The Transylvania Times Season’s Wishes One heaping measure of cheer mixed with one big portion of success is the Yule wish of The Times to you and yours. FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; $1.00 PER YEAR SPIRIT HOLDS SWAY IN COUNH BREVARD brevities it Well, well, well!!! Her time for jolly old Santa Claus to drop around for an visit to the thousands and thou sands of his little friends thru- out the land. And such Thai’s about all the kiddi been talking of for a Ion now this visit to he paid by Santa. After many months of du! , long tii g which he rly morning until preparatH toiled fro well into the evening at nis comfortable cabin the far away North, Saint Nick has been abl^e to turn cut enough toys to glad den the hearts of all little girls and boys. Nothing pleases the old fellow more than to delight the heart of a little boy here, a little girl there, and adults, too. Santa knows no enemies. Every body is glad to hav the; friend. It Santa to .11 of his little friends and acquaintances. Wouldn’t it be fine if all Santa f. little friends could take a peek at his well arranged workshop when the year’s work has been completed and everything is in readiness for delivering them. “Gee!”, Willie would exclaim, “look at that big stack of drums. And, gosh, look at the air guns, cowboy suits, games, story books and things.” Then, little Mary might exclaim just as en thusiastically: ”My, my, I wish you’d look at that glorious col lection. of Mama dolls, just the thing I’ve wanted all this year. And look at the story books, tea sets, doll carriages and other beautiful toys.” It surely would be a thrill ,aH right, if it vrere only possible for all of these little girls and boys to just get one peek at all of these many beautiful things. But that isn’t possible. It is possible, how ever, for the little girls and boys to see the toy_8 Santa has made and put on display just before Christmas. And that certainly furnishes them plenty of thrills, don’t you forget that either. Tonight all tots will be told to close their eyes and go to sleep 2S early as possible for Santa will have many homes to visit and he will want t o get started as soon as possible. The last thing little boys and girls see tonight will be massive, beautifully decorated Christma.s trees all ready for Santa to load down with gifts. Of course mother and father will say: “It’s not so exciting for us, oh, of course not.” Bui isn’t it, though? If you doubt that it provides plenty of fun and ex citement for the grownups just as it does the kiddies, just drop in on some Brevard home on Christmas morning. You’ll see mother taking a tiny tea set and adjusting the .various pieces on the table for her little daugh. ter, and, like as not, dad' will be down on his knees in the floor making a train, t.ank or truck run as fast as it will. SENTENCE OF 5-15 YEARS GIVEN PETIT Murder Trial Comes to Close Last Thursday; Notice of Appeal DECEMBER^RM IS BROUGHT TO CLOSE Found guilty of inanslaughtoi’ in superior court here last Thurs day afternoon in connection with the murder of Jesse Masters, near ^ Kosman, in 1920, Arthur Fetit, | 25, was sentenced by Judge H. Hoyle Sink to serve from five to 15 years in the .state penitentiary at Raleigh. Masters’ badly decomposed body was found in a thickly wooded • section' where it had lain for 19 days. Louie Whitmire was ar rested in connection with the killing and sentence to serve from 15 to 25 years in the state prison on a charge of second de gree murder. He did not take the stand in his behalf. After four years he was paroled. Recently, however, Whitmire was rearrested for committing robbery at Rosman and when placed "in jail broke down and ac cused Petit with having commit ted the actual killing. Tal Petit, an uncle, was named as an ac complice. The arrest of the Petits followed. In a prelifninary hearing before Justice of the Peace F. F. ShufprS, the Petits were ordered held to the Decem ber term of superior court. At the superior court trial, however, Tal Petit was discharged because of insufficent evidence to war rant holding him. Arthur Petit entered a sweep ing- denial of the charges brought against him. His counsel, W. E. Breese and T. C. Galloway, gave notice of appeal. Significance of Christmas And there w field, keeping wi And lo, the of the Lord sho: And the ang the same country shepherds abiding i ver their flocks by night. of the Lord came upon them, and the glory ind about them: and they were sore afraid, nto them, Fear net: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. F^or you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign' unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. —St. Luke 2:8-14. HEARING GIVENlP^g*'* THREE MEN FOR I BANDIT EFFORT Trio Alleged to Have At tempted to Rob Orange burg, S. C., Man HEARING WEDNESDAY IN MADISON COUNTY Other Events of Week in Community Are Reported Lament Death of Mrs. 0. Whitaker Methodist Sunday School Will Give Yuletide Program ROSMAN, Dec. 22.—The M. E. Sunday school under the direc tion of Mrs. E. E, Yates will put on a short program Thursday eve ning, after which a Christmas treat for the Sunday school will be given. A large Christmas tree will be used for the occasion. There will be preaching serv ices at the M. E. church at 11 o’clock Sunday a. m., at 2 o’clock p. m. at Selica M. E. church and at Rosman at 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, the Rev. E. E. Yates. Prayer meeting each Wednes day night at 7:30 o’clock. AT LAKE TOXAWAY There will also be a commun ity Christmas tree at Lake Toxa- ^ Thursday afternoon at L lock sponsored by Mrs. Carl Moltz, given in connection with the Baptist and M. E. Sunday schools, C, R. Clark is superin tendent of the Baptist Sunday school w'hile Henry Arrowwood ROSMAN, Dec. 22. — L. M. Galloway, age 70, ded at his _ T . , ■ - ———j home at Easley, S. C., Suday ^ Building and Loan semi-annual | morning. Funeral services were myidend checks were given out j tjoSMAN Dec. 22. Eev. Har- held at Easley Monday. this week to all holders of | Morgan of the Old Toxaway Mr. Galloway was a son of the up stock in this institution acJ man Moigan Of the OW o y ^ Galloway cording to an announcement a± | “'h'X’ck^ Friday night Funeral of this section. He was married •Terry Jerome. secretary4reasur-, h^.^o cjockjuda^y ^n.ght. 1 "Checks were written for 167 "'Oy Baptist church Sunday “on-1 Whitmre, daugMm of the ^ shareholders, in the'total amount ducted by Eev. Judson Corn and , Mi. and Henry Whitmire, of $2700. The dividends were Ear Tnter. I also of Rosman. Deepest gloom settled over our East Fork community when word was received of the death of Mrs. Otis Whitaker of Canton, who died Tuesday morning, December 15, 1931, in an Asheville hospital following an operation for appen dicitis a few days previous, Mrs. Whitaker was before her marriage Miss Ella Gillespie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gillespie of the East Fork, section of Transylvania county. She was tyell known here, having spent her life, until her m.arriage in 1915, in this community. I’ve never heard an unkind word^ spoken of her and I knew her intimately for a number of years and can’t recall an unkind Word of any one spoken by her. I She was loved by all who knew her. Funeral -services were held at ihe M. E. cliurch of Canton, of which .she was a member and were conducted by her pastor.. Inter- was in the cemetery near Clyde. She is survived by her husband.' two daughters and two sons of Canton; her father, J. A. Gillespie Fork; five brothers, Leon and Ernest of Asheville, Homer of Greenville, S. C., Larry of Sardina and Elmer of East Fork, and one Fork’’ Biiildieg, Loan Pays |2,70§ in Dividend Checks Funeral Held for Rev. H. Morgan The three men arrested by Sheriff T. E. Patton, Jr., and hi.s as-sistants in Transylvania county Tuesday of last week of up burgj S. C., on the highway m Madison county, were given a hearing in Madison 'county re corder’s court Wednesday morn ing. - The three men, James Prince of Toledo, Ohio, Archie McPhail, of Hammond, Ind., and Richard Cloud of Indianapolis, Ind., were placed in jail here upon their capture and arrest, while a fourtli man in the party escaped offi cers and has not been located to date. Prince and Cloud were re moved to Madison county jail in Marshall, while McPhail was re leased on $1000 bond. Johnson, who evaded the four men in the highway chase, in formed officers that he • had on his person over $3000 in cash at the time of the pursuit. L. M. Galloway Buried At Easlev L. M. Galloway Is Buried at Easley not due until the first of the year, but in order that those en titled to payment might receive their checks before Christmas, the usual custom was followed in issuing dividend payment before the holiday season. The association is planning to make the coming year a "banner year, and expresses appreciation to the 167 shareholders for their co-operation of the past'year in helping the organization to main tain its regular dividend rate... Nathan Chapman. Inter-I ^^so of _ Rosman ment was in the cemetery nearby. I I’elatives Many years ago Rev. Mr. Morgan i widow, was married to Miss Lillie D. i brother CUng Galloway oi tne 11 who survives and to this 1 Cherryfield section, and sisters. school. AT MIDDLE FORK ROSMAN, Dec. 22.—There will be a Christmas tree at Middle Fork Baptist church near Ros man Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the members of the Sunday school. D. Morgan is superintendent of this Sunday school while Rev. C. J. Eldridg'e is pastor. DUCKWORTH IS CLEARED ON COUNT OF MANSLAUGHTER Gala Attire in Town For Xmas The Yuletide spirit prevails in the various activities of Brevard as Christmas day approaches nearer, an atmosphere of the fes tive season being in evidence in many ways. The streets of the business dis trict have assumed a gala attire, with the tiny red and green ligh' superintendent of M. E. Sunday i strung up and down the business '^streets, forming a brilliantly light- Mrs. brother, Powell who survives and to this. - ■ union were born 11 children, all I ^^ss PoRy surviving as follows: Mrs. Jim ! Aiken, Mrs. Hal Chappell and Mrs. George Chappell, Zirk, Jud- Posey, Nathaniel and Lewis of the Old Toxaway section, Ellis Sunset, S. C., Marcus and Goldie of Eastatoe, S. C. Two brothers, Mack and Jim Powell, also survive. ed lane at night. The community Christmas tree, with its attractive decorations, centering all this beauty, adds much to the sur rounding colorful setting. The dis play^ windows of the various busi ness houses are attractively deco rated in appropriate colors and suggestions of the Christmas sea son, all combining to present a scene of unusual beauty. The Woman’s Bureau is deserving of much credit for sponsoring the decorations of the community. Christmas tree. The various churches are ob serving the Christmas spirit also, by holding special services and Christmas tree programs for the children, and other ways corn- interesting programs wei’e pre sented at the local Baptist and Davidson River Presbyterian churches Sunday. “No Room in The Inn,” was presented by ' the Junior class at the Presbyterian church, while a similar program was presented at the Baptist church. cuuiioy Susan Boggs of Lafayette, Ui. WCCK uii charges | is spending the Christmas attempted robbery and hold 'holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. of J. L. Johnson of Orange- Lyday. ■ '■ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sentell and daughters were shopping in Hen dersonville Friday, Mrs. Lee Cook has returned to her home in Kennedy, New York, after spending the past two months here with her mother, Mrs. Emma Colburn, and her sis ter, Mrs. I. C. Kennon. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McCoy were Asheville visitors Friday. Mrs. William Duncan and chil dren are spending the holidays, with relatives in Tennessee. Misses Elizabeth Morris and Lillian Laughter of Biltmore were Friday a.t'ternoon guests of Miss Morris’s grandmother, Mrs. Em ma Colburn. Mrs, John Sentell aijd son, Nichlos, of Mt, Underwood, were callers here Saturday. Miss Fanny Boggs of Asheville, spent the week-end with her sis ter, Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Mrs.' W. W. Pruett was shop ping in Asheville Friday. Mrs. Harter Campfield and sou have been visiting relatives in Canton. ' Mrs. T. Britten of Brevard, ha.s been a substitute teacher of Miss Mamie Lyday, local third grade school teacher. Miss. Lyday has just had an operation for appendi citis at the Hendersonville Pat ton Memorial hospital. We are glad to report that Miss Lyday is doing well. Mrs. C. C. Morris and daughter, Audrey, of Biltmore, are spending the holidays with Mrs. Morris' mother, Mrs. Emma Colburn. Miss Helen Garland was shop ping in Asheville Friday. Mr. Henry Boggs Jr. of Lafay ette, Ind., was a recent caller in this section. Miss Mary Louise Cr^ushorn, CHRISTMAS TO FIND BREVARD VERYJOYOUS I Red and Green Lights and Christmas Tree Add to Spirit of Event MUCH WELFARE WORK IS CONDUCTED HERE Hanah Whit- Quebec, N. C. Mr. Gallo way was a former Rosman resi dent but for several years had resided in South Carolina. bank''will close FRIDAY, SATURDAY As is customary with all banks of North Carolina clearing houses, the Transylvania Trust company will be closed all day Friday and Saturday in observance of Christ mas. For the convenience of the depositors the bank will be open from 4 to 5 On Christmas ev is announced by M. B. McDaniel, cashier. College Service On Sunday Night Baptist Church A welcome service for all young people of the town and county who attend schools and colleges elsewhere and are home for the holidays will be held at the Bre vard Baptist church Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock. Special music will feature the service, also talks by different members of the school faculty and I'eturned students will be heard, Supt. J. B. Jones, Julian A. Gla- zener and others. A sermon ap- v.,-,.- propriate to the occasion will be'patton Memorial hospital. Hen- delivered by Rev. Mack Grogan, it is expected. A cordial invitation is extended by the pastor. Rev. Paul Hartsell, to all students in the town and county,’including also Brevard In stitute, to be present at thi^ ser vice Sunday night. Everybody, young and old, in fact, will be welcome. BREVARD PERSONALS Mrs. T. E. Patton, Jr., was i Greenville visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Lodema Robertson was able to return to her duties at tlie Powder Puff Beauty shop last week, aft'er an illness of the past two weeks. Miss Mamie Lyday underwent operation for appendicitis Mrs. w. c. gravely. 'Walter Duckworth, automobile dealer of Marshall, but former- Iv of Brevard, who was charged ommre.i ana oiner ways with manslaughter in connection ' ■with the death of Garfield Dal- ton, when an automobile driven by Duckworth struck that of Dalton on the Fairview highway, was cleared of this charge by the Buncombe county grand jury Monday morning. The jury found no true bill against Duckworth. He had been held under bond of $1500 following the accident sev eral weeks ago. LARGE COLLEGE LIBRARY DURHAM, N. C.—Duke univer sity has the largest library in the southeast—more than 250,000 volumes, including 500 on Latin- Ameriqan history and diplomacy, Yule Program at Wesleyan M. E. The Wesleyan M. E. church in Brevard will put on a short pro gram Thursday night, after which a Christmas treat will be given- members of the Sunday school. Exie 'Vicks is superintendent of the Sunday school and Rev. G. E. Kellar of Rosman, is pastor of the church. Fillmore McCall Erecting Barn dersonville, Fi'iday. She is report ed to be improving nicely. T. E. Patton is reported to be able to walk about a little, fol lowing injuries received in a fall some time ago. Mr. Edmond Breese, of Milwau kee, "Wis., visited his sister, Mrs. J. M. Allison, and family last week. Rufus Joines, of State college, Raleigh, is spending the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.. R. Joines. Ashe Macfie, of Davidson col lege, has returned to Brevard to spend the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Macfie. Fred Holt, a student at Chapel Hill, is a holiday guest of his sis- jter, Mrs. Roy Long, and family. Mrs. Edward Vidal, Misses Rose who is attending school Genevieve-of-The-Pines, Asheville, spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn. Mrs. Emmet Reese has return ed to her home here after spend ing the past week with her sister, Mrs. 0. P. Anders in Greer, S. Mrs. Charlie On* and children were shopping in Hendersonville Saturday. The Baptist singing choir this section attended singing ] Black Mountain Sunday. Mrs. McKinley Ross was a re cent Hendersonville visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Campfield had as their guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Blackwell and daughter and Mrs. Curt McCrary and two children, all of Hendersonville. Mrs. W. D. Deaver is spending the holidays with friends and rel atives in Columbia. Miss Orlena Capps and Mr. Al len Campfield were Hendersonville visitors Friday. Mr. Bob Street of South Caro lina, spent the week-end with friends here. Misses Florine Carter and Dor othy Souther, Messrs. Lloyd and Allen Campfield and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen spent Saturday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mar cum at Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Avfery Marshall and Mr. Richard Marshall of Ten nessee, were Monday callers in this section. Mrs. Jake Parris has been on the sick-list. We wish our editor and his force a Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year. Brevard and Transylvania coun ty are in the throes of joyous ex citement on the eve of Christmas. The Yuletide spirit is in the aiir and everybody appears ready and anxious to give old Santa Claus a rousing reception when he arrives on his annual tour of gift distri bution. Brevard has taken on a festive appearance, what with red and green lights strung along the principal streets of the business section and a large Christmas tree rearing itself on the square in front of the courthouse. At night the lights are very beautiful and serve as reminders of the occa sion. Many college boys and girls have reached their homes to spend the Yule holidays with their par ents and a number of interesting social functions have been planned in their honor. Local churches have been pre senting programs and pageants appropriate of the season for the last few days and these have at tracted considerable attention. The red and green colors of Christma.s are in evidence every where. These bright, cheery col ors beam from the display win dows of business establishments, in the stores and in homes. Last minute shopper.s are fran tically trading in order to get' everything all wound up by this evening if possible. Details to have Saint Nick come to see the kiddies have already been worked out, too, and Santa is in readiness to come down the chimneys of hundreds of homes in this county after nightfall. The youngsters, needless to say, are thrilled be yond description at the very thoughts of a visit from the rosy- cheeked Santa Claus. Welfare agencies have done their work well. For weeks they have been going about the busi ness of attending to the wants of needy familie.s so that these un fortunates might enjoy a glorious day on the really greatest day in the whole year—Christmas. ■ Employes of the local post of fice 'Will also breathe a sigh of relief when this day is over for it means tomorrow—Christmas _ Day —will be a holiday for them, when they may seat themselves about j the festive board and partake of of • turkey and the like to their heart’s delight. “Merry Christmas to you and yours,” seems to be the expres sion on everyone's lips. ROSMAN, Dec. 22.—Fillmore McCall of the Gloucester section, is erecting a large barn on bis farm. Manning Moore is the car- , penter in charge of the work, i Elizabeth Schac'hner, of New Mr. McCall,^who is one of the York City, have arrived in Bre- vard to spend the Yuletide season outstanding farmers of the Gloucester section, states he hopes to have the barn completed in a short time. SPENDING HOLIDAYS HERE Harold Kilpatrick, who is at tending the University is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Kilpatrick. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schachner. Ruel Hunt, of Chapel Hill, spending the holidays with and Mrs. J. E. Waters. Henry Erwin, a student at Chap- Rev. J. E. Burt Is Extended a Call ROSMAN, Dec. 22.—A call as pastor has been . extended by Glady Branch Baptist church, near Brevard, to Rc^* J* E. Burt of Rosman. It is not known if the Rev. Mr. Burt will accept the call or not. He is now pastor of el flill, is home with his parents, | Zion Baptist church Rosman and T»T.. A Tj IT OnL- Grove Baptist church at and Mrs. H. E. Erwin, dur ing the Christmas vacation. Oak Grove ) Quebec. Rosman Woodmen Name ’32 Officers The Woodmen of the World. Chestnut Oak camp. No. 295, oC Rosman, held a meeting to.elect officers. This was largely, attend ed and every member seemed in good spirits. After helping the sick and balloting on new applications, the camp elected its officers for the year 1932, as follows: Past consul commander—A. M. Paxton. Consul commander—W. E. Mc Lean. Adviser lieutenant—J. B. Ilen- de^rson. Banker—J. R. Raines. Financial secretary — A. M. White. Escort—L. B. McLean. Physician—Dr. J. B. Wilkerson. Watchman—C. E. Leathers. Sent)*y—W. I. Reece. Auditor (3 years)—W. A. Wil son. Most of the officers are young men and have plenty of “pep” in them to make the logs roll. A gen eral log rolling is planned for April. We wish to take advantage^ of your paper in publicly thanking all the boys for making our camp a success. We give all the credit to the boys who worked faithfully and untiringly until the work was complete. Ask W. A. Wilson and W. L Reece who furnishes the pep. VANIA TIMES WISHES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN! |