THE REGISTER, 'Elizabeth City, N. C., August 25, ,187ft. TfiE Register is . published in Wood's 'IJCILDINO, FIKST FLOqlt, it AD STREET. Ill' mid Around the CitV. Flakes. A had 1 a'jit leaving Church after : services commence. illori. C. L. Cobb lias leen quite sick at " Nags Head. Red flowers are beginning to be worn in 'hats. Hon. G W BrooU lias left home for the benefit of his health. We se from our exchanges that the sum , uier rysort of Beaufort has been liberally patronized this season. The ofliciabvote of this Judicial District tfive Ewre jl ,'.() nnd Whcdbea 1, 235 ma jority. 1 ' ' The pavemeat from the M. E. Church to Road street should be repaired. Let our, authorities see that it is done. ' 5 Mr. Thomas Br.. then), our streefcontrac- tfcr, is-doirjg a. good work in the way of ivpimjiig LTiuges iinougnout our city. . The .silk evening di e,83cs are of a different db'.or from the waist, and "correspond fitlf,thc complexion," ' Music hath '' 6cc.' We love riiusic; We have it in our souls. We have tw o or more souls. We cannot say, we pHrdcularly enjoy the counterfeit notes of a lunyly orgauized I Land, just beginning to learu how to tooti, but all oar sympathies are 'with them, and we look forward to the tiii'ic, when all blending in sweet harmony, it shall delight Our tympanums. Dontmind h4 the grumblus say boy?, but go ahead !tn you have commenced, and the word of , an old band at the machine for it,: you wilt succeed. At any rate you have our best . vyishes. ' 1 , ; -The great .Scarcity of dogs in this town really lamentable, and we invoke our Wo have, now, only about tweutv nine to 1 Uvi square yard and d no reasonable man ' ty to make it thirty at em. Their melodious will doubt our .abili U ist We neecl: th lib wis at ni.-rht. mingling witlr-inccssant , i-aiKiiigyieii an intense ieeiing of securi y i . . ' i"l 11" HIC. ill lCMl. Will if t w! I'M- ;ltorl I member of the V. M. (j. A., treads cautious - : . j-x 1 ikng, tilled with" delightful anticipa tion ot torn pants, snagged shanks, and a 'j private case of hydrophobia in prospective. f Ve ' suggest, if .our quantity cannot bS , brought U t thirty per .-uare yard, let's gefmad and have no dogs at all IIow would it do to "go gunning" by moonlight? A frivnd hints that . goose shot are the pioper size. ( Ot foil IS lUSt bcu'lllllino- c l'011- in the next issue, ot the grandest A large. aUcmia,K-e ex1,ectetlVexrsiort ,in this ;u i oieraincoii the 28th mst : We had a severe thunder storm on Sunday nisjht last. Tlic giLMieml health Of the peo ple id this tfihe is verv good. 1 laviiiii a irood time tho ouiig ieo)le at Nag's Head. Beconijii)r more popular the .Vag's rieill lloie;l and its Pro prietors. Mr.. TJioinas Commaiider, on fljtiringhausc' street, is improving hjs residence. llev ii. Starr delivered a sermon jjiis eitv in Die M. E.' Church, on Friday evening last. - There is tj be a' new Odd established 'at fellows Lodge South MjlLs soon. 1 Ion,. .Jessie .1. Veates and family" havt boon at the Xag's ! Head Hotel for the nast week v ! , There has been an interesting l?rotracted " meeting at New Mope, Perquimans county. Mr. M. V. Culpepper, United States Clerk, left for Ualeigh on Soturda last, on business con nected with his office. , '( Let Tts have lock Boxes in our PostX )Hice.- Thev - do not cost linu'li and arc' much more con- Anient .liien.: What say-our business , ? For .-the best of reasons we forbear answering a certain ar ticle. ,wTiiclL has been generally lioticcd by our citizens, for the present. ' We would call attention to the, advertisement of the Wesleyan Female College, M urfreesboro, C. It ranks, among the first jhstitutions of oiir State. t That )r-inee of Steamboat '('attains,, Thomas Southgate, of ihe 'Pamlieo," is to make anoth er excursion to Nag's Head and Washington, N. C, on Septem ber tJie Oth: Frequent and' unnecessary ex penditures of money keep peo ple from thriving, and the coun try; from flourishing. Fifteen cents per day., for"s tobacco, and the same amount' for whisky, amounts to $2.10 in a week, and il00.20 per year. Add to, this the moliei' spent in gambling, frolicking, going to shows, &c, and we find that in a few years a man thus foolishly spending his money m'rght save enough to purchase him a larm. How much better to study and prac tice economy, and have a com fortable home for one's p family, and" spend their toil and means it" enhancing its value, than to wast .one's time and means for tfiat which satisfietk" not, and ultfmateh' die, and leave their widow and children homeless and unable to earn ia subsitencc. r We return thanks to Sheriff J acocks, ot -Perquimans, for the Congressional offical Tote. A good , many of our friends from Hertford pass by this City from Nag's Head. . We are al ways glad to see them." . j We regret to learn that Mr. W. J. Powers is to leave our City. He is to resume the Dry (joods business in Norfolk or Baltimore. Our best wishes at tend him. The new Band organized last week is making rapid progress. Under the instruction of Mr. J. II. Zeigler, . a learned musician, it bids fair to be a most excellent Band. The good people of Camden are holding religious meetings in different localities. Would be pleased to have items of iuterest irom our friends in that section at anv time. On last Friday, Mr. J. H. Rudder, Lock Tender at South Mills, in attempting to jump a cross-beam fell and struck his head against a projecting upright. We are pleased to learn that he is improving. Mr. P. H. Winston, of the Albe raarle Times, Windsor,N. C., was in our City during last week on Profess ional business. We hope when he comes again,as he certaiu 0 -UlUSt. I11S DUSineSS Will be SUCll as to admit of his remain?: longer .v:fu . ' 111 Ub' nr . ii t . ,. e iaKC pleasure 111 Calling r. 1 A ; iK ciuLvuiiuu iu- imp 'Perquimans Male and FemaleJ Academy," Hertford, N. CV Its very health ful and accessible location, to gether with its scholarly suprin tendence, makes it an important iiistitution for the Eastern part of North Carolina. TiOnk nnf. fir,' mir fi'rk'orliamont section. The iubilee ot the Con . t servatives at." Washington is to be tlic affair of the age. The most prominent speakers in the State are to be present and maKe speeches. The' Steamer "Pamlico," Capt. Tomas South gate, 'will take' us all. Look out for us, we are going. The learned and . eloquent devine, Ilev.W. G. tarr, Presi dent of the Wesleyan Female College, Murfreesboro, N. C, paid us a visit during last week. He informs us that the institution is progressing under the most fovor able circumstances. He is on his way to Nag's Head for a few days pleasure and recrea tion. The crops of corn, cotton, and potatoes bid fair to reward the tiller for his toil. In"1 sections ! that suffered from drought, the iaw "llK.ya me j Kyji ii v1 J uiueH. yj lidl 1 o LU1 1X1 , ilAln TTniT lYllinh rv r Itni 1 v. or serious disaster of any kind, has been visited upon the crops ot Pasquotank county. Some I forward corn is nearly ready for the fodder to come off ; but most of it can remain on the stalk un til September. Pulling fodder injures corn and pulling it too early injures itVvery materially. We have, with pleasure, read some complimentary notices, from the "Echo," of our Siver Cor net Band, and their reception in Washington, N. C. They de serve all the good that may be said of them, and more, and their generous hearts, since their re turn, have poured out a heavy libative of praise to kind citizens of Washington and glorious old Tom Southgate, of the Steamer "Pamlico. Upon the last trip our Band was not full, and con sequently did not show a fair hand, but on the next excursion, to-moriow forneight, thev take a full line, and we promise, thd good people who may be hear, a treat rarely met with in this part of the vinyard. m . Jollification in Gates. We learn from a reliable source, that the Conservative citizens ot Gates, are perfecting arrangements for a grand Jollifi cation in that county, in celebra tion of their recent political suc cess, to be held in the course of a couple of weeks. Gov. Yance and other prominent speakers are expected to be present upon the occasion. , The services of a Brass Band will be secured to enliven the time and no effort will be spared to render the oc casion equal in every particular to the most sanguine expectations of those who may be present. Three cheers for old Gates. She is strictly conservative, and among the first of those counties, who are manifesting their readi- ness, to join expressions of joy over tneir political tnumpn. May others imitate her example. Dr. Berkley,' of Edenton, has just paid us a - Professional TMO4 nnH liiO- V. il A V.tI'f for his home on Sunday after noon. We have no dental sur geon here, and thfi nped of a good operator is " felt seriouslv, out as long as we can , occasion ally, have the services of so skill ful and thorough a practitioner as Dr. Berkley, we can dispense with a resident dentist. We advise all who have aiiy desire to have work in this line done, to notice the Doctors cards and avail them selves of the first opportunity of consulting him, while those who have nothing to do in a profess ional way, can find. by making his acquaintance, a most genial and accomplished gentleman, -with whom an hours chat is worth a whole set of teeth. Below we give the official vote! as reoorted bv thm SWiffo nf each county, composing this Con-! gressional District. Cobb. 1204 1404 487 753 376 233 482 1012 571 1317 1028 7GG 1729 103 774 351 Yeates. 1675 1073 676 621 781 244 915 032 7G3 1287 792 786 1910 420 638 540 Beaulort Bertie Camden Chowan Currituck Dare Grates Hertford Hyde Martin Pasquotank Perqnimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington Pamlico 12,500. 14,071 Maj's. for Yeates, -1.481 Ransom received 393 votes. Protracted fleeting. At Hall's Creek Church. Pasouotank country, a protracted meetiner of eio-hf days continuance, closed the 16th inst.. re- suranguc twenty accessions to the church, and quite a reviviner of religion amnncr th membership. The meeting was conducted Dy uev. J. W. Compton, pastor of Pasquo tank Circuit. ' The congregations were lare and att.pnt.irp A rrnnH coiorea persons attended; tbey kept excel 1 . . I lent oraer in ine gallery, and seemed to listen with much interest. Onp nf thn con verts was feeventy-five years of age : it is out seiqoai tnose ot tnat age become religi ous. '"Rev. Willis Whitehead Csorial preachtr.) rendered valuable assistance the i wo iasi aaya ; ana Key. V. W. Ivennedy delivered an impreasive discourse at t.hp close of the meetiner. The lav-n embers came in from the surrounding churches, and labored energetically. The wlinlp community DarticiDated in nrnvidintr virf- uais ior me occasion, ana wlnle tnere were no laDies spread, and no snowy dinners there was enough for all. and morn thnr ehouffh. On this nlan a raefitincr r-nn he conducted in hard times, and be but little expense to anv one : and the temalea are not weaned down, aa is the case when a lew families provide for the whole congre cation. Upon the whole, it was a cronri meeting, and gave general satisfaction. One Defiiiitioii of an Editor. An editor iz a male being whose business iz to navigate a nuze paper. He writes ed itorials, grinds out poetry, inserts deths and weddings, sorts out maneskrips, keeps a waste basket, blows the "devil, " steals mat ter,fites other people.s battles, sells hiz paper for a dollar and fifty cents a year, takes white beans and apple sas3 for" pay, when Le can get it, raizes a large family," works 19 hours outuv every 24, knows no Sunday gets demned by everybody, lives poor, dies middleaged and often broken-hearted, leaves no money, iz rewarded for a life uv toil with a short, but free obituary puff in the nuze papers. Exchanges please copv Jo'th Billings. Five of the sweetest words in the English language begin with H, which is only a breath. Heart, Hop?, Home, Happiness, and Heaven. i Arrivals at the Albemarle House. J VV Bright, S White, W J Powers, county; Dr G Nixon, J C Taturu, South Mills; C A Me Courts, S Alesdorf, J A Wallace, Norfolk, D D Fcrebee, P D Duke, Dr F N Mullen, J A Spen cer, T B Wilkins, Camden, Hon J J Yeates, wife aud child, Miss Laura E Scott, Miirfresboro; Miss. Chalaron, New Orleaus, Dr E Ransom. Co lumbia, B F Owens, JLDe Comis. C E Potts, S C Seymour, Currituck, A A Perry, WMcLau chlin, Perquimans county E Andrews Edge comb B F Willey Gatesville N C, J White L Ta ber Hertford B L. Evans Chowan JBMc Millan Wilmiugton W II Maniitng TyrellCo W G reen Nags Head E A Leigh and family Durans Neck Miss M E Leigh Dr K C Jenkins Darants Neck P H Welch Winsor Dr J E Bentley Charlotte. North Carolina. Died. At her residence near New Bridge in Currituck county, IT, C., ( n Sunday the 16th day of August 1874, Miss Sarah J. Mathias, age32 years. , Business. Wm. H. Morris would inform his friends and the public that he is prepared to Shoe Horses in the very best style. He will be found at his place of business, adjoining Saunders7 Wagon Es tablishment, on Main street, al ways ready and willing to serve those who may favor him with their patronage. ESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO, -N. C. REV. W. G. STARR, A. M.; President, assisted by a large corps of able and experienced teachers. FALL SESSION BEGINS SEPT. 28, 1874. Location healthy and accessible. Building in Excellent repair. Grade of scholarship high. Method of instruction thorough. Terms very moderate." j $158 will pay Board and literary tuition of a pupil in Collegiate. Department one year. $148 In Academic Department For catalogue &c, address REV. "W. G. STARR, Murfreesboro, N. C. "pERQUIMANS MALE AND FEMALE . ACADEMY, SCHOLASTIC YEAR BE ' GINS September 3tH, 1874. Apply for Cl-mlar to F. Barrow, Hertford, N. C. ' , "W. G. GAITHER, A. M., ' ... Principal. Hotels, Steamboats, Sec, lTfcA.BEM ABLEL HOUSE i Elizabeth City, N. C. PENDLETON & G RANDY, PROPRIETORS. i ' ' Board $2.00 per Day. j jStag': S HEAD nOTEL, SUMMER OF 1874. This popular Hotel trill be opened for the re ception ol guesta on the FIRST OF JULT, Regular Steamers will ran from Elizabeth City, Hertford and Edenton daring the season. Arrangements are being made lor an aoun dant supply of ice, and the Table and Bar will ue supplied wiiu iuo ucsi. luc uiMku tuunm The charffe for Boarding by the month with famished rooms will be $40. Families will be boarded at special rates. Servants and children under l years 01 age will be charcred onlv half regular rates children over 12 years ot age will be charged two-thirds special rates of families. i Board per Day ! " " Wek 2 DO 12.00 For further particulars Inquire of the under- signed at Elizabeth Crty.N. O. I Proprietors. H O FOR NAG'S HAXD. CHANGE OF 8CEDU; On nnd fW Jnlv lth 1S74. until further notice the Steamer Harbinger will run as fol lows : Leave Nag's Head Monday at 5 A M for Eliza beth City and: Hertford. Leave Hertford Tuesday at 9 A M for Kag's Head. c Leave Nag's Head Wiicfaesday at 6 A M for Edenton. Leave Edenton Thursday at 7 A M for Nag's Head. Leave 'Nag's Head S tturday at 5 A M for Elizabeth Guy. Leave Elizabeth C ity 8atorday at 13 M for rsag's Head. Will give passengers ample time for a drive on the beach ou the evening of arrival. O W. JESTER, Capt. 1 TATIONEHY, NEWS AND BOOK 8TORE lu connection with the Register will be opened a New, Stationery and Book Store. Any Book or Newspaper published in the United States can be had by leaving your order at tliis olllce, at the very lowest price. , Any paper or periodical can be takan and paid for at the expiration of the week or month, and will be carried to your residence If living In the city. Address Albemarle Publishing Company, Elizabeth City, N. C, tf LET US HAVE YOVU AD- VEnTISESIENTS. Now is the time to advertise OUR CIRCULATION IS IN- CREASING RAPIDLY. There is not a Post Office in the District that the Reg ister does not go to every week. OUR TERMS ARE VERY MODERATE. GIVE US A TRIAL AND SEE WHETHER ADVERTISING PAYS OR NOT. UNDOUBTLY IT DOES. Great mJa testify that there is i MONEY IN PRINTING INK. Court IVotieeM. United States of America. Albemarle. Dktric of, Rortti Carolina, In the Eastern District. W D Prudeo, Assignee ) ' of 9 W Taylor, vs. . V In Bankruptcy. OcCGoke,es ala. Ii appearing to the Court that David Lowen berg, Joseph Lowenberg, 8 Hecht and A E Jacobs, of the firm of Lowenberg and Jacobs and Ceo H Thomas and John H Core, Defen dants la the above entitled cause arc citizens of the Btate of Ylrgtnla, It is ordered that notice be published in the -Aioemarie Jtegister" for the space of six weeks notifying them to SDoear . at the aext term of said Court to be held si Urn Court House in Elizabeth Cl'.y, N. C, on the 3d Mon day in October next and to plead, answer or demur to the complaint of Plaintifl, or Judg ment pro-conresso will be rendered sgalns them. i Witness Hon G W Brooks. Judce of said Court at E. City, this 30th day July. A D. 1874. IL B. CULPEPPER' Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. District Court ot the ) United 8tates In Bankruptcy : For the Albemarle District, In the matter of Zenus Fearing, Bankrupt ss. "Vi'otlce Is hereby given. That a petition has L been filed in said court by Zcnns Feering, Pasquotank Co., and 8tate of North Carolina, in said district, duly declared a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d 16C7, tor a dis charge and certificate thereof from all hi debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 4, day of Aug. 1874, at 10 o'clock. A M-at the office ofT. W. Costen. RezUter in Bankruptcy, In Elizabeth City, N. C, is assign ed for the hoaring of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debU. and Other persons In Interest may at.en'd and show cause, irany . thev, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be cranted : and that the second mectintr will be held at the same time and place. Uated at Elizabeth Citv. N.C.. on the 4th dajof July, a. d. 1874- a. Jut.ra.rrjcK, 3-3t 7ierk. TVotice in Bankruptcy. District Court of the ; United SULp . l ltn,Vmrii For the Albemarle Distiitt. in the matter of Jouu Barnard, Sr., Bankrupt ss. "Vfoticeis hereby Givru, That a petition has J. been filed in said court bv John Barnard Sr.,-of Currituck county, and State of North Carolina, iu said district, duly declared a bank rupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 18t7, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 21, day of July 1S74, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at the office of T. W. Costen, Register in Bankruptcy, in Elizabeth city, .N. o., Is assigned for the hearing of the same, when aud where all creditors who have proved their debts, aad other persons In inter est jnay attend and show cause if any they have. wuy me prayer oi tnc said petitioner should not be granted ; and that the second meeting will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Elizabeth, City, N. C, on the 3d day 01 July, a. d. 1874. ' M. B. CULPEPPER, Clerk. 'Notice in Bankruptcy. District Conrt of the ; United BtaLM C Tn For the Albemarle District. S Bankruptcy : In the matter of A. 8. Hall, Bankrupt ss. otice is hereby given,' That a petition has llJbeen filed In said court by A. S. Hall, of Halifax county, and State ot North Carolina, in said district, duly declared a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1807, for a dis charge and certificate tnereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 21, day of July 1S74, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the office of T. V. Costen, Register in Bankruptcy, in Elizabeth City, N. C is assign ed for the hearing of the same, when aud where all creditors who have proved their debt?, and other persons in Interest may attend and snow cause If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted ; and that the second meeting will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Elizabeth City, N. C, on the 3d day of July. a. d. 1S74. M. B. CULPEPPER, 33t Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. District Court of the rict, 1 United SLatf in Bankruptcy For the Albemarle DisU k In the matter of James H 88. Wood, Bankrupt VTotlce is hereby glTen, That a petition has been filed in said court by James II. Wood vr iwimiMupwu couciy, ana state or North Carolina, in said district, duly declared a bank. rupt under the act of Congress of March 3d, iur n. uisuiiurgo ana certincate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable nnfler sad act, and that the 21 day of July 1874. at 10 vv.fcw., ii. ji.,huc omce oi i. w. Costen, Register In Bankruptcy, in Elizabeth City, N. C., is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons Id interest may attend and show cause if any they have, wb y the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted; and that the second meeting wi 1 be held at the same time and place Dated at Elizabeth City, N. c., on the 3rd day of July, a. d. 1874. M.B.CULPEPPER, " Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. District Court of the ; United State ( in Bankruptcy. For the Albemarle District ) In the matter ef William H. Johnston, Bank rupt ss. "VTOtice is hereby given, That a petition has J.1 been filed in said court by William H. John ston Of Tvrrell COnntV. and Htfila nf KTirtH - - , A. .U - A I - olina, in said district, duly declared a bankrupt under the set of Congress of March 2d, 18C7 ior uiscnarge ana cerimcnte thereof from all his debts and other claims nrnfahio nndr .,m act, 'and that the 21 day. of July 1874. at 10 o clock, A. M., at the office ol T. W. Costen, Register in Bankruptcy, in Elizabeth City, N. CM is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons In interest may attend and show cause if any they have,, why the prayer of the said petitioner thould not be granted : and that the second meeting will be held at the same time and plaee. Dated at ElUabeth City. N. P rn ti.o Mr.i of July, a. d. 1VT4. : ' M B.CULPEPPER, Clerk. i ii e e h Notice Estate of B. S. McUorney. The undersigned hereby gives ntjtiee Qf his pp ointment as. Asssigneo of B. 8. Mcllorney f Q urrltuck county, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of the United States for the Albemarle District of North Carolina. J 1. RAT T 1 ..;nAn July3d,1874. Elizabeth City. N.C. CHOWAN COUNTY: 8UPERIOR COUP.T K. &. Felton Rec'r " TS' Fred. Fsrebee et sis. Jt appearing by affidavit thM the Fred Ferebee Is a non-resident of this defendant has property herein which is subject to the in rlsdlction of this court : It i ,d that publication, for six weeks, be mads in the Albemarle Register" a news-paper pub lished in E. Gitv. mmmantnir tho mM ifro.1 pA. ebee to be and appear at the Court House" In tAienion on the 8th Monday after the 2nd Mon day In July and answer concerning the same, or iudfirment will be taken in the pleadings filed. In tb,is case. Miven unaer my nana and official seal, si office tn Edenton this 14th July 1874, ( signed ) W. R. 8K1NNFR, Glerk, 5 Superior Court, Chowan County. CAMOEN COUNTY : IN SUPERIOR COUR Joseph Jones ) vs. t ' Marietta Jones S The State of North (farn'ini l, il,o (li,..iirnr Lamqen county Qreetlng : You are hereby commanded to summon Marietta Jone the defend cut, above named If she be" found within TOUT iCOUntV. t0 lonnr tw-for Jnitir. r i.. Superior Court tor the county ofCvnden on the Wurth Monday in July, 1S74, and answer the complaint, a copy of which is served with this summons : and let her take notice, that If he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply p tlie Court for relict demanded, in the complaint. Hereof fail not, tndof this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this lpth day June 1874. P i: VnBBum Clerk of the Superior Court, Camden county. ' THE STAR HOU8E. I Main 8trcet, Elizabeth City, N. C. TM Bar is consUnUy stocked with the finest Llouors ond Cigars, Attached (o the Houe is a first class Grch cery.j A cordial Invitation Is extended to our friends, and strangers visiting the city, to give UdU. VV. Y. BKUWH. 1-tC Proprietor. s 4- B rod rick !& Smith. 1874. SPRING NEW GOODS- IS THE LAKUE NEW BlULDIK wATia sraiar. 't A lATge tUck of ail kinds of DRY COODS AND DKKAS UOODft. A FuU Hue Of CLOTUINQ, CLOTHS AND CA8IMK&E3. yOTlON FANCY COODi. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Hats and Caps In every Style. CarpeL), Oil Cloths, Mats. 'Baskets, Window , Shades, Whips, Mirrors, Brushes, SaobeU, Tranks, 8Uaps, Blankets The Largest 8toek of BOOTS AND SHOES IN TOWN. A rail 8tock of Hardware Tinware STOVES; Groceries aud Provisions. Wood and Willow-ware, Paints,' Oils, Varnuh, Window Qbui, etc Too many kind of Goods to he sneaUoned, all ol which will be sold at Bsttom Prices for C A : 8 II . . i' no not ak roa cts&iT, BRODRICK A SMITH. 1 Water Street, ElUabcth City, N. C. Professional Card. T17TLLIAM J.LUMSDIN. M. D. i f V -- - -raaaa mm raorts'ionj Rerrices U lbs beople of Elixabvfh City Q ATEd V 1LLE, UAtjWCO U S T ?, K Ul attend with promptness and fidelity ItJN.- say proreskional business confided to him tn me ouperior Courts or Gates, Chowas, Per quimans aud Pasquotank counties ; in the Dis trict Court s; Elizabeth City and the Supreme Court of the tftate at Raleigh. Collections made In any part of the State and piomptlv returned. ly. ' OCT. COKI, ATToaxxr utD cotKsrxoa si law, Edenton, N. C. Practices in the Superior, 8opreue and Feder i Courts of North Carolina. Collections made in part of the State. TESSK J. YATES, - T O ATTORVTT it I w MURFREE8BORO.N. C Practices In lha pAnrf. nf tr-.r. Jt rt.. - - uiiuwu, uuer, tie rile. Morthamnton. In th Rmvin. . the State at Raleigh, and In the Feder. l -,rt of North CaroUna. Collet lions ma.- part of the State. -) WM. F. MARTIN, ATTOHHSr AUD OCCVSBLOR Practice In lko Hnn.Jn. o.. Federal Courts of .North Carolina. juusoetn uny, N. C. SK. OVERBT, atYoekst at i.iw ROAD STREET,-ELIZABETH CIT . rractlces in the Courts of Peroslm quotank, Camden. Currituck snd br7 claims. V7 F. M, EIIR1 XG HA US, nL-.,. TTOkMT A!ir COCSSLOR at I AW. Perquimans, Pssquounk, Camden, Currituck, , ff n.,a the SnPren,e "i Federal Courts of North Carolina. Elizabeth City, N. C. C W. G RANDY, J a. ATTORX1T AT I. AW AND General Collector, EliXAbclb City, N. ('. Offl North side of Mathews 8treet. H. A. GIXLIAM. W. D. PRl ttll. 0 ILL1AM A PltT'npv vT Attorney at Law, Edenton, N. C, Give strict personal attention to professional busineaa In il,.. .' . Washinctnn Tvrr,.n '. .i p-i -J..V.,, uam, vuuwig. rerquim- r?fnrPKaUuktouulie: the Supreme H o'tbo State at Raleigh, snd the Cnlted 8tates District Court of North Carolina; rpilOMAS II. GILLIAM. AtkM... .s v TT . 4 4swi w gg Itertlord, Perq-imnns county, N. C, j f r8 ' e Superior courts'! of Gates" li 21" rultUM Pasouounk eUuUes In the 8uprem Court of theStote si Klelh J AMES P. WHEDBEE, ' Attorney at Iiw, EllziWlU City, N.C. Practices it the Surlor, Supreme and Federal Courts of North Carolina. ' "" Q H.SPENCER, Attorney at Law and Solicitor ( In Bankruptcy, Murfreesboro, N. C. Collections made in any part of the State. miscellaneous.. JMMATHEW8, y Watchmaker snd Jeweler. - Next door to J. Salomonsky- A Co. All work promptly done, snd in workman like order. JOHN Q ETnERlDGE & BRO., Dealers in pure Druirs, Medicine, pJnN, Oils, Glass Varnish.-s, Perfumery, an-l f.iuy articles. All stapUn connected with ; t lass Drug B urines, will always be '. hand. E. City, N. C. T onx J. GRAND Y - J Gcn ral coru and com. nieicliaiil. Office : Turner Water A Feariags tr.- I Prompt and careful Mention given t -ness intrusted to his care. P.O.Box 1 " -Elizabeth City, N, C. rj0 SPORTSMEN. Thesubscrllr would announce to liin fri- n.U and the public that t.econtlnu-s at the old stand on Road street arid keeps on hand a good assortment ot Guns, Rifle, pistols. Sporting ap, status and also a fine selection or entlery. H may at all times be found either In his store prepared to accommodate custo mers with New Oood, or in his shop adjoin ing. Willinsr and hinnv tn i bis lias of business. GE W. HKI.I. JJEUBEN MADRI N &. SON, CABINETMAKERS axd UNDEKTAKItka are prepared to execute sny busiucs iu their line in the best manner, upon cheap and na soosble terms aad at short notice. They can be found at all timM i ik.i. . k i .. Old Edenton road and Rmi . J fc, inHIT V9 serve their frieados and customers. xuaueu uy, N, C. TIN8HOP , Water Street, over Brodrick A Smith. Call and get your Tin-ware rcpaireti, such at irC V. ' . "i cans, tic., tU: Doiesaie and KUil Terras most positively cash. N. B. Old 8toves Repaired. - U.O. niLL. Bankrupt Sale. In the matter of E F Baxter, Badkrnpt. I hereby give notice thai I will aell ai ini,r..- auction, at th Conrt House door la Currituck county on Saturday, August 2a, 1874, the Inter est of E F Baxter la a tract of swamp land aft umcu iu vumuuh cwonty near ine Albemarle and Chesipeake Canal. AUo, at the. same Umv ouipwxiiwui nines ana otjen ipmnnit Terms Cash. JnlyCT, 1S74. W.B. SUA W. Assignee. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH V C. ESTABLISHED 1842'. The sixty-fifth term of this uhnni win mence on tbursdsy, 8ept, Sd, 1874, and contin ue twenty wcexs. xne miiovinr im commence Jan, 21st, 1871, aad aad end Jane 10th. la beauty, accessibility, aad healthful ness of situation; social, literary, moral snd re llgious advantages, snd moderation In enarees. m kuwi u BurpoMca uj any simitar la- stitutlon in the country. Tor a oireular containing foil - j- ssii- ply to the Rector, t KEY. ALDERT SJIEDES, D. D. 7tf Raleigh, X. Q. its' i

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