- " - - r . Brave Men Fall It is certainly frratifying to tie public to know. of one concern in the UnA who are not afraid to be gen erous to the needy and suffei iug. Tly nmnrietors of Dr. Kind's New Dis-i C. uovery for Consumption, Coughs ai d Colds, have given a ay over U-u mil- J' lionltial bottles of this g'-eat medi-1 efne and liava th satisfaction i knowing it has absolutely cured thOusmids of hopeless cases. Asthma Brouehitis. Hoarseness and fill du enses of the Throat, Chest and Lung aie surely cured by it. Call ou IIos kiu's Druggist, and gel a -free -trial bttlc. Regular size 60e. and tl Evei:j.J.iUie guarateed. or price re funded , , f . ; H' Subscribe now to the 'CoURtEK now and get it two months fre . You can pe!Ht cough, coff, cuRh, Vam. kff. k.jUkh, or kaughY but tfie on ly haruiUBS remedy that uickty cureh I it i Ona Minute Couah Care. Hoekius crust store. The rise cf Rev. 1. I. Uatt s o;t n. KTIltrn and r.thers. u hci ivi umi utAv w ... . thitthe hearing of the evidence it, and the argument in the case will consume several days. Durban Hearld. The most dainty and effective pitU made are DeWitt's Little Early RiserV. They arje unequaled for all liver an. bowel troubles. Never gripe. Hobkius druR store. The habeas corpus proceeding; before Judge A. M. Moore in be half of Mr. W. H. Mizelle, wht was in jail under the charge 01 having poisoned his wife, came t a close on Friday evenjng aftei being in progress for two days Mr. Mizelle was allowed to giyt bond in t ie sum of 3,000 for his appearance t the January term 01 Pitt superior court. He gave tht bond and. was discharged from custody. Greenville Rtftector. The progressive nations of the world are the great food consuming nations, (food food well digested gives 6irei.gth. If you eat you Kodol Djppepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the di gestants combined with the btst krowi tonics and reconstructives. It will even digests all classes of foods in a bottle. No other preparations will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. Hoskias drug store. The farmers of this shou'd not increase their section acreage J in cotton next year. It it is not at all probable that there will be another short crop, which would make three short cropb in " succes sion. The probability is there will be a "big. acreage and big crop of ootton next year, with low prices. Kinston Free Press. " - - 1 Gun was tbe ball that hit G. B. Meadman of Newark, Mich, in the avu war. 11 causea norraoie ui- cers mat no treatment neipea lor zu years, xnen uuckien s Arnica halve t t-i- . rl e. uuius, uvub, reiuns, vurns, orui . . . , . Eruptions. Eest Pile cure on earth. V? -S!.7 date-,S43-25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold 1 he. maale day of the century will by Hoskin's Druggist. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Curly Hair Made Straight By TAKEN FROM LIFE: BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMJWT. OZONIZED OX MAEE0W THE ORIGINAL COFTKIGHTED. Tbfi wonderful hmlr nomiulA ia th nnW fal prep&ratiou in the world that makes ktnkr hair ratght as xhown a bore. It nourishes tbe scalp, prevent the hair from falling out and makes It arrow. Sold over 0 years and ed by thonsa nds. Warranted harmless. Testimonials free on re quest. It was the nrst preparation eTer sold for .raignvemni? ainKT nair. Beware or Imitations. Get the Oi-lc-inal O Hilseel Ox Marrow. s inr (rennlne nerer (ails to keep the hah- pliable I u MMium. a toilet necessity for ladies and I Kntlfmen. F.legrantly perfumed. The srreat ad-1 antare of this wondi vjwn yoa can straienten your own hir at home. Owing- to Its superior and ltinir ooaHtv it is The maenni pomade is that by Us I to prodace a-prep ration eanal to it. Fnll direc-1 mwt economical, it is not possible for anybody 1 dalrs or end - PtMtal or 4Lxvrmm V.VU W..U KWWTTJ OOm.. Jll I T . nr BACtlA. (mlr K onta Rnld hv I Money Order for 6 botUe. ex pres. paid Write I OZONIZED OX MARROW CO., 7 Wabash Ave., CUca&W, III. HE STUFF OF LIFE! I HAVE IT, AND HAVE THE BEST, AT , JOWEST jIICBS. ENOUGH SAID. EXAMINE MY STPCK AND BE CON VINCED. LOOK FOR SIGN. M. B. Chappel, GROCERIES. East side of Main St, 2nd. door . below King St: EASTRN COURIER, THURSDAY, NOV, 8, Vt00. PUfiLISHjED EVERY THURSDAY. - ' , V,' y H. HoRToN. Publisher; : - jutes Of kcbsceiption IN a&VKC 0pe Year, Jit 00. Six Months, 60ct. A Weeklv Democintic jotiwal deot ed to the infer et of ChoWan and aur eountHoR cour tiep. SAdvertisinR rates reasonnb and rurniBhcd ou application. Millions Given Away. Victims to stomach, liver and vidney troubles as Vell as womn ,nd all ieel the results in loss of ap- -jUle,--poipona in the blood, ack- lehe. nerviouness, headache nnd ired, hstlesa rnn-down feeling. But ' here's no ileel to feel like that. Jjsten to J. W. Gardner. Idaville Ind. lie sav '-Eleetrlc Bitters ire just the thing for a man wh n ie is Mil run novo, ann don't can vhether he llVft of de8. I nore to give me new strength ijrooti appetite than anything 1 .nve anew issue on life." Orilv J50 ents nt Jloskin's Drug store. Everv bottle guaranteed. ,v We have one thing to bz prord m. , i f. We have elected lohn H. Mnallfbr Congress from this Dis- tictand Simmons has carried the State by nearly 50.000. Carr re- eived 1 3 votes in this town and ibout 50 in the whole county, Four years more of Hannatsm McKinleyism. and Rueseveltism. This gang has been elected but not jy a majority of the people for the - Majority were for Biym, the best nan in the Union, but by a minori- ty which is composed entirely of m neyed men. The votes have been counted and the rascals are again in power md the will of the people has again been trampledjunder the feet of the oppressors. Should ever'- free boin American citizens had voted his convictims W.J. Brj an. 4the reat statesman would have been ine next rresiaent 01 ine uniten states, "it is better to be right than President" especially so if youa have to be elected by Iraud and corruption Tlir T'ltPXTTTPTIT niTTtnir The twentieth century, which will begin on Tuesday. January i 1 90 1, .will have twenty four lea( years, the greatest number possible 1 -11 1 - I reoruary win nave nve Sundays ,1... yiU, 1 y U, OliU 1 UO4. I The carlest possible date on which fc s'er can occur is March 12. The last time it occured on that date was !8l8. The latest date that Easter can occur is Airil 25. It will occur but one time in the com- be January 1 , 1 95 1 . There will be 8o eclipses during the coming century. In 195 there will be pvpt PrUricPQ TKp k. . r . .... . . eight solar eclipses visible in the Un ifed States 1918, 1923, 1925, IQ7). IQSzt. and 10021.--1 ' 1 ' S j luiuci s niuiiiicn.. Storks in The Youths Companion. In the 52 issues of the year The Y outh s Companion publishes more than 200 Stories, vet So ' carefully are they selected that . m . r., .:ui f,u,c rei:uauuic i verity, unfailing in the power to . .. . . ' . . . , UVI,huv' iw wuw aiitauy ui hand for Tie Comnanion's irii volume show that this feature of j . rK ,;ii-k- vv. pavi rriii as oil Uilg ts CVCT, Among the groups of stories will be one of "Settlers' Day Tales stories actually told at some of the gatherings 6t pioneers in the West There will be four stirring "Tales of Uur Inland Feis." picturing the adventures of the sailors on the Great Lakes; and there will also be four "True Tales from the Zoos," told by famous keepers and trainers of wild beasts. And this in only a beginning. We shall be glad to send Illustrated Announcement of the volume for icjot with sample copies of the paper free to any ad dress. All new subscribers will receive The Companion for the year re maining 4eeks of 1900 tree- from the time of subscription, and then for a full year, 5 2 weeks, to January i; 1902; also The Companion's new Calendar for 1901, suitable as an ornament for the prettiest room in the house. The Youth's Companion; y Boston, Mass. To prevent con8nmption quickly cure throat and lung trouble with One Min ute Cough Car. Hosk ine drugstore." -AN INSPIRATION, -j ... V . r a man vutn Deaming iace, anu uic t u-; kdi' ' - w 1 rr' " V "So you gotymn courage up to the point at 1 aid the friend are who understood the situation, , Yes.' Spy,, it isn't had when is if tmnA nlunae! I was sij? months trying to get courage Mn.iah rn fl,ir- the all imnartant mestion. But everv time that 1 on ,.ed m v mouth to soeak I simo- 1 1 1 bn ke out into a cold sweat and l-ouldo'tsay a word for the life o! . ... .j.I me. 1-would nave retreaiea a town times bag and bagae if could have done so gracefully, Not that I didn't want the girl, but simply for the reason that I des- ",nB ine Pon 1 cou, OI" S1C inere hkcb cuuckic hmuw iuwi and abuse the weather. v I would have been right there in the same Horrible situation if something . - - i hadnt happened to break the ice. "One Jiight last week we were I . ..... . I MlttIng s,de by side on a sola and during one of those blistful mo-. ents when nothing was being sitd I chanced to notice the gir. eye intently fixed upon a. motto that hung on the wall opposite and a Inch fbad 'Love One Another. I'll be hanged if I ever saw that motto before, but it gave me an inspiration, and I leaned over and murmured. 'Shall we?" and she murmurer, 't aon i nuna, ana it was a: i over dui tne snouting; Detroit Free Press. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushroom have caused f request deaths this yeah Be sure to use only the genu ine. Observe the same care when you Hsk for De Witt's itch Hazel Salve. Witt's is the only original Witch Hzcl slve- 18 J. n,'d CMta,ur' .f qr, luiles and ah Bkm diseases. Hoskins arue store. A Missouri farmer, who received package of etrden seed in an official envelope with the usual warning printed on the corner that the penalty for private use was ip t civ. 1 1 c J Liu &vai.rv t vnv ntks the information that hadn't used a durned one of 'em. Over-Work Weakens V.- UXA.m. Vnhealtliy Kidneys Blake Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 ne Kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric-acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel s though they had heart trouble, because the hearj is . ; It did pr-red of ever being i ble to ask ht t should be janq of btp thep, ui- and will rrtiss him njany times, es- and to be mine. The girl acted, too, ted in intereM arid one iaffifetions pectally, at Church, where his sweet eoulfl :f su had a rurht.ro hear some Kffe vKf 'Xi . fAWriR and I valkSa oten mmerled in hymns of I -.- I ailU Ul WtM. K.T , V V.w- w.t-- 1 " Or " 1.1 , ..... ,,, ' ... . . " t "w 1 iw cniwi ninnn ini-Aiim mm. v. ..... It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys. but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's 1 CiaiMiKDAA4 a . a iu i -""F-' u k w npney rameay u soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ana u sola on its merits by all druggists In fifty- cent and one-dollar siz-j es. You may have a ampiC DOIUO DT mail TTon of H-wit-T freet also pamphlet telUng you how to find ou. .. vou h-va kidney or bladder trauhh Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer -o., Dingnamion. w. i. S T Am doing I think my portion dt t?w roccify Business in Edenton, and why is. it? It is not by goingaround-apd covering the town with bilk for Cheap Prices onel and fthe n??t day prices are so high customers come It is by selling each customers spect, When coming down town to buyiaJb4ing mfnyjine call to see me before buying anything in the Grocety, Agat or Tinware line. . .r ' ' , ' A Word To Country, People, When you come to town you most alwayitetrf , something in my line, and if you are not my customer, ecori& and make youEseif one in my store. You are perfectly welcome. ;li is your place as well as mine. : ' - : I will compete with any one handling same goodsir ' My .tore is " . next door to the new Furniture Store, EaifcJside5 of Main street Edenton, M. C. : N 1 t , - ' Thanking you for' past business and SJping to do more in the future. I remain yours respectfull7?J4f, T. WOODW MILLER, f HE.iR(PERyM AN. 1 7 'CJtff A. M.; For the be Ifit of the 'jr. 6, U. 1 m Xwt,ZL.Um'Z&A nrsVUIwavs leaves. a vacaifcy whiclj . .. , rHTvf f have heJon one or tw ; :t- 5, 1 casions that shieC our eiaDers trying lthc Jgpffsion on, others, thathle Jr, 04J. &,m.t rrtad. We m members i imeoo Such imDresfn? ajii say it sis no one but thjosho are it. arrears. 01 a their duefC & 'too trirHin ti pay uo and yt tMlcjon't wanftto be susoendedf fat inpayment ofduc s. . , -. I Brothc&iOffi juhior Cdel Uni.J ted Amecafchanicff wa built l 1 jf""-iL'j.:L it-,s t;k. I upon me iwv igduun ui; nnip., v erty and patil otism. WUhohese principles thHnafri objects J the Order fallsl ?Shdthe heceS$tA f ;ts extstiencejs eone. A (JounCil inditterence OiQuja ,rnave ne piace among tJKetfcJ , Jhe inte estf one f ...m hWthe Interest 'of all. and th SUCCeks.&eaih should bl ratl-1 , tj, 'others, the gouncii ...-.- r- , -i nf4 it ;nte.Vst should lie slich as o vaHouVnteresf demariMs and sncialbilitvHshbuld okvaill in all - ii! - u.r ' -i r" Lces a,$?)itme Stfc and bickerings fct be banishel with- (Jut jts waj. waif. fine irajernaj nana mi f . -t ' 1 I h k should- be warm, and car ryJ COnvictiort ?ofihecrity,: all Jshould ,,,1, -vi'tri tW mmhf r.f th. i Order frateVaal Irnd social. jlf loe was the ruling ; feassibft of rie'n to-J fav therpLiilH heno rsbvertv. . ' 1:3' ., L r tnme woum DC unKnown, prisons ,u .T, if would oe wmeq into scou;S, con servatoneS;tandjpalaci;37 wnsgre joy and pleasure breach their iighest state. Tfjove: ere the.soirereign in the heaifSmen, Umilef would . , , ,1." -i-M r I giaaaen injc faces now coupeu oy tears, laws 'Would be cieye, with out enforcement, courts wfculd be- come things jOt the pat, pace Ol-1 c ...ilri til, Lh ..v.3 wysuu .;vvP longer, ttfcjdck? would be stlrround- ed with'- , i ? j , I well known cure for piles, injuries and re tender careand thegkj0 diseases. The ladies took care to whole w iifMilrli !K' ntUor4 . and puri as if iresh from the r.. 1 ? 1 divine v-reeator.j that the" brotherhood if ntan is on .1 . .J..:i J.il. . " il Jl! t. w T ! W hearts hafjji asf adamant heretofore aie beingartned aflthe Walters ot fratenval ;rdrrs; T ie fiinob no nrinrSlcrhr nrnd Jh- . , --I T - ? .. . cred precifcssare cr sta.iz.J.g them- selvt s upcj ihe hear oipembers until thei become k part of their growth; ad - until thlr Inles are in accord i!h the" higlt arjd holiest . r 1 c'i tl i . . 1 hopes of 1 fe. . TJhese altars are be- - 5 ; r ing da.ly jeweled throughout tht land andcnflhons, 'alfeadiK learning the, divine preftapt taught Ihere and are daily Hddine to their lumbers. Jti Hi- :M" tiicc uMm ui itiuucrii tuic arc v..v...CuW....p v. hood -of n ?od and thci brolhcrhood of man, -throughout the whole world, anl even death is being rob- becrnt&4 terror tor, the loved ones le t behind, by the human, provision made for the1 1 support and; comf- -rt of the be&aved. r B. L. C Laree s in Brx)t, " afitrnnomers say, m . caj8t-d th texttnieJ'ttt this sumiuei Ladies, for natural aod.thorougb or aud docto declare i$rjv jt the pros- ganio reulation, take Lemon Elixir. (.rations Were induced by disorders tf tbe Btomauh. kod healtl'foflows good digestionf&odpl Dyspepsia Cure diRettt hat i oirra -Irjf ou 'have itidiut-etioti r dyBpe pf.Ja.it will quickly relieve and permne4ly.cure jou. HosSiiua' drun store. - ji 1 in and ggt Without aayttung, . aMke andjeatihg all withllue re L IN MKMuRrAM. Death is ever hard to bear; and : which soj " ' : -,rL often can newce iia. vji en . . ' , i r,4cf wscy nana uu, . errncy -nu - tMvtcpm, W'"1 TO tie verge 1 1 iannoo so useful, and wnawe nopcu w Ms.iuvm. aepnaengc ir ia ..u and a help ta Dioinersfrsi5lerSt uu most5f all the Church, which he loved; so well. He possess m un- . . .. . . I usuaV dignity, nd his, word was to. be relied upon. Few young men .t owthtMn vMr wpre more mail- ... .- ly aiad; reliable than he. . Whi e his dear ones are so deeply wouna ed with urief. There are many friend who feel their loss deeply pprai, uou w. a tp eft and perhaps ne took mm wlile.fit for the kingdom and that the t e for heaven might be strongs c ;.. and these form a deeper interest - . i over thexrvstal river. No human cower can fill the achmg void i. our hearts, for him whm we all . .11 loved, and only the power of Him who doeth all things well can con- I .1 1 . soie mosc wuo arc ju wyiy grieved. Thus it is that youth with its beauty and blvom is strick- with the- nower of death and we reminded that there is one who rules aboye man, and ''His mercy is as the wideness of the s a.' "There is no place where earths - . Lsjrrowsare more felt than up in heAV Xhere is no place where earths fallings have such kindly judgment gives; for the love of God is broader than the measure of mans and thf rt ? I eternal is mo: t wonderfully kind. A Fkiend Skinnersville. N. C. The emergency bags sent . by a Miurch soci 'ty to Kansas soldiers in the Philj- wpineil cntaioed among tbe necessities a box of DeWittTs witch tiaaei Salve, tue 1 obtain tbe original DeWjtt's Witch I Hazel Salve knowintr that all the coun terfeiu are Worthless. Hoekins' drug store, No book has yet been written that win luliy describe the many a, hes and pains of mankind is heir to. And if we do not look after rnese aumems, wnat is me resui: U short miserable existence. In order to overcome serious ailments . . necessarv to have the svem in thorough order -Longavita" is specially prepared for iust this purpose. It is a boon to those who are emaciated and run down. It will put snap and vim into ou, i give you a clear and bright ex- pression.an elastic step, etc., thus placing you on the top rung of Health. Strength, and Happiness, a! of which will prolong your life. J If you wish to live to a ripe old , , , . , . I Aire, read "Iono-avita ad. in an nlher coimn. wOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. Regulates the Liver, Stomache, Bowels and Kidneys. For billiousneas, constipation and inaiaria. For 11 digestion, sick and nervous headache. For ftleeple&sness, nervousneis and heart failure For fevers, chills, debility and kid- nev diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Prepaied only' by Ir. H. Mozley, " Atlauta, Ga. A Prominent Minister Vrftes. After, ten years of great suffer ine from indigestion, with ereat nervous prostration, bilrouunefs, diswrdered kid neys and constipation, I have been oured by Dr. .osley's omon tSiixir, and am ow a well man. Rv. C. C. Davis. Eld. M. E. Church South, ; No. 28 Tatoall St. Atlanta, Ga. .. A ProaD line nt M nphla n Writes. Dr. H. Mzoiey, Atlanta HavioirSeen a great sufferer for three years from iLdigpstipn, and been treated by many phynicianp, who failed to give me any t liel. Continuing to grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Mbzlev 1a iiuon .MXir, woiCQ remeay ne naa sea tor heverai years. I commenced ts use, amd must say that your Lemon Ulixir U the greatest nifdiciae on earth 1 have never suffered a day since I com menced, using Lemon Elixir R. L. Rocco, 808 HerindoSt., Teno. h, A Card. This U to tienif y that I used Dr. Mox ley's Lemon fixir for iieuralgiaof the head and eyes with the most marked benefit to a ly.genetnl health, (would gladly have paid S500 for tbe relief it has given me at a cost of two 01 three dollars. . H. A. BkaIX, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Ga. This valuable midicine is for sale by W. AC Leggett, druggist. S. WALNERt ; MERCH ANT TAILOR. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. .SUITS MADE TOORDER; Opposite Bay View Hotel. cm all wit vrrm r -A Medteht Ost ia RmIL : SIBMJt SAFE aXS OtACX CV POt Ormpv blrrho. Golds, Cougru, HnMralgls : - 3& 4 M lt jottlM. BEWARE Of lUiTATIONS. - PNt-y TMEOEmilNE. y . . .. ." . Nevef before has there b en so niany people 1 ef to buy Bug gtes. 15UI you can piaimy cc the cause of it all, wherj you cast yon r eyes upon the prices below. A. rWRENN & SONS Top, cuggies, maae in any .y.c. ri i :.. Mu nvr & r m - U'Q P"ce ju5.vu, my Open Buggies, old price $50.00. my price, $41. 00. Beautiful line of ROBES and HA RNESS always oh hand, C. B. ELLIOTT. Edenton, N.C. Wholesale Commission Fish. Dealers No. 7 Fulton Fish Mkt., NEW YOliRf, Clarence G. Miller, " Miller Longbotham, J SPECIAL ATTtNTON Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LIN A SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished ' on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. TOLLOWELL , -. DEALER IN All kinds of Heavy and Fancy G ROCER I BS. I , HAVE THE GOODS YOU , NEED AND THEY MUST BE SOLD. ' I mean business - so come and ,se what bargains I offer. You will be astonished when you. learn how cheap J am selling for CASH. CONFECTIONARIES of kinds, best grades. Fine French Mixed Candy 8cts. per pound. Don't forget the name and look for sign of N. J. Hollo well. MOMENTS AND GRAVESTONES. A Largest Stock in the South. I We will pay the Freight and jj 'guarantee safe delivery. ttjl Write for Free Illustrated ygV- .Catalogue. The Couper Marble ' Works. (Established 1848.) 1 59 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk. Va. t7 IS Sis Wiii IS Daily Capacity , - tJT'tM 3 tmm fefiiitk I NORFOLK & SOUTHEPr pah pun rniwuAvv ' 1ft effect ' fSpt. 24lh., 1900. TRAtK SERVICE. KO8TnOt7N0 Leave Edeoten daily (except Sunday 1 1:45 P. M. ; Arrive at Elife. City (except Sunday) Arrive at ifor'folk 4:25 P. M. teate Eaenton Tues,, Tbursand Sat. 8:80 A.M. teare EH. City 9.K0 A. M Arrive, at Norfolk' " 11:0 A.M. aocTHBOCXD, . - Leave Norfolk dally (ex. Sun.) 10:00 a.ra Arrire Kli. City ' " ll:0a.m. Arrive Edentoir " " " 13:40a.m. Leave " " M " 12:4.-, p.m. Arrire Belbaven " , l " 6:20 p, m. Le-AVe Norfolk Tuec., thors. and Sat. p. m Arrive E.Cky " " 5;n6 p m Arrive Edeutori M :65 p m. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. ...'.-(. Steamers leave Edenton daily (except Sunday 11:4( p. m., for Plymouth, Jamepvule. williamston and Windsor. LeayEden on lutRdat, Thnrsdav arid Saturday 12:45 p. nu for Chowan River Landings; and 1-riday for Scup- prnong .; River. Steamers leave Lnzabeth City for Roanoke Island. Ot iei tul and Newberne Tuesday, ThurRday and Saturday 6:00 p. m., connect with A. & N. C. R. R. and W. & W. R. R. for Goldboro and Wilmington, &c, For Scuppernon River Monday and Wednesday at 12. OC uoon and for Phihiuo tank River La ud ings Friday 1Z:80 p. m. Steamers leav Bel'.-aven daily (except Sunday) for Washington, N. C. and 5 a. m. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday for 'Aurora, South Creek and Makleyville. For further information apply tc W. S. SunicrelU agent, Edenton, 01 to the General Office of the N. fe S. U. Ri. Co., Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager II. C. I1UDG1NS, G. F. & P. Agt Orient Uictoriettes are beautiful mntomobiles baying grace in every line. Motive power, gas, sparked by electricity. It would be decidedly unwise for any one hav ing a self-propelled carriage in mind to make the purchase before investigat ing the superior merits of the Orient . Victoriette. Price, $1,000. Correspon dence will bring to you alt information accessary for comparison together vsith an accurate illustration of the vehicle write. VALTHAM MFG. CO, ORIENT BICYCLES W1ITB1U ORIENT MOTOR BICYCLES H riuiu HISS. ORIENT AUTOGOS ORIENT AUTOMOBILES ;I'I'I'M'IMIIiI'IiI'IiX'i'I'IiI'I'I'I'I'I TROUJIY SHOE POLISH Makes shoes i WEAR LONGER X ; Being an oil polish and ) J adapted to all kinds of JJ leather, one bottle of a j color' is good for the I whole family I . ' It is made in three col- $ orSs Russet. Brown and ! Black. It gives a brilliant 1 pousn wxtoui pw 1 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT; f MANUFACTURED BY I TROLLEY SHOE POUSH CO., BROCKTON, MASS. CTI'M'M'M'I'I'M'I'M'M'I'M'M m 99 99 99 old jlorage o. 4 HP DEALERS. 20 Tons -A SATISFIED CUSTOMER JS THE BEST ADVERTISE. MENT" IS OUR MOTTO. Write for Prices. - - r!r ' Give us a Trial, Edert9n, N. C. 1 1 -cr , . jr..

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