V - - -a. 1 v " I 1 ' 1 i - k THURSpAY, . NOV. 15, 1900. KJBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY. C. H Morton, Publisher. BATES OF UBSCMPTION IK ADVANCE. One Year, 1.00. Six Months, 50ctp. A Weekly Democratic jourral devot ed to the interest of ChoWan aud aur roundiog courtieB, ' Brave Men Fall ' It is certainly gratifying to tbfr public to know of one concern ia the ! laud wuo are no. auaiu u u -u-'eroua to the needy and suffering: The proprietors of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given mva over ten mit lion tiial bottles of this great med -cine; and have ihv satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopotess cases. Asthma Urouchitis, Hoarseness and all dis eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely-cured" hy it. Call ou Hos kio's Druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regjular size 50c. and 1. Every bottle guarateed . or price re funded. i - - When young man once gets (airly started on the downward raH he dosen't attempt to back t - pedal. Large un spot?, astronomers pay, 'caused th- extreme . beat this aummer aud doctors declare nearly all the pros- tracions were ibuubcu yy u.ov.u.D ... p ,sb, run ,lo,,u Bn,j ttoa t ,cmv the stomach. Good riealttJtoiiows Kooa . .. , , d t, did diwstioD. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests eUiti he llvci oi dies, it cuci what von eat. ' IMou have indigeetion more lo give me new strength and or dyspepsia it will quickly relieve and irooil appetite than anything I eonld permanently cure you. Hoskius drug ,akc. I can now eat 'anything anrt 8tore have a new issue on life." On I v 50 " A man may step over a banana cents at Iloskin's Drug Store. Every akin successfully- and yet be trip- 'bottle guaranteed ped up by the tiniest bit of a lie. EASTERN COURIER. fi"AdvertisinR- rate reaaonHb e and furnished ou application. Millions Given Away. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well ns women, and all lee I the results in loss of ap petite, poisnna'in the olood, back ache, nerviousiifss, licadaclie and tired, listless run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen lo J. V. Gardner. Idaville. Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when of a pamphlet setting forth the ob ject of the association and the ur gent need of the establishment at the carlest possible time of are formatory by the Legislature of North Carolina. It will be re membered that Captian G. B. Den son' and Hon. John Nichols have been delegated by the assoc ation as a committte to prepare a bill to be introduced in the Legislature at its next session providing fo'r' an ap- propration for the establishment of such a reformatory. ;Ancl the-end which the association hopes to at. tain in their present effo ts is the awakening of a public sentiment which will Impel the passage 6f the bill by the Legislature. Ex. A.. poisonous toadstools resembling 'mnsh rooms have caused f request deaths , this Year. Be sure to use only the genu ine. Observe the same cre when you liiere are poisonous counterleits. De- successful candidates are. A week has passed since the election and the news has gone out far and near tellinsr who the We of North Carolina are justly proud of Witt's is the only original Witch Hjb-I Kl. Tfc is a Raf ftiid certain enre for piles and all skin diseases. Hoskins' the victory we have won, amid a drug store. When a girl casts her bread up on the waters, she expects it to come back in the shape of a wed ing cake. storm on both sides, the like of which we trust will never occur again, we reler to the benatoral contest. The primary election has f? been sufficient'v tried in both State The emergency bags sentbj a rhurjh , . . ,. , BOCirtv to Kansas soldiers in the Phili- "-uumrcs.duu c tn aicc uuu t Pines contained among the necessities w Hnn't anv rrnrp ir Tr pnopiiHr well known cure for piles, injuries nd too mucn strife among our . j; t-l 1 J' . a. l rt I sin aiscases. aiib lames lou r w i , fu r.f m,.u u0: DeWitt's Witch r11'" ' -""- ' '"v.n Uv.i..s said. ries. that' We Haxel Salve Knowing thnt all the coun- said terfeitS' areHWoithlese. Hoskins drug .8 tor. v Our correspondence is crowded out this for want of space, taken up by the large advertisement of Mr. R. E. Vernon. We hope to in the near future to be able to give patrons more reading matter. people cause of much would be left un want no more prima- The most 'dainty and effective pills made are De Witt & Litile Early Riser.. Thev are urjeaualed for all liver ttnd bowel troubles. Never gripe. Hobkins'' drug Eiore. The progressive nations of the wor!d are the ureat food consuming Datmns Oood food well digested gives strength. If yon eat you Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It digests what vou eat. You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the di- and Democratic party I pledge my srestants combined with the best k row o , J tonics and reconstructives. It will loyal support. "J. . Carr, even digests all classes or loads in a CARR TO SIMMONS. D'jrhan, N. C, Nov. 7, 1900. Hon. F. M. Simmons, Raleigh, N. C. "Accept my heartiest congratu lations. In all vour efforts to pro- mote the w ellare of North Carolina During the campaign just closed there were a few things that were brought before the people to show why they should support the Dem ocratic party. One of these things' was Trusts, and our people have had some experience of what Trusts are. We have only to re mind them of the price of Salt last Spiing. Then aain the Standard Oil Co., has forced itself into our midst, and but for the Southern Oil Co., managed by Mr. Jt K Rea in this town, oil would come hish. A sood plan is for our merchants not to buy from the Standard Oil Co. The consume) is the one wno does tne payint; and we ask him to refuse to buy oil controlled by Trusts if he can get it otherwise. Ir. Rta is stil m the business and the Southern Oil Co. is not in the clutches ol Rockefeller. To prevent consumption quickly cure throat and Iudk trouble with One Miu- 11 te Cough Cure. Hoskins. drug store. The women allow themselves ots of privileges. They will get themselves photographed with low cut dresses on and no--sleeves, but a man can't even have his picture taken in his dress suit. bottle. No other preparations will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. Hoskins' drug store. Mr, H. C. Privott's handsome residence is receiving its finishing touch: Mr. Priyott expect to move in about the last of December. Red Hot From The ' Gun was the hall that hit G. B Stead man of Newark, Alich. in the Civil War. It caused horrabe U I- gram Mr. Simmons acknowledged the recept of General Carr's telegram as follows: aleish. N. C. Nov. 7, 1900. "Geneial J. S. Cars, Durham. N. C. "Accept my thanks f r your wiie of congratulation. It is my earnest desire that any dissensions in our party may be speedily heaL-d. I trust that the spirit of your tele- may meet a universal res- cers tlmtno treatment helped for 20 D.,nse from our nartv friVn -k anH years. Then Bucklen's An.ica Salve . .. , , cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, that we may all work together for Burns, Doils, Felons. Corns, Skin "ie success ot Democracy and Eruptions. Eest Pile cure on earth, the welfare of the State. Surelv njthing shall be lefuundone on my 25 cits, a liox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Hk)Druggist WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Curly Hair Made Straight By TAKEN FROM LIFE: EEFORR AND AFTER TREATMENT. OZONIZED OX MAEE0W THE ORIGINAL COPYRIGHTED. ThU wonderful hair pomade is the only safe pre pm ration in the world that makes kinky hair straight as shown above. It nourishes the scalp, prevents the hair from falling out and makes it row. Sold over 40 years and used by thousands, warranted harmless. Testimonials free on re-Quet- It wa the first preparation ever Bold for straignteninir kinky hair. Beware of imitations. Get the Original Ozonized Ox Marrow, as the genuine never falls to keep the hair pliable and Iwmutiful. A toilet necessity for ladles and gentlemen. Megantly perfumed. The great ad "antage of this wonderful pomade in that by its yoo can straighten your own hnir at home. Owing to It superior and lasting quality it i? the most economical. It is not possible for anybody to produce a preparation equal to it. Full direc tions with every bottle. Only Bit cents. Sold by dealers or send u $1.40 Postal or Express Honey Order for 8 bottles, express paid, write yonr name and address plainly to OZONIZED OX MARROW CO., 76 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. THE STAFF OF lift! I HAVE IT, AND HAVE THE BEST. AT jOWEST FICES. ENOUGH SAID. EXAMINE MY STOCK AND BE CON VINCED. LOOK FOR SIGN. M B Chappel, " GROCERIES. , East side of Main St. 2nd. door below King St: part to accomplish this much to be desired resut. "F. M. Simmons." CARR'S MANLY LETTER. To the Democrats of North Caro- ina: You have at the ballot box ex pressed your choice for United states senator. our will is mv pleasure 1 assure you my devo tion to the weltare of North Caro lina is unabated, and my loyalty to the great Democratic party unsha- ken. My defeat leaves no bitter ness. in the future, as in the oast I will be found fighting the battle of Democracy. I am deeply grate ful to my many friends throughout the State who have stood so loya's ly by me. Surely it is the privi lege of few to be honored by the support and confidence of so many good and true men. I shall never forget their loyalty, and may heaven's richest blessings abide with them. May the great Democratic party lorig triumph as the champion o; the people's righths, and the salva tion of the State I love. I remain in bonds pf Democratic faith and principles. Your obedient servant. J. S. Carr. Few people ge jubre thjan Jftey expect inthts pid.';,f. ,Ji . : It takes a Iotcat to' drivehe chilly feelingouy church' 7?" CAStQRlJBt , Por Iiitciaid. Children. - , The Kind You if s Always Bo1 Bears th Signatur on 4 - $t . You can' spell itcougb, coff, caugh, kauf, kaff, kourh,or kaujrh, but the on ly harmless rettirdy that quickly.eures it is One Minute Cough Cure;. Hoekina drugstore, ' ; North Carolina .uncier. the nesfc apportionment of. 260,000 to a con gressional district can hold its own get 9 members. Kansas and Nebraska in the west -would lose one each as would Virginia and Maine in the east. makes traveling Xuina enjortfjent. L'o horse to WurnessiU teed. Nsteai:ti generate. ;Nb. eloVicity to stbrS. Jitsia eallon ot ffa8o1enfc nd;ff you to on a i0 mile trip, at a 20-if!e-aa-hourUp if jifiiu ! say so. A eaeHHat)agea 03f a grrjjf o horse an goofts del moref reliabfeJ. Propellea y the fpsaoii? Aster nfotorMi ported " f JJm Ffre? (Pnw yith f'.l equipmen V4S014 W maiyou t&e detaUs. . : -- J I 1.1 If VALTHAM WPG. CO.! ORIENT BfCYCLEi . ? Wl!THf.Ui ORIENT MOTOR o'SVCLSS n.ftl.l.I3i ORIENT a;jtogo ; ORIENT.ATOMCnC LEft 'f1"' jr.-r.-r.-r.T.T.t.-rtTTTT'li ELIXIR. 4 1 1 BoWelz and WOZLEY'S LEMON Regulates the Liver, Stomal Kidneys. For - btlliousnesa, constipation and miliaria. . i For u.digestioD, sickj aod nervous headache. ' For eleplesenesa, nervousness and heart failure." For ffvpfs, chills, debility and kid ufv diBeasPB. take Leincu Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lraon Elixir. Piepared ouly by Dr. H. Moz ey, Atlauta, Ga. SH0 3S SHOES: Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble .preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It ia sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall tree, aiSO pamphlet tell- Home of Swamp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. . Y., b sure and mention this paper. ' xii'i'ji'yig a! ViBAR LONGER 2" eingifin pU polish. ajr?d tdtSorlOT kinds M I lcather,n botttf of a color isgox mr tle It is rd, in tihee dl- a aa:RSsetr?f Brown ad A BlaclB.,l'Mes a. Irillint pousn xrfjx paste j 1 ASK YOURiEiUB MB It. ----- ; 'i t ANliCtED BYj I TROUiiOfipUSH C, BROCK4'0!i. MASS. : - ' -.it .JJ-!1 A Prominent Minister "Writes. After ten years of great Buffering from indieeetion, with jrreat nerwus prostration, biliounesa, disordered kid neys and constipation, 1 nave oeenci r by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, nrt a:n ow h well man- k v. v. v. jjavw, Kid. M. E. Church South, No. 28 TatuaU St. Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent MemhUn Vfites- D r . M . M20I ey , At! a 11 ta Havi q g been a great suffarer for three jeata from ir digestion, and been treated by many physicianr, who failed to give me any '-e4iel. Continuiue to grow worse my 'brother advised me to try Dr. Mozlej 's Lemon Elixir, wtvich remedy he had used for eeveral veara. I commenced its use, and muet say that your Lemon Elixir i the greatest tnedicihe on earth I have never suffered a day since I cora- meuced using Leiuon Elixir R. L. ROCCO, 206 Hernando Sr., Tenn. ' ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND J - 4k lllaiUIAVWl 1 - There li no. khtd of pain 1 1 or ache, Internal or exter-1 nal. that Pain-Killervwllli 'not relieve. i LOOK OUT FOR, IMITATIONS AND SUB-. . STITUTES. , THE .'-GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME,-; r, PERRY DAVIS & SON. MERCHANT TAILOR. Cleaning, Pressing,- Repairing. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Opposite Bay View Hotel. Edenton, N. C. it llli 1 11. - Wliolesale Commission 4.4-J.' - - Fish Dealers No. 7 Fulton Fish Mkt., it JEW YORK. ( 1 irence G. Miller, Miller Longbotham, j SPECIAL ATTENTON Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. ' Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. . WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. ll Idenlon. fee asi oU jtwap lu. fl fft 5. . . - ?' . T T . T g m m 11 JVD DEALERS. A Card. ThiR is to certify that I used Dr. Moz fey'a Lemon li'ixir for neuralgia ol the head and eyes with the most marked benefit to my geneipl health. I would gladly have paid 500 for the relief it has given me a. a cosi of two or tlnee dollars. H. A. BeaLL, Clerk Superior Court .Rai.ooiph Co..Ga. This valuable midicine is for sale by VV. A. Leggett, druggist. Daily Capacity , 20 Tons A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS MENT" IS OUR MOTTO. THE BEST ADVERTISE- Write for Prices. Give us a Trial. EDENTON'S GREAT OPPORTUNITY! iuAJU -a, IL I S3 Largest Stock in the South. We will pay the Freight and guarantee safe delivery. Write for Free Illustrated . . Catalogue. The Couper Marble Works. (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. ha broaf ht ptnjietit relief to a mil - mon uneniiitiinjiT.'no were on their wsvtoDrpmtta caves. MrB.Mitrhll waafastUcliB&giJ heal th, r hen Wine of Cardttt perfouo 1 a "wonSerfnl thare" in her cae. fe irfiered r. tth the go niea of IaUiijp- ti e womb.eucorrheca and profuso nwvijti uation sapped her vSt tlritj appearance tf9vpniesfortwo months f-Wty3nfil ehepfra a f flys- way. Then cfiSi iio trial 5f Wliu of Cardat.ard mS cre. Mn& Mitcbeirs experience 6ifj$t commend Wina of Cardui to atfii-jaiixvomen in words of burning loy;tnMce . 1 C is within tho iftfJ?rf all. ' '8i"omen"wh6 try it Are relHjedv ; Ask yojir drriisrist for al bottle t-J neof Catdni, aim do not talcyi sulxjittte, if tendered yon-. - MMv VT11I? r-t-Vhigt Ponth ?nstnn; C.: "WiDO' of; Osmtl ioit ThedTord's-rllack-nraujtbt ba'OfpSrfn wed a raimculotiB cure In my case, ajiad'been a erent eofferer with fntllng o?SiOJromb and Jenconrhiea, and nr nier:Ee'an every jFeelc for two months tul Wj-e riry painfiil. M hus band Indoecd-'-rje to try Wtiio of Cardui and Bl:ak-Ira bt.- "tend now the Jeucor- rbcea ba dlnn Oaruft, at mm Have you Heard of the Wonderful McKittrick Oil Fields OF CALIFORNIA! Of course you can make a safe investment in other districts, and you can invest in Com panies with large capitalization. -BUT STOP AND THINK! TOO TAKE KOIKES WHERE FAILURES ARE UNKROltfN. Out of the Vast Amount' of development work done in this District there is yet to be Recorded one Single Failure. 5 ffffftrttfff C 6 fetr SC tr t fe&fe srt Sfe C aitff fett ftrfe THE SYNDICATE PETROLEUM CO. (Incorporated under laws of the State of Oregon ) id t am restored t x 1 1 perfect Beoltli . ; 1 z xt M TV In f leonlrjpff special ' tff J mAa - flirectfeja,- addrrsa, . iSving -jr fp j "fy'lH?" k3 lie LadleaAd- fcig GROCERIES I Am doing I think my portion ot the iv!ery Bpsiniss in Edenton, and why is it? It is not by gc ing Jjoynd anrFcqvering bills for Cheao Prices onb dav &w theiex? dav the town with prices are so high customers come in ancHgo ctithoutanyjthing. It is by selling each customers a'ike anfj treainjall xv)fh dere-. spect. When coming down town to bu'anyyviSjj in rhy Urae call to see me before buying anything in the 'Grocery? -vgat-r Tinware line. ' L ll A Word To Country Jple STATE REFORMATORY. Strenuous efforts are being made by the State Reformatory Associ ation in their work of arousing public interest in the movement looking to the establishment of a reformatory for young criminals in North Carolina, At a, meeting of the executive committee held last Friday night, it was decided to have printed about 20,000 copies When you come to town you most always btlonetlngjln my line, and ifyOu are not my customer, ecme afidfjiake yjuriflf one in my store. You are perfectly welcorhe IrJaour p1ces well as mine. M Ij OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: ,1 JOHN H. MITCHELL, Ex-Unit ed States Senator, President. J. W. H EISNER. Mines, V. Pre N. VV. ROUNTREE, Diamond & Rountree, Sect'y. and Trca. W. H. SHERROD, Mining, Manager. C. YV. MILLER, Millet &. Miller, Attorneys, Attorney. J. N. LOTHROP, Gen'l. Agt. U. P. R. R., Director. BEING MADE IN CA LI FONT A OIL. People owning a small block of stock have suddenly found themselves rich. As an instance of this, the stock of the Home Oil Co., which sold originally at a nominal fii-ure, made its owers over 000 per share. IN THE SAN JOAQUIN 5 IT TIE - During the past year the Oil development in California has as summed gigantic proportions.. Un til the entire state has been tho roughly prospected no one can predict what limits they will reach. Nevertheless the rich deposits thus far discovered in the McKittrick district and el5ewhcre have estab lished beyond a doubt that Oil will take its place foremost amongst the industries affording opportunities for the profitable investment of Capital and a new field for Labor. California is richer in oil than it ever was in gold. Its annual oil output will soon exceed in value its annual gold product. MIL LIONS UF DOLLARS ARE Ovuners Reticent About Giving out Information Bakersfield to have an Oil Exchange Increased Activity in Midway. Los Angelus Herald, Oct. 13th. 1900. Bakersfield, Oct. u From all reports and they are from the most trustworthy sources the Dabney Oil' company's No. 7 is the largest and most profuse and presistent gusher in the McKit trick district. "Were I to tell you the exact truth, and what I saw wWb'rfl'y own eyes you would not belivve me,.' said' W. M. Spencer, general superintendent of the El dorado company, from whom the Dabney company leased their land. "The oil came boiling over the . .. ... 1 ' . r 1 a m casing, cautiously conunuea ivir, tesian water. It was a most amaz nz sieht." frtm oil. and thus it Driller McCay, who thought he had drilled the most productive well for the company, w ired to Tim Spellacy that the Gallagher well was goinj.' 2000 ban els, Mc Cay would not have sent that me sae, the boys declare, unless he thought the wt ll was doing that much, for he did not like to have Driller Gallagher get ahead of him. Wednesday morning the work of perforating the well began. Th hole is 505 feet deep with 250 feet ol sand It was full of water and by the time three joints of the cas ing were punched, up came the water like a charge from a followed by the goes. TJie il ls estimated at twenty gravity. The Dabney No. 5, recently per forated, is also a dandy. Conser vative Ed. E. Bush says it will go over one hundred and fifty barrels a day. The Syndicate Petroleum Co., who have leased the S. W.j of the N. E. yi of Section 29, on the Eldrorado land adjoining the Dab ney Co., are also destined to come in for a good share of the wealth of this marvelous district, they are just preparing to Mart boring on their first well and it is predicted by oil men here who ought to know, that thii will prove to be one of the most valuable leaseholds in the county. The location of the adjoining properties seem to make their holding gilt edged. Spencer, "like a great head of ar- . THE LATEST STRIKE NEAR THE COMPANY'S LAND WHICH HAS HELPED TO Make the District Famous was made by the Kern River Oil Co., whose well No. I is producing 3000 bbls. per day.' . - The Stock of the SYNDICATE LEUM CO, is D....I.1. 1 r- cttir nn an pero. QmUtym Wmm t-. in 45 days. .1? store T ...111 omnA. ...:-U 1 ji! 3f- -, - 1 " wmpcLc wim any wuc iiancuing Kameooas. My store i next door to the new Furniture Store, East siW'of.Mairt ltr Edenton, N. C. ?5 ! I II ' Thanking you for past business and piopufeiD do flor in the future, I remain yours respectfully, If If T. WpOD30B pLiilil , . t theqroceryian. But These share will soon be advanced to $1.00. This advance will be stable because the revenues will sustain it. The sniall stockholders is ABSOLUTELY PROTECTED. He cannot be assessed or frozen out. The Company's Stock is NON-ASSESSABLE, and there is no stockholders' liability. 21 For Shares, Maps, Photograph and Further Information Call on or Address, rPf pgs RALPH E. VERNON, Hertford, N. C. Eastern Representative of the Syndicate JPetrtpleum Company HEAD OFFICE PORTLAND, OREGON. SHOULD YOUR APPLICATION BE RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR THIS . r' - ALLOTMENT MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED, - . ' V. .