EMtny w. o." will i e, in Ihi of flu Keep youi jt keeping '.he tov CANDY CATHARTIC V 1 r-A th 0 E rk Diplomas awarded on completion of any of the courses of study. Students admitted by certificate to the University of Xo th Carolina, Trinity aud Wake forest Colleges with out examination. Rates for board and tuition very low fj.r dvantages offered. Write for catalogue. Address S. L, SHEEP, President, EAT 'E?V! LIKE CAK'DY Pleasant, Palatable Potent. Tnat rood, PoGood or iutx. Writ-, for free .- itnpii . . : 1 I aUlet oi tealtb. Addn ss 4: :i rERLlNG ki kf: v c i:"-v, :: . r ... v raits CEEP YOUH BLOOa OlEAr To reduce one's weight, cut off one meal a day, breakfast preferably. Take a cup of clear coffee, sipping it slowly. Live largely on lean meat. Take plenty of exercise. Avoid sugars and starchy foods. July Ladie's Home Journal. irooa Counsel Mil. J? 2 Eat ": !'': " odvici is the result of experience. .:? tiunjrecs or tnoassnds tvho na.'oe .irs'tystruict. 2. UlFlvf TERM J ffODERATE. f? f i a 6 y R - FOR SlAU rlrUL C ATALOGUE SC ADDRESS Troubles f a Minister. To benefit others Rev. j.T. VV. Tornoon, of llartwtll, Ga., writes: "For a long time I nad i running -ore on my leg. i o.!Uf pttrify and . er.r;cn ;;c :- tis -iri-u this m It's peculiar that when peo ple jzet into society they expect to be asked out. lines that our Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without question, the best and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever come in contract with and I For Infants an. I Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Signature cf CM; cess in public enterprises is simply that of co operation. Take a hundred men, each willing to spend one hundred dollars on sore improvement or to seen re for themselves some desirable object. One hundred dollars by itself would not make eveu a beginning. Two hun dred would not go far, but a hundred hundred dollars, (Sio. 000,00 biings the i a possible with'n reach of each individual so that wdiile his investment is blessing himself, the indivi dual is helping others at the same time. Let our country friends im prove their surroundings. sex, Pa Xo preparation equals Kod 1 Dyspepsia Cure as it contains ail the natural diges tants. It will digest all kinds ot foods and help but do 3 ou good. Standard Phai macy. Oneway to fiud time is not to loose it. Summer complaint is unusu ally prevalent among children this season. A well developed case in the writer, s family was cured last week by the timel use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an 1 Diarrhoea Remedy one of the best patent medi cines manufactured and which is alwas kept on hand at t e home of ye scribe. This is not; Time thes, but the bandmas ter can b. at it. .ried many remedies without benefit, until I n ed a bottle of Electric Hitters and a box of Kucklen's Aniica Salve, which cured me sound; and well." Sores, Eruptions, Boils, Hczem ;, Tetter, SaltKheum show impure blood. Thousas ds have found n Klectric Bitten a grand blood purifiei th :t absolutely cures hese troubles. Satisfaction is iuarranteed or money refunded FOUND i About 300 or 4-o crates oi slatted slufl which washed ashore list Friday 011 A ber marle Sound near Newbern'i Landing. Owner ill please vi th C. G. Aydlett, E'oweli's Foint, N C . correspom 00 v J E Drug Co bottles only 5CC. Sale of Land, By virtue of a decree uf the Superioi Court" m tde i:i the cause of Susai Price et als. v.,. J. R. Krovvu et als.. I shall :ell f t cash at the Court Hou- door iu tastiuotaiik countv. , Sni urday, the 271a day of t2 XI.. the t" lio'.viuu t?a- t IV, ! :l. at land w iti. i Cn.,.1, ;;in a:l iiie nuprovenu ats theieou, situate OUth Mills. Large bounded as follows:- Ah that certain laud and all improvtmms thereon, known rig Hie Tii.i le; s. house ft lot. located on African Streel , and bound- i! (ill the Hnt f.v i Sr P Plirin ilmi.c Unnth 1,,. 'I;, r L,.:j ail. I West side Afri( an st. mtm 1 Said land is si d for a division , : among the heirs-in-law of Tim I erry, UU e .11 T.exci luic u) spe;a , eceased 1 aid A country sea' -the too fence M ,c,n tuc ; 1 land otiiess. It Pays to Use the il-iest f r. f-. - v X A&Lmr4: - m - - " ? I f f nfnLitii o bU . i . are the bvs. Stock ou hand.. Flora & Co . A ';:. These cuts represent rate Standard of Excellency. Biggest House, Largest Stock aud L west Prices. We invite vou to call and satisN yourselves. 1 ? ' V UJ :iii1 el osiler WHOLESALE nn 1 11 La Hay, Lime, Cem. nt. Paints, Oils, Rope, ware. Buggies, Harness Tobacco and Snun at Jr'actor Prices. Ammunition, Guns ana Pistols. Dyspepsia Qui Digests what yc u eat. This ir.-parati -ii cental 1 all r tbe ligestants and dlgwia ml , . :.d. it uies instant reii'-raml i t-- cur. It al!"vs you 1 ho foo l o a want. T!i nust m Uiciachsccin lake it Hy Iuumj i hoiisanda of dyspeptics have ured ftf ter ererytliing eh failed 1 4 unequtl led for all stomach irou t easi,l help hai tlo y iu pood r n ir 'i nly by E. C. IirWn Standard tin. t Im & . Pit 11 Ul k.".a, ra -:!:;. I ft 1 r J H ih . act pot M cy . . 1 l blood bull l r. pu x y " i' . T 15 d . JO. KJ Xf; Jljl CSC V v' . IT FIFTY CEIiTc PER POUND 1 -1 iiTsoc ... 1 1 01 - - ' 8.0O, wilh oar ba . ' ici nri or rsfitnd :ho wousv . tld Attd copy of our baukalii 1 luraa; NervitaTablets- Positively iraaranto 1 i ' Varicocele. Undeveli 1 ! r Paresis, Li (com ntor I n 1 titn. Hysteria. Fits, ' . ai I I'ai ' lif-ii 1 1 h f 1 i t . .f 1 , Liqu.-r. Bv :na i 1 box. O for !". OO with oui antee bond to cura tu ai.i u. money paid. . I li - - NERVITA S:D1CV. Clinton & Jac:ison ita., cut ;a rhe .'u We will sell ou Tm merchandise stores knew . :i Seed whit It were grown to bi a ; t 1.. . - i cheap as possible. When they are sw:', . . . i 11 .- i j i tow and iiiey niuKe cu 10 tn :. f-oinui i. is u 1 : k . . i, d i 5 1 1 1 roots. tit ( ur stcck einbracs all at all des'rable for th Sou'h. rt commend the following a: i . Foi early use, iro Red Top Flat Strap L, af, K W hile Flat Strap Le f, L Ki i . .-. Ill c s at ted h arc n er "t - . ra; - r b s c i i op l ' 1 1 e, ini taem now. : tut "S . 1 1 ai e rc (jco. Tail 6c S n, Seed Growers & Merchants, l ( i S ' VV 78 C Hi : It we rsprvlu r I at ' i. r ii op Glo! e, t ge 1 1 1 c ( 1 1 o I ll''I l! I I X V, t u til r c i al i 1 ice, Xoi t" li, Va K c; , reii rao t" I or whether you u s taa old i uri.ctx.; terms cf (ES rABLI Mi .!) s3l wgga "W "IT B S! K . - 1 ) OLDEST FISH COMMISSION HOUSE IN NORFOLK TsTTtiTV l'T ."T"':" " - - T7" A CAflTOnZA. The Kind You Have Always Bouiihf Signature Z$7 of -4sS-SY 'I riii. 1 I!' " jc;.:m, c an.i all ct 1 r b .j 'r or.i,, troubles, debility and thai 1.. Tl;is is hj4. merely modi rn t !s solid up to-date fact. ' Salt ri . 'M i'i 'i 1 ii. hti'in - v :': most if tini . . sliut my 1 ' 11 hi 1. :i 1 .1 k ' in eured by Hooil' ; Santrtt.aMi! Si a 1 LUINU, .s. ir ii Si : i-.-p. i 1 , . " My three month VIA rilla I boy bal r! . ..f . t . tn':. I 1 Hood's Sarsaj 5 Promises to cure and keeps Ise. No substitute for Ic : I Hood's be sure to ?et H UUN I ; Vets can bt ctjrr I of ;f,v form i ! . easily, lit made . !!. stp nn. tn -;.ii.f in vr life anci vi-.; i b l.ikn. lilt f l'.at mkViia zi1( ... . ,, . . . -.1 , ''."S BuUJ I ten pounds in ten days, uvei J i ' tred. All flint;-.'!-!-.. Cure irmtrann - let and advice IKC AildreM . . i . RliMfcUk Co., ChicitKO or . tnaamxmasBSBi milium imnii i m i w i ui j IGAIN a;' H I'lHil i'. - - we WILL Give Awn v One e iav 8 This time it is to be onn btisirn- 'o rln U J i w tuuii '.. C-1 i ll .7 -f i on take no char e 27 t v at, it ; ined Spot is slgnatrrs is on every bos of tbo cenuine Laxative BrcmoQuinine -aweta remedy that rue-cs ?i eoM in one cla No shoemaker is too good tc last. 1 tttle to ss y dieting. What your body till purchased rr.ouey ,eeds is pL nty o' good ft od pro- 't1je 2-.h of June r erly digested, i lien ii your u. v. Ward, stomach will not digest it Kodol yspepsia Cure will. It cons' litis all tht natural digestantsl xr til tt teuce ruust diizcst ever- lass of food and so prepared it hat nature c.ui use it in nour hing the tody and leplaciug he wasted tissues, thus giving ife. health, strength ambition, aire blood and good healthy ippetite. Standard Pharmacy. So many of our customers did hot fully understand the r our p'a.n last Janu ii y tha.t we have decided t 4. 1- J-l 'X T.T TY7 - . tilt; muu Li;. ji j lli . v v v 1 vi e l rlv .!' n " C3 " of little worth, but plain COLD CASH- morcv chase other things. Note the only rc quirement W6 rr ; ke ol you. y make y our purchase in any of the three retailed partrne ts; viz: Di v G-oods. Clothing, Shoes. A duplicate bill will be civ cn Yf rii o the date on which the purchase was made and ; Iso :h amount. or pi eiL i ' ioh to 1 ui save These Duplicate 1 ?i I Iw i 1 1 1 h s7 ' Fa -'Jr. LlK- 6 ANDY CATJ-JARTJC www Ul Genuine stj.-r.pcd C. C. C. Ne ver scia in bulk 8e--.rt of the dealer v.ho tries to sell :'cmcihing usi as ood." NOTICE. I hereby give notice that the partnership heretofore existing between Thompson ee Jennett consisting of . P. Thompson 6c '.V. H. jennett has been di? -olved, the said J. P. Thompson withdrawing from the same. ah persons indebted to said v pj choose, in the usual way, one of the 27 business days of Julv iarin are hereby to J, Wi- yAlJ settle with W. H. Jennett, who is the assignee of all the ac On August 1st- at 12 o'clock noon, a commit tc 3 of ur crstc me- i All duplicate bills bearing the date of the d . selected will be It is far better to dine after me can rest and digest the tooc. i V'1; " reaeemaOit- 111 Ci.U: LO Wlt3 1UJ1 cimOUlll OI LS2B pUTCiiaSG 3.S Slated Oil Th e pawnbroker may be an obnoxious individual, but we've got to put up with him. lately hurry to hurty to work. People who go to bed very early should take dinner in the middle of the day and then 90 1 Don't Accept a Substitute ! Vhen you ask e you eet the s Candy Cathartic; take an bout's were, nal. ioomns W. H. JHXXHT. $500 REWARD. We will p:iy the .'.hove reward for auv case of iiver Uomplamt, Ujspepsia. .ick Headache, I r.iij stioti. i onsbpauoa or Costivenesa we c an as lt cure with Liveitta, the Up-to-date little Liv Tnlw T aips flomp Tout- ul- w heu 'h directions are strictly cotnplit '. ( a tt- t JU1 lacies tlOme JOUr-. with. Thev are purely Vegetable and never fail I 7T1 ?i 1T1 JfilH . WltU intended as a free putf ler the mmnanv wlin r!n not nlvrts . When VOU for r1-,.--., . ciKitting that this is easier . . . , ,t fo henfit ,itt1f, sure you eet the cenuine C.r ' said than done, we do notisufjerers who ma hesitate to say that it is easier in easy access of of accomplishment than most No family should b people imagine. Heartburn hen the 10 give satisfaction. 2sc boxes contain 100 i'in. r"ic boxes contain 40 Hills, 5c boxes coiitaiu ctlls. Beware of substitutions and IBUtatioiU sent by mail: stamps taken. NERVITA V C KL CO., cor Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago hell. For sale, by .tandara Fliarinacv Kli .h bill if presented at cur office before August Gch inclusive. This is a ofier. You know our reputation fcr square dealing, low prices and honest values. Cur usual low r: ices wil! cial reductions in se veral lines. irtifd with uwly Cathartic: Don't accent' , 7 f, an !nt --itutes. imitati Sr s U' or the quality ; a P'O a j counterfeits! Genuine tablets stainn- 100 r ch- neartb 11,1 ls "tery to . N; I be without a 1 C. C. C Never sola in bulk, follow, and especially so if the teFt ,: A grass cutter, hammer and nails, glass and putty, and a tub of whitewash would transform Some unsightly premises into pictures of restful invitation to enjoy one self. Take more time for social enjoyment. Get better ac quainted with your neighbors Get something more that mere drudgery out of life. Honest ! K.ttl rl til w ItlPniriH in t nn : 11 : . 'vuiv. y-Ji i...-' ... v. . v. . v. ... .i i iu uruL;t;isiS, IOC house, especially in summer-1 time. Lansing, Iowa, Journal, j A square meal is as lroad For sale by all druggists. it is lone. In a nutshell the kernel. C5 ii ten it comes to societv the T. is not always the cheapest. digestion has been weakened " by constit ation. Eat slowly and! The Best Liniment for bale. as j not too freely of easily digested j Mr F K. Wells, the mer ! food. Masticate tbe food trior-' rliant pl t Be Sure To TAKE ADVANTAGE Of this OPi o UNj : rii i Bars tho fiignatere of D -Witt's Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the : -rr ! rait There are worth.- counUrs, be sure to y e t ' ?,carrLo hen a married man lo.-es an eye he becomes a marred man. Si cr- t . i j , oughly. Let six hours' elapse between meals and when you ieci a tuiness ana wetgnt in tne region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one I of Charnberlaius's Stomach and "4 :'.a ..: i-i fate K Ta i, . Island, N. Y., says: "I a ways recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. T used it last winter for a severe lameness in the in the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased - - a 've q-.i;c relief ?nd cure; GET YOUR r MLONEY BACK.-- THE FAIR. THE FAIR. 1 ateMi 'c - ........ s. a -a s. 5 to " 1 J