. - - .... - ; . -.:.-.... .-, , j . t - 3K jr II (lit ,. N !i C', s of Subscription ' PWAEEf. V;XiVASC i4 V ! V I ;. to one IV-st ,OC -y.t 12.W ; M':-..Vvi-,-, -a- r T ha, Slave of no p ar-t y T ho -Tool o f no ; ifan A"I) EXCIU50K, Roanoke': Street. ? NrWlr ; Yati kv AND SELLtfJ f -.tiVl and' immiUx'cxcCuu4 ' of 8n arti-4i!.r nuV, or Ituniitg Insti-. .... '. : ! ' ii r- ' nlar nHciiti(n given- to tins, pvrtltaw' tr,i' Norfolk Citrnds.tirKittia jPoif 1 IU:i.TTert, nml K C. T5onls i ; ; -f rc iiHJiicjl on dqHjeU' suljectto(cheL'kat' icliwns tiiik' on Any fjnarfcr of tlwffubc., iiuc Si:tiii)s of -ull dcuuminatioM AlwayB -: I ' .K O A i 8 T R E ET) - i t.' , fu s , Modi c iUfc S . l'AINTS,'()ILf;'GL;ASS, tuttV; , iytmvtitf rf fax eriAj;ri elks f ! IB OK," AC.-, &C;, &C. 5 "i(f Stock i'OWjiliir rQmjtri ''f. 7f pr?;.y thing 'ks mill if firjA tii ' ' , I t rah prices for c.?.ii. J . ihcnfore t rftjwtf ulj "' request 'a enlt fi oin' ' 'or ruHE-. pftuos. m-eih- . 1CINE3" c, iLrtre pur !;. chwiiifj eitciclitrre ' us (c$ itre 1 ; I' giiiihj cntiix $ot idof ion. ijsi lies iV under ilie eontrol.of " a ill U? itk' s?il to see atWus-ftlciid, and II lu nroniotc. Ihvir -interest, , ... y A- L. 3()NrS' v .1 ,: - -i . . unSI'S, IMJGG I ES,;. &Ci , l( . . ? - .'" i ' inlin'1 ,(' Jfomcii IJRciuhhwUc; I-. o , ? . n-.-:. (s;v. y . . :. . r - . I . W .11 O 31 K li , ,. ; t OK XOHTli 'CA2lilRiA,'"wTH . j. .- 'rimmifys, Hoop Skirts, .ai.v, 1th door from Bank 8t, TKAYKIiKU W-O-OM o rJEi:sfsrXjiiks. A" 15 K T II CI TV, N. C. ,,: ' ' " . ' -' n l:vc your IIosbks well TED ch:w atUntivelOsUrs UlOs. Kw.i constaiUly forliire 'AniMAUKS. lil lKUES kC, Vuily on hnn.l a full c.u.nK' f Iart.l to lur?l IIo,s's l.'J- tue, OiiJrjOLKy VA. , , , t . CCO.VODA- T1W TRAVELLING U jV'O p-i$ SlIAiL' Bh MAKE ITS GUESTS PORTABLE, -.00 WAX DAY. llSI'WM. LAST WEEK: Vh'wnu,. frieniL ami I. JgUo.S:n bcrjoung-KR, from it, Kvct, Wlc, . w.th .partca , , flurf.ea iccks,,4nd stuilhig eyes, 'he . would ifflrtfcslljn listening to injr words roinc wK geirrded loot or gestarp woald waken the ofcfwpVana1 tke LekrT tortured iiicas uijr We !grew rtroiir, tb find that there was -noiorcr :nir -to adlctt hef that fa let 'aajj.iwiiril'oj"- look grow stvni, anl the sorrow; repulse m; if aterui of ondearment or a look of af fection escaped lii?;'aud, somctiuR clays wdnltl vlapsc .before I ; could secure a word or 'sml!? ' iroui fecr. ' ? ."SWW W! became i a! torment: WJiat j grkf cjould gor clotid r this young life that home, ' lovef wealth, a cdtt vaUl &V$k if ijVHst lor4 alleviate , it? WeatUT Ah ituiQ Jieaia evh that won ml; and sore hearts, -desolated by the tyrant, leaftt'to bowbcfbre tlie fncvitahW: and inae tnc wouhUj from tulc' eves. Mem onea grow swoekT as time flows on, and the keen sorrows of past pais are blunted lyUiehop; of future 'happinew.V This griciA w uawver;iuj naiure, , was a ti ving oik 'and I could tell In ach face when some new feature was adii Vd die old form. Home days were full of , associa- tions; ipmc,, objects would bting -sick shudders and pale faces . to meet them , and sonic ungHardtxl 'phrase's wpuld utart icuGf iroui evtTv eve. As time wore on,. Mr. .Sherman ,be came somewhat! niore cheerful, while the invalid, grew daily happier, in spite of days ol physical 'pit in or hours of mental prostration. The piano was often heard, wim tue rica music ot .utnam s voice rivaling its :.u-ii.ii..i.s tones; reading le eame daily relaiut ton; ' little articles o lancy-worK tcrt ;w unacr xUrs. ouernum s finders, and thar smile came frequently' t greet words. of. jest. or loving carees. , ,4 Vet . away fr:n iuvalid's room, iitriam jwas as uuri to win to smile as even Ooivld she hac loved atid lo.st? The new speculation gave the 'sharp piu; but I Wmish' it again. 'Supposing her life thus s:aVlened, why .should this gi'i- f, crush r'i mother and eloud '. her father's life' pa thy they would; of coitrsc, feel; and, j doubt? in natures it might be st rong ami tru-f reft luer sympa thy alone; had .Hot biwod the p:i rent's lads in sorrow. . Whatever 1 thoi grief tU y - were ciual sufivfer with nam. - f :' ' v- ' i Iftid Iklvjii in 3lilto;i nearly six months, and the Wiig wiiiter waji over, the flow Tsbloomiiig,'a'ntVtHii in full power, when Mi.. Sherman's disease look, an acute and -fatal form, j It w;as htffd to see thy nevlywon, hardly-earned ehecrful nes i vanish again from that sail housc fi.ld. 'AYith no invalid iojhecr, iiriain ami her father grew thcnjscffcV pale and sad agsiin. The long stupors j of the pa tient vere varied only by hours of delir-J ious agoiiy and all, fwi little wile of love were Aandoned for painful waehiugaiid suspense. u,:, .t; . -.rf .;,;; a In that .:.sad, .ihitf,,j when iteyefy 4ay , evtry -interval of practice, found mft at Orovedale, Miriam k3toued to lean; npoir me for ''tout fort and ry witlvain pleading, I' tixdC her in iv arms to carry her to hCr own apartment.: ! :s I placed her gently on the bed,' she" suddenly bent her heal upon jiry '.breast ami broke into passi.mate sobbing. J . 5 Kvcn in that sad hour my heart bound ed with cc-tasy to see how ' eIks. turned to nie letting her r ybs grow fainter, as f Lrpokd words of puafor;, till at List she ifted her fuce to say ; 'Leave me now! Ileavcii bless iron for ; cverv wfr.l von lave given my crushed heart to-nihtl" ,Fr,UTs T saw her but seMora. The funeral took place; and she ftut herself away from all but Mr. Sherman for many long days afterwards. But tlic Mclasion soon droiHwd fi.r inel "' Tliiv rm fir further prolcsiioiial timIs ueedt?J; vCt, I ! . ' -. ' - - - , . r . T wen t oucn to j G rovedalo;-, and one ram mcr s evening, when we 1 in ere roil in the garden I spoke my hi art to her ' I can not tell 4thc words of love I poured forth; I know the whole force of ,m nature promptod each otic. . My life seemed to hang npon her answer." It was this; -; yj have feared this1 feared, ii for' iny 1. borrow. foru bithVf us. ' i'oul , Hitill haVti seen the cloud that hangs over-this1 dodlftS house: ' Wlw ou know i.!l all r Kiil fer voiee rew allocked with emvlion, ,Vyou inay ,tako tack your love." .: ver; It isf part?ct my very life! ; a vv iei ii rest imto-morrow'. ro hight I will 'sleep, ' -lielievinx you! io've me; to-mt-rrow come lirtrc tt!d I will tell you our tecrut. Aow iro!n i : - ' I turned to opoy herj for ln.r macr was" strangly solemn, when suddHly, her voice thriHinst with love, she culled me back;. , , . , , , f Alfred: Alfm:rv ' It wa t!e -first, time she had ever call ed me by my finst name; ami I turned and clasped her .ib my arms. ' Never had I seen her so much moved. -"'Remember," fhe said, with passion ate camestus, w hatever happens to morrow, whether you ara constant 'or spurn tncT I love yon! 1 love you!" One long, feryent kiss upon: my lips, aad sho I roke from uic and fled into , the house. 1 ' ' ; '''" ' ::' .' "' ; li'viwiidered,' y:t fdleil with joy f ulhopc,' I sought iiiy home. ',. To 'my surprise., the bright gaslight stnumcu from my parlor as I tame up t"? street, and a shadow fiitted across the window-curtain, proving the room occupied. My hand was hard ly on the door, before it was thrown open; yoJ my 'WdscV-wil follow and college friend Uorace J',ld,i stood lforc me. I -graced his hand with .cordial wrmth;-r wmie an; had slipped away since we pirted. "You& JL took forcible possession, AAtV he fjaiJ. "Your v housekeeper has promised thfe ttrnpcr, after you have dressed my woilud." And he held out his Kft hand, with two crushed, fin gers, for my in sptretion. How did ith.ippon?" B1 askeil, going to work at once. "SVot it a door at the railway-sta- hough ' it fruko ' tie tlf lone '- It; was dated !n tlte ttiimncr before" my first visit to O'rorSialofaiii llJuV:' V Miirder.d him I" iJ- t, : Aorelj- s if she hiul t:aljJod lam lUi a knife. : Sl,c flirted .wilh aiL driv: leg him frantic with jelotky; tut hei cs-: petia favwstc was young Carlcton. : Ev er day Ijangdou grew niorc moTOsc and Vuirtil one, night, after treilllwd re you; till nowjl sec itoulovemc not. A Curious BracolGt-1 i- Torm8 of Advcrtisiug- x j J Sjiostbs. C Morrirs. -. I yub - 1 S'lMreriJlioc., -V ., $7, $10. "J sjtartJ, 7, :..' 10,"- V. 3do.! I , - 2e -Transient adrrr&cmratJ f 1 pcrti.rc U-r Erst iascrtion wid ZO ccuU iKf ;aarc for cuvl mi.'tjucnt Urac.: " ' SjKxrial Notices aad! anuouatcrarnU of taii didatca far Offif $3." ' -; ' " O'oiloarks exccoling 10 lines, c!i.irel a tras Aiuot ftdvertbemcnti. IioUctiax-ofrijnjiDr, or in rcJTtrcnco to afl vcrtlsctiieaU will Lcchartd ISccaU irfc'iUiuo . extra. . .. IioBTtr AdrcrtiwmmU than are in the ao-r scilewtll lc raU-t ivt-ordln-'l t . A linU ui- couat will be a'.lywcl to extensive dvTU r. A Das.iM Rouasc. The Irish pa- - uu ivuuu uiumh-ju .. . i juu Airjwiii ; ior ever. 'y ? river some , iwo tntW trom M ill- blood rest iijioxi your head! . ? i, and there; was no doubt he com- 1 I ntcchauically" folded the lot and in the a r haven, and there; was no doubt he com-j ' I mechanically nutted suicide. Miss Sherman went into I s'ac hissed out Uie words:' 8-rea4iung hysterics wVn theboIy Jwas 'He coiniinttcd raici'K 'Mim-i mine; urougbt up; and continued frantically I U, islhont no pity; is tlicrc no help for caning uiut aud pouring out her rcmoire ner iexui; ueadj altcrr AYalterl " f ; until. her faUicr ctfmc 'and took-hwr away. h 'A left ;hcr moaning tliero,4 and "tsloly-re- llefore he arrive, youiigliangdoii's fath- tracodUiiy .steps Jibincward, . Shc Was' in- cr carxe, too; aud in the prescBoc of us etjio at the tin;; as a .'medical man: f nil he cursed her with'-frihlf4il cnrK. I could Reivtlraf? m'l i Liv h'A JL?l.i - - " I - mn v4 a wauuu She fairly crawled to him for mercy but the misery she had bowed ,undcrwhcnil he. was pitHcss. , first knew her. Shelcalled herself 'so! What said or did I know not, hut She had blood to answer for. The Wood some instinct kept' me from betraying my I of a former lover-whom! hc tad driven suflcring, and I succeeded in tiersuadinr; I to suieider And now to be mliie-nevcr! rtir "'culirely unconcioui of ; the J No, I set my t teeth firuil'ndarovt! ltcrTiew. Sec Ucr j&te preseucov had for a timo ' duelled;-this then but t dHfcd, look the confet sion she ! had promised me, J No of the .morrow's interview. more i Wust; 4nd toward no furtli?. . , , . Winder she jshrtttk my offered ym- iariy .ncxt morniug; fiorace Field icRlpathy. me , Uririll!? me til lOini tlifTh.n;iirr-Wlnnf1 I iMv vrfwdl.rfM f-l.Ut.l wltt.. j... rty in fjbndon or Folkestone. ' I v j "ou have plenty of money, ami have fsfrd' Kau'nUd lUeto '. c&ax$i' fl fitr been drudtfintr too lnnr JaJh tki VI i T " 5 ..'''-; . o o "" I iront Jicr nnsence. iMrvcr: loungers ih tIevIIucdJ li Paik have 1 pcrs contain a romantic stcry, substau fcecntly observed iu the cindowsT ci" one ! tidly as follows ; - r About twelve months ago,. a gentle man who trades ia the cuauty i-f Galway .Hf , t! jjjmost iashlonablc jewelry establish lacals tucroa xaotxtraordinary ;bracc- ready; I won't let yfu saj ho,; but' will tell the others that riU will join us." , , "Well perhaps, I'll see;" I saidjlhilf resolved to go, but unwilling to coiitmit rain iitwiti o ,.uu ta, t or x ana unui oaiuroay; her siren cJiarms asain. ; I was still nar .... !ll I - . . i . . I . . . w - . ouwm nave two enure aays to; got jng the ftvor when mv evra fell unon l lor aec Field's now, useless 'glo ve 1 1 Quick a; thougu.l went to tUc telegraph -oilicc ami sent a message over the lines: : ' I accept. I will lcavor hero 'br th, le ie .1 f ' .. i . I .ycn wore seeing -uriam: . : 1 next traift, and will be with you o: Sat - i i ii a i . . i a L' - t plain away this fearful story that rest in 0uce resolved, ft Leclnccalmer, pack- btned to prove the facts as IIora;a stated , . i , . : T ' r. my astonishcil patients over to Dr. Jones luvm. xiur weir i ucr uucie, uer moni- er's illness, aud the ffibntal shock to which ' ' t - 4. she hod ref redi her own deeD dcwesr- sion, ahd tlic secret stie lid promie(l to reveal. . Yfet she loved me. Tlic memo ry of her passionate tones yet lingered in .my ear.'f; I'crhaps her former engagor- m'ent was Jan 'unwilling one-. At any rate, I was resolved not to coudemu her The littig-suffering heart omcd to my' J ! iJwords of rtience arof&turehope; for. I I T ' i I llAlTi Tiif t if if f. Kail Vw' wiita vWuti3rkO fif vat --va aava u V T IVII 1A Lf 111 KiTVtO Va- . T ffcym preach; yet such', eousolation as I ihred o ed eagerly. offer, she weleom- earthly relief;," and ast the form, idic loved grew jdauy weaKerauOn palo ; face,t wore ethei ial; sherafeuld turn ? for comfort- and sob; out lier agonai to life. My darling ! How every thought i? ,4.-?:r.u vp -? r :ica , not. then rart was hers.onlv.-I ' rt ; - - a,s there is A tion. I am 6n my way to Ijondon, en route for Paris (our folks are touring fitating at the door of her arbor, noting and' was passing through here, when this miserable' little accident made me so faint that I had to leave the train, fuelling for a doctor, I. found yououti audi trust I 4 - . 4 ' . - Vi your nuspitajity lor a' m;q, no train until to-mor ro$' liiorning "You will stay longer than that? I .cannot. My: .baggage has gone foWard now What fate 'dmcd you in this otit-6f-thc-way place supjwrti5 I-1 cOiifdy ' Atruaiit disposition. Horace. There ? worda of .spiritual I i that couifbrtable?". T asked, alluding to Jthe wound. i v , ' ' -ii . Aa comfortable as possible-; thank yo. Yell, Old boy tell tts yW- life and'ad ventiiires since we-yarted "i.. ... , , ''fherc Wnsauuch to hear anu iiarratef Aad the hours wore on rapiaij . In JUie midst of o ehat, the uanic of JJherman escaped inc. 1 , care, and before night, was whirling fast as steam could take me from Miltoh. For two years I hurried fioni place to place. The gay jarty I had joined sooia became distasteful lo me; end we 'parted company,- ihcy to aeck pleasure, I to' vain ly try to banish memory.' The thoifJrbt of "returning to .England, becama 6-cry dav rrore rermlsive: and aftor 'twpntv i. i t 1.1 ; i i.. J 1 ' J uuuuiiiu; uim us soon an l cuuiu jHTtsriuiv r . .1 r t 1. " . . . months of flitting, I took apartments maao my protcBsiouai ciuu, 1 btarwu ou. : p. an,i rt,suln.,i F,.,tW nf' It was the afternoon before I could ... . wa;.- . 1;, j turn my steps to Crovcw, and I bur- Lad . . f profcf!Jiouai friontlg. ii 11 1 ji. it 1 ncuoveruus i-kuumu pan., , fcpurreu nd r,fc became endurable: as science be- on by a ndsery of drend and hope I had camft j moc &llfiorUV. Yet a wearv pucu vuu guiv, anu was on uic ltuivu avenue thai led up to the hallnloor, when, in the summer-house at the end of a nar row, diverging path, I saw Miss Shcr- litawf Quickly turning from the grand wa& I had bcen following, 1 went to mee her. j . j To my-surprise she did not nioTfcias I ad voiced , but satJier face turned from raci'teekiflg herself t?o and fro and moan ing, as?f in pain. Puzzled, aud hardly kaowing'uowi to accost her, I stood hesi- . "!V t r i - heart was hers , only lias I saw how ishe - trusted me tell-her; but roe. grew tronrer Uit .WAXTEUS, Proprietor. -NT A'. HOUSE. :unopAN pi A i - - - - Kn?s bj thej-y pr tyeck i 1 ' r.v I t 1 i ''' and looked upr to me' ?; -MV ; ItoVmaiiP died at ; night. We wcrsall jifjWJAS.t ;4jthe first timd a iloO :popscionT5. camo jnio Lriy, to her hits "our lajor-viiiiui . . ' S. -T a' 1 ... i-'" 1 !. fr tUJUsn iuarjr jucar; tiry ,io. iorgew uer, . ha3U3.werod;oftljr4tf I But MiriaMi brokdf fourth . in "a passion- ate wailr , . . . - , . -- - 4 ? fNot1tejf, jfio. itM.V.ttiat happy home iicrc r ypoj arc going, remember aad V ay for yeWiwchildf.y viinam---aariirg---iiiy cuitu-i; will ember, to pray fot w v :i ,ShJ gasped akliedK r Hf- H ghuaeriti'aVt. gtnfcfe f with aVdeadlv cuui; iuu?am ipttCFMf irotn,the ;Detlsitte,J ngt saAif jaOawng , ttjwna tho ;floor s In i , vain -We fHhrFft wnKf 1 ?iii . exclaimed Horace.;- f " AM' Wlatioiu i to tlw j heroine , of poo? Lagdbu8 trage-V. r ' ; - heart ahnosi ' stoppbc2 as I said, "What tragedy?" ' ' ' : ; it possible Von "do not know I So much for burying one's self alive. iou remember the Carletons, of Jlilhavcn?" ' -" Yes.-" r ; '-; :' - .' "! -i "- ..'' :- V A'el, Mrs: Carleton, last summer, had a jidrty of us there fori the i season, and among ; the number, this hiagnificent brunette Miss. Sherman , larian ' f' "Miriam,. . , ,'tAIiriam,. was it? I, though, it was Marian'. Tall, and splcndedly hantbomo, with ieyes like midnight-Btars. and a voice libo. Malibrau's. Aiiiorigst the visito 41 lan bran s. " Amoriffst the visitors was ncr cousin, a alter longdon, arslim her stVatoge apjc4rance. Her moaning was discarded, '.a,nd (shc wore the very dress which I had first seei her; . all her heavy black hair was uubounJ, and hung far below her waist in tangled con fusion. As I stood wondering, ler moans .broke into words: ' 1 5 - " Walter ! Walter! my love,! my darling," bead! dead!" 7 ! i I stepped foward and spoke,; to break the resumed meaning. ' She didofc loot up as I spoke; bill as I placed Jmy bauds gently upon hcr: shoulder;, she tufned her face towards me. I fairly Taelett when I saw her. 1 Could one night1 have 'al tered .her? 1 " Every feature ''was swollen with' weeping, and s the heavy eycl .tliat looked into mine pleaded in, their titter misery for comfort. Such depth of sor row t havB never witnessed.' Sfje" gave nic one look, and thsri resumed htr tfsftrV ing to and fro. ; :; , ;. "Dead! dead! not a word not a 'look ferine; Dead! dead! O, will not f my Lhcan break? UWill no grief kill me? " l . The passionate pleading of the vprds appalled me. Was BIr: Shcrmatt ' dead? No, I had seen the servant m'tLe'JJage not ajrhoul-. before, and he told nio-?Uat his master was as well as usual. V. f "Darling, J. saM, taking her hands, 'why do yon weep?" . ' ' .fr; V i. 'x f" She oked' m iny face, and said.'hc is dead, I have killed hiral , I; who foved him soLI, who. was to have been his wife! rkilled! him. ? -You know- I could r not help flirting.- J It is my nature;' but I nev er meant the cruel words I fpoke to him. T i 1 M ''T'' i A" " i'i-i Alasf it-wtS wifthan tha Shepiur- I told him I could nol love him; and ho jalo youth,, who looked like a pretty girl.; j throw, back the promises I had given him; I .It-. wa&t understood ' v that the cousins were engaged; but Plato - himself would have flirted ryrifip tliat jgirl. )3hoJi leil ns ill jtf r;traHjaiid yex popy Langdoii j and l loft me in i a . rage. ! H.&T pould -1 4 fbr Ifcr ne w - life commenced. 1 cactf this4hi--i.' - ''' - - I will bo mc?tM guess tiis -thisi-"-' I "And "she drew from her baeast a letter, r t How" my heart , nerved itself? to listca and notto brcalifrto mad ravings I can not tell; but I rcadthclcttcrvcvcry word, pain in my heart, still remained faithful to memory. ' . 1 It was in arly autumn; more than two years after ray parting with Miriam, when I was hastily summoned i by a friend, a physician, to visit with him a dying girl. "She is English,and you arc a coun tryman. You will come? v he said. What disease?" ' -? ' 'Sec has been insane. Some love' af fair, I imagine. Ilcr father says she was at one time con&,el in " an" asylum rf- but cscapel and 'came home." They -found her tractable, and resolved to try if chtTnge ti scene would aid her; but symptoms of pulmonary iHrt Wi became developed, and she is dying of icortsutnption." ' "Saliol" - . Kr. .... -.. :. 'No, but quiet and harmless, llcauti-; ful as a dream a brunett." i; 'Her name ?" - She . was dying when we reached her. The lonely face, " pallid V and wan,' with .f I1..LI .i ! let, the oddity and tpkhdor of which has excited universal wonder. ' W con. sistsof four rusty; broken J bent, aad bat- tcrcu pin, inciosea ; m a fciad opfrcmc work arranged to cx;s3 thfiai with per fect distinctness, and urrou3de4 with tho wast precious and briiluht ctjrhs. the history attachHl to this rcuinrkabb- ol jctt wugular. . . Tho necessity bf cau tion readers an .'amb!tl!o ' rtM-tntmn imperative, j as the par tics are -stiliiv A long while eincc; M. iMaicrcs find ing himself in the . -vicinity, of lazaria Palace, 4 was . grevioaHy wounded i while treadingihis way along ?a j portion ;of the streets undargoin extensive renairs. On letting 'slip an , exclamation against the soperiatendent of stectslro.was plangod into a dungeon carker tha!n than the s rol of; his persecutor and cohdccincd to soli tary coufincaicnt; : ; jr ''-4 Days; weeks and xaontts flcdi and' he continued condemned -bai not jadqd Torn fr.vu hU dearest afiections and btir aicd in darkness and .silence; ho iTeU bin body. weaken aw d his isind threatefcing to loce its power,: lie was ataii of him self; and dctormiacd at all hazirdi to awaken from the lethargy fwMch he knew ribald dooa rcidot Jiim insane. Although searvbed from head to foot by tae officers ai (Jfc time of his abduct ion he discov ered that .four pins had escaped their no- as f y.' it i.. i i. t: with' a means of recreation,, whiclj would at least prevent him from absolute "men tal decay. How could four pins aid him? will be asked, and of what 'use 'j to en liven hi solitude and awaken hiap ' facul ties? ' I s .,'; J- , Tho poor prisoner occupkdahim'self du ring six-years in throwing tho .four bits of wiro at hazard about his cell, ahd then searching for them to recommence the aamo feat. Tls was Lis; only Palace; tlic solo pastime . permitted him thrtjagh ' all this weary lapse of years. But ii served simply though it . appears.' to keep him alive, until one day a revolution brought Lim his libcrty His affectionate wifo grecwu wju on uiaiurcsnoiu ot jus pris on, and conducted hjw to Lis firicside. lie related Ks touching ; history land ex hibitcd hiM four pins. A wife'3 devotion has caused them to Lo embalmed in jew elry to tho valua of many thousand fraucs. .. . - ' i- dreamed that ha had . been iotramcnVit l in saving the life of a lovely accomplish ed young lady, -who would have bifn dashed to peicos had it not bech for hi ' tiiauly ails The fur one was so docidvcu graveu on his ia:a J, that -hon h j aw.ke. - berg a .tolerable "gooi artist, hit first, im pulse was to mkc a ketc!l Ct It I v hieh lV he improved from d.ij,- today, until ii wa-' remlcrcd as perfect , S3 v pJSaiblar" Oj a, , litter told night 60435 in'oitSs sxiucat- lyj while th2 dreamer !was comfortably ' ensconced in an arm chair before a .bliz- -:ng fire; -ho was startled-; by tho rrfrcan; of a female. In a moment h'a overcoat was buried ou. and he bhortlre.rrh'od- on . the spot whence, the-cric3 proceeded. In a deep ditch by t!ie si lc of tho roail, a horse was kicking and plunging in a -fearful laanncr, attached to a jaunting , car,' which was turned upsi-le down. Thccc persons were quickly reseuol from. . beneath it, and conveyed to the house; whero they soon recovered from the ef fects of the accident. The gcntL'man who had saved their lives appeared all ai once struck with one of the party, a young lady, whom hojclt certain he had seen before. Tho dream was brought forcibly to his recollection, and on cater- -. ing another apartment, his visitors wcro more than - asstonished iA pcrceivo tho . portrait of one of themselves suspended from the-wall." Tho mistcry was soon "' cxplaincdi and in two months from that date Cic dreamer and the fair yoiiag la Jy were married in, Cublin. : f -1 SENSIBLE TALX FaOil TUE SOUTH. George AV, KeudaU writes froui Texas in the following sensible vein to his old paper, the New Orleans Picayune : , . The lessons which adversity teaches arc hard , yet they niu t be learned . An d these lessonf are always useful. I know that it comes hard for a young man to walk behind a plow who . once rode be hind a fast trotter ; nor ' is it agreeable to a young lady to make and put (on her drcscs all by herself, who formerly . had 1 a couplo of serraats to Like these irksome Vbl off iheir hands. Yrct I can ! sec no other remedy, at least for those who have simply been ruined by the war, and the list is a long one.. That a .targo majori- rty have accepted' the shSaticn 'cEberfully I anr glad to say is true I mean the situation to earn their, own living ; ; all must do it. And there arc many .who think,' awl I am one of them, that, in the Tins Sfcx at MiDxicitT. Minister Campbell went fur enough north in Nor way to sec the' sua at midnight. It waj ! , in sixty-nine degrees cliff 1,000 feet above the Arctic sea. The description says : ; "The ocean stretched away in client vastnes -at our feet ; the sound of iti waves scarcely reached our airy lookouts away in the north the huge old su:i swung low along the horiieu,. like tlio slow beat of the pcndulura in thu tali clock iu our grandfather's parlor ccmer. We all rtood rilint, looking at our watch - ':Yv"h:n both hands came t07ei!iw7 at 12, midnight, the f'li revn l orb hung triumphantfy ibcvc. the wave .1 bridi of gold running d:ie north tpa:i;il , tho waters betwech ua and him. TLt'r4. ho" shoae ia silent majesty which knew no setting. Wc involuntarily took olf our hats; no word was said. Combine, u you can, the most br.Hi.mt iransbt and sunrise you ever saw, and its bcaiitics bill pale before the georgjDus coloring which now lit up ocean, heaven , and mountain.' In half an hear the sun ; hal swung up perceptible on its beat, tho colors changed to those of inorumg a rcsh brcezcT rippled over flood, one son - ster after another piped uniu the crovo - -- - behind uswc had slid into another 1 ; : .:n i. .11 it.. 1 . masses of black hair strewed n-er hcV pil- wm ' ' " .rior me low like licavv framwort: Wowed ' i&t11 Sontil-a genex- surely that her life's .sorrow would soon be ended, r As we stood gazing upon hcri I , her fathtr softly eft the' Voowj' ainl re-TJ turned Vl4h a. lady. ; I did not' raise uiy eyes. ' "iMy Ltar seemed breaking as I sa the ,wrct;k of what I had so loved. Softly, as . a babe sinks to sleep, slie breathed her lastl I bowed down weep ing, as a 'man weeps only, in extreme of nic'Stal anguish. ' ; , 7 j '.. "3Iy dear friend ! " "it was Jlr.-Slier-man who spoke, dnd I felt, his kind hand fall gently upon ray shoulder. "My dear friend," he said,' look up! Do not moan that so sad a life ends peacefully at bit. Lookup!" - . ; 4. j , -I obeyed. 1 Was I mad? : Ha1 my sor 'row indeed turned 'my brain? f Standing before ice witli a sal sweet5 smile; upon, her li?s, yet livicg,''?as,3ilrunj.', . . ,, , . Do not speak,". h-e said gently. - We know all your sad mistake Thank1 heaven you arc here, that', I jaay' tell you the truth . It was ; tuy sur--r, ui jer iwm Eistcr-. mcr escaped from the asylum where dj i cle hid placed her. ' I do not niouu now . . . 1. 1 ti." Ticw 'liio commcnccu. xicaveu- mcJfciful!" -Vnd tUcT'soft tears fell on tho dead face, as she bent t . kiss her sister's lips. ;i . , . We returned .tit England t together a few weeks Jatcr; and MUtou ' has again her dai aion whk'his to follow ...puo . , .notoriously ence as to any useful occupation. The race of man growing up will pe more muscular the woman stronger and healthierana iheir children again ira- f prove upon: their, stock. I. have never heard that exercise was hurtful, and I have consulted good physicians f on the subject. ' ' : ;". ! V i ' "How often' do we hear pcopie com plain that they have been , out all day hunting for a tcrvant without success. Had they turned to iii the mornS -they could h'avedone all their work themselves tin a couple of h'dufs, and saved j inoney and shoo leather by C12 opcratioai Too many people m . the South hafc been : favorite surgeon ,! who rusi JcVat, G ru'veV ; e7ia"thc lioiue of the'Shcriiians, "'s' brought up t hi waited' po4; ' they inuit how tie thlr cwu sWs, an-l I re peat that the sooner they begia the bet- icr tiww ie? Jr 1 zuovr. that 'i&anthink oy caa escape mis alate Of th!h"3 bv going U Urazil;-or some e ther oai-bf-the- I v - L- - - l.i . .Jaxian, whom you met in u:esum-v, j . . r . low -houses- Wo foand her there ' bter; ?l lue ' jforld oyer, so far as xix 1 . . "v 01. vau ; woria istod as remancratlve 03 in the j South, era States of Aniericir ri Let' U3 work. :.TC, waskarticle cf California wheat Jias this year riiid 350,000 ia freight oyer the Pauhiua railroad - V in . i A' Ncfwcgun infant ii AYisconsia fici- A Plxasaxt Wife; The case of Fortli vs. Forth, in the -Court of Probate and - ' Divorce beferc J, P.; Wildo, presents tho' married Etato b its most uncomfortahhi phase. v;Tho Ucr.t Mr. Forth applied for a judicial separation on account of J hw wifii cruelty, adducing the following in-. stances of her rniscon luct. She had at tempted to put one .of tho pctitioncrV: children by a former marriage w to tho; fire; eho had thrown candlesticks at hiu," ' had scratched hU face, had emptied tho contents of a milk jug over him; nd had' then broken' his head with the jug, hadr burnt thVnose of hU V eldest child,1 had est fire to his own hair and whiskers "Willi k lighted match; had cut his forehead open with the hbel of a boot, had upset a " run pie over aim, had destroyed bis scr- -. mons, papers and.' bocis.! had ' ftmaihod : his furniture, had threatened to' fcet firo to his kot&e,. and hai"ia a variety' of other ways proved herself ca 1 uhdesirablo ife. Mrs. Forth , in .reply, declared' that;Irf Forth had etarred her. and that he was fonder of the' children of h.U-first ' marriage than ho was of her own which ' 11 uau we reverncd geutlcmau's ailega-' ttoni are- founded on fact, u not aliogeLh-.. ' cr surprhiag. The csurt granted a bcoV r I -Xgoof thing is tell of the Preiidcnt iir7- ivalcighr . Whi& .responding in a feel- !?? wto ft? wclcomo' given him. r he used the expression. ' -T;:t . bro fricnlsrcpair the" breoehes"-and befo he cocid add, "maae . ty the "claimed with perfect de-. ligUt,?;DIethedcar bid;maa;'h3 has" con hanio; aia'; -hisoldi' trade-! s '- 1 -. - V .-..,'. i.; a good Vvoiaaa . aro Ifgood booi and - ; judged from their covering i. . - - K i

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