(eLIGIOUS REAJMG. So few women know how to usdry goods after they get them. , crciors FACTS. 4 " 3 tttE ;;pp:batio OF THE S7IBIT. . T Trolo "the Bible is simply literature" f.f- 'Ilia.. (nv oa o cnL'?PStion '"r -t". US.linlatry. is not true. Literature ' liU- Scripture is the letter inspired ' tVr t What J-su3 said in justiflca tnV doctrine of the new birth is equally '-tfl llM UULIUUC f" - 'bat ivh vh i born of the flesh is flesh, and , r'(. ,u-v'lop anil rtrt'ne the natural man-V'vi.iL'h-st possible -point, and-yet he is l."aMiritualman; till througn tne new "' 0 of literature, however elevated . its " ,' '. .-Jtv it thnncrht. it is not f.v.' liiffnci 7 ' . j 11.1 . t irit ol tioa. iub auwuvDw U4J 'r. rom anv writing constitutes the ini v ... if Mwwn it and Scripture. Our UT" in :-akins of his own doctrine uses t 'ir-itt-ue-S ironr cumuiuu ic-civ-wau, '"i"1- " . i. .... !. frl,. hioti lie employs auove . w main, mo -tiiiCtion or tne new man. xit? xi, r.irit that ouickeneth : the flesh profit- h n thintr ; the words that I have spoken into you are spirit uml nrc mc V ) Yor13 mey were, ttuu iuok io.k r.rure; but words divinely imbreathed, mi tlf -re fore Scripture, In fine, the cne laOt WillCIi miia-co i.vv . " 1 . ook, standing apart in soiMary beparaitii.-B rem all. other writings, .13 mat wmcn aiso arts off the man of God f;:om common men the indwelling ol the lioiy unost. xnere re we. may tay truly of the Bible, not prl . but it is insnired : iutvi nun ii , r , hat the Holy Ghort breathes within it, mat- i l1wl4n-Tii in ita HrvAt'iMr'f fD0 It HOC Olilj clUtUUllKiUt'J 1U uuvii.uv, ut life-giving in its substance, so that they rbo rtceive its' promises by faith have 4ibeen Uf ....rnii.ti). p Jhrnncrh t le ora 01 liOU. jwhkli liveth and abideth" (1 Teter 1:23, 11. n.j. x roin me jiinisi.r uj. me ciiit. Thp f'ollowinsr dav I strove to make amends fortiie lost time, but in vain. The deep peace and renewed power for service yesterday was Mattered.' Another and another day passed, md I did not realize that this solitary way sprang from the faithlessness and disobedi ence which had grieved my loving Lord. Then' cold settled on my lungs, and I lay down for suffering work wnicn is still ser vice, though it does net challenge the envy or admiration of men ; but these services re mained veiled save in the results until "the day flail declare it." One night in my sleep I seamed to wander in a dark pine wood ; the branches, interlaced above me, left the mid night sky visible at intervals as the wind swept through them. The deptii of the forest was illumined bv a lamp, suspended from the sky between two golden chains ; it oscillated with the exactitude of the' pendulum ofa clock n eve a white marble monument. The light gieamedd'righter in the darkness, and I ap j r-aeh'-d it and read in large black charac ters: -To the Memory of Wasted Hours." Years have gone by, but I have never forgot ten the sepulchre of the departed minutes, nT the sin-ae of loss I experienced in that n idnight dream. 1 was restored to peace ere 1 w;is laid down to suffer. I knew whom I hail believed : but oh, how I longed for the re storation of those wasted hours that the cank er-worm and the palmer-worm had eaten .' An-a bhipton, in .4 -The Hearing Heart." . GET CUT THE GOOD. Are there not some in your circle to whom you naturally betake yourself in times of trial and -orrow? They always seem lo speakthe rid:; word, to give the very counsel yau are longing tor you do not realize, however, the c '?r which they had to pay ere- they became skillful in binding "up gaping wounds and IryiLg tears. But if you were to investigate their past history you wou.id iihd that they l ave suil'ered n:ore than most. They have watched the slow, untwisting of somejsjlvei rd on which the lamp of life hungr They have s' tn the golden bowl of joy dashed to their ft et -and its contents spilt. They have steed by ebbintr tides, and drooping gourds, and not n sunsets : but all this has been nec essiry to make them the nurses, the physi cians, the priests of men. The boxes that come trom foreign climes are clumsy enough; i'Ut they contain, s-pices which scent theaii with the fragrance of the Orient. So suffer-n-' is ri.ugh,at:d hard to bear; but it hides l" i: nth it discipline, education, possibilities w.::c;r not only ,eave us nobler, but perfect us to ht dp ethers. Do not fret,or set your teeth, ct AVi-.it doggelly for the sufTering to pass; i:"tv i't of it all you cat , both for you r- - M d :-t your service to your generation, a-'-Mdmg to the will of God. Kev.F.B.Mey T1CTOEIE5 OF LIFE. V a man conquers his adversaries and nies u is. net as n ce never liaa en U.tered them. Their power, still kept, is h;s future, lire. They are not only '-t-i m hi j,i,st liistory, they are elements - i hi- i n stnt character. His victory ii ' ' Lv. it h the harb struggle that won it, -i ,.f i7j:ss is always mingled with tire, this peaceful crust of the earth " . 'v,ne:' " we - live. with its wheal ; : 1 vincysrdsand orchards and floret fv.il still of the power cf the . :'!- that wrrugbt it into its " : t -Lapp, of "the fuo.'.s and vo cances -r which have rent it or drowned ' rtlm-d it. Just as the whole fruitful t . ". ".' T5' ic its I-( :irr is still mingled with p"--''U:n;ng( U.e that is working cut r--,';:;'.;.:''!''ai 55 for its work, just so the j'. V 1 b.H n overturned and overturned lr:" ;';Q,io-90l!- filled with the . , (,'.v.titttr.y-iviwts of suffering, puri . . ' ' ' tror'w of tern p. atiou. keeps ---tiiia jjiW- --t :r, "JILa: Gisefplinfe the deepest growths of the most sunny and inxuriant spiritual Ufe that it la ever abie to attain rmlJips Brooks. if "xo DO GOOD." Thb wrts the j.racticul creed of Thomas. 1 an e, who was alseiy accused by all '-truly good people" of his time with doing only evil. Let us all go forward in imitating his nob.e example. Our sphere mav be a very restricted one, but it is alwavs large enou-'b. to contain holy thoughts and nobie actions. It is possible for us everv dav to live to help some one in need, to -comfort" the despondent and downcast. There is trouble enough everywhere around us to give us an oppor tunity to lend some forlorn spirit a beiping hand. Encouragement is needed by somebody all the time. Trouble is ail about us all the time. But what we do is not to be cone for the sake of being s. en of men. That is a selfish spirit rather than: one of se.f-sacrHiee. We are to do good by word or iee,i continually and when we are done with the activities of this world we snail receive a feindly welcome from the All'ather. who is onlv love. It is an error to declare that a good deed is not accer table to Him as well as commendatory to the sense of mankind. 'It will never be dis approved on high, provided it is done from a pu. emotive. - VISITAXTS FE03I THE DEAD. , That the dead are seen no more I will lot tindeitaketo maintain against "the concur rent testimony ,pf all ages and all nations. There is no people, rude or unlearned,among whom apparitions of the dead are not re lated and believed. This opinion, which prevails as far as human nature is diffused, ' could become universal only by its truth ; tho?e that! heard of cne another would not have agreed in a tale which, nothing but ex perience could make credible. That it is doubted by single cavillers, can .very little weaken the general evidence, and some who deny it with: their tongues confess it with, their fears. Dr. Johnson. Earthquakes in the natual world, commo tuns in the! social, religious and political world, all betoken the rapid approach of the i i:d 'of the age, TEMPERANCE. M IHFFETIEXT XA.MES reath froira drinking intoxicant i civen different names, about as follows: If the un fortunate victim is worth ei.000.000. . . . . ... .."...! d Nervous chill nOO.OOa I .Nervous prostration 200.000. . L .......... I ..... Coaeestive chill 100.000.. u. .....L Rheumatism 50.000; - .1 . .Stomach complaint 10!000. . L . L . . . . . Inflammation of stom acli 'Prominent statesman. Blood poison Sneaker of the House. . ;. Overwork Poor but resoectable . . J Alcoholic poison Poor laborer!. .... .Delirium tremens TramD, .i Jim-jams - p ! : The Banner. i THE ' DSrXZ VtlD'S WIFE. ' The dninkard in his bed tossing anlroa ing, with i throat that cracks with its rasp ing ' thirst, 'and blood that crawls like a migration of maggots along the ftaec 11 vein?, and breath that sickens and stinks and mak(s one look for red crested grave worms to crawl out of lips and eyes and nostrils and burrow into' the puffv cheeks of the cadaver, sloughing visibly. Still the same scene, the night; wears on; children sit up in bed and mock the lone, sleepless watcher by cry ing, "Drink, .mamma, drink."' TLie la-np burns low goes out. i The darkness turns gray. The hot evening horror has boiled down, arid the tortured ones are still at last, like flies; in: tar. Out of the shadow a form stoops and! searches for live coals in the ashes vainly. -It is the drunkard's wifo; God pity heir. THE WOBK OF ISTEIirZIlAXCE. The following graphic portrayal of tn? evils wrought by alcohol was drawn by the Rsv. Lawrence Murphy, of Canada, in a tem perance address delivered by him.' "Ale hol,' stiid Father Murphy, 4,is the stumbling block of; youth, the wreck of manhood, the despair of old age. It crowds the prisons, populates the asylums and poorhouses and Alls the untimely grave. It silvers prema turely the hairs of fathers and mothers, breaks the hearts of loving wiv.s, cruelly outrages the innocence of childhood, .while it banishes God and the angels from the sacred precincts of the soul. Show me pov erty, show me erime, snow me anguish of soul and body and i wiil show you that three-fourths of it comes directly or indirect ly out of the wair-ky bottle. "It is the cause of : three-fourths of our spiritual ailments and physical diseases. It keeps the doctor busy in his office, the priest weary in the confessional". It is darkness in the home, a cloud in the church and night in the heart of man. It blights the sweet roses . of charity, withers the; adorable blossoms of love,' darkens "the sublime radiance of the in tellect, phases every sunbeam of happiness from the human heart, extinguishes every lamp pf holiness in th-d lighthouse of the hu man conscience and makes of the soul a sovereign in prison, Napoleon looking out on the sad and solemn sea. It is the giant evil of all evils, the greatest force out of hell, the greatest ;enemy of humanity, the greatest desecratbr of godliness and olGod. It wastes God's gifts to man." , Surely,i as; Father Murphy said at the con clusion of his address, it tvhoves the entire community to do all it possibly can to iessea the power and influence of an agency capa ble of generating such dep and wldspreal evils. ! ; Yncatan exports hammocks. m Iowa boasts a wooden shoe mill.' The skeleton of a whale weighs twen-tj-fivo tons. English clergy adopted silk gowns for church use in 1534. Tho pupils of one grammar school in New York City represent twenty nine nationalities. A huband should wear mourning for his deceased wife for a year. The children six months. English market reports show that eggs are becoming scarcer in that country from year to year. Barrier Reef is a coral reef extend ing along the northwest coast of Aus tralia for nearly 1300 miles. The last of the Cornish tin mines, the Botallack, ,whch runj out under the sea, is to shut down soon. . It has been computed that in Great Britain there are 2,000,000 dog owners and 20,000 exhibiters and breeders of dogs. Almost without exception the American leaders in the Revolutionary "War were thin while the British gen erals were stout men. Horse meat as an article of food is not new to the people of Oregon. The old missionaries from 1833 to 1844 used it as a regular diet. It is estimated that $1,000,000 worth of butter could be made from the whey produced annually in, the manu facture of cheese in New York State alone: In some parts of Japan at a wedding the bride, as a sign of her subjection, kneels and washes the feet of the bridegroom after he has trodden uponv raw eggs. It is said that the largest nnsrget of gold ever found was taken in 1872 from Hill End, in New South Wales. It weighed 640 pounds and was worth 8148,000. J Elizabeth, N. J., has a lamplighter who travels on his route on a bicycle, and who is so expert that he tights the lamps with his torch without dis mouning. To open an account in the Bank ol England a person must deposit not less than $2500, and the .authorities I require the depositor to be introduced by a customer. The women of savage Nations rarelv pay much attention to the dressing of their hair, while savage men, on the contrary, regardtheir coiffures as of the utmost importance. . If Hertfordshire (England) girls are lucky enough to find a pod containing nine peas they lay it under a gate and believe they will have for a husband the first man that passes through it. Theron iapp and Miss Emma Bfech tol, of "Wabash, Ind., are married at last. The only notable thing about the affair is thit their friends have been wondering tor thirty-one year3 when the wedding was coming off. The custom of writing "Present," "Addressed," "Kindness of" and "Favored by" on letters, sent "by a private messenger, is said to be going rapidly out of fashion. The name of the person, the street and number are all that is now usually written. To Cleaate the 9rmtem Effectually yet ceatly.jwhea cotire orJbil. ious, or when the blood i impure or lugsh to permanently cur hibitul constipation, to awaken the klinern an I liver to a healtar i activity, without irritating; or weakening them, to dispel headaches, cold or levers, use Si rap of r Urs. : I . -i j A He is a relation of yours by marriage, 1 believe? B Yea, he married my girl. f ' ii fi.wi.ii i.i i- iiinmii'iii i . Tobacco Destroys Vitality. Nervous system paralysed by nicotine means lost manhood,; wekk eyes, and a general all gene look and feeling that robs life of its pleasure. Tobacco is the root of many an impotent symptom, and No-To-Bao a guaranteed cure that Will make you strong, vigorous and happy In more ways than one. No-To-Bau guaranteed and sold by Drug gists everywhere. Book, titled "Don't To bacco Spit or Smoke Your Ltfe Away.M Ad. Sterling Eemedy Co.., New York or Chicago. , i . In tha bicycle business theffreaTertt e num ber of sales the greater the failing oft AUjnst Family Difference. Bad temper is often merely bad digestion. Many quarrels attributed to perverse dispo sitions are due to disordered livers. Rip.m Tatmles adjast family differences, ana would ifrevent them, which is better, II tken in time. I Ktpans Tabules, taken after meals, mornina ana evening, for.a wnile, reguhtte the 8jteio . and sweeteu.the temper Think how a man wearing fide whiskers would look in a marb ej monument ix. Kilmer SwiMP-ltooc arm Ell Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory BlnffhamVn. N. i. j , ' Mi-8 Oldun t'd like; to see any man alive kiss me ! Mr. Sharpe-j-I guess you woud. , j ; Everyoue Kuo ilow it la to suffer with corns, and they are not conduc ive to walking; remove t4ein with tiindercorns Wa nut logs are shipped from Missouri direct to furniture makers in Scotland. For the Consideration of Bicyclers. m i Dr. George Herschell, of London, a rising specialist on . neurotic com plaints and consulting physician to the hospital for heart disease, has an arti cle in the Lancet upon cycling as the cause of heart disease, which ought to receive the attentive consideration of cyclists. His recommendations em brace the following: The use of a low gear ; the maintenance of the upright position in riding, and the avoidance of kola, cocoa or other preparation which by numbing the sense of weari ness enable excessive work to be done without the kiowledge of the rider. Stop when you feel tired, and don't take anything which will prevent you from feeling tired, is, in short, Dr. HerschelTs advice to the cyclist- The same precautions would be useful to men engaged in sawing wood. I could not get along' without Piso's Cure for Consumption. It always cures. Mrs. E. C. Moclton, Needham, Mass., Oct. 22, 'yi. Laura 1 he riding is lovely, but R-gg But what ! Laura Am I on the horse t-trattfht? Mrs. Winslow's ?cothJns Syrup for children teething, sol'iens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2oc. a bo til ! ashaway ren't you spruced up a good deal, Unce Ebony Ye, san. Mah wifa hai clone go: work. Hall's Catarrh Cure is a liquid and is taken internally, and acts dtrec.ly on the blood and mucckis surfaces -f the system. Write tov tes timonials, free. Manufactured by F. J. Cueney & Co., Toledo. Q. . ' ; : U 1 Brazier How did that bank clerk friend of yours come to be crooked? Lazrey He a-od to rie a bicycle, j IHanylnfluencea Cora blue to Reduce Health to the danger limit, like reviving properties of barker's Ginger Tonic overcome these ills. ..... 5 1 Profesor Johnnie, did "Willie Jones leave Iheroom? Johi n (sinart toy) Yes, sir. Did yer s' pone be too fit with 'tm ? If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son's i. e-rwater. Druggists sell at zoc per Lome thel Do vou allow! Charles to kbs vou when you are not engage 1 to Mm ? Maud I; isn't aa allowancei He cal s It a prere-qui-ita , if You are Tired ; r All the time, without special exertion, at tired in the morning its when you retire at is impure and is lacking in vitality. That la why it does not supply strength "to nerves and muscles, Yo'u need Hood's Sarsaparilla To purify and enrich your blood. A few bot tles of this great medicine will 'pive you strength and vitality because it will make . pure blood. Get Hood's. Hood's Pill? g sassf ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT IS The BEST I0OiO FOR DvspeptiCiDelicateJnfirm and AGED PERSONS A ntiX CAHLI? & 1SS. New Ycrk.

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