democratic weekly newsVa- i'ilTZ, DEVOTED TO TIIK INTEKEST OF EASTKflN CAROLINA. joux w. niCKS, Editor and Proprietor. IMucn $1.50 Peh Annum jn Advanck Advertising ratf reasonable, ami made known on application. I,egal advertisements inserted at rates fixed" ly law. Correspondence solicited. . I ' , Address :.'.''. Tii iNimjr. I lIurfreesdoro, X. C FRIDAY. AUGUST...... 12 18S7 Gen. Longstreet lives in a farm house on '.the summit of a ridge in North Georgia- Sunset Cox has great expect ations in regard to his new bcok, The Diversions of a Diplomat,' which will be issued next month, and which, he sa3's, "will beat either Mark Twain's 'Innocents Abroad' or Gen. Grant's 'Mem cirs.' " The Democratic -party was never so nearly a unit as at this time. IJow nearly its members are in accord may bo judged when it is stated that they are all for the same man for Presi dent at the next election. Dur ing the past year-the name of no other man than Cleveland has been mentioned in connec tion with the Democratic Presi dential nomination and were the Convention to be held this month no other man in the na tion coultf pick his own delegates and be nominated. The differ, ence of opinion which exists in the party on the tariff question is hardly worth considering in a Presidential election. -Monroe Enquirer and Express. Dr. Herbert 13. Battle has been appointed by the executive com mittee of the Board of Agricult ure to fill the vacancy in the of fice of State Chemist, modo va cant by the resignation of Dr. Dabney, from October first un til the meeting of tlue full board in December. Dr. Battle lias for six years and more been the first assistant chemist of the de partment and has proven liis fitness for the position he is now to hold. lie is a North Carol! liian, a graduate of our own university, thoroughly capable, earnest and devoted to thq States' interests. Dr. Battle has already evinc- ed talent of a high order in the line of his profession, and the degree of Ph. D. has been awardi ed him. Now let Dr. Battle be regular ly elected State Chemist in De cember. 'News and Observer. No State in this Republic is in advance of North Carolina in devotion to the Constitution and the Union. She was present at their birth, and she has ever guarded them with maternal sol-, icitude. On her soil first blazed the fires of liberty, and beneath J xicoa the first Declaration of Independence was made. The people of North Carolina hail the approaching Constitutional Centennial with pride and exul tation. It is their purpose to meet the representatives of all the States and Territories in Philadelphia; on the 17th of September, 1887, and celebrate, with bonfires and illuminations, the Centennial of that illustrious da-. While North Carolina, with her sister states of the South, accepts the amendments in good faith, she would be false to herself, and recreant to liber ty, if she did not venerate the Constitution of 1 787. The Cen tennial of the Declaration of Indepenpencc, participated in by, every part of the Union, did much to heal the wounds of war. There will be still greater patriotic assurance in. our re newal of our devotion to the Constitution. Wadesboro Mes senger, i s EL,-, mm mmmwmm Absolutely Pure. This pow-VcT -never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and Avholeeonieness More economical than the ordmay kinds, anO cannot be sold in competition; with the multitude of low test, s'.ort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Jinking Powder Co., 10G Wall St., New xork. J. B. DAY, MURFKEESBORO, N. C. ' I am receiving a FULL STOCK ofDUY GOODS, NOTIONS, and SHOES. 1 I Veep on hand t all tlincs a nicely select ed stock oi YOUril'S, MISSES, LADIES', and MEX'S FIXE SHOES. LADIES' GOSSAMERS, EADIES ano gent's handmade shoes. VfZjU Cal' and examine my fN-c1- Piccr low 1 COOKE & IIARRbLL. MUKFIlEESBOItO, N. C. ALW AY II AVE in their store a complete stock of i General Merchandise at prices which cannot be undersold. i tSrAlso a full line of school books at bottom prices. TV A Duett. J. C. Vinson BtpM & Vinson, I THE TWO PRICE HOUSE. rrill be found at all times in oui house a carefully selected stock of all clp-sses of goods, suited to town and country demands, which1 we will sell j very low for Cash or in exchange for coun try praduce, and reasonably low to those we run on time. Come to see us and w will not turn y o u away cmp ty . We also sell the celebrated ffalker's Ammo rvatod Cotton Phosphate. The patronise of th public is eolic- 1 IR.-S'i If xi. C MURFKEESI50EO, - DEALER IX DRY GOODS, . NOTIONS. AND i GROCERIES. HARDWARE. AND GLASSWARE ' 1 A SPECIALTY. 8 I Jir?t .received a nice 'line of Dry Goods from Baltimore, which will be sold cheap lor enjsh. Give me a call. Inni llso running a mail line from this place' to Winton, N. G. three time a week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and will take passengers through for ONE DOLLAR each I J.j A. BOYETT. Hi, SftENGEB,;: Bookseller, and Stationer. f IrOST-OFFICE BUILDING, 'A MURFREESBORO. NC: i Blair's "Keystone "Writing Pnper" in packets at lor., 23c, and 35c, is the cheap est, nicest, and most economical paper in the world. j "Keystone ink?, pens, and pencils con tain all of the qualities dn'ired in a good article and sue simply elegant. Try them! A full stock of these and other lines of stationary alwavs on hand. Manufacturer's Ageut for .WOVEN WIHE FENCING. j SX-Rubber Stamps of all kinds, ranging in prices from 25 cents to 15, furnished at short notice Orders solicited. TTIOS. MURPHY & SON 'SHI OEM . MURFEEESBOIZO .N C. Boots and shoes made to order or re paired at reasonable rates. - Shop situated on Main street," opposite Fost Oniee. Li. W. ROLFE. MANUFACTURER OF I Harness. Saddlery. &c , MURFREESBORO, N. C. A IS O Notary "Pubi ic and Justice tf thk I'eace, and can b found at his olrice at nil hours of the day prepared to execute papers anrt aHl lavits. i r ' rrm : rim I " ' "l' ' ' i.: . i WMOlLdESAIiE M U R FR EE S BO R O. N. C. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE FLOUR, fIE ATS We have a large lot of direct from the Palapseo which has the .reputation, of being the best and finest flour' 121 f he world. Also a large !oi of west ern flour which is very cheap. We always buy our flour in large quantities for cash5 therefore it gives us all the advantages of the market. .! ear isiipiiid that our Meat direct Irokn the .' western- markets? Cincinnati and CMiicago and pay spot cash for it. We are under no obligations to commis sion merchants there tVre we are enabled to compete with Norfolk prices. WE HAVE ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF ALL OF ANDERSONS & SHAFFER'S .FLOURS THAT COME TO THIS" MARKET. AND THEY GUARANTEE TO PROTECT US IN SAYING THAT JT IS AS GOOD AS ANY FLOUR SOLD IN MUR FREESBORO. WE HAVE JUST EECEJVKD A CAR LOAD OF THEIR POINT ) LACE' AND ' ORANGE BLOSSOM"! BRANDS, WHICH WE HAVE BEEN. HANDLING FOR A YEAR OR MORE AND HAVE FOUND NONE TO SURPASS THEM. PRICES UNUSUALLY LOW. HAVE A NICE LOT OF NO 1 CORNED HERRINGS, AND ALSO ROE HERRINGS. ' . TRY OUR BORAX SOAP, YOU TFTLL FIND IT SUPERIOR FOR LAUNDRY AND TOILET USE. Our stock of sugars is complete and bought at the lowest prices. Can sell you sugar at wholesale prices as cheap as Norfolk. WE CAN OPEN YOUR EYES ON , THE PRICES OF TOBACCO. CHEAPER TFIAX EVER KNOJFN BEFORE. TOBACCO ; AND CIGARS A SPECIALTY. pices. Teas, Etc. Extra quality of. cammed goods Sugars and Coffees. These lines we always please our customers. THURBER'S NO. 34 Roasted Coffee is hard to beat, and evers.y one who has used it likes it. A NEW LOT JUST .RECEIVED. i AMMONIA AND BORAX for the Toilet, Laundry and general house hold use, 10 cents per bottle. TRY ONE. By soaking clothes in water containing this mixture they, will become snowy white. It saves soap and labor, and does not Injure the finest fabric. By putting a liitle Ammonia and Borax in a basin of water, it be comes soft and delicious for bathiDg. leaving the skin fresh and invigora ting the whole system. 1 0 THE BEST BRANDIES, LIQUORS, WHISKIES, WINES, BEER, ALE, And everything of the kind that may be wanted. We make it a business to buy such goods as suit our trade. Parties buying the cheap prudes of goods cannot" expect to get goods of the best quality. We keep ail grades from the lowest to the highest. We ciaim to have advantage over our would be competitors. Because we buy largely and from first hands, and pay CASH for our goods when business will justify our doing so. V E. P. RICE & CO. AND 11 AXP FISH flour j rem ss. we always buy BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITUTE M urfreesboro, N. C. r - - .- . - .- r - -. . THE WORK OF THE IV nnilTON DIVIDED INTO FOUR DEPART MENTS: PREPARATORY. COLLEOIATE. MUSIC, AND FIXE ARTS. The Co!!-riifc Donartinfi.-r Is !iv'p-Ml into six school-: Mai hMM: tics. Latin, French, Natural : cierice, Monl PI i!o?ophy. ari'l Knulish Litrf.t r . SnjHMior alv.ii:t:tfro arc oir reil in cvory il'pnrtir.M.t. noiio hut .the ltst Jfjichcra li'ir:i cj: j'lovc.l. The lioakli iccoul of institiitior. is w p;:?-.MS! the South. Charge. vt-ry incK rate. FALL SES3I0IS BEGINS OH WEDKESD&Y, SEPTEFiBEH 2STH 1387. For catalouo or iuforniati :t, HiWr.-s? J-B-BREWER, Piesident." AN ENGLISH. CLASSICAL. AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL FOR'BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. Where they ark Pkeparkd for Businjcss, for College, oi: i-or University. ITand?omft Uuilin ar.d -at tractive zrouv.U. -Aclemv supi!;el with Chnnical and 1 h;hsoi)Iiic:il Appaiatus for Scientific I'iustiatio.,; will;" Mam Cho is ami Gl.ihes to illustrate G'oiaphy, Philosophy and Astionomv; with C.npns anJ Tianit for held m o. K ir, Si;i v;ii!Sau.1 En-i:ee! in-, an.l with t vvo 'JVlcrai!i lnr; u:uci.ts ai.d Latteries for practice in Telegraphy , IIm iI-gihc NicKh-Plate.l Jilllcs and -incuts niniiiied by tlu State. Total Expenses for cr.'e year (im-lu.-ii.-Uniform), from ;; $173 to $:9: T!,c next Session be-ins on WtdneMlay, Sept inher 14, lSS7,-am?9 in June, 1388. For 20-page Catalogue in? fn'l p :i f ic dar, ad; JOSEPH KING, A- M-, Principal, Suffolk, Va- fur j- CO l f ??.? , -WHOLESALE DEALER T W 77 . ,1 nAeavv nun iu anc MURFREESBORO, My stock is larger, and my facilities for handling neavv Gio cenes are beticr than ever before. I keep on hand d,uu bloCK 01 bst FLOUR. MEAT, LA RD SUGAR, AND COFFEE nivM,Y"r'rMvvti J L Utl l vJt CON b ECTR)NER IKS Tp c WARNER' 6 SAFE YEAST. VCn r.ri-v AND CIGARS. I keep nothing but the best grade s,Pe it .S6. aS lh6y Can be sold 3 COTTON FACTORS AND Commission- Merchants, NORFOLK. VA. We oITer for sale Halo Tics at $1.00 per bundle f f - Arrow n lb And otber brands sold at less COTTON SOLD FOR ij PER CENT. COMMISSION. rSopt 9th 1SSG ' THE PARLOR SALOON . SEWELL, Proprietor, MURFREESBOCO, K. c. Leading Saloon For line Liquors. .Mixed Drinks Lager Beer, Fine Cigars, and Family ' 1 -r l"nrQTi rc .1 1 it' azisjzd ' artr J i AND HETAIL- . j .groceries 3 N. C- gooda in the line, such as . lUliACCO - S?CTTT?T0 goods, and sell them s cheap " th.s market. . 31 XlkX TO " i.i5 .- B;iSSig (Lndlow make) at 8c per yard price. In! 2 U.'VAUGIIAN JR. i:i:nr3 a COMTEK IE STOCK OF DRY fiOdl).-?, NOTION'S. r.ooTS, shoi:s. hats. hardwa::i: CROCER1E5 Ac. READYMADE CLOTHIXCr SPECIALTY. SS?-T1c piiblie are .r!i-lly hutr-l examine my ?t k. We take I ! a t : showing ool-. (si ccf psou to ri:. j. t. i. i:v n i:. Mi:uFi:i;i:sr.ono, x. r. DEALER i.v yk m:n nr rc :r -i : " -V MKI)ICIN:-: iZMi FAINTS, OILS VARXisiiKs, DYF-srrrrs. visi: TOILET SOAPS, FHU1 T.MFKY, TOILET ARTICLES, "LETTER l'APER, l'ENS, INKS, ENVELOPS. GLASS, PUTTY,' CAH HON oir.. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, ivr. CAlrO u .-ts k of X.ti.-.,K. M,!-liiu-ry G od, Ril.boii, r. Eiuln . v. Shir s. Collars, Sculls, Straw 11:.!-, ..." .U wt lry. ORGANS, VIOLINS, C.L'ITARS, RAN JOS, Ac, CHEAP FOR CASH Having T:oen appointoj A:n! f 'i Cb:l. L StielPs cehd.ratd Piano-. I this opporu::ity to let th p- l.'.i . , that I am -nah!eil to s 11 tle-e Pi. the lowest w hch'sale JLuiiiuo; m - : prices. Me.-srs. Davies iV Sons Xew Y ' . Square Pianos, I cn s-ell Ikcii .'2j'i U r for ca-Ii. Messrs . I" van? Co. "5 P.osto: ) I "r t liano., at the samv price i- ' -'-"- The well kimwii Palaoe"( Jrc1; 1 1" fully to Mv.son it 1 1 . 111 1 i 11 : ; lowest os.-ihh- fiia-. I can fnrni-ii aUo :ir imj-u ttrT"- : " Jhc- lnt Yivili::s. Gi.i,ais. P.itij .-. A -dians, &e- II tv 4u h m! i ii'..- ' : o- i din and r li at l.i:; : : . t o: epc:nh' m i;. f(. d F. L. ITXix. I'vb. 1 f n f o O -o- o Wc call the attention of our frii-: i ; ami p.-itrons to cur ne ::::d - -r:i k of DilY cinor-s. iui-:ss ;o u s . NOTIONS. hOSlKKY. (ok i s. ci.ovf.s. :XD ALL KlXIiS r t-l l.-M-n; i, reaijY made c r o t t: :. j SPECIALTY. LAWRENCE i VADGBAH MUIIFKEESRORO. N. C a i-fci ii SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTOlf. YOU OA1T BUY IT OF: I Thomas II. Nicholson. Murfrcesboro, N. C. UNiyERSITY OF NORTH G AHOIAlHA I CHAPEL ITILL. X. C. Tlie ?oion i .divided into two t rr -: the first bt'innin the lat Thurs li i ; August and ending at Christmris, th ond beginn'nif: early in J.iuuury an 1 ing first Thursday- In Jhik-. Taltl $30.00 for each term. Kor iw,n rent ! service, to. 00 er tei m. Tho-e t pay tuition are allowed to ive tl; ;.- !. -secured if 'possible.' Tuition in t i . . N o r mal Course tree. I'ot graduate lu-tn -tion also f-ee. The Faculty is now ciently strong to give instruction in u u i : range of studie.. For terms in the Lau School ar.j-Ir t . Hon. John Manning, LL. D. For .'.. . logues applv to W. T. l'atterson II ;: Chapel Ildl, X. C. For six;cul i r tion applj' to KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. H- Atr Forty yeirs experience in t:. rparstio t f r-. r thfcn On ITur- i- 1 j 7hoi3a.nd applications fr pates r 13 I 1 the Umtd Marf-s and Foreign c.- .-w W trios, tae publisher of the S.nt ii for otent. caveats, tradft-rr.urk c-: riphta. tc, for th Unit'! S:at?.an i to obtaia paieDta in Canaia. Enclnd. Fric? ""ra.ny, ana an otner coantnn Tr.fif nr-en-enc is uneqaaled and thir faculties are uci-r-pa.!ed. Drawings and pciScation preparfd and !! In the Patent Offioe on short notice. Terms Terr reasonable. Jfo charge for examination of modej or drawinps. AdTic by mail free - Patent ohtainAd throutrh M urn iCi.i net? fnthe SCIENTIFIC A.MKUJCAN, wh:ca ti the largest circulation and i the mofk intlaect , i newspaper of its kind published in the wor d. The advantages of uch a notice every patete understands. This iarpe and jVtdidlT i'Jritrat6d cew.rr ia published WEKKLY at JliXlayeir. a i Admitted to be tl beet paper devoted to eoieace, xnechaoics. inventions, etifineerinir work. r.J other departments of icdustrial pr-jro. r lisoed in any conmtrjr. H contains the r.n?s ef all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it fonr months for one do.Ur. Bold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patnt wrt- t Munn.4 Co., publishers of S.ientiuc Aiaerija, til liroadway. Sew York. v ilandt-wk about patmts ua.Il frfee. . . .