J matter of her marriage with Doctoi Irving, and concluded to let her have her own way, and that should she in the future suffer for it, not to lay the blame upon her shoulders. , 'And that earn e day Mr. Blender pra eented her with the picture of "Tell iDg Past Fortune," which she with her own hands cut to pieces and burned in the privacy of her own room. And a3 to Delphine and her hus band, they have never allowed Miss Stratton to suspect that they knew by what means her gracious consent to their marriage was brought about. Saturday Night; ' Squadron Drills at Sea. The smooth clean hulls of the new cruisers, their glistening steel weap ons, their speed f.nd power, the evi dences of strength, both offensive and defensive, which they display, their numerous - mechanical and scientific appliance?, all mark them as fully abreast of the development of thi3 age of steel, and as worthy to main tain the honor of the flag under its hew and altered conditions. Once more the navy of the United States ficems equal to any demands that might be made upon it, to be a sure reliance in time of National emergen cy, a defence in the event of National peril. - The ships weigh from four thousand to ten thousand toii3 each. They would be moving at a speed of fifteen knots ' or more. Their formation must bo compact and regular, for at such a speed a mere touch of one to, another might be a disabling blow, and if the squadron is scattered by ships losing distance an alert enemy may find his opportunity. Then the admiral's signals must .be looked to. If the vessels change direction, they . 1 1.1 -1 If Al. J i 1 buuuiu cuaugt; us uue. ii me uuzmrtu desires to chango his formation or his front, it must bo done without con fusion. A captain of a ship in a fleet action has therefore a double duty first, to employ his own weapons to the best advantage and to endeavor to avoid those of the enemy ; second, to manoeuvre his ship with her consorts, obeying and supporting his admiral; and the latter he must do amidst the i .1.1 i : r : i i j. lerriuiu uiu, cuuiuvluu, uuu uesiruc . tion of the former. Quick manoeuvr ing must therefore become to him a second nature something to be done almost unconsciously as a matter of habit, and this habit can b"e acquired only by long and constant practice. The highest school of naval war in time of peace, that work which solves its problems, and is the best guaran tee of future success, is manoeuvring vessels in company with others iu iirnfpssinnftl lanomftcr flopt or snnn.;!- i o o ' i ron tactics. Proficiency in this art has always accompanied naval supremacy. It was so in the galley period and, much later, during that long period when vessels were propelled by sails alone. Tho victories of St. Vincent and Nelson were the joint product of their genius and of fleets of unusual mobil ity and tactical training. With mod ern vessel of great speed and power, independent of the wind, and armed with weapons of variety and precis ion, this kind of training and drill U more valuable is, in fact, essential. Naval Writers of all countries dwell upon its . importance, and continually urge that increasing attention be given to it during those times of peace which afford the only real opportuni ty of preparing for the sharp and de cisive wars of modern times. Har per's Weekly. Buffalo robes are scarce, but a seal skin sacque will soon be a curiosity, predicts the New York Mail and Ex press. '. '- I More than half of the States in tho Union have incorporated in their statutes a provision for compulsory education. ' 1 Increase of Georgia Marble. The division of mining statistics and technology of the United States geo logical survey has. received from Dr. William C. Day, the special agent in charge of the statistics of stone, a state ment of the production of marble iD Georgia in 1891. This product, which comes entirely from Pickens County, was 481,529 cubic feet, valued at S71G.383, as compared with $261,665, the value in 1893, an increase of 174 per cent. Georgia ranks second among the marble-producing States, Vermont heing first. Washington Star. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report There seems, to the Atlanta Jour nal, to be a new disease in this land of liberty. For lack of a better name it is termed "titlemania." German Mayors have a playful hab it of warning their people by procla mation against eating American dried apples, on the ground that they are dried on zinc netting and are poisonous. Students of economical housekeep ing will be interested to know that the expenses of the Qneen of Eng land's household last year amounted to $SS5,000, three-quarters of which was salaries. A writer of some note in Newfound land declares that of the various pronunciations of the name of that country Newf'ndland - is preferable. Newfoundland allowable, and New f'nl'nd execrable. In 1894 Connecticut took out one patent for every 993 of its inhabitants and Massachusetts one for every 1335. These were the most inventive States. South Carolina, with one patent for every 25,531 inhabitants, was least so. Recently a court in Ncfw York de cided that money dropped upon the floor of a street car, although by fall ing between the slats of fthe wooden mat it had become entirely .hidden, was a lawful tender of fare, which the conductor must not only accept, but supply the required change. Germany is in a plethoric condi tion. Her population now exceeds fifty-one millions, and the Argonaut believes that but for the safety-valve afforded by emigration to this coun try, her numbers especially in the cities would be a source of embar rassment. Germans havo hal too much sense to accept ex-Chancellor Bismaack's invitation to emigrate to Angra Pequena, or the Zanzibar coun try, or Papau. liw i . r t w jm. - JAMAICA WATER CARRIER. Picturesque Tradesmen in the Tropical . West Indies. . t The people of the West Indies are a leisure loving class, going through the vorld with as littTe physical exertion ' The Way Out of It. . An old army officer, who knew little of law, had been appointed governor of a West India island. The most ap palling duty which the governor had to perform was the administration of Jus tlce, and in his ignorance he addressed Lord Mansfield In a tone of great con cern, saying he knew nothing of law, and asking what he should do as the presiding officer of the local court of chancery on the island to which he was going. "Tut, man," said Mansfield, "decide promptly, but never give any reasons fpr your decisions. Your de cisions may be right, but your reasons are sure to be jwrong." SELL. WATER IN JAMAICA a3 possible. In Jamaica the drinking water is peddled through the streets by natives in breechclouts, who ride mules, the patient beasts of burden bearing two casks of water lashed to their sides. One of these curious tollers is presented here as an interesting illus tration of a custom of the tropics. Consumption kill9 more people than rifle" balls. It is more dead ly than any of the niuchdreaded epi demics. It is a steal th3'i gradual, slow disease. It penetrates the whole body. It is in every drop of blood. It seems to work only at the luiifcs, but the ter rible drain and waste co on all over the body. To cure con sumption, work on the blood, make it pure, rich and whole some, build up the wasting tissues, put the body into condi tion for a fight with the dread disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery fights in. the right way. It will cure 98 per cent, of all cases if taken during the early stages of the disease. Its first action is to put the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys into good working: order. That makes digestion good and assimilation auick and thoroueh. It makes sound, healthv I flesh. That is half the battle. That makes the "Discovery" good for those who have not consumption, but who are lighter and less robust than they ought to be. "Why do you oppose Mr. Dinsmore's attentions to Susia?' said Mrs. Cawker I :o her husband. ''Because I am ex tremely anxious for her to marry him, uras the reply. Harlem Life. WALTER BAKER & GOT The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS j from the great Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS InEurGDSano Mrs. Samuel! Crawbaugb, of Cleve land, is the first woman in Ohio td register as ar qualified Toter. She went to the Board of Election rooms in Cleveland the other dav and re marked that she desired to register, as she would be out of the city on the regular registration days. She said she was sixty-one years old. Secre tary Rowbottom placed the pen which was used in the safe, and will present it to the Western Reserve Historical Society. The New York Sun announces that 'Red Mule Smith, of the Kentucky Mountains, has been sentenced to be hanged, having been convicted of the last of his murders. He is small, and for a noted desperado very modest. Common report credited him with the killing of twenty men, but -he would only acknowledge to having done for eight. This strict adherence to truth is remarkable in a professional assas sin who offered his services for "a fee. Red Mule Smith must have had some other good qualities. 1:11 Mica fnlike the Dutch Process, no Alka lies or other Chemicals or Dyet are niud in ntiv of their Brerjarationa. Their delicious BKEAKr As 1 CLM. OA la aosoiuieiy purt and soluble, and cow leu than one cent a cup, SOLO BY OROCCnS EVERYWHERE. W.LJD IOUCB.-AS s. cordovan; J4.$3.sp Fine CauiKangami 3.50 pouCE.3 SOLES. EXTRA TIME. MmtJ s2.IBQYS,SCn(HJlSHCEa S END FOR CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAfl BROC KTOrLtt&SS . Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Alfour shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the noney. They equal custom shoes In style end tit. Th;fr wearinz qualities are unsuroassed. WALTER BAKER & GO. DORCHESTER. MASS. ! iroi The rrtces ere uniform. stamped on role From $i t- $3 saved ever other makes. If your dealer car.r.ot supply you caa. -FRIESIAN CATTLE lanarrvissd for-m Ibt, ba tr, beef aixj beinty. FOH SALE by J. ;V. JjORRLS, Ilageraiown, Md. UOLSTElN i cott s 'Emulsion: is not a secrel: remedy. It is simply tHe purest Norway ( Cod-liver Oil, the finest Hypophospliites, and chemi cally pure Glycerine, all combined into a perfect Emul sion so that it will never change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scott's Emulsion's great success. It is a most happy combination of fieshjgiving, strength ening and healing agents, their perfect union giving them remarkable value in all ! WASTING AS Hence its great value in Consumption, wherein it arrests. the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nour ishment, and in Anaemia and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every phase of wasting it is most effective. Your doctor will confirm all we say aoout it. Von t be persnaUed to accept a substitute Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and 31.

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