I The Transylvania Times FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.00 PER YEAR Primary To Be Held Saturday Be NT Many Entrants in Demo cratic Race for Places on County Ticket much inter- IS ind Primary electjon will hokl the interest of all people of Tran sylvania county on Saturday oi this week, when both the Demo crats and Republicans will S'O to the polls to nominate their favor ites in the various races. republican race In the Republican contest, only two officers are to be filled, that of State senator and United States senator. R. B. Overton, formerly of Brevard but now of Canton, is opposing- A. H. Weaver of Jackson county for the place of state senator, while George VV. DePrie.st, of Shelby, i.s running on a wet ticket against Jake F. New ell of Charlotte, who was selected at the State Republican conven tion to make the race for United States senator. All other candi dates on the Republican _ ticket, were nominated in convention. DEMOCRATIC RACE In the county ra est is being shown, four men be- in«' out for nomination on the Democratic ticket for member of the general assembly, as follows: W. M. Henry, incumbent; T. C. Henderson, of Lake Toxaway; S. P. Verner and M. W. Galloway, of Brevard. Seeking the post of shentt and tax collector are Deputy Sheriff Tom S. Wood and H. C. Aiken of Brevard, and John U- Wilson of Rnon. ^ 0. L. Erwin and Mrs. T. H. Galloway of Brevard, are in the race for the treasurer’s place. L. V. Sigmon, of Rosman, and W. B. Henderson, of Lake Toxa way, both members of the pres ent board of commissioners are filed for nomination and re-elec tion, with W. L. Aiken of Brevard and L. F. Lyday of Enon also making the race. With a large number of candi dates out on the Democratic state ticket, and workers busy affairs of their favorites for con gressman. senator and gover state- ticket has -assumed DEMOCRATS TO HOLD 2 MEETS GIRL' SCOUTS AT SAPPHIRE FOR TEN DAYS EXCHANGE TO jHospital Will BE OPERATED i Open Monday BY W. BUREAU! Thirty-five Girls Will At- Fancy Work and Food- S. S. WORKERS tend Model Sessions Near Here stuffs Will Be Handled by Group ELECT LEADERS Thursday Night and Satur-; B. & P. CLUB IS day Afternoon Set as the Dates SPONSOR OF MOVE iFetzer Donates Use of Ex cellent Facilities to I the Work Democrats of Transylvania county arc called to meet twdce this week, at which times business pertaining to the party’s welfare "'‘Thukd‘2j™night a meeting will I, Thivty-five Givi Scouts and a bo held in the county courthouse, j 'arge group ot leaders and coun- when all candidates are urged to «lors are encamped for ten days bo present, and other members of 1 at Camp Sapphire for the annual the party are also invited to be i Girl Scout summer camp, present. Business pertaining U) | the primary to be held on Satur The charge of Miss Bertie Ballard as leader and Mrs. Hin- . . . . day will be taken up, according! ton McI.,eod as assistant leader, j indications thi to jmnouncement made^ by Wm. j Members^of the .Brejard Busine,ss j - VACANT LOT WILL -BE USED AS PARK Other Activities of Ladies Outstanding in Civic Improvement Wo Featuring the Bureai leeting of the held Monday 1 concerted Plan to Make Drive in County During First Week in August At i meetin-g of Sunday school and church -w'orkers of the coun ty, held at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday afternoon, a coun ty Sunday School association was formed, and plans made for a drive to be made afternoon, was the perfecting of plans for operation of a -women’s exchange in Brevard thi.s summei’. According to present plans and enterprise will ivard’s greatest F 'R-T-pp=;e chairman of the county i and Professional Women , i.:. executive'committee sponsors of the Scout movement i benefits Satukay Xrnoon at 2 o’clock'ii Tranaylvania county, arc in tourmts, as well as residents all Democratic voters are called |charge of business affairs of the as.surmg • ' ' ,1^ the coiinty into thr to meet at the various precinct camp. meeting places. Business of these With the splendid equipment precinc^t meetings will be election ! provided by Camp Sapphir« of township committees and elec- the type of leadership used and tion of delegates to the county convention which will be held ii the courthouse on Saturday after noon, June 11, at 2 o’clock- REVIVAL WILL BE HELD HERE Rev. Jesse R. Owen to Preach at Brevard Baptist Church Revival services will begin at the -Brevard Baptist church next Sunday morning, with the Rev. Jesse R. Owen, pastor of the ... .. .French TBroad Baptis't church, greater proportions of intere.st) Asheville, doing the ' preaching than ever before Ehringhaus. Maxwell and Foun tain each have a wide circle of friends in the county, and the governor’s race here will remain in doubt until the final count-up is made, it is believed. In the senatorial race, Bowie, j the Reynolds and Morrison each ha''e,Owen, a former pastor of the ' church, will again be in and give the peopl each ni.uht. The special sei'ies meetings will continue for two weeks, with the service beginning each night at 8 o’clock. Much interest is aroused over the approaching meeting through- i out the entire community because camp, authorities assert that there will not be a better Girl Scout camp ■ operated in the south this year. Camp Sapphire is being do nated to the use of the Scouts, as is other necessary work. Dr. Chas. L. Newland, and Mrs. C. Y. Patton are giving medical atten tion, while the many councilors and leaders are all donating their services. Many methods have been pur sued by the Business Women’s group in effort to obtain funds for operation of the camp, sev eral hundred dollars of actual ex pense money being needed to put the pro.gTam across that will meet with approval of national Scout headquarters. Beginning with the fir.^t day of camp the following schedule will be follow’ed: Reveille, at 6:30 a. m.; G;5.5, colors; 7:10, breakfast; 7:40, camp kapers; 8:30, inspection-; 8:.50, instruction in nature, sig nalling, first aid. etc.; 10:50, as sembly; 11:10, instruction in can oeing, swimming, diving, life sav ing; 12:10, free time, 12:30, din- Julian A. Glazener was chosen county superintendent of the new organization, with E. Carl Allison, of Cherryfield, assistant superin tendent, and Miss Jeannette Tal ley. of Penrose, secretary. The officers of the association instructed by the meeting to * 4.U 4 Tiff- U"' U—luivicie the coiinty into three dis- that Miss Lillian .Tenkms has been secured to be in charR-e of the ex-, ehaiig'e, which will be operated SIX u,, ^ county-wide dap in the week through June, j,6 held .July and August, and decision was .1. .t . lv.,. made to operate it in the rooms vork. lows .1.0 ..wrw. . j had their causes plead befoi.‘e Transylvania Democrats, Upvie ,,oopie or ■ and Reynolds each speaking here county opportunity died'!" f’" hearing his .splendi " eid inghaus was repipsented by Judge ninhtlv service: ena rp^ Johnson of Asheville. How ever, these races do not compare in interest with that of the sheriff and representative. will C. of C. Bureau Will Be Opened Miss Sue Hunt to Have Charge of Information the Information Bureau of Chamber of Commerce will be opened this week in the U. D. C. library, with Miss Sue Hunt in charge, according to announce ment made by Jerry Jerome, pres ident of the commerce body. The U. D. C. library, centrally located and well fitted' for an in formation bureau, will add to the usefulness of .the Clvambcr of Commerce,-' in ^it numerous peo ple who come here in the summer use the library as a resting place. Miss Hunt, who has been librarian for .several years is well acquaint- gular^ed with the town, and it is believ- Hawjed will give excellent service in role as dispenser of in- mons again in nightly ticipated by the church member ship that much good will result Dm this special series of relig- .is meetings. A cordial invitation is extended by the pastor, Rev. Wallace Hart- ell, to the public, to attend the. evival meetings as much as pos sible. Scout Leaders Chosen in City ly occupied by the Cham ber of Commerce on East Main street. The exchange, which is for the sale of fancy work and eatables contributed by any one having such salable articles, is open to approved ernoon. The Rev. Paul Hartsell, | type has been placed in the insti- . Li- 4- moderator of the Transylvania j tution. , and a competent nursing any re.sident of the town or conn- gg^tist association, and pastor of'staff has been employed. Among the Brevard church, presided at j the larger donations to the hospi- the meeting and led the general |tal are those of Dr. W. M. T..yday, ty paying an entrance fee of 50 cents for the season. Ten per cent of all articles sold at the exchange will go to the bureau, the remain ing proceeds of .sale going to the one contributing the article pur chased. Mrs. B. F. Beasley is chairman and originator of the w'omen’s exchange project, and much cred it for its successful and promising ;Outcome is due her and Miss Kath erine Griffin, both of whom hav-e ;_g-iven valuable time and effort to ward the undertaking. Other matters of business per taining to the welfare of the or ganization and to the community in genei'al. which were perfected at Monday’s meeting’, included the decision to start work at Beginning the afternoon pro- ! improvement and beautification oJ: at 1 o’clock with kamp leap- all Baptist church of the county, during the first week in August, at which time workers from the state board will be here to assist in the drive. Eleven churches were repre sented at the meeting Sunday aft- Lyday Memorial Is Ready to Fill Great Com munity Need B. I. CLOSES WITH SMITH ASSPEAKl Formal reception or open house will be ob.served at the Lyday Me morial hospital on Monday after noon, June 6, from 2 to 4 o’clock, during which hours all citizens of the community are invited to vis it the hospital and inspect the ar rangements and equipment. The Woman’s Bureau will have charge of the opening event. Dr. Chas. L. Newland and Dr. E. C, Cunningbam, who will op erate the hospital, will be present at the reception, and they, to-geth' er with the ladies of the Woman’s Bureau, who have been active in the work of endeavoring to es tablish a hospital here, urge that all citizens attend the opening event Monday afternoon. Invitation is al.so being’ extend ed to the doctors of the county to be present, and the further invi tation that they use the facilities afforded by Lyday Memorial hos pital in their work. It is the ex pressed aim of Drs. Newland and Cunningham, both of whom rank high in their profession, to make of the hospital a community en terprise, and already many ex pressions of commendation have been heard for the move they hav Thirty-one Members Com prise Graduating Class This Term SUMMER SCHOOL TO BEGIN ON TUESDAY Thursday Evening Marks the Close of Success ful Year’s Work Annual commencement exercis es of Brevard Institute began Sunday morning, when the bacca laureate sermon was delivered by Rev. J. G. Huggins, pastor of As- bury Memorial church, Asheville, before the 40 members of the sen ior class, student body, faculty and visiting friends and church members. Rev. Mr. Huggins delivered a forceful and inspiring sermon, basing his remarks on the sub ject, “Heroism of Christian Liv ing,” his text being taken from the second chapter of the book of Ezekiel. The speaker, possess ing an unusually clear and pleas ing delivery, emphasized the fact that Christianity not ade in furnishing this section sentimentalism, but the most he dth hospital facilities, Equipment of most discussion which • concerning the vork Much PubHcity Given to Section Standard Oil Publication Praises County esent j formation, ; em- I ^ Miss Alma Trowbridge, with iThe Transylvania Times, will con- itinue as secretary of the Chamber S lot Commerce and will have charge of all correspondence, etc., in j connection therewith. She has with the commerce body for several years, part time on salary, I and (luring a large part of the [year doing the work without re- u t ie I Committees of the body are uyjvery active, according to Mr. Je- •’ tronie, and the membership drive little week. New book- Or.ganization to licad the Bre vard Boy Scouts for the ensuing year has been perfected as fol- lotvs: Scoutmaster J. A. Miller, director of Camp Transylvania, and for the past eleven years head of Scouting in Brevard; assistant Scoutmaster, C. M. Doug’las, edi tor The Transylvania Times. Troop committeemen appointed by the Kiwanis club to serve for the year are: Dr. C. L. Newland, of Lyday Memorial hospital: Alex H. Kizer, county accountant, and the Rev. J. i-I. West, pastor Bre vard Methodist church. Patrol leaders elected by the boys include: Mohawk patrol, Ralph Galloway, leader; Richard Grimshawe, assistant. Wild Cat, Mack Allison, leader; Henry Pier- assistant. Wolf, Saniiy Mc Leod, leader; James Misenheimer, assistant. At the meeting last Friday night, Steve Bracken was ’given his Tenderfoot badge with appro priate exercises, and was assign ed to the Mohawk patrol. ers; 2:00 rest and sleep one hour 3:15, recreational swim; 4:00, in struction in map making, pioneer ing’, nature study, canoeing; 5:20, free time; 6:00, supper. Evening programs will be var ied with hikes, folk dancing, and various types of approved enter tainment. the following program being generally carried out, but with variations, as will be the case in programs for morning and af ternoon; 6:30, kamp kapers; 7:15, canoeing, nature study, hikes; 8:00, council fire, stunts ;n play house, etc.; 9:00 taps for juniors; 9:30. taps for seniors. Officers and councilors from national headquarters are expect ed to visit the camp during the sessions, according to announce ment. the national organization giving its sanction to the tenta tive plans recently announced for operation of the camp. Transylvania county is featur ed in the June issue of “Tours and Detours” official travel pub- plication of the Standpd Oil com- the vacant lot p.t the corner of j pany, wliich publication is distri- Caklwell and Jordan streets for a i buted thi’oughout the nation recreational park, equipped with wherever Standard products comfortable benches, swings, sand- ’ piles, with a jn’etty background of blooming flowers and plants. Request is made that anyone having flower seeds, plants or shrubs and -willing to donate th sold. May issue of Tours and De tours also dealt with this section, giving valuable information oi highway 284, Brevard to Green ville. The Great Smoky Mountain beautification of the park, ' Bark with several appropriate communicate with Mrs. Charles F. I cuts of this_ section are shown lU Orr, any donations being greatly i the June issue, appreciated by the committee ■untv ' will be here within a few l o al- i made up by the Ob- abled B^'J^Ling company of Char- of y the* neral aver, Ap- ilized barge 'd by Fran- •ppies Big Congregation Hears Chapman ROaiAN, June 1.—Rev, Nath- „ J “Se oongvegatiuii, and bunday night he delivei-ed a •yecial sermon at Middle Fork Batitist church « Next Sunday'the Rev, Mr, Chap- man will preacli at Lake T^awa. L-rkmt church at 11 o’clock, public is invited. Mrs. Hutches, 83, Expires in Ohio DUNCAN IMPROVING AFTER OPERATION Russell Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs,' M. G. Duncan, of Rosman, underwent an -eighth osteomylatus operation at City hospital, Green ville, last week, with Dr. J. War ren White, as surgeon. Mr. Duncan is now at the home of his sister, Mrs. Winston Ash worth, for a few days. charge. According to decision of the members, the bureau will act as hostesses at the formal opening of the Lyday Memorial ho.spital. which will be an event in the near future. EDGAR OSBORNE IS HONORED AT SCHOOL The Transyl- ania county story, taken from the front page of the publication, follows: “Know Transylvania? “Wooded Woaderland “ ‘Get thee up unto the top of Pisgah,’ said the Lord unto Moses, ‘and lift up thine eyes westward, and northwardj and southward, and eastward, ’ “Although the view of the Promised Land from Pisgah of (Continued on page six) Edgar Osborne distinguished himself during the past' year at Mars Hill college, where he was a member of the graduating class, winning outstanding’ honors. He was awarde(l two medals, one for debating and one for making the highest grades in the Philomathean society. He also won the scholarship entitling him to at tendance at Wake Forest college next year. Young Edgar is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Osborne, BRIDGE TOURNAMENT STAGED HERE FIRST OF NEXT WEEK Fine Potatoes On Powell Farm L. E. Powell, merchant truck farmer of the Rockbrook section, can justly lay claim a patch of the most perfect look ing potatoes in the county. Two months old, anfl vines knee high with bloom showing, his one-quar ter acre potato project is to all appearances perfect. and entered into prominent Brevard surgeon physician, who is fitting a w’ard memorial to his father and bi-other, both of whom served n life time in the medical profession Dunty, and for whom the hospital is named; and the Bre- arcl Institute, donating a largo sinmlv of linen. Other donations are expected to be made by citizens and organ- ‘zations of the community. Veterans Leave For Washington “Bonus Brigade” Seeking Payment of Bonus effort of the soul, which calls for courag’e, strength, faith, ser vice and suffering resulting in Christian growth and disciline. Rapt attention on the part of the large audience present was plain ly in evidence throug-h the entire impressive discourse of the pop ular young iDastor. The proces.sional, comprised of the seniors and members of the glee club, special musical selec tions by the glee club seated in the choir, and the attractive deco rations of mountain flowers aU added to the interest and enjoy ment of the service. The senioi-s, attired in grey cap and gown, lent impressiveness and dignity to tlie occasion. The service was in charge of Supt. J. F. Winton, assisted by the pastor, Rev. J, H. West, and Rev. G. C. Brinkman. • Following the baccalaureate service on Sunday, occurred the recital on Tuesday evening* given by pupils of the institute music class, of which Miss Julia Merrill, is head. The program ' included solos, duets, quartets on the piano and vocal selections by the glee club, all combining to produce an interesting and varied entertain ment. On Wednesday evening in the I institute chapel was held the an- ! nual recitation and declamation alf exisol- competin-g for the R. Y. “The Bonus Brigade” will be the name of a band of Transyl vania men who 'wdll leave here early Thursday morning for Washington, D. C., according to announcement made by Jude Albert. The men are all ex-u.*- , ' , u i t 4-a. i i diers and are going to Washing-j Mabel Jetton medals, ton in an effort to procure pay ment in full of the soldier bonus. A large truck has been pro cured for the trip, and the men expect to carry their food with them on the trip. They will return to Brevard on Sunday or Mon day. The Transylvania men are add ing their support to that of veter ans from all sections of the Unit ed States, who are making treks to the seat of the national gov ernment in an endeavor to secure immediate payment of the bonus. Mrs. Miller Dies at Sapphire Home Mrs, Alfred Miller, 86, of Sap phire, died at her home early Wednesday morning, after of nearly thirty years. Fun- Mr. Powell used the flat-bed | eral services will be held Thurs- A bridge tournament, the first jsquad (two tables or four teams) ever to be held in Brevard, will lifter each eight hands, the 16 be staged at the Walterniire Griii' Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday evening’s of next week, the best contract and auction players in the community to be decided at this meet. Tlie event is sponsored by the Brevard Bus- be eligible for opening the championship fli.ght. Losers will ' be paired in a consolation flight. TUESDAY EVENING Qualifying teams (16) from previous evening- report to chain ROSMAN, June 1.—Mrs, Myra Hutches, who would have been 83 years of age on June 4, 1932, die(l at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Taylor, at Westerville, Ohio, Thursday noon, May 26. rrineral services vere held the I Spectators' will'" be "charge'd ' 'cents. Players are requested to iness and Professional Women’s | pionship flight;'those who failed club, benefit to be used in Girl to iualify may report to consola- Scout camp work. Ml'S. S. M. Macfie and Mrs. Paul Smathei’s are in charg)j of arrangements for the games, and have announced that entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged for each player, this fee to entitle them to all three of the evenings. following clay and interment in the cemetery nearby, Mrs. Hutches had spent several summers at Lo-Vern, summer home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, and had a host of friends in this section who will be grieved to learn of her passing. She was preceded in death by her husband several years ago. Surviving relatives are: one daughter. Mrs. Guy Taylor, of Westerville, Ohio, and one son, C. C. Hutches, of Rosman. bring cards and score pads. Fur ther request is made that all en trants report to either Mrs. Mac fie or Mrs, Smathers not later than Monday if possible, so that arrangements may be complete. Following is schedule an an nounced for playing: MONDAY EVENING All entrants report; pairing; play; after a series of 24 hands method for planting his seed ing certified Irish. Cobbler and an 8-4-6 potato fertilizer. Instead of putting the fertilizer in the drill with the potatoes Mr. Powell pre pared a deep seed bed and then planted the potatoes about three inches deep and put fertilizer on each side of the drill, allowing the potatoes to sprout before coming in contact with the fertilizer. Mr. Powell says that his idea of growing potatoes is to use good seed and plenty of spray material, at least five sprayings being re quired to a crop. Week of Prayer At Zion Church tion flight. Following pi determine procedure in play for championship, flight; After pair ing. 16 hand's will be played at each table, no progression, the Avinning team (lualifying for the I 'quarter finals, the losing team j pncMAW 1 a wpok of being eliminated from the tourna-i k,^f After 16 hands, which are to Baptist chuveh this week p.eced- be played as iii the openiiiK | mg the revival nieetin,o'which will rounds,'four teams will be elimi- begin next Sunday morning, con- nated and four teams will prog-1 ducted ress to the semi-final rounds. Burt, assisted by Rev. M. WEDNESDAY EVENING of West MmSter, S. Semi-finals: After 16 hands/Bev. Mr. Stancill comes day afternoon at the Union Bap tist church, near Oakland, and tevment will-be made in the c etery nearby. Mrs. Miller, a native of South Carolina, had lived in Transyl vania county since her marriage, and had made numerous J by her sterling character. She was a member of the Union Bap tist church, and up until illness prevented lier doing so, had been active worker in her church and community. Surviving are the husband, one daughter and one son, as follows: Mrs. S. N. Pieke-lsimer of High lands, and N. A. Miller, of Bre vard. former clerk of the .superior court. Statements Are Made by People Other exercises of the week, will include the senior class day pro- ram Thursday morning at ten ’clock, held on the institute cam pus, followed by the faculty-sen- banquet held in the dining hall at 1 o’clock. At 8 o’clock Thursday evening 11 occur the final exercises of commencement week, at which time the literary address will be delivered by Rev, J. 0. Smith, pas tor of the Methodist church , at Clemson College, S. C. The award ing of diplomas, certificates, priz- dals and other honors of the scholastic year will also be made at this time by Supt. J. F. Winton. Comprising the grodualing class are 31 students completing the high school course, seven from the commercial department, and two receiving certificates in typewrit ing. Pio Sanchez, of Havana, Cuba, is class valedictorian, and Miss Jean McoDnald, of Spartan burg, S. C., salutatorian. Registration for the summer school will take place Saturday, June 4, with regular summer school work beginning the follow ing Tuesday. further details of Wednesday ni^’ht’s contest and the various-ex ercises on Thursday will be given in next week’s paper. $1 Per Bushel Paid for Corn recommended as ; Several statements are being carried in this issue of The Times Stan- I with bearing on the political sit- The ] uatioh—both county and state, highly i These statements are inserted at two teams survive. Finals: After .u- 16 hands the champions only sur-| much success is predicted in this vivo. I meeting. A special invitation is The public is invited to parti-j extended lo the public to attend, sipate in the tourney, with spec-j Servii tors admitted at the stipulated j m. and entrance fee. I o'clock. evangelist and I the request of citizens who interested in the Democratic pri mary, and should be both inter- e.sting and instructive to the citi zens in general. Ah such statements are carried as paid advertising matter. Corn, one bushel, two bushels and three bushels at a time, has been brought in as payment on new and old .subscriptions since The Times offered to pay one dol lar per bushel when taken on sub scriptions. Saturday was a good corn day, from all evidence.s of the tickets brought in from the B. & B. Feed store, whore the corn is taken by those who wish to pay for The Times with corn at one dollar per bushel. People of the county have be('n very complimentary on the action taken by The Times in allowing farmers to pay for subscriptions with corn at this rate, and many new friends have been made for this newspaper. The offer is still in effect. Readers are requested to speak to their neighbors about this offer,