35 j- -We have saved many doctor bills ince wegan the using Clinmher lain'a Cough Keniedy in our lioine. '111. a fwitttir-litton tllH tiniP ml whenever any of my family or TJiystlf-began to catch colli we begin to use the Cough Hemedy, and a-a result we never have to send away fur a doctor and incur a large doe tor bill, for. Chamberlains Cough ' Remedy never fails-to cure. His certainty a medicine of great nier t and worth. D. S. Msarkle, General Merchant and Farmer. Mat tie, Bed- fird county. Pa. For sale by W. A, J eggett, DiuggisU SAYINGS OF BRYAN. We are ; not trying to array One class against another; we are try ing to teach each class its relation to every pother. The person who t warms by the fire must not forget the hand that brings the coal from the mine. The person who eats at the table must-not forget the man whose toil lpadsthe table with bounties. The person who can clothe himself with the best that the looms produce must not for get those whose muscle and brain create the cloths. Shall the bud, blooming in beauty and shedding its fragrance upon the air, despise the roots of the rose-bush because they came into actual contact with the soil? You may pluck the bud and other buds . as beautiful will grow, but destroy the roots and all the buds will die. Men have expressed many ideas of heaven, but no one has yet pic tured a heaven for the rich and another for the Door. It the rich and the poor must mingle together forever in the world to come. I want to help them to get acquaint ed here so that they will not have to be introduced when they cross the river. The cultivation which does not e nbiace within its benefits ever) worthy member of society is a fraudulent civilization. We must have civilization which gives hope and inspiration to those who work- in the kitchen as well as to those who eat in the dining room and to those who sit in the parlor a civil ization which will care for the man who drives the carriage as well as for the man who rides within it. Victor Hugo has described the mob as the human race in misery Beware how you make people mis erable. Withdraw hope and des p.iir will fill the heart, and with despair comes desperation. Life an:i property are most secure when every citiztn feels that the world has some good in it for him. Favoritism to a few breeds dis ntentIjijijsti by government cannot but make the victims hostile toward the bene ficiaries. Class animosities will dis appear when each class treats the other with justice and demands from society only that for which it gives an adequate return. the Republican party is not what it was in the days ot Lincoln The shell is the same but the con tents of the egg have undergone a change. Captain Ed. Parker, of theNLon don, Ky., millitia company, Taylor supporter, stated here tc night that 2,40a guns, two cannon and two Gatling guns are stowed in London, and that he will hold them at all hazzards aaipst any attempt to take them. He will hoi the guns until the courts decide the gubernatorial contest. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. - All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your oiooa punners. they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blOOd. due to nerWt4 kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes oulefc heart beats, and makes one feel tKnucrk they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- puuwiiou wuuu luiougn veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary "y,M i 00 ucea 10 tne kidneys. M.A AM M. A Jama 1 .. vutuuw uiuuciii science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. . If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized, it stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases wa is soia on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. Yfu may have a m 1 - I 11 1 ,. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fc Co., Btaghamton, N. Y. wiipis umire oy mail na ... EASTERN COURIER. THURSDAY. - MAR. S. 19K. PUBLISHED EVERY. THURSDAY. C. H. HoRTON, Publisher. . KATES OF rtCBSOMPTIOlI In ADTAKCE. One Year, $1.00. Six Months, Wet. T A Weekly Democratic journal devot ed to the internet of Chowan and sur- roundioir courtfes. 1 - - , tfir-Advertisine rate reiuonab e and f urniahed on application. I I Another! ine nour trusts n intrt hankruotcv. and the reas- t 1 ' lOCi . .1 a I on stated lor it mar. no nuui -oM hfntmed h. eno .eh to pre- - . vent competition, ine sugar irut, as we told a few days ago, has found the orotits gone 01 its ousinc. " . P I T I.I . turns out to be notsooaa or ram- er not so good as this, but it has been forced'to reduce its 12 per cent. a I w dividends one half. Taking the fail- ure of the ftour trusts which is only one ot the many wmcn nas cu..,c - . 1 1 1 1 one of the many which has come to g. ief for its text, The Philadelphia ;mc nn nK nut the best hooe we , I have yet seen lor Deitevirg inai me . xl..i.. country is not to be dominated cn- tirely by the trusts. Invention it says I has introaucea ana isbuiiuiiiuuui.- . . 1 j - 1 I . 1 1 ina new economies into the refining of sugar, the making of steel', flour and other articles of trust manipula. tion. It follows that of any given there is a lare amount of dead capital in each of these in dustries invested in out of date and useless construction. A trust com bination in either of these indus tries means the issue of shares to cover all of this non-productive A in manv instances a Ldunai, ouu ... it . , -r - . iK.r.l aHHit;on of water besides. The moment a new concern, cap- n, enndhasis nHem - ploying o,;ly the newest and most productive methods, takes tne field the trust aggregation is at a disad-. vantage, and sooner or later must absorb its new rival or go to the wall. There is hope in this view of the matter. 1 he progress ot invention must keep the trust tearing out old machinery, at enormous expense. and replach g it with new, or put it at a disadvantage in the rrcsence of ever-present now competition. even though i smaller capital, which staru with the new appli- ances. Charlotte Observer. THE ABSURDITY' OF WAR. -Warts ah expensive luxury, as we have found in the United Stales in the past two years and as the British tax-payers have disccveied The .expen ditures in this country amount to hundreds of millions of do lars, and the end is not yet in sight, nor is there any. probability that the burden of war taxes will ... 1 be reduced for many years. In Great Britian the government his - submitted estimantes which sh-w that the conflict in South Africa will cost the Unitedjfrngdom a "pretty penny," an?'large part of this burden will fall upon the shoulders of the workingmen. In the United States, as in Great Britain, the profits of the war will go to priviledged class, and the masses will pay the "butcher bill" as well as the cost in treasure. Our army contractors, shipbuilders and Owners and a few manufacturers will gain all that is to be had in the way of profits from our blund - er in the Philippines, while the gold miners and diamond miners will derive tne only suostaintial benehts from the. war in South Africa. War is a one-sided business in which .... . . . . luuse wuu uu ,1Ufc jcupruic u,ur precious lives carry ort the lion s share of the booty. It is stranse t., .u i ti j 4. that the people are so blind to r K their own interests so wi.ling to fight others' battles and to burden tmlvpc wSiV. ttah hrc o .... may be made rich at their expense. Baltimore Sun. A well known merchant says: "I would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without adveitising." The facts is that if he should not advertise he would not need the army of clerks which he now employs; for there would be nothing for them to do. Advertis ing, therefore, not only helps in the celling of goods, - but in providing employment, for work people, Philadelphia Record. A Washington hen has" recently1 10 laid an egg with W. J. B. in bold relief on the shell. But North ' v Carolina hens j got the start oT. this Washington hen on this. They have btcn laying that sort of orna mented eggs for some time. Wil. Star. A walnut log was last week ,ship- ned from Burke county to Ger- I P6" Iruiu 3 .Lay which WSS six ft in diimeter T atthebutt. It was 70 leet from I - the ciound the to first limb on this noblc tree. The tarmer who own ... . r : 0 ii 11 TOL AIUU IOI iu uui it. worth 8oo at least, experts say. 1 , ofthe State Farmers' Alliance, says there are now 50 counties orgamzeo, ana . 1 I - 1 , average there are about W . I seven sub-Alliances to a county. :pv" l4 T In one or two counties there are as . , t r- I many as 20. ine snoe iaciory is down. The State Alliance It . Aumist decide whether it mi 1 will resume work. . ..p. J :il th.l sampson wm iciui i v. uemocrauc 101a mis ywi, mj j.:. I Mr johnD Kerr, county chair an wbo is in Rale:eh attending the i3Upreme Jourt. -nx-itate n . 1 Senator F. R. Cooper, who is also attending the Supreme, Court, says that after. ilss wanderings Samp, SOn will trive a majority foe the , amendment this year. BUTLER DENIES AGAIN. 9 Senator Butler is becoming a famous .denier. He has uch poor . that he seldom contorl of his mouth noil'Ac 1 c nppr V rn am imnArtanf ",a,vwo " 0rw'" " "-"s.o.. u.il uu3C . KCU ....... I clf Intn enmo nrprlirampnt that it f " "; recluiresa,aree amount of denying or plaining to get him out of. he genera11 makes tht sc worse tor himselt. because ne .does ucny...g -..u caH.-....s ... face of the record and the cold print against nun. rle nas several times ucmea . or ,,c w "". r r b him in this Stale' when the Pr001 OI sucn utterances was snown by the language wikun as it was sPoken- The fact is that he has become sucn a nab,tuaI demer lhat nobody pays much attention to his Menials now. . ' nis ,a c!,t pen ..nuance o,. nidi line was in the Senate Tuesday when he said that he had been nisrep esented in the co louy with Senator Aldrich, in which he refused to say whether he still favored the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, and finally when pressed for an answer gave an evasive re ply the substance of which was that he was not in favor of it under 1 present conditions and would be only under conditions that may never exist. His lanffuasre was 1 n ca taken down by the stenographic re porter, substantiated by Senator Aldrich. aud he didn't think of denying it until he saw it in print, saw how he had flopped, and thought of the effect of such a ftop Cn the people of his State who thought he was an uncompromising free silver man. This denial, was intented for home consumption, but unfortunately for Butler his re pudiation of free silver is ' a. matter Qf record, as other of his speeches whirh he ' ha denied have heen But that cTosen't make any differ With Marion he denies, all' the same. Wil. Star. it i$ verv hard to stand idly bv and see our dear ojes suffer while I T . I .1.. I .1... A,.rm. awaiting me amva. ui iu I An A I n mr I XI "V" nltl m All SCO 1 1 . . t f doctor to come and see his child, then vt-ry ck with cioup. Isot fi.iding the tioctor in, lie i in word ior uiui 10 . .. , ,t . coire at once on his return, lie also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped i I I I f aft at.- l wouia Rive some reiiei uuui uie uw tor suoum arrive, in a iew noiir8 he retUmed, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. Tbe druggi&t. Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has since re commended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends until he has a constant de.' mand for it from that part of the country. For sale by W. A. -Leg-gett, Druggist. POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Undr.$S,000 Cash Deposit.' Klro4 Fin fmA(L Opa all 7f to lotb 8x-i. Vary Caaap Board. Ooarf;ia.A la bama Dmiae College, -. Macon, Oaarpf. .1 - .- 43. 1" 1ft & I THeMER lFE. I Purer than the parest untai Wider than the ndest jfea,.,."'- ;f SweetecihanHWsweetljst music, Is God's love in -Christ o Who loves ffle'? I do "not. know; , r '5 only know , - J WW. - ,, ww- - ? - r I -.. , . ip Some' itee feo I Aoke & the prison of a toxt "here largeum- . v, ru... Mi2AnnJ thA-tA3 ocr ui VX3 aiC nu,,uuv"F p j er maiofityv or-itnemtior gswng . s- iL.'t.l uiL-j. I arun.K inuic;w f.,u serting. After Iasthugh eak- iug, oiucww.cu.a ...vv . U-.'u. ni4honhnnth I ' .5 . 1 "'"X -7fuu ,'Tt "1?"""' . T , - E . . . C5! -. 1 - , . hnr in whom k.i am anttnSiSV in 1 7. ---t - i , . Ucrested. w a,cjhvertgl. Ay poor nomesicK uu, ' 'MR.'..L. J.no-l after he haa .gotten cirunic 111 tne . " - . ROVCiHuiwii v..v...fe-w to see his mother: ms step : jatner . ... . I . . 1 t?r r i -f s ? I. naa just aiq ajja insiinciu;f w left almost a hapless iiivalidlone, to battle Wijh the worjd, so Ie had 1 - . 1 .ii.l I,, naa gone 10 st, ci, uut ArouleV not hae cieslrted, ttad he not been drunlQ He iias captured and sent to thgovermentrison ere:saw hinu' and ecamef inter- , . :.. . $ 2j 1 csted in. hini He signj4 my pledge never t drinli anything in- toicatihg agari. A slenditf com- mandant put he canteen put of this fort last tjPrin f after the bill- passed Coligrejs and Became law, r .. 1 1 ahd while '$ l.cvWas station el here no canteen w eObackPbut thi room was Used (Or "gospel J Services and lemperanc mjfCtingS l-ater tne major was . ordered to otherquart- ers and a iiewf .camnijindanCcame In; the firstthisg he d wato put back the ciintn, and; thetbcmg no empty oo?ti, it as purlin' the ro m in th'e 0-ison, where-f God's praises were- wnt to le ng The Bible jvent. op. the jeer nt in, and now myprisoi-' sold?r Jaoy who has beeno failful to3God.is compelled, to jrub the floor, of the beer saloon liid" wafh thjl tanks ' ; where the bcetlglase are tah'H, and thfe temptron frcyn maity uhoj want to treat jou4d tie nu-te than he coiild withnd did he rte trust in God and ifethe p:aj.r j of Uie womn of thefW. C.fr.Uf Wnat a 4 sj'.ne. wfcut'a" blof otv Americas hsst jy! Wliaa i espon sibility on all -5 Chr&tivi5! How diff cult it is tdo rifiLjfcrofd ' such surroundings; jkept b vyomans prayers; ys (lie united Sprayers cf the womeit of the W.C T. U., all around th w, rld, anse to -,God at the noon-txle rhour fr those wh are striving- talkeep tne pledge, to do right.: It Sis a stimulant and help and is giving hosaitids of precious souliS-: for whom Christ died. Remember the "hroon-tide Hour:" ' i; 1 - y tl EfttorS Awful Pligt3.: r F. M. Higrns, Eitor Seneca, (Ills..) Ni'WS, tyns afliitwt 'or years with fliles thaVjnp doctor remedy helped until ho trid hueklen's Arnica Salv.r'-He wr&ea t:boxes wholly cured jim. IVs t'surest Pile cure on etb and, the Us salve iu tlie wQrld, .Cure' guaranteed. Only 25 cent. Polcl by .Uoskia's druggist. - ; n i A pertain C5rc. RtifiUMACIDE remos thuause of rheuruutisru by peutialiDgfne acids in tbe blood an- driving theK' bM of the syBtens. Ffj? aale 1 Hdetou 'at Hoskius Vera Sfeore. v . s S m i r Haviup; ualiQed aa Administrator with the will annexed f J, 31. Perry, deceased, iioticia hereby giveu to all those indebted "to the estate, to make aettlemttut-at oiJ:e. Al thoe having claims agt'inat be saiffj wlfj piesent them to m witfn one earjroiu this date, "or th; notice will be pkae in bar of their referfc f Z.V. WHITE, r j . Adlninietrtor, C. T. A. .y Pruden & Pruden, Att'y 8. March 21st, 2900 i . V ADMINISTiATOL'S ALE. AaadmipiatraMr WithlTheWill An nexed 'of H. Irry, dQeasd, I will ell for cash oTuesdyy April 10th 1900, at 10 4'clocg A: M.;at the "Straw berry Hill far near gdenton, N. C.f where thriatd'erry Rred land died, the following peonal pfopeny, to-wit: All of h livvatock.vehicie', tarm iQK implemwtpncorn, fbdderiand pro visiont, roBthe?5vith ill othir chattel proyerly of ve natitrb an4 descrip tion beloBKing iifhe said e tate. - -iM.lfi WHITE, , . 1 . f -ApiinittaatorC-t. A, " 'Hii Temple Dwulifllf'". Last week we told autl readers about the shooting of .fir; W. H. Temple by the Re- J.R Rid- tVtrr On the 1 7th. insf-i 2 f". I err- pie died from the voundsi jiflicteU The charge against the.cv. Mr. Riddiek has now change C;o mur der. Insanity itwas firstUhought wuld be the 'plea, but f ij fiiends of Mr. Riddiek have said?! e would i. ? - jail at LawrenceviHe, W, vvnal be f this awful SSI1" we diall haw tn uait and "sV i further , . ; vnaw utynuimn.uw, " " .v v. I . 'i? it that many hearts are; f.;rn ana , .. f ftf.(n ,nrrv WiCCU1V " . I passion. If pr. Templehnnsulted vife of Mf RiddicHilfcre was . . i .T . nh ose-t e twtJout the y - - - shedding of blood and tfce taking of that he could not glv,.i;Jancl that . I toJ whan he nan oeen.ugni 10 1 h 1 vr .... 1 sive. MOZLEVS LElvt.O N fi TlXIR 4 'v.. A Pleasant Lemon 'T t die ,.WlHniin.. .iuiti snd ai- pendicitif. - - r- r Xfrm 5.lS i . j! : t,- i nervous 1 hiadachw. & ror iuuikcsuuu. o.iv - hJf3eS8ne8S nervfu?'e88 au,J F,.r fevers, chilio debilt and kid- urv uiK-i-nn, wm. inn wu , i tHdies. for nauirnl -and-:: tt.roueh or- Unnic regulation, take Uv tfj Elixir. f,d,., the fre.sh j;iw .f If moi, failSf S th-' above uamni ditie8'; 50c aud 11.00 Dott:en at orucpiKt ; f ; -i Pr(,pared 0uly by D:i; M zley's AUai.ta, Ga. At the Capitol, I am in my fventy-ihf 'fi ypar, and for hfiy years 1 na-e beejn, )T-tij, suf ferer Irotn UnilestlOt), 8tl:litKHI au.r bill ioueDeBf.. I have" ned ail th remedies advertised for tifiije di.- eases, ainl got no p rinaneut r lief.' Ab ut one year ago, the diseast -assunt a more evert- aud uaiiKerdr f..ru,'I be came verv weak, aiicj 1? :itb rj.pidly .,, Elixir. I trained Uiei ife nuunris in ihree iiiomhs. My &treiiRp and health my appetite and my dh$$tuu were perfectly resioped, and nr I feel 1.6 young aud vigorous as I e r; d til in my life. ,L- J. .LDKKD, Door keeper Ga. State Seie State Cap'.tu', Atiauta, G 1 ; - :K Mozley's Lemon' fit is tfte" very beat raedicine,l eYer used for. the diseases you rei-Q&Vjpend 't fr, nd I have used njai y k t pie for o ojaLw's troubles. Mrs. 3 1 . Gkksham. SV'Bui, N. C. Moiley's Lemon Hoi Prpps. Cures all CouvjIih, Cohlt r-Hoarsened, Sore TliToal, Bioiiehititi, ; jiemorrajre, Hiid all thriatai.d luug U ,iSLtv& Ele CMiit, re iab e. ": $' 2: hi dr guist. Prepyd only by ut . ti. ai. z ey, Al.auta, 14 ,1, fhis valuable-riaujici-fs for sale oy VV. A; Leggett, di Uist. : Notice to Creators. A ' persons in tbwtpwn and rountv. who niay, wisht eetlle their indehiiiess with me :ne.V?quested to pay the amounts o Dr., P.Boert at-hies office on King privet and he will give you a receipt full in my name. Jiesj'J,, I). NE. VMA. : Jt. jl. J-JoLpWELL DEALER I f' All kinds of Heavy td Fancy GROCERIES. I HAVE THF " GOODS YOU NEED ANJC THEY MUST BI SOLD. I mean business, so f come and see what bargaitig I arj j ofier. You will be astonished wheAlearn how cheap I am selling for;SH. CONFECTIONAilES - of kinds, best gr ides. Fine French Mixed f !ndy 8cts, pej pound. Don't forget the name ltd look for sign of N. J. Hollowelt W-ONDERFUt' 4 Curly Hair Made Sl Uight By TAJtEK FROM Wf x BEFORE AND AFTER TR A WENT. OZONIZED OX JlgREOW THE ORIGINAL COP3f HTED. ThU wonderful hair poraad t '(he only mmS PPrtion n the world that 1 a, kfnl hal? straight as shown above. It no Vfaei the acaln prente the hair from falllnyS nd makeV?f Warranted harmless. Tetimos a f ree on re T" I'.,.r"t PP'1 5ew aold for ti-aiffhtuninir klnkr h Jr. Bewa iof imitationV BetThe Original Or.nl S Mrrw i the jrennine never fall, to ket $ ll hair pliable 64 haaotUi.1. A toilet necejf f I or laafeilid f?""Tcn- MenHy perfnmejj The rreata antaKe i.f thi woiiderfnl pom a Is that by rU cfn'traiBThten jrpvfSi hair at home, owing to its superior andlaatina AjalityHI? the most econuroicaL It la not poJ li-e-for anybody to prodnce a preparation eonal'i t. Fall dlree tlonii with ctpfy Vwttlc. Onlyints. Sold by dealers or send us 81.40 rVr l or Express oney Order for 3 bottlett, exiji -Ju paid. Write yonr name andaddress platnlyr.!7 OZONIZED OX MABJ tW CO., 76 Wabash Ave.. Cbh tgo, III. DISCOVERY IPiiiiffiilli I. A QUICK CURE FOR I A QUICK CURE FOR $ COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy Jn all : affections of the ! s? or LUNGS Large Bottles,' 25c, : DAVIS LA WHENCE CO., LlJUlUd, Prop's of Petrr Darts' PsisKHte& 3CCCCCCCCCCCCtCCCCC Notice! Ha ine qualified as Executor of I i-t,. Uct will ami tpstampnt Ot I had-1 L.." r Mi Jo I . 1 riB in.-IL A A USSW - " a u.. :..v, X11 KrtC-, Win Haims I uy ;iv.i w " r .... : j ti..j... 1 against me ristaie 01 wiu Kvan. to present mem wiuiui oc v r,rtm hi, .Hat or this notice "v , T , ; J "IIi, w o ie indebd tc the L,f,fo r;n nU mW mmedatei i v - Jioiv ! p'v-' ...,.. settlement. Thadeous Kyan. executor by Truden & Pruden, Att'y., Mtrch 2nd. 1900. WANTED. Cuttings of Concord, White Niatrara or other Choice table raoes. b. U. Wortn. . .1 Edenton. N. C A Woman Only Knows what ufferin? from falling- of the womb, whites, painful or Trregrular menses, or any disease of the distinctly feminine organs is. A man may sympa thize or pity but be can not know tbe agonies sac goes through the terrible aufferinji, so patiently borne, which robs her of teauty, hope and happi ness. Yet this suffering really is needles. McELREE'S Wifie of CaMel will banish it. This medicine cures all " female diseases " quick ly and permanently. It does away with humiliating -physical! exami nations. The treatment may be taken at home. There is n6t con tinual expense and trouble. The sufferer is cured and stays cured. Win of Cardui is becoming the leading remedy for all troubles of this class. It costs but $x from any druggist. ' For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, the "Ladies Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ' MRS. C J. WEST, NaahTUle. Tenn.. wrltej : ''This wonderful medicine ouzht to bo in every house where there are girls and women.' wJ. S. SUTTON, DEALER IN General groceries and Fresh. IMeats, A Supply kept constantly on hand. - My PRICES are the very lowest. Will compete with all other prices. iestQS fro aai llV at lUijl:tlUllilil ; AUD DEALERS, Daily Capacity A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS THE BEST ADVERTISE MENT" IS OUR MOTTO. Write for Prices. Give us a Trial. ftTOJlFOLK. & SOUTHERN In effect Dpc. 1st., 1899. TRAIN SERVICE. KOBTHBOUKD. Leave Edenton dailv (excrpt Sunday! 1:45 P.M.. Arrive at EI12. City (except Sunday i Arri vp at Norfotk 4:25 P: M. Leaye Eueotou Tuea Thure. and 9at. l-.11 ehb. c'it 7:C0A. M. fi-RO A. M. . . Arrive at Norfolk " 11 w A " onimanirKn iaveNorfoik daily (. Sun.) 10:00 a.m Arrive j-.na. y ii:4Ua.m. Arrive Edenton " " " 12 40a.m. Leaw ' " 1:00p.m. Su,,, Thur.; - :ivp. m. Arrive B. City 6.00 p. m. Arrive Ed e 11 ton . 7;00 p. m. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamer JwiTe E1 n on daily (except Sunday 1:00 p.m. iforPivmoutli, James- v il te.- Wrl natntvn and .-Win do r. Leave Eden n Xueadat, Thursday and Saturday lwfl r- for Chowsra River Lniraiagsr and rrlday ror cscup pernoug River. Steamera leaTe Elizbth City for Roanoke Island, Oi iei tal and Newberne Tueadav, Thursday and Saturday 6:00 p. in., cornet with A. & N. C. R. R. and W. & W. R. RTf r Gotdboro and Viniington, &c, For Scuppt.rnonr; River Monday and ' Wednesday 12:00 noon. For Co in jock and North River Landmen Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday 8:00 p, in- For South Mills nd Landings on Dipmal Swamp Swamp loute Monday, Wtdneday and Friday 6.00 a. in. SteuiueiH leave BelUaven daily (t-xct-pt Sundat) for Wa: hiugton, N.C For further information apply to W. S. Suniereil. agent, Kdewton, or to Hie General Otlice of the X. dr S It. It. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M K. KING, General Manager II-C. UllDGINR. G. V. dr P Agt. A FREE PATTERN (her own esUetlon)to svarj sBbscrlber. sWotlfal o ercd Uthocrphd pUtee and UlystratleBs. Orieliial. late ,iSt&Uarq mad atrtetly mp-to-daf aeslena. Pi sssjnstrlne aconorales, fancy work, htmsehold , hints. mtkart atorlea. earren topics, sio. sowenw w-. OUy60a.ywarlj. ldyaaota wanted. Sent ther patterns Have no equal tor style and perfect a. MS CALL bstlr put toe-ether Only 1 and is eenis ---Tr aicner. Bold U nearly every mj r'.r'nr Ask for them. Absolutely very latest up-todata style fHK McCALL COMrAB ii 1 US-14C Wert lth Mnet, t er ft 1 fall lo fa. sfftir 20 T onse mm