I SERVED IN THE WAE. i ' : IE GRIP ALMOST WOJf WHERE THE BULLET FAILED. IT Sympathies Always Enlisted in 'the ) Infirmities of the Veteran. (From the Herald, IVbodstock, Vcl) There 13 an old soldier in Woodstock, Va., served in the war with Mexico and in e war of the rebellion, Mr. Levi McIaturfL paeJ through both these wars without various wound. Tho hardshiD3, however, I soriously on him, for when the grip at k.ed him four years ago it nearly killed t'i i . i' a J j.1 t rru u.r caa iwjx. upon iuj murmiucs ui . t A. . If . J 1 J A ! tran witnoui a leeung oi mo aeepesi ! nathy? His townspeople saw him con- j dto his house so prostrated with great rvousnoss that ho could not hold a knife 1 fork at the table, scarcely able to walk, o, and as he attempted it. ho often stum- I el and fell. They saw him treated by thi est talent to be had but still he suffered or r four years, and gave up finally in despair. ne day, however, he was struck by the ac- ount of a cure which had been affected fcj he use of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. Hs in .ediately ordered a box and commenced tat- npr them. He says he was greatly relieveJ thin three days' time. The blood found it3 way to his fingers, and his hands, which had been palsied, assumed a natural color, and he was soon enabled to use his knife and fork at the table. He has recovered his strength to-such an extent that he is able to chop wood, shocK corn ana do His regular work tabout his home. He now says he can not i 'only walk to Woodstock, but can walk across the mountains. He is able to lift urr a fifty two pound weight with one hand and says he does not know what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for others, but knows that they have done a great work for him. He was in 'town last Monday, court day. and was loud in his praise of the medicine that had given him so great relief. He pur chased another box and took it homo with him. Mr. Mclnturff is willinpr to make affi davit to these facts. The proprietors of Dr. Williams Pink Pills state that they are not a patent medicine, but a prescription used for many years by an em inent practitioner, who produced the most wonderful results with them, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of almost every ill to which flesh is heir. The pills are also a specific for the trouble peculiar to females, such a3 suppres sions, all forms of weakness, chronic consti pation, bearing down pains, etc., and in the case of men will give speedy relief and effect a permanent cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of what ever nature. They are entirely harmless and can be given to weak and sickly children with the greatest good and without the slightest danger. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or willjbe-sent postpaid on receipt of prioe (50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by ad dressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Siihenectady, N. Y. An "Ex' It is rather hard to believe this story of a Boston child of 8 years, but it is re lated on good authority. The child, who is a little girl nanied Dorothy, had been behaving very badly, as even Uoston children have .been known to do; and her mother said to her, chid ing ly: , "Dorothy, really, l cannot be youi mamma any more!" . The child made no reply, but gave bei mother a quick and very arch look. By and by, after a half hour of silent and well-behaved play, she came with hei hat in her hand to her! mother, and said fcoberly: "My dear ex-mamma, do you thini I've been good enough so I could go out now'". The Wrong "War. There is a way of looking at a thin that is curious and wrong. The old adage, "proof of the pudding is in eating it," Is sound sense. And another "never condemn before t3al." In the treatment of anything, treat it in ood faith, so when infirmities beset us, best't them with good will and force. Thou sands have in this way overcome the worst forms of rheumatism by using St. Jacobs OiL Never shrink from what is known to be by thousands a positive cure for this dread com plaint, and that is the thing to remove tho trouble and solve the doubt. After a. rnaiT passes 50,b7e'sornetiDief? falls In; love with his wife a second time. - for yon. Nay, I have a better plea than that. I plea 1- by all tha wound3 and tears and blooi and groans and agonies and death throes of the Son of God, who approaches you this moment with torn brow, and lacer ated hand, and whipped ba?k, and saying, "Corn's unto M, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Asrain, there is a flald of usefulness but lit tle touched occupied by tho30 who are a3tray in their habits. All northern Nations, like tho33 of North America and England and Scotland 'that is, in th9 colder climates are devastated by alcoholism. They ta'ia the fire to ke?p up the warmth. In southern countries, like Arabia and Spain, tha blood is so warm thsy are not temptai to fiery liquids. The great Roman armies never draik anything stronarr than water tinged with vinegar, but under our northern climate the temptation to heating stimulants is most mighty, and 'million? svynmb. When a man's habits go wron?, ths church drop3 him; the social cirl o drop? him; good in fluence drop3 him; wi all drop him. Ol all the men who get off tragic, but few ever get on again. Near my summ3r resMenc3 there is a lify siving station on the baeh. Thare ara all ths ropes and rocket?, the boats, tha manairtery for getting people oft shipwrecks. One 3ummerl saw there fifteen or twanty m?n who were breakfasting after havin? ju?t ekeaool with their lives an I nothing mor?. Up and down our coasts are built these U3ful structures, and tho mari ners know it, and thay fe3l that if they are drivan into, tho braakers there will ba apt from shore I to conn a rescue. Tha churches of Gbl ought to b3 so many life saving station;?, not so m i?a to helo thosa who are in smooth waters, but tho 33 who have b3en shipwre?ke3. Come, let us run out tha lifeboats! And who will man them? We do not raaih enough to such men. We have not enough faith in their release. Ala?, if when they come to hear us we are la boriously trying to show the diffarenco be tween sublapbarianism aid sunralap3arian isoa, while thdy have a thousand vip3rs of re morse and despair coiling around their im mortal spirit?! y The charebj is noi: chiefly for goo dish sort of men whoiej proclivities aro all right, and wh- could g;3:; to heaven praying and sing ing in th3ir ow.x ho3i33. It is on the beach to help th-34r-owiing. Thosjbai cases are tho cas33 thai God lik33 to tako hold of. He can save a bi sinnor a? well a? a small sin ner, and wha a man call? earnestly to God for help H3 wiill go ouc to deliver such a one. If it ware nctassary, Go I would come down from the sky,i followed by' all t!i3 artillery of heaven and a million angels with drawn sword3. . GatjlOD such redeomed in 3a in each of your churches, aui .nothing coull stanl before them,! for such 1113a are generally warm-hearte and enthusiastic. Furthsrniore, th3 destitute children of the streets offer la field of work comparatively unoccupied. The uuearei for children are in the majority iu mo3t of our citie3. Their condition was wall illustrate! by what a boy in this city said whan he was found under a cart gnawing a bone and some one said to him, "Where do you live?" and he answered, "Don't live nowhere, sir!" Saventy thousand of the children of New York City can neither read nor write. Whan they grow up, if un reformeJ, th$y will outvote your children, and thev will crovara vouf children. The whisky ringj will hatch out other whisky rings, and grogshop3 will kill with their hor rid stench public sobriety, unless the church of God rises up with outstretehel arms and intoils this dying population in her bosom. Public schools cannot do it. Art galleries cannot do it.' Blackwall's Islaul cannot do it. Almshouses cannot do it. New York Tombs-cannot do it. . Sing Sing cannot doit. People of God, wake up to your magnificent mission! You can do it. Get somewhere, somehow, to work! The Prussian cavalry mount by putting their right fot into the stirrup, while the American cavalry mount by putting their left foot into the! stirrup. I don't caro how you mount your war charger if you. only get into this battle for God, an. I get there soon, right stirrup, or left stirrao, or no stirrup at all. The uuoccupiei fields are all around u.?, and why should wa bulla on aaotaer man s foun dation? I hava heard of what was called the "thunder legion." It w.n in 179, a part of the Roman army to which some Christians belonged, and their prayars, it wa? said, ware answered by thunder and lightning and hail and tempast, which overthrew an invaiing army and savel the E Tapir e. Ani I would to Go i that y ou could ba so mighty in prayer and work that you world become a thunder ing legron before which the forca3 of sin might be routed and the gate3 o! hell made to tr9mbla. All aboard now on the gospel ship' If you cannot be a captain or a first mate, ba a stoker or a deckaani, or realy at command to climb the ratlines. Heave away now, lads! Shake out the reefs in tha fore topsail! Come, O heavenly wind, and fill tha canvas! Je3 us aboard will assure our safety. Je3us on the sea will beckon U3 for ward. Jesus on the shining shore will wel-, come U3 into harbor. "And so it came to pass that they all escaped safe to land." AN EARLY TEXAN INDUSTRY. How Cattlemen Iald the Foundation of- Their Fortunes. "The foundation of the fortune of many of the great Texas cattlemen was laid in the years immediately following the civil war," said a man from the Lone Star State. "During the four years in which the drafts for the Confederate army prac tically depopulated the country of its able-bodied men, the cattle on the ranges, running unherded and unbrand cd, increased enormously in numbers. Bearing no brand of ownership; these cattle, which at the close of the war hadbecome practically wild, were sub ject to be taken by any man who could sustain his attempt by force of arms against other claims of ownership. "There was a good commercial de mand for hides,, and these were the times when so many got their start in life by riding, pistol in hand, up to the cattle wherever found unherded, shoot-, ing them down and taking their skins. The adult cattle then running at large were too wild to bo disposed of in anj' ether wray, and so the hide-taking in dustry flourished; but when, in time. through the catching and branding of calves, herds had been collected on ranges, the shooting of mavericks fell into disrepute and came under the ban of 'rustling.' Those men who, through the practice, had become well-to-do cattle owners, now were foremost in suppressing it, through the instrument ality of the courts and, more effectual ly, by informal hangings." Hft of ah ' 'ennse the system in a gentle and truly 0-e::c ;al manner.when the Springtime comes, tho true and perfect remedy.Syrnp of Figs. Ore 1 1 f lo will answer for all the family and j-'T CO rents;- the larre size Si Try it !. t i!east-d. Manufactured by the Califor c i : Syrup Co. only. TU H'e3 of ft tucnel cnder Ul9 jgi -;e. Las been He all v abandoned. There are now fifty-five towns and cities in England which destroy theii garbage arid solid refuse by burning, using an average of about ten iarnaces eacCi for that purpose. The combus tion of the material i3 used for the gen eration of steam, by which the streets are electrically illuminated, and other cities are reported to be considering the propriety of reducing their municipal expensss iby this means. Inventiv Irfluenza has agakv Eecured a hold ixx Berlin. J I - I 1 . - , . ; FIso's Cura cured me of a Throat and Lung trouble of three years' I standing. E. Cadt, HunUr.g:on. ItvV, Nov: '12, 1ML j Olive crops have fal.ed both in France and Srain. 1 i ' - Karl's Clover Root, the great blooi pnrlfltV gives freshness and clearness to the complex' ion and cures constipation, 25 cis Wct&,l., 1 - ' Salmon is selling !o? 61.23 per pound ia London. ! GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of J Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets "i ' ' r To any onecsendirig name and address to, us on a postal card. QNCE USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. fehce, our object in sending them out Richard III. in Citizen's Dress.. V . "Tom Keene played Richard III. in street clothes in Macon, Ga., two years ago," said C. II. Reeves at the Emery. "All of the company's trunks were carried past Macon on the Central Roa2 in some way, and could not be brought back in time for the performance. The house had been pretty well sold up, . and it would not do to disappoint the people. Not even a sword could be procured, and a large cleaver was bor rowed from the hotel. In citizen's clothes and with the cleaver as a sword Keene'and his company went upon the stage. During the first act there was a great deal of merriment In the audi ence, but Keene played as he never played before, and made his hearers forget the incongruities. It was the greatest success of the tragedian's life." Cincinnati Enquirer. ' Washington City has a soup kitchen which Is feeding some 2U00 poor a day. I ; Thf ATer&re Nan who suffers from headaches and biliousness needs a medicine to keep his stomach and liv-, cr in good working order. For such people RipanslTabules fill the bill. Ono tabulo gives relief. broadcast ON TRIAL. Bicycling is becoming very popular in Mexico, Brazil and Argentine. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, all&rs pain, cures wind colic oc. a bottle Gold is being withdrawn from the banks In fan Francisco. 1 f afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 26c per bottle. Lack of desire is one of th greatest riches. They absolutely cure SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia and kin dred iderangeuients of the Stotnach.Liverand Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as goody TJie substitute costs the dealer less. 1 It costs, you ABOUT the same. HIS profit isin the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? -A ' Address for Free Sample, . i. World's Dispensary Medical Association, ! No. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO, N. K W. !L Oqucla; C i aJ!ES" ' IS THE BEST. . 13 WP TIT FOB A KINS ;CORDOVAN FRENCH A.ENAKE14XO CALT. 4.35? Fiuc Calf&Kangaoci 3.5PP0UCEf3SOLE3; -EXTRA FINE- I.TSBOYS'SCHOOLSHQESL ftoe On TAM'.lan Peonla wear tha W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our snocs are equally satisiacwry 1 ney five ue oerc vasao lor xne money ' 1 c r or I I ney equal custom snoes 1a iyic ana uw v Th-fr weirin? Qualities are unsurpassed- Th nrirm n rn uniform., nfftimnttion Prom $1 to $3 saved over other makes, xrJ It your dealer cannot supply you we can El oyglhs el 'and- 1 - 1 bWsr, Sore Throat) Bronchitis, "Weak Lungs, General Debility and all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consumption i3 often cured. No other nourishment restores strength so quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion rhen other forms of food seem to do them no good "whatever.' The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon colored wrapper. lief use cheap substitutes! i . Send for pamphlet on ScolCs Emulsion. FREE Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents ancrSI.