J The Transylvania Times FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.00 PER YEAR M OF COMMERCE MEETING FRIDAY ^rTMeetS; DEMOCRATS TO ~^osman ChildrenRecdve Honors f G Q P. TICKET 1 nTodaylHISJS MITATIEND Zeb V. Nettles to Speak at Political Gathering | Saturday ’ PROGRAM STARTS 2:30 P. M. O’CLOCK Programs Well Received by Patrons; Dr. Poole Is Heard DIPLOMAS GIVEN TO TTon. Zob Vance Nettles, of Asheville, will be speaker at a Democratic rally or o'et-together r.‘;(‘0ting to .be held 'n the Iran- sylvania count'-’' courthouse Sat urday afternoon, April 30, "forty-three GRADS- r J'lv 1 i jaccordin.g to announcement made' TO BE PICKED ' TO GATHER AT ' COURTHOUSE ON MAY m Precinct Meetines Will Be ! Held One Week Earlier FIELD STILL OPEN i ON COUNTY TICKET Members Willing to Give Services Free .veek. Closing exorcises of the Brevard here eaidy this high school commencement vvere'| j-ir. Nettles, a prominent at- held Friday night at the school an- to,.noy and political leader of clilolium, when the presentation ^yQ^-tovn North Caronna, is I'O- of diplomas to the 43 graduates | g-^rded as a speaker note, and, \vas made by Supt. ^ J. B. Jones, | j^ceording to announcement on ?n- ' other pag-e of The Times, will deal and the literary address was livered by Dr. Drank K. Poole, of Purman university, Greenville S. C. Dr. Poole, in a forceful and 'spirational address, pointed ou the value of an education, stat ing that it is a tool which fits fo briiader life and usefulness, anc creates in a person a greater un • del-standing' and appreciation o the experiences incident to late adult life. He made an eloquen appeal to the young graduates be ^^m'oro him to put their educationa advantages to the best use in fit ting them for places of the great e;d seryice in life. The valedictory address wa tb^g'iven by Jane Pearce, the saluta toi'y by Louise Gillespie. Inv lion and benediction was given by •Lev. Harry Perry, rector of St, Philips Episcopal church. The pr cessional. played by Rhuemma Beddingfieldj was very impressive th the sophomores, as laurel (Cut courtesy Asheville Citizen-Times) Little Miss Dot Wilson, at left, is shown with her pet dog. The little | girl, who is five years old, was mascot for the graduating class of the Rosman high school. She is the-youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson, of Rosman. At the right is little Miss Kathleen Wilson, eight years old, sister of Dot. who has made a splendid record at the Rosman elementary school. She has been neither absent nor -tardy during the past three years and has made A grades on all subjects. She is the outstanding pupil of her class. fairly and ably with questions of , the day. All citizens of the county, both Democrats and Republican, arc invited to attend the speaking, with an especial invitation to the ladi( WM. E. BREESE H.N. BLAKE IS IS RECOGNIZED; LAID TO REST Transylvania Republic- meet in convention at the Bi-cvard coui'thouse on Friday, May. 20, to select the county ticket, accord- in.g to announcement made by .V. E. Hampton, secretary. The meet ing will convene at 2 p. m. Precinct meetings will be held on Friday at the usual meeting the seventeen precincts of the county, at which time dele gates to the county convention will be elected, precinct .organi- zations set up and recommenda tion made'tor precinct represen tative on the county executive committee, Mr. Hampton an nounced. No candidates have announced as yet on the Republican ticket for county offices. Several prom inent men are being mentioned for various offices, with tlie pos sibility of one or more ladies en tering. h.h indic-ations ])oint toward Brevard having a band this sum mer. Much interest is being shown in. the movement, and many pe.w pie of the town are expressing the hope that the o’-ganization may bo perfected in the near future. While no definite arrangements have, been made, it is lielieved that the l)oys will be able to start liractice witliin the next couple of I weeks. It is known that most all will i the boys who played in tlie band that was such an addition to th- summer’s entertainment here two ears ago are willing to do their of the part. Heretofore the member band have given their services without charge as a matter of civic duty, the only charge being that of a small fee for the in structor, Prof. J. F. (iutter. who is responsible for the work the Brevard boy.s are able to do. To Launch Work for Bre vard That Will Mean Much to Section OFFICIALS WILL BE SELECTED FOR YEAR ROAD MEETING Will Represent N. C. Coim-; Prominent Selica Man Ex- ATf.N.C.TOWNi ty Attorneys at Chapel Hill Meeting pired Saturday After Short Illness Wm. E. Breese, county attor- j H. N. Blake, 66, merchant of ncy, has been selected to repre- i Selica and i-egarded as one of the. TTr> nil 1 county attorneys of j business men of Tran- MacDoUgald Reports Much] North Carolina at a nf ol j r> J • Cl representative.s of all the diffei-r i -• Lnthusiasm onown ont groups of city/ , county and state officials, held in Chap el Hill on May There will be one representative from each group of officials in the state at the meeting, who will organize the North Carolina .Association oi! Thornton, Governmental Otficors. , countless Following. IS copy rfkttcr^irora hundreds ot whom attendance at the last Over Route 284 1 1 ‘r ju ’ f +1,^ of the roads commi nd I bearers, leading the way of the of Commerce, and mov- ,, b“;mhlTon the",latfo™.* Ln- >8' i", 'A J’^TSivit' piss lie Carolyn Kimzey and George - Pr^rmst'h a'loinJmce JnT oroG nfigenSh pronoimceT^-tod cute of Tennessee, Western j school faculty, asking- M for anything,” in the perform-1 cS?!, .'I this capacity i Saturday night at ten o’clock, af- i ter a short illness. Funeral ser- I vices were held at Cathey’s Creek ■Baptist church Tuesday afternoon, 1 with interment in the cemetery [nearby Bkntyre People to Meet Thursday ROSMAN ENDS SCHOOL TERM WITH PROGRAM Members of the Blantyre Bap tist church will meet Thursday night of this week at 8 o’clock to discuss plans for the furtherance of their ■work for the year. Al ready much constructive work has been accomplished by this congre gation, and it is the expressed de sire of church leaders that all Blake came to this county members be present y .the meet- ' ing Thursday night to take_ part High Averages Made by Two Girls in Graduat ing Class REV. JESS^. OWEN SPEAKER AT SERVICE All people interested in the fu ture of Brevard and with especial interest in a profitable summ'M’ season this year, are requested to meet at the courthouse Friday night of this week, April 29, at 8 o’clock sharp, at -which time tho Chamber of Commerce work for the year will be launched. Among the business to be trans acted at the meeting will be tho election of officers and directors to serve for the year, togethei’ with other matters pertaining to the welfare of Brevard and tho surrounding community. ' Special request Is made that all who were member^ of the organ ization during the past year, to- ! gether with all business people, I hotel and boarding house keepers [ be present at this meeting. The meeting will be open to all citi- I zens of the county and any per- i son will have privilege of bring- ! ing attention of the meeting to- j any phase of work beneficial to the community. Much real work has been done by the Chamber of Commerce during the past year, and this on a small sum of money. President Jerry Jerome and members of the official group of the organization assert that they have had unpar alleled co-operation in the proj- Commencement exercises of the Rosman schools were brought to a close Friday night when the 16 members of the gi-aduating class were presented their diplomas by Principal G. C. Bush, and the lit erary address to the senior.s was dleivered by Dr. R. L. Moo Hill College. ects on which they have worked during the past 12 months, and are of the opinion that the organ ization will have this loyal sup port again this year. Committees appointed last year by President Jerome have been very active and have made prog ress that is easily recognized as ' coming from efforts put forth by Onr^or’tho i the Chamber of Commerce organ- '■ '■ Roads committee ;■ Thursday nig-ht to take part r“‘." hav" I ization. Roads committee ami formation of plans by which it j ’ 8. ^ into the school! tourist committee, together with I Albert Coates of the Chapel Hill ey,e of their parts on the differ- ate I ent programs. Music by the or- e, chestra was an important contri- Ibution to all of the exercises j throughout the week. The class exercises held in Bryson City, last Satur day, and brings glowing- i-eports of the enthusiasm shown at the meeting over the prospects of completion of highway.s which will ■tie Knoxville with Brevard and ;■ Thursday- night featured a novel (Continued on page four) EIM.W. Galloway Candidate for Representative nd Greenville and points south. Plans were made at the Bvvson City meeting for dedication of the new highway bisecting the Smoky Mountain National park at a tri- state meeting to be held at an early date, the celebration to be staged near the North Carolina- Tennessee state line. Brevard’s in terest in the movement is the com pletion of 284, which will provide a short route from Greenville and noints south via Brevard to ball! W. Calloway, of Brevard, ! Knoxville and the Middle West, Jon i iDng prominent in political and ' through^ ^traffic _ on one the ! business life in the community,' hen * malces announcement this week non ! that he is a candidate for nom- or- I ination on the Democratic ticket ami j for representative in the next ses- into [ sion of tho General Assembly. I Mr. Calloway is a native of IS- Transylvania and received his .ed- )op, ucation in the county schools, and irth the two privately owned schools Tay» conducted in the county before ■ _I6 the advent of high schools here, vm-' A farmer and school teacher, Mr. ^ Galloway later entered the politi cal field and was twice elected by rd, N. C. “Dear Mr. Br “On Friday evening. May 6, representatives of all the differ ent groups of city, county and (Continued on wage six) church of Prosperous Signs j the Democratic party as register I of deeds, the only elective office v^'|Tor vvhich he aspired. He has, how- 3nal' filled other ])laces of trust, •will y of I deputy having been a postal clerk under the U._ S. postoffice department, clerk in the Brevard postoffiee, insurance commissioner the and for Western North Cai-olina state fire warden. Mr. Galloway announces that lio favor of revaluation of all Farm Loans Must Be Made Friday Friday of this week will be tho last day on •\^’hich applications will be accepted for the govern ment seed loans, according to an nouncement made this week by Mrs. Roland Owen and Mrs. Ira Galloway, who are assisting in the work with headquarters at the Joines Motor company in Brevard. Altogether 58 applications for loans have been received at the Brevard office, the ladies report, this being a small number in compai'ison with reports from other counties. Stress is laid Prosperous signs picked up, heard and seen around Bre vard Monday were: Long’s Drug store reported lots of South Carolina people in town Sunday, with his cash i-egislev ringing up over five hundred sales during the afternoon ...Carl McCrary’s Service station tells of oodles of peo ple being at their one-stop Firestone place for gas and service . .V^.Both cafes report dinners sei"ved from 11 ’till late afternoon to out-of-town folk . . . Willis Brittain at the B & B says he has already sold more gai-den and field seed this season *than all last spring, and the people are still buying . . . The Fashion Shop and the Nobby Shop both say that folks are buying _ their wear things in Brevard, helping lo cal business and saving money for themselves . . . Good road from Greenville bringing our neighbors in every day, and— Oh well, Brevard’s a fine place to live. rites held for the beloved Tuesday as a token of the regard In wiiich he was held by those with whom he had come in contact in a business and social way since making this sectioTi his home. Rev. Cleveland Reece, Rev. L. F. Osteen and Rev. C. E. Blythe in charge of the funeral services, paid glowing tribute to the life jthat was led by the deceased man, I the multitude of people and the profusion of flowers attesting to the popularity of the Selica man. Pallbearers were Jack Edridge, Glover Jackson, J. Frank McCall, Van Waldrop, J. D. Bryson, and Clement. Kilpatrick and Sons had charge of funeral ar- ngoments. Surviving are the rvidow, who IS before her marriage Miss Belle Osteen, and four children as follows: Chester Blake and Nath- Blake, of Ai'lington. Mass.. Harry Blake and Mabel Blake, of Selica. is hoped t^^^lear th debt. Rev. F. H. Holden has recently been ' called as pastor of this church, and services are held twice monthly, on the first and been pack^ into the school auditorium was in evidence _ on this occasion, the other exercises of the week being largely attend ed also. Other features of the closing mornings -a't eleven o’clock. o’c^ck, I Whitn*^ pastor of the Dunn s Cieek Bap- , ^r>vmov m-ikinp- thi^ hie-h aver- list church, age ol 98.7 for the four years of the second and fouith Sunday B -eal property, state maintenance of this week of the public school system, and the last day on which ap- opposed to the short ballot. ’a.-io r>,. Mor-c the fourth man to nounce for representative, and j adds zest to an already interest* 1 Mrs. Rachel Orr, Age 73, Will Be Buried Today Boyd People Will Meet on Thursday INSTITUTE TO CLOSE JUNE 2 Rev. J. 0. Smith Will De liver Literary Address at Methodist Church Prizes Offered for Best Name and Motto Farmers of Boyd township are called to meet Thursday night at Enon school house at 7:30 for their regular meeting. Business to be taken up at this meeting, as announced by officers of tho or ganization, will he tlie choosing of a name and motto for the w..- * group, appointment of committees ‘ courses taught at Brevard Announcement is made that Brevard Institute Will end Its school yeai* on Thursday, June 2, at which time the literary address to the graduates will be delivered by the Rev. J. 0. Smith, pastor of the Clemson College Methodist church. . y Commencement sermon will ne preached at the , Brevard Meth odist church on Sunday morning, May 29, the' Rev. J. G. Huggins, of Asbury Memorial church, Ashe ville, having been procured for this service. Brevard Institute is rounding out an exceptionally good yeav’.s work under the supervision of Prof. J. F. Winton and members of the faculty. The student body numbers 127, with 30_or more slated for graduation this term. Aside from the regular a close second with an average of 97.7 for the four years. On Thursday night the senior class presented their class exer-- cises is an enjoyable program of a varied nature. The baccalaureate sermon on Sunday n^ght was delivered by Rev. J. R. Owen, before a large number of the townspeople and student body and faculty assem bled in the school _ auditorium. Special musical selections featured this service and the other exer cises of the week, Robert Gravely is senior class president; Claxton Henderson, his torian; Myrtle McCall, statistician Ruby Owen, prophetess; Virginia Oates, poetess Evon Sanders, gif- torian; Ralph Galloway, jester Montaree Galloway, advisor. the work of the Woman’s Bureau have been outstanding factors in the community’s welfare. TOXOID CLINIC DATES LISTED Diphtheria Treatment To Be Given Pre-School Children M. B. Bagwell Offers for Towe- Ship Constable Mill People Bnsyl Planting Gardens Mrs. Rachel Orr, 73, one of the most beloved women of Transyl vania county, died at the home of her dau.ghter. Mrs. J. M. Meece, late Wednesday afternoon, after an extended illness. While her death had been expected for .sev eral days, she having been critical ly • ill for two weeks, her death was a shock to the entire com munity. Funeral services will be held at Square, oblong, three-cornered, and in various Shapes and sizes, one can see garden T>Iots around the Pisgah Cotton mill section. All M P , J of .the mill have taken chuixiV,' of beat padvanta.:.-e ot the generous offer; ,„hieh the deceased had been a nounces in J- ^fovard. an-| or Manager Bobo ior rent-free | fo,. years, Thursday ^"ince.s in this.vveeks issue ot -garden plots, and are preparing: afternoon at 2:80, and interment to raise foodstuffs in large quan- ! ijg made in Oak Grove ceme- titles to help in cutting down Old ; tery. Rev. J. H. West, pastor, will Man High Cost of Living. fog in charge of the service, it was Seed for most of tho garden announced late Wednesday, plots were secured by the County! Surviving are two children, Mrs. Welfare association and distribut- I J. M. Meece and 0. H. Orr, and ed throu.gh the office of Prof. J. [two- sistorSi Mrs. Cull Case B. Jones, county superintendent j Mrs. Vincy Beck, all of of niiblic inst.ruction. county. V The Times that he is a candidate R on the Democratic ticket for nom- and election as constable ork of Brevard township. ' T, Bagwell is a native of lete 1 Transylvania county, having been and merchant hero for S "any yearn, and is offering for the lu-st time for public office. and other matters. A prize of one dollar will he given for the best name and mot to submitted for the organization. Music and other features will add to the evenin-g’s program. also To Name Board Members Monday eacli local will One member school committee f schools of Transylvan selected at the regular meeting of the Board of Education to be held in Brevard Monday. One term expires each year, and the committeeman is either reappoint ed or a new one selected. The county Board of Commis sioners will also be'in session on and ! Monday, for the tvansacl.ion of this i such business that may conic bo- I fore their body. high Institute.' special courses taught, this school being a credited North Carolina school, and rated.above the age in the class of students it sends out each year in the com mercial department. While under the dii'cct supervi sion of . the Woman’s Missionary council, of the M. E. church, south, 'the school is non-.sectarian, and is attended by pupils from homes of all denominations. V. F. W. WILL MEET ON FRIDAY EVENING Called meeting of the V. F. will be held in the courthouse TO HOLD TAX SALES IN JUNE County and To'wn Officials Forced to Advertise Property County and city property which past due taxes have not been paid will be advertised for sale the first week in May, ac cording to a ruling recently made by Attorney-General Brum- mitt. Effort was made by both coun ty and to\vn officials to have the tax sales advertising postponed, but to no avail. In an announce ment made public _ Tuesday. Charles M. Johmson. director of the local government commission.^ asserted that postponement^ of the sales would be a law viola tion. Plans have been perfected i’ov operation of the prc-schooI clinic which will be held in Brevard on Tuesday, May 10, and in other sections of the county through out the week of May 9-14. The clinic is for all children, entering school for the first time next fall, and parents are asked to bring oi- send to the clinic all children from 4 to 7 years of age for physical examinations, and to • be given diptheria toxoid in. cases' where the parents wish it for their children. The clinic in Brevard and throughout the county is spon sored by the Parent-Teacher as sociation, of which Mrs. S. P. Verner is president, by Dr. (I. L. Newland, county health officer, by Supt. J. B. Jones, county wel- ware officer, and by the North Carolina board of health. Following is the schedule of clinics to be held throughout the- county: Pisgah Forest—Monday morn ing, May 9. Little River-—Monday after noon, May 9. Brevard, Tuesday. May 10. Rosman—Wednesday, May 11. Connestee—Thursday mornin,g. May 12. Mountain—Thursday af ternoon, May 12. Lake Toxaway—Friday morn ing. May 13. Balsam Grove—Friday after noon, May 14. Sixteen Baptized At Pisgah Forest BREVARD BOY DRAWS EXCELLENT CARTOON: Jackie Morgan, of Br branching ^ut into the art line, | church, Rev. Carl Blythe, pastor of the Pisgah forest Baptist church, bap tized 16 people Sunday in David son river, 15 of whom were re ceived., into the Pisgah Forest will ue iieiu Ill 1.11^: i...vyv..,v- .... - CT V . ■ Friday night at eight o’clock, at I having drawna unique story-car-, at Enon going to the church hich time delegates to the Char lotte convention will be given their credentials and instructions. Delegates to the convention, which meets May 1, 2 and 3, are Glover Jackmn a^d Howard Wyatt, with Frank Woodfin .and B.'F. Cox a.s Itermatos. toon for The Haversack, a boy’s . magazine of the Methodist church. ] REV. YATES’ APPOINTMENTS his^'drawing appearing in the cur-| Rev. Er'E. Yates will fill his rent issue. i regular appointment at East Fork His pen sketch’ while of humor-j M, E. ch^ch at 11 ^o’clock next ous nature and appealino- especial- j ^Sunday an{T at 8 o’clock ly to boys,- shows; good arrange- | will ^preach mont and technique. lchurch. Selica

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