(UPWARD AND 'ONWARD. VOL.llI, HERTFORD, N. C, MAY 13, 1897. NO. 14, N ORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD - COMPANY. "j In Effect March 1st. 1SU7. Mail train leaves Hertford 2:03 n. m. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Nor- A Ar - . ioik v.zo p. m. Express train leaves Hertford daily (except Sunday) at 8:43 a. m. arrive .t Vnr folk 12:30 r. irt ' Connection made at Norfolk with . uii ran mm Hteniuer lines, ana at Elizabeth ('ity iwith steamer Neuse Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Ocracoke, New Berne and Atlantic & North Carolina It. K. sta tions and the Wilmington, New Berne and Norfolk It.' It. The steamer Newberne will leave Elizabeth City (daily except Sun days) for Roanoke Island direct The company's steamers4eave .bdenton as follows:.-Steamer Ply mouth at 12:50 i p. m., for Plymouth via Mackey s Ferry with passengers and baggage for Roper, Pantego, Bellhayen, connecting with steamer Virginia Dare for Makleysville, Auro ra. Snu th I .rftflr n.nrl ahin (rt rn uml Intermediate landings and steamer Bertie for Windsor. . Steamer Wagner, 12:45 p. m. Tues day, Thursdaj and Saturday for Chowan river, Wednesday for Avoca N.o. Monday and Friday for Scupper nong river. Norfolk passenger station at Nor folk and Western Railroad Depot Freight depot on water street. Through tickets on sale and bag gage checked to all principal points. o- ' r m vr n & I tmrrw fti ninnirnn tAOILrtN vAnULIIiA UIOrAlun. FAST FREIGHT LINE Recrular line of steamers between New Berne, and Elizabeth City, con necting with A. & N. C. It. R. and V. N. &N. It. R. . Daily all rail service between Eden ton. New York, Philadelphia, Balti more and Norfolk. , Through cars, as low' rates and quicker time than by any otherroute. Direct all goods to be shipped by F.natppn Pflrnllnn Tliunntph ti fl lows: From Norfolk by N. & S. R. R; Baltimore by B. W.& B. R. R.; Pre sident St. Station! Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. Dock St. Station. Vow VnrL- Yxr Ppnnavlvnnlfl; "R. Tl Pier 27 North River, or Old Dominion Line Pier 26 - ' For further Information apply to. W.G. GAITHER, Agent, Hertford, N. C, or to the General Office of the N. & S. C. R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager, H. C. HUDGINS, G. F.& P. Agt. -MISSES- S. & E. HARVEY Respectfully call the attention of the To their BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Spring and Summer MILLINERY And Novelties of the Season. They will keep on hand the newest styles as they order weekly, . TRUE AS GOSPEL. Thecause of bimetallism is grow ing daily. Governor Pingre of , Michigan, says that the republican party will never again win anothr 5 victory on the single gold stand ard. .The republicans are legislat ing to make the people pay more for every thiiigthey consume, with out legislating for a financial system that iv ill give the people more dollarsj with" which to buy. A nation cannot grow rich by tax ing itself, nor can its people, be prosperous and happy with a jfi- nancial system-under which dol lars grow scarcer ad dearer, and property cheaper. -Virginia Gaz ette.' I The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From theFairhaven )N. Y.) Register. Mr. James Rowland of this vil lagetates that for twenty-five 3rear8 his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for tb doctor, but he had read of J ChamberlanV Fain Balm and instead of going for the pb v sici an he went to thestore arid secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevefheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to goto sleep. She now applies it when ever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives re lief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. R. Shannon-house. THE LESSON IN DEATH. And thus, death is not really so much the summoning of those who die to a hew life in a celestial realm, as it is the summoning of those who live to a new , life in this realm. On them now descends the manlle of &z old generation. On them now falls the stress and cripjs of battle. It is for them to show that the labor that has tol led so long, that love that protect ed them in childhood, the oppor- tumtes that now fall to them, have not been wasted, misspent, and turned to no account. They whom we lay in the grouud are still for a time as much with us as if they were 6imply gone on a journey, or were asleep in their bed at home. we see them not, except in tnougnt. We hear them not, except in memory W take, counsel of them only, by recalling their warnings ana ineir qualities., uui in ja spiritual sense they are with us still : they are in us still ; they can strengthen our hearts and inspire energies. And if they die like, the grass that is cut by the mower it is we and our hardness and un- kindness that are guilty of their second death, t Out Virginia neighbors are very much outraged by a proposition to remove the remains of George Wash ington from its sacred resting place at Mt. Vernon to ttye cemetery In New York by the side of Hhe rem'ainn of Gen, U. S. Grant. The proposition eomes from the N. Y. Herald and is so absurd andjrreverent jthat It wil be discarded aB Rounis proposed This sacrilegious removal of there mains of beloved and distinguished deceased is too much in vogue and savors too much sacrilege to be en couraged. When the final assign ment of dust to dust is pronounced It should remain to the final resur rection. Economist. From a bushel of corn a dealer gets four gallons of whiskey, which retails tor $ib. ut tnis tne liov- erment gets $3.60, the retailer gets $7, the distiller gets $4, the rail road gets $l,the farmes who raised tne corn -gets 4uc, tne consumer gets ten days or more in "the cool er," and the policeman and judge gets good salaries for sending him there. MILLINERY I. ! - . MILLINERY II ' At Mrs. D. A. Koonce's Stand. Having just returned from the North, where I purchashed a fine line of the latest novelties in Mil linery. I now invite the public; to come and examine my new stock. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. All of the latest Paris novelties for street and carriage wear are shown, together with a large variety of choice styles from our work-room. Fine Flowers and Feathers, Aigretts, Jet Ornaments &c. I have also secured the services of a fashionable Northern trimmer and am prepared to trim in . the most artistic style. Come one, come all and see the new styles.; Mrs. Bert White, Hertford, N- C. Martial fracKer At L. W. No-man's old stand, DEAbER IN GENERAL - MERCHANDISE. You Will Find our Prices at the Bottom. You Always Pay7 For WHAT YOU GET.- BUT DO YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOU DON'T get what you pay for if you get inferior goods at regu- lnr'nnoa YOU DONT get what you pay for if you pay for a quality you don't receive. YOU DON'T get, what you pay for if you pay an extravagant price. YOU DON'T get what you pay for if rou help, to swell an exorbit ant profit, WHOSE Fault 1B H if7u don't Get what you pay for? It's your own Fault. BECAUSE you can always get your money back to the last cent by trading with us. BECAUSE we guarantee the Best BECAUSE we guarantee the most for the monew. BECAUSE we guarantee the very LOWEST PRICES. Thbse wishing bargains would do well, by calling and see ing him. HEFTFD, - - N. C. EVERY ONE OF THESE FACTS GOES TO SHOW THAT YOU Ought to trade with us REMEMBER you can get a square deal for a round dollar. REMEMBER you can get high grade for a less figure. REMEMBER that you pay tor what you get and get what you pay for at our store. Baltimore Bargian House, H.&A.Macht, Proprietors, Hertford, N. C. We are agents for the Continent' ital Co., Chicago, and can make garments to order guaranteeing a fit.

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