THE INDEX. 'PEMQC$A?(G WEEKLY NEWS PA pER, PE VOTE D TO THE INTEREST PF EASTERN CAROLINA. j ' JOHN W. HICKS, i Editor ancl Proprietor. Price $1f?0 Per Annum in Advance Advert Ising rates reasonable, and made nown on application. J Legal advertisement Inserted at rates fixed by lay. Correspondence solicited. "Vr- Address The Index, Mnrfreesboro, N. C. FKIDAY. NOV....ll 1867 Fire new cases of yellow fe ver and two deaths were report ed from Tampa yesterday. Five have beep discharged from the hospital and twenty-six cases -are now under treatment. The State of New York, in spite of the defection of what is known as the labor vote, elects the Democratic ticket by a ma jority of at least 15.000. New York remains immovable inline as a Democratic State Wilmington (N. C.) Stan The effect -of the victories in New York and Virginia will be felt all over the country. North Carolina will remain in the .Democratic column, the "solid outh" will remain unbroken, t And peace and prosperity will be assured to the country for at Jeast four years more. Louis Lingg, the bomb maker Anarchist, ended his life yester day by means of a fulminating case. He had the case in his mouth; and lit it with a candle, which was burning in his cell he explosion was the first warning that the jail people had. T,he guard seeing hi in with the candle in his hand supposed that )iq was lighting a cigar. Before Tuesday's election unset Cox said; "If the Dem V, Ir up will go President Cleveland and Governor Hill, and we shall have to look for a new man." As the Empire State Democrats swept everything before them, the "new man" will not have to be found. The success of the party in 1888, with Cleveland at the helm, is virtually assured. The result of the political contest Tuesday in Maryland, Virginia and New York wherv the fight was hottest and the is sues at stake were most impor tantis a 'sienal triumph for jthe national administration and .for the party which it repre sents. It means that the peo ple appreciate the reforms in federal affairs initiated by Pres ident Cleveland, and assures his re-nomination and re-election in 1888. Eighteen years ago, when the air brake was tried, it required eighteen seconds to apply it to a train 2,000 feet long. Four years later the time was reduced four seconds. Kecent experi ments with the air brake on freight trains sNow that it can be applied to every car in a train of that length running at the rate of forty miles an hour, and that this train can be stop ped within 500 feet, or oue fourth of its own length, and all this without any serious jolting. iWhile petitious were being presented to the Governor of Illinois to spare the lives of the condemned Anarchists, one of Jhps'e uiiser.ible men, with I he connivance, if not the assistance of at least one of the others, was preparing for a wholesale jnafcsacrc hy blowing up the Chieggo jail with dynamite. This circnutstancev proves that, prayers for mercy were mispla r '1, and that even their impend iwfui fate cannot subdue x::sUncts. S.W. Grimes, PIIO TO URA P II Eft AND DEALT R IN FURNITURE. SKWIXG MACHINES, CAKFETING, -OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW CURTAINS, .PICTURE FRAMES, BRACKETS, &C. FURNITURE NEATLY REPAIRED AND UPIIOLSTERED. MAT TRESSES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES MADE TO ORDER AND ON HAND. CST ALSO KEEP FIRE CLAY CHIM NEY PIPE, i To Tim ado. o- o o Wo call the attention of our friends and patrona to our new and select stock of DRY GOODS, i DRESS GOODS. NOTIONS. HOSIERY, CORSETS. GLOVES, AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS. SHOES, HATS, &C. READY MADE C LOT II J Hi G A SPECIALTY. ( VAUGHAN MURFREKSBORO. N. C. THE PliACE TO GET Drugs. Medicines. Paints I Oils &Ch ! AT THE Lowest Prices - ! IS AT E. F. LAWRENCE'S CO'S t MURFREESBORO, N. C. Perfumery, Stationary, Fancy Soaps. Brushes! Toilet Waters and Cigars. r-ST0CK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS I V (SUCCESSOR TO DR. J. T. LEWTER.) MURFF.EESBORO, N. C. DEALER IN .1 MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, i DYE-STUFFS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, TO I LET j ARTICLES, &c. LETTER PAPER, PENS, INKS, T ENVELOPS, GLASS, PUTTY, CARBON OIL, LAMPS, J CHIMNEYS, &c. iSFAlso a Kflcct Ftrck of Notion. Mil linery Goods, Ribbons, Lace, Kmbroidej Shir s. Collars, bcails. Straw Hate, and Jewtlrv. ;" ::.; MURFREESBORO, - - N. C DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. AND GROCERIES. HARDWARE j AND GLASSWARE A SPECIALTY. Just received a nice line r-f Dr' Goods from Baltimoiv, which will be sold cheap for cash. Give me a call. j - Earn dso running a mail lino from this place to Wintoii,: N. C. three tfuie a week Monds, Wednesday? and Fridays, 'and wiil take passengers tl rough for ONE DOLLAR each- . j J. A. BCYETT. Bookseller, and Stationer- POST-OFFICE BUILDING, MURFREESBORO, NC. Bhilr's Keystone Writing Paper' in packets at 10c, 5c. and 3-2, is the cheap est, nicest, antl most economical paper in the world. j : "'Keystone inks, pens, and pencils con tain all of the qualities desired in a good article and are simply elegant. Try them! A full stock ot these and other lines of stationary always on hand. Manufacture! 'a Agent for WO V EN WIRE FENCING. gt31aKubbcr Stamps o' all kind:?, ranging in prices from. 25i cents to $15, furnished at short notice f Orders solicited. The Cosmopolitan The handsomest, most entertaining, low pric illustrated family magazine in the world. ($2.50 per year, with a $2.25 premium free.) Sixty-four i beautifully printed pacs in each number, filled with short stories, sketches, travels, adventures, bright and brief scientific and literary articles, by distinguished American and foreign writers, such as Julian Hawthorne, Harriet Prescott Spofford, George Parsons Lathrop, Louise Chandler Moulton, J. Mac donald Oxley, EUa Wheeler Wilcox, H. H. Bovesea, Catherine Owen, Rev. R. Heber -Newton, Alphonse Daudet. Paul Hevse, Count Tolstoi, Jh. Dostoivsky, William West all and many others. Aso entertaining JUV1SN IL.1S and invaluable HOUSEHOLD departments. One or more illustrated articles and several full page engravings in every number. A Shannon Letter and Bill Pile or a Shannon Sheet-Music Binder Free to every , Subscriber. fhese premiums sell everywhere for $2.35 each. The File is the most perfect device ever invent ed for the preservation and classification (alphabetic ally and according- to date) of all letters, bills, etc. Any paper can be referred to, taken out and put back without disturbing the others. With the Binder one can insert or take out KiitiO" -f ttZf disturbing anv other sheet. Get SAMPLE COPY at NEWS STAND or tend 2 O Cents to publishers. A3E2TT3 EI3 COOSSXSSrs PAD. Schlicht & Field Co., Rochester, N.Y. of t-n of tiieL f rMnds.will t rrth rr je-wel r y, but rood s th t rt,t i 1 far &. ait i" n rf!ini oCTtr. a Xnrtuns to you. Fntif vrtion ur LAWRENCE 1 o Cl3 WMOILESAI-IB MURF R EE UJU u Co) -.- - .- .- ' - : ". Coticerniiig' the Point Lace,' and "Orange BSossom59 brands of flour which we are handling, we give the following correspond ence by the manufacturers and consumers: Read what the manufacturers say: HAMILTON, OHIO, Sept. 15tl, 1887. Mess. E. F. Rice & Co., ' j MurlYeusboro, N. C. GentIjEMEN: Please accept our thanks lor your handsome order, and we wast you to guarantee our 'Point Lace" Hour. to your most particular trade in every respect. You can't guarantee it too high to please us. We will uphold all the good tilings ytu can say about it. We warrant every barrel or' the "Point Lace' and Oraue lllossom" brands ot flour to give entire satisfaction in every partic ular, and if it does uot, -re v ill refund you your money. - j Yours ve i v trulv j AXDEKbOX & SHAFFER. This is what the Como. N. C., Oct. 1st 'J-7. Mess. E. F. Rice & Co., Tear Sirs: IJay used the grades of flour Orange Blossom and Poinc Lnc bought of you, I can without hesitation, say Ine.y are excellent.! Best, I have eve' used for the price. ' G. A. Brett. i lurfreesboro, X. C. K. F "Rice & Co: The barrel of Orange Blossom flour wh cli I have used has given mc t-ntire satisfaction. ; S. J. Ilolloinon. Woouhind.N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: I hivo been using your Orange 'Blossom flour and can say that I pronounce it a No 1 flour and don't want any better. ; Blake Bryant. !..!: j ' - Murfrcesboro, N. (J. E. F. Rice & o; I have uTed the Or ange Blossom hramV of flour for some mouths past and am pleaded with it. - Joseph T. YYeede. Como. X. ;C. E. F. Rice & Co: -I lave used about eight barrels of you. Orange Blosso-n flour this iear. anl do not hesitate to say that it is the best flour for the money that I ever used. My wife likes it well. S- D. Winborne. Murfieesboro. N. C. r vE. F. Rice & Co: I have used one bar rel of your Orange ; Blossom flour and don't want any belter, and shall continue to use it as long as I can get it. I doirt think there is any better flour. King Nelson. ; St. Johns, N. C. E. F. Rice & Co- I ; lmve been using your Orange Blosom flour fori sometime and don't want any better. I J. B. Sumner. Poteen si. N. C. E " F. Rice it Co: I"hnv u.ed several barrels of the Orange Blossom ; flour and have no hesitation in pionounemg it a No I flour. T. I. Lassiter. ; Mmfreesboro, N. C. E F. Rice & Co: I: have used three barrels of 3-our Orange Blossom flour ar.d pronouj'.ce it to the public to be No 1. When in need fcball procure more of the same if possible. . T. C Carter. Mmfreesboro. N. C,. E. F. Rice & Co: I have .been using the Orange Blossom flour and find it just as good as I want. i P. A. Johnson. Murfieesboro, N. C. E. F. Rice 4 Co: Give me the Orange Blossom fl. ur again. I think it the best for tl. money that I ever used.' , W. T.B.itton. T BPANDIES. LIQUORS, WHISKIES, WINKS, BEER, ALE, And every tbiDt of the kind thai may be wanted. We make it a business to buy such goods as suit our trade. Parties buying i he cheap grades of oods cannot expect to get goods of the best - quality." We keep all grades from the lowest to the highest. Jfe claim to have advantage over our would be competitors. Because we buy largely and from first hands, and pay CASH for our goods, vvhon business will justify our doing so. E. P. RICE k CO. AND RIETAJIIL SBORO. N. C. consumers say: Murfreosl)oro. N. C. E. F. I vice x Co: h;iv been i using tht Point Laoi Hum: mul lin it to be a JSo I article, ami tor much h;s pi ice than a N 1 flour is so. d for. i II. C Mal Ircy. ! Pot.'.ca:i N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: My flour is out, and I have be n using the Orange Blossom brand, am-P find it a -first clas.. flour.- I shall contimi'! to use it as long ai- 1 can get it, and it holds up to the same stan dard. J. A. Martin. Murfreesboi o, N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: I am using a ban 1 of your Point Lace fl air and liud it to bp entirely satisfactory. G. V. Grimes. Kirby, N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: The Orange Blossom flour that I Lave been getting of yoji is su perior to ar.y that I have ever bought fos 1 he price. . 1 hope you will continue to keep the same flour as I don't want any better. W J Liles. . Mm freesboro, N. C E. F. Rice & Co: The Orange Blossom flour that I bought of you has given dm feet ! satisfaction in all respects. I consider h a ISo 1 article ; VVm. S. Nelson. i Creekyille. N. C. E. F. Rice & do: I have used on barrel of your Orange Blossom fl ur and don't want any better. I consider it a No 1 article. J. A. Davis. Murfieesboro. N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: I pronounce your Orange Blossom flour the best that I ever bought for the price. It is a lirst class flour.- W. D. Deans. Como, N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: The Orange Blossom flour, ot which I have used several barrels has given pel fee' satisfaction, and I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a No 3 article. - Tyrone Spiers, Muifieesboio, N. C. E. F. Rice & Co: I have used one barrel of your Orange Blcsso..i flour and can say that it is the best flour that I ever bought in the town of MurJ'reesboio. 11. B. Brjant. Murfreesboio, N. C. E. F, Rice & Co: I i.ave used live bar rels ot the Orange Blossom floui, and pronounce it a number one article. I don't want any betUr. Ellis Warren. Murfreesboio, N C. I have bourht sevei-al barrels of Onnicn Blossom our from E. F. Rice & Co., and flud'il. to be first class. : B. F. Chitty. Kitb-, N C. E. F. Rice & Co: I have bought one barrel of yur Orange i Blossom flour and myself and wife are highly phased with it. Dock Stevens. El S U X maw WOODLAND, W. C. Harrell, Edwards Co. We announce to the fcblic Ibat sre liavfi the largest and most complete stock of General Merchandise ever brought to Woodland, which we guarantee to sell al BOTTOM PRICES. We have jnst reclvert our FALL and WINTER Stock consisting or DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HATS. BOOTS and SHOES. READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HARDWARE. IT s' WARE. and (Groceries. Ccmc direct lo oar store before buying and we will please you both in goods and prices. Oighest market price paid for COTTON in bales. IIAliRELL, EDWARDS & CO-. Woodland. N 0. New Millinery Goods, . I have Just returned from the NORTH where I employed M199 Stevens an axperienced irimmer anaVdressuiaker. and purchased a well selected C Fall stock of Millinery, Wress Goods and EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES I will be pleased to have the public call and examine rnj- stock'of goods. -WHOLESALE dealer :: Heavy and MURFREESBORO, tine family flour a snec'falfy. My stock is-larger, find my facilities for handling Flenvy Gio . crries are better than ever before. T keep on hand a full stock of the best goods in the line, such a3 FLOUR MEAT, LA HI) SUr,AR. AND COFFEE,. CON!- EOT! : N E li I ES, TEAS WAItNKR'S.SAFK YEAST. TOiiACCOr SNUFF AND i, JGAES. I keep nothing but the best grade goods, and sell them as cheap as 1 hey can be fold on this market. ' Sept 16th SG I 2Aiv.l-!fl : COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, NORFOLK. VA. Wc offer for sale Arrow Ties at $1 30 per hundle " ' ' 5? Ihs -Bagging (Ludlow make) nt 7c per yard 'Z .80 i 2 j)c And other brands eold at leas price. CF- COTTON SOLD FOR PER CENT. COMMISSION. fSept 9th 1SS7 THE PARLOR EWELL, Proprietor .MURFREESBORO, N, C. Leading Saloon For Fine Liquors. Mixed Drinks. Lager Beer, Fine Cigars, and Family Groceries. FIRES, FIRES Annually destroy many dwelling and they are caused not go often by iiiueniia rism as they -e sparks fallino- on a dry wooden roof Formerly the difference In the cose of wood and tin was so great that, many. felt that they could not attbrd the latter. Now this reat inequality does uot exist. A TIN ROOF COSTS BUT LITTLE MORE THAN A SHINGLE ONE. So there Is no excuse for losing one's house from sparks falling; on the roof. -Now is the season for GUTTERING and TINNING and now is lh time that you can have it done VERY CHLAPLY, DY M. JB IT $ .VS9 Mtirfreeslxro, N. C , PEALEB STOVFS, TINWARE, SHEET IROX WAB!u &c. Repairing a specialty. H1W AND RETAIL- anry Groceries 9 - . " . . N. C SALOON W. F. NICHOLSON, Wholeeale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy G-roceries MURFREESBORO, N. C. Makes a specialty of MEAT, FLOUR SUGARS, and COFFEES. I pay cash and sell for cash as low as the market affords. Cad and examine my goods and I will give you a bargain. 1 ,4 . , j A FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale a desirable farm contain ing J50 acres, situated in Kirby township, Northampton county, and in three quar ters of a mile of the R. & T. R Railroad. About one third' is cleared and well fenc ed. Has a lot of good pine timber and some origami growth. The water Is good Has a good framed house, and it ia in a healthy community near churches and schools. A splendid one horse farm. Any oi,e desiring to see the land or know the teims can apply to W. II. Maddrcy on an adjoining farm, or to J. A. Maddrey, Murfree?borof X. C. 1 1 We haven't got the R-uIma.l Jlt wo have h BOAT thr c times a 1 I have been able by tha: mean. t-. ,1". a large and well selected STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER f;uoI(, an J this Is what I w.vit t, attention to to-diy. U a l i c O C , I am selling all calicoes at i; ,Vn. yanl. BLEA Clis a s have advanced in jiriee, hut my iii., ihe saice as they wen- before t!st ;i h The celebrated -Fruit of the 1 .u' only 10c a yartl. COTTON CLOTHS, CAM TON FLANNELS. l'LAll) DOMES l i! The al.o have advanced in j i , . 1 am still s-ellfng them at old !.. . .. P ANT O OODS CASSLMEHES AND KI :l;si;vs. My stock was never larger in r 1. 1( ever had belter styles. RED AND WHITE PLASM' DRESS GOODS. My lino of dress goods is'etc, bracing al 1st. les and varying in j ; from 9e to i UO per yard. NOTIONS. Hoots and Shoe i v imk in 1 11 f 1 i r x 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 larger than usual this f ill. In fri I 1; 1.. ni . 1 1 .1 r : ' 1 hum: utii jiw,iwi 1 win mi a 1 ,1 . 1 ' r sell von cheaner than o i can hus r ' m, whe.e. II A T S A N I) C A V S I can show you ;.' U- .; s I ;; t'S St St vies in both Swi ;: :f." -. 1 i: . BOYS AND M OYERCO ATS. Ueadytnacc Clothing is Kometlnn,: 1 I make a 'specialty of, and vcu ill iiu. greatly to your advantage to examine stock before bu. ing. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ' LADIES' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. I have ft pomnlcti' !in .f I.uJU -, w , comprising JACKETS, NEW-MARKETS and SHOUT WKM BLANKETS AND QU1LI-. CROCKERY, GLAiSSWAllE WOOD AND WILLOWU.Al; Well, I won't mention anything el- but will just say that whenever y n : .n inn iicn.'vll . Ironf in :i i. V VS I 1 Hi - it- I 1111 ( 1 til. i no n U I class store, call on U. VAUGHAN, JK.. Main St-. Murfrcesboro K- -