The Transylvania Times FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA SANTA CLAUS Kiddies, address your let ters to Saint Nick, in care of The Times. He’ll read them and make notes in his great big KR COURT TERM OPENS MONDAY CharSTGrid Game WM Be Played FridaylgMli ALL STARS TO [Much Favoralbie Comment Follows Announcement of Times’ Proposal To Promote Campaign for Kiddies BREVARD brevities^ Bought your ducal for the charity and grid game ye - • • • V ’ll huv eventually, why not ow’ HARRY PATTON .s ,„otk.=r energetic young man --".dfuf Name Woman To Senate who wht the loads asl.^d the nylhing big was „^rk are piled up '• BILL V/ALLIS other day i' “breaking” m r”°r; “Yep,” he snapped, I broke 'a'shoe lace today'” • • • Easy on that stuff, BILL, easy • • PAUL SMATHERS, of all days. selected Thanksgiving to t.sel less indisposed . - • wJlne his agony when, at the festive board, a very tempting and, to be .svpllcil, his favorite dish was placed in front of him and he had to forego the pleas ure of diving into it . . . OOC LONG appears to be m a pl^as- nt frame of mind ail the time . . And, while wo’re in the right mood ourselves, we want to offer the day’s felicitat— congratulations and a" sort of thing to “DOC din, “DOC” LYNCH, ENGLISH, “DOC’ ‘DOC” MACFIE, that HAR- DOC” LYDAY, ‘DOC” Mc- NEWLAND, Here is Mrs. Hattie Caraway, who has been .appointed United States the selec' of . Ros- bottled beverage man merchants are telling the world, in this issue of The Times, that they have the goods at home for the Christmas holi day trade ... If this weather keeps up somebody like R. F. THARP is going to be V hu! ry leak.” alls “Con MRS. as made an excellent aroorietress of a dry stablishment . . . You ii JIM BROMFIELD ut of bu lot at yo He got nler to his business foresight and ingenuity •generally . . . S. B. HOWARD is one of those straight forward, straight think ing, capable young .men who get a great deal accomplished with out saying a great deal about it . . . Wonder if FRANK CLEM ENT ever thinks of those early and hectic but, nevertheless, ad venturesome days when motion pictures first saw the light of day in Brevard? . . . Christmas colors are beginning to make SCRAP PICKED AGGRpTION Business Men Will Don Football Togs for Afternoon’s Grapple MANY STORES WILL CLOSE FOR 2 HOURS Tho cream of Brevard high school’s gridiron material and the aces of Brevard Institute’s mole skin warriors have combined their forces, their strategy, their trick plays and all in anticipation of meeting a group of “All-Stars,’’, composed of pigskin luminaries of other years but robust men in all lines of endeavor in the busi ness life of Bjrevard today. These' determined grid gladia-. tors will grapple Friday on or be fore 8:30 p. m. at McLean field and proceeds of the game will go toward relief work among indi gent families in Transylvania county this winter, UNIVERSAL PLAN The charity contest will be the nation-wide plan husband, Senator Thaddeus ^ .p^^t^into effect by President Hoo- H. Caraway, until a regular elec-1 yer and advisers recently to as- tion is held in January. Mrs, Car- gist in raising substantial sunis for away may be chosen then to com- work among the poor throughout the country. Governor 0. Max Gardner recognized the worth of the movement and was instrumen tal in putting it into practice in North Carolina. Jerry Jerome, as president of the Brevard Cham ber of Commerce, was instrumen tal in arranging for the local charity game. He received valu able assistance, from Ruffin Wil kins in the formulation of plans and the perfection of arrange ments. READY RESPONSE Although the official scliedule of both the high school and Insti tute has been completed, athletic officials and players alike, of lo- among cne cases each, readily responded, as did appearing before the North Caro-; Brevard business men, when the lina supreme court at Raleigh ] proposal was made about a eou- this week and. of chief interest pie of weeks ago. What s more, locally is ’that of appeal of eight ! these Pillars of Community 1 rog- Transylvahia county men who! ress, disengaged themselves from' were convicted in superior court j their desks, the lathe, the wood- hei’e last August in connection | shop and what have you, not witli the failure of the Brevard. afternoon but practically every Banking company on December afternoon, to practice and rou: 15. Defense attorneys argued themselves into shape_for what Save Tot After 204-Hour Vigil CASE WILL BE IN SPOTLIGHT STOKES and “DOC” | senator from Arkansas to fill the ZACHARY . . . What set of lo- geat left vacant by the ^^ath of ; outgrowth ^of cal barbers had rather sing tbf” converse with customers while, thvir jowls? . . . SUPT. J. F. WINTON is a typical gen tleman and scholar . . . PAUL GLAZENER and WALTER GLAZENER want a little help plete her husband’s unexpired term ending in March, 1933. BIG INTEREST IN BAM CASE Case Argued Tuesday Be fore Supreme Court for Transylvania Men Announcement last week to the effect The Transylvania Times will sponsor an Empty Stocking Campaign for children of destitute families in tho county who otherwise might bo overlooked at Christmas-time, was the occasion of numerous favorable comments on all ^'‘iT'will be the aim of The Times to see that as many un fortunate tots as possible re ceive a well-filled stocking this year to thrill their childish lit tle hearts and strengthen their belief in Santa Claus. Efficient relief agencies are l)ushing forward in their efforts Jn the county to care for all persons rendered destitute by unemployment or- otherwise this winter. In this work The Times stands ready at all times to help to the utmost. But The Times wants to do something for the little ones wh.o can’t understand why mother and father are un able to provide Santa with the necessary financial wherewithal to bring them dollies, air-guns, skates, toy wagons, and the like. Little Willie or little Mary may look on wonderingly as a pile of good warm clothing and a basket of good food is deposit ed at the door by a welfare worker but they will not realize the full significance of it all if Santa Claus does not accom- appe the do Sts! Man Depn shouldn’t hav pression, thou iisiness section . . . sure sign the Yuletide etting into the air . . . such a thing as Old Entire Two Weeks ol Court To Be Taken up in Criminal Cases BANK CA^eTwILL NOT COME UP AT THIS TERM December term of superior court will convene Monday at 'I'ransylvania county courthouse and during the two weeks it is in session approximately 120 cases of a criminal nature will come before Judge H. Hoyle Sink for disposition. Solicitor J. Will Bless. Jr., will be in charge of prosecution of the cases. Oases against defendants in the defunct Brevard Banking com pany will not be heard at this term of court. The case destined to command principal attention will he that of Arthur Petit and Tal Petit, ordered held the latter pai't of November to the Decem ber term when arraigned on charges of murder before Justice of the Peace F. E. Shuford. Ar thur is alleged to have committed tile actual killing of Jesse Mas ters near Rosman in 1926, with Tal Petit an accomplice. ACCUSED BY WHITMIRE 'I'he Petits were accused by Louie Whitmire of implication in tho slaying of Masters shortly after Whitmire was arrested last month in connection with burg lary of a mercantile establishment at ’Rosman. In 1926, after Mas ters’ body had been found in a clump of woods in a bad state of liecomposition, Whitmire was cliarged with the killing. He never took the stand in his be half but heard himself given a .sentence of from 15 to 25 years for murder in the second degree in silence which was not broken to any extent for four years., -Whitmire served four years in tho' Transylvania county has many I penitentiary and was then graves of veterans of the Civil paroled. war, the Mexican war, and other REVELATIONS wars, that are as yet unmarked j ^^as not revealed until the save by a slab or rough stone. preliminary hearing last month , For many years the United anyone had been told of the Transylvania county singing ; ^^^Les government has furnished ] liHling of Masters until Whitmire I' + 4-1, ,4v„„c'’.,lsi’avest(*n€s for veterans of the mifolded his story on the witness convention met at the couithouse Uj^j^j^ various wars|stand. Then, he'testified, he told in regular fifth Sunday session i of the, past. A few years ago the ! a relative at whose house he went last Sunday, with a large attend-| law authorizing these stones wasl-ifter Arthur Petit was alleged to ance of song enthusiasts from i amended to include Confederate, Have fatally knifed Masters dur- pany these contributions with a little handout for them as well. A stocking filled with apple.', oranges, candies, nuts and pos sibly an inexpensive toy is'what will catch their eye.s and cause them to galvanize into joyful- The Transylvania Times is anxious to do its bit towai'd the elimination of suffering amon.g the unfortunates of this county this winter, and especially on Christmas, the grandest day ir- the whole year. Let’s don’t peianit the cifild to lose faith in jolly Saint Nick. Every year about this time the magazines, the movies and even on the air, Santa is coming in for a generous share of atten tion, His affection for good lit tle boys and girls is being em phasized every day. If his little ones obey their ])arent.s, say their prayers and help with tho chores around the house, they have been led to believe they may expect to be remembered on Christmas morning. When they carry out these instruc tions to the letter and then awake on Christmas morn only to find an empty stocking — realize that aSnta has overlook ed them—then their childish faith in the most marvellous of traditions begins to wane. They naturally wonder if there real ly is such a thing as a Santa Claus. lew record for inh^alator squads ? established when members of the Los Angeles fire department rked continuously for 204 hours cl 10 minutes over Henry Ad ams Morse, 11-day-old baby shown, above with one of the squad. At the end of that period the infant began to breathe naturally. Soldiers’ Grave Markers Needed In This County SHARP SNAP IS !SiG SESSION BUSINESS HELP| IS HELD HERE Merchandise Scheduled to j Transylvania County Sing- Move Faster as Cold ing Convention Draws Weather Continues Crowd on Sunday While the sharp drop in mer cury this week may have set many a-shivering and added to the bur den of home chores for dad or big brother in the way of getting in the coal and kindling and build- | various sections of this ing fires early mornings, the cold ' and elsewhere. The president, j cominand, rank, date of death, iVetera The government fur- before the supreme court in Raleigh on Tuesday, but de cision \^ll not be rendered for 30 days Or more, it is said. ‘Thomas H. Shipman, president ........ - ... of the defunct Brevard Banking 1 words, began their solicitation last company, Jos. S. Silversteen, vice 1 SaturdayThey were successful - president, the county attorney; getting rid of and six county commissioners of j pasteboards. expected to be the “Battle of the Century.” Pretty girls consented to sell tickets on the streets of the busi ness section and, suiting action to number of the ned De rnsrchanls had just about for gotten there had ever been such a thing in existence . . . Take a tip: DO YOUR CHRIST- MAS SHOPPING EARLY. back a long w: the group on th.e steps had to dig for the other 1 reproducing Bailey and Ti'ansylvania county were found guilty in superior court here on conspiracy to defraud the county of $.100,000 to aid the defunct Brevard Banking- company. On the conspiracy 5ount, sen tences of not less than two years nor more than five years in the state penitentiary and fines of ■$5000 each were given Thos. H. Shipman, head of the bank; Ralph (Continued 6n page three) m in the illman s “I live aid: the country, and I have lived in the country, and 1 know more about the farmers than the Senator does.” “Ah, yes,” said Senator Bai- ely, “I do the ot think ator nythin from South CaroliL._ know more about than any oth- •2r Senator, if we take his own opinion on that point.” I beg lo tell my friend that a great many South Carolinians of them i too,” repli. d Senator Baile al Boh It may have been Cash, possibly som teemed Bnavard I don’t recall al the m was responsible for this one during a fa inent the other dav: The scene, of course, is in ; court room. The plaintiff, wh' called upon t testify. gQj oment, that and made a favorable imprest (Continued on page three! very well REAL BIG EVENT It’s going to be a big day all rightie. A majority of the mer chants have agreed to bang close the portals of their establishments while the game is in. progress in order that they may either play themselves, witness the struggle from the spectators’ stands or urge their buddies •on to their most' heroic effort for a w'orthy (Continued on page three) snap is gratefully received in other Mr. Robert Mackey, presided over quarters, n-evertheless. I convention. Business houses of Brevard and Special features of the- all-day Transylvania, and especially those meeting; were quartets from Hen handling ready-to-wear for men dersonville, Rosman, I.ittle Riv"*- and women, along with depart- and mixed quartets ment store notions; coal and wood freight "pi’epaid. The local chapter' of the United Daughters of the Confederacy wishes to see that the unmarked .gi'^ves, entitled to tombstones un- _ _ duets ider the laws mentioned, are prop- Brevai’d and other sections.! erly marked. yards and the like,' are glad to The congregational singing _ of •; I hose see-temperatures register at low-’ modern and popular favorites J vetei er marks because it serves as a were also added features of en- stimulant to business not only in Yjoyment. their particular lines but in all The collection taken during the others, either directly or indirect-, day was used, to help defray the ly, as well. ’ expenses on the piano purchased The weather the first part of , by the convention some time ago. this week, after cessation of rain,! The bountiful dinner served on was declared by farmers on all the courthouse grounds at the sides as being ideal for killing anI noon hour added to the pleasures butchering of hogs. If it holds up of the occasion, as it has started, it is predicted I The next meeting- of the sing- there will be many porkers to feel ing convention will be held on the blow of axes, soon after to bo the fifth Sunday in Jauary at the (Continued on page three) Brevard courthouse. knowing of unmarked communicate with Transylvania chapter, U. D. C., Brevard, or write out the in formation and request, and leave with the librarian at the U. D, C. library. NEW STEWARDS ARE SELECTED EVERY DOLLAR SPENT WITH HOME MERCHANTS IS A DOLLAR DEPOSITED TOWARD GROWTH OF BREVARD AND THIS COUNTY 0. H. Orr Chosen Chair man; Rev. J. F. Winton, Vice-Chairman drunken argument and, t, a prison er in the state pen. He did not even tel] his wife until he was paroled, Whitmire stated. Whitmire said the reason he liad not revealed the true source of the murde.r was because he feared - Arthur Petit would kill him. COUNSEL IN CASE Whitmire was represented at the preliminary hearing by Pat Kimsey while the Petits had W. E. lireese and T. C. Galloway for their counsel. The entire two weeks of the December term are expected to be taken up with criminal cases, with little or no opportunity for business of a civil nature. • ROSMAN READY FOR BUSINESS Do your Christmas shopping early but be sure you do it in Brevard and Transylvania coun ty. By so doing you not only help your home town merchant and your community, but your own self as well. It has been estimated that several thousands of dollars are .spent outside of Brevard and Transylvania county every month in the year. In the month of December this amount has been at least doubled, if'’not trebled in some instances, in years gone by by residents of this town and county who mo tor to nearby communities to do a large portion of their trading instead of buying of their home merchants. Many of Brevard’s merchants are already putting their holi day goods on display or are in readiness to do so. An exam ination will convince the most fastidious shopper that this merchandise, as a rule, will measure up to that obtainable elsewhere. The prices, too, are in accordance with those paid elsewhere. Keep your dollars at home. Every dollar spent in this town and county helps' the man or woman with whom it was spent, helps eil-her directly or indirect ly tho town and county and surely helps the person spend ing it for he or she reaps the benefit of any improvements made in the community in which they live. A dollar spent out of town is one hundred pennies gone forever. When you pull that dollar out of your pocketbook and spend it some place other than in Brevard or Transyl vania county, you may bid that dollar farewell. It’s gone for ever, and ever. Home stores employ home people. These clerks or em ployes are paid salaries and amounts are put back into cii’culation in the home com munity each week, two weeks or each month, as the case may It has been said that people of thi.s community trade much in neighboring towns and com munities because they enjoy driving to and from those places. Others have argued that holiday merchandise was not put on display eai’ly enough in Brevard and Transylvania county this year, other places , liaving had it in their display windows for the last several weeks. No necessity in depriv ing anyone of a drive to a jieighboring point but let Mr. or Mrs. Average Transylvania Citizen do their shopping at home before they set out on their motor trip. Trading away from home cannot possibly help build schools for those darling little kiddies of yours and mine to attend. Who makes it possible for those splendid monuments to education to rear their heads in this town and county Does the out-of-town merchant come strutting in most elegantly, doff his hat and say in a nonchal- Merchants of Rosman think they are entitled to the bulk of Officers of the board of stew-| Christmas trade from Lhesr homo ards of the Brevard Methodist I4hi.s month and rightfully church for the new fiscal year [so. _ hey contend they are m a were elected Monday night at th} [position to fulfill the wants ot regular meeting of this organiza-' residents of Rosman because they tion held in the church parlors. ] have seen to it that their stocks Following- are the ofl’icers elect- j complete and up-todate m ed to serve for the ensuing vear: every respect. Chairman, 0. H. Orr- vice-chair-1 In this issue of The Times will man, Rev. J. F Winton; secre-! be found a whole page used by tary. Miss Alma Trowbridge; i the merchants of Rosman. The treasurer,. A. H. Houston; assis-ifivms represented in this whole tant treasurer, Harry Sellers. page advertisement are W. 1. The following constitute the i Reese, Gloucester Lumber corn- members of the boai*d of stew-fpany, Rosman Hotel, Pharr Cafe, ards, comprising both new and /White’s Grovery, Hayes Garage, former members: C. 0. Robinson, j Winchester’s store, Whitmiro J. F. Zachary, 0. H. Orr, C. M. Barber Shop. W. R. Lewis, J. W. Douglas. H. A. Plummer, W. L. ! Glazener, Fisher’s Barber Shop, Aiken, D P. Kilpatrick, B. E.! Whitmire’s Grocery. Nicholson, J. F. Winton, J. E. j Do your Christmas shopping ant sort of way: “Please accept my check for five thousand and apply it to ward the construction of a new high school building or for improvements to the streets 'that run through your town and out into the county.” It’s simply not being done this year. But the home town merchant —ah, that’s different. He or she is ever ready to aid a wor thy Not only willing to aid, either, for they dig down in their pockets and plank down substantial contributions for things intended to better _ the community, county and sec- I Rufty, G. W. Hayes, Roscoe Nich-j early—but tion. This article is not going to check all of the out-of-town shopping. The writer realizes this full well. But if it is the means of causing one man or woman to think twice before denying their home town mer chants their Christmas-business during this month, then the writer will feel that his efforts have not been in vain. 1 olson, George D. Shuford, A. H. Houston, Harry vSellers, "Rev. ( C. Brinkman, j. M. Meeee, J. ( Maxwell, Miss Florence Ker] j Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer, Miss Alma at home, seems to be the motto of these enter prising Rosman business men. They are up and coming and de serving of all of the trade they possible get. They point out Trowbridge, Miss Bertie Ballard,' they do their bit toward contri- Mrs. A. R. Gillespie, and two hou-i buting to the growth of the com- i oraiV members, T. H. Galloway [ munity whereas our out-of-town I and'F. P. Sledge, together with j firms'give nothing in return. I the pastor. Rev. J. H. West, as | Remember their slogan: t ex officio member. C. M. Doug- “Do Your Christma.s Shopping (Continued on page three) J Early—But Do It in Rosman.” —^ viacvviicit:. xxie prices, too, are oe. nis nau aiui say m a iiunciicti- iictvc ut.L uccu. ju yam. y -- ^ -o- • IRISTMAS SHOPPING IN BREVARD AND HELP YOUR OWN COMMUNITY AND YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANT!