THE INDEX. DEMOCR ATIC WE E KT.V KTC ws P A . New Millinery Goods. I have just returned from the North where I employed Miss Willson, an experienced trimmer and dressmaker, and purchased a well selected .-.- - - j v ..." n a PER, DEVOTED TO THE A INTEREST UF EASTERN CAROLlXAl 7- - -- - i -' JOHN W. HICKS, Editor and Proprie tor. Price $1.50 Per Annum in Advance Advertising rates reasonable, and made! Kiiuwu on application. Legal advertisements inserted at rates ! uxea Dy law, v i Correspondence solicited. 1 Address The Index, Murfreesboro. N. C. FRIDAY. MAY. 6 18S7 W hen General -S.-B. Buckner a few years ago secured a young .wife in the person of one of the be:Is of Richmond, Va., he prom- ised her she should be the wife of the Governor of Kentucky, and this promise is likely to be redeemed. Jpll v r WMOILESAI.1E AHB JKJETAJIIL, 1 Absolutely Pure. This .powder never varies. A marvel of pimty, strength aua whoiesomcncss More economical than the ordinay kinds, awl cannot be sold in competUiou with the multitude of low- test, short weight alum or nhosnhat nonrdra. Snlrlrtnlvin cans. Royal Baking Iwder Co., 106 Wall MURFREE S BO ROAN. C. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF- Spring stock of Millinery, White Goods! and m T 1 9W EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. I will be pleased to have the public call and examine my stock of goods. ; 0 MRS. M. S. LEWIS. :- The venerable George Ban croft, aged 86. is back in Wash ington from his delightful trip to Nashville. He makes an en thusiastic report of what he sa w and of the South 's dvAl V7 - - - w mmm v - v Of Mrs. Polk he speaks in high terms, saying that she is "a lady of wonderful mina, exalted char acter and most charming man- ners." fie says" she seems as young in manner and vigor of intellect as he remembers her to have been when he knew her in Washington forty years ago." She was indeed a stately, hand some, elegant, regal looking wo man iu the forties when we saw her and her husband was Pres -dent of the United j States. Wilmington Star. j W. B; DAY, FINE FLOUR, WE ATS AND FISH MURFREESBORO, N. C. I am receiving a FULL STOCK of DRY GOODS,' NOTIONS, and SHOES j I keep on ha n d t all times a nicely select ed stock oi YOUTH'S, MISSES, LADIES', and MEN'S FINE SHOES. LADIES' GOSSAMERS, LADIES and GENT'S HANDMADE SHOES. t&m Call and .xnmnn my sU-cb low Sept Qth W flour mills, We have a large lot of direct from the Patansco which has the reputation of being the best and finest flour in the world. Also a large lot of west ern flour which is e ry cheap, W e al wa ys rb uy o u r fl 011 r i n I a rge COOKE & HARRELL, quantities for cash, therefore, it car v s-? . 7 oo&S, ) Stsft J ALMOST EVERYTHING That is kept in a Dry Goods Establishmeni Gan be obtnined from Rl -A S ?i kJ I do not hesitate in saying i.iv SPRING PURCII ASlis SURPASS atiythin: I have ever sliow.i Iiore.i I recognize the full vhio of u1 D .lLi and haye priced my Accordiogiy MURFREESBORO, N. C. ALWAYH AVE in their store a complete STOCK OF ) ' ! - General Meichandise at prices which gives us all the ad market. vantages of the cannot be undersold. A comparative statement in the Railway Age shows that for . the first three months of ' the year 1887,1 (ne hundred and ten railroads in this country earned $76,995,25, against 66,147,316 in the correspond ing period of 1886, which is an increase of nearly eleven ;mill ions of dollars. Only seven of the roads show a decrease in earnings during the time named. There - wasi some increase fof nlileage, bit pot in proportion to the increase of receipts, whether the Interstate Co mi inerce law. which took.efiect on the 5th, will lessen the earnings 'will depend upon the adjust ment of tariff rates under that tpAlso a full line, of &chool books at bottom prices. rr.A Brkit. Brett & J. C. VINSON ! Vinson, THE TWO PRICE HOUSE. - i . . : . i ' Will be found at all times in oui house a carefullv selected stock of all classes of goods, suited to town and country demands, which we will sell very low for Cash or in exchange for coun try praduce. and reasonably low to those we run on time. Come j to see us and we will not turn you away empty. We also sell tne celeorated fralker's Ammo riated Cotton Phosphate. I The patronrge of th public is souc- ltti : r . . ; I j :, . Bear in mind that we always buy our Meat direct from the west ern markets, Cincinnati and Chicago, and pay spot cash for it. We are under no obligations to commis sion merchants ;there fore we are enabled to compevte with ;7 Norfolk prices -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- ' ..4 DEALER IN" Heavy and Fancy Groceries, MURFREESBORO, - V - - . OFFER Lawns, . PrintJ Gtnhams, I " CriuklM, Cambrics. In Large Vario tie Nunsveiling, Cashmeres, and j Other Dre33 Goods in SPRING ASD SUMMERSHADES. N. C" avy ,G!0- Myf stock is larger, and mv facilities .( ; - iiuuuuii!; U.CU V V cenes are better than ever before. I kcop on hand a full clonN L-i i . . 4 - .v. Vl te uusl g00na ,u tne line, such as FLOUR. MEAT, LARD SUGAR , AND COFFER, CONI-F.G l I. vxEiUES. TFAS I keep nothing but grade goods, ;lil,J sol! t(:em as cho u sept i.Bl-. 8S. aS ",ey Ca" bc so!d on tllIS market; " : " , White Goods and Laces. NEW PATTERNS OF Torcborns. i . JSwiss and Cambric j KMUIIOIDKniKs. Lace Scrim far window curtains ,ii Cruatu uml Wliito. S T O C K o r s, erjjia ly well .?,!enM,tMl lor Sju in ; j i uii'i .-urnTijjr. TRY OUK BORAX SOAP, YOU JHLL FIND IT SUPERIOR FOR LAUNDRY AND TOILET USE. B' n Rer. R J Moorman and Lady re turned lait Friday frm a week's -visit to Washington City, and the following Washington special to the Baltimore Sun tells the reason of his -fisiVs The marriage of Rev A G , .Va-dlaw of Georgia, and Miss H Lee Field, of Virginia, was solemnized Wednesday night at the residence oi Mr. and Mrs. J P Cannon, on Massa chusetts avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. U J Moorman, f Carolina, in the presence of a - if friends of the happy couple from Harylaudand Virginia. Miss Joeie xticuaras. or lialtimore, assisted the bride, and Mr. Wylie, of Danville, chelated as best maa. Among thoae jpjresent were Mayer N C Manson, of Lvnchbanr : G D firav. Mr nnr ilrs. Wingfield and Mrs. M M Jamer sou, of Culpeper; Mr. W P Jackson, , of Salisbury, Md.j Miss Vandergrift and Mrs., Dr. Northrup, of PLHadeU pUa; Dr. Frank Hyatt, and wife for merly of Bladensburg ; Rev. S W Hadaway jand wife ; Miss Lily Bown, of Virginia ; Mr. A C Jameson and Mrs. Stevenson, ' of Detroit. Alter receiving the congratulations of their friends and partaking of the wedding supper, Mr. and Mrs. Wardia w took the late train Northward. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer I MURFREESBORO, N. C Our stock of sugars is complete and bought at the lowest nnces. Can sell you sugar at wholesale prices as cheap as ISprloIk. COTTON FACTORS: AND Co in m issi ( u Me rclia n ts? NORFOLK:. VA. We offer for sale Han Tin. aa ; Arrow i i v I make a sDecialtv of line GLASS and TIN W ARK. also a. GRRAT BARGAIN on FIVE and TEV H'R'N'T GOODS, also a lot of BUGGY WHIPS . and HALT ERS to be sold at BALTI MORE PRICES. I rgU CALL AND SEE MY STOCK BE M ; : ; . .. .V ..j H Ana otuer brands sold at.less prico. t i . bundle Vj- l Jbs Bagging (Lnulow make) at cperynrd I : ' " ' - WE CAN OPEN YOUR EYES ON THE PRICES OF TOBACCO. CHEAPER THAN EVER KNO ITN BEFORE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A SPECIALTY. COTTON SOLD FOR 1$ rll CXt. COMJIISSiOX i Sept ot!i 1886 ' f lam tlso running a mall line from this place to Winton, N. C. three time a week iuonaays, neunesuays ana F ridays, and will take passengers through for j ONE uuj.lak eacn Sept 9th '86 Spices, Teas, J. A. BOYETT. JEtc, BR, J. LjlEOTIi, MURFREESBORO, N. C, i ; i ; Extra quality of canned goods. Sugars arid ' Coffees . ; DEALER IN Thcae lines we always please our customers. THURBER'S NO. 34 Roasted Coffnn i hard trk ha.t u i , - !. - 'i j i;c nuu-uas useu it. iiivcH iw LU1 JUSi iCHiUiilVED. The Manufacturers Record, which in good authority on most subjects, ways. "The newspaper is everywhere regarded as typical of the place in wkieh it is published If the local pa pers -o'f any town are enterprising, well ajanageu. auu giving gooa eviaence or prosperous times in their advertising columns, then every copy of these pa pers thai is published becomes an ad vert drugs, medicines; ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ! DYE-STUFFS, FINE TOILET SOAtS, PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLE LETTER PAPER, i PENS, INK, ENVELOPES. GLASS, PUTTY, CARBON OIL LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, AC. August 6 'So. AMMONIA AND BORAX for the Toilet, Laundry and general hoase hold use, 10 cents per bottle. TRY ONE. By soaking clothes in water containing this mixture they will; become snowy white. It saves soap and labor, and does not Injure the finest fabric. By putting a little Ammonia! and Borax in a basin of water, it be comes soft aDd delicious for bathing, leaving the skin fresh and invigora ting the whole system. i ! i . semeut of the place," Stockholder's M ecting, A meeiiii; of the stcckbolders of jjfe ltoanok and Albemarle Agricultural Fair .will be held in Murfrecsboro on Saturday Ilav 28th 1887. E A. Huell, -1 v Secretary. BookseIl3r. and Stationer. POST-OFFICE BUILDING. MURFREESBORO, NC, Keeps on hand an assorted stnek et Writing Paper, Envelop, Pens, Inks, Pencils, Mucilage and School Books, at lowest prices. j i - Carries Ihe Ursrest stock of BLATk' BOOKS of all kinds and sizes, this side of .Norfolk. :: .J , --i : -Mnnufactnrets Arent for WOVEN WIRE FENCING. f - K.Rubber Stamps ol'all kinds, ranpin hi prices i rum cents 10 51a, lurnisneu ai snore noiicc uruers sonciteu. THE BEST . BRANDIES, LIQUORS, WHISKIES, WINES, BEER, ALE, And everything of the kind that may be wanted. We make it a business to buy such goods as suit our trade. ; Parties buying the, cheap grades of goods cannot expect to get goods of the best quality. We keep all grades from the lowest to the highest. We claim to have advantage over our would be competitors. Because we buy largely and from first hands, and pay CASH for our goods, when business will justify our doing so. i E. F. RICE & CO. PUO TO OR A PITER AND DEALER IN ' FURNITURE, SEWING MACHINES, CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW CURTAINS, PICTURE FRAMES, BRACKETS. &C FURNITURE NEATLY REPAIRED amu UPHOLSTERED. MAT TRESSES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES MADE TO ORDER AND ON HAND. ALSO KEEP PIRT! pt av nTTTr MfiY PIPE. R. SEWELL,! When you want a Long Hun dred weight of MEAT 99 lbs. and 16 oza., or should you want 15 lbs. of Standard Granulated Sugar for 1.00, or pure Rye Whiskies for $1.25 to $4.00 per gallon call on me. I have a full stock of Gro ceries that I will sell you in the same proportion. I would like to surprise you in quality and prices. 1 i R. SE WELL, Murfreesboro, N. CY M. JB IT jjys, Murfreesboro Nr C-, MANUFACTURER OF DEALER IN r i wmmm Stove, WARD co;. BANK OF MURFREESBORO MURFREESBORO, N. C. j BANKING AND INSURANCE. Have C01TftRTOni1onf c in ioifc, Kaiein and m pqA r-f . joining coun ties r Business fcljcitcd. Tinware and T ! Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing. Guttering and repairing done me very vesi mauner. tParticular attention to repairing; stoves. THE PLAGE TO GET" Drugs. Medicines. Paints 1? OilS &Cn AT THE t ILowest Pricoo IS AT E. F. LAWRENCE CO MURFREESBORO, N. C. Perfumery. Stationary. Fancy Soaps, . Brushes, Toilet Waters and Cigars. rjtt KPT COtJPUTE BT FRtQUERT WEARING ... APl'AKKL SUITS for Children, 1 SUITS for Boys, SUITS for Young and old Mn, SUITS for Bus iness qnd J . SUITS for Dress. ALA P AC A Cotxts and Vest. SEERSUCKER Cocas and NEW STYLES. Straw Hats. i StifT Hats, Soft IIat, ' Shirts, Underwear, ll&K Hose, Suspenders, i 1 Handkerchiefs, 6 CufTd, 'Col!a:s . '& Neckwear. QUANTITIES OF SINGLE PAN TALOONS AND SINGLE COAT. o:o- r-m m - i Comprises many good and Popular makes ef SHOES AND SLIPPERS x and we offer them VERY LOW. The public arenvited to call and examine my goods and prices a will take pleasure in showing tbera. U. V AUG HAN Jr;.