fT7 "(7 Y UPWARD AND ONWARD. VOL. III. HERTFORD, Nil C, FEBRUARY 18, 1897. NO. 2, - II WHAT BECAME OF A 'LIE. BY MRS. M. A. KIDDER. MORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD '1 COMPAKY. Mall train leaves Hertford 2:05 n. m. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Nor folk 4:25 p. m ' Express train leaves Hertford daily Fir8t somebody told it, (except Sunday) at 8:35 a. m. arrive ' Then the room wouldn't hold It, Ji t NnrTrUlr 1 M n m Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and steamer Hues, and at Elizabeth City with steamer Neuse Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Roanoke Island, New Berne and Atlantic & North Carolina R. R. sta tions apd the Wilmington, New Berne . and Norfolk R. R. The company's steamers leave Eden ton as follows: Steamer Ply mouth at 12:50 p. m., for Plymouth via Mackey's Ferry with passengers and baggage for Roper,-Pantego, Bellhaven, connecting vvith steamer Virginia Dare for Makleysville, Auro- ra, South Creek and Washington and intermediate landings and steamer Bertie for Windsor. '-,,' Steamer Wagner, 12:45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday for Chowan river, Wednesday for Avoca N.o. Monday and Friday for Scupper nong river. V Norfolk 'passenger station at Nor folk and -Western Railroad Depot. Freight depot on water street. Through tickets on sale and bag gage checked to ail principal points. . o fe EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH. FAST FREIGHT LINE Y ' JIND PASSENGER ROUTE.. ; Regular line of steamers between New Berne, and Elizabeth City, con necting with A. & N. C. K. R. and W. N. & N. R. R. Dally all rail service bet ween Eden ton,' New York, Philadelphia, Balti more and Norfolk. Through cars, as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by Eastern Carolina Dispatch, ta fol lows: From Norfolk by N. & S. R. R; Baltimore by B. W.& B R. R.; Pre sident St. Station. Philndelphiajby Pennsylvania R.R. Dock St. Station. New York by Pennsylvania R. R. Pier 27 North River, or Old Dominion Line Pier 26 For further information appty to W. G. GAIT HER, Agent. Hertford, N. C;, or to the General Office of the N. & S. C. R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. So the busy tongue rolled it Till they got outside. ! When the crowd came across it It never once lost it, But tossed it, and tossed It, Till it grew long and wide. From a very sm all lie. sir, It grew deep and high, sir, Till it reached to the sky, sir, And frightened the moon. For she hid her sweet face, sir, In a veil of cloud-lace, sir, , ' At the dreaded disgrace, sir; That happened at noon. This lie brought forth others, Dark sisters and brothers, And fathers and . mothers A terrible crew; And while headlong they hurried. The people they flurried. And troubled and worried, VAs lies always do, And so, evil boded. This monstrous lie goaded, Till at last it exploded In smoke and In shame; -While, from joud and from mire The pieces flew higher, And hit the sad liar And killed his good name. M. K. KING, General Manager. H. C. HUDGINS, G. F. & P. Agt, W. H. WARD, UNDERTAKER AND COACH MAKER, . Caskets and Coffins made and kept in Stock all the time at Low Prices. Too Cheap to Mention. All orders received have our special attention. All kinds of wood work done at starvation prices. New carts on hand all the time, old carts and buggies repair ed at short notice. - BLACKSMITH WORK A SPECIALTY. - Send us you orders. Respectfully, W. H. WARP. Hertford, N. C Ripans Tabules cure headache. GOVERNMENT BY PARTY; Government by the people was the cherished hope of the Revolu tionary heroes; it is the far-away ideal of the citizen of the United States" to-day and all but hope less. In the beginning of this Re public, there, were no parties, the population was divided jnto pa triots and tories. Now there art some tories, few patriots and mil lions of partisans. In the begin ning the founders laid the plan of a government in which every citizen would think for himself independently. To-day a few think but vainly so far as the present is concerned; a few others plan and work, and the great majority con form to the, plans and yieldto the enorts pt tnar tew. l nis is gov ernment by party.. It has taken root in the United States, and sent forth its branches' into national. state, county, township and city government, possessing all. A legislature does not act automata cally; a caucus is goverened by the steering committee, selected by party leaders not by 'the people. So the predominant aim is party preservation, not popular welfare. The bestmeasure in the world will fail if thy peopln do not make it imperative. No act is passed be- f its own virtue, but rather because of ihg penalty to be suf fered if it is not passed. Who will etermine that a bill for the aboli- ion of the liquor traffic shall be passed? Not the bill itself, though the necessity for it is as clear as he merits of the bill ; not preach ers, for they have no large politi cal following; not a newspaper, for a paper cannot kill and make alive; but a steering committee, which is supposed to know how many votes will be lost, and how many gained by the passage of such a bill. This is the whole secret of our government. So long aS a party can carry its voters just as it pleases, it :s not going to do anything for them. The minute the voters show their independ ence of the party whip, then some thing will be done for them. There fore, the pressing need of this gov ernment of ours is independent voters, wno will cling to measures and repudiate" any man or party that does not put them into effect. Aii. intelligent man owes it to him self torbe independent. He should be ashamed to confess that Tie has so little interest in his home and ' . nation as to leave them to a steer- ins committee, ignorance is a blessing to parties ; it cannot help depending on them. Thirty thous and independent, intelligent, un selfish citizens would be the rich?st of blessings to North Carolina. They could defeat any party that would not serve the State, and they could establisn any good cause. Wanted: Thirty thousand poli ticians, who do not want office, but do seek the good of the Com monwealth. Biblical Recorder. ery when the Washingtons enter ed. After the courtly greetings and the usual compliments of the season, there came from under the settee a heavy sigh, which. evident y attracted the General's notice. However, I only takled and laugh ed a little louder, hoping to divert his attent ion, when oh me 1 there came an outcry and a kick that could not be ignored. So I stoog ed down and dragged Payne out by he leg. General Washington's dignity left hira for once. Laugh'! Why, he fairly roared. He nearly went into convulsions, k The sight of that boy in that gown, all so unexpected, coming wrong end first from under my seat it was too much. WASHINGTON'S LAUGH. A writer in an early number of Linnincott's Magazine .tells the a following story which she beard when a little girl from Mrs. Mad ison : "One day in Philadelphia,' said Mistress. Dolly Madison, "I was sitting in my parlor with a a very der friend, Mrs. R. B, Lee, when in walked Payne Todd (her. eon) dressed in my calico bedgown. While we were laughing at the figure he cut, the servant threw open the door and announced Gen eral and Mrs. Washington. What to do with that dreadful boy, didn't know? Neither could be, leave the room witbous meeting them, for. the door they were enter iug was the only one. I made him crawl quickly under a low, broad settee on which I was sitting. bad just time to arrange the drap- 9Ho .irope When you take Hood's Pills, the big, old-Cast toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all t pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to taks aha easx to liersAe..is true i ; easxtoofersde..! of Hood's' Pills, which are up to date in erery respect Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 25c. CX Hood St Co., Lowell, Mastj The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsapariHa mm CONSUMPTION: CAN BE CURED T. A. Slocum, M. C. the Great Chemis and Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his New- ly Discovered Remekies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. ! Nothlne could be fairer, more nhll anthrophic or carry more Joy to the afflicted, than the offer of T. A. SIo4 cum, M. u.t oi ew lork city. I ('onfldent that he has discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lunir diseases general decline and weakness, loss of flpsh and nil conditions of wasting,! and to make Its great merits known,! he will send free, three bottles to any! reader of the Coukieb who may bel suffering. . , a I 1 1L1 tt 1 . iin. ' AircMui hub uew Hrifniiuc course of medicine" has permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. i The Doctor considers It his religious dutya duty which he owes to bu rn jinity to donate hlslnfalllble cure. He has proved the dreaded con sumption to be a curable disease be yond any doubt, and has on ffle in his American and European labora tories testimonials of experience from those benefited and cured, In all parts of the world. Don t delay until It Is too late. consumption, -uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A. Slocum, M. C..98 Pine street; New York, and when writing t he Doctor, give express and postofficei address, and please mention reading! this article In the Hhtee CornJEB. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure torpid Urer. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness, r

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