r i It AGRICULTURAL TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE TO FAK3I AXD GABDEX. IXAVQ2 OP EGC3.' -The ffavcr of ec-? depends very much on the kind cf food given to the poultry. "When hena are fed largedy cr almost exclusively cn milk the yolk is lighter in color, the whits La3 a milky look, and tfee whole egg is waters and less firm in texture than . . those laid by grain-fed Lei-. The taste of the egg is also tweeted, being ininid and ur.atifactcrT. Xew York "World. nere great eaters but poor feeders, re quiring two or three years to mature. The admixture of a lirtla Berkshira blood gave them the desired form and early rnatnrity, and the judicious blending with tha Byefeld, Big China and Irish Grazier La? resulted in pro ducing the present Poland China treed. This breed, l&t thorough! v esiab liihed, possesses fixed characteristics, ne rtyle and unqnestionel good anil ities and character. The best speci mens hare good length, short le;r, deep Flier, fall, square h-rtt and shoulders ; they are hardy, vigorous and proline, and ccmbine in a high degree the excellence of both large A CLB7ER BAM flOBBBBY I P!2nfrefd First National Bank Lose: $22,765 in a Mysterious Way. THE LABOR WORLD. TAKEN H BROAD DAYLIGHT. TK1Z7. PGIicVD CEZS JTTCvZ. In Eirope cheese forms a "ery im portant . article of diet, but in this country it is greatly neglected, and on many, farms its manufacture is ; nver attempted, writes C. D. Bell in I tne. .tw iprs vi oria. xuis ueg:ecx -, r is chiedy cue to a very general im- ? and small breeds. They are docile, I re 4 ion of the laborionsutss of the i easi!y fattened, unsurpassed both as a work and. the nee I of a special edaca- I corn-eater ana fat-producer, their tion therefor. Of course; this is true esh is of good quality, and they give of L;2Lj varieties of cheese, tut there 1 & good return for the food supplied we' other tin-Uubica are .easily nade. .them.- The following is a simple recipe for j They, do not adapt themselves so rice,, small cheese suitable for Ipme I readily to climatic conditions as the use: ; Du roc-Jerseys, hence their lack of Strain the evening'3 milk. ir. to a ' popularity in the South. These. two deep can, -which should be placed in j breeds resemble each ether very close co i -ater. This will prevent the de- ly in nearly all points except cclor. velop,ment cf bacteria and check the Here the difference is striking, the rising of the cream. The milk should r Luroc-Jersey being ied-haired, while be rell stirred before retiricg. In the Poland China is black and white the rooming the cream and a portion - knotted. of the. milk should be bested (never ' abore 120 degrees, and then a died to ; fahii xd g.llii3 sgxzs. i- rcmainuer oi me evening 6 mi;, VPrvr.n hnr rprmirA vptv mtI jwhicL has teen stirr red into the morn-1 j,c,ii;t-.-, re been mixed tne ? It pays those having horses to sell to put them in the bent possible con-s ditien for market. To sr.eceed vrilh turkeys all that is required is good, . heslthy, vlgcrous tock and a little painstaking cire "critli the young birds for the f:rt X'i-Ax. for ! ek or t-o after they j-.re hatchs.1, after mcij tliey will trke czz2 ol .emseives an i nee:i little or zio until time to fa. ten tbem in the in'?. When all La teiiper.ture should be from eighty t--e'phty-fcur degrees. The cclorlng matter, dilate 1 with water, should then be stirred in befcre the rennet is adued. ' Rather les-, tiiti fan ounce of the Litter neede: for everr IvO Touaisoi-'milk.. The vesssl bhouii then -be covered bill i-xx hoar, after which -lime it f ho'nld ! a closely watched, and .as soon ..-: te curd breaks or srdiii on r;assinr a linger, through it, it should be cut i with a long-bladcd knife intD inch i i.it concerning big limbs to equar.cs. This ot ens the pores of the tkose who are about to trim oichards : curd ' an 1 allows the escape of the "-Instead of sawing nniler and then whey. The cutting must b- done ; from the top, saw the limb far enough, carefully, so as to keep tne whev clear. rom the place you should saw smooth, Some of the latter shonld be dipped f to make a stick of firewood, let the off and water heated to 110 dvrees I izib go tumbling to the grounl, then and poured onto the curd so as to raise j tsike time and saw the stub off smooth the mass to about ninety-six degrees. one sawing. .; The ve?3il is hept covereJ, so as to ! There is no need of making batter retain the heat. I at a loss with so wide a demand for Alter half an hour. the curl will be j a gilt edged article, yet plenty of to-agh enough to lift without breaking, j people continually safferthis loss,aud The whey mast then be drawn as j do not seem to know ju;t hbw to lo quickly as possible. The cmd is torn j cate nor remedy it. It is safe to sav into pieces with the hands and the' I that ninety-nine farmers out of a whey carefully pressed out. "When it j hundred never have any right appre is fine enough good dairy salt should I ciation of the possibilities of iateiii be added at the rate of about four ! gent dairying. . ounces to every hundred pounds of J r-i, : milk. Dnring" the salting and the Thi Erplian LentiL suosequent coonng tne cura must b Ose of tli Oldest Intitationi in Northern Xeir Jersey Victimized Supposition Tiiat a 5 tracer Enzaqed a Clerk In ConTeratIon "While Hi Confederate Reached tte Vault. ' The cithers cf Plainneidi S. J.. were as- tuniel to learn that l-akk. robbers hal stolen c -22.75 from the vault of the Firt yational Eink cf that jerry, and hal aomrlhM the theft .- skilrully that the hour cf the rctl-?ry 72.5 not cer tain; neimer wa. there cay good clew to the identity :: the ruilty cn. The m:ney si7pie-l to bavp teen tat en ia trcai dayiicht. while all save two of the t-ar.V empIoyr rere at lnhecn. and this feet, w.th cne or two n-msTial circumstances. le-i Irsp-ector Byrnes to telieve that s-ome of the mct siiiful roM-ers in the country ha-i made Kainf eld the hadcTiarter? cf their o;-'Tti -,n. j ' Tfce bar."- is kested at the ;mer ci Front street and Pari, in ih buslnles "enter of the city. Thelasikizz cmre a-v on the Sr?t oor. and there are law c-mees andci- er business cm :-es on the urfr floors. The monev. tt&s in two tshaes. One con tained 620 OtO in neV h;l! ranLne in value from 81 to ?1C.?. Thelother eontainel -275 in murliatei tills. The theft to not di?overed until the l-nk ttU alrjut to close fcr the day. Then Thcma Curran. a b;;.k keecr, &?vi -Cashier r.unyou for the mnrilatei tills, zzl 1 a earch reveal?.! the fa?t. that they bad .lisar p-eared, tozether with the ether money. I The bank en.pk.vV -ri : rr-ens. Thv are F. S. Buny;n. Cashier: D. 1L ILnnv:. Assistant Cashier: Aleltort V-il. Thoma- -Curran. TTlIIiam I?v and Frel Harz, . bookkeepers, and B:-rt Stein-r. assistant cojkkeeier. ihere rere nearl v c-ne hun dred c-ersjus vrbo entere-l t'ri- pia the n-on hours cn the sjrt'"--- tne roobery to transact ! busino-s. At 12.1.i o c-:ock r. m. Cashier Rcnvon went out. 11 London has 2&0,O5 factory "Woman stati-a masters are employe i fn some Austrian railways. Lake Superior miners expect to shin 10 j XjO.COO tons of Iron ore this season. ' j VT-es in the Oyho iliiis, at Dover V i EL. are to be inerea&ed 2 re r-e,r cent. I The leveution of the ty&exriter has gira cmr.ioyment to half a million o womenl Zuzeue T. Debs says that the talk of uc I snpioTed rallroal men mizratlmr - V... i ueia !afake. ; ! Lon-dou to-tnakers are makii Tlolent otyxtiozs to the introinrtloa of improve! 5 Ameriean rnaehineryj i f The LC2-r;r o! women employed at tlio J collieries in S-nth StafTordshLre Enclani ! Las fallen since 1T5 from 1221 1 1&5. " ' The strike of the Paris omnibus drivers for : higher w&?e5 and shorter hours has La ; creased. The strikers have been notinm Now there is in New York City a Chines ; union. D. Ai 43 haa organized the laundry : men, with 1500 members and a scale of rateV. The 1500 employes: of the Stater Woolen ; Comnanv. of ilassachusett, are the latest woolen opyeratiTes to revive notice of an in crease of wages. j The warres of b-erry -pickers in the straw-, berry rezioc o Ieieware have been reduieJ from two to 1 cents per quart. Thousandj of peop!e are ahTected by this cut-down. It is proposed to utilize the labor of thr unemployed up.on the; vacant lots of Brook lyn in tilling them upon the Detroit plan, which is also being adopt e-i by other cities Wit success. e Tf ? in "P -ri-r.t V,of lonUl kept from matting bv constant stir-' p;V 1, r "1" V - I- , i1 , risr- el W;-e o-M 1.3 : o! the "nost value, for m tus land o? ICZ 1 i 41 'if the Pharaohs the lentil forms" one-sisth piaced m tee hoop and the enrd - , r i i , - : pressed in firmlv. When the dhessel.tae fd.oflthe Pple. bedes ; has settled in the hooo it is tahen out ! ' J "Pv,0 l- in the cloth, placed oa a shelf aad j cop -tries. It is well suited to the ; turned everv dav during the firr-t i ornate, as it requires little ; inoLth and iwice a week afterwards. I :r?ptl Sa Le h; . 1 . . vjiles. Ihe L.-votian lentirs are re casioually be rubbed with butter. The I j puted the best anl most nutritious in the world. curing will ' require . two or three f- . 4 , - , , mortis in a temperature from sixtv to ,,,?10 s. tne farmers siitv-Mvede-rees. ' of th, ..lie alley regularly rotate the eroi with wheat or maize, rthprii ar TOnAKD CHI5A -SW1ST. This variety of hogs is undoubtedly the icon popular, as befits its Ameri can origin. In the . West its great rival, tho Berkshire, is outnumbered three to one, though in the South the Poland China is largely superseded by the Da roc Jersey. The West, how" ever, is the gr;at pork-growing sec tion, and the overwhelming popularity of the breed in 'that locality stamps the-Poland China as possessing a verv high order. of merit. In the early days of the country the pigs were of the racer type, with razor backs, long legs and little meat. They it in about the end of April. Every peasant grows enough for'nis own consumption, making it into porridge, which he finds both wholesome and sustaining, and the cheapest food he can obtain. In Cairo, Alexandria, Ismailia, Saez, Port Said and the other towns the consumption in soup is very larpe. Most of the export goes to Xjondon, there to be converted into invalid or "patent" food, under some fancifnl name at a fanciful price. ChambersY JournaL Western railroads are hauling seed grain free to -destitute farming com munities. " . 3Irs Josephine in New York Citv ZH 1 ca :n a r.rji rnsse-1 him ,d entered tne oan. liie latter went up to the winds': talk to Hi d am said to Tail: "There is side u a burv who wajl: Hayne?.-' The man then tnrhrd around went out. 1 Haynes fc-und a man sitting in a C-ttmtry wauon .iressed like a farmed Tte man ha 1 a Tat.cn ever -his c-ve. whet Eavn p-'-s-l r.im .at vanted. he replied bv sayin? that he undersio:-! that Ilavin r:i4 .1 Mrr b-c-kkeepin? after banking lijrurs. and asked him if he c ul I z-j to Scot ch Plains, where he hal a farm, and straighten! out his t-o:.kI Haynes refused and retumel! to his desk. It is snpp:-s-l that the man! was t n? of th? thieves, and thought that he could hold Eayn in conversation iongenoush to allow hi eonfeieratrs to carrv out th'"r .-h-r"- At an elevation of l.Ci feet above the sea level on ihe PemviaaX'ectralEailroa I it was disoemei that ICO men were required to do the same amount of work that fiity wc-uld dj on a sea level. Lowell fouud in stores rom3n.workin: with seats 1 at for thirty-f aur. Mrs. Nathan found one big store in which the girl who sat down was discharged, j ' - j The Brotherhool of;- Carp-enters and Jolc. ers have deciiel to waze war nrsnth3 Balti more Baseball Club, and from how until the trouble is settled all union men affiliated in any way with the Federation of Labor are re quested by the carpenters to taboo the cliam-p-Ions. The trouble grew cut of the con struction of the new grandstand by non union, men. ' I Several Sun-lays ao s5me fifteen union carr-enters assembled in San Francisco. Cat., and put up a house for one of the nni n, Patrick Heches, who we? in need of some as sistance. By night the modest carta re wa-5 practi-caiiy niiished andrendy ir-r occur an w. The union could not give" money, but its labor was at its own disposal and it gave it freely and voluntarily! According to the ninth annual report of the relief department of the Pcnnsyivania Bailro-ad. there is a surplus of $273.7:1 ia the treasury of that Organization. Darin? the year c-S35,01 3 was received from 4112 de positors. Beneuts have been paid to mem-b-ers since 15?6. disabled from accidents, ag gregatini: 722,55-5. The sums that hav-i teen paid out in death' tene-ts amount t 1,273,215. CDTTO-DZSTR3YSNC INSECT. Haynes, however, entered i the bank oui-chly that thev did net 0 anvthinc at tnat time. ' r, A quarter of an hour a:;erwnrd 3 well dressed man walkeiup to the window where Assistant Ca-hier Bunvon was writimr r.n I Miinhku: -Can I hive your attention a few moments? I want 1 1 tran-r.-'i .rc b-usl-' r.ess with the bauk;" He told the Assistant Cashier that he wanted to know about d pvsiting some trust m.-ner. I '7hiie the 5:rancr w?.s talkin- to Bunvon an-.ther man went to tne Iwindow where Bookkeeper Ta'i was at work. He asked Vail some questions remrdin: the eoncp:uimr of interest on three "notes bearing differ ent dates. Vail exrdaine-d tr ih th mterust. bur the lniiviauai seemed to I-e rather dull and a-ked the question over arain several time. V hiie the stransrers were in the bank was out on an iv.... . ,. went to dinner and Steiner ' - - v- ILi-li lliC tj! T-r r . 1 1 - The vault is located back of the ei'erks" of fice ia tne dire tors" room. It was suppol that the thief slipped in through another ooor to where the vault was. and . uicklv enrried off the packages, whii.- his kc-.m-pijees were talking to Bunvon and Vail. The bank director? held" a meeting and summoned Bank Fsaminer Geor e sr.r, 1.-. A Iexican Test TJoat Has Jat Arrived iu tlie south. The Department of! Agriculture has just issued a cir-cular t o ci-tton planters relative to a new and very destructive insect that ha? been brought across the Bo Gran 1c from 2I?x3co int the c?ttn.b2lt of. Texa aai which during 1S2 seriously injured the c5t toa crop over a terruory of about 503-5-j'j'nre miles. It is a weevil, which attack? th? cotton bolls. It puncrhres the boll with its beak and lays egrs in; the hole thus mi?. The grabs hatchfan 1 rain both the seel aai fibre, thus destroying simultan ? -.u;lv bxh products of the cotton plant. The Dorart ment of Agriculture ha? appointed a skilled agent, who is leate 1 a: Brownsviile. Tex., and who will study 'the life, history and habits of the new pesd; sad experiment ex ten?iT&Iy with remedies during" the oomin? season, under the jdirection- of :-1t. L. OTIoward, chief entomologist of the de-'art-ment. ' A nZ?xARICA5LE SCENZ IN C3'JMT. CatUerine N'olan Trlumplicntly At-ultteJ of tlie Cliar-r of ?Iardcr. The trial of Catherine Nolan on t'a- : "-"r cf poisoninr her brother John in W: lston,N. Y.,tki meet tnem. Tire bank has a ir.itoi m- tho surp.Ius is- $50,001 Aft:h- I meeting the directors issue-I a circular sta:- mg that the loss would r.r.t i fere with the business cf the bank Ships fnr Xicar ua. President Cieve'anl. Secretary of State Gresham and Secretary of tho Narv H?r bcrx have taken omcia! action with regard totne situation m Nicaragua. After a-f-eral hours of .exaltation they d-c;de-l to scud three warships icarajuan p:rts. ostensibly for the purpoo" of projecting American interests in the event .btween the Niearaguau forces i Jhe Montgomery and Baleigh go to Liu-Selis and the Alert to San Join d was concluded in Ba rendering a verdict of not guilty She.anl her slsler Eiiza"?th were thcr-r-opoa discharged fromjeuscody. Thcr'w great excitement in the c ourt room u: n tzi announcement of the verdict. made a speech and called for contrl-.ntoa-for the friendless, penniless and hom-' prisoners. Instantly bilb fiu:tervd vj air and silver rained intc Catherine- : ' while Forrann Gon r.len.le.L acl are sometimes describe d in n ove-'. Int and ldwvers dec'arel that tney n levs n 1 1 and pTtvrt fA!!-irr1 I Tho OPt0.-lt sol contribute..! also, and even the Ju ";: self sent a crisp "VM t-oi the tewddi;r.,l Roses and .inks were torn from th I; that Catherine kaieijrried ani ev-y . 1 -grated him. elf with one.