V . ; V Ic fofem Courier. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY C. H. Horton, - Owner & Manager, HERTFORD. N. C. QUE pOLLAR A JEAR IN DYANCE WEDNESDAY, - - - April 17. 1895. Ex-Senator Ransom and his son, Robert, left on the 28th. for their post of duty, at Mexico. Gen. Weaver, of Iowa, has pull ed out of the Populist party and joined the new silver party. Weav er is bound to be catching on to something new. A North Carolinian living, in Mississippi has sent to his people in Iredell county, some corn found in an Indian Mound, supposed to be 1500 years old. Some of it planted last year,came up. Kind's Weekly. A Populist living in Vance Co., says he will return to the Demo cratic party, and will bring five hundred more Populist with him. This looks like the good people of North Carolina are fast finding out that their is no Balm of Gilead in the Populist party and they are becoming more and more disgust ed every day. They are flocking back to that party that will always exist, the Democratic party. AN ADMISSION. The Philadelphia Ledger, ft high protective tariff paper, makes this confession. Here is what it has to say : "The new tariff has not had the disastrous effects which it has so commonly predited t would have. It is not as protective arid fostering a measure as it should be, but it is now the law, not to be radically changed for two or three years at least, if at all, and it affords nettled conditions. Our manufaturers have generally adapted their operations to its provisions, and the conse quence is assured industrial ac tivity." This admission from the Ledger wai altogether unexpected. era about $50,000. This bill had been agreed jupon in caucus, and would have passed sure, had it not been for the assaults made upon it White Capping an Editor. White Capping an editor in In diana is a dangerous thing. For that little offense a'man has been by the Democrats in tne feenate. t to the penitentiary for two - .... ..i . - They came within one vote ot de- rfl It will not do to fool with . .1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 L. 1 L I " tearing me wnoie diii, mougu it editors." They are loaded. Had had been agreed upon in the fusion the White Capped belonged to any caucus. miner proiesBiouiut? tapper wuuju I . 1 til All No reason was ever given for not nave been pumsnea; dui ne saddling this unnecessary expense J . tamnered with uuii .uc pcpio. lxvj v,nD in anv gucn wav. Indiana rnries can surmise is tnat it was aone co make offices to be filled by Re publicans and Populist. The ends of justice were not subserved by their appointment. They are a useless and expensive luxury. Mecklenburg Times, Justices Cannot Qualify. The law relating to the three, ad- ditionalJusticesof the Peace for each township in the State repeals all acts and clauses of acts in conflict with it. and declares that the terms of the additional magistrates shall begin April 1st. 1895. I So. it seems the position that the time for these 3,600 useless additional magistrates to qualify has 'really passed. Gov. Carr says they were not al owed30 days in which to qualify. AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY. The State ot JNortn Carolina is rich in one thing at least since the legislature- adjourned it nas a wealth of magistrates. Three ad ditional magistrates were appoint ed for each township in the State at a cost to the people of the State of about $25,000 for books. ThiF, too, notwithstanding the fact that magistrates have been stripped of every vestige of their political power. They are not even allow ed to meet jointly with the com missioners to fix the rate of tax ation. That matter is nowleft en tirely with the county commis sionerp. The original bill in regard to electing magistrates provided for the appointment of six additional magistrates in each township which would have cost the taxpay- do occasionally strike the right gait. Cincinnati Commercial Ga zette. 1 W. H. WARD, UNDERTAKER AND COACH MAKER. Caskets and Coffins made and kept in Stock all the time at Low Prices. Too Cheap to Mention. All orders received have special our attention. All kinds of wood work done at starvation prices. New carts on hand all the time, old carts and buggies repair ed at short notice. BLACKSMITH WORK A SPECIALTY. First Bible Printed In America. The Aitken Bible, a copy of which has iust been sold in Bos ton for 300, is claimed to have been the first Bible the in English language ever printed in America. The imprint is as follows : Printed and sold by R. Aitken, at Pope's Head, three doors above the coffee house in Market street, MDCCL- XXXII Philadelphia Ledger. Send us you orders. Respectfullj', W.H.WARD, Hertford, N. C. OUR CHURCHES- Holy Trinity; Hertford, X r morning prayer and sermon with celebration of holy' communion on 1st Sunday 'a at 11 a. m. Eveninr prayer and sermon at 7:30 n m Morning prayer and sermon on 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m. Evening prajer at 7:30 p. m. Services on all holt days at 11 a. m. Lectures on chureh history on Friday's at 7:30 p, m. and services every morning and sermon on Wednesday's at 7:30 a. m., dur ing Lent. St. Mary's Gatesville, N C. Morning prayer and sermon with celebration of jholy communion on 2nd Sunday's at 11 a. in. Evenlnr prayer at St. Peter's at 3:30 p. m on 2nd Sunday's. Evening prayer with sermon at Winfall on 3rd Sun day's at 3 p. m. Henry Wingati, Rector. M. E. church. South, Hertford 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning ani night. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night. Anderson 2nd and 4th Sundays 3 p.m. Centre Hill 3rd Sundays 11 a. m. Evan's Urd Sun day's 3 p. m. ! 1 F. A. Bishop Pastor. Baptist church of Christ, Hertford, N. C, 1st Sunday, 11a. m. 3rd Sun day 7 p.m. Every Thursday night 7 p.m. xoung men s meeting every Sunday 3 p. m. 1st Sunday, White ville Grove 3 p.m., Saturday 10 a. m. 2nd Sunday, Berea 11 a. m., Satur day 10 a'.-in. 3rd Sunday, Chappel Hill 11 a. m., Saturday 3 p. m. 4th Sunday, Centre Hill 11 a. ni Satur day 3 p. m. 4th Sunday, Great Hope 3 p.m., Saturday 10 a. m. Mistion meeting preceeding Sunday servicei in the country churches. Josiah Elliott, PaBtor. St Paul's A. M. E. Zion church, 1st and 3rd. Sundays Poplar Run church 2nd. Sunday, Poter's Chapel 4th Sunday. Preaching at 11 a. m., 2. p. ni. and 7 p! m. O. B. Hogans, Pastor. . . i ' T - Eggs, litter, lPdnlfry, aid Probably Forged Through. assign men The original of that mortgage act, which is creating such uncertainty in business circles, has been found. It was never in the Senate at all and it was tabled in the house and so marked. Nobody can account for the engrossed bill; but the officers acknowledge their signatures, and it is believed it will stand. It is getting OTHER PRODUCE TO : .v-:-:-:- BDAW9 1IIIL1L & (DHL 30810th Street N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. You will to be believed that some rascally clerk forged the bill through, But or handle on CommiSBion. who was he? New Berne Journal. receive highest Cash Prices. We buy outright "Quick Sales and Prompt Return." Commission for hand- ! i- ling goods, five per cent. "Send for our Price List." I oooo:o: oooo oooo:o:oooo- oc The Hickory Press aud Carolin ian says that Thomas Whitaker, the New York publisher wno is publishing the book on - Marshal Ney for Rev. James A. Weston, has announced the book in hip sprine catalogue. It will be issued simultaneously in this country, D0NE AT THIS OFFICE WITH NEATNESS &ND DISPATCH. France and Germany, on the 10th day of thirmonthl This announce ment will be reaid with great in- a i. i . i i i leresi uy uiauy wuo Dave oecome order. interested in Mr. Weston's argu ment that Peter New, the Iredell We are the only firstclai Job printer In Hertford, and we will girt you perfect satisfaction. So. irive us a trial nri w .11 - ! v-vt IUICU. C AJ kind of printing. So, if you want anything done in our line, send In your county scnooi teacner, was none other than the celebrated Marshal Ney. Advertise in the Courier. NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. ! BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, . j . CARDS, AND ALL KINDS OF POSTER WORK. oooo- V I..