m A Night of Terror. "Awfut niexiet was felt fnr tlio widow of HiR brave Gcural lUirlium of Mneliias. Me , when tne (1ctfn eaid she could not Mvp till morning ,wnte. Mrs. IS. II. Lincoln, who atter.d ttd her that fearful uighht. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, hut she begged fu- Dr. King's cw Discovery . sayirg it had niore t!mn once s-tved her lif.jsuid cured her of Consumption. Aftei three small doses she sleep easily all night, "and its future use complete! cured her."' This marvelous inediciiH is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest ami Lung Disease. Only iiO and 1.00. Trial bottles free a Hoskin'sdrug store. It is claimed, and veiy true that North Carolina has the ' es educational facilities of a'l the'( th r States. Take some of the mcr and women that have had hisl distincion placed upon them anc who have ranked among the high est and best of educators in ou land, men and won ei who hav. made themselves famous in histor as educators. With all of this ii view, why will our schools, Insti tute, and Colleges go to othe States to select Presidents an Teachers? We don't understan why, unless it is a lack ofconfi dence. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if i fails to cure. 25c. H. W. Grove'. BiKuuture iso each box. THE "CONFEDERATE VETERAN. Low Club Rates Given with the Courier. - The growth df the Confedeiv Veteran, published by S. A. C n ningham, at Nashville, Ttnn.. i. remarkable. Its circulation o eighty-four issues, monthly, aggie gated to January, 1900, 1,195.452 copies. Average for 1 893, 7,683: 1894, 10.137; 1895, 12.916; 1S96 13,444, 1S97. 16,175; 1S9S, 19,100 1899, 20,166. Subscriptions for the Veterar will be received at this office. Ii and the Cour.iFk will be sent for a year at the club rate cf Si. 50. B application to the Courier, copie.- of the Veteran will be sent to oui veteran friends who are unable tc subscribe. MONUMENTS END GRAVESTONES. Largest Stock in the South. We will pay the Freight ant: guarantee safe delivery. Write for Free Illustrated Catalogue. The Couper Marble Works (Established 1S4S.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk, Va For Register of Deeds. At the request cf many of my friends 1 hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Reg ister of Deeds subject to the nom ination of tlie Democratic pirty It will be my purpose do all I can for the success of the party. Very lespectfully, JOHN E. BONNER Look in Yoiss M3spqe To you see sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinted skin, a sweet expression and a grace ful form ? These attractions are the rcsu!f of good health. If they are absent, there is nearly always some disorder of the dis tinctly feminine organs present. Healthy menstrual organs mean health and beauty everywhere. ST 'im of varum makes women bwuitifrrl nnrl 'hilf'h-iT It strikes at the root of all thc'irfi trouble, i Here is no menstrual dis order, ache or pain which it will rot cure. It is for the buddinrr m'rl thr busy wife and the matron annroarhin the change of life. At every trying crisis in a woman's life it brings health, strength and h-apniness. It costs $1.00 of medicine dealers. $or advict in cases requiring special .directions, address, giving symptoms The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chat tanooga, Term. MBS. BOZENA tETVIS, of Oenavilie Texas, sayB:-"I was troubled at numtMv ofCarduu" " um oy vv EPATEMTO.!imB. AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED r AUvrcE AS TO PATENTABILITY FRE Book "How to obtain Patents". wia inventivn Atr" J Charge moderate. No fee till mtn( ia r j c r.HIltl?'c??fidentf?1- Address, "1 '.y;"a,.rznT Lawyer, Washington, D. C. 1 -mm tfci 1 er.H EASTERN COURIER. THURSDAY. MAY 17, 1900. No PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. C. H. Horton, Publisher. KATES OF S-UBSCHPTION IN ADVANCE. One Year, fl 00. Six Months, 50cts. A Weekly Democi ntic journal devoi- -ed to the inteirpt. of Chowan and sur rouuding courties. . ?SI"Aflvertising rates reasMib e and rurniRhed ou application. for f Ip Hupmany. 1 1 STATE TICKET. For Governor: HAS. B. AYCOCK, of Wayne Lieutenant-Governor: Wr. D. TURNER, of Iredell. Secretary 'of State: J. BRYAN GRIMES, of Pitt. Treasurer: B. R. LACY, of Wake. Auditor: BF. DIXON, of Cleveland. Attorney-General: Com. of Labor and Printing: H. V. VARNER, of Davidson. Corporation Commissioners: F. M'NEILL, of New Hanover. S. L. ROGERS, of Macon. Superintendent Public Instruction: TIIOS. F. TOON, of Robeson. Commissioner of Agriculture: S. L. PATERSON, of Caldwell. For Jud.e.of the Tenth District: W. B. COUNCILL, ot Watauga. i he Republican Congressional md Senatorial Conventions met here yesterday. The colored man was conspicious as to their absence. Promptly at 2 o'clock the Convene tion was called to order by Dr. D. FT. Abbott, of PamilcO. The roll if counties were called and a com mittee on credentials was appointed The Convention then adjourned for thirty minutes. Upon reas sembling the fight commenced. It was who and who could says the aiost and use the most unpleasant words. There were two lactions One by Isaac Meekins and the other by the south side of the Albe marle. The racket was over the Chairman, Secratary, and delegates to the National Convention at Phil adelphia. The South side were the victors every tine, setting down hard of Bro. Ikey. Dr. J. W. Per kins of Pitt, was elected Chairman and Mr. Joseph Biggs, of Martin, was elected Secretary. The dele gates to the National Convention were Mr. Wheeler Martin, of Mar tin county, and Dr. D.M.Abbott, of Pamlico, alternates, Messrs. J. L. Phelps and W. R. White. No otlier business the Convention ad journed, again setting down hard on Ikey. During the thirty min utes recess Respass, Whcdbee. and Meekins were called for to make a speech, but all refused, "finally Prof R. M. Lee, colored went forward and commenced speaking but was interrupted by his pale brethren and finally he was shut out. Thus ended a Convention which was in every way as good as a Barn urn show. The Senatorial Convention was a tame affair their being such a very few in attendance. Cold Steel or Death. ''There is but one small chance to save your lif,- and that is through an operation." wns the awful pros pect set before Mrs. I. Ii. limit. 0f Lime Ridse, Wis., by her doctor nfter vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. lie didn't count on the the marvellous power of Elec tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles, hut she heard of it, took seven bottles, wns wholly cured avoided surgeon's knife, now" weighs more and feels more better than ever. It's postivelv guaranteed to cure stomnch. Liver and Kidney. troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at Hoskiu's drug siore. NOBODY'S JVIF'E. No pun in her heaven, no star in her sky, joy in her heart, no hope in her eye; Her iaefc is a jrrai, ner mruren sipn, He.rprentii struggle lor virtueaiid life, 'Gai'-Ht ma-' awt tr.e uevii pour -s bodysWif,! R- -r rr tr tt -k Poor child she sleep", phe dreamSi Tii the aiei a of aecui sen Koine She qi.aluB willi four; The vand beneath her fe.t is rd, Hoi. or lives p, but hope is detul; The Jion near. With hunger tnadderd, roars and pnreaiis his ciawf ; Ten thousand R mans yawn and cry . "aateu tne pinji Have puy on tne lion wuiuu Bince jte terdwv H:k f'uste 1! Let the virgin die! isir i ne uars are urawii jm. nmu t- -i Ari , a 1 . . . A 1 ,i .-7 a piause, The iiou comes! The martvr screams! She wakes to torture woiee than idle dream V dollar a week is more than lte earns: ohe studies t!ie leather uut.il lirr baud burns; she sews and the stitches, she stitches and pews; And each iii ishtd glove her misery k no w8. Poor child, struggle on with no hope in your lifV! The world h; s no pity for Nobody's Mis. Joses, in her Si ti if , says ''the glides are too dear; ' Mrs. S nith in her silks, "they were cht-aper last year!" Thus they higgle and haggle, and pinch at the price ' - As at oth. r folks' cheese nilb'e small, eemsii i:ncei Hie de.t r protest, yields tired of he And Uie pinch passes on to Nobody's! Wife. Ye dames never dear to poverty's calls, i'e danits who re juice in chanty balls, One half of charity is to give, But the better hai f is to et the poor hve: Fo give is noble, t refuse to take Is the bestonecau do for charity 's sake Haifa dollai a week! Siicli and sew, tew and siu-h! Is a priiy a sob holiest pay from th4 lich? Of 1 he sub Mr-. Jours is nut even aware! t; tih" ht ars lint the uroan, hy thould 2Ir.. Smitli cae? .Mi. bl i.tit is tlte blade of mier 'a kni!o t n. t tears at the heart snings of X-- IjoI, c Wife. The tempter advances .ia cue hand is , . 1 Siiallie, In the other is hunger! ah, whose is the Maine? At the bargain counter souls are sold Aiid-coppe: S :ire saved instead of guld! I'oor child, clioaa, choose! Is it virtue or aft? ' Tie world cares not a whit it yawns and mocks you- - You are Nobody's Wife. She sleeps, she dreams again! fi n iliout.at.ds women iaii, ten thou sands Roinars brave Stare ccidly down upon the ciouching slave, Tpc n the irii-ndlefs girl, quivering vvilh tear, About 10 (lit?. Cheer upon cheer UVlcomes the lion leaping fiutn his den. R'.-ai'i tin lie sprius upon file! Itciplcss prev And Rome rejoices in its hoi til ay . Six.- Wakes, lUe Uieaiu is o'er! Ave, but slje Sleeps aaiu to oieam no more. Worn outin the strugle.'ainst hunger anil oold , Witheitd iu bprinLime, jouiif; and vet oi.!, r Nosniiiii hrr heaven, nOstar in ner sny, ',n f-,i,r i,..,-i ... i,,m . Hy liiepu-ui-eol'inn'ii'n pj i.-s ei uhcu, lli'V buu eyes close uuil in r oioc ib hu.-hed! .Slaiu in tiie battle for virtue :itnl lif;, ' Ou the stiawTin the cyr.ier iit -No body ' if e. Geo. H. Mukpiiv. The Ntws-Obseiver .'ays of the recent Republican convention at Raleigh: Of its 240 delegates in the iate convention in session here, 12J were revenue officers, 41 held other federal positions, 24 held county and St.tte offices (ve include negro office-holders in these figures) and the balance were brothers, cousins and connections of pap-suckers, with possibly two dozen delegates who have not had their rnouths in the swill tub. The negroes, however, were in the gal lery in full force, and the Edge combs darkey showed he under stood the fraud the bosses were perpetrating when he said to a Wake negro: "You can't lose us niggers. We'd ruther not 'ficiate in this convention dis one time than ter be Tillmanized fcrever. Huh; we'll take a back seat dk here year, but when de 'menclment is done 'feated, den de nigger will come back ter his own, and den we will run de whole blame t'in'cr like we been er doing' fer lo dese many years." We are no prophet nor are we the son of a prophet, but we will say -with all candor and we believe we are right when we say that the amendment will be passed and all of the Slate ticket will be elected. White men have only to stand to gether and victory is assured. There are a few white men who for a seat or standing r.:om, at tht swill tub, like Esau will sell their biith-right whatever may be the result. In the selection of our State ticket we have shown good common sense. Let us do the same in our county ticket. The Best Prescrip ticn ter Chills and Fevpr iea bottle of Grovk's Taste i.essChu.l Tonig. Ic is simply iron ar.d qihrdno in a tasteless form. No cuie no pay. Price. 5Qe. Thi ough theXcourtesy 4he Eastern . vKink, thify spto is granted for he W. C. tUhe. editor of tht coiairnn , dsutjall respOnsibiht, oK'the jfentgfts and statemefts yT4ainedert Our Mctt: Jpf Godntjlme and everv la.id.;vi- -i -: K Our Bad'f TA Knot; of ,vrpitc ribbon V; s Our Ainrt: ,orae rot4ou. proh bition cf theiliquor tiaffiV onc standurd of ,f ui rtt-ii ' Watch wofd: gtatej ect-ate organize. r . 1 t . t:X- 'PrridentofeptonW Z T. U., Mrs S foreman."!; ' Supt of Ii jVork, Miss ilht P. Chen y. 1 2 V- - . OVERPRAISED VI&TUfeS. . Somettme ttmust oettur 4cy n the most cania? bsei ve thatoori women are cftcu de victims otS'.e r own vu'jesnjljhat nilnyi ftthc precepts latcf .dv for tSier?- Sljuid ance are rofetLonord "- IJ, tiu breach than Ahe Hserv4ce.,'ak( for an instafce, te oM'ida.leltl'irit ' what is &o$fh d n 1. 1 is woith dtiflj; well "L Tha ap parentlv uifisslsable rfiaxnifis h;;s slam its tUwVds. arI stSA fs tens of thct,.janIfc. to miane :agum and ?anitarim.! : ' A womatv ,ii3uht5up ntthst faith feels t njth n;shor:bf' a crime to baSte 4hm '3 upi,t:shc can pit out-lK veyt s "ind;-gct a backache p- tSr in fltile,' tlo.-c stitches, tl;ojgrt 4he LaslingimiJit ar.s vei eeiV inoc jsit itfvell. She considci" tther duy' to jwakc a burnt cfleiinijf hcrsf mfej- the kitchen stovryiring r.cyfljbhts for 1 c fiinth'. tlou h i4ie Ik;jows p-rfjcily we ;4.mujf sai her self, thev 'j'oiiti; be fetter 'joff, ii she gave tic-tiiplair. fe)txl"t5fij eat.. Sire l;io s oM'bcloi hetNtinu sweeping, o-u.siy, - an pohhx; up bet oci'tan liou.c, bBv s.Te despit- theVwan I15 . ivSs he: lions, cltan nr J 1 c k' jlnjthci, jjoo-, c ft to?no; hcivsi'rFgjt be twteii the W he laaer '; Us the truci pin o-J"Vpf I'M- IJie. e.is an ait of sl'Vu'ti ofi', as :11 cloui it th i ioithJariii4g. Mhen tln.ie patience. rt'tien t is ui lv u sat-v' Lt.e.t ilP &tii t d i wtunaii icirtj'-. i i-..);n-ab c WOlll.lli 3 lCilJ M'J . ,v-.v .. i, ' i '?. , aivoi 1 1 I tMj Mth ut,dui.bihiL'h y v , lVi in Ld t)ltt is 4.1 at. -j" tail iv t v fixtoiif. M . . at: . r vii u e H-i cii. j t T; u-h carpelf one adnr- thai u oinaii s patience s at the 'tton, of a g od ninrof thelcryn. 'e ii of ihe day- TltU nexer thcatienl mjstres- who -ias gcod ants. It is the womu(&! whas-e eaH'e eye is gom:; tOi i, evevy ne.-ectcd duty, at-d wljc goig tofraise Cain" aoutV, Sio gcts he;r tab'n. cloihs put On Jtaightnd' hS beds swept under." 't is 'thew -patient friends avIi i,ibe cotmtet;.on to forgive;. wlx5 tohave to ercise that virtue -ev-enty Sind?0:seven times. The ijiijsatientvonjan wfio isn't going ttbf put off wjri any old-tliing tl -pated withVspect. and dosn't l'avitrnythiipg tafirgiye. It is the patiemyomaij nreover, who' is rej-tx-ne fori nin-tenths of the drun54eiltsbanls. is the fact that trUeC're no j)atien?: hus- : band who :'it-)th a jaint-:.smile to let drunVttives into the house I at unseenfETpui-,, (thalkeeps, women ; in . 5, "paths " of ,s?briety i . m-ii-i . anddecenc;. . -' J v -, 1 AnotheCH is unscltfiness. Volumes 11 'been wfitteno. ex-1 ploit this cfivjjo- virt. e of tomaii-; hood. Roof and )oetfil hold it aloft as fle-Vcon lmht tivards which the nt- sex jioulf strug gre. Yet -tii.jj has 'been, 'more useless suftsne andidot self saenfice; cn.mted m itsV narpe than for a-j fttei causes Sih the world coir,).!? Th' ipSrfectly .unselfish von is tl infgatpr of selfisfn.rs F.theis .T'g; iderfl unselfisl 5fe,'3fkes 3. tyrant ot her husoaiTl t-foie ftp kr;ws it. She isglw's filing to'-, gi way1 without a Wrjrd,and h? let.s'fier do 't. She is al ways anous r iiim to have th ; btst thirds,' ;gid he takes theith IX is the vornf;n who has a propdeiee,of?seIffiSiness, and who aiertand gts hef share of the po4 Ihbgs of 'fiTe, jot re mains lek.uband's ;c'ofranion and frie Wdf' "Tiie unselfish pother is tbe .neJiorops iuofieret in socie-y reck: hr biesto sleerfwho, when her children are ol3ergoes in a slobby turned frocfo let her girls have tj' lace and (Rngles, and who sta-(n the kitchfft to serve the mealsinstead of situg at the head cf (jx own tablej Ofcourse.such aHg;rc'se;f sacfilce, makes her the object of adorion in, her family? NrVrat all. Invariably her children des jise her. No 6ne ever saw a perfer.-jy un-selfisjj- .mother whose " Children d:dri;ihave a contempt .1 t he. It isl'e selfish mother kho has goocind admiring childiQ .... Ihe tritlis that there ar many gopfualities that we neej to sea son life, but we want to t; them with!l. rbea-ance and' jjgment. Salt a necssity, but mull of it ruinsfa dinner New Orleans Picay- r une. MOZLEY'S LEMON EL UR. Regiitcs the Liver, Stomach, 3 iwels, ar.d 1 , Kidneys. . Fo: billiousness, consti-pion, ai d ualaiSa. Kain'iigfStion, sick ar nervous 'l-ad&het'. ': Fdi36le.eplesnes, nervousii-s8, heart ri I liiSii H.nd nervous prottraiVH,,n. ta ..l.il'a A Hi 1 i t'i'Ju tut h id i' oyn ev ei s, n"".- ui'""",!!. '" - rttsei-se. take L"ni.ou Kii?.;ir. Lait s, for natural and thorough 01 wni&Teulation, take Lenio'jt Khxir. " 50aud $1.00 boit'es at d-rj.py.i8fr-, l'iMar ed only by Dr. HMoziey'r Atlaa, Ga ' - Gratitude; ' n,--:il. Mt zlev D at Sir: nse ustn vourLen.ou Elixir I hav.er bad touiBer att ek of iIiosb- iiiul bick lieadSehrs. a'nd thunk God f.iat I nav i.t ;'a&t f.uind a iik diri: c tlu::.'vi.i r- .io4vawful pells. MUS. ljV. J OSES '-arkJ'bburfr, West Viru.-iA.'i l.lozlcy s Lemon -c.itjf T tMnvi Pii w!thindisttoi- . -! dysn rrlor two years'. 1 hear;. . $f Leiii! l'Klix?: "t it: taken ev n.-.f.t-Mf an r...-. iiii- ..--ii . .,:.n ir aU'.v Adams Xo.:5&34 rnt Ae. IH1 Piing ,ui Aia. !:;: 'r. 'K Mozley 's Lemcn Elt.r JIII I 0 . n - Cttrd niv htisbmd, wlio .. afflicied fwr years vithlare ulcer.-i,s ;i l.i-: les and hs cured a t ter usir i o bi tiles, uiu!&ired a friend whom fia doctii had-!;iv'U up to di. wlio-fi'fi .6Utffr. d I'or y?ai8 with indigestion ti: A rvot prosation. Mrs. L A,1j4EV1I.LK, oO stock, Ala. .j..; . A CARD. v For nervous and sick. ln'jlacliPS, in .!ie,stion liiliioiisuffs ajd.n-tip-it'on (ol Miiicli I have b'-eu a gr-t suil'e. e-r ) i.i'ave never lound a m icm-- that J ).ivH Such j.lt-asai t, -t-'i't'in ' an., pernianeut relief as Dr. Mo.-y V L m n Ml x,r. J. 1 S.WTKi.L,4,ffiu, Ga. l'uoiikhei iF;.fj.nij Cal . This valuable midiciiiis for sa e .-y .A. i.'.'g-ett, di ugpj&it. DEALER' if f Ail kinds of Heavy aj'i Fancy GROCERIES. ' I HAVE THKt?;jOODS YOU' NEED ANDTHEV MUST BE SOLD I mean business, so f-ic-me and see .what bargaing I am Ter. You will be astonished when' .a in how- cheap I am selling for CS1 1. CONEECTIONAES of kinds, best gr;$bs. Fine French Mixed Ctdy Sets. . - - per pound. . l Dor.'t forget the name ?!j'dTook for sigh' of N. J. Hollowelki r ONLY WHITE TAI;K)AP I IN THE WORip, ; Iwhitar Soap . t, luxurious a i i purified rfljtsoap and mj)-:rior to the -f black tar a; is ia every lt' contains ijj V'be healing jfi .a, antiseptic 'oAerties of 'black tar soas, with entire freeflom frpilieir objec tiocyible features. " ly soils neither towel nor wast i0"Wl, for its lather is snow-white. ffelathers in Hard or softwi? t far more treey than other tar soaos. and. -ft.;i ! 100 ner cent, pure, outlasts any of "the S 'it d" soas of equal size. pr , Jfc contains much more plyceri . ,han other soaps, and this together with its st' hick lather make it a king .among shampoo Bs. In the trtment of Skin, scalp and O ' diseases, ?KgjaYated cases of dandruff, sci.J oead, fall mjfjair, etc., Whitar is highly n Q itimended. Ebysiciansrecommend.it for )i'es' baths, ani1,n c,asesf cnafe or heat raa rtjie soap is peculiarly efficacious. C " . lfc your d fyf for iU fi' . MANUFACTURED B, CLINTON SOAP CO., CLINTON, iOMj . -.t; JTotice! :S ; fiaving qualified as Mecutor of thlast will and testam qt?bf Thad-' toiis Ryan, dee'd., Not leu is here byigiven to all tbose havijit; claims against the Estate of s ai "f hadeous Ryn, lo present them'thin one yf-V fi'om this date, orjhjs notice wi be pleadid in bar their re covery. All those ind- feYed to the estate will please makeihmediate settlement.-" Thadeous-Uyan, f . 1'cutor. i; bY Truden & PriiS, Att'y Mrch 2nd. 1900. -l-J mm' HW r 41 WAYS KEEP ON HAND k w m - f There Is no kind cf pain1 or ache, internal or exter-1 nal, that Pain-Kiiier win ' not-reliove. LOOK OUT FCFf IMITATIONS AND SUB-( ST1TUTCS. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, The Qomiisg cf B&i$ brings joy or pain. It's for the mother to decide. With good health and- a- strong- wcmanlv organism, motherhood but adds to a wooaa's attractiveness. aMMBaBalMaMMMalMHl Wino Gf GarsBuB takes avt-ay all terrors by strengthening the vital oreans. It fits a mother for babv's coming. By revitalizing the ivrvp centres it has broueht cbubbi-, crowin? vouAesters to thousands ofjj weak -women who feared they verejj barren. It purifies, heals, regulates , . 1- 1, A 1 r r r-l Vs r I . ? ana strenKt-ieijio, twuiwi "'s women at all times. No druggist would bs -withc-ut it. Sr co & For advice in cases requiring special 1 directions, address, giving symptr.ms, "The Ladies Auvisory iJcpartrncnt, " G The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Cli-it- tanooga, Ter.ru MM. T.OU1SA HALE, of Jeffer son, Bays : "V. l.eii 1 f.rst took V.'ino ct CrtnN we liad ben ir.r.rria Ulrpe yers, t nz coi; not hv aj'.y c!:i.reii. iiae ioi;.3 ij.tcr 1 had a hne bar-y. POSITIONS GUARANT-ED, Undar SS.OO Cash Deposit. Kdl rur-.tl Faro V::ia open all yea-f D.tl: Spx p. Viry Cb"ap fl i'd: - Gcoi-'-ia-Aittliama Ilusiiior-.s C n !':rc.. I Gehtlemeh's We use only ihe best of material. $ Splendid Finish. Price is J right. We can make it an, inducement for dealers to handle our work. We X manufacture a full line of light pleasure vehicles. Send for catalogue and 2 once list. 3 2 5 1 A PERRY DAVIS & SON. d 1 Fhs- 7 ) ' For Fii Lii I FULLER BUGGY CO., ISwW.. JACKSON, MICH. S ). S. SUTTON, di DEALER IN - General groceries and Fresh Meats. A Supply kept constantly on hand. My PRICES are the very lowest. Will compete with all other prices. f;:fe fcfrfr t&Sfes- Hi viiir Jjlenton jce M ' 9 7 Daily Capacity. ;ASATISF1ED CUSTOMER MENT" IS OUR MOTTO. 1 WViie for Prices. gg pAQiDING jhiouSE. Mrs. A. C. CHAPPEIX, Magnolia St.. near depot. Terms; reasonable. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN 1M1T RHAn fOMPANV In effect Dec. 1st., 1899. TRAIN SERVICE. NORTHBOUND. Leave EHenton daily (except Sunday) 1 -45 P. M. Arrive nt Eliz. City (except Sunday) 2:45 P. M. Arrive ttt Norfolk 4:25 P. M. Leave Edentou Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 8:4') A. M. Leave Eliz. City " 9:30 A. M. Arrive at Norfolk " 11:00 A. M. SOUTHBOUND. Leave Not folk daily (ex. Sun.) 10:0a,.m Arrive Kliz. City " " " ll:40a.ra. rrive iidentou " " " 12 40a.m. Leave " " i.vup.m. Anive Belhaven .wp. in. Leave Norfolk Tut-, Thurs. and Sat. 4:10 p.m. Arrive E. City . " 6:00 p. in. Anive Edeuton 7.00 p. m. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamern leave Edenton daily (pxcept S mdav 1:00p.m., for Pi v mouth, James ville. Wil'iaraston nd Windsor. Leav Eden on Tuteda.:, Thursday and Saturday 1:00 p. m. for Chnwaa River Lntxli nee; and Friday for Scup iit'rnontf River. Steamer- leave Elizabeth City for p oanokel md-. Oi iei tal and Newborn TneediV, Thur.dav and Saturday ft.OQ p in., VdiiTuct itti A. & N. C. R. R. and Vv & W. R- R. f r Goldfboro aud. Winnii jrto, &c, For Scurp rnoruf River Mou.'av ai'd Wednesday 12:00 tm on Foi OdDjoek and North Rivr L-Midin- Tuetdhv, Thuisdny and Stf uniav S CO y, m. ' F..r South MilNand LudinnH on Dismal Swmp Sainp :ouie &! udav, W dnewday aim rn.iay. 0 00 a m. Ste.-imetH leav Bel'.aven ailv (fxcpi Sundaj ) for WashtuKUn, N. C. For furt'ior information apply to W. S Sunierell. aoent. Kdfiiton. .r lo the General Otlice of the N. & S. U. K. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M K. KING, General M.maser II. C. 11UDGINS. G. F. & P Agt. Drivihc lillflGon Has all up to date attachments. I. '4 old jtorap c 1 '99 999 999 DEALERS. ' :-: 20 Tons. IS THE BEST ADVERTISE G-ive us a Trial. 1 . sr.- - "A